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The Adventures of Kit Carson FEUD IN SAN FILIPE

Step back in time to the thrilling days of the Wild West with "The Adventures of Kit Carson" and the episode "Feud in San Filipe." This classic Western series, which aired from 1951 to 1955, brought the legendary frontiersman to life, captivating audiences with tales of bravery, justice, and adventure.

In the "Feud in San Filipe" episode, we dive into a story of deep-rooted family conflict and the quest for peace. Kit Carson, played by the all-American action hero Bill Williams, alongside his trusty companion El Toro, faces the challenge of resolving an old family feud that threatens to tear the community apart. The episode is a perfect blend of action and drama, showcasing the resilience of the human spirit and the timeless appeal of Western heroes.

The series' commitment to portraying the complexities of frontier life, while providing wholesome entertainment, made it a staple in households across America. It's no wonder that even decades later, "The Adventures of Kit Carson" remains a beloved piece of television history, with episodes like "Feud in San Filipe" continuing to thrill new generations of viewers.

For those looking to relive the excitement or discover it for the first time, offering a window into the past and a dose of nostalgic adventure. So, saddle up and join Kit Carson as he navigates the challenges of the Wild West, where justice always prevails, and heroes ride off into the sunset.

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00:00The Yellowstone country.
00:19Big rivers and high mountains.
00:21Something you've never seen before in your life.
00:23Right here.
00:24Boiling water that shoots a hundred feet in the air.
00:26I think Carson's been taking some of that snake-bite medicine.
00:29That's what he said, amigos.
00:32Hot water a mile high.
00:33I saw it too.
00:34When El Toro and I leave here, we're going to map those boiling geysers for the United
00:37States government.
00:38Yeah, I understand you can sell the government a bill of goods on almost anything today.
00:43Pancho, what are you doing here?
00:46Looking for you.
00:47Your uncle Manuel is in trouble.
00:48What's the matter?
00:49The feud with the Hernandez family is broken out again.
00:52Your uncle is in great danger.
00:54Amigo, my uncle is in trouble.
00:55I must leave.
00:56I'll meet you in the Yellowstone country.
00:58Perhaps you can find someone else to help you.
01:00This time it's my turn to help you.
01:02Come on.
01:26It's your uncle's house.
01:32Let's flank him.
01:33Yeah, yeah.
01:56Let's go.
01:57Let's go.
01:58Let's go.
01:59Let's go.
02:00Let's go.
02:01Let's go.
02:02Let's go.
02:03Let's go.
02:04Let's go.
02:05Let's go.
02:06Let's go.
02:07Let's go.
02:08Let's go.
02:09Let's go.
02:10Let's go.
02:11Let's go.
02:12Let's go.
02:13Let's go.
02:14Let's go.
02:15Let's go.
02:16Let's go.
02:17Let's go.
02:18Let's go.
02:19Let's go.
02:20Let's go.
02:21Let's go.
02:22Let's go.
02:23Let's go.
02:25It's El Toro and his friend Jep Carson and Pancho.
02:32Save it.
02:33They're too far away.
02:35I must see who my uncle is.
02:39Tia Manuel!
02:43Where's thin Maria?
02:44Your aunt is upstairs.
02:45Senor Carson, you have come at an unhappy time.
02:49What's all the shooting about?
02:50I'll tell you.
02:51The Hernandez family has started an old family feud up again.
02:54Your uncle, Jose, was ambushed and killed and your cousin, Juan, was wounded.
02:58This is terrible, uncle.
03:00What started the feud?
03:01The Hernandez family are distant cousins of ours.
03:04Ever since the family first came from Spain, there has always been bad blood between us.
03:08But now something else has happened.
03:10My grandfather died in Mexico City and left me some money in the family collection of jewels.
03:15The Lopez collection.
03:17They're real heirlooms in the family for generations.
03:20Nobody knows their real value, but they are worth more to the family in sentiment.
03:24But now the Hernandez family wants the inheritance.
