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00:01:45Send me to be able to get rejects in
00:01:48Venue in Michigan
00:01:50Farkında mısın yöntemlerin çok çağdışı
00:03:12Şimdi yeterince modern oldu mu
00:03:18Bak istediğin şey imkansız ben bu kadar samanın içinde nasıl bulayım oyunu
00:03:24Eğer borcunu ödemek istiyorsan bulacaksın
00:03:37Sana kolay gelsin sağ ol sen sağ ol
00:03:50Beni gün geçtikçe daha da zorlamayı başarıyorsun
00:03:55Ama sen görürsün
00:03:57Ne yapıp edip bulacağım o iğneyi
00:04:00Bu zamanın altın üstüne getireceğim yine bulacağım borçlu kalmayacağım sana
00:04:20Halil'in seni fabrikaya müdürü yapması çok ince bir davranış
00:04:26Evli adamın hayatı düzenli olmalı
00:04:31Halil'e de ben ver sağ olsun
00:04:36Çok yakıştı müdür bey
00:04:47Kocanla gururumdayız her zaman
00:05:00Seni hak edecek ne yaptım ben
00:05:06Şey diyeceğim akşam annemleri yemeğe mi çağırsak diyorum olur hayatım iyi düşünmüşsün
00:05:16Hani ondan gizli evlenmeye kalktık ya biraz kırıldı hissediyorum hem gönlünü almış oluruz hem de annelerimiz tanışmış olur
00:05:24Çok iyi düşünmüşsün aşkım
00:05:26Ama kendini fazla yorma
00:05:29Annemden de yardım al
00:05:32Anası geliyor demek
00:05:35Anayı eline bir ters yüzeyeceğim ki gelen kız bir daha bu eve ayaklarını bile basmayacak
00:05:46Akşam görüşürüz
00:05:58Anam senden olsa olsa zalimlik zorbalık öğrenilir
00:06:28Efendim abla
00:06:30Nasılsın ablacığım
00:06:32Sesin yorgun gibi geldi
00:06:34Yok iyiyim gayet
00:06:36Sen nasılsın
00:06:38Ben de iyiyim
00:06:40Akşam biz de ailece yemek yiyelim diyorum
00:06:42Güzel düşünmüşsün
00:06:44Eren'in annesi de burada
00:06:46Hem tanışmış olursunuz
00:06:48Hala evimi hiç biriniz görmediniz
00:06:50Sanki birileri şu an orada suratını mı astı bana mı öyle geliyor
00:06:54Akşama sendeyiz merak etme
00:06:56İyi ki varsın ablacığım
00:07:02Evlendiğimden beri ne aradı ne sordu
00:07:04Nasıl söyleyeceğim nasıl çağıracağım bilmiyorum
00:07:06Tersler mi sence
00:07:08Sen onu dert etme
00:07:10Ben annemle konuşur ikna ederim bu şekilde
00:07:12Sen rahat rahat akşama hazırlan
00:07:14İyi ki varsın ablacığım teşekkür ederim
00:07:16O zaman akşam yedide bekleyelim
00:07:20İyi ki varsın
00:07:22O zaman akşam yedide bekliyorum sizi
00:07:24Sakın geç kalmayın
00:07:26Kalmayız ablacığım merak etme
00:07:36Ne oldu
00:07:38İşten kaytararak sabırlı olmayı öğrenemezsin
00:07:40Telefonla konuşmanın da yasak olduğunu bilmiyordum kusura bakma
00:07:42Öğrenmiş oldum
00:07:44Ver telefonumu ver dedim
00:07:46Sen yeneği bulana kadar telefon yasak
00:07:48Bu kadar yasak mı
00:07:50Bu kadar yasak
00:07:52Bu kadar yasak
00:07:54Bu kadar yasak
00:07:56Bu kadar yasak
00:07:58Bu kadar yasak
00:08:00Bu kadar yasak
00:08:02Bu kadar yasak
00:08:04Bu kadar yasak
00:08:06Bu kadar yasak
00:08:08Bu kadar telefon yasak
00:08:10Bu kadarı çok fazla ver şunu
00:08:12Az bile
00:08:22Madem iğneyi bulmamı istiyorsun
00:08:26Ne yapıyorsun
00:08:30Sen iğneyi bulmamı istemiyor musun
00:08:32Arayacağım işte
00:08:34Zeynep ellerinle arayacaksın
00:08:40Ben topraklarda büyüdüm
00:08:42Sabretmeyi mücadeleyi
