• 2 days ago
The Great Gildersleeve is a radio situation comedy broadcast in the United States from August 31, 1941 to 1958. Initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, it was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. The series was built around Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, a regular character from the radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly.


00:00Kraft presents The Great Gildersleeve.
00:15The Kraft Cheese Company, who also bring you Bing Crosby every Thursday night,
00:18present each week at this time Harold Perry as The Great Gildersleeve,
00:21written by John Whedon and Sam Moore.
00:30Now, on to Summerfield, where we join that illustrious citizen and industrious lover,
00:44Doc Morton T. Gildersleeve.
00:46And where do we find him?
00:48Well, love is funny.
00:50The door that yesterday was slammed in your face today flies open at your approach.
00:54And so we discover The Great Gildersleeve and his lady love once more together,
00:58seated on the sofa in his living room,
01:00gazing into the future and laying plans for the event that is shortly to make him the happiest man in the world.
01:07Yes, Doc Morton?
01:09A penny for your thoughts.
01:10Oh, Gracie.
01:11My poor little old thoughts, they're hardly worth a penny.
01:14Well, you know me, I'm a spendthrift.
01:20I'll tell you what I was thinking, though.
01:22I was thinking you and I are gonna have to go and look at furniture one of these days soon.
01:25Furniture? What for, Leela?
01:27Well, I've got more furniture now than you can sit on.
01:30I know, Throckmorton, but after all...
01:32What's the matter with it?
01:33Well, I guess there's nothing really the matter with it, but it just hasn't any style.
01:38Oh, now.
01:39It's true, Throckmorton. Take that easy chair there.
01:42That's my chair.
01:43I know, and look at it.
01:44What's the matter with that chair? I like it.
01:46Oh, but look at the shape of it, that short little back and that great enormous seat.
01:53There's always a reason for everything, Leela.
01:58You know, the trouble with you, Throckmorton, you've been a bachelor so long, you're setting your ways.
02:02No, I...
02:03Yes, you are.
02:04But after we're married, things will have to be a little different.
02:07Now, this house, Vince...
02:08All right, I'll admit the house needs painting.
02:10That's all right with me.
02:11Well, that's not quite what I was thinking, Throckmorton.
02:14No? But what are you thinking?
02:16Well, you know that big white house on the edge of town out toward the country club?
02:20The one that sort of sat back among the trees with a big lawn in front?
02:23You mean the old Burton place?
02:24I guess so, yes.
02:25Well, I understand it's for sale.
02:27Of course it's for sale. It's been empty for three years.
02:30Leela, you weren't thinking of moving out of this house.
02:33Well, it's a nice house and all, Throckmorton, but it is kind of old-fashioned.
02:38I like it.
02:39Well, it's old-fashioned without being really antique, if you know what I mean.
02:43I like it.
02:44I just thought you were doing so well now and all.
02:47I just thought you were doing so well now and all.
02:49And Judge Hooker says he frankly doesn't think this place is suitable for a man of your position in this time.
02:54Oh, he doesn't?
02:55Well, you tell Judge Hooker not to worry himself about me.
02:58I'm not moving out of this house no matter what he thinks.
03:00Even if you knew that...
03:01No, that's my final answer, Leela.
03:03I wouldn't even consider it.
03:04Well, all right, darling.
03:06If that's the way you feel about it, I won't say another word.
03:09I hope you don't think I'm just being stubborn.
03:12Darling, the house is already forgotten.
03:15All I want in the world is for you to be happy, you know that?
03:23After all, you're my lord and master.
03:26Or you soon will be.
03:28Lord and master.
03:33And give me a kiss.
03:38Yes, honey?
03:39Would you do something for me?
03:41Anything, my love.
03:42Something awfully sweet.
03:43Anything. What is it?
03:44Would you shave off your mustache?
03:50Shave it off? But, Leela...
03:51Just to see how it would be.
03:53You can't tell. It might make you look younger.
