• 9 hours ago
Un video de seis minutos, cuyo contenido permanece desconocido, genera especulaciones sobre su emisión en medios del grupo Clarín. Se rumorea que podría involucrar a las hijas y exesposas de Jorge Lanata. Mientras tanto, Elba, su actual cónyuge, defiende su posición ante lo que considera ataques inmerecidos en medio de la delicada salud del periodista. La disputa mediática parece intensificarse mientras Elba mantiene sus derechos legales como esposa.



00:00It's a video that would already be recorded.
00:03It's six minutes long.
00:05When we ask who are the people in the video,
00:08they don't finish confirming it.
00:10We don't know if it's just the daughters,
00:12the daughters and the ex-wives.
00:14We don't know.
00:15But some of them will appear...
00:17And the content is not transcended, right?
00:19It's not transcended, it's a video.
00:21It's a very mysterious video,
00:22because we don't know what the content is.
00:25At one point, it was meant to be broadcast on Mitre Radio.
00:28It wasn't broadcast on Jorge's schedule.
00:32So, I suspected it could be broadcast on TN,
00:36where Nata was also a part of it.
00:38And there's a rumor, or at least we can speculate,
00:42that it will be broadcast on one of the signals of the Clarín group,
00:45closer to eight o'clock at night.
00:48Of course, yes.
00:49What does that message say?
00:50We don't know.
00:51We don't know who will participate either.
00:54One can assume that the two daughters will be safe.
00:57Probably accompanied by their mothers.
00:59And that message will be an answer to yesterday's posts by Elba.
01:03We thought that these 48 hours,
01:05which are so important in Jorge's recovery,
01:08would be calm.
01:10At least, that's what it seemed like,
01:11when the last intervention took place.
01:13But it's gotten worse, I think.
01:15Yes, and I think they want to go
01:18more for the media battle,
01:20as was the beginning of this whole story,
01:23with those videos,
01:24than to keep fighting in court,
01:27where, so far, it seems to me,
01:29and I don't know if the doctor thinks otherwise,
01:32Elba is winning the legal battle.
01:35Sorry, sorry.
01:36Because she has the rights conferred by being a spouse.
01:39But, sorry, they asked to participate and they were given.
01:45The judge expressed herself, gave her the opportunity to participate.
01:48What I'm saying is...
01:49What we're seeing, sorry to interrupt,
01:51but to explain what's on the screen,
01:52these are the posts, the stories Elvita posted yesterday.
01:55Once again, I'm forced to defend myself
01:57against the undeserved attacks and public derogations
02:00that have nothing to do with the truth.
02:02It is implausible that there are those who have the strength
02:04and the desire for rivalry in this moment
02:06where Jorge fights for his life like never before.
02:09Elvita makes it very evident here,
02:10the seriousness of Jorge's state, right?
02:14I was not the one who started this painful confrontation,
02:17whose reasons only reflect what Jorge once told me.
02:20They're going to kill each other for money.
02:22It was short-lived.
02:23At least, I would never have imagined
02:25that they would ask for the determination of their own father,
02:28the most brilliant journalist in Argentina, for such an end.
02:31Their actions speak for themselves.
02:33With respect to Jorge, I choose not to speak
02:35and I will only limit myself to safeguard myself from his attacks
02:38and comply with what Jorge entrusted to me.
02:40I pray that soon he will be the one who can defend me,
02:43as he had been forced to do so many times before them and others.
02:46The truth always reaches us. Always.
02:49That's what Elvita said last night.
02:51After this letter that we had given to her to know
02:55and that she had presented...
02:57Where did she present that letter, finally?
02:59That letter was sent to...
03:01A letter of documents.
03:02A judicial letter.
03:03I mean, it's not a letter, I mean, a media letter.
03:05We're talking about the judicial and media war.
03:08I mean, it's happening in Paraguay.
03:09Let's make something clear.
03:10We gave it to her to know
03:12because we had the confirmation that it had already been sent...
03:15In fact, we had the letter at the beginning of the program
03:18and we decided to wait until the lawyer...
