• 14 hours ago
Pretty Ugly / Beautiful Gong Shim korean drama season 1
00:00:30One, two, three, yes!
00:01:00Yom Tichol
00:01:02Yom Tichol
00:01:04So it was you
00:01:08The one who kidnapped Junpyo
00:01:10It was you who tried to kill my dad
00:01:14What are you saying? I don't understand
00:01:18The one who kidnapped Junpyo
00:01:20and left him with my dad
00:01:22It was you who took him out of the airport
00:01:24and tried your best
00:01:26to keep my dad from telling anyone
00:01:28What is this?
00:01:30Madam told you to search for Junpyo
00:01:32So you will talk nonsense?
00:01:34Are you mad?
00:01:36How can you accuse me
00:01:38without any proof?
00:01:40You want proof?
00:01:44Here is the proof
00:01:46This tattoo on your hand is the proof
00:01:52Junpyo's mother mentioned about the butterfly
00:01:54before she died
00:01:56She was not talking about Junpyo's bow tie
00:01:58She was talking about this tattoo
00:02:00When you kidnapped Junpyo
00:02:02she had this tattoo on her hand
00:02:06Look at this
00:02:10Do you think I am the only one
00:02:12who has a butterfly tattoo?
00:02:16This is not a solid proof
00:02:18Search for something else
00:02:20I don't know what nonsense you are talking
00:02:22Get out of here
00:02:24You asked me
00:02:26if it is difficult to take care of an ICU patient
00:02:28I didn't tell anyone
00:02:30that my dad is in the ICU
00:02:32How did you know this?
00:02:40I know this
00:02:42because you came there
00:02:44Why did you go to meet my dad in the ICU?
00:02:48Can't I go to the hospital to meet him?
00:02:50What is the problem if I go?
00:02:52What is the problem?
00:02:54The problem is that you came to meet him
00:02:56on 5th July at 3 o'clock
00:02:58and you tried to kill my dad
00:03:00Look Andante
00:03:02I am listening to your nonsense
00:03:04doesn't mean that I will keep quiet
00:03:06Get out of here
00:03:08One more thing
00:03:10If you don't go
00:03:12I will call the security
00:03:14and force you to leave
00:03:16This game is over for you
00:03:18Next time I won't give you a chance
00:03:34Sir, you know this man
00:03:36I told you I don't know him
00:03:38Why are you troubling me like this?
00:03:40Get out of here
00:03:42or I will call the police
00:03:44You left Arbottom because of this man
00:03:46Because of him
00:03:48Because of him
00:03:52Look sir
00:03:54My dad
00:03:56is admitted in the hospital
00:04:02Is Asiyam alright?
00:04:04All this happened because of this man
00:04:08That's why please
00:04:10Please tell me about this man
00:04:12I beg you
00:04:14I told you everything last time
00:04:16I don't know about him
00:04:18Look sir
00:04:20I came to you with a lot of hopes
00:04:22I told you I don't know anything
00:04:24Don't come to me again
00:04:40You are right
00:04:42I called Junsu so many times yesterday
00:04:44But his phone is switched off
00:04:46I can't talk to him
00:04:48I think he is upset
00:04:50about the new company
00:04:52He wanted to go on a trip
00:04:54for a few days
00:04:56What's the use of
00:04:58keeping the phone on all the time
00:05:00If he wants to start his own company
00:05:02he will have to
00:05:04do a lot of work
00:05:06Junsu knows
00:05:08what he is doing
00:05:12If Dante's father
00:05:14regains consciousness
00:05:16will he be alright?
00:05:18You did the right thing
00:05:20Yes I told you
00:05:22We just have to give him
00:05:24the money
00:05:26The money will be arranged
00:05:28How much money do you need?
00:05:30Around 1 million dollars
00:05:32So much money?
00:05:36I gave him some money
00:05:38But if we give him more money
00:05:40he will leave the country
00:05:42and never come back
00:05:44And if he doesn't come back
00:05:46that will be good for us
00:05:48Okay I will see what I can do
00:05:50The money is not the problem
00:05:52Can't you end it somehow?
00:05:54Don't worry
00:06:00Where is Junsu?
00:06:02I don't know
00:06:04I get a headache
00:06:06What do you think?
00:06:08Where can he go?
00:06:36I am coming
00:06:50I am coming
00:07:00I got late
00:07:02I was wondering
00:07:04why you called me
00:07:08Where were you?
00:07:10Your mom was worried
00:07:12Did you call her?
