Ranger Bill xx-xx-xx (214) The Fighting Sissy

  • 2 months ago
"Ranger Bill" is a classic Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio. 
The show features over 200 episodes and stars Miron Canaday as Ranger Bill, a forest ranger in the fictional town of Knotty Pine, located in the Rocky Mountains. Alongside his friends Stumpy Jenkins and Grey Wolf, Ranger Bill tackles various adventures and moral dilemmas, often with a strong Christian message.

The show remains a beloved piece of old-time radio history and is still enjoyed by many fans today.

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Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio


00:00Ranger Bill, warrior of the woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous
00:19trails, fighting the many enemies of nature.
00:23This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.
00:27Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snow, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain
00:33Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.
00:46Sometimes fellas and girls are inclined to persecute the fella who lives next door or
00:51goes to school with them.
00:52Oh, they don't do it deliberately, it's done because they think that a fella who doesn't
00:57care to fist fight is a sissy.
01:00You know what I mean.
01:01Right now you're thinking of someone like this, but fist fighting doesn't mean that
01:06a fella is a gentleman or that he's got courage and determination.
01:12I know a teenage lad who has a great ability with music, but he doesn't like to fist fight.
01:18His name is Roger Hall.
01:22And he's here to tell us the story of the fighting sissy.
01:26Come on Rog, put up your dukes and fight.
01:31I haven't done anything new.
01:32What's the matter?
01:33You afraid?
01:34No, I'm not afraid of you Hank.
01:35I'm afraid I might hurt my hand.
01:36He's afraid he might hurt his hand.
01:37He's afraid.
01:39I am not.
01:40He's afraid he might hurt his balls.
01:41I'll fight that fella.
01:42Come on Hank, stop stalling.
01:43Come on.
01:45Roger, I'm going to clobber you.
01:46What for?
01:47I haven't done anything new.
01:48Because you think you're so smart at the piano.
01:49That's why.
01:50You mean you're going to beat me up because I like music?
01:52You're always so snooty about it.
01:53That's a lie.
01:54I always talk to you fellas.
01:55That ain't true.
01:56Hank, make him taste that stuff.
01:57Come on.
01:58You calling me a liar, Roger?
01:59Take it any way you like.
02:00Come on.
02:01Come on.
02:02Come on.
02:03Come on.
02:04Come on.
02:05Come on.
02:06Come on.
02:07Come on.
02:08Come on.
02:09Come on.
02:10Come on.
02:11Come on.
02:12Come on.
02:13Take it any way you like, Roger.
02:14Take it any way you like.
02:15I'll show you what I like right in the nose.
02:16Come on, Hank.
02:17Go ahead and mess around.
02:18Hit him.
02:19Hit him.
02:21Come on.
02:22Give them some more.
02:23Come on.
02:24Hey, you crazy.
02:25Go get him.
02:26Roger, you're in the way.
02:27You're in the way.
02:28Get out of here.
02:29Get out of here.
02:30What's going on here, fellas?
02:32Uh, we're having a fight.
02:34Hello, Roger.
02:35Hello, Bill.
02:36What's the trouble?
02:37What's the trouble?
02:38I mean, I haven't really been eating much
02:42Just a difference of opinion, I guess.
02:44A difference of opinion, my eye.
02:46The good thing you showed up here, your friend would have gotten a tarnach out of you.
02:50Now look, you fellas better shove off.
02:53How many does it take to fight one?
02:55Go on now, run along.
02:57Fight now.
02:58Get going.
03:00You alright, Roger?
03:02Yeah, I guess so.
03:03Let me drive you home.
03:05We can talk things over on the way, huh?
03:12How'd you happen to come along at the right time, Bill?
03:24Well, that's a good question, Roger.
03:27Must have had something on my mind.
03:29Turned into the street, pulled up into the alley, turned around.
03:33Looks like the Lord planned that I should find you in trouble, huh?
