• 9 hours ago
A recent parolee gets a Mexican witch to resurrect his old posse so that they can help him save a woman's ranch from a ruthless drug lord.
00:01:00Don't know how to start it. I'm calling the police. Just take one. Give me I know I know the power
00:01:37Don't think you'd be back so soon
00:01:41On my age time is not something you take for granted
00:01:47You have an answer for me the offer is very generous in your but I cannot accept
00:01:54Our family has worked this land for generations
00:01:56So we have
00:01:59But that's worth a lot more than money
00:02:02Family right
00:02:05History I
00:02:07Can respect all those things
00:02:10That's just a widow, of course
00:02:19But you misunderstand one thing this was in a negotiation
00:02:46Face to be the last thing you see
00:03:04Have a new offer much simpler turn over your ranch
00:03:16Yes, my men know me back it down for your answer
00:03:23Your choice
00:03:30Was so sorry for your loss
00:03:36Don't know
00:06:11Miss me go on
00:06:15Santana Bravo
00:06:19My husband Mateo sent you that note
00:06:23That's his blood on the ground
00:06:27Need protection. I
00:06:31Can pay you Texan
00:06:36And look well
00:06:39He wants my ranch and he'll be back at dawn to take it
00:06:46Unless you've got an army in your pocket. I
00:06:50Suggest you just give him what he wants
00:06:53Call it a day. I can't do that. Not anymore
00:07:05I'm sorry what you need? I ain't got
00:07:37Everything all right Carmel
00:07:41Mr. Bravo
00:07:43Heard you just got released from Huntsville
00:07:47That's right, sir
00:07:48He came looking for work. I
00:07:51Told him we had none and that was the end of it
00:07:55And Mateo's old Henry rifle
00:07:59Like I said all the same I think we best bring mr. Bravo back to the station have a little chat
00:08:06All right, sir. Just
00:08:08Turn on that body camera
00:08:12Funny thing it was working fine this morning, but well
00:08:18there's two
00:08:21Go on now get in I
00:08:27Said get in
00:08:30I ain't gonna ask you again. Let's you got a warrant Jake you can get off my property
00:08:35You might want to think twice about pointing that blunderbuss as an officer of the law Carmel
00:08:41Assuming it actually fired
00:08:50Tell you what
00:08:52Let's just forget the whole thing the lady here obviously doesn't want to press any charges
00:08:58You're free to go
00:09:09That's for all the times you didn't get busted
00:09:13Now get
00:09:18Not that way that way Jake
00:09:25Just seeing them all
00:09:33You believe in justice Bravo
00:09:36But there's somebody bigger than both of us making sure that the good prevail and the bad get their justice hurts
00:09:43Take this old hog killer
00:09:46Probably ain't been fired in decade
00:09:49Got no idea if it still even shoot
00:09:52Now stands to reason that if there's a grand design in heaven
00:09:57All I gotta do is pull trigger and find out what it is
00:10:01What do you think Bravo
00:10:04Into the line
00:10:07Or are you destined for better things
00:10:16Damn Susie, maybe this is your lucky day after all
00:11:13By the way, I'm a boy low sends his regards
00:11:33Sorry you had to be a part of this Carmela Julia
00:11:41Fuck you Jake
00:13:32You're up
00:13:34Listen sorry, I couldn't keep the kidney
00:13:37Okay, it's over there in a mason jar if you want it
00:13:41Keepsake or whatever. It's not like I could sell it or anything. Oh
00:13:45Smells like Miss Scarlett
00:13:53Welcome back. Oh, what if I didn't want to be back?
00:13:56Well, maybe I don't want to squeeze my dog's anal glands to make healing paste
00:14:01Like yes false. Oh Miguel over there. He didn't want to come back. Did you nearly do?
00:14:13Don't let the silent treatment fool you they'll talk the height of a car when he gets going ain't that right me got your room
00:14:23You know, I hate that
00:14:31I'll get me some corn
00:14:43prefer Dona Celia, but
00:14:46No, how works?
