• avant-hier


00:30C'est la chanson que j'aime la plus, je me suis vraiment amusé à chanter.
00:34Et je pense que ce serait bien de faire la chanson des dames.
00:38Parce que, comme je l'ai dit à la première fois, le son est très fort,
00:41et il y en a deux qui sont trop forts pour la chanter.
00:43Et c'est pour ça que je l'ai fait.
00:45Et j'ai voulu que vous puissiez vous entendre chanter,
00:47car je suis un peu embêté.
00:48J'ai dit que tu pourrais chanter la chanson des dames,
00:50mais j'ai dit que tu pourrais chanter la chanson des hommes.
00:52Et ça, ça m'a bien permis de le faire.
00:53Eh bien, je vais chanter la chanson des hommes,
00:55et j'espère que ça va vous plaire.
00:56Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:26Hello again, remember me
01:41Quiet you worm
01:44Why, you...
01:47you do this on your feet
01:56Oh, oh, oh, one more lesson, and I'll play the flute.
02:27Rock rides again.
02:39Dear, dear, this is the old race to it all, alas.
02:43Bring it on, you guys and you gals.
02:46A little bit of all right.
02:48Entitled, Walter, Walter, everywhere, so help me.
02:56Mr. and Mrs. Radio Land, this is Mrs. Fincher's little boy, Walter.
03:11It's a boy at the crow's nest.
03:13Mr. and Mrs. Lovebird have, the canaries are expecting a new supply of whistlers.
03:19So, with lotions of love, I remain your brother and correspondent,
03:23and I'll be back in a flash with a flash.
03:27When trouble troubles you, sing, baby, sing.
03:31Do like the birdies do, sing, baby, sing.
03:34When cold winter comes, and they're all out of crumbs.
03:38Poor little birdies, they ain't eaten, but they are...
03:42Oh, oh, don't you know a song...
03:45Eddie, Eddie, look who's here.
03:57Hello, Eddie, such a push.
04:02Tell me, tell me, what are you doing with that tuba?
04:05I'm forced to be signed up with the Giants.
04:12You signed up with the Giants?
04:14Well, what are you doing with that tuba?
04:16Who, that? I played that second best.
04:22Walter, Walter, what's going on here?
04:24What are you doing in the storeroom?
04:29And now, Your Honor, we bring you another tale of human tragedy.
04:34I couldn't judge. I went into the grocery store to get some crackers,
04:39and the man asked me what kind.
04:42So, I said, crayons, crayons, crayons crackers.
04:49Crayons crackers? That's preposterous, big and exquisite.
05:03With me, with me.
05:06And now, will you tell the judge exactly what happened in the interim?
05:10Oh, a wise guy, huh? A wise guy, talking big language.
05:14Witness, proceed.
05:18Come on, Gigio.
05:26My goodness, Your Honor, do you want to buy a duck?
05:34Hey, what's going on here? That's impossible. That's ridiculous.
05:38Put that back, put that back. Help, police, help.
05:44Judge, judge, please judge, judge. Control yourself. Don't get excited.
05:51Excited? What's excited? What's excited? I'm not excited. What's excited?
05:54At the sound of the gun, it will be exactly one fifty-nine and three quarters.
06:04Oh, boy, what a fight, what a fight.
06:07A left, a right, a left, a right.
06:09They're trading punch for punch, sock for sock, both the best.
06:12What a fight, it's a left, a right, a left, a right.
06:14One, two, three, here's a left. One moment, one moment, please.
06:17The winner, Remo Canary.
06:20Hiya, Mom. It was a tough fight, but I'll bring it home to Bacon.
06:24Bacon? You'll bring home the bacon every day with bluebird baking powder?
06:29Ha, ha, ha, that'll get her eyes out of them.
06:39This is the Birdland Broadcasting System.
06:59Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada