• yesterday


00:00I'm not sure he's going to be up for all the fuss.
00:27That's why it'll be so funny.
00:28Is this his birthday or yours?
00:29Well, you know what Ronny's like.
00:30He'll sulk and mourn and say he hates it, until he's had a few drinks, and then he'll
00:35love it.
00:36But before that point, I get to enjoy watching him suffer.
00:41You two have a very strange relationship.
00:43Oh, well, what do you do, Ron, Ron, Ron?
00:45How are you diddling?
00:46Oh, yeah, I'm diddling OK, actually.
00:52That's a prize pie.
00:55Oh, what?
00:57How could you possibly?
00:58You left your laptop open on a website for happy birthday balloons.
01:03That could be for anyone, that.
01:05Or happy 55th birthday balloons.
01:09Plum in it.
01:11You totally spoilt her for reveling in my humiliation, won't I?
01:14It wasn't just going to be humiliation.
01:16There was going to be cake and all.
01:18In fact, I was just about to nip into town to that wonderful bakery you like.
01:23Oh, you mean that place that does the cronuts?
01:27That's the one.
01:28But, well, I don't need to bother now, do I?
01:31Oh, no, no, no.
01:32Yes, you have to bother.
01:33Look, if you can wait half an hour, I'll take you there myself.
01:40Why, thank you.
01:42What was I thinking, eh?
01:43A surprise party.
01:44This is much easier.
01:45I'll be a toe of Kev's.
01:47Ta-ta, Red.
01:50What a woman, eh?
01:51What a woman.
01:55Can I have a word?
01:56Is everything OK?
01:58Yeah, just hoping you can help me with some initial inquiries.
02:01Initial inquiries?
02:03Do we have to go down to the station or what?
02:06To be honest, I'm gasping for a nice cup of coffee.
02:09Can we do it in here?
02:18Oh, oh, who's left...
02:20Oh, who's left this glass here?
02:22Yeah, sorry, sorry, sorry, it's me.
02:24I need a glass of water behind my bed or I can't get to sleep.
02:26It's a sofa, not a bed.
02:28She's got you there.
02:29Yeah, all right, I'm sorry.
02:30Look, when I get this flat confirmed, I'll be out your hair, all right?
02:33Look, why aren't you sleeping on the blow-up mattress of Gary and Sarah's?
02:36Because it's got more holes in it than something that's got a load of holes in it.
02:40Oh, a Porcupine's backpack.
02:41Oh, yeah, right, very funny.
02:42Look, I'll do that, I'll do that.
02:43No, it's done now.
02:44Here, will you just shove them in the wash for me?
02:48You know, you two are annoyingly similar.
02:53Both devilishly witty and fit, aren't we?
02:57No, like annoying like something that's really annoying.
03:04How's Sam's hand?
03:07Er, it's fine, you know.
03:09If you're all right, it's just he's got a scar and...
03:12Oh, no, never mind.
03:14What do you mean?
03:16It's... It's not that scar tissue I'm worried about.
03:20Well, what is it?
03:23It's the anniversary of Natasha's death today.
03:29But, um...
03:32I know Leanne's known Sam as long as I have, and...
03:36She's his mum, but...
03:38You're his dad.
03:41You know, dropping him off there yesterday killed me.
03:46It's like that thing that Mum used to say, isn't it?
03:49It's like having an elastic band connected from your heart to your kids.
03:54Bit gross, isn't it?
03:59And here she is now.
04:01The massive backstabbing Judas.
04:04Happily selling the house from underneath our feet.
04:06Where is she?
04:07If you're referring to Gail...
04:08He is.
04:09Your loving mother, who looked after you and cared for you your entire life...
04:12Yeah, you can nip all that in the bud for a start.
04:14Where is she?
04:15Well, she's at mine.
04:16Because it was my suggestion not to spoil her mini-break by coming here,
04:19and, well, seeing you with your face on.
04:23And you was at the flat all night?
04:27You didn't leave?
04:29Well, like I said, Debbie was out all night.
04:32I had some food, bought some television.
04:35Went to bed.
04:38Right, OK.
04:39That's everything.
04:41So, did he pass, or did he crack and confess to everything?
04:44Yeah, he didn't stand a chance.
04:46I always go ultra-bad-cut when I'm drinking frothy coffee.
04:49Well, I love his birthday.
04:51It's your birthday?
04:52Oh, it's your birthday.
04:54You really don't have to go around telling everybody.
04:56You should have said.
04:57I'd have given you extra sprinkles.
04:59Many happy returns.
05:01Do you know what time Didi and Michael leave for work today?