03:20To read the page of the Argentine Post, right?
03:22Of course, directly.
03:23But in the days of the Argentine Post,
03:25when Dr. Markovic gave us what was there,
03:26only then, when it was officially presented
03:29before the judicial power, could we read it.
03:31Let's go to the mobile phone in the Italian office
03:33where Santi Posato is.
03:34Go ahead, Santi. How's everything going out there?
03:36What do you know?
03:37How are you, Mariana? Good morning.
03:39The good thing here is that there is no news
03:42because they tell us that Jorge is stable.
03:45Several hours have passed since the operation.
03:47The doctors wanted him to spend the 24, the 36,
03:53the 48 hours stable in his room on the fourth floor
03:58in the intensive care unit for transplanted patients.
04:01An intensive care unit that has a slightly more flexible regime
04:05of visits than the common intensive care unit.
04:08And what someone from the clinic told us,
04:11so that we take into account every time we see him arriving here,
04:14that today he came around 11.30 a.m.
04:18and left a little after 12.00 a.m.
04:21He came very angry.
04:22Wati, the intruder colleague, told us
04:25that he could make a note to him,
04:26that he was very angry with Jorge's daughters
04:30for everything that has been said.
04:32That's why he answered them as he answered them on social media.
04:35And what a person from here told us
04:37is that when Elba gets angry,
04:40Jorge's health news is good.
04:43And when she gets sad and confused
04:46and doesn't talk about the media confrontation
04:49and focuses only on his health,
04:51that's when you have to be more worried.
04:53Today she got angry because Jorge is stable.
04:55I understand what you're saying.
04:57It's as if she allows herself to express what's happening to her
05:01and what she's feeling right now when Jorge is more stable.
05:04Otherwise, obviously, the tension...
05:06As if she can occupy her head in something other than Jorge's health.
05:10Because she also commented this morning
05:12that she came to the clinic later because her daughter was not well.
05:17She was with everything that was said in the media.
05:19She was...
05:21She had a nervous breakdown,
05:24but she wasn't doing well, so as a mother,
05:26she had to accompany her a little more in the morning
05:28and she only got here after 11 o'clock.
05:30Also, for Luita's children, this situation is very difficult.
05:35I think her daughter is turning 15.
05:36The party was going to be a little late.
05:38There was a savings.
05:39She was planning it last year.
05:41She was organizing that party a year ago.
05:44Well, imagine the excitement.
05:46A 15-year-old girl who is going to celebrate her 15th birthday
05:49in this very difficult context.
05:51I don't know what's going to happen with that,
05:53but I understand that all this is mixed up.
05:56The real life of her children.
06:00Jorge is not the father,
06:01but these four years have been shared
06:03and they have taken a lot of mutual affection.
06:06So they keep suffering.
06:08Who were there this morning, Santi, besides Elvita?
06:12The only person we know who came in and left is Elva.
06:17If Jorge's daughters came,
06:19no press media could see them.
06:21Let's say that they are not...
06:23They usually come in the afternoon, right?
06:27They usually come in the afternoon.
06:28They don't come in through the main door.
06:30They prefer to avoid dialogue with the press.
06:33And here's the rumor, which Martina also told us a while ago,
06:36that they would be expressing themselves
06:39through a recorded message
06:41by some of the media in the Clarín group.
06:44But we don't know for sure.
06:47Elvita always says hello.
06:51I imagine she has her support.
06:53I know she has a group of very loyal friends.
06:56But I get the feeling that...
06:57She says hello a lot.
06:59I just want to say one thing that Elva told me a minute ago.
07:03Anxiety doesn't leave room for anger.
07:07She is accompanied by her friends.
07:09Her family also lives in La Plata,
07:11but she accompanies her here when she can,
07:14when she gets the chance.
07:15Her teenage daughters, as you said, Mariana,
07:19today they are teenagers.
07:20They have lost their father a few years ago.