00:14:48as does enchantress
00:14:51You're an old wife still
00:14:57I'm dead
00:15:00I'm fucking dead. It's like
00:15:09That's pain
00:15:10That's what the dead crave most they want to feel again to feel anything you consider yourself lucky that I got to you just in
00:15:20Like baby kicks over here. Why do you think he doesn't just walk out the door and keep white?
00:15:23I'm going yeah, I get I hear it goes because he knows that I could give him life
00:15:29And not just any life not like you're walking dead variety
00:15:33I mean real life the kind that you're born into
00:15:36full of pain and joy and
00:15:40satisfying sex
00:15:43But first he has to earn it she is pure fucking evil
00:15:53If you're looking for another plaything forget it, I'm not playing
00:15:59I'm looking for a man
00:16:03Who can stand up to an abuelo I know who you are Bravo
00:16:10And what he did to you I know what he did to your wife
00:16:26Dreamed of different ways
00:16:30He was dying but dreaming and doing
00:16:35Are two different things, but you are a legend problem
00:16:40Legends they don't give up
00:16:44They don't quit
00:16:46They do now
00:16:49I don't believe you back then. I had a crew
00:16:53About those they would
00:16:55Have my back
00:16:57No matter what
00:17:01I'm nothing like I used to be
00:17:04You need a new crew
00:17:08And a kick in the ass
00:17:10There's nobody alive crazy enough to stand up to a willow alive, maybe not
00:17:19Nah, no way
00:17:22No, fucking way. Come on. Come on. Yeah drink this drink. You'll feel better
00:17:29I squeezed it just for you
00:17:35Wow, come on get Christ
00:18:00The Aztecs believed that the Sun gave life to all
00:18:05But the sun's light could not reach the Underworld and the souls who were trapped there.
00:18:12For that, they needed the Mother of All Blades.
00:18:16Blessed by the Sun God, Huizilopochtli.
00:18:20Only human blood can harness the sun's power and channel it down to the Earth and create...
00:18:27A shorter version?
00:18:29Because we only got till dawn to save this lady's farm.
00:18:33Just stand over a grave and...
00:18:39That's it? No special words?
00:18:44I'm gonna need your keys. Take your truck.
00:18:47Eggs, come on. Here.
00:18:49And I'm gonna take him with me.
00:18:51Miguel! He's as useless as weak old fish!
00:18:56Yeah, but he can stop a bullet. That's good for starters.
00:19:00Bring him back in one piece.
00:19:04And you know the piece.
00:19:12So what's it like?
00:19:17Being dead.
00:19:20Like you're locked in the trunk of your stepdad's Buick Century Regal.
00:19:26I know. Weirdly specific rights.
00:19:30And now?
00:19:33I mean, being one of the living dead.
00:19:36The world's a bit thin after a while, for sure.
00:19:39But I kinda like it in a way.
00:19:42No pain.
00:19:44No expectations.
00:19:47Wish I didn't feel any pain.
00:19:56Are you looking?
00:20:07I don't know his name.
00:20:09Eugene. His name is Eugene.
00:20:21Friend of yours?
00:20:23Hardly. I put him there.
00:20:25Call him a first draft pick.
00:20:34I must be gone in the head.
00:20:49Just never got to enjoy the process from up here before.
00:20:56You might want to stand back a little.
00:21:02The hell?
00:21:04A little more.
00:21:06A lot more.
00:21:09Más, cabrón.
00:21:16More back.
00:21:24Holy shit!
00:21:35Perhaps you used too much blood.
00:22:13Way too many.
00:22:19I was dead?
00:22:21Crazy, right?
00:22:23Did you do this?
00:22:33Easy now, big fella.
00:22:42Damn, Bravo.
00:22:44You still hit like a bitch.
00:22:49Hold on.
00:22:51Ooh, that felt good.
00:22:53Come on!
00:22:55All right, easy.
00:23:06I didn't feel a thing.
00:23:08Whatever you did to me, I liked it.