05:03Oh, well, if you hurry, you might catch them at ours.
05:05Didi came round for breakfast.
05:07Right you are.
05:19I told them we were in the house all night.
05:21And when they back you up?
05:23Well, they were asleep when we left.
05:26You sure?
05:29I just don't get why you're here.
05:32Has she sent you to be like cannon fodder?
05:34Well, in a nutshell, yeah.
05:35Once more into the breach.
05:37I wanted to come to try and smooth the waters.
05:40Well, you could just keep out things that don't concern you.
05:43Oh, David.
05:44I just don't get why she didn't call me back.
05:47Well, the simple reason is, she's ignoring your calls.
05:52And I'm not going to let her.
05:54Well, the simple reason is, she's ignoring your calls.
05:58Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
05:59Gail doesn't ignore my calls.
06:00I ignore hers.
06:01Can I just say, I'm finding you a tad hostile.
06:07She's trying to make my family homeless.
06:09She's allowed to sell her house.
06:13And I told her to give me a chance to raise the money.
06:16But would she wait?
06:18She's far too busy posting pictures of you and her by the seaside
06:21and your flip-flops on flippin' blackjack.
06:32What's up?
06:33Er, me jaws are ski goggles.
06:36Cods get off all right?
06:37Yeah, fine.
06:38Org is a leg.
06:42What are you still doing here?
06:43Half day for speech night.
06:45Half day for speech night?
06:46Half day for speech night.
06:51What are?
06:52They're the Mentos.
06:54You're going to have such a good time.
06:58Hey, are you OK not mentioning what you were worried about yesterday?
07:01Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, yeah.
07:03Good lad.
07:04Right, put them on then.
07:07Wee, perfect.
07:12Well, if you need to contact me, Dee Dee's got my card.
07:15Yeah, well, I might be asking you to talk to Carla if she has a go at being late.
07:19So, are my whole family suspects now, then?
07:22Are you going to speak to me mum, heading on to Liversham to talk to our James?
07:25Told you, none of you is suspects.
07:27And I already told you when we spoke on Monday.
07:31Dad, Michael and I were all here together that night.
07:34Hey, Dee Dee, honestly, it's just due diligence.
07:38Enjoy your party.
07:42What are you saying ta to him for?
07:45He was being nice.
07:46And that was just a reflex.
07:47Look, why are you being so snippy?
07:49They're allowed to ask questions.
07:50Oh, really?
07:51Well, thank you for that.
07:52I had no idea.
07:54Look, Dee Dee, I get it, OK?
07:57Whatever you thought about Joel, whatever I thought about Joel,
08:00you're allowed to grieve someone you might have, you know, mixed feelings about.
08:04Are you finished?
08:05Because I thought you were late for work.
08:08I just had a bad night's sleep, OK?
08:11It had nothing to do with him.
08:13Right, well, OK, just make sure you cheer up before the party this afternoon.
08:18Party's for fun.
08:20Right, knock, boat.
08:27I've just rang them.
08:28They're having a run on them bigger cakes, so we need to get going.
08:31Uncle Ronnie?
08:32Hi, Dee Dee.
08:33Right, I've got your keys.
08:35I'll pop you a drink.
08:36Right, I've got your keys.
08:37I'll put the address in the sack now.
08:40What did you tell Dee Dee Green?
08:42Oh, he just wanted to know where I was the night Joel disappeared.
08:44Unlike your dad, I didn't have an alibi.
08:46Debbie was out.
08:47Where's Noble Street?
08:50Where the field?
08:51Noble Street, number 47.
08:53Oh, that's...
08:54It says here it's the last place he went to.
08:56Um, that's...
08:57That's Joel's flat.
08:59Oh, right.
09:02And why were you at Joel's flat?
09:06I don't know.
09:37Oh, that was from ages ago when me and Michael helped him move out.
09:43It's showing.
09:44It's your last address.
09:45I usually use my phone, don't I?
09:47I mean, I hardly use that anymore.
09:49I mean, flipping heck.
09:50First the cop has interrogated me over my break-in.
09:52Now you're giving me the third degree over my sat-nav use.
09:56I mean, you care to chip in here, Dee Dee?
09:59Yes, all right.
10:00All right.
10:02Hey, hey.
10:03Hey, hey.
10:05Are you OK?
10:08Yeah, I reckon a party will do us all a bit of good, though.
10:12So you'd better get going whilst there's still some cakes left.
10:14Spot on.
10:16Right, come on, you, get in.
10:17Lost the two shoes.
10:25Lauren needs help, support.
10:28And I do really want to help her, but...
10:32..I'm just struggling to get over how I feel about her.