07:22And although, of course, Jorge Lanata is not the father,
07:26I heard Elva more than once,
07:29even when she worked here with us,
07:32she tried to plan something that you can't plan,
07:34that is, that Jorge becomes his father,
07:37let's say, of...
07:39Yes, that he takes on that male role.
07:41That he takes on that role, that it doesn't matter.
07:43In fact, that's how it's written in the Civil Code.
07:45Even legally, that he takes on that role.
07:48And apart from that, Jorge is like that.
07:50He is a doctor, he has that thing of wanting to take care of.
07:53To assemble the family.
07:54Exactly, to assemble the family,
07:56which was so difficult from the beginning.
08:00In this family, at least,
08:01sometimes it's easier than others.
08:02Here it was more difficult,
08:03even though Jorge's daughters are older, right?
08:06One would have thought that everything would flow differently,
08:08but well, there is an internal...
08:10Since they met, Elvita and Jorge, I dare say.
08:14Elva tells me that she was the one who asked
08:19that Bárbara intervene in the decisions.
08:22That it is not a decision of justice,
08:24nor a triumph on one side, or anything like that.
08:28I remember when she gave us the note, she said it,
08:30but the decision was taken by the judge.
08:32It's okay, but...
08:33When someone else asks for it, it's the judge's decision.
08:35But the judge responded.
08:36The thing about that is that Jorge's daughters
08:38took that decision of the judge as a triumph, let's say.
08:40Because, in a way,
08:41it also gave them the possibility of intervening in the decisions.
08:45So it was a triumph for both sides.
08:47I actually tell one of the daughters,
08:49but that never ceased to be.
08:51That possibility never ceased to be.
08:55It's not that...
08:56It forces, in this case.
08:57To have a consensus in the decisions.
09:00No, it's that...
09:00Let's see, there are two things here that we are not thinking about.
09:03The judge went and talked to Nata two weeks ago.
09:06Not a year and a half ago.
09:07And he asked Nata,
09:09Do you agree that you give publicity
09:12to what you are going through?
09:13You can always answer.
09:15That is, Nata was perfectly lucid.
09:18Yes, I still have doubts about that decision.
09:21It's in the file.
09:22It's in the file, but it's also weird.
09:26How do you know that Jorge is in his full faculties
09:29to take responsibility?
09:31But from there...
09:32He could have answered it,
09:34because it's Jorge's natural response to any issue.
09:36It's what he thinks for sure.
09:38But I say, he has a moment of lucidity.
09:41He has a moment of lucidity to choose the doctor,
09:43to tell him, you don't, or you do.
09:45Let's assume that he is not in a position to see it.
09:49What does power have to do with this?
09:52I think that this power, what it does is...
09:54I mean, not power, but the judge's decision
09:58to share the decisions
10:00regarding Jorge's treatments,
10:01what it does is somehow force both parties
10:04to inform each other.
10:05And this should be happening today with power,
10:08because power is actually a dispute
10:10to see if some people can be suspended
10:12or not for an economic reason in the end.
10:15Let's say...
10:15Not only that.
10:17The government also manages the goods.
10:18We have turned this around.
10:19There is a Twitter account,
10:20the only Twitter that gives the name and last name.
10:22And we are entertaining ourselves
10:24with all the liars on Twitter.
10:27This writer, whose name is María Marta Peñalba,
10:30explains it very well.
10:31Nobody understands the logic of powers very well.
10:34And everyone builds and attributes themselves to triumph.
10:37Either way.
10:38He goes, or the others, about lies.
10:41When a person dies or is incapacitated,
10:44that is, we either have a capable nata
10:46and then we don't need anyone to use power
10:49because he is able to do it,
10:50or we have an incapable nata.
10:52If the nata is incapable, the powers fall.
10:56And the one who uses the power of an incapacitated person
11:00and makes a decision with that,
11:01and affects economic issues, commits a crime.
11:04It can't be used.
11:05I don't understand this.
11:06Powers can't be used if the person is incapacitated.
11:09They expire, as if they were dead.
11:11So, the power that VITA has at the moment...
11:14Let's leave Sara's.