00:07:14Not yet
00:07:16If you want to
00:07:18say something
00:07:20you can
00:07:26I have finally decided
00:07:28I will do whatever you say
00:07:32Whatever has happened
00:07:34till now
00:07:36I will make it right
00:07:40I will make everything
00:07:46Andante comes
00:07:50I am glad you decided
00:07:52And this decision
00:07:54will be right for your mom
00:08:00Andante came to me yesterday
00:08:02He was very angry
00:08:04and threatened me
00:08:06Did he hurt you?
00:08:10He was accusing me
00:08:12without any proof
00:08:14But I don't think
00:08:16he will get any proof
00:08:22what should I do?
00:08:26Just fire Andante
00:08:28So that he won't interfere
00:08:30in our family matters
00:08:32And you
00:08:34break the relationship with him
00:08:36Do you think that
00:08:38everything will be normal
00:08:40after Andante leaves?
00:08:44I understood everything
00:09:28You and here
00:09:30at this time
00:09:36Did you steal
00:09:38the toothbrush from the drawer?
00:09:44Look sir
00:09:46I want to take it
00:09:48for some time
00:09:50What will you do with
00:09:52someone else's toothbrush?
00:09:54Are you out of your mind?
00:09:56You know
00:09:58I can find out his DNA
00:10:02I want your DNA
00:10:06To find out his DNA
00:10:08I have one more thing
00:10:10You have?
00:10:14Something that will prove
00:10:16that you are Junpyo's kidnapper
00:10:18Are you out of your mind?
00:10:20What are you talking about?
00:10:22Do you really want to know
00:10:24about my DNA?
00:10:26Or you don't remember anything?
00:10:28Stop your nonsense
00:10:30Get out of here
00:10:32Or I will call security
00:10:34I think you don't remember anything
00:10:36The clothes Junpyo was wearing
00:10:38when he was kidnapped
00:10:42Yes, the clothes
00:10:44which have your DNA on
00:10:46And no one can erase it
00:10:48Stop your nonsense
00:10:50Why are you talking about my DNA?
00:10:52Get out of here
00:10:54Why are you so worried?
00:10:56Here is your toothbrush
00:11:00If you let me take my toothbrush
00:11:02then I will assume
00:11:04that you didn't do anything
00:11:14Junpyo's clothes?
00:11:16How did Anand
00:11:18have them?
00:11:20Did Anand
00:11:22keep them with him?
00:11:28Yes, uncle
00:11:34Does Anand have any proof?
00:11:40Junpyo's clothes?
00:11:44Do I have to come now?
00:11:52I understood
00:12:08Hey, Kaungshim
00:12:10Yes, sir
00:12:12What's the matter?
00:12:14Can you tell me
00:12:16the password of
00:12:18Anand's house?
00:12:20Yes, I know
00:12:22But why are you asking?
00:12:24Actually, I have to go
00:12:26to Anand's house
00:12:28Actually, I forgot something
00:12:30in his room
00:12:32when I was sleeping
00:12:34at his house
00:12:36Oh, is it?
00:12:38Anand is not answering my call
00:12:40Look, I am calling him
00:12:42You don't have to remember
00:12:48Do you remember
00:12:50the last numbers of his phone?
00:12:52You have to insert them
00:12:58Isn't it easy?
00:13:00Thank you
00:13:02It's okay
00:13:04I'll leave now
00:13:12Anand's house
00:13:42Anand's house
00:14:12Anand's house
00:14:42Anand's house
00:14:44Anand's house
00:14:46Anand's house
00:14:48Anand's house
00:14:50Anand's house
00:14:52Anand's house
00:14:54Anand's house
00:14:56Anand's house
00:14:58Anand's house
00:15:00Anand's house
00:15:02Anand's house
00:15:04Anand's house
00:15:06Anand's house
00:15:08Anand's house
00:15:10Anand's house
00:15:12Anand's house
00:15:14Anand's house
00:15:16Anand's house
00:15:18Anand's house
00:15:20Anand's house
00:15:22Anand's house
00:15:24Anand's house
00:15:26Anand's house
00:15:28Anand's house
00:15:30Anand's house
00:15:32Anand's house
00:15:34Anand's house
00:15:36Anand's house
00:15:38Anand's house
00:15:40Anand's house
00:15:42Anand's house
00:15:44Anand's house
00:15:46Anand's house
00:15:48Anand's house
00:15:50Anand's house
00:15:52Anand's house
00:15:54Anand's house
00:15:56Anand's house
00:15:58Anand's house
00:16:00Anand's house
00:16:02Anand's house
00:16:04Anand's house
00:16:06Anand's house
00:16:08Anand's house
00:16:10Anand's house
00:16:12Anand's house
00:16:14Anand's house
00:16:16Anand's house
00:16:18I will have king's lunchbox for lunch
00:16:36This is completely automatic.