10:40Look, I know I said I'd moved on, but...
10:44..the last thing I want is for her to think
10:46that I'm only helping her because I fancy her.
10:51I should just forget it, shouldn't I?
10:55Got to say, mate, not getting very many caring vibes here.
10:59Oh, sorry, mate, it's Maria.
11:01I'm supposed to be off today, but she's having some kind of...
11:05..salon emergency.
11:07All right.
11:08Somebody died.
11:12D-U-I-E-D died.
11:14It was meant to be a hairdresser joke.
11:16Sorry for banging on.
11:18No, yeah.
11:20It's OK, I do get it.
11:21Er, look, I think Lauren is just feeling a bit fragile at the moment.
11:26I know.
11:27I'm just going to have to get over myself, aren't I?
11:29Hunker down in the friend zone.
11:32Are you OK to keep what I said to yourself?
11:34Yeah, yeah, of course.
11:37Well, that was nice.
11:42So, then...
11:44..shouting us a free lunch?
11:47Feeling flush or what?
11:50Like a blindfolded man after a vindaloo.
11:53Er, no, I just, er, fancied a pub lunch.
11:56And your mum's told me you'd been burned by your exes.
11:59Yeah, more like drowned, actually.
12:04Yeah, I've been thinking... Well, we've been thinking...
12:09..maybe you're after Mum's money.
12:12After she's finished, you know, paying for all the bedding and stuff,
12:15and the house must be worth it.
12:18This house stuff against him, eh?
12:21This house stuff against him, eh? I didn't write.
12:23Erm, I need to top up Sim again.
12:27No, I'm fine, thanks.
12:31Look, I wouldn't say flush,
12:33but I'm doing all right at the moment,
12:35cos me and me ex's house sale has gone through
12:38and I've made a tidy profit.
12:40Yay! Gentrification.
12:43Yeah, well, that makes sense.
12:46Yeah, we'll just have to thank our lucky stars
12:48it's a seller's market at Warwick.
12:54Oh, er, after you.
12:56No, it's all right. You go. I'm waiting for Max.
12:59OK, erm...
13:00A pint of Beston 2-0-S, please, Jenny.
13:02Coming up, love.
13:06Meryl needs changing, I won't be a sec.
13:09Ah, look, I'm glad baby Frankie got a discharge date.
13:14Yeah, thanks.
13:20How did you get on with the sofa at number eight?
13:23Well, er, Gail's super comfy deluxe sofa
13:27that I vacated a couple of weeks ago,
13:29so you could have the pleasure.
13:30Oh, right.
13:31Yeah, it's dead comfy, innit?
13:34Yeah, but I was being sarky.
13:35I mean, that's spring in the middle.
13:37I mean, it's vicious, eh?
13:38Not really. I could sleep anywhere, me.
13:40What? Even on the world's most uncomfortable sofa?
13:43Well, no, you're just a bit of softie, aren't you?
13:46You're a princess.
13:47You know, with the peak.
13:48Oh, right, yeah, yeah, yeah. OK.
13:50Hey, er, do you want a drink? I'm buying.
13:52Er, no, I'm not stopping Tara. I've left Taya on her own.
13:55She's doing a shift.
13:56I was desperate and she was happy to help.
13:59Oh, right.
14:01I thought we should try that, erm, being civil thing out.
14:05Yeah. Yesterday was pretty awful.
14:07Yesterday was pretty awful.
14:11Erm, did he mention his mum this morning?
14:14Er, yeah, briefly.
14:16He was more interested in showing off his stitches, to be honest.
14:20He's grown up so fast, hasn't he?
14:23Yeah, it's hard to remember he's still just a kid.
14:27A kid who's lost his mum, yeah.
14:30Listen, I've been thinking and I've got an idea about how this might work.
14:38Hey, when he's inbound, give me a shout and I'll get these out.
14:41No, don't worry, I'll take them from you, Taya.
14:43OK. Thank you.
14:44So he just wanted to know where we all were that night?
14:48Oh, yeah, well, I said we were in all night.
14:50Hey, are we ready?
14:52He's here.
14:57Whoa, what are you lot doing here?
14:59The man is literally walking in, carrying his own birthday cake.
15:02It couldn't be less surprise.
15:04Yeah, she's been trying to get me. Always gives herself away.
15:08You ought to work on your poker face.
15:10Hey, if I hadn't have left my laptop open, I'd have had you, good and proper.
15:14Mm, thank you. Thank you, everyone.
15:16And, er, this is a big cake, or are you going to...?
15:20Good lad.
15:22Good speech.
15:23Hey, phone's away.
15:25All right, Dad.
