• 4 hours ago
Captain N: The Game Master playlist:

Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00Welcome to Videoland!
00:13Wake up, Kid Icarus!
00:16Welcome to Castle Z!
00:20It's Kroggle Land!
00:23By the rain, we'll get you, little princess!
00:28The palace is under siege!
00:30Behold, the ultimate warp zone!
00:39Wow, Kevin! I thought I told you to clean up your room!
00:58Captain N, The Game Master
01:05In the last episode of Captain N, The Game Master,
01:08Mother Brain's obsession to conquer Videoland led her to a startling discovery.
01:13Metroid Mirror on my wall!
01:15Tell me how to crush them once and for all!
01:19Hidden within Mount Icarus's towering peak,
01:22the three sacred treasures contain the power you seek.
01:28Fueled by her mad craving for power,
01:30Mother Brain devised a clever plan to hold a Videolympics at Mount Icarus Coliseum
01:35with Captain N and his N-Team versus Mother Brain's villains.
01:39Kevin and the others were led to believe that the games would finally bring peace to Videoland.
01:44While in truth, the Videolympics was a trick devised by Mother Brain to get the three sacred treasures
01:50so she could destroy the N-Team once and for all.
01:58My power is unstoppable now!
02:01Behold! The warp zone gluttony!
02:28I've done it!
02:30Captain N and the princess will never be able to find their way out of that warp!
02:34I am the supreme ruler of Videoland!
02:45Meanwhile, within the deadly warp zone to Oblivion...
02:55Something tells me we're about to have a nightmare on Mother Brain Street.
02:59It's the megacenter of our universe, where all warp zones intersect.
03:04Which one of these Warpicus zones did we come out of?
03:07I don't know, but the wrong one could take us to any of a hundred deadly fates.
03:11Be cool, guys. This is your captain speaking, and I've got an idea how to find the way home.
03:16Captain speaking, and I've got an idea how to find the way home.
03:20Simon, have you got any rope in that backpack of yours?
03:23No, but I've got some fishing line.
03:30We'll have a better chance of finding the way back if we each take a different warp zone.
03:34Whoever finds the right one, just give a tug on the line.
03:39Eeny, meeny, miny, molecus, this is the warp zone into which I go again.
03:47You're next, Simon.
03:49Don't be silly. I want to make sure both of you get off safely.
03:53That's very thoughtful of you, Simon.
03:56Good luck.
03:58Who needs luck when you have brains?
04:01I'll just hang out here until I feel a pull in my line, and I won't have to risk my handsome neck.
04:09On the other hand, why worry about a neck when you've got an entire body to think of?
04:16Well, this doesn't look so bad.
04:22But that does!
04:29This must be the Coliseum.
04:54Is this Mount Icarus Coliseum?
04:56Nah, this is Yankee Stadium.
05:07Mount Icarus! I'm homagous!
05:11I found it!
05:15Where is everybody? We've only been gone a few minutes.
05:19That's true for us, Your Highness.
05:22But my mega-sensors indicate a week has passed on Mount Icarus.
05:26One of those warp zones must have been a time warp.
05:29Then Mother Brain's had free reign over Video Land for a week!
05:33Warp! Faster!
05:36Or you'll find out there's worse places to be than Mount Mother Brain!
05:41Mount Mother Brain?
05:43You've got to help us! King Hippo and the Eggplant Wizard have taken over our world!
05:47And Dr. Wily took the Three Sacred Treasures to Mega Land to conquer that world as well!
05:52Mega Land? That's my home!
05:55We've got to warp there mega-fast!
05:58But nothing can stop the power of the Three Sacred Treasures!
06:02I can, Your Highness!
06:04You? Impossible!
06:06With Fire Arrows, the Sacred Bow, and the Protective Crystal, I'm most certainly catacus!
06:12But you'll have to get past Medusa to get them!
06:15It's gonna be dangerous, Maximus. But I must try!
06:19Kevin and I will go with Mega Man and see if we can slow down Dr. Wily
06:22until you and Simon get the power items we need.
06:25But Medusa's even uglier than Mother Brain! One look at her face turns a man to stone!
