• yesterday
Rompiendo el Hielo - Full Completo en Español
00:00:30I can't believe you're going to college. I'm not ready for this.
00:00:37That doesn't mean we're done.
00:00:40Come on, you have to promise me you won't go back with that idiot Mark.
00:00:46Never in my life. I can't imagine being with someone else.
00:00:50Me neither. I'll come back for you someday. I love you, Carol Mills.
00:00:57And I love you, Stone Black.
00:01:00Damn it. My period was delayed by a week. What am I going to do now?
00:01:16The mother of Easton.
00:01:18Hello, Mrs. Black.
00:01:21Do you think you're pregnant with Easton?
00:01:28Easton has a whole hockey scholarship. I won't let you ruin it or tie it to this town of garbage to create a bastard.
00:01:37Please let me talk to Easton. I won't try to tie him.
00:01:41I want you to break up with him. And you're going to get rid of this baby.
00:01:45Or else, you have no idea what I'm capable of.
00:01:57If I tell Easton about the baby, he'll probably give up his baby.
00:02:02This is his dream. I can't do this to him.
00:02:06His mother is right about one thing. He has a great future.
00:02:21It's a promise, Carol. I'll come back for you.
00:02:49What the fuck?
00:02:51I haven't even left and you're already back with this idiot? Is this a fucking joke?
00:02:56No. I just reacted again.
00:02:59I'll come back for you. I'm going to NHL.
00:03:02You, you. It's always about you. Your career and your fame. You only care about hockey.
00:03:07Easton... Mark... He's worried about me.
00:03:13I love you, Caroline. I just have to be successful on my own and then I'll give you everything you want.
00:03:22You'll never be the star you think you are, Easton.
00:03:28We're done.
00:03:29That's right, loser. Goodbye.
00:03:41What's wrong?
00:03:43Mark! Hi!
00:03:46I want us to go back.
00:03:48I thought you wanted this.
00:03:51Well, I changed my mind.
00:03:53I'm never coming back with you, Mark.
00:03:56You're really crazy, bipolar.
00:03:59Never call me again.
00:04:03I'm sorry, Easton.
00:04:06How could you do this to me?
00:04:09It's the only way.
00:04:24I'm sorry.
00:04:28I'm sorry.
00:04:35Speaking of hockey, did you see the news about your ex-superstar?
00:04:39Everyone says Easton does great things.
00:04:55Come in.
00:04:56Easton, you're the youngest player to win the MVP.
00:05:00But you surprised us by announcing your team's game that made you famous.
00:05:05Can you tell us where you're going?
00:05:09It's a secret.
00:05:14Good for him.
00:05:15He was successful, like he said he would be.
00:05:21What would you tell Easton if you saw him again?
00:05:24I have no idea. It's been eight years.
00:05:30All I know is that he'll never find out he has a daughter.
00:05:35And there's no way that will happen.
00:05:38He's the biggest star on the East Coast, and I wash toilets on a runway in Los Angeles.
00:05:47It's been eight years, Caroline Mills.
00:05:55Wake up, Caroline.
00:05:57I need you to take out the trash.
00:05:59I know, Lucinda. I'll do it.
00:06:03Did you forget that my father coaches the LA Vipers?
00:06:08He runs this damn place.
00:06:12And you're just a poor concierge.
00:06:15You're mine, Caroline.
00:06:18I wouldn't answer if it were you.
00:06:20Trash. Now.
00:06:22Whatever you say.
00:06:26The new captain will be here soon, and I need this place to be perfect.
00:06:31Don't embarrass me, Zoe.
00:06:34New captain?
00:06:51Bienvenido a los LA Vipers, superestrella.
00:06:57Bienvenido a los LA Vipers, superestrella.
00:07:00Todo empieza hoy, ¿no?
00:07:02Así es.
00:07:03¿Quieres ver esta nueva pista o qué?
00:07:05Sí, hay que verla.
00:07:20¡Hola, Easton! Estamos felices de tenerte aquí.
00:07:26Capitán Black, tenemos suerte de tener una estrella en el equipo.
00:07:30Emocionado de estar aquí, coach.
00:07:32Delechigi, mi mano derecha.
00:07:34No puedo jugar sin él.
00:07:36Me emociona estar aquí, entrenador. Ansío ganar con usted.
00:07:38¿Dijeron que debía firmar algunas cosas en la oficina?
00:07:41Sí, así es, jovencito.
00:07:43Lucinda, ¿sí?
00:07:46Sí, así es, jovencito.
00:07:48Lucinda, ¿serías tan amable y le darías a Easton una visita por nuestras instalaciones, por favor?
00:07:55Sí, sería un placer.
00:07:57Por aquí está nuestra pista.
00:08:12Y aquí tenemos todo.
00:08:15Tenemos todo lo que te gustará en la sala de...
00:08:32¡Ay no! ¿Se unió a los LA Vipers?
00:08:35¿Qué hace Easton aquí?
00:08:37Hola, me llamo Easton Black, pero parece que ya conoces mi nombre.
00:08:43Lyne Mills.
00:08:44¡No lo toques! Estás cubierta de basura y hueles mal.
00:08:49Solo tenías un trabajo.
00:08:51Lamento mucho que pasaras esto, Easton.
00:08:54Te juro que hay más... empleados que son más competentes.
00:08:59Dije que fue un accidente y estaba sacando la basura como...
00:09:01¡Basta de hablar!
00:09:09Limpia esto primero.
00:09:14¿Hay algo más que pueda hacer por ti hoy, Capitán Black?
00:09:19Sí, bueno, de hecho, busco un asistente personal.
00:09:24Me ayudaría a familiarizarme con el equipo, llevar mis calendarios, hacer recados, esas cosas.
00:09:30Estaría encantada de ayudarte, Easton.
00:09:34Mi padre es el entrenador y sé lo que necesita un capitán para alegrarse.
00:09:41Creo que Carol Lyne sería perfecta para eso.
00:09:44¿Carol Lyne?
00:09:45¿Qué demonios estás haciendo?
00:09:48Sí, pero parece que estás muy ocupada, Lucinda.
00:09:50Además, despediste a Carol Lyne, lo que significa que tiene mucho tiempo ahora.
00:09:58¿Qué dices, Carol?
00:10:08¿Quieres ser mi asistente personal?
00:10:15¿Quieres ser mi asistente personal?
00:10:20No, no creo que pueda hacerlo.
00:10:23Estoy disponible.
00:10:24Lucinda, lo siento.
00:10:26Hay algo urgente que debo atender, pero retomamos luego, ¿sí?
00:10:32Sí, vámonos.
00:10:33Oye, amigo, me prometiste que si ganábamos el campeonato de los Vipers seríamos los reyes de la NHL.
00:10:39No me digas que solo veniste por ella.
00:10:42Es por amor al juego, Sig.
00:10:44Por eso venimos.