03:56Yes. You don't want people to think of me as an old man's darling.
04:00Leela, you don't think of me as old.
04:02Of course not, Throckmorton.
04:04But I'd just like to see how you'd look without it.
04:07No, sir. Nothing doing.
04:08I just wouldn't be me without my mustache, Leela.
04:11Very well.
04:12In that case, would you kindly move over, Throckmorton,
04:14and give me a little room on this sofa?
04:16Oh, now, Leela...
04:17You said you'd do anything I asked.
04:18You promised.
04:19Leela, why do you have to change everything?
04:21Can't you love me the way I am?
04:23Well, I don't think you can love me very much.
04:25All I ask you to do is to shave off a little old mustache.
04:29I'm not asking you to buy any new furniture.
04:31I'm not asking you to move.
04:33All right.
04:34Besides, it tickles.
04:37All right, Leela. All right.
04:39I'll shave it off.
04:40And I'll shave it off, Delilah.
04:53Well, good morning, Mr. Gillespie.
04:55Wasn't expecting to see you for another week or ten days.
04:57I know, I know, but here I am.
04:59Floyd, I want you to shave off my mustache.
05:03You heard me.
05:04Let's get at it, because I'm a busy man.
05:05All right, Commissioner, but I don't mind telling you I hate to do it.
05:08Never mind that. Lather me up.
05:09Okay, okay, you're the doctor, but I'll tell you why I say that.
05:13It was some years ago when I had my other shop over in Ashton.
05:16One day a fellow came in. He was quite a character in town.
05:18Sort of public figure.
05:19A little on the stout side, like yourself.
05:21I suppose what's under your vest is laundry.
05:26No offense, Mr. Gillespie, no offense,
05:28but this fellow's been wearing a mustache all his life.
05:30Thirty or forty years.
05:32And all of a sudden he came in and asked me to shave it off.
05:34That's why I came in, too.
05:36Oh, in two shapes.
05:37Strop a little.
05:39Of course, I was just a young fellow then.
05:40I didn't know what I know now.
05:42Full of beans and no brains.
05:44But I never gave it a second thought.
05:45Just went right ahead and shaved his mustache like it was hay.
05:48Come on, Floyd, I haven't got all day.
05:49When I was through, the fellow took one look at himself
05:51and he put his hand over his face, ran out of the shop,
05:53tore down to the depot and bought a ticket
05:55and left town on the next train.
05:57He didn't come back till three months later,
05:58and by that time he had a new mustache.
06:01I was the only fellow in town that ever saw him without it,
06:04and he never spoke to me again.
06:06So I hate to shave off your mustache, Mr. Gildersleeve,
06:09but here she goes.
06:11Floyd, let's not rush into this thing, huh?
06:15No, sir?
06:16No, just trim off a little at each end
06:18so I can see how that'll look, huh?
06:20Oh, slow and easy. I got you, Mr. Gildersleeve.
06:22About this much, say?
06:24A little less.
06:25About this much?
06:26A little more.
06:28All right, now sit still.
06:32Now, if you cover up the other end with your finger,
06:34you can get an idea.
06:35I'm afraid to look, Floyd.
06:36Go ahead and even her up.
06:38All right, now sit still.
06:41Well, how do you like it?
06:43I don't know.
06:45What do you think, Floyd?
06:46It's hard to say.
06:48Makes you look different, all right.
06:51Well, if it ain't Judge Hooker.
06:52Come on in, Judge.
06:53Morning, Floyd.
06:55Well, Gildersleeve, what on earth?
07:02Whose idea was this, your lady friend?
07:04Never mind, Hooker.
07:06Maybe I better call her up and tell her to get ready for her show.
07:09You stay away from her.
07:10You've made enough trouble already.
07:11What do you mean?
07:12What's the idea of putting bees in her bonnet
07:13about my house not being good enough for me?
07:15I didn't say it wasn't good enough for you.