06:30Look on the bright side, Simon. You'd make a very handsome statue.
06:34Oh, yes. I would, wouldn't I?
06:42As Simon and Kid Icarus head for Medusa's palace, Captain N and the others warp off to Mega Land.
06:49Mega Man! I'm so glad you could come.
06:53And you must be Captain N. I've heard a great deal about you.
06:57You're the dude who built all those wicked robots. Gutsman, Iceman, Elecman.
07:02And don't forget Fireman, Gutsman, and Bombman.
07:05They were all quite useful, you know, until Dr. Wily reprogrammed them for his destructive ends.
07:12And now he's back again, and using the power of the three sacred treasures to take over our world!
07:18Don't worry, Doctor Wright. The Mega Man game is my specialty.
07:21I'll zap Dr. Wily into Warp Factor 10.
07:24You'll have to make it past all six deadly robots to get to him.
07:28I've been working on a new robot that may be able to help you.
07:32I call him Garbage Man.
07:36He's programmed to track you down.
07:39Garbage Man. He's programmed to trash the other robots. Watch.
07:58No! Stop! That's my computer, you trashy!
08:04Thanks, Doc, but no thanks. We'll handle the situation ourselves.
08:09Stop, you miserable heap!
08:12Not that! Oh, that's my laser welding machine!
08:26The Mega Warp to the first robot is over here.
08:31Ah, you might want to wait here, Princess. These Mega Battles can get pretty hairy.
08:36My father trained me to fight for freedom, Captain N.
08:40I can take care of myself.
08:42Uh, who's arguing?
08:44We'll challenge Cotsman first!
08:51Whoa! That was some kind of drop!
08:54Hurry! The Bladers will be here any second!
09:01Move it, Duke!
09:11It's a Blader!
09:17Ha ha! Smocked him!
09:19This way!
09:22Watch out for the Beaks!
09:38Are you all right, Kevin?
09:40I'm the Game Master. They can't hurt me.
09:44But each time we get hit, we lose power.
10:01Oh, that was incredible! I can hardly believe we made it all the way through!
10:07We haven't.
10:09You mean there's more?
10:11We've only got a little energy left!
10:15We're almost there. All we have to do is get past Big Eye.
10:18After what we've been through, an eye doesn't sound like such a big deal.
10:25It's not the eye I'm worried about.
10:29It's what's attached to it!
10:37Our Zappers aren't cutting it!
10:39We don't have enough Mega Power!
10:47We've only got one energy unit left!
10:49One more hit, we're finished!
10:54We're alive! What happened?
10:57We got the boot from old Big Eye.
10:59You mean we have to go all the way through again?
11:02That's nothing. When I first played the game, I went through it 50 times before I got to Cutsman.
11:07I'm afraid this isn't the same as your game, Captain N.
11:10What do you mean?
11:12What I think he means is if we get trashed two more times,
11:15we're going to the bottom of the ocean and we're going to die.
11:19What do you mean?
11:21What I think he means is if we get trashed two more times,
11:24we're going to the big trash dump in the sky.
11:27We must hurry!
11:32It's deja vu time, guys! Here we go again!
11:39As Captain N. and the others make another attempt to get to the deadly Cutsman,
11:43Simon and Kid Icarus make their way toward a rendezvous with Medusa.
11:50I can grow to enjoy ruling this world for Mother Brain, eh, Iggy?
11:55You said it, King Hippo.
11:57There's nothing like a hot tub and steam to make a guy feel like a new eggplant.
12:03They're blocking the entrance to Medusa's warp zone.
12:06Just leave everything to Simon Belmont, Master of Disguise.
12:12Hey! You must be the steam bath repair man.
12:18This bath isn't hot enough. I'm barely sweating.
12:22Uh, yes. Well, we'll have it fixed for you in a jiffy, won't we, Shrimpicus?
12:27Whatever you say, Dopeyus Maximus.
12:35Hold this.
12:38Laying down in the job, huh?
12:40Tell me when it's steamy enough for you.
12:53That's hot enough!
12:55What's that? Still too cold?
13:10We can use the steam as cover. Come on!
13:17Meanwhile, back in Megaland, Captain N and the others have made it back through the deadly Cutsman maze.