00:10:46Ahora vámonos.
00:10:48Por favor, amigo.
00:10:50Ahora vámonos.
00:10:55Mi dulce niña.
00:10:57¿Está todo bien aquí?
00:10:59Estuvo horrible.
00:11:13¿Se lo dijiste?
00:11:15No había notado lo mucho que Hailey se parece a su papá.
00:11:20Soy Easton Black.
00:11:22Y soy el nuevo capitán del equipo de los Vipers.
00:11:26Ay, por Dios.
00:11:27Amo patinar en hielo.
00:11:29Tenemos eso en común.
00:11:30Lamento mucho la situación del papá.
00:11:32Ella debió decirlo por ver mucha televisión, ¿sí?
00:11:37Oye, Caro, ¿tienes una hija?
00:11:39No, Easton.
00:11:41Tenemos una hija.
00:11:49Sí, es mi hija.
00:11:55Ella me dejó por mal que luego tuviera una hija.
00:11:59¿Por qué nunca supe de eso?
00:12:04¿Por qué a Easton le dijiste papá?
00:12:06Sé que me dijiste que mi padre ya no está.
00:12:09Pero siempre que sueño con él, se ve justo así.
00:12:16Vámonos a casa, ¿sí?
00:12:22Estás muy tranquila con todo este asunto.
00:12:25Si el padre secreto apareciera de la nada luego de ocho años enloquecería por completo.
00:12:30Bueno, gracias.
00:12:32Por eso.
00:12:33Yuni, eso fue muy útil.
00:12:35¿Y no vas a decirle?
00:12:36¿Decir qué?
00:12:39Hola, qué bueno verte de nuevo después de dejarte hace mucho.
00:12:42Lo siento, no te dije.
00:12:44Y una hija.
00:12:45Sí, también muchas, muchas gracias por hacer que me despidieran del trabajo que necesito para alimentarla.
00:12:51Sí, va a salir muy bien.
00:12:57Digo, ¿a qué demonios está jugando?
00:12:59¿Y luego me quiere como su asistente?
00:13:02No le creo.
00:13:04Creo que deberías aceptarlo.
00:13:05Si me preguntas, el té está molestando porque todavía le importas.
00:13:08No, no, no, no, no, corrección.
00:13:10Yo le importaba antes, ¿sabes?
00:13:14Él no es el mismo que conocí antes.
00:13:16¿Ahora es?
00:13:17Un décil arrogante del hockey.
00:13:20Bueno, sea un imbécil o no, debes trabajar y necesitas el dinero.
00:13:25¿Y qué mejor manera de conocer al verdadero Easton Black que siendo su asistente personal?
00:13:30¿Quién sabe? Podría sorprenderte.
00:13:32Mira, pase lo que pase, Easton merece saber que tiene una hija.
00:13:39No puedes alejar a Hailey de su padre por siempre.
00:13:45Ven por tus cosas mañana a primera hora o se irán a la basura.
00:14:43Sus ojos deberían estar en mí, no en esa mugrosa.
00:14:48A partir de hoy, ella nunca pisará esta pista otra vez.
00:14:55Me aseguraré de eso.
00:15:01Hola Easton, aquí está tu uniforme de los Vipers.
00:15:05El resto del equipo llegará pronto y están ansiosos por conocerte.
00:15:10Bien. Iré a tomar una ducha y luego saldré a saludar, ¿sí?
00:15:29Upsie, disculpa Caroline. ¿Fue un accidente?
00:15:32Sí. Claro que sí, Lucinda.
00:15:36O tal vez quisieras correr a la ducha y ocuparte de eso antes de ensuciar mi piso.
00:15:45Maldita perra.
00:15:48Esto será bueno.
00:16:02Lo siento, no pueden entrar ahí.
00:16:05Ah, Caroline entró tras Easton.
00:16:09No sabía que era tan zorra.
00:16:14No lo creo.
00:16:15It's so sexy.
00:16:21Do you enjoy the view?
00:16:22Who knows?
00:16:24Damn idiot.
00:16:29Tell me what you do in the men's locker room.
00:16:35Did you hear her scream?
00:16:37Oh yeah!
00:16:38It's very clear that they are doing it in there.
00:16:42What do you think, guys? We should go see.
00:16:47Let's go, Caroline.
00:16:49We know you're there.
00:16:52Don't say anything.
00:16:59What do you need?
00:17:00What were Caroline and you doing in there?
00:17:02What the hell are you doing, Lucinda?
00:17:05I told you I would talk to the team after showering.
00:17:08Unless everyone wants to join.
00:17:10May I? Is there room?
00:17:12Come on, Easton. I know I hear Caroline screaming in there.
00:17:19They're here.
00:17:21Daddy, Caroline sneaked into the men's locker room and tried to seduce Easton.
00:17:26Coach, I already asked Lucinda to leave.
00:17:29If she's so obsessed with seeing me naked, then we shouldn't just worry about Caroline.
00:17:34But daddy...
00:17:35Both of you.
00:17:37Caroline is screaming in there.
00:17:40You can't keep behaving like this. Do you understand?
00:17:44Yes, daddy.
00:17:45You fired Caroline and you did this to her?
00:17:47And if I fire you, what do you think?
00:17:49What if I fire you and we see? What do you think?
00:17:55If you wanted the job, you could have called me.
00:17:58You didn't have to do this.
00:18:01Caroline, wait.
00:18:06Why didn't you tell me about your daughter?
00:18:09Why didn't you tell me about your daughter?
00:18:11And why didn't you tell me that you were going to join the team that comes to practice my job?
00:18:16Are you harassing me?
00:18:18Harassing you?
00:18:21It was something professional. You don't know anything about that.
00:18:24What the hell does it mean?
00:18:27There's no ring on your finger.
00:18:29You have a job with no future and you let people like Lucinda Gorge trample on you.
00:18:35Obviously things don't continue between you and Mark.
00:18:38What a shame.
00:18:40But you're lost without me, Caro.
00:18:45You have no idea what you're talking about.
00:18:48Oh, really?
00:18:49I don't need you, Easton.
00:18:53Is that why you're afraid to work with me?
00:18:56Or are you afraid to fall in love again?
00:18:59I have to work. I need money to take care of Hayley.
00:19:03Who knows, I might be surprised.
00:19:08But if you think I'm weak, I accept your challenge.
00:19:13I'll take the job and I'll be the best assistant you have.
00:19:17And you'll be the only one lost without me.
00:19:20I'm sorry.
00:19:28Easton, you did it again.
00:19:33Happy birthday, dear mommy. Happy birthday to you.
00:19:38Thank you so much, my girl. I love it.
00:19:41And you know what? I was thinking we could go to the park or...
00:19:49Easton, it's Saturday morning. What do you want?
00:19:51Hi, you too, Caro.
00:19:54Hey, I need you to look for some pants for me.
00:19:58Can't you wait?