15:26All right, Slippy.
15:28Here, let me give you a hand.
15:31I think the police intervention has made people a bit tense.
15:35Yeah, not the best timing.
15:37Good job on the cake, though.
15:39Oh, it's really Ronnie Creamy.
15:41Ronnie was having cat's kittens every time we went round a corner.
15:45You know what he's like with his upholstery.
15:48I can't believe he let Joel put his stuff in there.
15:51I mean, it's not like he's got masses of boot space.
15:54Hang on, Joel?
15:56Yeah, when you two were helping Joel move out of his flat.
15:59Oh, yeah, no, that was my car.
16:01Your car?
16:02Yeah, the chest of drawers went in my car.
16:04Can you imagine it fitting in Uncle Ronnie's?
16:07No, I can't, actually.
16:09Yeah, well, that makes more sense, then.
16:14I'll take these over.
16:21Why's he smelling ours?
16:23Because he's going out on the grounds.
16:25You know, when you say that he was poking about your finances,
16:29what do you mean?
16:32I won't say poking about, more just...
16:35..asking questions, really, offering advice.
16:41What if Jesse was the one that took Damon's money?
16:44That's quite a leap.
16:46I know, I know.
16:47But he turns up sniffing around exactly when the money goes missing.
16:52Come on, somebody took it, and if it's not him, then who?
16:55And don't even say Daniel.
16:57You're basing this whole money going missing in a lock-up thing
17:01on one phone call from Damon.
17:04I mean, Damon.
17:06I mean, let's face it,
17:07if we were doing a top five of your dodgy boyfriends,
17:10he's straight in at number one.
17:11All right, shut up, David.
17:12And if it's not dodgy Damon, it's his even dodgier brother, Harvey.
17:17And if it ain't him, it's one of many dodgy friends...
17:19All right, fine, I get the point.
17:21Yeah, don't worry. Yeah, I'm on my way now.
17:25I'm sorry, I've got to run.
17:27But I've settled up with Jan.
17:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming now.
17:31Oh, no, that's not dodgy, not the slightest.
17:34Where are you going?
17:35What do you think I'm doing?
17:37He's hiding something, I'm going to see what it is.
17:39Are you mad?
17:42Oh, thanks, love.
17:44I'm on my own and I always struggle with that best barrel.
17:47It's fine.
17:48Thanks, Gemma.
17:50Well, you know, she's taking it day by day.
17:53No, I don't know.
17:55I mean, it's been three years since Johnny.
17:59Oh, of course, yeah.
18:01Sorry, Gemma.
18:02Oh, I'm fine.
18:04I'd usually tell her to take all the time she likes,
18:07but we are short-staffed.
18:11And I can't keep her shifts open forever.
18:15What, so you're saying she needs to get over her twin dying
18:17cos she might lose her job?
18:19No, no, no.
18:20I'm not saying that at all.
18:22What I'm saying is that I know more than most
18:25that, you know, the hurt, it's not going to stop any time soon.
18:28So if she just wanted to start with the odd hour,
18:30just to ease herself...
18:31Oh, I'm sorry, Gemma.
18:33It's a no, she's...
18:34It's too soon.
18:38I'm sorry.
18:49I'm sorry.
19:03That was great.
19:06Oh, hey, Sam.
19:09Can I have a quick word?
19:10Yeah, look, I'll take over.
19:12Sam, will you put my coat into the office?
19:14Once again with the child labour?
19:17Everything OK?
19:18Yeah, listen, we've just had a big talk and I've made a decision.
19:23I think that me and you should move out of the flat.
19:26I think it's only fair that Nick moves back in
19:28and he can be with Sam.
19:31Yeah, I just think it's right that Sam's with his dad
19:33and he doesn't have to move out again.
19:35Yeah, no, I totally get that.
19:36Yeah, but, OK, where were you thinking...?
19:38Well, actually, I've already found somewhere.
19:42Craig's going to move in with Kirk and keep him company,
19:44you know, now that Beth's gone.
19:46Craig's saying he was lonely.
19:47Right, so the salon flat's free?
19:50Doesn't Tyrone own that? Have you talked to him yet?
19:52Listen, look, this is really hard to say.
19:56What? What is it?
19:58All right, don't take this the wrong way,
20:00but, well, I sort of want to live on my own for a bit.
20:04And, to be honest,
20:06I'm not sure I'm in the right headspace to share with you at the minute.
20:11So, you two.
20:13Don't think I haven't seen the looks.
20:16What looks?
20:17Between you both.
20:19Hey, Dee Dee,
20:20Annie has the temerity to question my poker face.