03:38I don't know what you mean, Bill.
03:40You mean the Lord planned that you should find me here?
03:44Roger, many times strange things happen.
03:47You don't realize the Lord planned it to happen for a definite purpose.
03:51I still don't get you, Bill.
03:53No wonder, Roger.
03:55Guess I made myself clear.
03:58That's your house up ahead there, isn't it?
04:00Yeah, yeah, we got here fast.
04:02I'd like to explain a little more what I said about the Lord if you want me to.
04:08Won't you come in for a while, Bill?
04:10I'd like to play for you, too, if I could.
04:12Hey, I'd like nothing better than to hear you play, fella.
04:16You've got an audience.
04:51Now, that was a fine solo, Roger.
04:54Play any other instruments?
04:55Yeah, the organ.
04:57I thought you sat in the high school auditorium.
04:59Yeah, I'd like to hear you.
05:01You have real talent in music.
05:03Yeah, but I can't, I can't do much else.
05:06Like fighting.
05:08I'm no good at all.
05:10Well, do you think that's absolutely necessary?
05:13Well, I'd like to defend myself when the fellas start picking on me.
05:16Nah, they're just jealous of your musical ability, Roger.
05:20Say, have you ever thought of using your musical talent for the Lord Jesus Christ?
05:25You're talking over my head again, Bill.
05:28What do you mean?
05:30Well, you go to Sunday school or church, don't you?
05:33No, my dad doesn't believe in it.
05:35In fact, I'm a sissy because I like music and I want to go to church.
05:38So rather than have trouble, I stay away.
05:42I see.
05:44Well, you've heard about God, haven't you?
05:47Oh, sure. Everybody's heard about God.
05:50God has a son, Jesus.
05:53Oh, I've heard about him, too.
05:55But do you know him, Roger?
05:58Jesus isn't only God's son, he's our savior, too.
06:02You need a savior.
06:04I don't understand. Please explain.
06:09Let me tell you all of what God has done for you.
06:12You see, in the beginning of this world,
06:15God tested the first man as to what sort of stuff he was made of.
06:20Adam, sorry to say, chose to disobey God,
06:25and thus has affected his descendants all down through the years.
06:29Men today have a tendency to sin.
06:32Just take a glance at the paper tonight,
06:34and you'll find that item after item tells about man's sin.
06:37Yeah, I guess you're right.
06:39But I'm not the bad sinner.
06:42The Bible tells us that all sin comes short of God's glory, Roger.
06:47Now, this doesn't mean just violent sin.
06:50Why, it could be said that we sin even when we don't include God in our life.
06:55Just sort of ignore him.
06:59But the bright side of the truth is this.
07:01That despite man's failure,
07:03God has made a way to blot out all the past and give man a new start.
07:08It's through the death of Jesus Christ.
07:11For in that, he was punished for our sins.
07:15With the penalty of our sins paid, we have eternal life.
07:20Then it's all automatic.
07:22No, that's where we as individuals come in, Roger.
07:27God has made it possible for us to be saved from our sins.
07:32But we have to agree to it.
07:34We have to receive Christ as our own Savior.
07:38That, briefly, is what God calls the gospel,
07:42the good news of salvation.
07:46Bill, how can I become a Christian?
07:49Well, the first thing is to be sorry for your sins
07:52and come to Christ for cleansing.
07:55But, Bill, I haven't done anything wrong.
07:58We've all come far short of what God wants us to be, Roger.
08:02Isn't that true?
08:04It must be true, because God says it is.
08:08I see.
08:09That is...
08:11Let me play the piano for you again, Bill.
08:13All right, Roger.
08:25Roger, can't you ever leave that piano alone?
08:28Oh, hello, Dad.
08:29I was just playing for Bill.
08:32Bill who?
08:33Dad, this is Ranger Bill Jefferson.
08:36Bill, I'd like you to meet my dad.
08:38How do you do, Mr. Holmes?