03:26They claim they are the rightful heirs.
03:29My grandfather would never leave them to the Hernandez family.
03:32He knew that they would sell this priceless collection and squander the money on dissipation.
03:37But didn't your grandfather leave a legal will?
03:39See? The will has been mailed to the judge in San Felipe
03:42and the jewels and money are arriving here by special messenger.
03:45Well, in that case, the Hernandez family can't expect anything.
03:48You don't know them. They will stop at nothing.
03:50We'll see.
03:51Come on, Toro. We got our job cut out for us.
03:59Who is it?
04:00It's me, Judge. Pete Wills.
04:11Sit down.
04:19This is a will.
04:22A Mexican will.
04:24Leaving certain heirlooms to a certain family.
04:27I want you to copy this and change the name of the family.
04:29Can you do it?
04:31It's a cinch, Judge.
04:32Don't you have to give me this kind of paper?
04:34I've already arranged that.
04:36Oh. What do you want me to change the name to?
04:38I don't know.
04:39I just want you to copy this and change the name of the family.
04:41Can you do it?
04:42It's a cinch, Judge.
04:44Don't you have to give me this kind of paper?
04:46I've already arranged that.
04:47What do you want me to change the name to?
04:49From Manuel Lopez to Pablo Hernandez.
04:53I'll get you the materials.
05:18There's El Toro.
05:23Good morning.
05:24Good morning, El Toro.
05:25I didn't know you were in town.
05:27I came to visit my uncle.
05:28You know my friend, Kit Carson.
05:30I've heard a great deal about you, Carson.
05:32This is my daughter, Janet.
05:34You remember her, don't you, Toro?
05:36She was just a little girl.
05:40Carson, I'm glad you're in town.
05:42We've been having some trouble.
05:43Maybe you can help the law.
05:45I've heard about it.
05:46A bad feud.
05:47I've seen the like in Tennessee.
05:49I'm anxious to have this stopped.
05:51I agree with you, Judge.
05:53I hear the fault lies with the Hernandez family.
05:56Well, yes and no.
05:58You know how feuds start.
06:00A quarrel in a bar.
06:02A couple of people brush against each other in the street.
06:04A few hot words.
06:06It's hard to tell exactly.
06:08This one seems to be a little more serious
06:10than just a few hot words.
06:12Yes, that's right.
06:13Well, maybe the whole thing can be settled
06:15with the reading of the will.
06:16You have it, of course.
06:18But it's sealed.
06:19I can't open it until a probate date,
06:21which is a week from today.
06:22Then you don't know what's in it.
06:23No, of course not.
06:24I'll read the will in probate court
06:26to the interested party.
06:27Senorita, I cannot tell you how happy I am
06:29to see that you've grown into such a beautiful flower.
06:32I know about you, El Toro.
06:35Perhaps you'd like to know more about me from my own lips.
06:39My father's house is always full of flowers.
06:42I shall come and call.
06:43Well, we've got to be getting home.
06:45I'm glad to have met you.
06:47I'm sure we'll meet again.
06:48I hope so, Judge.
06:49Good afternoon.
06:56What beautiful eyes.
06:59You know, I can't understand it.
07:00The judge said he's anxious to stop the feud.
07:02Yet he's not going to open that will for another week.
07:04Say, there is something funny about that.
07:07Yes, in the meantime, we'll have to wait and see.
07:10Yes, in the meantime, what happens to law and order?
07:30That's enough of that.
07:32I want to talk to you, Pablo.
07:34You'll excuse us, Janet?
07:36Why, yes.
07:38Sit down.
07:41Sit down.
07:55Take a look at that.
08:00But this is wonderful.
08:01And it looks authentic, too.
08:03So far as the world knows, it is authentic, Pablo.
08:07But did you do the other will, the real one?
08:09That, my dear friend, is still in my strongbox.
08:12But why?
08:13You must destroy it.
08:14Oh, no.
08:16That's my insurance, Pablo.
08:18I must remind you of our arrangement.