00:16:39You are right.
00:17:07Phone ringing
00:17:11Yes, tell me Kongshim.
00:17:13Aunty, did you eat?
00:17:19Is this the time to eat? I didn't eat.
00:17:22It's good. I am just leaving from work. Let's eat together.
00:17:28Oh, blood sausage. We will definitely eat. I will reach home soon.
00:17:37Keep this. I will eat it later.
00:17:40What? This is half eaten.
00:17:43That's why I told you to keep it. Keep it in the fridge or it will spoil.
00:17:47If my boss finds out, I will lose my job.
00:17:52Look, I can't do it. I will eat it all.
00:17:55Gunaam, you...
00:18:07Car door closes
00:18:19Are you alright?
00:18:21Yes, I am fine.
00:18:23Did you bring the clothes?
00:18:30Junsu, don't worry. Relax, nephew.
00:18:36And yes, I am doing this for your mom.
00:19:11Andante, I want to know something from you.
00:19:14Tell me.
00:19:16Blood sausage and ox bone soup will taste good with reddish kimchi.
00:19:19And black bean noodles with yellow radish kimchi.
00:19:22And pizza will taste good with pickle. Right?
00:19:27Don't you think our thoughts are similar?
00:19:32I mean you are like blood sausage soup and I am like radish kimchi.
00:19:36Isn't it?
00:19:38But we have to eat blood sausage soup and radish kimchi.
00:19:41But your style is completely different.
00:19:48Let me ask you the question more easily.
00:19:52Tell me, why do you like me?
00:19:56Do you really want to know this?
00:19:59Actually, most people don't like me.
00:20:02That's why it feels weird when someone starts liking me.
00:20:07Kongshim, how do I explain this to you?
00:20:13Lawyer An, you are Lawyer Andante, right?
00:20:16Yes, so?
00:20:21Attorney So Ming Jung, it's been a long time, right?
00:20:24Yes, it's been a long time.
00:20:28Do you still teach kids?
00:20:30Do you still teach kids?
00:20:34Looking at him, I think he is a repeater.
00:20:37Your teacher is quite weird, right?
00:20:42By the way, kids these days like hamburgers.
00:20:45Feed your students what they like.
00:20:48After all, they are paying you.
00:20:50So, this is your style, right?
00:20:54By the way, do you have a girlfriend?
00:20:57We are meeting after a long time. Let's have a drink.
00:21:04Let's have a drink together.
00:21:08You will go home, right?
00:21:11I have a girlfriend.
00:21:13What? What did you say?
00:21:19This is my girlfriend, Kongshim.
00:21:25Kongshim, say hi to her.
00:21:27She was my classmate in the training institute.
00:21:37You know very well, right?
00:21:40That I wanted a cute girl like Kongshim.
00:21:51Listen, I am going home to drink wine.
00:21:54Would you like to come?
00:21:56Your home?
00:21:59I think you like to drink.
00:22:02You can come.
00:22:04No, no. I drank a lot yesterday.
00:22:07Let's leave it today. I will call you later.
00:22:10Okay, fine.
00:22:17Don't feel bad about anything she says.
00:22:20She is a little weird.
00:22:22Don't take her words seriously.
00:22:24How cheeky.
00:22:26How cheeky?
00:22:31Come on, eat.
00:22:33Yes, I am very hungry.
00:22:47I think you and the lawyer were already close friends.
00:22:54I had a good friendship with the entire class.
00:22:59Actually, she was glamorous.
00:23:01So, do boys like glamorous girls?
00:23:07I don't think so.
00:23:09I won't lie to you.
00:23:11I don't like girls like her.
00:23:13I won't lie to you.
00:23:15I like cute girls like you.
00:23:24Tell me something.
00:23:27Why do you like me?
00:23:30Why do you like me?
00:23:54What are you doing there?
00:24:01I fell down.
00:24:03You fell down when you were young.
00:24:05Ride a cycle like me to make your lower body strong.
00:24:08It will be good.
00:24:10Let's go.
00:24:14He didn't know.
00:24:22Why did you push me?
00:24:24I didn't understand when I saw dad.
00:24:28And we held hands.
00:24:30I am sorry.
00:24:32You are not angry, right?
00:24:35Do you think I will be happy?