00:23:12I'm back!
00:23:16This ain't no free ride.
00:23:19I got a job.
00:23:23See, this dog don't bark for nobody.
00:23:26Especially not your ass.
00:23:28You see, the world is gonna remember you, Gene P.
00:23:32No, Bravo!
00:23:34I think about that, Hoffs.
00:23:36One week in the Texas sun,
00:23:38you're gonna fall apart like pulled pork.
00:23:42Only thing the world will remember about you
00:23:45is your smell.
00:23:49The hell you know about that?
00:23:52I can give you life.
00:23:54Real life.
00:23:56What you got right now, just a down payment.
00:23:59So when do I get paid in full?
00:24:01When the job's done.
00:24:08Oh, hell no.
00:24:10Man, I ain't going nowhere looking like the fucking butler from the Adams family.
00:24:14If the shoe fits.
00:24:17Who the fuck is he?
00:24:24You know I could rip your head clean off right here, right now.
00:24:29Shit down your neck and it wouldn't mean nothing.
00:24:33Actually, you couldn't.
00:24:35This shit ain't fucked.
00:24:37Listen here, pencil neck.
00:24:39Why don't you do yourself a favor
00:24:41and shut the fuck up?
00:24:44Shut the fuck up.
00:24:52So how does this zombie shit work?
00:24:55I don't think of myself as a zombie.
00:24:58More like a revenant.
00:25:00Like the copy of Minus the Bearer.
00:25:02So we can't die?
00:25:04Shot in the head or nothing?
00:25:06Honestly, I've taken a bunch of bullets.
00:25:09But none to the brain.
00:25:15You know what? I know he's around here somewhere.
00:25:17I just don't know exactly where.
00:25:19What's his name again?
00:25:20He wasn't buried under his real name.
00:25:23Had to do with his fortune in red diamonds that went missing
00:25:27when he did his last bank robbery.
00:25:30Marty Falanger?
00:25:32Tobo Wallace?
00:25:35Tommy Lasorda.
00:25:36I didn't know he was buried here.
00:25:38Tommy Lasorda.
00:25:39With a real crappy headstone too.
00:25:59Dead as disco.
00:26:03So why Tommy Lasorda?
00:26:05Well, you know I've always been a Braves fan,
00:26:08so Hank Aaron's my first choice.
00:26:10You wouldn't dare.
00:26:13You look familiar.
00:26:15Do I know you?
00:26:19Oh, yeah.
00:26:21Used to be tight with the H-Town mob back in the day.
00:26:25Listen to you.
00:26:27Yeah, you're the dumb motherfucker
00:26:29tried to ice my man Bravo here.
00:26:32How'd that work out for you?
00:26:34Ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:26:37One more room, please.
00:26:39Hey, hey, hey!
00:26:42Ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:26:56Oh, my neck!
00:26:59Sons of bitches!
00:27:04Help me out here!
00:27:09You do pull that shit again,
00:27:11and I'm putting your boat back in the ground.
00:27:17Sorry, compadre.
00:27:18Sorry ain't getting it.
00:27:20What are we gonna do now?
00:27:36These idiots.
00:28:08She won't be alone.
00:28:09I fight with her.
00:28:13And I can't ask you to stay.
00:28:15And you can't ask me to leave.
00:28:17If this is where I die, so be it.
00:28:20My life has been good.
00:28:23And not that good.
00:28:25But good.
00:28:27Carmela, there are no time for tears.
00:28:30We have work to do. Come.
00:28:34Gracias. Gracias.
00:28:39So what now?
00:28:41Looks like hitchhiking is pretty much off the table.
00:28:44Hey, look what I found.
00:28:47They buried you with your phone.
00:28:49Yeah, I guess so.
00:28:50See if it works.
00:28:55Wakey, wakey, my little chupacabra.
00:28:59I'm back.
00:29:04My ex.
00:29:05I like fucking with her.
00:29:07Oh, shit.
00:29:09Dead battery.