00:19:59That's not the way to talk to your boss.
00:20:02You can't.
00:20:04Look, leave them at my house in a couple of hours, okay?
00:20:08I'll send you the address.
00:20:10Easton, it's...
00:20:14My birthday, idiot.
00:20:19The next day
00:20:22Mommy, can we go in there?
00:20:24I don't know, honey. We're late and...
00:20:27Please, just a minute.
00:20:31You know what?
00:20:33Let's do it. We can take the time.
00:20:35Yes, thank you, mommy.
00:20:36Yes, let's go.
00:20:39Yes, it's very pretty, right?
00:20:41Hey, if you touch it, you buy it.
00:20:44Excuse me?
00:20:45You heard her. Unless you plan to buy, I suggest you leave.
00:20:49We don't want your daughter and her dirty hands touching the merchandise.
00:20:53Come on, Hailey, let's go.
00:20:54We won't give this woman another second of attention.
00:21:00We're not thieves!
00:21:02Come on, Hailey, turn around and show her your hands, okay?
00:21:06The next day
00:21:14I knew it.
00:21:16Come with me.
00:21:17Hey, I'm sorry. It's a misunderstanding, okay?
00:21:19I'll pay for the necklace.
00:21:21As if you could pay for it. It's $100,000.
00:21:25Shit, what am I going to do now?
00:21:32Where could she be?
00:21:35If you can't pay, I'll have to file charges.
00:21:39No, please don't do that, okay?
00:21:41Is Don Black? Oh, my God, he's the sexiest man.
00:21:45Hi, Carol.
00:21:47It looks like you did find something nice.
00:21:51Well, I told my assistant to buy you something nice for your birthday.
00:21:56You like it, don't you?
00:21:58Hey, I chose that.
00:22:00The bad lady snatched it from my hands.
00:22:03No, I didn't.
00:22:04What's going on?
00:22:05Mr. Black, tell me, is there a problem here?
00:22:11Your employee accuses us of stealing.
00:22:13No, no, it's not like that.
00:22:15I didn't know.
00:22:17I'm sorry.
00:22:18Will you forgive me, please?
00:22:20Will you give me a selfie?
00:22:21No, no selfies, my God, my God.
00:22:26Mr. Black, I'm very sorry, but maybe you could give me a selfie?
00:22:35Can I have the necklace?
00:22:36Of course!
00:22:55Happy birthday, Carol.
00:22:59Easton remembered my birthday.
00:23:01Maybe I'm not an idiot as I thought.
00:23:03You were lucky that I came to save you.
00:23:05I told you that you are lost without me, Carol.
00:23:10No, you're still an idiot.
00:23:13Goodbye, Hailey.
00:23:14Thank you, Mr. Easton.
00:23:21Let's go, Hailey.
00:23:24Are you Easton Black?
00:23:25Is it really you?
00:23:26Can we take a picture?
00:23:27Okay, wait.
00:23:28You're an idiot and a womanizer.
00:23:31Oh my God, this is going to be my background.
00:23:34Wear your pants, idiot.
00:23:38Do you know who it is?
00:23:39It's okay, it's nothing.
00:23:42Juniper, what the hell?
00:23:43I thought we were going to have a wine and series night.
00:23:46We always have series nights, idiot.
00:23:49It's time to get Caroline out of the house and take her to the dance floor for a night.
00:23:54It's your birthday, bitch.
00:23:56Juniper, I'm a mother.
00:23:58What? I'm not going to clubs anymore.
00:24:01Caroline, you're 25.
00:24:03And you've never had a club phase.
00:24:05I know.
00:24:06I know it must be hard to work for Easton while you're hiding this great secret from him.
00:24:11I just think it could be fun to go out one night, clear your mind, stop thinking about bad things.
00:24:19You can't deny me, can you?
00:24:22See you there.
00:24:49Yes, yes, yes.
00:24:55That's right, bro.
00:24:57You look very down, brother.
00:24:59Is this because of Caroline?
00:25:05When I met you at college, you were a disaster because of Caroline.
00:25:09You play a dangerous game of hiring her as an assistant.
00:25:11You don't try to continue where you left her.
00:25:13Don't worry, bro.
00:25:14Did you know he had a daughter with the idiot he left me for and he didn't even tell me?
00:25:19Maybe he's still paying the rent.
00:25:21Did you know he's a millionaire in Los Angeles?
00:25:23Yes, I knew it.
00:25:25You told me one, two or seven thousand fucking times.
00:25:31It doesn't matter.
00:25:32Now I'm a superstar.
00:25:33I have the money and the women.
00:25:35And well, I got over it.
00:25:37Yes, my friend.
00:25:39Of course you are, okay?
00:25:40Hey, speaking of women, what do you want, girls?
00:25:43Hi, Easton.
00:25:45Hi, girls.
00:25:46How are you?
00:25:47He's mysterious.
00:25:48And very sexy.
00:25:49Tonight will be mine.
00:25:53Let's toast.
00:25:55Cheers to the greatest and greatest team on the west coast and to our new sexy captain.
00:26:04Let's go, Viper!
00:26:12Oh, shit.
00:26:13Caroline is here.
00:26:18Fuck, Juniper.
00:26:20You got me out of my house and I'm here.
00:26:27Oh, shit.
00:26:28Caroline is here.
00:26:29This place is down the hill.
00:26:31They never let street dogs in.
00:26:34I don't know.
00:26:35I think she looks pretty good dressed like that.
00:26:37Yes, of course.
00:26:38She looks like a prostitute idiot.
00:26:41Look at her moves.
00:26:43How embarrassing.
00:26:44I know, right?
00:26:46Lucinda, you're much prettier than her.
00:26:49Oh, it's not a competition.
00:26:51But if it was, I'd win.
00:26:54Watch and learn.
00:26:56Oh, Easton, look at me.
00:27:06Get your hands off her!
00:27:10Get away from her!
00:27:15You're Easton Black.
00:27:17I'm sorry, bro.
00:27:18I thought you were single.
00:27:19I think it was pretty obvious that you didn't want me to touch her.
00:27:23Bite him and you'll see what happens.
00:27:25Yes, of course.
00:27:26That's Easton Black.
00:27:27Look for his autograph next time.
00:27:32Oh, what are you doing?
00:27:34Oh, what do I do?
00:27:36Why did I let this happen?
00:27:40Come on.
00:27:41Say something smart about how you saved the day again.
00:27:45I know what you want.
00:27:47I could say something smart.
00:27:50But this time I won't.
00:27:55Were you jealous?
00:27:59Of who?
00:28:01Of that imbecile I just hit?
00:28:04Without sweating a single drop?
00:28:09Because if I were, I'd be a little hypocritical.
00:28:14What do you mean?
00:28:15Well, you have dead fans for you, and I can't dance with someone in a bar?
00:28:20That's unfair.
00:28:24Let's ruin a night.
00:28:26Come on.