00:24:38If you are angry, why are you holding my hand?
00:24:40What difference does it make if I am angry?
00:24:43My hand is not angry.
00:24:47Let's talk about what we were talking about.
00:24:50Why do you like me?
00:25:06I saw everything.
00:25:08I saw everything.
00:25:10Best of luck.
00:25:12Thank you, sir.
00:25:15Have fun. I saw everything.
00:25:18He saw everything.
00:25:34Where were we?
00:25:36I am sorry.
00:25:38But dad saw it. It's so strange.
00:25:41What's strange about it?
00:25:50How did this happen?
00:25:52I think someone has stolen it.
00:25:55I am scared.
00:25:59The director was about to come.
00:26:02I gave him the passcode of the house.
00:26:04Maybe he didn't close the door properly.
00:26:05Junsu came here?
00:26:09Didn't he tell you?
00:26:11He must have told you.
00:26:23I will call the police.
00:26:26No need to call the police.
00:26:28Nothing has been stolen.
00:26:30Do you think everything is fine?
00:26:37Everything is scattered here.
00:26:40What is there to steal in this room?
00:26:46Don't share.
00:26:48Leave all this.
00:26:52But you will have to keep all this back before going to sleep.
00:26:58Why are you looking at me like this?
00:26:59Leave me.
00:27:02Come here.
00:27:07Look, Gongshim.
00:27:10If something worse than this happens, there is no need to worry.
00:27:14What are you talking about?
00:27:19Tell me, please. What are you talking about?
00:27:22This is not a small theft.
00:27:25Am I right?
00:27:27You are absolutely right. Come here.
00:27:29Everything is fine.
00:27:31You don't have to worry.
00:27:59Did you see Adante?
00:28:01He just left from here.
00:28:03Yes. I saw him.
00:28:06Take care of him so much that he stays in the hospital for a month.
00:28:12Okay. I understood, sir.
00:29:00Yes. Tell me, sir. What can I do for you?
00:29:05The thing is, sir.
00:29:07I am not working as an attorney right now.
00:29:10I will introduce you to some other lawyer.
00:29:21Junsu, you?
00:29:24Are you okay, Adante?
00:29:27Are you hurt?
00:29:29I am absolutely fine.
00:29:31What happened?
00:29:36I think my uncle must have sent him.
00:29:42I hope he is not dead.
00:29:50No. He is not dead. But he is badly injured.
00:29:53Don't worry. He will regain consciousness in some time.
00:29:59You have never done anything like this before.
00:30:01This is a brave thing to do.
00:30:03Tell me.
00:30:06I know.
00:30:35This is Junsu.
00:31:00Adante, I am really sorry.
00:31:06I know you won't forgive me.
00:31:11Still, I am apologizing.
00:31:16Please forgive me.
00:31:23Jun, are you okay with the kidnapping?
00:31:27Jun was kidnapped.
00:31:29I found out that my mom was also involved.
00:31:33I was always trying to save my mom from this case.
00:31:39But when I found out that my uncle wanted to kill your father,
00:31:44I changed my mind.
00:31:47And from now on, I will only support the truth.
00:31:52Yes, Adante.
00:31:54This is why I wanted to meet you right now.
00:32:00I am sorry for everything.
00:32:04I want to rectify all the mistakes I have made.
00:32:14I am very happy today because the Junsu I knew has finally returned.
00:32:20I will help you in finding your Jun's father and his kidnapper.
00:32:31If you help me, everything will be over.
00:32:34It won't be good for your mom and uncle.
00:32:36Will you be able to bear all this?
00:32:39Whatever crime he has committed, he will have to pay for it.
00:32:44I am just afraid that he will commit more crimes.
00:32:51I should have thought about it earlier.
00:32:56But I was too late.
00:32:59It's okay.
00:33:01I am grateful to you, Junsu.
00:33:04I will tell you everything I know about my uncle.
00:33:11I will tell you everything.
00:33:22Come in.
00:33:25Wow! This is quite big and clean.
00:33:28Have a seat.
00:33:31By the way, I have to praise you for the condition of your room.
00:33:35I am sorry.
00:33:36I am sorry.
00:33:38Actually, uncle could have come anytime.
00:33:40That's why I ruined your room in a hurry.
00:33:43You should have thought about the boy who lives there.
00:33:46But uncle has burnt all the clothes.
00:33:51There won't be any problem, right?
00:33:53No. Because I have hidden the clothes somewhere else.
00:33:56I had exchanged the real clothes with the fake ones.