00:08:44Çok iyi bilirim
00:08:46Senden öğrenecek değilim
00:08:48Zeynep bak ayağına iğne batacak
00:08:50Ne olur batarsa
00:08:52Ne olur canım yanarsa
00:08:54Umrunda mı sanki
00:09:04Yapma şunu
00:09:08O iğneyi bulana kadar durmayacağım
00:09:18Battı mı
00:09:20Evet battı
00:09:22Mutlu musun
00:09:24Dur çıkaralım şunu
00:09:26Gerek yok
00:09:34Sen sabırsızsın
00:09:36Laf dinlemiyorsun
00:09:46Mikrop kapacak ayağın kanıyor
00:09:50Neyse kendi yaralarımla kendimi baş etmeye alışığım ben
00:10:04Ne yapıyorsun
00:10:20Yeter artık
00:10:22Bırak şu asiliğini
00:10:24İndir beni
00:10:26İndir beni dedim sana
00:10:34Hayırdır gülüm
00:10:36Gezmeye mi gideceksin
00:10:40Annemleri yemeğe çağırdım da
00:10:42Alışveriş yapmaya gidiyorum
00:10:44Ailene gelin sofrası kurmak hakkındır
00:10:48Ama önce büyüklerine soracağım
00:10:50Adapusul öğretmediler mi sana
00:10:54Sabır sabır
00:10:56Kocanın annesi
00:10:58Misafirin Selman
00:11:02Selman gidecek
00:11:08Her lafa böyle surat mı sallandıracaksın
00:11:12Haklısınız kıymet anne
00:11:14Bir dahaki sefere size sorarım
00:11:16Beni çağırmadan önce
00:11:18Ben çıkayım
00:11:20Kızım nereye
00:11:24Önce temizlik yapacaksın
00:11:26Misafirler gelmeden önce köşe bucak
00:11:28Dip köşe elden geçer
00:11:32Dur sen bakayım peşime
00:11:36Gelin kız
00:11:38Kime diyeyim ben
00:12:02Gerek yoktu aslında
00:12:04Köçücük bir şey zaten
00:12:06İhmal edilen yara büyür
00:12:10Gerek yoktu
00:12:22Tamam gelirsin ben hallederim
00:12:30Şimdi ayağın mikrop kaparsa borcunu ödeyemezsin
00:12:34Merak etme
00:12:36Ölsem de ödeyeceğim ben sana borcumu
00:12:38Valla bu asilikle zor
00:12:40Da neyse
00:12:44Kımıldama dedim
00:12:50Çok merak ediyorum biliyor musun
00:12:52Acaba ne zaman benim sözümü dinleyeceksin
00:12:54Bitmedi mi?
00:13:24Sözleşmeyi alabilir miyim?
00:13:28Sözleşme mi?
00:13:32İlk maddenin üzerine çizeceğim
00:13:34Sabır sınavına geçtim sonuçta
00:13:44Hayret itiraz etmedin
00:13:46Etmedim çünkü yaralısın
00:13:48Yoksa çoktan sınıfta kaldı
00:13:50Ben de samanlıkta
00:13:52İğne aramaktan bahsetmiyorum zaten
00:13:54Seninle geçirdiğim zamanla da
00:13:56Tahammül ediyorum yani
00:13:58Bu da ayrı bir sabır sınavı neticede
00:14:12Böyle çizdim karaladım da
00:14:16Akşama devam edeceğiz
00:14:18Akşam yedi de ablam yemeğe bekliyor
00:14:32Öyle kaçamazsın
00:14:36Saat yediği daha çok var
00:14:38Kaçmıyorum zaten
00:14:40Merak etme
00:14:42Her türlü sınavı geçeceğimden kuşkun olmasın
00:14:44Ama kendi yöntemlerimden
00:14:46Canım istediği zaman
00:15:02Sen benden değil
00:15:04Bizden kaçıyorsun Zeynep
00:15:10Ama bakalım bu maddeler bittiğinde de
00:15:12Kaçabilecek misin?
00:15:34Çamaşır makinesi ne zamandır ucuk?
00:15:38On dakikası var
00:15:40Şunları çıkarayım
00:15:42Sonra onları da çıkarıp asarım
00:15:44Oh akşam ucuk
00:15:46Misafirler dökülüp gelecek
00:15:48Sen hala perde asıcın
00:15:50Ben böyle yapıcıyım
00:15:52Kaynanam dakikasında kapının önüne koyardı beni
00:15:56Zamane gelinleri
00:15:58Prensesler kimin yaşıyorsunuz valla
00:16:14Köşey kızım köşey
00:16:16Bak bak orada da toz var
00:16:20Nerede hani?