20:26Michael told me you went in his car to Joel's flat,
20:29so why's that addressing your sap now?
20:31Listen, I don't think this is the time to talk about it.
20:34No, she's right.
20:35We need to talk about this.
20:37No, we don't.
20:38And they're going to keep on pestering me until I do.
20:41So, anyway, here goes.
20:46To the love of my life.
20:48Oh, no.
20:50I am truly sorry you've had the misfortune
20:53to get involved with an absolute rotter like me.
20:57You might not have pulled off a surprise party.
21:00I was surprised.
21:02But you surprise me every day.
21:04By sticking with me.
21:06Despite my grumpiness and surprises,
21:10I throw you away.
21:12So, um, thank you.
21:14And thank you all for coming.
21:16Right, on by.
21:17Who's for more champagne?
21:19No, second for me, please.
21:21All right.
21:22You turn the rope, Eddie.
21:24All right?
21:25Give me a hand.
21:37He's not here.
21:38This was a stupid idea.
21:40We can't give up now.
21:41We need to find him.
21:42Let's go.
21:43I'm not going anywhere.
21:45We're not letting him get away with this.
22:09You went to see him that night, didn't you, both of you?
22:13You've got to believe me.
22:15We didn't lay a finger on him.
22:18But, yeah, we were there that night.
22:21We were going to drag him down to the cob shop,
22:24but when we got there, he didn't answer,
22:26so we broke in.
22:29You broke in?
22:31We brought a crowbar.
22:33Then what did you do?
22:36We went home.
22:37That's it?
22:39We went home with our tails between our legs?
22:43Swore each other to secrecy.
22:45Yeah, again.
22:47I know.
22:48Hey, do you want me to bring those over?
22:50No, we're fine, thanks, Nick.
22:53And that's it?
22:55After that, you called it off and came home?
22:57That's it.
22:58What, you don't believe me?
23:00Would you blame me?
23:02You've lied to me this long.
23:05I understand why you didn't tell the police.
23:07I mean, the whole thing is beyond stupid.
23:10It's macho nonsense, but I get that.
23:12What I don't get is why you didn't tell me straight away.
23:16We're together, remember?
23:18We're meant to sort stuff out like this together.
23:20I know.
23:22And I'm sorry.
23:24Go on, then.
23:26Shout at me.
23:29I was half expecting you to force us to go to the police.
23:32I can't force you to do anything, Dad.
23:36Hey, look, I didn't mean to ambush you before.
23:39No, I completely get it.
23:41I mean, you're right, it's for the best.
23:43Does Sam know?
23:44Yeah, yeah, he's fine with it.
23:46Look, I would have run it past you first, but he brought it up.
23:49No, honestly, it's fine. It makes total sense.
23:52And, yeah, you know, as long as you're happy with it.
23:55Yeah, yeah, of course.
23:57Hey, I'm gonna need you to help me pack.
24:00Are you sure you can't stay as well?
24:02All of us.
24:04Oh, Sam.
24:05No, it's win-win, isn't it? Come on.
24:07You're gonna get two fridges to raid,
24:09double the number of streaming subscriptions,
24:11spare room to bob all your stuff in. Come on.
24:14Yeah, see, a telescope out the window, you've got an observatory.
24:21Oh, you are kidding.
24:25Oh, watch out!
24:27I am so sorry.
24:30I think you're all right.
24:32Nothing's broken.
24:35You OK?
24:36Well, you be.
24:38When me mum finds out you're nipping off,
24:40having secret meetings with other women.
24:50I'm coming.
24:56I can't be long cos I'm short-staffed.
24:59I didn't mean that in a passag way.
25:01I just... I just... I wanted to clear the air.
25:04You know, cos I didn't mean in any way
25:06that I was somehow threatening to fire you.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:10I was just, you know, really stressed cos of the barrel.
25:13And, you know, I know you're on bereavement leave, which is good.
25:17I mean, it's not... good.
25:20But I just want you to know that you need to take as much time as you need
25:23and just don't feel like you have to hurry back.
25:29What are you on about?
25:31Has Chesney not talked to you?
25:34Well, not since this morning, no.
25:36Oh, right. Um...
25:39Well, I... I rather clumsily...
25:43..told him that I couldn't hold on to your schist forever
25:47and that I hoped you'd be back at work soon.
25:52Yeah, he has been mouthing, actually.
25:54Well, he's... he's just looking out for you.
25:58I think I am ready, you know.
26:00I could do some shifts next week, maybe.
26:03Are you... are you sure?
26:05Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. I am.
26:13You OK?
26:14Bill, when you've got a set, please, Nick.
26:16Oi, what you doing? I'm not paying.