11:15No power will serve, or would serve,
11:19if at this moment the nata is not in conditions,
11:22it is incapable.
11:23They expire, they vanish.
11:251333 of the Civil Code.
11:28In other jurisdictions, for example, in Spain,
11:31there are what they call preventive powers.
11:33That is, you say, if one day I'm in a bed and I can't think,
11:38I tell you to do whatever you want with my things.
11:40With my motorcycle, which is the only thing that interests me.
11:43So, this is what one can do.
11:46But in Spain, that doesn't exist here.
11:48Here, there are special powers that we are talking about.
11:52Those special powers must have an object,
11:55as we said yesterday, and a duration.
11:57The nata could have made a power that said,
12:00if ever I'm not completely capable,
12:03I want to be treated at the Spanish hospital,
12:06and I grant power to take me and solve my health problem
12:09to Lola or Elba, for a period of 10 years.
12:13That power doesn't exist.
12:14The only power that exists is a power.
12:16There are two powers, and both are...
12:20When we hear that there is a fight, which power is worth more?
12:22Neither is worth anything.
12:23Because if the nata is incapacitated,
12:26they are exploiting Lola Nata.
12:28You can't do that.
12:29Sorry, what you're saying illuminates a central issue,
12:32which is that the dispute is purely media.
12:34Of course, of course.
12:36Besides, you're selling goods.
12:38We were just discussing who won.
12:41No, no, but with respect to the judge's decision,
12:44when the judge said,
12:45yes, from now on, the decisions are consensual,
12:48the daughters obviously celebrated,
12:50because they had the opportunity to decide.
12:52Yes, and did something change since then?
12:55Well, I think so, that something changed.
12:57To be in the same hospital, to be in the same hospital,
13:00to be in the same...
13:01It says, I did not perform any act
13:03after the determination of capacity.
13:07After the determination of capacity of the civil file,
13:11if Jorge cannot give him current instruction
13:14to revoke, it says.
13:15That's why it's illegal for them to revoke the power,
13:19which is what Stewart Brown raised in the last hours.
13:24Of course, because she didn't use that power.
13:28She didn't sell anything.
13:29She kept it.
13:32She kept it.
13:32She kept it by suspending those two employees.
13:35And the objects in the house.
13:37Closing the house.
13:38She doesn't need it either. Another madness.
13:41That's why I say, we're...
13:42It's a media war.
13:43She said it more and more every day.
13:45It's barbaric.
13:46It's a media war.
13:47It's a media war that has no economic condition.
13:52Furniture, furniture, possession is worth a title.
13:57This cup is mine.
13:59No, but wait, it's made of tangerine.
14:01No, it's mine because I have it, because you gave it to me.
14:04You didn't take it from me.
14:05You have to give me a trial to take it from me.
14:06Possession is worth a title.
14:08And what would the media war be for?
14:09For what?
14:11To label someone as a thief.
14:13Or to say...
14:14Or to say, you can't touch this painting.
14:18Of course.
14:19Because this also happens later.
14:20Today, I'm dealing with a topic as big as that of everyday life.
14:27The discussion is who gets this work of art that your father wanted so much.
14:31He wanted so much the Dalí, and it's worth two million dollars,
14:34that he gave it to me.
14:36But I ask you one thing.
14:37That's the discussion.
14:38The one about Saint-Laurent.
14:39So, what power does the current woman have?
14:45And do daughters also have power?
14:47Because they are daughters.
14:48No, daughters only have power when there is a declaration of heirs
14:53that tells them that they are the owners.
14:55While Jorge is alive, and we have to repeat it,
14:58because he is fighting for his life.
15:00That's why all this is so difficult, right?
15:02Because these are critical times for him.
15:04And in the middle of all this, Jorge is still alive.
15:07The act of spreading images,
15:10regardless of the legal drift that this has now, Mariana,
15:14of those images doesn't come back.
15:16Not even a thousand times.
15:17Because there is no right to forget later,
15:19that it even reaches the Supreme Court,
15:21that it can, with the installation of a person,
15:25in this case, Marco Vecchio,
15:26as an alleged smuggler, thief, abuser, poisoner.