07:17I said it wasn't good enough for a man with political ambition.
07:20What do you mean by that?
07:21Well, it seems obvious enough.
07:23Man wants to be president.
07:24It's all right to be born in a log cabin.
07:26The time comes when he has to get out of it.
07:29Isn't that right, Floyd?
07:30Well, I...
07:31You stay out of this, Floyd.
07:34In the first place, Hooker, I'm not in politics.
07:36In the second place, the voters choose a man for his ideas,
07:39not his residence.
07:40Maybe so, Gilder, maybe so,
07:41but look at Congressman Abernathy.
07:43His house looks exactly like Thomas Jefferson's,
07:46and that impresses the voters.
07:48Doesn't it, Floyd?
07:49Well, I...
07:50You stay out of this.
07:53Hooker, when I get ready to run for Congress,
07:54I'll buy a Jeffersonian house.
07:56Until then...
07:57All right, Gilder, all right.
07:58If there's a house on the market now, that'd be just right.
08:01May not be there by the time you throw your hat in the ring.
08:04They're talking about you for Congress in 44, you know.
08:07They are?
08:10I can't tell you.
08:12But if you were to get your hands on that old Burton place...
08:14Well, maybe I'll think it over, Judge.
08:16So long, and thanks for the tip.
08:17Mr. Gildersleeve, did you say tip?
08:20Oh, here you are, Floyd.
08:32Hi, Unc.
08:33Say, what's going on?
08:35Going on?
08:36What are you talking about, Leroy?
08:37Somebody's been sabotaging your mustache.
08:40I simply had a trim.
08:41Is supper ready?
08:42Any minute, Freddy says.
08:43Very well.
08:44Uh, come in this down here for a moment, my boy.
08:47I want to talk to you.
08:49Yes, you.
08:50Gosh, Unc, I don't think you've got a thing on me right now.
08:55I'm not accusing you of wrongdoing, young man.
08:58I'm not accusing you of wrongdoing, young man.
09:01Is that the only subject you can think of for conversation with me?
09:04Well, it seems to come up pretty often.
09:07But if you just want chit-chat, I'll tell you about the horror picture I saw this afternoon.
09:11The Mummy's Claw.
09:12Mum, I don't want any chit-chat.
09:14It's about a mummy that came back to life as a zombie.
09:16That's enough of that.
09:17But Unc...
09:18Leroy, I want to ask you a question.
09:21Uh, are you happy here in this house?
09:24Well, sure.
09:25Yeah, I like it fine, Unc.
09:27You're not thinking of throwing me out, are you?
09:31No, Leroy, I love you very dearly.
09:34Some of the time.
09:36What I want to know is, would you like it if we moved to some other house?
09:40In another neighborhood?
09:41And not live near Piggy and the gang?
09:43Well, you can still see him now and then.
09:45Oh, please, Unc, we don't want to move.
09:47It's swell here.
09:48Hello, Uncle Mort.
09:49How about supper?
09:50Any minute, Marjorie.
09:51I was just talking to Leroy.
09:52You look peculiar, Uncle Mort.
09:53What have you done to yourself?
09:56What's that?
09:57Well, it gets awfully hot in the summer, Marjorie, so I just thought...
10:00Oh, I think it looks cute.
10:01Oh, thank you.
10:03Hey, Mort, you don't want to move to a new house, do you?
10:05New house?
10:06Now what's got into you?
10:08To me, nothing.
10:09It's Uncle Mort.
10:10Leroy, I'll handle it.
10:11What is this?
10:12You're not thinking of leaving this house?
10:14Well, not exactly, my dear.
10:15It was a...
10:16Well, I just wanted to get your reaction.
10:18Oh, but Uncle Mort, well...
10:20I've lived in this house for more than 20 years.
10:22Leroy was born here.
10:24I love it.
10:25I love every room, every squeaky board in the stairs,
10:28every rattle in the window.
10:30All right, my dear, all right.
10:31I just thought you might like a little more room.