00:28:27You're a bunch of whores.
00:28:29Come on.
00:28:30That's unfair.
00:28:32Do you want to talk about injustice?
00:28:34The last time you left me for a burning imbecile with no explanation.
00:28:39And now you're raising his daughter.
00:28:46Kaylee is Mark's daughter, right?
00:28:50Happy birthday to you.
00:28:55Happy birthday, Caroline.
00:29:00Happy birthday to you.
00:29:04Oops, sorry.
00:29:07How are you?
00:29:08What the hell, Lucinda?
00:29:09I came to see how you were.
00:29:11Go, Lucinda.
00:29:13You lost this round.
00:29:14Shut up, Gina.
00:29:16I can't believe he likes it.
00:29:18Come on, forget it.
00:29:20You're not going to cry.
00:29:23You're going to cry on your birthday.
00:29:33Caro, are you okay?
00:29:35Obviously not, Easton.
00:29:37Why don't you answer my question?
00:29:39What did you do when I left?
00:29:42I want you to break up with him, and you're going to get rid of that baby.
00:29:46You're really crazy, bipolar.
00:29:49Never call me again.
00:29:51Easton could believe that Kaylee is Mark's daughter.
00:29:54It hurts less to explain the truth.
00:29:57Why do you want to know?
00:30:00Are you still upset about leaving you eight years ago?
00:30:02Listen, you're very stubborn, Caro.
00:30:04Don't forget that you're the only one who jumped into your ex's bed after leaving me.
00:30:08And if you don't want to admit that,
00:30:12you're really stubborn.
00:30:16Easton, you don't know anything about me.
00:30:22You're right.
00:30:24We're still different.
00:30:29Before you leave.
00:30:33What are you doing?
00:30:36Put this on.
00:30:39You shouldn't go out looking like that again, okay?
00:30:47And this?
00:30:52A family relic.
00:30:55It's my coin.
00:30:58I use it in every game.
00:31:10You know, it's not something I haven't seen before.
00:31:14Yes, and it's not something...
00:31:17...that you're going to return to.
00:31:19Is it a promise or are you threatening me?
00:31:27Yes, wait.
00:31:35You were right.
00:31:38I need work.
00:31:42I'm the only one who takes care of Hailey.
00:31:46I'm the only one who takes care of Hailey.
00:31:49Things are tense.
00:31:50But if we're going to work together,
00:31:52we have to keep things professional.
00:31:54Between us, okay?
00:31:59If that's what you want.
00:32:06How long ago was she away from Mark?
00:32:08Did she raise her daughter alone?
00:32:16Oh, I haven't had such a hangover...
00:32:23Sounds like the sign of a great birthday.
00:32:26I'm sorry, I couldn't go before the...
00:32:30Yeah, it's okay.
00:32:32It happens.
00:32:33Any news from Easton?
00:32:37Did he write to me?
00:32:46Without a please or a thank you?
00:32:51They're all pigs.
00:32:52All of them.
00:33:02I'm going to need...
00:33:04...a little favor.
00:33:07Hello, hello, hello, my little candy.
00:33:10Where's my coffee?
00:33:12I don't work for you.
00:33:13I work for you.
00:33:17Hey, be nice.
00:33:18Caroline, are you working for Easton...
00:33:20...or are you just...
00:33:24Hey, you idiot!
00:33:25If I kill you, you'll be dead, or you just won't breathe.
00:33:29But what's going on?
00:33:31I'm just trying to get the hockey stick...
00:33:33...out of your assistant's little butt.
00:33:35Maybe this will help.
00:33:39Whoa, wait!
00:33:40Calm down, pal.
00:33:41Calm down, pal, we're just having fun with her.
00:33:43Oh, yeah?
00:33:44Does anyone else want to have fun?
00:33:49Does anyone else want to have fun?
00:33:50Calm down, calm down.
00:33:52Calm down.
00:33:53Caroline is not a maid.
00:33:54She's my assistant.
00:33:55So she's part of the team, like everyone else.
00:33:58And you'll treat her with respect...
00:34:00...or you'll end up like Rex around here.
00:34:03So I suggest...
00:34:04...you take your eyes out of your ass...
00:34:07...and leave right now!
00:34:08Shit, you changed, pal.
00:34:10Whatever, let's go.
00:34:11Let's go.
00:34:12Get out of here.
00:34:13What an idiot.
00:34:14I'm leaving.
00:34:16You know, I take back what I said.
00:34:18Yeah, what?
00:34:20I called you weak.
00:34:22Caroline, you just faced the three worst NHL players.
00:34:27That's what I told you.
00:34:29You don't know anything about me.
00:34:31I do know one thing about you.
00:34:34I know how sweet you are...
00:34:35...and you haven't changed a bit in the last few years.
00:34:39And that's what I love about you.
00:34:41I love you.
00:34:46Maybe you should sell that.
00:34:49Something about having a daughter...
00:34:52...is that every bag becomes an emergency kit.
00:34:56But it's unbelievable, you know?
00:34:59...you raise Hailey all by yourself...
00:35:01...and your grandmother...
00:35:02...helps you, or...
00:35:04No, she...
00:35:07...died before I graduated.
00:35:10Caroline, I'm sorry.
00:35:13But I have Juniper.
00:35:15And she is...
00:35:19She's like a sister to me.
00:35:21And I guess it's great that you're a professional.
00:35:30You have everything you dreamed of.
00:35:36I don't have it yet.
00:35:50Caroline, isn't there something you haven't told me yet?
00:35:53Please, you have to tell me.
00:35:55It's just that I can't do it, okay?
00:35:59Not yet.
00:36:08Not yet.
00:36:13They're looking for you.
00:36:19I have to go now.
00:36:21Thank you for the bandage.
00:36:23You're welcome.
00:36:30What's up, Eastie?
00:36:31Do you want a drink?
00:36:33No, there's something I have to do today.
00:36:36What are you doing this afternoon?
00:36:37You have your secrets, and I have mine.
00:36:49Mark Downey.
00:36:52Easton Black.
00:36:54What's up, friend?
00:36:57Easton, you don't know anything about me.
00:37:00If you don't want to tell me the truth,
00:37:02I'll figure it out myself.
00:37:07Take care, Caroline.
00:37:19I'm a big fan, friend.
00:37:21Have a seat.
00:37:23Let me serve you something good.
00:37:32What the hell are you doing here, friend?
00:37:37In fact, I'm here to talk about Caroline Mills.
00:37:43What's that crazy whore doing these days?
00:37:46No, no regrets, by the way.
00:37:48I know she left you for me, but...
00:37:51...you dodged a bullet.
00:37:54Did it end badly?
00:37:58It didn't even start.
00:38:00She broke up with me five minutes after telling me we were back.
00:38:04That psychopath.
00:38:06Cheers to that, don't you think?
00:38:11Does that mean Hailey isn't yours?