15:29How do you undo this?
15:30Because today, again, they are going to use
15:33a gigantic media corporation, like Grupo Clarín,
15:36to make Grupo Clarín,
15:38Jorge Lanata's ex-employer or current employer,
15:41the one that reproduces one of the two parts.
15:43Look at the symmetry. How do you do it against Grupo Clarín?
15:46How do you do it against Grupo Clarín?
15:47No, no, no.
15:48I agree with Franco.
15:50Because we had the Bitacay,
15:53and the first thing we did was give the option
15:56to the two parts to speak and show the...
15:58It's fundamental.
15:59I find it difficult to imagine
16:02that only one of the parts can be shown.
16:05I don't think it's objective.
16:06No, I think Grupo Clarín is using its apparatus
16:10to go to...
16:11Well, it was used a whole weekend.
16:12Believe me, those images,
16:14now they don't reproduce them anymore.
16:16Cristina Kirchner said that Clarín
16:18used its media apparatus against her.
16:20I'm not talking about the same thing.
16:21I'm not talking about the same thing.
16:22But it's a big support.
16:25It's a huge support.
16:26I don't know if Grupo Clarín
16:28is contributing all its means to...
16:31I don't know, I don't know.
16:33There's no fake news from Clarín.
16:35I don't see fake news from Clarín.
16:37Beyond the accusation of a particular person
16:40who would have hacked or falsified a video,
16:44I don't see...
16:45He's an employee of Clarín,
16:47but I don't see an attempt by Clarín
16:50to advance on Elba or to harm Elba.
16:53Of course, it seems exaggerated.
16:55Let's see what happens tonight.
16:56I'm not going to invoke a note I saw on LAM,
16:59a great note from LAM,
17:00to Victor Hugo Morales,
17:01because we're going to talk about political and party issues,
17:04and it's not just about political and party issues.
17:08But, TN, it was a weekend with Elba Mechera as a poisoner.
17:12A Friday, a Saturday, and a Sunday.
17:14Tell me, what do you do with that?
17:16But, Franco, we also did three shows
17:18showing the same videos.
17:20And we're not against Elba.
17:21But we gave Barbara and Lola the opportunity
17:25to speak and leave, and Elba to speak and leave.
17:27I don't know if the same thing happened there.
17:30Maybe they called her, I don't know.
17:31And did they call Elba to speak?
17:33As far as I know, no.
17:34I asked in a big newspaper, not in La Corneta,
17:38but I asked in a big newspaper
17:40why this medium was so important.
17:43And he told me because the web explodes when we...
17:46Well, that's another issue, the rating it generates.
17:49The web explodes.
17:50Yes, but there are codes, let's say.
17:53I think there's always the right to reply on both sides.
17:57Most of the environment, Mariana...
17:59But what I'm saying is that neither of them spoke here.
18:04Because they didn't want to.
18:06Because they didn't want to.
18:06Maybe they didn't either.
18:08That's what I'm saying, we don't know.
18:09We offered it, and they didn't want to.
18:12They didn't offer it to Alvita on Channel 3.
18:14No, I'm sorry.
18:15This is absolutely false information.
18:17No one ever called Elba Markovechia from the Clarín group.
18:21And always...
18:22I understand that it's hard to see it as the Clarín group.
18:25I don't think so either.
18:27I understand that it's hard to see it as the Clarín group.
18:29But there's a person involved who works in the group.
18:31Let's say it.
18:32I'm going to say it, I'm in charge.
18:34And that's why La Nata's show doesn't touch the subject.
18:36Well, how pure they are, how clean they are,
18:38that suddenly in the radio show of the very victim,
18:41of the person who is fighting for her life, as Mariana says,
18:44the subject is not made, as if that would leave them out.
18:46And the truth is that at this point,
18:48the subject is important for multiple reasons.
18:50It's not a family problem, in my opinion.
18:54A family discussion and nothing else.
18:55There's media violence involved.
18:58So it's no longer a family problem,
18:59it's a social problem.
