• yesterday
00:00Good news for you, hey guys, I'm some other tech chap and that definitely happened just
00:29like that, no editing or funny business.
00:32Now do you remember these?
00:34Every videographer and editor had or even actually still has one of these hard drives,
00:38tough as nails, but also of course very slow compared to a modern SSD.
00:43The number of shoots I've been on where I've had to wait an extra half an hour at the end
00:46of the day where they sort of transfer the files and check the rushes and all that pain
00:50in the backside.
00:51Which is why I have about three of these around the office.
00:55This is the Samsung T7, I've also got a couple of the old T5s laying about somewhere.
00:59But I'm not always convinced that they're their most durable things in the entire world.
01:02If it falls off your desk, if you're out on a shoot and it starts drizzling or gets a
01:06bit muddy, which is where these things come in.
01:09Aptly named the Samsung T7 Shield.
01:13And for all intents and purposes it is one of these, but now a lot tougher.
01:17And so a big thank you to Samsung for sending these over for me to have a play with and
01:21test out and also offering to sponsor this video, but as always all opinions and tests
01:25are my own.
01:26So the T7 Shield comes in three colours and they're all USB 3.2 Gen 2 and they also use
01:32the NVMe protocol so you can transfer your photos, your videos, your files, whatever
01:36it is you like to keep on your hard drive.
01:39With read and write speeds of 1050 and 1000 megabytes per second respectively.
01:44Which you'll note is the same as the standard T7 model, but it's still nearly twice as fast
01:49as regular SATA SSDs and also up to 10 times faster than old external hard drives.
01:55The funny thing is when it comes to shaving off a few seconds in the edit or the export
01:59or whatever it is you're doing in your workflow, people will pay, I pay thousands of pounds
02:04to get a slightly faster laptop or a slightly beefier GPU in the PC or something.
02:09Or even faster internet so I can upload it quicker.
02:11But then we often forget about the time it takes to transfer the footage, not just from
02:14the SD card maybe to your laptop, but then back onto your main editing PC or giving it
02:19to an editor or someone else working with you.
02:22So while the speeds haven't changed coming from the already incredibly fast T7, considering
02:26the price of these things, it really makes sense to invest in them to speed up your workflow.
02:30Now the T7 Shield comes in either 1 or 2 terabyte capacities, perhaps a 4 terabyte option would
02:36have also been nice to see.
02:37And also I do love this red color of the T7 so maybe Samsung if you're listening, down
02:41the road you can make a 4 terabyte one of these in red.
02:44Anyway, as I say, both sizes top out at 1050 megabits per second read and 1000 write.
02:50Below, the 2 terabyte guarantees up to 1000 megabits per second write speeds versus 900
02:56on the 1 terabyte when you're transferring a really big file that takes a long time.
03:01Now firing up a bit of Crystal Disk Mark, I'm getting speeds that are pretty much bang
03:05on what I expected given the specs.
03:08Although in practice, I was often getting high 600s.
03:11It can vary based on the file type but I've used a variety of laptops to test this with
03:16with the bundle cable and it is using the correct NVMe interface.
03:19I'm not entirely sure why but your experience may vary and Crystal Disk Mark did show that
03:24full speed.
03:26It is really good to see though that the speeds were consistent throughout.
03:29It didn't start to slow down during longer transfers which is pretty common with a lot
03:34of portable SSDs when they hit bandwidth limitations or even they start to overheat.
03:38So despite that rubber exterior, everything keeps cool throughout.
03:43So it's fast but the T7 Shield is all about that extra durability.
03:47It's got a similar aluminum body like the T7 on the inside that helps to dissipate heat
03:52and then we have this rubber exterior for added toughness.
03:56And it's also a lot more grippy, the grippiness factor.
03:59I'm not sure if that's actually a word but it does make a difference when you're on a
04:02desk and maybe you nudge it because, well I can show you right here.
04:07So the idea is it's less likely to fall out of your backpack or slide off a desk, that
04:11sort of thing.
04:12Although if it does, you should still be protected.
04:15The T7 Shield offers 3 metre drop protection which realistically was always the main cause
04:20of concern for me but we also get IP65 water and dust resistance so it's protected against
04:25low pressure water jets and droplets.
04:28It can also withstand more extreme temperatures.
04:30It'll work from a freezing 0°C up to 60°C although to be fair, I don't think even I
04:35can withstand 60°C.
04:37Now little old me here in the studio shoots in 4K60 which is, well, child's play compared
04:42to the professionals who shoot in 8K and even 12K.
04:45But actually Samsung say that these have been certified for use with Blackmagic Designs
04:4912K cameras which is great for professionals but perhaps a little bit beyond what I would
04:55use it for.
04:56I should also say that while I mainly work off a MacBook Pro 16 right now, this is fully
05:00compatible with both Mac and Windows plus most Android phones and tablets although I
05:05imagine it's been best optimised for Samsung's own products.
05:08Although I can tell you it does also work with the current iPad Pros.
05:12And it is even compatible with your PlayStation or Xbox if you fancy backing up some last
05:16gen games to free up your internal storage or you want to use it to store your video
05:21Now you don't need to install the Samsung Magician software to use the drive, it really
05:25is just plug and play but it's worth doing if you can as you get a whole bunch of extra
05:29information about the drive, you can name it, you can check on the health, the capacity
05:33plus you've also got security settings and it's also where you can update the firmware.
05:38So in my backpack I always carry my camera, a microphone, SD cards, extra batteries, chargers,
05:45the laptop of course and now one of these.
05:48I was carrying, actually probably still will just for the extra capacity, the T7 but now
05:52I've switched to the T7 Shield.
05:55This is my new adventure buddy and the extra durability of the Shield just gives you that,
05:59I know it's a cliche but extra peace of mind.
06:02The 1TB T7 Shield will set you back $159 and the 2TB is $289 which is I think surprisingly
06:10good value.
06:12These are genuinely one of the gadgets that I do use every single day and I'm not always
06:16traipsing up mountains or hiking or adventuring, I'm usually just sat right there in my cozy
06:21office with the cat that's also sat right there so I'm not necessarily always putting
06:25this extra durability to the test to use but it is good to know you have that extra protection
06:29and if you do travel a lot and go on fancy adventures then well I would highly, highly
06:33recommend one of these.
06:35Before we finish I would love to hear if you've got any horror stories about losing files
06:39or things being corrupted or your hard drives failing, stories that perhaps weren't funny
06:43at the time but now you can look back on and well maybe they're still not funny but share
06:46those in the comments below and if you've got any questions about these also let me
06:50Thank you so much for watching guys, if you want to see more from me then a cheeky little
06:53like and subscribe would be very much appreciated and I'll catch you next time right here on
06:57the Tech Chair.