00:38:15Who the hell is Hailey?
00:38:20Hailey is Caroline's daughter.
00:38:22Don't you know that?
00:38:25If Hailey isn't Mark's, who is the father?
00:38:29Why would I know?
00:38:30The girl isn't mine.
00:38:32That bitch never slept with me.
00:38:34What the hell did you say?
00:38:35Stop, stop.
00:38:37I heard the players were temperamental.
00:38:39But, God, you know...
00:38:42Now that I think about it...
00:38:45Caroline was very sexy.
00:38:48Maybe I should call her.
00:38:51Are you with her?
00:38:54How is...
00:38:55...her body after the baby?
00:38:58Did she recover well?
00:39:05You're as psychopathic as Caroline, my friend.
00:39:07You two must be together.
00:39:14Grab her, come on, grab her!
00:39:16What? Hey, what do you want?
00:39:18We're here to teach you a lesson.
00:39:20Down! Grab her! Down! Now! Bring her here!
00:39:31Mark isn't Hailey's father.
00:39:33Why didn't he tell me?
00:39:34It could be...
00:39:40Don't hurt me, I have a daughter.
00:39:43It's not our problem.
00:39:49You don't know who you're messing with.
00:39:55You want to die here too?
00:40:01You were lucky, I was kind.
00:40:04Caroline, are you okay?
00:40:10We'll find out who did this, okay?
00:40:13In the meantime...
00:40:15...don't leave here alone again.
00:40:17I won't let that happen.
00:40:19I'm fine, I'm just...
00:40:22Shaky, I think.
00:40:23Calm down, calm down.
00:40:25I'll take you home.
00:40:33This isn't very professional.
00:40:35I won't say it if you don't say it.
00:40:43Here it is.
00:40:49Thank you for saving me.
00:40:53That's what we're here for.
00:41:00I know you and Mark didn't come back eight years ago.
00:41:05What do you want me to tell you, Easton?
00:41:10I'm not ready for that, okay?
00:41:12What are you hiding from me?
00:41:23Mr. Easton, what are you doing here?
00:41:26Your mother had some problems with the car and I was helping her.
00:41:29Problems with the car?
00:41:31Is everything okay?
00:41:33Yes, everything is fine.
00:41:36Well, I think it's time for Easton to go, right?
00:41:41...can he stay for dinner?
00:41:45I'm Juniper, Caroline's best friend.
00:41:49A pleasure, it's a pleasure.
00:41:51I heard good things about you.
00:41:53Easton is very busy, right?
00:41:55You can't, right?
00:41:57No, I never reject free food.
00:42:02You're not going to run away from this, dear.
00:42:04Sooner or later you'll have to tell the truth.
00:42:06Come on, Mom.
00:42:08You're always the one who needs friends.
00:42:11Thank you, darling.
00:42:15Well, let's go inside.
00:42:21She's crazy, just like you.
00:42:26She looks like you too.
00:42:40What's your favorite color, Mr. Easton?
00:42:46Oh, mine is pink.
00:42:50I never imagined it.
00:42:52Blue is my second favorite.
00:42:54Do you like dogs?
00:42:56I love them.
00:42:57I always wanted one.
00:42:59Me too.
00:43:00What a coincidence.
00:43:05And, Mr. Easton, why do you keep showing up?
00:43:08Do you work with Mom? Is she your friend?
00:43:11Let's stop with the questions, Hailey.
00:43:13Hey, it's okay.
00:43:15No, your mom is an old friend.
00:43:17Now she does little jobs for me.
00:43:19Of course, she's a viper, right?
00:43:22I'm amazing on the ice.
00:43:24Mom says that when I grow up, I could be a skater.
00:43:28I could even be a better skater than you.
00:43:33I'm better than Mom, of course.
00:43:37Yes, I believe you.
00:43:39Yes, I believe you.
00:43:41She was always very unstable with skates.
00:43:44I wonder how you have that talent.
00:43:47It's from my father.
00:43:52Are you okay?
00:43:54Yes, I...
00:43:56I choked.
00:43:58I'm going to...
00:44:00wash this, right away.
00:44:09Okay, calm down, Caroline.
00:44:11Either you tell him that Hailey is his daughter right now,
00:44:13or you get him out of the house before he realizes it.
00:44:18Is everything okay?
00:44:20Yes, everything's fine.
00:44:22I'm sorry, I have to go.
00:44:25Caro, Easton, goodbye.
00:44:30Very good.
00:44:32I'll take Hailey to bed. You can go now.
00:44:35I don't want him to go.
00:44:37I want him to read me a story first.
00:44:40I'd love to.
00:44:42Of course, if your mom wants to.
00:44:45Please, Mommy.
00:44:47Mom, I want you to read me a story.
00:44:58Yes, thank you.
00:44:59Good night, honey.
00:45:01Good night.
00:45:06And year after year,
00:45:08with my eyes closed,
00:45:11I felt the breeze
00:45:13of the change of season.
00:45:23Good night, Hailey.
00:45:25Good night, Mr. Easton.
00:45:31Good night.
00:45:52I know what you want, Easton, and...
00:45:55I can't tell you now, can I?
00:45:58I don't think you know what you want.
00:46:01Eight years ago, you told me I wouldn't make it,
00:46:04and that you'd completely forget.
00:46:07You'll never be the star you think you are, Easton.
00:46:11We're done.
00:46:13You know, I don't know why you think I'm an immature idiot
00:46:17who wants hockey, women, and fame.
00:46:21I just say I could leave the club and sleep with any girl
00:46:24and I could get drunk.
00:46:26And I'm still with you.
00:46:28Well, congratulations.
00:46:31And what do you want, a prize?
00:46:33Another trophy for your collection?
00:46:35No, I want to talk to you, Caro.
00:46:39Do you think it was a mistake to let me go all these years?
00:46:44I want you to break up with him,
00:46:46and you're going to get rid of that baby.
00:46:53No, it was the best thing I did.
00:46:57Can you leave, please?
00:47:00This girl...
00:47:01This boy...
00:47:05If that's what you want.
00:47:13The best thing she did?
00:47:14Don't talk about that shit.
00:47:16I'm a fucking star and I'm giving her everything she's ever wanted,
00:47:19like I promised her eight years ago.
00:47:24She gave up.
00:47:26Now she doesn't even have the decency to explain it to me.
00:47:28I know you don't want to hear this, but it sounds like you're still in love with her.
00:47:34Well, I mean,
00:47:36why would I love someone I never loved, you know?
00:47:40You know,
00:47:42someone who left me for a stupid loser who didn't love her.
00:47:46I don't know, friend.
00:47:48Maybe she loved you.
00:47:51How do you know that?
00:47:53By the way she looks at you now.
00:47:56It looks like she still loves you.
00:48:02I think I have an idea.
00:48:04I know, I practically pushed him out the door, but...
00:48:09I don't know, something in me wanted him to stay.