26:18It's your birthday.
26:19Yeah, Nick, if he goes anywhere near that Bill,
26:21I'm going to flame this place so hard, I'm going to improvise it.
26:24Oh, yeah, OK.
26:25Well, look, it's my birthday, so my gift decides who pays, right?
26:30I don't think it works like that. It definitely doesn't.
26:32Thank you. There you go, Michael.
26:35Hey, hang on a minute. I organise this. I'm paying.
26:38No, you're not. Nope.
26:40OK, let's just split it evenly, OK?
26:42Everyone except for me. No, no, no.
26:44All right, then. Get your little calculator out.
26:46I don't have a little calculator. I've got a phone.
26:48Hey, you don't need a calculator. Give it to you.
26:52No, listen, you don't have to do that.
26:54Just part... Just...
26:56They're not listening.
26:57You're better off keeping yourself out of this one, mate.
27:00Hey, here we go.
27:01Very quiet.
27:02Erm, yeah, sorry, I've got a bit of a headache,
27:05so I might head home, actually.
27:06Hey, hey, don't go. Look.
27:08Look, we're really sorry. We're stupid.
27:10We should have told you before.
27:12Yeah. Yeah, and we told you everything, all right?
27:15There's nothing else, if that's what you're worried about.
27:17Me and Ronnie went back two hours with our tails between our legs
27:20and then Ronnie went home.
27:24Ain't that right, man?
27:26Yeah, of course. Why do you ask me like that for?
27:29What do you mean? Right, Ron. You know I did, I told you.
27:32Well, I know, but I was just making you say it to confirm for Deedee.
27:36Why do I need to confirm?
27:38Flippin' heck.
27:39No, go on. You don't believe me.
27:41Yeah, of course I believe you.
27:43Look, it's fine, guys.
27:45Do you want to try that again?
27:46Look, can you blame me? I mean, you were really hetter.
27:49We both were. We both called it off.
27:51What, you think I went back there, finished off the job?
27:54Oh, my days, of course not.
27:56Everything all right, lads?
27:58Yeah, everything's fine.
28:00Actually, I was just saying, I've got a bit of a headache,
28:02so I think I'm going to skip the fun.
28:05I've got some paracetamol, if you want.
28:07I'm OK, sir. Sorry.
28:08That's too much, look.
28:10Oh, it's fine. I'll put it towards the tip.
28:15Now see what you've done.
28:17It's been a tough few days.
28:20I'll check in on her later.
28:23Wait, wait.
28:25This is my ex, Jane, and it was just a hug.
28:28Oh, just a hug.
28:30Yeah, right, course it was.
28:32And what's my mum?
28:33Yeah, I was getting with her just to pass the time
28:35until you could get with this one.
28:37This one?
28:38Oh, wait a minute, don't tell me.
28:40Your mum's Eileen, right?
28:42No, my mum's Gail.
28:43Who's Gail?
28:44Well, she's Eileen's sworn nemesis.
28:47It's very complicated.
28:49And you're with Gail?
28:50Well, not with, with, no.
28:54But I am with her mother.
28:57Oh, yeah, with my mother.
28:59And going on nice little trips away with my mother.
29:01There's only a night in Whitby.
29:03Oh, nice.
29:04I think it's not even dry in the divorce papers
29:06and you're on a dirty weekend with Whitby woman Gail.
29:08It was hardly dirty.
29:09Oh, I don't even want to know.
29:10So, was he cheating on you as well, then?
29:12Like Eileen, is that why you divorced him?
29:14Just hang on.
29:15No, no.
29:16Jesse's an idiot, but, well, he's a good man.
29:20If you must know, it was me that was cheating
29:22when he was inside.
29:24Inside like prison?
29:25Look, please, please.
29:27Can we just concentrate on the good man bit?
29:30I'm sorry.
29:31I'll be in touch about the house, Jesse.
29:33Oh, OK, look, but, look, please,
29:35I was going to tell you about Gail.
29:42Why are you even here?
29:44Because I've been following you.
29:46Of course you have.
29:48Why are you lot so suspicious of me?
29:50Oh, come on, we both know.
29:51Well, we both know what?
29:52You know.
29:53I don't.
29:54The money.
29:55What money?
29:56You mean Gail's money?
29:57No, the...
30:00You don't know?
30:01What the hell are you talking about?
30:04You don't know?
30:29Dad, I'm... I'm fine, I just...
30:33Please, Dad, I...
30:36OK, OK, it's open.
30:54Didi, I'm so, so sorry.
30:57It's just a headache, Dad.
30:59Yeah, you said.
31:00Look, I brought some pills.