08:39The name's Frank, Ranger.
08:41Glad to meet you.
08:43Your son's a very fine musician, Frank.
08:46Well, that's all right, as long as it isn't his whole life.
08:50I want him to grow up to be a man.
08:52Learn to handle his fist.
08:54Defend himself.
08:56I think you'd be proud of his ability.
08:59Some folks would give their right arm to have his talent.
09:03He's got to know how to face the struggles of life.
09:06That's the most important thing.
09:08You don't get it sitting down at the piano.
09:10That's as much a part of the struggle as anything else.
09:13Oh, but you don't know the life of a musician.
09:16That's as much a part of the struggle as anything else.
09:19Oh, but you don't know the facts.
09:21Look, every lad in the neighborhood tries to beat his ears off
09:25just because he can't defend himself.
09:27That's only a matter of instruction.
09:29You think so?
09:31And I tried to teach him
09:33the matter of forgetting about music and doing other things.
09:37I see.
09:39Well, I'll be running along.
09:41Glad to have met you.
09:42Thanks for listening to me play, Bill.
09:44Thank you for playing, Roger.
09:46I'd like to hear some more sometime.
09:47Sure, come over anytime.
09:49You needn't bother, Mr. Jefferson.
09:51He gets enough encouragement from his mother.
09:54Goodbye, sir.
10:03Bill, we go get reports from Den on six black bears.
10:07All right, Grey Wolf.
10:08If there are over a dozen six,
10:10we'll have to keep the tourists out of the park
10:12until we round up the Krabby Bruins.
10:16Ah, that's right.
10:17Here come Roger Holmes upstreets.
10:19Don't let Stumpy sleep too long.
10:21I'll see you later.
10:23Okay, Grey Wolf.
10:25Roger's standing here, huh?
10:30Stumpy must have hit a nod in the law.
10:32Hello, Bill.
10:35I was surprised about him.
10:37Are you busy?
10:38I don't want to interrupt.
10:39I'm never too busy to have a chat.
10:41Grab a chair, young fellow.
10:43Thanks, Bill.
10:44You're very kind.
10:45Forget it.
10:47I like to talk with people.
10:49Especially young people.
10:51Hey, Stumpy.
10:52What do you got?
10:55Fire! Fire!
10:58What's wrong, sonny?
11:00We've got a visitor, Stumpy.
11:02I'd like you to meet Roger Holmes.
11:04Roger, this is Stumpy Jenkins.
11:07Hello, Stumpy.
11:08I'm glad to meet you.
11:09Me too, young fellow.
11:11So you're the lad who can tickle the ivory so pretty, huh?
11:15Bill's been telling me about you.
11:17Oh, I'm just average.
11:19Yeah, maybe so.
11:21But if you keep exercising those fingers of yours for the next five years, you'll be a whiz.
11:26Thanks, Stumpy.
11:27Only I didn't come over to talk about music.
11:30I want to talk about fighting.
11:34What do you mean, Roger?
11:35Bill, do you think I could learn how to defend myself?
11:38Why, sure you can, Roger.
11:40What's the start to it?
11:44Well, nothing, I guess.
11:46Only is it possible to learn without hurting my hands?
11:49It sure is, sonny.
11:51Only an amateur hurts his hands fighting.
11:54Yeah, but I'm not even a beginner, Stumpy.
11:57Well, I know the fellow that can make you a veteran.
12:01You do?
12:03Did you ask him to teach me?
12:05Ha! Ask him yourself!
12:07He's sitting right alongside of me!
12:20Hello, Bill. I'm here for my first lesson.
12:22Right on time, too.
12:24Now, Roger, I'd like you to meet another of my rangers.
12:27Now, this big fella here is Gray Wolf.
12:29And Gray Wolf, this is Roger Holmes.
12:31Ah, I've met your dad.
12:33I'm plenty glad to meet you, too, Roger.