00:29:13Tommy, you had a phone,
00:29:15and you called your ex?
00:29:17What the hell is wrong with you?
00:29:20We got five hours to sun up,
00:29:22more cemeteries to hit,
00:29:24and you've got to stop, right?
00:29:35You get 20 to life in this state for hitting on.
00:29:39Hello, pretty ladies.
00:29:41Allow me to escort you out of your caravan.
00:29:48We need a ringer.
00:29:50I mean, a veritable bonafide superstar.
00:29:55What about Quasimodo?
00:29:59Quasimodo the Rassler?
00:30:01I know where he's buried.
00:30:03What? Let's take him up.
00:30:14What the fuck?
00:30:24Yeah, I've been asking the same thing.
00:30:36What's happening?
00:30:38Shh. He's making the pitch.
00:30:42Her name was Dolores.
00:30:47She was his Juliet.
00:30:50The love of his life.
00:30:52He died for her, and now he wants her back.
00:30:54What? This ain't fantasy, Alan.
00:30:57We need fighters, not lovers.
00:30:59Yeah, you say we.
00:31:03In the ring, they call her La Banshee.
00:31:09She can kill six men with a number two pencil.
00:31:13A dozen more if she had a pencil sharpener.
00:31:17Hell, that's my kind of woman, but still.
00:31:23He says, you get them both or you get neither.
00:31:31We can go for a twofer.
00:31:47That's the Banshee?
00:31:49That's her.
00:31:59Mi amor.
00:32:05Mi amor.
00:32:07Mi amor.
00:32:12Mira. Mira lo que hago con tu mi amor, eh?
00:32:32Banshee! Banshee!
00:32:37Banshee! Banshee!
00:32:41What if I killed myself to be free of you?
00:32:47What do you think of that?
00:32:49Oh, you're looking at 350 pounds of sad right there.
00:32:55You're not helping, Colin.
00:32:57Hey! Don't wind me up, Missy. I don't wind down easy.
00:33:01Plus, I have a pension for marriage.
00:33:03All right!
00:33:07Put a ring on it, it boots off.
00:33:09Damn it! That's my best nose picker.
00:33:11I'll bite that nose of yours off and stick it up your ass.
00:33:15Oh, you want to try it? Come on, huh?
00:33:17Hey! Shut the fuck up!
00:33:38That's it.
00:33:40That's all we got.
00:33:59Fuck, man.
00:34:05I hate you.
00:34:17You put this on me after I was dead?
00:34:22What do you mean?
00:34:23I just thought...
00:34:24You just thought what?
00:34:25That with that, what?
00:34:26That I was your goodbye?
00:34:29Look at what I'm doing with your fucking lunatic, huh?
00:34:32Did you see his heart? Did you see it?
00:34:41So what is he good at?
00:34:44Busting heads with a stick.
00:35:07So you a real hockey player or you just like playing dress-up?
00:35:11What's your name, man?
00:35:17What the hell kind of name is that?
00:35:21Like stick plus face.
00:35:24Yes. Action.
00:35:35Oh, shit.
00:35:39Hey, let's keep it on the road, boss.
00:35:42Whoa. Uh-oh.
00:35:44Why are we stopping?
00:35:46Everybody out. Let's go.
00:35:50Let's go.
00:36:05They're here.
00:36:15They're coming.
00:36:17Oh, my G.
00:36:45Buenos dias, Carmela.
00:36:48Hope you all had a restful night.
00:36:52Now, honey,
00:36:54I know you ain't happy with the choices in front of you right now,
00:36:57but it's time to pick your switch.
00:37:00What do you say you just come on out with your hands on your head
00:37:03and we just ride on out of here, start over fresh?
00:37:07I ain't saying you ain't brave and all,
00:37:09but the way I see it, you're all had no cattle in this matchup.
00:37:13So El Abuelo asks you for the very last time,
00:37:16do you accept his...
00:37:20Chupame la verga, pendejo.
00:37:25What? You weren't going to accept?
00:37:30Look out!