00:16:22Aha orada
00:16:24Kendinle bak ki
00:16:26Atmıyormuş baksana
00:16:28Utanmazsa dile gelecek
00:16:32Kira vermeden oturup durayım
00:16:34Allah seni korusun
00:16:36Kira vermeden oturup durayım
00:16:38Allah seni korusun
00:16:40Kira vermeden oturup durayım
00:16:42Allah sizden razı olsun diyecek
00:16:48Bana bakacağına süpürsene
00:16:52Allah Allah
00:17:02Hanımlık öyle
00:17:04Cüzdana imza atmakla olmaz
00:17:06Evi çekip çevirmekle olur
00:17:10Yorul yorul
00:17:12Gece başını yastığa koyduğun gibi yatıcıyım
00:17:26Fena değil sanki ama
00:17:30Anlamlı manevi değil
00:17:32Yüksek bir hediye olması lazım
00:17:34Ayağın nasıl oldu?
00:17:36Sayende gayet iyi
00:17:44İyi mi?
00:18:04Neye bakıyorsun?
00:18:06Ablamlara ev hediyesi bakıyorum
00:18:10Ben aldım hediyemizi ikimiz adına veririz
00:18:14Allah Allah
00:18:16Ben kendi hediyemi kendim alırım
00:18:18Karı kocalar ayrı hediye almaz
00:18:22Öyle mi?
00:18:24O zaman sana zahmet kendi hediyeni çöpe at
00:18:26Benimkini beraber veririz
00:18:28Ablamı benden iyi tanıyacak değilsin
00:18:32Çok iyi tanıdığın için mi telefondan medet olmuyorsun?
00:18:38Pes vallahi
00:18:40Biliyor musun?
00:18:42Senin şu mantığınla baş edebilmek için gerçekten büyük bir efor gerekiyor
00:18:46İnsan bir kere olsun peki tamam demez mi ya?
00:18:50Hele ablamı kimin daha iyi tanıdığı konusunda
00:18:56Çiçek de bana hak veriyor
00:18:58Zeynep haklı, Zeynep haklı diye ötüyor
00:19:00Biliyor musun?
00:19:06Dokunma ona zarar vereceksin
00:19:10Ben açım ben açım diye ötüyor olmasın hayvan
00:19:14Yemi bitmiş yavrucağım
00:19:22Hediyeye bakacağım da kuşa bak biraz
00:19:58Maddelere geri dönebiliriz
00:20:04Kat etmen gereken çok yol var
00:20:08Tabi tabi
00:20:10Bende o yolları kat etmeyi çok isterdim ama annemle konuşmam gerekiyor önce
00:20:20Kaç bakalım kaç
00:20:24Şu küçük odada nereye kadar kaçabileceksin
00:20:44Akşam oldu nerdesin gelin
00:20:50Tek başıma anca halledebildim Pimet anne
00:20:52Büyük de pabuç maşallah
00:20:56De hele anangiller ne yer ne içer
00:21:00Genelde toprak maskeleri tüketiriz biz
00:21:02Organik sadeler pişer mutfağımızda
00:21:08Markette pazarda organik bulacaksın da yapacaksın
00:21:10Kendi topraklarımız vardı
00:21:16Kendi topraklarımız vardı
00:21:18Artık yok
00:21:20Az alışkanlığı işte
00:21:24Bu Zeynep
00:21:26Eren'in patronun karısı öyle mi
00:21:30Patron kısmısının önüne
00:21:36Kıymet anne ne yapıyorsun
00:21:38Madem hem dönerler hemde kıymetlimin patronu gelecek
00:21:42Antepe ayaklarına sereceğim
00:21:46Beyranından yuvalamasına
00:21:48İçli köftesinden lahmacununa ziyafet vereceğim
00:22:02Kız sen ne dikileceksin burada
00:22:04Hadi hadi
00:22:06Bulgurları ıslat
00:22:24Harika görünüyor
00:22:32Elinden kahve içmeyeli de uzun zaman olmuştu
00:22:34Ellerine sağlık
00:22:36Afiyet olsun annecim
00:22:44Hadi kıvranma
00:22:46Çıkar ağzındaki baklayı da öğrenelim
00:22:50Yok canım ne baklası
00:22:54Kahveler ziyaretler
00:22:56Belli sende bir şey var
00:23:04Biliyorsun yeni gelin evine
00:23:06Yemeğe gitmek adetlerdir
00:23:08Ablamın da kayınvalidesi
00:23:14Anne diye ona sarıldık o zaman
00:23:16Kestirip atma öyle hemen
00:23:18Bak ablam bizi
00:23:20Akşam yemeğe davet etti
00:23:24Bu daveti kabul edebileceğimi nasıl düşünürsün
00:23:26Zeynep sen
00:23:28Ben o gün rezalet çıkmasın
00:23:30Ablan kepaze olmasın diye
00:23:32İçime attım sustum diye onursuz mu sandınız
00:23:36Ablan da sende beni yok saydınız
00:23:38Ben asla gitmem oraya
00:23:42İyi de
00:23:44Kayınvalidesi demeyecek mi
00:23:46Annesi nerde ailesi nerde diye
00:23:50Onu da davet etmemişlerdi
00:23:54Belli ki aileleri istemiyorlar
00:23:56Şimdi de yalnız bırakalım
00:24:06Bir de şöyle düşün
00:24:08Eğer gitmezsek bunu bütün kasabalı duyacak
00:24:12Tülay Aslanlı kızıyla küs mü desinler
00:24:14Öyle mi konuştunlar arkandan
00:24:46Şükür bugün de atlattık
00:24:50Akşama kadar başımda dikilecek hali yok herhalde Ali Bey
00:24:54Zorbalarında işi gücü vardır
00:25:02İşlerim bekleyebilir
00:25:06Yeni maddeye geçiyoruz
00:25:10Ne var sırada
00:25:14Gel benimle
00:25:30Ne yapacaksın
00:25:34Sabırlı ol
00:25:44Beni tıraş edeceksin
00:25:48İyi de ben daha önce kimseyi tıraş etmedim
00:25:50Bilmem nasıl yapıldığını
00:25:52İyi tamam işte
00:25:54Fırsat ayağına geldi
00:25:56Öğrenmiş olursun
00:26:04Bu elindeki ustura farkındasın değil mi
00:26:06Ya öfke mi ağrı basar da sana zarar verirse
00:26:08Öfkeni dizginlemeyi de öğreneceksin o zaman