00:34:00Is that so?
00:34:06Excuse me, ma'am.
00:34:08Can you please tell me where the CEO Junsu's office is?
00:34:12CEO sir's office is on the fourth floor.
00:34:14Okay. Thank you, ma'am.
00:34:18Oh, yes.
00:34:20As you told me, I have recorded the conversation between me and uncle.
00:34:24If you want, you can present it as evidence.
00:34:30Whatever has happened here till now, uncle,
00:34:34I will make it right.
00:34:38I will make everything right before Paan Dante comes.
00:34:51But yesterday he came to my office.
00:34:54He threatened me by saying that he is innocent.
00:34:56He said that he has a strong evidence against me which he will use against me.
00:35:02I don't know what he has.
00:35:04And that evidence will never be found.
00:35:07But he will definitely get some evidence, nephew.
00:35:10Then what should I do now?
00:35:23You entered my room stealthily.
00:35:25Tell me the truth. What have you stolen?
00:35:28Tell me.
00:35:30Paan Dante!
00:35:32How dare you?
00:35:34Leave him.
00:35:36How can you do this?
00:35:38What do you think of yourself?
00:35:40What are you doing here?
00:35:44You both will have to talk a lot.
00:35:46Just tell me what you have stolen from my room.
00:35:49It seems that you have really gone mad.
00:35:51I will have to slap you to bring you back to your senses.
00:35:54You sent a man to beat me up, didn't you?
00:35:57Rascal! You haven't reformed.
00:36:00You will lose your life.
00:36:03We will find out whose life will be lost.
00:36:10How dare you?
00:36:15Junsu! Are you okay?
00:36:17Yes. I am fine.
00:36:18He is behaving like this because you are wearing his clothes, isn't it?
00:36:23By the way, how did you come here all of a sudden?
00:36:26I came to see how you are doing, nephew.
00:36:29We are travellers on the same path.
00:36:31That's why we have to stay together.
00:36:48Let's go.
00:37:04Here it is.
00:37:06You have already completed it.
00:37:12Everyone is here.
00:37:16See this.
00:37:18We have got both the references.
00:37:20Now it will be easier for us to find the colours for the company's design.
00:37:23Very good job, Shim.
00:37:35What are you doing here?
00:37:37I came here to meet Junsu.
00:37:39By the way, Gongshim, I was thinking
00:37:42why don't we go for coffee together?
00:37:46It will be fun.
00:37:48I am very busy at the moment.
00:37:51I felt very good when I heard your praise just now.
00:37:54You go back.
00:38:00You have to earn a lot of money.
00:38:15Yes. Director Yom here.
00:38:16Yes. Director Yom here.
00:38:18It's me, Kim Gil Bong.
00:38:20What's the matter? Did you call me today?
00:38:23Asu Yong's son always comes here.
00:38:26If it's true that you tried to kill Asu Yong,
00:38:29then I don't want the money you gave me.
00:38:33I will tell him that I gave the money to that woman and took it from you.
00:38:38No. It's not like that, Kim Gil Bong.
00:38:41Don't believe him.
00:38:43It's not like what he is saying.
00:38:44It's not like that.
00:38:46Kim Gil Bong.
00:38:48Do one thing. Let's meet.
00:38:50Let's meet and talk, okay?
00:38:52Kim Gil Bong.
00:38:54Are you listening? Listen.
00:39:00Yes, Dante.
00:39:02I won't spare you.
00:39:17Yes, aunty.
00:39:20What to dad?
00:39:22I am coming right now.
00:39:29His fever hasn't gone down since last night.
00:39:32We have to take some emergency measures.
00:39:34He is not feeling well.
00:39:45I think you should accept this now.
00:39:57Dante, what can we do now?
00:40:01I am feeling very bad.
00:40:15Why is he depressed?
00:40:18Is it because he doesn't have friends around him?
00:40:21We have to find someone for his company.
00:40:31Hello. We have met after so many days, right?
00:40:34What work have you come for?
00:40:36I had brought some side dishes for Dante.
00:40:38He has only one aunty.
00:40:40Still, she doesn't take good care of him.
00:40:42So, you have prepared a lot of dishes.
00:40:45No, it's nothing much.
00:41:08Here you go.
00:41:10I have brought mixed grain drink.
00:41:13Please try it.
00:41:15Oh my god.
00:41:17Thank you so much.
00:41:20I will meet you later.
00:41:22I will wash the glass later.
00:41:26Thank you so much.
00:41:36How is your father?
00:41:37How is he?