10:33The old Burton house, for instance.
10:36Oh, my gosh, Uncle, it's got three acres of lawn.
10:45Uncle Mort, it's miles from anywhere.
10:47Oh, it's not so far.
10:49Oh, I know why you're thinking about moving.
10:51Lena Ransom wants to live in the Burton house.
10:53That's what it is.
10:54Oh, but Marjorie, it was just a suggestion.
10:56I bet it was her idea, fooling with your mustache, too.
10:59I don't like that now, either.
11:01Supper's ready.
11:02My dear, if you don't want it, we won't move to the Burton house.
11:04My man, did you say move to the Burton house?
11:07Now, Bertie...
11:08Because if you're going to live in that house,
11:09you have to revise your kitchen personnel.
11:13But Bertie, what's the matter with the Burton house?
11:15Mr. Gilthief, I don't want you to think I'm superstitious,
11:17but that house is haunted.
11:19It's haunted. Why, that's nonsense.
11:20Whatever gave you that idea?
11:22Well, everybody knows that old Mr. Burton
11:24shot old Miss Burton in that house,
11:26and one time I was walking past it with a gentleman friend,
11:28and we heard the scariest noise I've ever heard in my life.
11:31What kind of a noise, Bertie?
11:33Like something out of this world.
11:38That's the exact sound, Leeroy.
11:40Sure, that's the noise of a zombie that used to be a mummy.
11:45Stop it, Leeroy. That's horrible.
11:48Bertie, when you and your gentleman friend heard this sound,
11:51didn't he investigate?
11:53No, sir.
11:55By the time he caught up with me, we was two miles away.
12:03I'll go.
12:04Fine time for anybody to be calling on...
12:08Bye, George. Here he is at supper time again.
12:11Hello, George.
12:13I can't stay, Dr. Morton.
12:14Hey, Dr. Morton, I stopped in to tell you
12:16I just found out the Burton estate
12:18would be willing to make a substantial...
12:20Judge, I've decided not to go into that any further.
12:23Oh, so it was Judge Hooker's idea for us to move.
12:26What's going on here?
12:28What do you mean, my dear?
12:29Why is everybody trying to get us out of this house?
12:31Now, Marjorie, I just found out that the Burton estate
12:34is willing to make your uncle a very favorable offer.
12:37By George, I begin to see the light.
12:40Estates have executors, don't they, Judge?
12:42Why, of course they do, you darn fool.
12:44What's that got to do with it?
12:45I dare say the executor of this particular estate
12:47would make a pretty penny in fees
12:49if this particular house were sold, would he not?
12:51It's just a set fee prescribed by statute.
12:54Answer my question.
12:55I did.
12:56All right.
12:57Now, who is the executor of this estate?
12:59Now, guilty, that's neither here nor there.
13:01It just happens this particular executor
13:03prefers to remain anonymous.
13:05Oh, he does, eh?
13:06This particular executor wouldn't happen to be named
13:08Horace W. Hooker, would he, Horace Hooker?
13:11Well, it just happens.
13:13Case dismissed.
13:14Let's get to dinner.
13:34Now let's get back to Summerfield
13:36where our picnic seems to be afoot.
13:38It's a lovely Saturday morning
13:39and Lela Ransom, who proposed the idea,
13:41has promised to lead the way to an ideal spot
13:43complete with brook.
13:46Come on, come on, Leroy, and watch that hook.
13:48Okay, I'm ready to get ready to cook plenty of fish tonight.
13:51You've never tasted fish like I'm going to catch.
13:54No, and you ain't never caught them.
13:56Come on, Leroy.
13:57I told Mrs. Ransom I'd be over there at 11.30.
13:59I'll be right with you.
14:00Let me see now.
14:01Have I got everything?
14:02Fishing rod, reel, bait, hooks, bobber, bait.
14:05Come on, come on.
14:06Scouts knife, stampede, holding camp kit.