00:37:31Fire in the hole!
00:37:33Reload, motherfucker!
00:37:46Let's go.
00:37:52Hey, cabrón!
00:37:55Oh, no!
00:38:47Hey, Miguel, get over here!
00:38:54Get over here!
00:38:56Get over here!
00:39:21Welcome to the party, Miguel.
00:39:33Bravo! I thought you were...
00:39:39Don't worry, they're with me.
00:39:42Use your words.
00:39:44Holy fuck!
00:39:46You told me to get some help.
00:39:48This is what I got.
00:39:56Hola, señora.
00:39:58Soy Quasimodo, el campeón del mundo.
00:40:10I'm Tommy.
00:40:14Ah, enchanté, Carmela.
00:40:28No one's going to help me.
00:40:35Puta madre.
00:40:42Buenas tardes, señora.
00:40:49Estamos trabajando con demonios.
00:40:53Oh, yeah!
00:41:00Oh, fuck me running!
00:41:03I've turned into my fucking grandmother!
00:41:06Yep, the sphincters pretty much take a vacation.
00:41:10All right.
00:41:13Time to put out your pet tote.
00:41:16It's time for me to turn into a real boy.
00:41:19George Foreman's got a point there, boss.
00:41:22He did make a promise.
00:41:24I said when the job was done.
00:41:26It ain't done yet.
00:41:28Hold on, hold on, hold on.
00:41:30Can't be moving the goalposts now.
00:41:33If we got here before sunrise,
00:41:36we bit-smacked Abuelo's men,
00:41:39the job is done.
00:41:45Abuelo's going to be back.
00:41:47He's going to have an army with him.
00:41:49You afraid, Eugene?
00:41:53Well, nothing's scaring me.
00:41:55Then prove it.
00:41:58I'll keep up my end of the deal.
00:42:01You keep up yours.
00:42:04So what'll it be?
00:42:06We going to save this lady's farm or what?
00:42:11I fight with Bravo.
00:42:16I fight with Bravo.
00:42:18Yo también.
00:42:20Glad Grandma's in it.
00:42:23Me too.
00:42:27This shit ain't over, Bravo.
00:42:32All right, Miguel.
00:42:34We need a look-up.
00:42:35Go out and watch the back.
00:42:39We need a look-up.
00:42:40Go out and watch the main road.
00:42:42The rest of us, we have a house to fortify
00:42:45and an abuelito to kill.
00:42:47Show me all the entry points.
00:42:49Entry points?
00:42:50Shut up.
00:42:52[♪ singing in Spanish ♪
00:43:22[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:43:29[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:43:47[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:43:58[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:44:13[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:44:43[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:44:54[♪ singing in Spanish continues ♪
00:45:06Is it your intention to kill me?
00:45:12Abuelo, never.
00:45:13Then why do you come to my home
00:45:15to inform me that Santana Bravo's still alive
00:45:18instead of doing something about it?
00:45:20I mean, we couldn't.
00:45:22There was just nothing we could do.
00:45:24Go on.
00:45:26Well, you gotta understand, he has a new posse now.
00:45:29How many?
00:45:30100? 200?
00:45:36Um, six or seven.
00:45:46Uh, total.
00:45:49Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:56I see.
00:45:58So you run away
00:46:02to better little fit.
00:46:05Like a...
00:46:07Like a little girly girl.
00:46:12No, look, Abuelo.
00:46:14You gotta understand,
00:46:15there was nothing we could do, all right?
00:46:17I mean, we tried everything, man.
00:46:18This guy just, he couldn't be stopped.
00:46:21You see that bear?
00:46:25I didn't shoot him.
00:46:27I killed him with a bent stick and a pine cone.
00:46:34Ah, ha, ha.
00:46:38Abuelo, please.
00:46:39Everything can be stopped.
00:46:43Not this.
00:46:44This film!
00:46:59It helps if you have a gun.
00:47:02We're gonna have to board up every entrance.
00:47:16What's this?