31:02Look, you take these.
31:03Go sit down, I'll go get some water.
31:10Listen, I'm serious.
31:11Scream at me, shout at me.
31:12I deserve it, all right?
31:14What me and Ronnie did was stupid.
31:22Whatever we thought of Joel,
31:24there's no excuse.
32:00I'm so sorry we didn't tell you straight away.
32:06I already knew, Dad.
32:13That night, I...
32:15I heard you and Uncle Ronnie arguing in the yard
32:17when he dropped you home.
32:20Oh, love.
32:23I should have said something sooner.
32:26I don't know why I didn't, I just...
32:30Maybe part of me was glad.
32:32You know, glad that my family, my dad,
32:34had gone out to make sure he was going to pay for everything he'd done.
32:37Listen, we didn't do anything, I swear.
32:39What we said in the bistro was the truth.
32:41When we realised what we were doing was so stupid,
32:43we went home.
32:44Ronnie, too.
32:45He was more fired up than me, but...
32:48but we didn't do anything.
32:50I know, Dad.
32:52I believe you.
32:55I know I've lied to you in the past.
32:57It's OK.
32:59I believe you.
33:00Yeah, but you spent the last few days thinking.
33:04I'm so, so sorry.
33:07I am so sorry.
33:14Air fryer.
33:15Oh, nix.
33:17Has he ever used it?
33:19Yeah, fair point, actually. I love it.
33:22Oh, no way.
33:24As if you've still got this ancient toasted sandwich maker.
33:27This takes me back.
33:28I haven't used it in years. It doesn't even work properly.
33:31Dad got that from some bloke from the market.
33:34Have you talked to Les lately?
33:37Yeah, I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago.
33:39He was drunk, obviously.
33:41And he expected me to summarise what had been happening in my life
33:44since the last time we spoke.
33:46Did you?
33:48No, I said nothing much had happened.
33:50Could hardly hear him anyway. I think he was at some wrestling show.
33:54Yeah, he said something about meeting up for a drink,
33:57but when I messaged back...
33:59He didn't reply.
34:00Yeah, pretty standard line of communication with my dad all round.
34:03Sam, could you do us a favour?
34:05Somebody's left a big cardboard box outside,
34:07near the recycling, near the residence car park.
34:09Could you just go and nab it for me?
34:11Yeah, of course.
34:13Unless there's rats in it, then no.
34:22So he's OK about you moving out, then?
34:24Well, he says he is, but you never really know what he's thinking.
34:31I'm sorry for springing all this on you.
34:33No, come on, I totally get it.
34:35You're right, you know, we're better off with a bit of space.
34:38Yeah, especially now you've recovered.
34:43Yeah, and things aren't really great between me and Nick, so...
34:47Well, do you know what?
34:49I think it'll be good for me to live on my own.
34:51I've not lived on my own for ages.
34:53And I've always had to rely on somebody else,
34:55so I think it'll be good for me.
34:57Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I mean, me too.
34:59In fact, I'm going to get online right now
35:02and I'm going to see what's out there.
35:10Is Bethany back yet?
35:12No, hopefully tomorrow, but will you send her some more TikToks?
35:16Cos it does cheer her up.
35:22Is Mum in?
35:24No, she's staying at Jesse's.
35:26Who, by the way, said you ambushed him with his axe?
35:30Yeah, well, I think he was being dodgy in the pub.
35:33Yeah, well, you'd know all about dodgy.
35:35Oh, David, shut up.
35:36Tell me to shut up. You're the one who called round here.
35:39Did you know that Jesse's been to prison?
35:44What for?
35:45He doesn't want to say.
35:47Well, my money's on Harvey.
35:49Maybe. Hopefully.
35:51What do you mean, hopefully?
35:53Because if it's not Harvey,
35:55he's going to be pretty knocked that the money's gone missing, isn't he?
35:58What if he comes sniffing round here for it?
36:01Oh, great, so we're not only going to be homeless,
36:03we're going to be the target of Weatherfield's kingpin of crime?
36:37She OK?
36:39She's not great, no.
36:42Turns out she heard us come back to the house that night.
36:46So when she found out, we told the police we didn't leave the house?
36:50She thought we might have. Exactly.
36:52Enough to give anyone a headache.
36:54Hey, Ed's back.
36:56Ah, here he is. Funny how you sneaked out late with your round.
37:01Well, is Dee Dee all right?
37:03All right, look, Sam, you...
37:06We've got something to tell you.
37:11Come on, brother dearest.
37:13I think Abi needs to take you home.
37:15Oh, do you think? I'm not leaving.
37:17Not unless we're getting a kebab.