08:21When the family fortune arrives, it's to be divided equally between you and me.
08:26But you have the word of Hernandez.
08:28I'd rather have the other will.
08:32Señor, I cannot understand you.
08:34I'm going to marry your daughter.
08:36You're going to be my father-in-law.
08:38Mister, you distrust me.
08:40I've been a judge for a long time.
08:43I've seen many strange things happen, Pablo.
08:47Well, let's play it my way.
08:49Besides, you'll have to make the others in your family understand.
08:52Oh, that is easy for some.
08:55Another thing.
08:57I want no more bloodshed. There's no need for it.
09:00When the messenger arrives, I'll read the will in court.
09:03We'll all be divided equally, and that will be the end of the matter. Understand?
09:07Perhaps, señor.
09:09I'd like a little insurance.
09:11What do you mean?
09:13The whole Lopez family is no more.
09:15Nobody can inherit the money in heirlooms but us.
09:18Now listen to me.
09:19The nephew, El Toro, is in town.
09:22Bueno. It'll be just one more to get rid of.
09:24That isn't all.
09:26He brought his friend with him, Kit Carson.
09:28He's no man to fool with.
09:30This Kit Carson, he is human, isn't he?
09:32I suppose he is.
09:34But he's not stupid.
09:36But a bullet can kill him also.
09:42I wonder if it isn't something more than just money with you, Pablo.
10:36Thank you, my dear.
10:38Janet, I'm worried about Pablo.
10:41He's hard to control. I'm afraid he's a born killer.
10:44He's hot-headed. That's his nature.
10:46He can cause you a great deal of trouble.
10:49Do you see this drawer?
10:52There's a secret compartment under here.
10:55If anything should happen to me,
10:58this will be your safeguard.
11:00It's the real will.
11:02And I'm hiding it here.
11:05I understand.
11:15Come in.
11:17Good day, gentlemen.
11:22Well, I know you gentlemen have business. Excuse me.
11:27Now, what seems to be the matter?
11:29What seems to be the matter, he asks?
11:31My family's shot down like dogs. My amigo and me ambushed.
11:34Is there no law enforcement in this town?
11:36Just a minute, Toro.
11:38I heard about that unfortunate shooting. The marshal is working on the case.
11:41We have a good idea who the assailants are, Judge.
11:43Who would you name?
11:44The Hernandez family. Who else?
11:45Do you have any witnesses?
11:46Do we need witnesses? You know about the feud.
11:49You can end all this bloodshed if you just open that will and read it.
11:55All right, if you think it'll really help.
11:57Sit down, please.
12:22It's written in Spanish.
12:24My Spanish isn't very good. Suppose you read it, Toro.
12:26I hereby leave and bequeath my property
12:29consisting of 105 pieces of jewelry to the Hernandez family
12:34and such cash and property as I...
12:37Mira, the money and jewels have been left to the Hernandez.
12:41That's that. Your family's been left out in the cold.
12:44I do not believe it. My uncle would not lie.
12:46I'm sorry, Toro.
12:48But it's written here in his grandfather's own handwriting.
12:51May I take this to my uncle?
12:53Oh, no.
12:54No, I shouldn't have even let you see it.
12:57Well, let's go, Toro.
12:59I'm sorry things turned out for you this way, Toro.
13:02Thanks, Judge.
13:45Hello, lads.
13:49Uncle, how are you?
13:51How can I feel with those murderers roaming the streets?
13:54At Judge Coleman's house, we finally opened and read the will.
13:58Si, si.
14:00According to the will he showed us,
14:01your grandfather left everything to the Hernandez family.
14:04It's a fake.
14:05It's impossible.
14:06Please, uncle, do not excite yourself.
14:08But I tell you, I saw my grandfather face
14:11to face only a year ago.
14:12He promised everything to us, and he would
14:15never go back on a promise.
14:16Certainly, he would never leave anything
14:18to the Hernandez family, whom he mistrusted.
14:22That's what I figured.
14:23Something awful fishy about this whole business.