12:36So you're Gray Wolf.
12:38I've heard about you from Henry.
12:40Gray Wolf's going to work out with us for a few times, right?
12:43He and I'll demonstrate how it's done, and we'll teach you.
12:47That's wonderful. I don't have any boxing gloves yet.
12:50You don't need boxing gloves for a long while.
12:53Bill and I teach you ju-jitsu.
12:57But you can break somebody's neck with that, can't you?
13:00Take it easy, fella.
13:02We're only going to teach you some of the less dangerous holds.
13:05Then after you learn ju-jitsu, we'll show you a little how to handle fists.
13:09Maybe I'm not going to be able to learn.
13:11Now, listen, young fella. Let's not have any doubts at all.
13:15There's a verse in the Bible that says,
13:17I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
13:21Remember those words.
13:23They were spoken by the Apostle Paul,
13:27a man who suffered from infirmities and doubt as to his own abilities.
13:32But he depended on the Lord for his strength and help.
13:35I will too, then.
13:37I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
13:41That's it.
13:42I feel better already, Bill.
13:44Now let's go into the back room and get some gym mats on the floor there.
13:50Now, uh, Grey Wolf and I will show you some ju-jitsu holds.
13:55Watch and see how it's done.
13:57I'll watch closely, Bill.
13:58And you can try some holds.
14:00The biggest factor is surprise.
14:03Now look.
14:10Boy, that's a good hold, Bill.
14:12Now it's your turn to try it.
14:14You make sure you move plenty quick.
14:16Can I go through it first in slow motion?
14:24Atta boy, Roger.
14:25You think I'm catching on quickly enough?
14:27Catching on?
14:28You're doing it like a professional.
14:40Do you think Roger will play for the rally, Bill?
14:43Do you think Roger will play for the rally, Bill?
14:46I don't know, old timer.
14:48I hope so.
14:49Now the auditorium's down at the end of the hall.
14:52Hey, you fishing that man to the high school sure makes it a big deal, doesn't it?
14:57I'll say it does.
15:00Hey, Bill.
15:01I can hear the young fellow you're squeezing the pipes now.
15:05He does a good job, doesn't he?
15:08Now here's the door, Stumpy.
15:13Hey, Bill.
15:29Ah, that was terrific, Roger.
15:31Made me tingle right down to my little toe.
15:35Now, Rog, I came over for a special purpose.
15:39To ask you to play at the Youth for Christ rally a week from Saturday night at the Goose Lake Auditorium.
15:45Well, I, uh...
15:47I, uh...
15:48Now don't just sit there and make a noise like a bullfrog, Rog.
15:54I don't feel that I could live up to the expectations, fella.
15:57Listen, Rog.
15:59Remember what the Apostle Paul wrote?
16:02I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
16:06With a promise like that, you don't have a thing to worry about.
16:11I'll play for the rally.
16:23Keep your chin in, Rog.
16:25Hang one on it.
16:26Like this?
16:28Now keep your left in my face.
16:29You're at them all the time.
16:31Save your right for the sledgehammer punch.
16:37Watch for an opening now.
16:39Use your right.
16:41I didn't mean to hit you, Bill.
16:43Never mind that.
16:44Watch for another opening.
16:46Enjoy your heavy-duty punch.
17:07Ranger Headquarters, Bill Jefferson speaking.
17:10Hello, Bill.
17:12Frank Holmes, how are you, sir?
17:14Bill, what's this I hear about you getting Roger interested in religion?
17:19What do you mean, Frank?
17:20I mean the stuff about being a Christian.
17:23Going to Sunday school and church and that sort of tommyrot.
17:26You call that tommyrot, Frank?
17:28You heard me, Bill.
17:30I appreciate your help in teaching him self-defense, but lay off the religion.
17:35That'll only make him a bigger sissy than he is now.
17:38Frank, do you think I'm a sissy?
17:43Well, that is...
17:45No, no, of course not.