00:26:10Ya yapamazsın
00:26:18Ben karıma güvenirim
00:26:40Tülay Aslanlı
00:26:42Yakıyorsun anne
00:26:44Sen bırak bakayım bana bir yardım et
00:26:46Tak şu kolyeyi
00:26:50Ablam seni görünce havalara uçacak
00:26:54Bu davete sadece ailemizin itibarı için gidiyorum
00:26:56Biliyorsun değil mi Merve
00:26:58Tabi tabi kızımı özledim demiyor da
00:27:02Ev hediyesine götüreceğiz
00:27:04Daha karar vermedim
00:27:10Şöyle şık bir yemek takımı mı alsak
00:27:12Arabası yok ki Merve
00:27:14Zeynep ablamın
00:27:16Sakın ne münasebet
00:27:20E anne eli boş mu gideceğiz
00:27:26Kıyıda köşede bir bileziğim kalmıştı
00:27:30El işçiliği o tasarım
00:27:32Yapmaya kıyamazdı
00:27:36Bir zamanlar öyleydi
00:27:40Hadi sen git bir paket getir de pakete koyalım
00:27:50Kocasının kayınvalidesinin yanında
00:27:52Kızımı küçük düşüremem
00:27:56Annesinin değer vermediğine kimse saygı duymaz
00:28:02Önce suratımı köpükleyeceksin
00:28:06Sonra zaten belli yerler var şuralar
00:28:08Buraları tıraş edeceksin
00:28:10Hepsi bu
00:28:18İkinci maddede bu haldeyiz
00:28:22Beni daha neler bekliyor kim bilir
00:28:26Evet ben hazırım
00:28:28Neyi bekliyoruz
00:28:30Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:00Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:02Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:04Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:06Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:08Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:10Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:12Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:14Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:16Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:18Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:20Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:22Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:24Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:26Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:28Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:30Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:32Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:34Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:36Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:38Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:40Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:42Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:44Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:46Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:48Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:50Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:52Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:54Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:56Neyi bekliyoruz
00:29:58Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:00Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:02Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:04Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:06Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:08Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:10Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:12Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:14Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:16Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:18Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:20Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:22Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:24Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:26Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:28Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:30Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:32Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:34Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:36Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:38Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:40Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:42Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:44Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:46Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:48Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:50Neyi bekliyoruz
00:30:52Time we wasted
00:30:54You are the reason
00:30:56We lost
00:30:58I said I will convince you
00:31:20It's over now.