00:41:39He is fine.
00:41:41There is not much difference.
00:41:43There is not much difference?
00:41:45What does it mean?
00:41:50He is not well.
00:41:52The doctors have said that
00:41:54anything can happen to him now.
00:41:59It means that he is still in a coma?
00:42:01He is still in a coma?
00:42:04You should have told me this earlier.
00:42:08Let's go to him.
00:42:10Take me to the hospital.
00:42:12Grandma, he is not in a coma.
00:42:15And he is not able to recognize anyone.
00:42:17It's okay.
00:42:19But he is not well at all.
00:42:21I want to meet him.
00:42:25Junpyo, hurry up.
00:42:27You must be thinking
00:42:29what will happen if someone sees him.
00:42:31There is no need for that.
00:42:52It must have fallen down.
00:42:56She was going to the hospital.
00:43:19For taking care of our Junpyo.
00:43:22For taking care of him.
00:43:27I have no complaints against you.
00:43:29I have no complaints against you.
00:43:32Junpyo was able to meet me because of you.
00:43:38Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened to him.
00:43:41I wouldn't have been able to live without him.
00:43:46Listen to me.
00:43:48You will have to live.
00:43:50I want to thank you.
00:43:53Stop it, grandma.
00:44:09Jai Bhuvana.
00:44:11Gaungshim, you are here?
00:44:15I came to give this to your aunt.
00:44:21Look, Gaungshim.
00:44:23Don't take it wrong.
00:44:25No, I was just...
00:44:27Listen, dear.
00:44:29Can I talk to you?
00:44:38You must be surprised to see
00:44:42what I am doing with him.
00:44:52Andante is my only grandson.
00:44:56Believe me.
00:45:00The man I came here to see
00:45:04brought him up.
00:45:11Twenty-six years ago
00:45:15when Junpyo was four years old
00:45:18someone kidnapped him.
00:45:32Jai Bhuvana has told me everything.
00:45:35Now I know.
00:45:38I should have told you everything earlier.
00:45:41Forgive me. I didn't tell you anything.
00:45:44When I couldn't contact you for a month
00:45:48you found out about this?
00:45:53I don't understand anything.
00:45:55How can I call you Andante? You are not him.
00:46:00Forgive me.
00:46:02I know you couldn't tell anyone
00:46:05because you were looking for the culprit.
00:46:08Am I right?
00:46:12Does Junsu know about this too?
00:46:15No, he doesn't.
00:46:18Oh, I see.
00:46:19I won't tell anyone.
00:46:22Yes, but...
00:46:24after the culprit is caught
00:46:27you will become Junpyo.
00:46:36Your father is not right?
00:46:42I am grateful to him.
00:46:45Gaungshim, let's go.
00:46:48Let's go home.
00:47:14Let's go.
00:47:25Andante, listen.
00:47:29You go ahead.
00:47:33I want to stay here for a while.
00:47:40You stay, I'll go.
00:48:14After the culprit is caught
00:48:17you will become Junpyo.
00:48:22Yes, who is it?
00:48:24It's me, Gaungshim's dad.
00:48:26Oh, it's you.
00:48:31Come in.
00:48:35Come this way.
00:48:37Please sit here.
00:48:39I am fine.
00:48:41Do you have some time?
00:48:42Yes, of course.
00:48:44Look, I want to talk to you.
00:48:47Will you come down?
00:49:07You also have some.
00:49:12Give it to me.
00:49:16Before drinking, let's have a toast.
00:49:28Can I ask you some questions?
00:49:31I hope you don't mind.
00:49:35How long have you liked Gaungshim?
00:49:36How long have you liked Gaungshim?
00:49:42It hasn't been long.
00:49:47Are you sick?
00:49:49No, I am not sick.
00:49:51Do you have a bank account?
00:49:53No, I don't.
00:50:01So you don't have any savings.
00:50:06How will you live without money?
00:50:09What do you want to do in future?
00:50:12Why are you asking this?
00:50:15Shut up.
00:50:17Shut up.
00:50:21What are you doing here?
00:50:24Gaungshim, come and sit with us.
00:50:26What are you doing?
00:50:28Sit down first.
00:50:33How many siblings do you have?
00:50:36I am the only son.
00:50:38Only son?
00:50:40Are your parents still alive?
00:50:48Why are you asking such stupid questions?
00:50:51Go upstairs.
00:50:53But why?
00:50:55We still have a lot to drink.
00:50:57I'll be right back.
00:50:59Okay, you go.
00:51:01Sit here.