17:47If you have one small doubt that I'm a sissy, I'd be glad to show you otherwise.
17:52Well, no, I could never think that, Bill.
17:56Well, according to your logic, I am a sissy, Frank.
18:01I like music, I attend church and Sunday school, and I don't go around picking fistfights.
18:07In fact, I do everything I can to avoid trouble.
18:10Well, it's different in your case, Bill.
18:14Why is it different?
18:16I can't explain it exactly.
18:18Well, I can.
18:20The fact of the matter is that you haven't taught your son the real values in life.
18:25You're telling me I've failed as a father?
18:28Let me tell you something, Frank.
18:31You've given the boy a good home as far as physical comforts are concerned,
18:36but you haven't developed his spiritual and moral life.
18:40Some of our greatest men came from poor homes.
18:44They were taught to fear God and to love his son.
18:47They were given sound spiritual training.
18:50You mean...
18:53Roger, I want to tell you something.
18:57I've heard what happened to Jonathan, Mr. Frank.
19:00I don't know anything.
19:02As Christ is his savior, he'll be grounded on a solid foundation.
19:08And believe me, Frank, there is no other foundation that'll weather the storms of life.
19:14But does it work out the way it's supposed to?
19:18Is there anything I can do now?
19:21Well, that's something we'll have to find out.
19:24We can't force, Roger.
19:26All we can do is teach him.
19:28And pray.
19:29And wait.
19:31All right, I'll wait.
19:34What you said makes sense.
19:37I just never thought of it that way.
19:41I guess I just expected Roger to grow up without help.
19:46I just hope I haven't failed as a father.
20:06Here comes Roger, you guys.
20:08As soon as he gets to the alley, we'll jump him.
20:10He won't get away.
20:13Okay, get him.
20:17Okay, you guys, knock it off.
20:19Come on, make it snappy, Hank.
20:21You're more than ready, girlfriend.
20:23So you thought you could duck us, huh, Roger?
20:25Now you're gonna get the beating you got coming.
20:27Grab him, buddy, so he can't run.
20:29Now wait a minute.
20:30All right, you're asking for it.
20:33Hey, that's dirty fighting.
20:35Pile on him, gang.
20:37What's the matter, Hank? Are you afraid to jump on me yourself?
20:39I'll show you if I'm afraid.
20:43Look at him on the ground.
20:45Everybody's taught him jujitsu.
20:47He can't fight with his fists.
20:48He's got to use that fancy stuff.
20:50Go ahead and show him, Roger.
20:52Bill, where'd you come from?
20:55I've just been keeping an eye on you.
20:58Look, if these fellas want to fight fairly, I've got boxing gloves in my car.
21:03Get them and take a couple of these fellas over the ropes.
21:06Yeah, go ahead.
21:08I don't want to.
21:10Remember what Paul said?
21:11Paul? Paul who?
21:13Oh, sure, Bill. I'll get the gloves.
21:15I won't be but a minute.
21:26Get him, Hank.
21:27Come on, block him.
21:29Watch it.
21:31That's the last time you'll hit me, Roger.
21:33Yeah, come on, Hank. Come on.
21:35Yeah, maybe.
21:37You missed.
21:40Hey, look at that.
21:41He's got Hank Tom.
21:43Wow, can he fight?
22:03How's I do, Bill?
22:05Wonderful, Roger.
22:07I don't think you'll have any more trouble when the word gets around that you beat up two of the toughest guys in school.
22:13The credit's all yours, Bill.
22:16It was a pleasure, Rog.
22:18And we'll see you Saturday evening at Goose Lake, huh?
22:21Yeah, I'm all packed and stuff.
22:24Say, Roger.
22:25Yeah, Bill?
22:27Why not invite Hank and Barney's gang to the meeting?
22:30A good idea.
22:31I'll do it.
22:32See ya.
22:38Goose Lake
22:50Hello, Bill.
