• 2 days ago
Captain N: The Game Master playlist:

Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00Welcome to Videoland!
00:11Wake up, Kid Icarus!
00:14Welcome to Castle Deep!
00:18It's Klongo Land!
00:21I'm afraid we'll get you, little princess!
00:25Princess, the palace is under siege!
00:28Behold, the ultimate warp zone!
00:37Kevin, I thought I told you to clean up your room!
00:56Captain N, the Game Master!
01:01It was a dark day in Videoland.
01:04For seven years, Mother Brain's minions have laid siege on the Palace of Power.
01:12We are...
01:14We are...
01:16We are...
01:18We are...
01:24We're too strong for them!
01:30Who's too strong for them, King Hippo?
01:34You! You're too strong for them, Mother Brain!
01:39What's so funny, eggplant wizard?
01:42Who, me?
01:49Nothing, Mother Brain. Nothing's funny at all.
01:53That's right! Especially for those poor souls in the Palace of Power!
01:57It won't be long before I, beautiful goddess that I am, become Queen of Videoland!
02:05As Mother Brain plots the Palace's doom, the beautiful Princess Lana is filled with despair.
02:14I'm afraid we can't hold out much longer.
02:17Kid Icarus, your loyalty has never diminished.
02:20Just doing my duty, Your Highness.
02:22Mega Man, you fought bravely and well.
02:25A pleasure to serve you, Your Worship.
02:28Simon, you've been our anchor in a long and terrible storm.
02:32I know.
02:33I thank you all for your efforts.
02:35I only wish it didn't have to end this way.
02:39Do not give up hope yet, Princess.
02:44Simon, let go of me!
02:48There are powers beyond those of which you are familiar.
02:51The legend of Videoland foretells of a young warrior from another land
02:56who shall warp into our world and lead you to victory.
03:00He is Captain N, the Game Master.
03:04Behold, the Ultimate Warp Zone!
03:42What? How did we get here?
03:44Simon Belmont? Kid Icarus? Mega Man?
03:48And you must be Captain N!
03:52You guys aren't real.
03:54You're just so many computer bytes in my game cartridges.
03:57Wow, they're real!
04:01Looks like the Ultimate Warp brought us the ultimate whim!
04:04I'm Princess Lana.
04:11I'm in love.
04:13I'm Kevin.
04:15Where am I?
04:17You're in Videoland.
04:19The Ultimate Warp Zone brought you here.
04:21You mean like Warp Zone 4 and Super Mario Brothers?
04:25Something like that.
04:26The legend foretold of your coming to help restore freedom to our world.
04:30That's why it gave you that super power pad and zapper.
04:33Me? Restore freedom to Videoland?
04:36Hey, I don't even have my driver's license yet.
04:39And this is just a toy.
04:44This can't be happening to me.
04:46It sure is, Copernicus. It's happening to all of us.
04:49If you cannot help us, Mother Brain will conquer all Videoland
04:52and our freedom will be lost forever.
04:54Hey, you got the wrong guy.
04:57I'm going home. Come on, Duke.
05:04There, there. Don't worry, Princess.
05:06I'll save Videoland.
05:19Your cuteness! Wait!
05:21That was the only hope, but you let it down.
05:24You get a low score for this game.
05:28Oh, Father, the legend has failed us.
05:31The one it brought is just not strong enough to meet the challenge.
05:36I've tried to lead our people since you disappeared, but I failed you.
05:42Isn't that too bad?
05:44The Ultimate Warp Zone has reigned the palace's power,
05:48to strike a fatal blow at the heart of Videoland.
05:52I've got a job for you.
05:54Anything you desire, my sweet potato.
05:57Not you, eggplant wizard. King Hippo.
06:01No fair. It's my turn.
06:03You've got to do your last evil deed.
06:06Let me tell you why.
06:08Because you've washed up the last time, you incompetent vegetable.
06:11King Hippo, go to the palace and punch out their defenses.
06:15Then, kidnap the princess and bring her to me.
06:20Don't worry, your disgustingness.
06:22I'll be back with that chick before you can give me a ten-count.
06:29And you, go with him, you brainless idiot.