14:08Where's my camp kit?
14:09Leroy, we're only going for the afternoon.
14:11I know.
14:12Oh, here it is.
14:13Our spyglass, compass.
14:15The place is only a mile from here.
14:16We can't get lost.
14:18I forgot my flashlight.
14:19Leroy, we will be back before supper.
14:21I know.
14:22I'd just like to take it.
14:25Now Leroy sure gets excited.
14:27He's going to burn himself out before he's 15.
14:30What does he want to drag all that stuff along for?
14:32I'm late now.
14:33Mr. Gilson, you sure you don't want me to pack nothing for you?
14:36No, Bernie.
14:37You said she wanted to make the lunch.
14:39I just wondered, does she know your capacity?
14:44Well, I wouldn't worry much about that.
14:46You wouldn't want me to just wrap up a few pieces of chocolate cake.
14:49I got one just fresh out the oven.
14:50You have, huh?
14:51Well, that sounds mighty good, Bernie.
14:53I might just call her up and ask her, huh?
14:55That's all.
14:56You got to have something to keep body and soul together.
15:04I just called...
15:06We will, Leela.
15:07We'll be right over.
15:08I'm just waiting for Leroy.
15:09He's gone to find a...
15:13Oh, I see.
15:14I guess I misunderstood, Leela.
15:16Oh, sure.
15:17Sure, I think it'd be nicer that way.
15:20I'll fix it.
15:26Oh, that Leroy.
15:27Coming in on a wing and a prayer.
15:31All set up.
15:32Let's go.
15:33Oh, Leroy.
15:34I'm afraid there's been a little misunderstanding, my boy.
15:37It's my fault.
15:39You see, I thought you were invited.
15:41You mean I can't go with you?
15:42I can't go on the picnic?
15:44It's all my fault, my boy, and I'm sorry.
15:47Never even used my folding camp kit.
15:50I know, and I'll make it up to you, Leroy, some way.
15:52You see, Mrs. Ransom and I have a lot of things to talk over.
15:55You know, about weddings and such.
15:59It's okay, Aunt.
16:00It's okay.
16:01I'll tell you what.
16:02Why don't you get Piggy and go on a picnic of your own?
16:04Well, that's an idea.
16:06Leroy, you come with me.
16:07I'm going to fix you up a nice picnic lunch with all the things you like.
16:10Yeah, do that, Bertie.
16:11That'll be great.
16:12Huh, Leroy?
16:13Yes, sir.
16:14And ain't no grown-ups going to get none of that chocolate cake, neither.
16:17No matter how much they come begging around.
16:19Oh, now, Bertie, just one little piece.
16:20No, sir.
16:21Not one.
16:23Now, you go on out of here and leave me and Leroy alone.
16:25I'm going, Bertie.
16:26Bye, George.
16:27I envy you, Leroy.
16:28All that delicious cake.
16:29I wish I were going with you and Piggy.
16:31That's what I wish.
16:32I wish you were, too, Uncle.
16:34Have a good time.
16:37Now, Leroy, it wasn't your uncle's fault.
16:39I know.
16:40I know whose fault it was.
16:41Invites you to a picnic and then changes her mind.
16:44What a character.
16:46I bet she's going to drag him out there and try to sell him that house again.
16:49Oh, my goodness.
16:50Don't worry.
16:51She won't get away with it.
17:01Rock Martin, don't you want me to help you carry that heavy old basket?
17:09Why, this is nothing at all, Eli.
17:11I can carry it with my little fingers.
17:12Well, don't try.
17:13There's a thermos bottle in it.
17:14Oh, you don't mind if I stop in here for a minute at the drug store?
17:17Oh, not at all.
17:18I'll get all freckly if I don't, and you wouldn't love me with freckles on my nose,
17:21would you, Rock Martin?
17:26Oh, hello, Mrs. Ransom.
17:28Morning, Mr. Peavy.
17:30And Mr. Gildersleeve.