00:31:42I'm brave.
00:31:45You'll see how brave I am.
00:32:02If you want to pay your debt,
00:32:05calm down.
00:32:14I'm brave.
00:32:26You look so fearless.
00:32:29After all you've done for me.
00:32:34You're afraid of hurting me.
00:32:37Do you have to stab me in the throat to understand that?
00:32:44I'm brave.
00:33:14I'm brave.
00:33:17I'm brave.
00:33:20I'm brave.
00:33:23I'm brave.
00:33:26I'm brave.
00:33:29I'm brave.
00:33:32I'm brave.
00:33:35I'm brave.
00:33:38I'm brave.
00:33:40I'm brave.
00:33:49Okay, that's enough.
00:34:01So, which article are we deleting from the contract?
00:34:11I'm asking you, which article are we deleting from the contract?
00:34:20None of them.
00:34:24In the morning, you were stubborn and took that gift.
00:34:28Then you ran away without even looking back.
00:34:31I wanted that subject to be a lesson for you.
00:34:33So that's what your heart wanted. It wasn't in the contract.
00:34:36It wasn't.
00:34:40Of course.
00:34:54You know the flowers we planted in the garden?
00:34:56It bloomed.
00:34:58I love them.
00:35:02Ms. Tülay, you look beautiful.
00:35:05Thank you so much.
00:35:07I'm glad that the ice between you and Selma melted, Ms. Tülay.
00:35:17Mom, we forgot our gift in the room.
00:35:21If the gift we got didn't suit you...
00:35:24I mean, we've been waiting for so long to put something on your daughter.
00:35:27We're not in a bad enough situation to buy a bracelet for our daughter, Ms. Sangül.
00:35:34Well, then.
00:35:36I don't know, you couldn't put anything on Zeynep.
00:35:38Maybe you can't put anything on Selma either.
00:35:40They said we got it, aunt. You heard.
00:35:43I was talking because I was thinking about their well-being, Ms. Gülhan.
00:35:49I forgot to give your parents their medicine.
00:35:51I'm going to go get them.
00:36:04I'm going to go get them.
00:36:18Haven't they come down yet?
00:36:20They're coming down now.
00:36:30We're here.
00:36:32You look so beautiful.
00:36:40Shall we go out?
00:36:43Isn't my grandmother coming?
00:36:45Her sleep has worsened because her medication has changed.
00:36:48She went to bed early.
00:36:49Come on.
00:36:51Then I'll take her another day at an early hour.
00:36:55But she won't be very sad because she didn't come.
00:36:57I'll take care of Mrs. Zümrüt.
00:36:59Don't worry.
00:37:03Let me say hello.
00:37:07I'm ready. We can go out.
00:37:09Aunt, you...
00:37:13Eren's mother is our guest.
00:37:15If I don't come, she'll be upset.
00:37:17I'm curious.
00:37:22Say hello to Selma and Eren.
00:37:26Let's go.
00:37:32Ms. Züleyha.
00:37:34You forgot your gift.
00:37:36You almost got embarrassed in front of our wedding.
00:38:09Welcome, Ms. Züleyha.
00:38:15Will you give me a key?
00:38:19Where is Halil?
00:38:21He's parking the car. He'll be here soon.
00:38:25Come in.
00:38:29Have a nice day.
00:38:39Have a nice day.
00:38:56Good evening.
00:38:58Good evening, Mr. Halil.
00:39:02What about the suitcase?
00:39:04Is everything okay?
00:39:06The landlord...
00:39:08...put it in front of the door.
00:39:13It's about the rent.
00:39:15He has no conscience.
00:39:18He has no good intentions.
00:39:20He doesn't even care that I'm close to him.
00:39:23He's not a stranger.
00:39:26I'll see what I can do.
00:39:29Come to the farm tomorrow.
00:39:32We'll see what we can do.
00:39:34Thank you, Mr. Halil.
00:39:36But I can't.
00:39:43I don't want to leave Yusuf alone.
00:39:49I'll be waiting for you tomorrow.
00:39:55I'll be waiting for you tomorrow.
00:40:10Your garden is beautiful.
00:40:14Are you Halil Firat's wife?
00:40:23I'm your daughter-in-law's sister.
00:40:26Welcome, mother.
00:40:30Thank you, son.