06:33Yes, your sugar meat, missus. Yes, yes.
06:38Without the princess to lead them,
06:40it won't be long before all of those idiot worlds fall under my control.
06:45Then I'll be the beautiful queen of Videoland.
06:56Poor princess. She's very much obseticus.
07:00We must cheer her up.
07:02Don't fret, you little mega-mind.
07:04There's only one person who can cheer up the princess, and I'm looking at him.
07:10Let's see. There should be a lift around here somewhere.
07:14There it is.
07:19There's got to be some way out of this crazy world.
07:23Come on, Duke. If that princess got us into this mess, maybe she can get us out.
07:29Elsewhere in the palace, Mother Brain's minions arrive in search of the princess.
07:34How do we know which door leads to the princess?
07:43Simple. Simon will lead us to her.
07:45Yoo-hoo, princess darling. It's me, Simon Belmont.
07:50Just a minute.
08:03This should warp him out of town for a while.
08:11Excuse yourself, you pig.
08:18Okay, Simon. What do you...
08:26Uh, your highness?
08:30It's me, Kevin.
08:31I need to talk to you.
08:32Quick, think of something.
08:34Me? I'm just an incompetent vegetable.
08:37Is everything all right in there?
08:40Oh, yes, yes. Everything's just fine, thank you.
08:45Can I come in?
08:46Oh, no, no. Go away. I'm not decent.
08:52You can say that again.
08:54Quiet down.
08:58Something funny's going on, Duke.
09:02Princess Lana.
09:04Hey, princess.
09:05Put her down.
09:07Whatever you say.
09:12Hey, hey, get away, mutt. Get off.
09:16Get off of me.
09:18Cut it out. It's me, Kevin.
09:22Kevin, look out.
09:24Kevin, look out.
09:31Whoa, this super power pad's too cool.
09:34Do you think you're so good, human?
09:36Try to outdraw me.
09:38Anytime you're ready.
09:50Kevin, help.
09:53All right, that's it. You guys are toast.
09:57Oh, no, she's gone.
10:11Come on, Duke.
10:14Kid Icarus, Mega Man, we've got to find the princess.
10:17Don't worry, it's Maximus. She's safe with Simon.
10:25Simon, the princess has been kidnapped.
10:27If we don't find her, I may never be able to get back home.
10:31We'll start searching immediately.
10:34Not so fast.
10:35As the highest ranking officer of Her Highness' court,
10:38not to mention her dearest friend,
10:40I shall give the orders.
10:42Mega Man, shine my boots.
10:44Kid Icarus, I could use a little trim.
10:46Not too much off the top, however.
10:49How's this for a shine?
11:08What do you think you're doing?
11:13I hit the pause, guys.
11:16No wonder Video Land's losing the war.
11:18These guys are just fighting themselves.
11:20We've got to rescue the princess.
11:25Simon, get me a map of Video Land.
11:27Simon Belmont takes orders from only one person.
11:30Simon Belmont.
11:32I'll lead us to the fair princess, but first I'll need a map.
11:36Whoever abducted the princess
11:38is obviously taking her back to Mother Brain on Metroid.
11:41There's a warp zone right here that'll take us directly to her.
11:44No, I won't.
11:46I beg your pardon?
11:48Look, I've played this game a hundred times.
11:50This is the warp to Metroid.
11:53Wrong, Warp Brain. It's this one.
11:56No way!
11:57Tell you what, I'll flip you for it.
12:00Heads we go my way, tails we go yours.
12:07Heads. You lose.
12:15Hey, Warp Duke.
12:34This is it. The express warp to Metroid.
12:37There's no time to hosticus.
12:44I know, Duke, but we've got no choice.
12:55This isn't Metroid.
12:57It's Kongoland.
12:59Kongoland? But that's the home of Donkey Kong!
13:34My arrows will stop that, Apicus Maximus.
13:50Wait, we've got to get Kid Icarus.
13:53That'll be a snap.
13:59That wasn't the kind of snap I had in mind.
14:08That wasn't so bad.
14:11Yes, it was.
14:30Well, he'll think twice before tangling with me again.
14:34Help us!
14:38I hope this thing works.
