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Video Information: 16.05.2022, IIT-Ropar, Greater Noida, U.P.

What is nationalism?
Is nationalism good or bad?
Is nationalism in India easy?
What is the origin of Indian nationalism?
What is relation between Nationalism and Vedanta ?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00My name is Ashish Joshi. I have been following you for the past couple of years. Everything
00:09that I know about spirituality, it somehow roots towards you, which is why I have this
00:15question arises. You've always spoken of the spiritual lineage, right from the sages who
00:20wrote the Upanishads and then to Jagatguru Shankaracharya, to Ramanujacharya, to Saint
00:25Kabirdas, Swami Vivekananda and so on. In my opinion, what these saints do was they
00:32created a spiritual awakening to bring about a spiritual identity with which the entirety
00:37of Indians could identify themselves with. Now, you have always spoken of this spiritual
00:43identity as well and you have said language is a primary differentiator for the cause.
00:47How we should always regard Hindi as our mother tongue and how we should propagate it with
00:53all our might. And I do agree with it completely. But the thing is when we talk about creating
01:00this identity for entire India, there are different languages. There was this recent
01:06issue with Tamil language as well. So, I was wondering whether this multiplicity of languages
01:12would create an obstacle in our journey towards creating a common spiritual identity which
01:17we all could share. Thank you Acharya ji.
01:21You see, I have talked of Hindi as representative of all Indian native languages. I have not
01:37even once thought or said that all of India should quit its native language and switch
01:48to Hindi. In fact, I have repeatedly said if you will listen to the videos or read the
01:56books that the Gujarati should be able to take pride in Gujarati and the Tamil in Tamil,
02:06the Bengali in Bengali, the Punjabi in Punjabi. When I talk of Hindi, it is in context of
02:18the colonization by a single language, English. And the problem is not merely at the language
02:28level. The problem is actually spiritual because it is not a language that Indians are adopting.
02:42It is actually a legacy that Indians are dumping. When you switch from let's say Hindi to English,
02:55it's not merely a change of language. There is lot else that changes and in that change
03:05there is something very important that you leave behind. When you quit Hindi, you are
03:16quitting not merely Hindi but certain very important values. Similarly, when you imbibe
03:25English, it is not just English that you take in. There is a lot more that is not particularly
03:35useful that you absorb along with the language, new language. That's what I keep objecting
03:44against. In fact, there was this recent controversy. Some movie actor from I think the Kannada or
03:56Telugu cinema, he said that the dubbed movies from the South are doing so well in the North
04:08in the Hindi heartland. So, that proves that Hindi is no more the national language and then
04:15there was some retaliation and such things. When you talk in terms of the South accepting
04:34Hindi as the link language, I see a problem there. How many Northerners know even one
04:50Southern language half properly? How many Northerners even intend to know Tamil, Telugu
05:08or Malayalam? And then you say that Hindi should be the link language all over India. If I will
05:20belong to the South, I would say, well, I have no problems. Hindi is an important language.
05:27Hindi is a language of my country. But tell me please, is the onus of learning a language
05:36from another region only on the Southerners? The Northerners will not even try to learn
05:48any language apart from their own. And if you see objectively, a lot of people in the
06:02South actually do know Hindi. They have a working knowledge. In fact, I would say a
06:13majority of people in the South can comprehend Hindi. Even if they can't read or write it,
06:21they will comprehend it. But you come to the North, how many people understand Kannada or
06:32Telugu? How many schools even offer a choice? So it's the Northerners that have done Hindi a
06:45disservice by remaining so indifferent to the great languages of the South. And again,
06:55the problem is spiritual here. In the North, there is such a deep inferiority complex that
07:05kids are encouraged to learn German or Spanish, even Chinese these days, compared to Tamil or
07:13Telugu or Bengali or Udiya or any Indian language. We call ourselves Indians, but we are deeply
07:23ashamed of India. And you tell this to a parent and he will say, what will my kid gain by learning
07:32Telugu? Opportunities lie in Mandarin. Opportunities lie in French or Spanish or Japanese or whatever.
07:41Now if your definition of opportunity is merely material, then no one can save you. No one can
07:53save you. We think of Southerners as opposing Hindi. I just do not think that way. In the South,
08:12Hindi has largely been accepted. But what do you want them to do? You want them to stop speaking
08:19Kannada and completely switch to Hindi? Is that the kind of vicious and infantile idea you have?
08:29They already know Hindi. They at least understand Hindi. Won't you look into the mirror and ask
08:41yourself, how much of Kannada do I know? Right now, when people in Delhi talk of Hindi as a
08:52national language or a link language, it makes the people in South both insecure and also resistant,
09:04angry. Because they are seeing the kind of discrepancy and imbalance. There is no reciprocity.
09:12And I will side with my countrymen from the South. Let schools in the North offer a bouquet of at
09:33least three, four Indian languages as optionals. Stop this nonsense. Why are kids learning these
09:43so-called international languages? You have Hindi, you have English. Beyond that, if you
09:51want one more language, let it be an Indian language. And then you will find Hindi gaining
09:59respect and acceptability in the South. The arrangement has to be reciprocal, no?
10:06Why should only Hindi be the link language when you speak to a Tamilian? As a Hindiwala,
10:14when you speak to a Tamilian, why do you expect the Tamilian to know Hindi? Why can't you know
10:21just a bit of a smattering of Tamil? Wouldn't that be respectful? No? And if you can speak
10:33a bit of Tamil, you will find he will happily reciprocate by speaking a bit of Hindi. And
10:39that's the way healthy relationships are. Nobody wants to be dominated. Nobody wants
10:51to be linguistically colonized. When I say Hindi stands for certain values, I am talking
11:03of spiritual values. And freedom is one of them. And it's not that only Hindi stands
11:15for those values. And it's not that English does not stand for those values. If you want
11:21to have a discussion on the relationship between language and values and culture, that's a
11:29different thing. I have already had those discussions, they are well documented. Right
11:35now we are talking of the relationship between the North and the South and the link language
11:38matter. Yes, please.
11:44I am sorry, sir, I was not able to express my question correctly. I believe it was not
11:57exactly about maintaining Hindi as the link language. I wanted to know how to bring about
12:03this spiritual identity in its totality when we have so many different languages.
12:13What do you mean by that?
12:14I mean, like, your domain, mostly, I mean, although the content that you offer is not
12:22language specific, it applies to all the languages and all the speakers. But the content
12:28is generally available in English and Hindi. And how do we convey it to the tens and hundreds
12:36of languages that are spoken in the entirety of India?
12:41By translating it. What else?
12:49By translating it. And translation is not that big a problem. You see, it's already
12:54mechanized, it's becoming more and more automated. It's just that it's not very accurate at
13:02this stage. Machine learning will make translations very accurate.
13:09Thank you, sir.