00:48:12Caroline, call this man right now.
00:48:17I'll call you later.
00:48:21You're back.
00:48:23A wheel got punctured.
00:48:25Aha, a wheel. How did it happen?
00:48:28It was a nail or some stupid kids doing something, I don't know.
00:48:33But I think I'll be trapped here tonight.
00:48:39And? How about a taxi?
00:48:42Obviously not. I drive myself.
00:48:45Okay, well...
00:48:48What about a crane?
00:48:51Yes, in fact, it's a good idea.
00:49:01It's a tape recorder. It says it's closed.
00:49:04How strange.
00:49:05Isn't it 24-7?
00:49:07I don't think so.
00:49:09Look, we both had a long day.
00:49:12We should sleep.
00:49:14Can I sleep on your couch, please?
00:49:24Hey, that way I can make sure you're okay from the accident.
00:49:29I'll make you breakfast.
00:49:31Oh, wow! Well, as incredible as it sounds...
00:49:35I stopped making pop-tarts five years ago.
00:49:38Come on, a real breakfast.
00:49:42Come on, I promise I won't leave the couch.
00:49:45Juniper has slept many times, right?
00:49:48Yes, but Juniper is my friend.
00:49:53I'm not your friend?
00:49:59He came back this time.
00:50:01And it was anything to stay.
00:50:04Maybe he really changed.
00:50:08I can tell him in the morning.
00:50:13Okay, you can stay.
00:50:17The fire extinguisher is under the sink.
00:50:20Don't burn my house, okay?
00:50:34I wish I could be with her.
00:50:39A few hours later
00:50:44Hailey, where's your mother?
00:50:46Shhh, she's sleeping.
00:50:52Would you help me cook?
00:50:55You break it...
00:50:57Very good. Now you pour...
00:50:59You pour a little milk.
00:51:01That's it.
00:51:02Hey, wait...
00:51:03Oh, you don't look like soup.
00:51:09Oh no!
00:51:10Oh no!
00:51:11You ruined it!
00:51:13No, don't worry. Everything is fine.
00:51:35A few hours later
00:51:48Hailey, where...
00:51:50What is all this?
00:51:52We made you Spammy pancakes.
00:51:53Mr. Easton and I.
00:51:57We made you Spammy pancakes.
00:51:58Mr. Easton and I.
00:52:03Try it.
00:52:04We made them with a lot of love and...
00:52:06With extra chocolate.
00:52:11Thank you!
00:52:14I'm surprised you have time to be a great star and learn to cook.
00:52:19How do you do it?
00:52:23I told you, I grew more than you think.
00:52:27And Hailey was a great help.
00:52:30She's a good girl.
00:52:32I mean, she's not. She's your daughter.
00:52:36All I know is that you'll never find out she has a daughter.
00:52:43Well, I'm going to get dressed while you clean up a little, okay?
00:52:48To eat.
00:52:51We have to clean up before creating problems.
00:52:59You have a mark on your neck.
00:53:02Yes, you too.
00:53:14Are you okay, Mr. Easton?
00:53:21I have to go.
00:53:26I heard the door and...
00:53:29Easton left?
00:53:35I can't wait any longer.
00:53:37When we have a moment alone, I'll tell her the truth.
00:53:44Let's see if I understand.
00:53:45Do you think Hailey is your daughter?
00:53:47But instead of talking to Caroline about this, you left?
00:53:51She just left, without saying anything?
00:53:55There must be an emergency or...
00:53:58Come on, man, I don't know what to do.
00:54:00As if I couldn't face Hailey sitting there.
00:54:05Damn, why didn't she tell me?
00:54:07Why didn't you say anything when you could?
00:54:10Caroline must answer that, man.
00:54:12You must sit down and talk to her.
00:54:15That's enough, Caro.
00:54:17You have to tell her the truth.
00:54:27Caro, we must talk.
00:54:28I'll see you at Main Street Theatre in half an hour.
00:54:34Yes, I'll be there.
00:54:36Easton, I have something to tell you.
00:54:38It's time.
00:54:41Excuse me?
00:54:42Do you think I live under a rock, Caroline?
00:54:45I might play hockey, but I'm not stupid.
00:54:48I know that.
00:54:50Don't you think it was a little weird
00:54:52that I left you in the middle of the night?
00:54:54I don't know.
00:54:55I don't know.
00:54:56I don't know.
00:54:57I don't know.
00:54:58I don't know.
00:54:59I don't know.
00:55:00I don't know.
00:55:01I don't know.
00:55:02I don't know.
00:55:03I don't know.
00:55:04It was weird that Hailey called me dad
00:55:06the first time I saw her.
00:55:08And she also likes hockey.
00:55:10Caroline, she has the same mark as me.
00:55:14Easton, you don't know what happened.
00:55:16Yesterday I went to talk to Mark.
00:55:18You what?
00:55:20You went to see my ex-girlfriend?
00:55:21What am I supposed to do if you don't tell me anything, Caroline?
00:55:25Caroline, wait.
00:55:30Just tell me the truth.
00:55:32Just tell me.
00:55:35Just tell me.
00:55:38Hailey is your daughter,
00:55:46Why didn't you tell me?
00:55:51Why did you hide it for eight fucking years?
00:55:55Caroline, tell me.
00:55:57Why did you leave me?
00:55:58Why did you leave me?
00:56:01I want you to break up with him.
00:56:03And you're going to get rid of that baby.
00:56:09Did you think I couldn't handle being a father?
00:56:13Do you really think I would leave you?
00:56:15That I would leave the baby to fuck around with some stupid hockey fan?
00:56:19Do you think that?
00:56:22That's how it was.
00:56:24Maybe you didn't know I was pregnant, but...
00:56:29You left me.
00:56:33You went to school.
00:56:35And you never looked back.
00:56:37No messages, no calls.
00:56:42You forgot about me.
00:56:44I waited for you.
00:56:47For nine months I waited for something, anything from you.
00:56:50A message.
00:56:54I waited in the hospital bed.
00:56:58For 12 hours.
00:57:00Of labor.
00:57:03Looking at the hospital door.
00:57:06Waiting for you to arrive like a miracle.
00:57:11I know I should have told you about Hailey.
00:57:13I know!
00:57:14I regret not doing it every day of my life.
00:57:17I thought you were with Mike.
00:57:19I really thought you had a reason why you didn't love me.
00:57:24That's it.
00:57:26We're done.
00:57:30No! And then you just let me go with him.
00:57:34You didn't even fight for me.
00:57:37I'm fighting for you.
00:57:41I'm fighting for you.
00:57:43I'm fighting for you!
00:57:46I'm fighting for you!
00:57:58This reminds me of the night before you left.
00:58:01The last night together.
00:58:05I always think about that, man.
00:58:07Well, sometimes...
00:58:09Honestly, sometimes I feel like that was the last time I was happy, you know?