00:47:20My grandfather used these tunnels
00:47:21to smuggle our family and other people in need
00:47:23across the border.
00:47:25It's been sealed up for years.
00:47:27Then Trump built his wall,
00:47:28and the cartel started looking for ways
00:47:30to move their product across the border.
00:47:32That's why Abuelo wants this place.
00:47:34He thought that it was ready to dynamite the thing
00:47:36so they'd leave us alone.
00:47:37But he didn't get the chance.
00:47:56Is there any lights?
00:48:03Why didn't you tell me about this before?
00:48:06I don't know.
00:48:07I guess I didn't want you to think we were involved.
00:48:09Lady, listen.
00:48:11I did 28 years in prison.
00:48:1318 in the hole.
00:48:15I don't judge anyone.
00:48:31Oh, give me a home
00:48:35Where the buffalo roam
00:48:38Where the deer and the antelope play
00:48:45Where seldom is heard
00:48:49Oh, shit.
00:48:51Oh, shit.
00:48:54Oh, shit.
00:48:57Oh, shit.
00:49:09Let me guess.
00:49:11Hose A. Hose B?
00:49:39What's wrong with your face?
00:49:41What's wrong with my face?
00:49:43What's wrong with your face?
00:49:45Not a time for glibness, amigo.
00:49:50What happened to my men?
00:49:52Do you want a clinical explanation?
00:50:06Let's take a trip to the Olive Garden.
00:50:09I love the Olive Garden.
00:50:13Stop, you're hurting me.
00:50:17Who are you?
00:50:23Look, I have a few teensy-weensy boundary issues.
00:50:27Why? I'm going to do off my finger?
00:50:29The thumb isn't technically a finger.
00:50:32Well, neither is the apple.
00:50:43Shoot him in the balls.
00:50:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not the danglers.
00:50:47Tito, Manolo, right?
00:50:49Those are your names?
00:50:51We're friends.
00:50:53We're friends, cabrón. Friends.
00:50:55Yes? You have TikTok?
00:50:57Yes? No?
00:50:58We have connection, yes?
00:51:00In the mood to talk now?
00:51:01Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:51:03We could do that whole TikTok thing.
00:51:05Just don't shoot me in the...
00:51:08That was totally unnecessary.
00:51:14I'm a fucking Barbie now.
00:51:22And since we're being so gratuitous.
00:51:28Jesus Christ.
00:51:31More like Nick Fury.
00:51:37And to think I walked out of the house looking like this.
00:51:50Kill him. Kill him!
00:52:01Just thought you might want to know...
00:52:03What are you up against?
00:52:05The others are like me, but way less chill.
00:52:20You have been to see the bruja?
00:52:22The bruja has been to see me.
00:52:26Which explains the rod.
00:52:29Comes with the package, I'm afraid.
00:52:31And they say she restores a person to full life.
00:52:35Not whatever you are.
00:52:37That's premium package.
00:52:39Is that what Bravo promised your compadres?
00:53:26I'd call this place the stitching post.
00:53:29You are a Rembrandt of sewn, senor.
00:53:33Eugene. Eugene.
00:53:35Looking good. Look at you.
00:53:38Why don't you try to make it look better?
00:53:40Oh. Okay.
00:53:42If I had a hand.
00:53:44Let me ask you a question.
00:53:47Do you think we can really trust Bravo?
00:53:51I do.
00:53:52I do.
00:53:55Well, you know, we haven't even seen this bruja and her magical friolis.
00:54:00And what if she doesn't exist?
00:54:03What if he's just been playing us this whole time?
00:54:06Guess we'll find out.
00:54:09Oh, man.
00:54:14A little help?
00:54:18Come on, finish up.
00:54:23Come on.
00:54:31You know, it's funny how we spend our time until we lose it.
00:54:36You're a poet.
00:54:39Wait a minute.
00:54:52Oh, man.
00:55:23What am I doing?
00:55:27I don't even want to live.
00:55:40Everyone's in position.
00:55:42We have to get inside.