17:31Ah, quite a little gathering.
17:33Lovely day, isn't it, Mr. Peavy?
17:35It is indeed.
17:36Well, I see you're carrying a picnic basket there, Mr. Gildersleeve.
17:41Yeah, picnic basket.
17:43Going on a picnic?
17:49Peavy, you're positively psychic.
17:51Well, now, I wouldn't say that.
17:54Mrs. Peavy is the psychic member of the family.
17:57Mrs. Peavy is psychic?
17:59Off and on, yes.
18:01She has what is called second sight.
18:03Second sight?
18:04That stuff is a lot of buck.
18:06Well, now, I don't know, Mr. Gildersleeve.
18:09Mrs. Peavy does some pretty strange things.
18:12She often sees things that are coming.
18:15Did she see you coming?
18:19Mr. Gildersleeve.
18:22But I'll tell you, one experience of hers is pretty hard to explain.
18:26Mrs. Peavy had a dream one night.
18:28Everybody has dreams.
18:29I have them all the time.
18:30I know.
18:31Even cats have dreams.
18:33Well, I wouldn't care to dispute you on that, Mr. Gildersleeve.
18:36But I was telling you about Mrs. Peavy.
18:39She dreamed one night that there was a very bad thunderstorm.
18:43Well, as a housewife, Mrs. Ransom,
18:45I don't have to tell you what a thunderstorm does to milk.
18:48Turns it sour.
18:51I suppose the next morning you woke up and the milk was sour.
18:54No stranger than that.
18:56The next morning the milkman delivered it to a bottle of buttermilk by mistake.
19:01Peavy, I wouldn't have believed it if you hadn't told me yourself.
19:06That's not all.
19:07The night Mrs. Peavy dreamed about the thunderstorm,
19:10there was a thunderstorm.
19:12Oh, so she wasn't dreaming at all.
19:14That's what I say.
19:16There are a lot of things in this world you can't explain.
19:21Peavy, if you believe that, you'll believe anything.
19:24I suppose you believe in ghosts, too.
19:26Well, now, I wouldn't say that, but I...
19:30I wouldn't say I don't, either.
19:32I suppose you believe this story about the old Burton place now being haunted.
19:36The Burton place haunted?
19:38Well, people have heard some strange things going on in there.
19:42Just because a man happens to murder his wife, what's strange about that?
19:46Well, that was some years ago, Leela.
19:49Don't tell me you're superstitious, too.
19:52Gosh, now, Trotman, don't be silly.
19:55Well, shall we be going?
19:56Oh, yes, let's get started.
19:58Oh, gracious, I'm forgetting what I came in for.
20:00I'd like a jar of your cucumber sunburn cream, please.
20:04Very much a drenching, but we've had a little more demand for that than we expected.
20:09We've just run out of it.
20:11You must have run out of second sight at the same time, Peavy.
20:15Goodbye, folks. Have a nice picnic.
20:21Oh, Leela, you're wonderful.
20:34You know, I never realized you were such a wonderful cook.
20:37Why, the only thing we had that was cooked, Trotman, was the hard-boiled eggs.
20:41I know, but they were wonderful.
20:43Well, I must say I never saw a man put away so many.
20:46Are you sure you had enough?
20:48I could need another thing.
20:49Why, have you got some left over?
20:54Well, what shall we do now?
20:56I'll tell you what, I'll race you down to the brook.
20:58Oh, Leela, race? I couldn't.
21:00I'll bet you can't catch me, Trotman.
21:02Oh, don't, Leela, I'm too full.
21:04Come back over here and lie down on the grass beside me.
21:07All right, then.
21:08Right here, huh?
21:10Oh, this is nice.
21:13Look at those clouds up there.
21:15Aren't they beautiful?
21:18They look like little woolly lions.
21:24What are you...
21:25What are you thinking?
21:27I wish I'd eaten one less pickle.
21:36Oh, this is no time to be thinking about pickles.
