• avant-hier


00:00Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, the Arctic Bird Giant.
00:12Our story opens at the Shady Rest Hotel, where Clutch and company have taken a room.
00:19And in room 12 of the Shady Rest Hotel, Clutch and company are busy writing another chapter in his log book about their last adventure.
00:34This quiet hotel is made to order for writing, Spinner, after what we've been through.
00:38I'll say, Clutch, and Paddlefoot is almost rested up.
00:50Mush, mush!
00:52Number 12, Clutch Cargo and company's room.
00:55I'll get it, Spinner.
00:57Oh, why, it's my old friend, Snowshoe Slednick.
01:02Oogle oogle, Clutch Cargo.
01:04Oogle oogle to you, Snowshoe. Come on in.
01:07Spinner, I want you to meet Snowshoe Slednick and his dog, Snowball. You've heard me speak of them.
01:12Yeah, I've always wanted to meet you, Mr. Snowshoe. Do you really have days and nights that are six months long, Mr. Snowshoe?
01:19Oogle oogle.
01:21What does oogle oogle mean, Mr. Snowshoe?
01:23Later, Spinner. What's all the excitement, Snowshoe? What brings you so far from the North Pole?
01:28Much, much trouble, Clutch Cargo. Our old friend, Captain Lowtide, who once saved my life, in big bad danger.
01:39His plans for giant igloo housing project, with TV in every igloo, have gone poof.
01:47His big ship's frozen solid in ice. Big mysterious bird giant after him.
01:53Sounds like the same bird giant I wrote about in my arctic adventure book. This doesn't sound good. We'd better hurry.
02:02Not a moment to lose. Step on it, driver.
02:08Clutch and company, anxious to help Snowshoe solve the arctic mystery, arrive at the airport to begin their northern flight.
02:16Almost loaded, Spinner. All aboard, everybody.
02:21But where's Mr. Snowshoe? He's disappeared.
02:25Oh, and his dog's missing, too.
02:28It's Paddlefoot. He's telling us something.
02:32Snowshoe, he's over this way. Follow Paddlefoot. He's got the scent. He knows where Snowshoe is.
02:39An ice cream truck? What are you stopping here for, Paddlefoot? We haven't got time.
02:44Yeah, time's a-wasting, Paddlefoot.
02:48And Snowball, what are you two doing in there?
02:51Too much excitement for Snowball and me. We crawl inside this igloo to cool off.
02:58If we're going to save Captain Lowtide, we've got to get moving. Come on, fellas, back to the plane.
03:07Gee, I hope all your igloos up north have ice cream cones like these, Mr. Snowshoe. Yum, yum.
03:13You fellas are going to get cooled off soon enough.
03:16Temperature dropping fast. Time to put on your arctic clothes.
03:20Oh, very good joke on you, Clutch Cargo. Snowball and me never take hours off. We never take chances.
03:27Weather getting rough. Hang on to your hats.
03:32Your plane's worse than my sled on mountain peaks, Clutch Cargo.
03:37Hey, it's snowing.
03:39Oh, we've got to march ahead to save Captain Lowtide.
03:43Engine's icing up. We've got to fly lower for warmer air.
03:46Clutch, look! Look ahead!
03:53Can Clutch and company avoid hitting that mountain of ice?
03:57Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