00:51:02What are you doing here?
00:51:06What do you think?
00:51:08I like him. He is very simple.
00:51:10Yes, he looks simple.
00:51:12But he doesn't have any money.
00:51:14He didn't even tell me about his parents.
00:51:16How can I believe him?
00:51:18But they love each other.
00:51:20Our Gaungshim is still young.
00:51:22She won't get married soon.
00:51:24What do you mean she is young?
00:51:26I gave birth to Gaungshim when she was young.
00:51:30Why did you give birth so soon?
00:51:33I am also involved in this.
00:51:39I am back.
00:51:41Come and sit with us.
00:51:43What is it today?
00:51:45Do you know?
00:51:47Gaungshim and the boy upstairs like each other.
00:51:50Gaungshim likes the boy upstairs?
00:51:53When I asked her, she said no.
00:51:57What do you think of the boy?
00:51:59I liked him.
00:52:00But not your Gaungshim.
00:52:04I don't know.
00:52:07But if they like each other, it's good.
00:52:10Isn't it?
00:52:14Do you want a drink?
00:52:16Yes, give me some.
00:52:20Yes, give me some.
00:52:31I didn't know they would call you suddenly.
00:52:37Sorry, they asked you a lot of questions.
00:52:42I should be the one to say sorry.
00:52:44I put you in trouble.
00:52:51Did you wait for a long time?
00:52:55I bought a lot of things.
00:52:56Did you wait for a long time?
00:52:59I was thinking about a lot of things.
00:53:02I didn't know how time passed.
00:53:04If you don't have a problem, tell me what you were thinking.
00:53:11About your situation.
00:53:15Look, if you had told me all this earlier, it would have been so good.
00:53:25But this hasn't changed anything between us.
00:53:30Okay, I won't think about this anymore.
00:53:33Everything feels like a dream.
00:53:39I'll leave now.
00:53:51I'll leave now.
00:54:09I have a grandson.
00:54:11Believe me.
00:54:18I have kept money in this.
00:54:21Leave him.
00:54:23I can't do all this.
00:54:25And I really don't want all this.
00:54:29My family can never accept a heartless girl like you.
00:54:35Say whatever you want.
00:54:37But I won't stay away from him.
00:54:39Your face is so ugly.
00:54:44Look at this girl.
00:54:55I have started watching a lot of TV.
00:55:21Aditya, it's me.
00:55:23I am here.
00:55:25Aditya, look at me.
00:55:28Aditya, I am here.
00:55:50What should I do now?
00:55:56I don't know.
00:56:09I don't know.
00:56:11I don't know.
00:56:28Gaugam, you?
00:56:32Are you going to office now?
00:56:34Why are you having Ramen for breakfast?
00:56:36I'll leave now.
00:56:48Come in.
00:56:55This is for you.
00:56:57Thank you. Thank you so much.
00:56:59So, how is your delivery contract going?
00:57:02It will be done by the end of the month.
00:57:04But I'll let you know as soon as it's done, okay?
00:57:08By the way, your work is very fast.
00:57:13Do you know that...
00:57:16...Gaungshim and Dante like each other?
00:57:22Like each other?
00:57:26Maybe you didn't know.
00:57:28My parents have already accepted Dante as their son-in-law.
00:57:32By the way, both of us will look good together.
00:57:45Oh, Junsu, how are you?
00:57:46Come, Dante.
00:57:47Yes, I'm coming.
00:57:56What happened? Is everything okay?
00:57:58No, it's nothing like that.
00:58:02You had to go through a lot of trouble.
00:58:07You're doing something that is not right for your mom and uncle.
00:58:12Stop doing all this, Junsu.
00:58:14I'll handle everything on my own.
00:58:18So, today's plan will be exactly as you had planned, right?
00:58:26I've sent that thing to Director Yom Teichul's office.
00:58:30I'm sure he must have reached by now.
00:58:45What's this?
00:58:55Director Yom.
00:58:58Director Yom.
00:59:01Director Yom.
00:59:06Director Yom.
00:59:07What happened? Are you shocked?
00:59:09Yes, Dante.
00:59:11Your voice tells me that you've got the thing I had sent for you.
00:59:15Yes, Dante, you scoundrel.
00:59:17Did you think you could fool me by doing such a thing?
00:59:21Do you know that the clothes Junsu stole were fake?
00:59:26Did you think I would let you take the real clothes so easily?
00:59:30Now we'll know about the DNA on your toothbrush along with the clothes.
00:59:33I'll get the reports soon.