19:01How someone dismantles an image that was made about her,
19:05of Mechere, the poisoner, and so on,
19:07when no one built a single image of the other women.
19:10What a coincidence.
19:11You're right, Franco.
19:12You'd better listen to the media.
19:13No, not even talking about that.
19:14Not even talking about that, of course.
19:16But I mean, think about it, because the other women,
19:19well, we don't know them, or there's one of those...
19:22But there's a woman who's the producer of the show.
19:24Well, that's why.
19:25Most of the journalists want to...
19:27The truth is that I can't avoid all the time
19:29doing the exercise of,
19:30what would Jorge think about this?
19:32What would Jorge do with this?
19:35He'd die of shame and sadness.
19:37We said it at the beginning.
19:39It's also true that...
19:40What do we want?
19:41What would it be useful for today?
19:44He's making a camera,
19:48a six-minute video,
19:50being able to speak in Clarín.
19:51Nothing, because that's what...
19:53And what was the point of showing
19:55a drawer full of dollars by Jorge Lanata?
19:58Who filters those images?
19:59We know there was a drawer full of dollars.
20:01That's outrageous.
20:02But there...
20:03Yes, but that's the responsibility of the media that kills him.
20:06Well, okay.
20:07Nothing more than that.
20:08No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
20:09There was a campaign...
20:10There was a campaign for dissemination
20:13at the same time as the presentation of capacity determination,
20:16which is an extremely private process
20:22that rarely transcends.
20:23It's incredible that you say
20:25that the media have the responsibility.
20:28Seriously, no, no.
20:29I mean, when something transcends in this way
20:31and the material is sent directly to the channels, right?
20:35It's like...
20:36Obviously, one has the criterion of saying,
20:38I won't air this, I won't show this.
20:40And every day we have that debate.
20:42We in production have already made decisions
20:44that have harmed us, obviously,
20:46because it would be attractive to show things
20:48that we don't like to show, or me in particular.
20:51But it's not the media's responsibility
20:52if the photo of the dollars came out.
20:54That photo was in an exhibition
20:56that was going to be known by all the media.
20:57It's in the exhibition.
20:59It comes out.
21:00The point is that a photo of Jorge Lanata is published,
21:04that it's circulating, and that it's terrible,
21:07and that someone airs it.
21:08Well, there's a fact...
21:09And there's a right to privacy.
21:10It's not the media's responsibility.
21:12The media itself decides that Lanata's is not,
21:15as in Ponsetti and Balvin, 1984, in the Supreme Court.
21:19And in the case of the dollars, yes.
21:21That's how everyone sees it.
21:23Yes, I understand what you're saying,
21:25but that was part of an exhibition
21:27that the daughters were particularly interested in,
21:30so that it would be known, otherwise it wouldn't have been known.
21:32Mariana, Jasmin, Jasmin...
21:36Dead in the morning.
21:37No, thank you.
21:39Oh, God.
21:40One thing is a drawer,
21:42and another thing is the body of a person who just passed away.
21:46But that's the responsibility.
21:47The media decides that Jamin's photo is not,
21:52and that a drawer full of dollars is.
21:55That's a responsibility.
21:56And the television chooses.
21:58It's likely that the media chooses.
21:59What media wants to see? To show them what?
22:01But it's not a criminal or civil responsibility.
22:04It's a...
22:05There are ethics manuals.
22:06There are issues that have to do with deontology.
22:08You are Clarín's ethics manual.
22:10This case has probably violated it on several occasions.
22:14But you have a style manual, as it's called.
22:16I think it would have been very different
22:18if the daughter's complaint hadn't been made public.
22:23If those links had been protected as they should have been.
22:26It would have been very different.
22:27And it would have been by letter or document?
22:28Because there would have been a fight between them.
22:30Maybe they would have gotten to a good place,
22:31but they wouldn't have condemned Elvita
22:34by showing her that she seemed to steal things.
22:37And I say this
22:38out of great affection for Jorge's daughters.