22:51Hello, Roger.
22:53Hello, Frank.
22:54Hiya, Bill.
22:55We got here in the nick of time.
22:57Looks like we're in for a bad storm, huh?
23:00Looks bad, all right.
23:01Should we go inside?
23:02Yeah, that'd be a good idea.
23:05Say, look at this big gang of kids.
23:08We got a good crowd tonight.
23:10And the meeting's about ready to start.
23:14Fire! Fire!
23:16Bill, Bill, I think Lightning's hit the building.
23:19We'd better do something before these kids stampede.
23:22You're right, Mike.
23:23Roger, get some larder.
23:25Swing like you've never swung before.
23:27Right away, Bill.
23:28Let's drive those toys, fellas.
23:30We gotta keep the kids from running riot.
23:34Get out, get out, get out!
23:36Get out, get out, get out!
23:41Get out of here!
23:45Hey, you young folks, out in front.
23:47Start singing to him.
23:49Come on, start singing.
23:51Hold him at his heart.
23:55He's a loyal man at heart.
23:59He's a king of hope.
24:03He's always been so kind.
24:07Keep moving right along.
24:09Come on, John, quickly.
24:11Keep moving.
24:12Think of him.
24:13He's walking now, just away from the building.
24:16That's good.
24:17You're doing fine.
24:22Hey, Mike, don't push.
24:24Everybody's going to get out.
24:26Keep it right there, sonny!
24:28Hey, don't push in there!
24:30Come on!
24:31Come on!
24:32Keep going up, come on!
24:39All the young kids are out now.
24:41I'm going in after Rush.
24:44Rush, you can stop playing now.
24:47Boy, am I glad to see you, Bill.
24:49Let's get out of here, boss.
24:51The building's cracking up.
24:53I think the roof's coming down, Bill.
24:55We'll never make it.
24:56Oh, yes, we will.
24:57Here, give me your hand.
24:59Now, hang on.
25:00We're going to run for it.
25:02Get out, Bill!
25:05Wow, that was a close one.
25:07Come on now.
25:10Wow, that was a close one.
25:12Come on now.
25:23Let me get your picture, Mayor.
25:24Come on, let's...
25:26Yeah, let's get this picture, Mayor.
25:29Gentlemen, please, please.
25:32Ladies and gentlemen,
25:35we're here to pay tribute to a courageous young man.
25:39He calmed a stampede of young people
25:42by playing the organ until they were safely outside
25:45the burning auditorium at Goose Lake.
25:48He risked his own life to save the lives of others.
25:52As Mayor of Nottinghine,
25:54it gives me real pride to present this Medal of Merit
25:58to you, Roger Holmes.
26:05Thank you.
26:11Ladies and gentlemen, a reception will be held in my office.
26:15You're all invited to help us honor Roger Holmes.
26:24Bill, how's my dad taking all this?
26:27You think I've convinced him?
26:29I'm not a sissy.
26:30You'll find out, Roger.
26:32Here he comes now.
26:33Well, Bill, thank you for everything you've done.
26:37Roger, will you forgive your dad
26:40for being such an ornery old mule?
26:43I'm ashamed of myself.
26:45Dad, what are you ashamed of?
26:47None that I ever called you a sissy.
26:49But, Dad, I was scared.
26:51That I can't believe, son.
26:53But I was.
26:54When I was playing the organ, I was so scared
26:56I almost forgot how to play.
26:58Then I thought of what the Apostle Paul said.
27:01The Apostle Paul?
27:02What did he say?
27:04He said, I can do all things through Christ
27:06who strengthens me.
27:20That's right, Roger.
27:22The Lord can give you the courage and strength
27:25to meet any emergency or any problem.
27:28I guess Bill proved that you don't judge a man
27:30by the size of his knuckles,
27:32but by the courage and faith he has in his heart.
27:36Well, see you next week for more adventures with...
27:40Ranger Bill!