00:59:35Just wait for a while.
00:59:38If the DNA matches, your game is over.
00:59:46The tables have turned.
00:59:48What do I do now?
00:59:51I think uncle must be scared of all this.
00:59:54But he won't be able to do anything now.
01:00:00Hello, lawyer Randante.
01:00:02Come, Hojung.
01:00:05Have a seat.
01:00:06Hello, how are you, uncle?
01:00:08Hello, lawyer.
01:00:10So, this is Hojung.
01:00:12And this is Hojung's uncle.
01:00:14He'll help us.
01:00:15And this is CEO Junsu.
01:00:20He looks exactly like your dad.
01:00:23And he looks exactly like your dad.
01:00:29Thank you for helping me again.
01:00:51I've made a small hole in it.
01:00:53This camera looks small, but the quality is very good.
01:01:00Yes, Junsu.
01:01:01Uncle, there's a problem.
01:01:03Randante's dad has regained consciousness.
01:01:07He's being transferred to another hospital.
01:01:13What are you saying?
01:01:15Maybe they're taking him to Korea Hospital.
01:01:17Because he was attacked here last time.
01:01:21But I've found out about that other hospital.
01:01:23And that's Shin Hansol Hospital.
01:01:26I have a friend who works at Korea Hospital.
01:01:28He told me about it.
01:01:31If he regains consciousness,
01:01:33what will happen to us, uncle?
01:01:37It's okay.
01:01:38I'll fix him.
01:01:45Finish your work quickly.
01:01:50Are you okay?
01:01:53Yes, I'm fine.
01:01:58Hello, Lawyer Randante.
01:02:00Yes, I'm Shin.
01:02:03This is my dad.
01:02:05Thank you very much.
01:02:06Because you gave us permission to come here.
01:02:09There's no need for that.
01:02:11This is nothing compared to your kindness.
01:02:15I've installed the camera and microphone.
01:02:21I think everything is ready.
01:02:23We should start playing now.
01:02:25Uncle, we'll be watching you from another room.
01:02:29So, don't worry.
01:02:31Hurry up.
01:02:32Let's go to another room.
01:02:35All the best, uncle.
01:02:37Junsu, listen.
01:02:40If you don't feel well,
01:02:42don't get involved in this.
01:02:45Not at all.
01:02:46I'm with you.
01:03:06Let's go.
01:03:37I love you.
01:03:38I love you too.
01:03:39I love you.
01:03:40I love you too.
01:03:41I love you.
01:03:42I love you.
01:03:43I love you.
01:03:44I love you.
01:03:45I love you.
01:03:46I love you.
01:03:47I love you.
01:03:48I love you.
01:03:49I love you.
01:03:50I love you.
01:03:51I love you.
01:03:52I love you.
01:03:53I love you.
01:03:54I love you.
01:03:55I love you.
01:03:56I love you.
01:03:57I love you.
01:03:58I love you.
01:03:59I love you.
01:04:00I love you.
01:04:01I love you.
01:04:02I love you.
01:04:03I love you.
01:04:04I love you.
01:04:05I love you.
01:04:06I love you.
01:04:07I love you.
01:04:08I love you.
01:04:09I love you.
01:04:10I love you.
01:04:11I love you.
01:04:12I love you.
01:04:13I love you.
01:04:14I love you.
01:04:15I love you.
01:04:16I love you.
01:04:17I love you.
01:04:18I love you.
01:04:19I love you.
01:04:20I love you.
01:04:21I love you.
01:04:22I love you.
01:04:23I love you.
01:04:24I love you.
01:04:25I love you.
01:04:26I love you.
01:04:27I love you.
01:04:28I love you.
01:04:29I love you.
01:04:30I love you.
01:04:31I love you.
01:04:32I love you.
01:04:33I love you.
01:04:34I love you.
01:04:35I love you.
01:04:36I love you.
01:04:37I love you.
01:04:38I love you.
01:04:39I love you.
01:04:40I love you.
01:04:41I love you.
01:04:42I love you.
01:04:43I love you.
01:04:44I love you.
01:04:45I love you.
01:04:46I love you.
01:04:47I love you.
01:04:48I love you.
01:04:49I love you.
01:04:50I love you.
01:04:51I love you.
01:04:52I love you.
01:04:53I love you.
01:04:54I love you.
01:04:55I love you.
01:04:56I love you.
01:04:57I love you.
01:04:58I love you.
01:04:59I love you.
01:05:00I love you.
01:05:01I love you.
01:05:02I love you.
01:05:03I love you.