00:40:34Here you go.
00:40:53Our happiness today...
00:40:56...was completed with you and our family.
00:40:58Thank you for coming.
00:41:02Mrs. Tülay is not coming to her new bride's house.
00:41:05She's coming to the wedding.
00:41:08She's wearing pearls.
00:41:14We learned to respect the dinner table from our elders.
00:41:19As a result, everyone shows off.
00:41:31Come on, I'll show you.
00:41:33Come on.
00:41:37Come on, I was going to tell you something.
00:41:39After dinner, my daughter.
00:41:42Girls, come on, then.
00:41:44You can help me.
00:41:51Mrs. Hilmet.
00:41:53It's obvious from the smell.
00:41:55You had the local food poured.
00:41:58I forgot the bottom of the stove open.
00:42:00It's a little hot.
00:42:05It's hot.
00:42:14Mrs. Hilmet says what she thinks.
00:42:17If she says something wrong, please don't take it.
00:42:20I think it's very original.
00:42:22But it's like my mother didn't hold the star very well.
00:42:28It doesn't upset you, does it?
00:42:30I can say that you have a bit of a hard heart.
00:42:33In fact, I think you're lucky to have such a mother.
00:42:39What does a mother need?
00:42:41Halil is worth 10 Mrs. Hilmet.
00:42:46How long will Mrs. Hilmet stay?
00:42:48I don't know.
00:42:51But her husband is in Antep.
00:42:53I guess it'll go for a day or two.
00:42:56It's not possible for us to stay in the same house anyway.
00:43:03The guests are waiting to eat.
00:43:05You're chatting here.
00:43:07It's obvious that your sisters are better at words than you are at work.
00:43:14I'll get the salad right away.
00:43:18I'll take it, sister.
00:43:22I'll take these to the table.
00:43:24It's going to be a hassle.
00:43:26You're welcome.
00:43:29God bless you.
00:43:31Where did this woman go?
00:43:49Mrs. Hilmet.
00:43:50All this food in one day.
00:43:52And on top of that, baklava.
00:43:54You spilled it.
00:43:59God bless you.
00:44:01The food was a little heavy for me.
00:44:03I think it's because of the oils you used.
00:44:05There's only one kitchen in Antep.
00:44:08There's no one like my husband.
00:44:13That's for sure.
00:44:18But he didn't call me.
00:44:21What can you say to a homeless man?
00:44:24They said, what can you say to a rotten meat?
00:44:30People will get sick first.
00:44:45This is mine.
00:44:47Take it.
00:45:00You're going to hire a helper, aren't you?
00:45:05Come on, there's a girl.
00:45:08Why do you need a girl?
00:45:11Mrs. Kıymet.
00:45:16Come on.
00:45:27Did you say something, Dümür?
00:45:29I didn't hear you.
00:46:03A little wedding gift.
00:46:05I couldn't get ready because the wedding was sudden.
00:46:11What was the need?
00:46:13You embarrassed me.
00:46:17I'm sorry.
00:46:23It's beautiful.
00:46:32I forgot the gift because of you.
00:46:36I thought it was a needle in a haystack.
00:46:40Because you're always thinking about work.
00:46:44Of course you forgot your own responsibilities.
00:46:53My dear.
00:46:55Is this my gift when Tülay is here?
00:47:05Have a nice day, daughter.
00:47:09Mom, what was the need?
00:47:11What was the need?
00:47:17It's very spiritual for me.
00:47:22I'm sure you'll carry it with dignity.
00:47:36Will you take good care of my daughter?
00:47:41Of course.
00:47:47Mom, what are you doing?
00:47:49It's fake.
00:47:51How can it be?
00:48:06There must have been a mistake.
00:48:12If you had forgotten your gift, you would have been embarrassed by your wedding.
00:48:35You did it to disgrace me.
00:48:41I'm sorry.
00:48:55The best gift for me is you being here.
00:49:06I'll take care of it.
00:49:11I'll take care of it.
00:49:33You look very stylish.
00:49:36What is this?
00:49:38I'll keep it in my house.
00:49:59I can't thank you enough.
00:50:03I wanted to bring Mr. Halil.
00:50:17My dear.
00:50:19How beautiful the flowers are.
00:50:27I want you to be rooted in your new life, your new home, just like these flowers.
00:50:32Thank you. You are very kind.
00:50:34God willing.
00:50:38What kind of wish is that, Zeynep?
00:50:41To be this woman's son-in-law forever?