37:20In which case, I'm getting a kebab.
37:22Ah, thought you'd never ask.
37:24Erm, kebabby?
37:26See you there.
37:31All right? Right, go on.
37:33What is it?
37:37Oh, hi, mate. Er, I'm not with you.
37:39No, I convinced her I wasn't going to bleed to death if I came by myself.
37:43Look, get out the way of the door.
37:46Sorry, I know I shouldn't be by here,
37:48but it turns out we're out of black peppercorn and we're having eggs.
37:52And you can't really have eggs without them.
37:54Oh, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
37:56Yeah, hang on.
37:58Is everything all right, though? Yeah.
38:00It's good that Leanne's just moving round the corner, isn't it?
38:03Yeah. Auntie Toy has been helping her pack.
38:06Oh, well, that's good.
38:08She's nicking the air fryer. Well, predictable.
38:10And planning on moving out tomorrow.
38:13Wow. That's quick.
38:17Next year, I'll have the anniversary of losing two mums on two consecutive days.
38:27No, sorry. That was meant as a joke.
38:30Honestly, I get that it's for the best.
38:33And like you say, she's just round the corner.
38:36You're not losing Leanne, you know.
38:39Look how close she is to Simon.
38:41I know. I know, honestly.
38:43It was just a bad joke.
38:45You'll be able to see her whenever you want.
38:47Yeah. I know.
38:52Yeah, yeah, OK, yeah.
38:54Er, eggs.
38:56There we go.
38:58See you later. Yeah. Enjoy your eggs.
39:04I don't believe this.
39:06No, actually, what am I saying? Of course I believe it.
39:08You playing the hard man act and you lying about it.
39:10Look, Michael... No, he's right. I deserve that.
39:13I held my hands up. We both did.
39:16What we did was stupid.
39:18Oh, forgot your keys.
39:22Just got a craving for some crisps.
39:25Do you fancy a brew?
39:26Ooh, go on, then.
39:30You realise I, um...
39:32What's the word? I paged him myself because of you.
39:35I told him that you were in all night.
39:37No, you said you thought he was in all night.
39:40You were asleep.
39:42OK, great.
39:44Good to know I can rely on a technicality when it comes to court.
39:47I'm guessing Dee Dee's told you to go to the police?
39:51agreed to keep it quiet.
39:53We both have.
39:56Nothing happened. So?
39:58Sorry. Wait, run this past me again.
40:01Dee Dee's agreed to cover up your little vigilante
40:04justice spree, and you're OK with it, are you?
40:06Well, like Ron said, nothing's happened.
40:08Apart from Joel being murdered.
40:10Hey, keep your voice down.
40:12Look, I believe you.
40:14I know you had nothing to do with it.
40:16No problem. Glad to know.
40:18Yeah, but you broke into his house the night he got murdered.
40:20That's a massive coincidence.
40:22You think anyone else will believe you didn't do it?
40:24Which is why none of us can say anything.
40:30I didn't think you'd still be awake.
40:32Can't sleep.
40:35You OK?
40:42Jenny come round before.
40:46Look, I'm...
40:48I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone behind your back.
40:50No, it's fine.
40:52I told her I'd go back and do some shifts next week.
40:55Part-time, you know.
40:57This is where you're going to have a go at me for interfering?
41:02I get it.
41:05It just...
41:08..feels weird just carrying on like normal.
41:14..that's why you don't have to, Gem.
41:16I do.
41:18We need the money.
41:20And I can't just keep sitting here
41:22while you're working so hard you can have to keep your eyes open.
41:26And I'm fine.
41:28Are you, though? Really?
41:33Well, I've got to be. You know it's going to change, is it?
41:37He's not coming back.
41:40And I can't just be sad forever, can I?
41:44Gem, look, come here.
41:53Sorry it's late, but this can't wait till tomorrow.
41:58How are you so calm?
42:00I thought you'd be marching him down to the police station.
42:02Because they didn't do it.
42:05OK, but do you really think the police,
42:07the same police who locked up Roy Cropper for murder,
42:10are going to look at the dad and the uncle
42:13of the victim's ex-fiancée and believe that?
42:16Do you believe them?
42:18That they broke in and changed their minds?
42:20Of course I do, don't you?
42:22Yes, yeah, yeah, look...
42:25Right, I can't deal with this right now, I know.
42:27I need to go to bed.
42:30Someone was looking for Joel that evening.
42:32And whoever that was finished the job.
42:35Someone was looking for Joel that evening.
42:37And whoever that was finished the job.
43:05I'm sorry.
43:23I'm sorry.
43:26I'm sorry.
43:35I'm sorry.