14:26But the will, it looked real.
14:28Yes, it looked authentic.
14:29But I believe your uncle, don't you?
14:30Si, I know my uncle is telling the truth.
14:33And that will must be a fake.
14:34There must be two wills.
14:35But what are we to do if the court awards
14:38the inheritance to the Hernandez?
14:40What can we do?
14:41The collection will be broken and sold for gambling debts.
14:45Do you have any idea when that messenger
14:46will arrive from Mexico City?
14:48I'm not sure.
14:50Tomorrow or maybe the next day.
14:53Toro, I think you and I shall ride down
14:54and greet that messenger.
14:56Si, that would be a friendly thing to do.
15:12All right, out with the guns.
15:18Throw out the strong box.
15:23Open it.
15:42I have it.
15:44Keep the rest, gentlemen.
15:45Sorry to bother you.
15:54Everything's been stolen.
15:56The Wells Fargo messenger just got into town
15:58and said the stage had been held up by two masked men.
16:01I wonder.
16:02He said that only the valuables in Mexico City were taken.
16:05The rest of the money in the strong box was left.
16:07Well, that's very strange.
16:09Not to me.
16:10You see, El Toro and his friend are in town.
16:12They're the sort of men who would do this.
16:14They wouldn't dare.
16:15It's grand theft.
16:16Besides, I showed them the will, proving you to be the heir.
16:19Fool, this is why they do it, don't you understand?
16:21I can't believe that Carson would be that suspicious.
16:23I will gather the members of my family
16:25and break down the doors to the Lopez Hacienda.
16:27No, I have a better idea.
16:28I'll issue a search warrant.
16:30You owe no legal ideas.
16:31This is my search warrant.
16:37At least a million pesos.
16:39How beautiful they are.
16:40We have the collection now.
16:42They'll never be able to take it.
16:44Oh, wait a minute, senor.
16:45There's still the will and there's still the law.
16:47If that will is read in court, the Hernandez family
16:49will legally own these jewels.
16:51But you said yourself that possession
16:52is nine points of the law.
16:55We only borrowed these jewels to keep the Hernandez
16:56family from selling them.
16:58What we've got to prove now is that you own them legally.
17:00But how?
17:02El Toro and I are going to take a little ride.
17:04Wrap these up and put them in a safe place.
17:06Si, senor.
17:19It's locked.
17:24Good stuff.
17:34Janet, it's me.
17:42Who is it?
17:43Ay, mi corazón, amor mio.
17:45Don't you recognize my name?
17:47Mi corazón, amor mio.
17:48Don't you recognize my voice?
17:50Who is it?
17:51I know it isn't Pablo.
17:53How can you forget me so soon, Janet?
17:55You were my only true love.
17:57Come to the door.
18:00All right.
18:13Come here.
18:17Come here.
18:47Come here.
19:17But how can you consider a man like Pablo Hernandez
19:19when I am available?
19:21There's nothing wrong with Pablo.
19:40There's no smoke.
19:41There's a fire in the library.
19:45I gave you a lot of trouble.
19:51Help me!
19:52Now, relax, my little dove.
19:54Don't get your feathers ruffled.
19:57This is it.
19:58Let's get back to your office.
20:00Help me!
20:26Hello, dad!
20:27Hello, baby!
20:30Both of you are good.
20:31Both of you are good.
20:32See that house over there?
20:41How are you tonight?
20:42Well, Senor Carson.
21:44Farouk got the will.
21:45Take off, Farouk.
21:46Muy bien.
23:06We've got one shot left, Pablo.
24:03Goodbye nephew. You have restored the honor of our name, and you, senor, have restored
24:17the family treasures to their rightful owner. I can never thank you enough.
24:22Oh, it was a pleasure. Besides, I didn't want you to think that Judge Coleman was typical
24:26of the law in this country. I understand, senor. Success to your Yellowstone
24:31expedition. Oh, I'd forgotten about that. Now it's your
24:34turn to help me, Toro. Let's go.