00:50:48Thank you very much, Aunt Halil.
00:50:55My son.
00:50:57Of course, he will thank you.
00:50:59Did he bring a pot of flowers while bringing his wife?
00:51:04Mom, please.
00:51:13I chose Hediye as the bride's sister.
00:51:24My sister loves flowers very much.
00:51:33My son, come and eat well.
00:51:37Even if you are a footballer, your back is flat, your stomach is full.
00:51:43Mrs. Kıymet, Cemil is not only our footballer, he is one of our family.
00:51:57With your permission, Mr. Halil.
00:52:01This was our honor to be together with you.
00:52:12I told you, my sister loved Hediye very much.
00:52:16I told you, my sister loved Hediye very much.
00:52:26I would like to present my gift to our newlywed couple.
00:52:34The great Halil Fırat.
00:52:36His gift must be great for him.
00:52:45The Great Halil Fırat
00:52:56Take it.
00:52:57The Great Halil Fırat
00:53:12I know how precious the summer house is for you.
00:53:20But my sister Selma loves this place more than all of us.
00:53:28Have a nice day.
00:53:44Halil, you don't know how happy you make me.
00:53:51I really don't know what to say.
00:53:53I really don't know what to say.
00:53:58My sister, come here.
00:54:00Thank you so much.
00:54:06I wish you happiness.
00:54:12Thank you, Halil.
00:54:17Thank you, my sister.
00:54:23The Great Halil Fırat
00:54:47Isn't the summer house a little too much, Halil?
00:54:50Did you come here easily?
00:54:53I mean, if you're so generous from the first day, how are we going to get through this?
00:55:01My wife's family is my family too, aunt.
00:55:05I'm not telling you to take care of your wife, Halil.
00:55:08Take care of your property, I say.
00:55:10I told you from the first day.
00:55:12This Aslanlı family has an eye on your property.
00:55:15You came here with your nails.
00:55:18I'm talking about not to be sad in the future, Halil.
00:55:20Aunt, we're not alone in the farm.
00:55:41Besides, when it comes to this summer house,
00:55:45Eren is considered my brother, you know that very well.
00:55:48His wife is Selma.
00:55:50She's considered my sister now.
00:55:53I wanted to give her a heavy gift.
00:55:55I did what suits us, what's wrong with that?
00:55:59You still take your steps carefully.
00:56:01I don't want you to be sad as your aunt, that's why I'm warning you.
00:56:04That's all.
00:56:20I love you.
00:56:41Are you Halil Firat's wife?
00:56:49I'm your bride's sister.
00:57:10Come here.
00:57:13Sit down.
00:57:24Sit down.
00:57:28It turns out that the engagement continues at night.
00:57:35You refused to be my wife at dinner.
00:57:39You can't expect me to say the words I don't believe.
00:57:42But I found a way to make you believe, don't worry.
00:57:45What is it?
00:57:49You'll say, I'm Halil Firat's wife until morning.
00:57:55Again and again.
00:57:58Is this a joke?
00:58:02You're pretty serious.
00:58:04I'm pretty serious.
00:58:06Never do it.
00:58:13Give me my debt.
00:58:16But no.
00:58:18If you say I don't know my debt, I don't keep my word, it's different.
00:58:29I'll do it again.
00:58:31But know this.
00:58:33Even if I say that sentence, my heart will never accept it.
00:58:37Even if I say that sentence, my heart will never accept it.
00:58:44You can start.
00:58:55I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:58:56Not by passing.
00:58:59One by one.
00:59:02In an understandable way.
00:59:05When the tongue does not deny what the tongue says, then the subject is closed.
00:59:22I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:26I'm not.
00:59:31I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:35I'm his wife.
00:59:36I'm not.
00:59:42I'm Halil Firat's wife.
00:59:47I'm not.
00:59:53Look me in the eye and say it.
00:59:54I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:00:25I'm Halil Firat's wife.
01:00:48Ms. Tülay.
01:00:51Close the door.
01:00:55Close the door.
01:01:01What are you doing in my room?
01:01:06You changed the gift I was going to take to Selma.
01:01:09I know.
01:01:11Good health to me.
01:01:13Don't be ridiculous.
01:01:15Stop playing games.
01:01:17Did you think I wouldn't understand?
01:01:19I didn't.
01:01:20I didn't understand a word of what you're talking about.
01:01:23But I don't even care.
01:01:25Get out of my room right now.
01:01:27Right now.
01:01:32I don't know why.