00:55:44How did you do it?
00:55:47How did you bring them back?
00:55:50Have you ever been married, Mr. Bravo?
00:55:54A long time ago.
00:55:57Her name was Guadalupe.
00:56:02She died because she loved me.
00:56:07Wouldn't you bring her back?
00:56:10If you could.
00:56:13I would.
00:56:15Would you bring her back?
00:56:18If you could.
00:56:35They're back.
00:56:39One car.
00:56:41Unless they're superhuman clowns or something, color me unimpressed.
00:56:46One car?
00:56:48Oh, let me see.
00:56:50I'll be damned.
00:56:52It really is one car.
00:56:54That's some shit.
00:56:56Where the hell's Miguel?
00:57:01I think I'll...
00:57:12Who's that?
00:57:14La Bruja.
00:57:16Well, we got to do something.
00:57:20Please, Bravo, don't let me die.
00:57:22Don't let me die.
00:57:23Bravo, please.
00:57:25He only wants you, Bravo.
00:57:27You might want to do what the lady says.
00:57:35Move, mija.
00:57:59I'm scared.
00:58:06He wants you, Bravo.
00:58:11Don't let me die.
00:58:13Don't let me die.
00:58:15It's gonna be okay. Don't worry.
00:58:18I'll take care of this. I swear.
00:58:21I'll take care of this. I swear.
00:58:33You're looking good.
00:58:36Who are you?
00:58:40She was mine, Bravo.
00:58:43You of all people should have known that.
00:58:46She made her choice.
00:58:49Sadly, the wrong one.
00:58:51We're all concerned.
00:58:57Isn't it amazing how times have changed?
00:59:01I don't even need a detonator.
00:59:04I'm just out three.
00:59:09Let's me and you finish this.
00:59:11Just me and you.
00:59:20Look at me.
00:59:22These days, I fight for my life just going up a flight of stairs.
00:59:29Tell me this.
00:59:32How do you think your undead friends are gonna react...
00:59:35...when they find out their only chance of life...
00:59:39...goes boom?
00:59:41They'll want your head on a stick.
00:59:44Right next to yours?
00:59:48Imagine that.
00:59:50Two brothers.
00:59:52Side by side.
00:59:54Heads on sticks.
00:59:56We were never brothers.
00:59:59Well, not by blood.
01:00:01But in blood.
01:00:04And that's the stain you don't wash off.
01:00:08No matter how hard you scrub.
01:00:24Get in there! Go!
01:00:45Man, this changes everything.
01:00:49Brew gone.
01:01:08No, no, no!
01:01:29You got some balls coming back here.
01:01:53I'm so close.
01:01:56I'm so close.
01:01:58I'm this close.
01:02:00You'll get another chance.
01:02:03You will.
01:02:06You still have me.
01:02:10And a little old lady who was pretty good with a shotgun.
01:02:14And your posse.
01:02:18I have nothing to offer them now.
01:02:20Just be honest with them.
01:02:42Time to do God's work, brother.
01:02:45Whatever the hell that means.
01:02:50That's the best they can do.
01:02:53Come on.
01:03:08What are they doing now?
01:03:13I'm going to get you out of here.
01:03:21Not a damn thing.
01:03:34Oh, you go get him, Stanley Cup.
01:03:38He got planned.
01:04:01Time to get stick-faced.
01:04:13Oh, shit!
01:04:15They blew up Sticky!
01:04:19I think that was a missile!
01:04:21Damn it!
01:04:24They're fixing to blow us all up!
01:04:31Son of a bitch, that's Sticky!
01:04:33Blew up Sticky.
01:04:39Holy shit!
01:04:41That just ain't fair!
01:04:46What are we going to do now, Bravo?
01:05:07So what's plan B?
01:05:11Where does this thing spit out?
01:05:13An abandoned factory on the Mexican side.
01:05:31Don't you let him get away, you motherfucker.
01:05:39Keep moving! Keep moving!
01:05:44Oh, shit!
01:05:47Stay back!