00:58:15Before seeing you again.
00:58:17And before knowing about Hailey.
00:58:21Easton, you became the youngest MVP in the league.
00:58:24You won millions.
00:58:28You're a star, Easton.
00:58:31Yes, I know.
00:58:34And, you know, every time I score a great goal...
00:58:37Every time I get news...
00:58:40I just want to call you and tell you.
00:58:44I knew you were working with the Vipers.
00:58:47I knew I had to see you again.
00:58:50Because eight years ago you told me I wouldn't succeed.
00:58:54You told me to forget you.
00:58:57And I can't.
00:58:59I just can't.
00:59:01I can't.
00:59:03I worked very hard to be the man you would stay with.
00:59:09The kind of man you would want to raise a baby with.
00:59:14You are.
00:59:17I'm proud.
00:59:19Easton, I'm very proud.
00:59:23Do you want to take it back where we left it?
00:59:25Where we left it?
00:59:32Before you came back into my life...
00:59:35It was hard.
00:59:38It was simple.
00:59:40You know, I had Hailey, I had Juniper.
00:59:43And in the end...
00:59:45I was getting over you.
00:59:51Why did you have to come back?
00:59:53Isn't it obvious, Caroline?
00:59:57I'm still...
00:59:59Completely in love with you, Caroline.
01:00:04Easton, there's something I have to tell you.
01:00:07That doesn't matter.
01:00:09You don't have to say anything.
01:00:11I need you.
01:00:13I love you, Caroline.
01:00:23I love you.
01:00:54I missed you so much.
01:01:19As if we were 16.
01:01:21Time froze.
01:01:25Caro, tell me why you left.
01:01:29Whatever the reason, I must know.
01:01:33I'm sure I won't lose you.
01:01:38And you're going to get rid of that baby.
01:01:44I was...
01:01:48And influential.
01:01:50And stupid.
01:01:53And I didn't want to keep you.
01:02:01I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Hailey.
01:02:04I'm sorry about these lost years.
01:02:07But we were babies.
01:02:09Easton, I met you in a summer.
01:02:14I'm sorry.
01:02:15I met you in a summer.
01:02:19I was very sure you were the one.
01:02:25But I got pregnant and...
01:02:29I don't know, I started questioning everything.
01:02:39I never doubted you, Caro.
01:02:42The only thing I regret is that I didn't tell you.
01:02:45And that...
01:02:47And that I didn't love you again right at that moment.
01:02:53We wasted a lot of time together.
01:02:56You know?
01:02:58We have to talk about all that, so it's good to start.
01:03:10What are you thinking about?
01:03:13How are we going to tell Hailey?
01:03:21The Vipers look very good out there.
01:03:24I know they'll win tomorrow's game.
01:03:27I hope so.
01:03:29The Rhinos are a good team.
01:03:31And if we lose, I'm worried they won't trust me before I show them I'm a good captain.
01:03:37I have all the faith in you, Easton.
01:03:50Thank you, Caro.
01:03:53I love you and Hailey as my guests, baby.
01:03:58It will be an honor.
01:04:03I was also thinking...
01:04:04about telling Hailey after the game.
01:04:08It will be perfect, because we'll be together.
01:04:11Our spirits will be high.
01:04:14It will be!
01:04:16It seems like a good time to do it.
01:04:21You're right.
01:04:23The longer we wait, the harder it will be.
01:04:27The question is...
01:04:29What do we tell her?
01:04:30Well, I was thinking about saying...
01:04:33Surprise! I'm your dad!
01:04:36Okay, I think today's spirit is really good, but...
01:04:39we should work on that, right?
01:04:46Easton and Caro had a baby?
01:04:51Oh, she's going to fall!
01:04:54Oh, she's going to fall!
01:05:04What is all this?
01:05:06Today is an important day for Easton.
01:05:08We have a lot of work, honey, okay?
01:05:10What do you mean, us?
01:05:12I also received a VIP invitation for today's game.
01:05:17Okay, from who?
01:05:24You're not the only one who sleeps with a player.
01:05:29It's okay, okay?
01:05:41You're going to look really cute.
01:05:45Do you want a pet?
01:06:09Car for Caro and the kids.
01:06:11Courtesy of Mr. Black.
01:06:13Let's see...
01:06:16Let's travel in style, girls!
01:06:20I think Easton thought about everything.
01:06:23Let's go!
01:06:28You'll be here soon.
01:06:30Joanie was something big.
01:06:36You already have nicknames, huh?
01:06:38Speaking of which...
01:06:40Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Easton.
01:06:42Thank you for coming, girls.
01:06:44We wouldn't miss it for anything.
01:06:47Very well, let's go.
01:06:49Let's go!
01:06:54And that mosquito...
01:07:03Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, my beautiful people reporting live.
01:07:10I have to go back to the track.
01:07:12If anyone bothers you or something, just call me.
01:07:15Thank you, Easton.
01:07:17Good luck.
01:07:19Break a leg, Mr. Easton.
01:07:21Not literally, okay?
01:07:24See you later.
01:07:30Oh, hello!
01:07:35That impertinent mosquito could have gotten in the way with Easton, but I'm about to ruin his surprise!
01:07:45We have Easton Black here today. What do you think he has in store for us?
01:07:49You know, he was the university's dominant, and now maybe he's looking to continue with that dominance and...
01:07:57It looks like we still have fans, gentlemen, so let's go back from a commercial break. Let's go to the studio.
01:08:19Hey, what's up?
01:08:21Hey, what's up?
01:08:23Hey, what's up?
01:08:25Hey, what's up?
01:08:27Hey, what's up?
01:08:29Hey, what's up?
01:08:32Hey, what's up?
01:08:34Hey, what's up?
01:08:36Hey, what's up?
01:08:38Hey, what's up?
01:08:40Hey, what's up?
01:08:42Hey, what's up?
01:08:44Hey, what's up?
01:08:46Hey, what's up?
01:08:48Hey, what's up?
01:08:50Hey, what's up?
01:09:05Yes! Mr. Easton!
01:09:09And there you have it, friends. This is the 3-0 game, a great victory for the Vipers thanks to their captain, Easton Black.
01:09:19That was amazing!
01:09:21Seriously, you guys are amazing.
01:09:23Mr. Easton, it was great!
01:09:25Easton, you dedicate this game to your daughter.
01:09:29My daughter?
01:09:34My daughter?
01:09:38And we see that she is with her whole family.
01:09:42Is it true, Easton? Is she your daughter?
01:09:44Why don't you introduce us to your wife?
01:09:48Did you tell anyone?
01:09:50No, of course not.
01:09:55Let's go, Billy.
01:09:57Come on, let's go.
01:10:05Mr. Easton is my father?
01:10:15Mr. Easton is my father?
01:10:19You told me he left.
01:10:22You said Mr. Easton was your friend.
01:10:25I know.