22:40I'm not on anyone's side,
22:42but I can feel from this place
22:44that it's very strong to see Elvita
22:46grabbing things from an office that is also her home.
22:48But if someone gave it to that material,
22:51it's someone from inside.
22:53Who gave it to her?
22:54No, that material was in links,
22:56which were on both sides.
22:58But someone took the photo.
22:59Someone hacked the cameras.
23:01And you know who hacked the cameras.
23:04You know who hacked the cameras.
23:05Of course, they know who hacked the cameras.
23:07It was convenient for them to filter it.
23:08Why did they hack the cameras?
23:09Because in order to do that,
23:11someone entered the cameras,
23:13got inside and downloaded what was recorded.
23:15I don't know. I think I'm saying this
23:18because I know what the daughters are going through.
23:20I know what Elvita is going through.
23:23Everyone loves Jorge, and they all have pain inside.
23:25So, sometimes, when you have pain,
23:27you make a mistake in the way you act.
23:29So, I think there must have been mistakes on both sides.
23:33Everything has gotten to such a high point
23:36that it doesn't seem to have gone back.
23:37The dissemination,
23:39by those who had the demand
23:41and the probatory elements of the demand,
23:44that civil demand,
23:45that filtration...
23:47That filtration can lead to,
23:50can lead to criminal cases in the future.
23:52Of course.
23:53And a very big complication in the future.
23:55That's why I'm telling you to stay away from it,
23:58that it's something to talk about.
23:59Maybe it wasn't the girls' fault
24:01that those images were made known.
24:03Maybe it was a carelessness that those links were made known
24:06to all the media.
24:06I don't know. I don't know how the files are handled.
24:09I don't know, but that was a mistake.
24:12Santi, I'll come back to you
24:14so that we can give an introduction
24:16to this note that we're going to show
24:17from the moment Elvita arrived this morning.
24:19You mentioned that she was very angry,
24:21that you saw her as very resentful
24:24regarding everything that was said yesterday, right?
24:28Exactly. She arrived angry,
24:30and she didn't arrive at the usual time.
24:32She always arrives around 9.30, 10 in the morning.
24:35She arrived here much later than usual.
24:38And she's going to tell you a little bit in the note
24:41what she was saying to her colleague, Wati Intrusos,
24:43why she arrived later,
24:45and the anger she has with her daughters.
24:48Let's see the note, then. Thank you, Santi. Go ahead.
24:52Yes, but still...
24:53How do you live it?
24:54No, how do I live it?
24:55I'm an adult and I live it horribly,
24:58but what...
24:59Today, my daughter didn't go to school.
25:01I mean, she couldn't go to school
25:03because she's decomposed and she feels...
25:07And she's sick.
25:08And the truth is that this is...
25:10This is a lot.
25:12They are...
25:13We are an assembled family.
25:15We are. And my children are suffering.
25:17And my children, who are our children, are suffering.
25:20Why? Because they don't have the blood in their veins.
25:22These kids can't suffer.
25:24We are here in a barbarity.
25:26I mean, they are nothing because they don't have the blood in their veins.
25:29I mean...
25:30And what are they going to talk about?
25:32I have no idea what they're going to talk about.
25:34I have no idea what they're going to talk about.
25:35But I do have an idea that it's disgusting,
25:38disgusting what they're doing with this whole situation.
25:45She's angry. She's angry.
25:46I think she has to deal with how she sees her children, right?
25:49When she doesn't see her children affected, that's it.
25:53And how does she deal with her situation?
25:55That's what Franco said.
25:57She's portrayed as a bad person.
26:01Yes, I think...
26:01The girls' anger is divine.
26:03It can't be, it's reasonable, they're the daughters.
26:06But I think there are other actors and actresses
26:09on the sides that no one is talking about.
26:11What an ugly way to close these moments of the nata.
26:16These moments of so much fragility.
26:19We're going to talk in a moment with Dr. Caro
26:21so that he can expand on his experience,
26:23how cases like Jorge's evolve
26:27in this last intervention he's had.
26:28We'll be right back with him.
26:29He's here.