01:01:35You're taking advantage of every opportunity you can get to make me and my family unhappy.
01:01:42But I'm not dead yet, Songül.
01:01:44If you mess with me...
01:02:15...I'll sweep you away with the back of my hand.
01:02:27Pull yourself together.
01:02:36I'm sorry.
01:02:45I'm sorry.
01:02:56If you think you can get away with this...
01:03:00...you're wrong, Tülay Aslanlı.
01:03:15I'm sorry.
01:03:29I'm so tired, darling.
01:03:33I'm so tired.
01:03:45My son.
01:03:47Let him sleep.
01:03:48He's been up all day.
01:03:50He's been up all day.
01:04:08When he drank the mayran he made on top of his tiredness...
01:04:12...the honey-swelled bear left himself on the sofa.
01:04:17Should I take him to his room so that he doesn't fall asleep?
01:04:21He'll wake up.
01:04:22Then he'll keep his head down until morning.
01:04:25Listen to me.
01:04:26He's alive.
01:04:31You go.
01:04:32Right away.
01:04:33Get the coffees from the fridge in the kitchen.
01:04:35I'll cover it up and come.
01:04:39Come on.
01:04:40Come on, son.
01:04:41Come on.
01:04:42Come on, son.
01:04:54Elmi Yaman.
01:04:55Mr. Yaman.
01:04:57I'll buy you a new one every time.
01:04:59I'll make you enjoy the coffee until spring.
01:05:16I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:05:20I'm not.
01:05:26I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:05:46I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:06:00I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:06:09I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:06:16I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:06:30Something's wrong.
01:06:35What's the bracelet doing here?
01:06:41Aren't you asleep yet?
01:06:43Mom, look.
01:06:44The bracelet came off the armrest.
01:06:55No matter how much you deny it, you changed this bracelet.
01:06:59I know.
01:07:00I will definitely catch you.
01:07:15It's good, Mom.
01:07:16You don't have a fake bracelet.
01:07:20It must have been left by old servants.
01:07:24Alright, if you say so.
01:07:26I'll brush my teeth and go to bed.
01:07:28Okay, my girl.
01:07:32Goodbye, Mom.
01:07:33He must have been one of the old servants.
01:07:37Okay, if you say so.
01:07:40I'm going to brush my teeth and go to bed.
01:07:42Okay, dear.
01:07:43He did it to disgrace me, to make my family worthless.
01:08:07You want to destroy us.
01:08:10Mom, there's a cut in the water again.
01:08:13Don't make a fuss, Merve. It'll come soon.
01:08:17I'm fed up.
01:08:19Actually, if we move in with Selma, we'll be comfortable.
01:08:23Merve, don't tell me anything about moving again.
01:08:27But mom.
01:08:28I said no, no moving.
01:08:31We'll call the repairman tomorrow, we'll figure it out.
01:08:39If you go, Songül will leave the first job to Halil and Zeynep.
01:08:59I'm Tülay Aslanlı.
01:09:01I'm not going to give up on a Varosha I'll see later like you, Songül.
01:09:32Mom, you're going to have a lot of foam coffee.
01:09:38You'll see the taste of coffee.
01:09:43Mom, thank you.
01:09:52Mom, I missed your coffee. I was jealous.
01:09:59I'm not going to make coffee or food for my precious.
01:10:14My beautiful mother.
01:10:17Look what I'm going to tell you.
01:10:19We've exhausted you a lot, I know.
01:10:25You don't feel comfortable anywhere other than your own home.
01:10:29A person's own home and own order are different, of course.
01:10:34But the child is different.
01:10:38It's hard to leave you, mom.
01:10:50It's very hard.
01:10:52But if you can't be comfortable anywhere other than your own home.
01:10:57What's this?
01:11:04Mom, I know you.
01:11:08You want to go now, but you can't say no to me.
01:11:17That's why, mom, I bought you a plane ticket tomorrow.
01:11:38I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:01I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:08I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:12I'm not.
01:12:18I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:23I'm not.
01:12:26I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:32I'm not.
01:12:34I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:12:40I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:13:03I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:13:15I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:13:33I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:13:40I couldn't stop.
01:13:47I didn't even say it once.
01:13:53I couldn't.
01:14:03I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:10I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:17I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:24I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:30I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:39I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:48I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:14:56I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:03I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:09I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:26I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:33I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:40I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:47I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:15:53I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:16:00I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
01:16:07I'm Halil Fırat's wife.