14:48Hey, thanks, Covinicus.
14:50You're a pretty good game master after all.
14:53Thank me later.
14:55We've got to warp out of here before Donkey Kong gives us the big game over.
15:03Get in, quick!
15:08We're too late. The zone's closed up.
15:11And that beast is closing in.
15:13There's the way off this world.
15:18You won't get away with this, Mother Brain.
15:20My warriors will rescue me.
15:22Of course, my little princess.
15:24Just like they rescued your father.
15:28Now that you're both out of the way,
15:31Videoland will soon be mine!
15:38You'll pay for this, Mother Brain.
15:41This is crazy. We're headed straight into a double dead end.
15:44Dead if we jump into the volcano, and dead if we don't.
15:47Look, I've played Donkey Kong enough times to know what I'm doing.
15:51Trust me.
15:52Simon was right.
15:54My sensors detect no warp zones in this area.
15:58Get down!
16:00We're trapped!
16:02No warp zones in this area.
16:05Get down!
16:08Trust me, he says.
16:10I'd sooner trust a vampire to give me a shave.
16:16Quick, closer to the edge of the volcano.
16:22Are you nuts?
16:24I know what I'm doing. Trust me.
16:26I trust you, Govinicus.
16:28If Kid Icarus trusts you, I trust you.
16:31Come on, Simon.
16:33Oh no, not me. I'm staying right here.
16:40Quick, get on the boulders. The pause won't last that long.
16:44Simon, hurry!
16:55Wait for me!
17:11Hey guys, this is where we get off.
17:25That was a real cool move, Govinicus.
17:28I agree.
17:31Don't thank me yet.
17:33I've still got to rescue the princess.
17:35Speaking of her, Hydacus, look!
17:38Just like in the fairy tales,
17:40the handsome hero will rescue the fair princess from the impenetrable tower.
17:44Simon, we've got to do this as a team, remember?
17:48Ah, a team, of course.
17:52Sorry, Captain Nuisance,
17:54but no one shall come between Princess Lana and her loving Simon Belmont.
17:58This warp zone will take me straight into her arms.
18:08Mega Man, give me a hand. That looks like an opening.
18:28I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with Video Land.
18:32I'm sorry I didn't take you seriously before.
18:35I couldn't believe that this was real.
18:38It is I who should apologize to you.
18:40Don't worry about it, Princess.
18:45We're locked in.
18:49So this is what the ultimate warp zone has sent to defeat me, huh?
18:55We'll see just how good you are when you try to survive
18:59the corridors of Metroid.
20:09We did it! We made it through!
20:12Mother Brain!
20:14No problem.
20:18I'm out of power.
20:20And you're out of time, too.
20:22One human alone could never beat me.
20:29Maybe not alone, Mother Brain, but we can defeat you as a team.
20:39Get them!
20:43What you gonna do now, dude?
20:46I'm not going to do anything.
20:48But my whip is going to whup you.
20:51Hey! Look out!
20:53Get away from me!
20:58I'll deal with you myself!
21:07Quick! Into the warp zone!
21:09It's too dangerous to finish her off.
21:12You may have stopped me this time, but next time I'll be stronger than ever.
21:17So will we, Mother Brain. So will we.
21:25The legend may have been right about you after all, Captain N.
21:28Yeah, well, I was just lucky, I guess.
21:31Personally, I wasn't lucky at all.
21:33No, it was skill and razor-sharp timing that allowed me to rescue you
21:37and save Video Land from that evil...
21:39Thank you, Simon. We're indebted to you.
21:42And to the rest of you as well.
21:46You too, Duke. And as for you, you may have helped me win the battle,
21:49but the war is far from over.
21:51You will stay and help defend Video Land, won't you?
21:54Sorry, Your Highness, but I've got to get back to my world.
22:02Yes, well, it was very nice of you to drop by.
22:05I do come back and visit us soon in, say, 20 years.
22:10Yeah, man. You better not be playing that foolish game.
22:14You have homework to do.
22:16And don't forget to take out the trash.
22:19On second thought, I guess I could stay just a little while longer.
22:26Let's face it, I'm hooked.
22:36Kevin, I thought I told you to clean up your room.