13:32That energy cell tasted great.
13:34Sort of like an electric cheeseburger, huh?
13:39It's Big Eye again!
13:42Be careful, Kevin. If he flattens us, we're through.
13:45Don't worry, Princess. I got to be game master by learning from my mistakes.
14:03Come on, you big trash masher! Try to squash me! I dare you!
14:27You were magnificent, Kevin!
14:29You really think so?
14:31There's no time to waste! We've got to mega move it!
14:35Well, I wouldn't call hugging a princess a waste of time.
14:39When I open the door, we've got to run! Ready?
15:26Cutsman's the name! Cutting's my game!
15:29And I don't mean hair!
15:45He's too powerful! We can't stop him!
15:48We can with a little help from man's best friend, Doogleboy.
15:52Remember how you loved to bark and run circles around the gardener?
15:56That's right! Guess what? He's the new gardener!
16:01Go get him!
16:03Go away, you paw-legged... whatever you are!
16:08Damn, lay down!
16:13Good boy, Duke.
16:14Well, that wasn't so bad.
16:16You're right, Princess. Compared to the next five robots, Cutsman was just a wimp.
16:25Meanwhile, back on Mount Icarus,
16:27Meanwhile, back on Mount Icarus,
16:29Simon Belmont and Kid Icarus approach Medusa's lair in search of the needed power items.
16:36What perfectly dreadful statues!
16:39Medusa has lousy taste in art.
16:42That's not Articus! They're warriors who looked at Medusa!
16:48Simonius! These are the three power items we're looking for!
16:57Close your eyes, Icarus!
17:00What do you mean, don't look?
17:01How are we supposed to get the power items if we can't look where we're going?
17:05We'll have to wear blinders. Take off your backpackers.
17:20Hey! I can't see!
17:24I'll get the power items. You distract Articus and Medusa.
17:27But whatever you do, don't look at her!
17:30What am I, an idiot?
17:43Excuse me.
17:44Hello there, handsome.
17:47Why don't you take those goggles off and feast your eyes on me?
17:54You don't sound very... ugly.
18:03I'm not ugly.
18:05Your little friend's just jealous that I'll fall for you instead of him.
18:09Why, that little sneak.
18:11Wanting you all to himself.
18:13How about giving your handsome Simon a great big...
18:33Come out and take a look at beautiful Medusa!
18:40No! Stop, Arctus!
18:45I'm turning to stone!
18:50I must be out of shape.
18:53I feel kind of stiff.
18:55Never mind, Arctus.
18:56We've got to get these power items back to Mega Land.
19:01What happened?
19:02You've enlisted in the army against Mother Brain.
19:05As your commanding officer, I order you to free this world!
19:15As Simon and company warp off to Mega Land,
19:18Captain N and the others arrive at Dr. Wily's secret command center.
19:28I've been expecting you, Captain N.
19:33Congratulations on nearly destroying my deadly androids.
19:39But we did destroy them.
19:42I'm afraid not, Your Highness.
19:45You see, the three secret treasures have given me unlimited power.
19:52I have more than enough to revive my little family.
20:00Destroy Captain N!
20:04We'd better make a mega retreat.
20:10So much for that idea.
20:12Oh man, what I wouldn't give to be able to press my reset button.
20:28Never fear! Simon Belmont is here!
20:32Pulverize that stupid vampire Honda!
20:37Phew! Am I glad that worked.
20:40Kid Icarus, quick! Shoot the fire arrow at the three secret treasures!
20:51Oh, Cartagust! You only fire arrow when I miss!
20:55Not yet!
21:07You're finished now, Captain N!
21:12He's going to ram us!
21:14Not if I have one word to say about it, and I do! Pause!
21:22A little mid-course correction should do the trick.
21:36One, two, three!
21:46Pretty soon, I'll be princess of all video games!
21:49Then everyone will be kneeling before this beautiful brain!
21:59Say hello to your loyal subjects, Princess Mother Brain!
22:03Game over! You lose!
22:06Idiot! You ruined everything!
22:20Wow, Kevin! I thought I told you to clean up your room!
22:36Captain N, The Game Master