01:10:28Hayley, there's something I haven't told you.
01:10:32Easton is...
01:10:35Your father.
01:10:38I want to go home.
01:10:40I know, honey.
01:10:41Hayley, I can explain.
01:10:42Easton, not now.
01:10:45I'm going to fix this, okay?
01:10:53Who would have thought that the annoying little fly
01:10:57had the daughter of Easton Black and is a single mother.
01:11:02Hayley, honey.
01:11:04I need you to wait over there.
01:11:06I need you to cover your ears and close your eyes, okay?
01:11:09It was you, wasn't it?
01:11:12Of course I did.
01:11:16What the hell were you thinking when you put my daughter in this?
01:11:21This is my life, my family.
01:11:24And what about my life?
01:11:26The star should love me, not a poor bitch and her bastard fly.
01:11:33Enough! I won't let you talk like that about my daughter.
01:11:35You stole my moment to tell my daughter about her father.
01:11:39You bother me and my family.
01:11:44But you won't win, slut.
01:12:04Give it to me.
01:12:08What's wrong with you?
01:12:10She hurt Caroline.
01:12:12And she's the one who gave the news about my Easton.
01:12:15And she was the one who sent the thugs.
01:12:19Lucy, is it true?
01:12:21I'm still your daughter, right?
01:12:26No, no, no!
01:12:29No, no, no!
01:12:32Daddy! It was supposed to be me!
01:12:35It was supposed to be the sexy girlfriend of the player!
01:12:40Daddy, no!
01:12:44It should be the sexy girlfriend of the player!
01:12:50You're not, daughter.
01:12:53Easton, you.
01:12:55Personal life.
01:12:57It's not my business.
01:12:59Especially if you play like you did today.
01:13:01Good job.
01:13:02Now, if you want,
01:13:04when you come back, let's have an interview.
01:13:07What do you say?
01:13:09Give me a minute, coach.
01:13:10I understand.
01:13:14I'm sorry for...
01:13:17Thank you very much.
01:13:22Are you okay?
01:13:24I'm better than Lucinda.
01:13:27Well, I deserved it.
01:13:30Caroline, I never realized how strong you are.
01:13:33I can't believe I called you weak.
01:13:35I know!
01:13:36I'll never let you forget it.
01:13:50Oh, Hailey.
01:13:51Thank you for saving my mom today.
01:13:53It was nothing, really.
01:13:55Were you afraid?
01:13:56A little.
01:13:57But I'm better now.
01:13:58Hailey, we're sorry you found out about this like that.
01:14:02Yes, we were planning to tell you today.
01:14:07You know, whatever you feel now,
01:14:09we'll always be there for you, okay?
01:14:14I'm glad my dream dad is real.
01:14:19If you're my dad,
01:14:21does that mean you and mom are getting married?
01:14:27You know, Easton and I need to talk about this.
01:14:31Yes, what?
01:14:44What are you doing here?
01:14:46I'm glad to see you, son.
01:14:52Can you take this?
01:14:55You remember Caroline, right?
01:14:57Of course.
01:14:58How could I forget her?
01:15:00Get out!
01:15:02I want you to break up with him!
01:15:04And you're going to get rid of that baby.
01:15:09And that must be his daughter.
01:15:11Our daughter.
01:15:14In the end, you kept the pregnancy.
01:15:16How did you know about the pregnancy?
01:15:20I paid him.
01:15:21I paid him to leave you and get rid of the baby.
01:15:25I told him that...
01:15:27if he didn't,
01:15:28he would make you believe
01:15:30that she
01:15:32got pregnant to tie you up.
01:15:35Hey, wait.
01:15:36To ruin your life and your career.
01:15:38Tell me, did you come back here for what?
01:15:41Did you really come back after a great victory in my career?
01:15:45And will you destroy my relationship again?
01:15:47I'm sorry for both of you.
01:15:49How could you?
01:15:50How could you?
01:15:54Why didn't you tell me?
01:15:58All this time,
01:15:59I thought
01:16:00you didn't believe in me.
01:16:03And that you changed your mind.
01:16:05That you didn't love me anymore.
01:16:08I could have rejected the money.
01:16:10I could have come to you
01:16:12and tell you what happened and beg you to stay.
01:16:16But if you stayed,
01:16:17you wouldn't be the man you are now.
01:16:20I wish I hadn't wasted 8 years with you.
01:16:26I wish I had seen you before.
01:16:28Of course I did.
01:16:33We needed
01:16:34that time
01:16:37to grow up and then,
01:16:38at the perfect moment,
01:16:39to be together.
01:16:44I don't agree with you.
01:16:47I'll never be with you.
01:16:51But I forgive you.
01:16:54You're very generous.
01:16:57I'm sorry, but I can't.
01:17:02Can we talk?
01:17:08I know
01:17:09that nothing I do
01:17:10can make up for my mistakes.
01:17:13I came here today
01:17:14to remind you of something.
01:17:21How did you know?
01:17:29I found it in the trash
01:17:31the day Caroline broke up with you.
01:17:38It was next to my bed the next day.
01:17:41You put it there.
01:17:43That's when I realized I made a mistake.
01:17:46I was ashamed to admit what I did.
01:17:50I knew
01:17:51that if it was your destiny,
01:17:53you'd keep it
01:17:55and find your love again.
01:18:00I'd like to see my granddaughter again
01:18:03when the time comes.
01:18:07I'm proud of you.
01:18:09I love you.
01:18:19Where are we staying?
01:18:21I have a better idea.
01:18:26Today, on the ice...
01:18:28Well, now ask me again.
01:18:30Easton, you had an amazing game today.
01:18:33What inspired you?
01:18:36Having my daughter
01:18:37and the love of my life by my side.
01:18:51Caroline Mills.
01:18:56Will you marry me?
01:19:06I knew you'd get married!
01:19:12This amulet...
01:19:15How long have you had it?
01:19:17Eight years.
01:19:19I've had it since I went to school.
01:19:22That's when I knew I wanted to be with you.
01:19:26I know it's small now.
01:19:28I didn't make millions before, you know?
01:19:31But I promise I'll make it better.
01:19:33No, don't you dare. It's perfect.
01:19:55Did you bring me a gift?
01:19:57It's something special.
01:19:58Can I open it?
01:19:59Yes, go ahead.
01:20:08Did you give me a jersey with your name on it?
01:20:11Can I try it on?
01:20:12Of course! Put it on!
01:20:18And I also have one for you.
01:20:21Close your eyes
01:20:23and reach out your hands.
01:20:25They're the keys to a house.
01:20:27To our house.
01:20:33Mom, Dad, look! It fits perfectly!
01:20:35That's right!
01:20:38I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:42Me neither.
01:20:44I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:47I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:50I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:52I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:54I can't tell you how long I had to wait for this.
01:20:56I love you, Isdan.
01:20:58And I love you, Caro.
01:21:08The end.