21:39Isn't it gorgeous up here on this hill?
21:42Oh, yes, it is.
21:44And isn't it a gorgeous view?
21:46Yes, it is. Gorgeous.
21:49And that little clump of trees down below there with the White House nestling among them.
21:55Trotman, you know what?
21:57I believe that's the Burton House.
21:59Huh? Yeah, I guess it is.
22:01What do you say on our way home if we stop off and just peek into it?
22:04Now, Leela, you know what you said.
22:06I know, but we have to pass there anyway just for a minute.
22:09But we couldn't see anything, Leela.
22:11It's all boarded up.
22:13Yes, I suppose it is.
22:15You know what? I believe...
22:17Wait till I look in my handbag.
22:19Yes, sir. Now, what do you think of that?
22:23I just happened to have a key to the house.
22:25Judge Hooker left it with me.
22:28Now, isn't that a coincidence?
22:32All right.
22:34Let's get it over with.
22:48Yes, Leela?
22:49Come in here. Come see what I found.
22:52Oh? Where are you?
22:54In here.
22:55Yeah, looks as if somebody's broken in here, Leela.
22:58All this mess around.
23:00Now, wait a minute. Close your eyes.
23:03I want this to be a surprise. Let me take you home.
23:06No tricks, now.
23:08All right. Open them.
23:10Now, this would be your den.
23:13A house of representatives to me.
23:15Don't you like it?
23:17It's too big, Leela. The whole place is too big.
23:19Oh, but I think it has charm, Trotman.
23:21I think it has definite charm.
23:23Yeah, it has gloom, too.
23:25It's as dark as your hat in here.
23:27Well, the shutters are closed, silly.
23:29I know, but I like a place with plenty of light, Leela.
23:31I like a place where people are...
23:33Did you hear something just then?
23:35Sounded like something falling.
23:38Trotman, where did he do it?
23:41Where did what do who do what?
23:42Mr. Burton, where did he shoot Mrs. Burton?
23:45How do I know? I wasn't there. I mean here.
23:48Oh, this time I know I heard something.
23:51Now, Leela, don't get frightened.
23:53After all, you're with me.
23:55Oh, I wish we'd never come in here.
23:57I wish I'd...
23:58Listen, it's in that closet.
24:01Whatever it is, it's in that closet.
24:08Take me out of here. Take me out of here.
24:11All right, Leela, but first I'm going to lock that thing in the closet.
24:14Oh, darling, you...
24:15Oh, I'm not afraid.
24:20Oh, Trotman, come quickly, please.
24:22Never fear, my dear.
24:23As long as you're with me, you've got nothing to be afraid of.
24:26Shall we go?
24:27Oh, yes.
24:28I never want to come near this house again as long as I live.
24:41Come on, Trotman, let's get away from this awful place.
25:09Leela, you stay here.
25:10Now that you're safe, I'm going back in the house.
25:12To leave me alone here?
25:13Oh, you'll be perfectly safe here.
25:15I'm going back there and find out what that was.
25:17Oh, Trotman, I wish you wouldn't.
25:19Remember, if anything happens, Judge Hooker has my word.
25:23Now, be careful, you hear?
25:28I bet that kid was scared to death when he heard me lock the door.
25:31I bet he thought I was never coming back.
25:35All right, Leroy.
25:38You can come out now, Leroy.
25:41Leroy, come out of there.
25:45Oh, it's empty.
25:48That's funny.
25:49Could have sworn it was Leroy.
25:52Sounded like Leroy.
25:54Oh, my goodness.
26:01Oh, what a character.
26:05Good night, everybody.
26:21Music heard on this program was under the direction of Claude Sweet.
26:24If you'd like to see pictures of the great Gilda Steve and some of the wonders of the past,
26:28they're in the current issue of Radio Mirror.
26:30This is Ken Carpenter speaking for the Kraft Cheese Company,
26:33joining us again next week for the further adventures of the great Gilda Steve.