01:05:48Get him!
01:05:57I can't get to Bravo on the woman!
01:06:06Take him further!
01:06:12Got him!
01:06:34All right, Lasorda, come on.
01:06:55I thought there'd be more.
01:06:57There will be.
01:06:59Come on. Any minute.
01:07:01If you stay, I stay.
01:07:02We'll be right behind you.
01:07:03No, Bravo!
01:07:05Trust me, Mia.
01:07:07Let's go.
01:07:20Let's gather up all these grenades
01:07:22and blow the hell out of this joint.
01:07:24Not you, old friend.
01:07:26You're all done here.
01:07:28Hey, this ain't none of you.
01:07:31Actually, it is.
01:07:33It's where we belong.
01:07:34You still got some life.
01:07:36Put it to good use.
01:07:38Yeah, go out there and do something nice,
01:07:40like save some kittens or something.
01:07:45Let's do it again sometime.
01:07:47You remember them red diamonds
01:07:49that went missing during that San Antonio job?
01:07:52Damn, you nasty.
01:07:55Put them to good use.
01:07:58Un honor pelear contigo.
01:08:01Let's blow this joint.
01:08:03Like you read about.
01:08:05Spin the hoop, muchacho.
01:08:28Let's go.
01:08:45Where's Bravo?
01:08:46I don't know, mija.
01:08:47We gotta go.
01:08:48We gotta go.
01:08:54Preferiría estar en el olvido contigo
01:08:57que en este mundo sin ti.
01:09:23Mi poeta.
01:09:25Mi monstruo.
01:09:39You mother...
01:09:47You mother...
01:09:53You mother...
01:10:06Fuck, fuck, fuck.
01:10:09Get in there!
01:10:10No, no!
01:10:22Too bad.
01:10:28No, you don't get to die on me, Bravo.
01:10:34He's digging!
01:10:41Here, here.
01:10:44Grab him!
01:10:48No, no!
01:11:04He's not breathing.
01:11:06I know.
01:11:07He's not breathing.
01:11:10Can you hear me?
01:11:20I know, mija.
01:11:28We have to go.
01:11:29We have to go.
01:11:30He's dead.
01:11:31We have to go.
01:11:43Esta mierda no termina así.
01:11:52Take this.
01:12:27Come to mommy.
01:12:31Come to mommy.
01:12:34Hola, papi.
01:12:40Oh, Bravo.
01:12:42Oh, shit.
01:12:47I was just kissing an angel.
01:13:24Hola, amigos.
01:13:37Que pues, compa?
01:13:40Remember we used to play here when we were kids?
01:13:42Hide and seek.
01:13:43Of course, there was an avocado orchard back then.
01:13:49Remember when we fell off the...
01:13:51Cojanse en el infierno.
01:14:03Kill me.
01:14:04I've already died twice today.
01:14:07Well, let her be.
01:14:11We made a deal.
01:14:13Her ranch or her life.
01:14:17She chose them wisely.
01:14:19Like her Guadalupe.
01:14:23Funny how things come full circle, que no?
01:14:42Be careful.
01:15:21This is for Mateo.
01:15:34Look at me, cabrón.
01:15:35Look at me.
01:15:43I want my face to be the last one you see.
01:16:09Stay by the fire, compadres.
01:16:13Dios te bendiga.
01:16:24What now?
01:16:26Rebuild somehow.
01:16:28It won't be easy.
01:16:30I'll manage.
01:16:39This might make it a little easier.
01:16:42Uncut red diamonds.
01:16:45Compliments of Tommy Lasoria.
01:16:47Where was he keeping these?
01:16:49You don't want to know.
01:16:51You don't want to know.
01:16:56You could stay, you know?
01:17:00How about I could pay you in diamonds?
01:17:05No, Mia. I got other plans.
01:17:10I gotta go, carnalita.
01:17:12Dios te bendiga.
01:17:16Cuídate, bravo.
01:17:19I will, I will.
01:17:44I don't think there's any place on earth
01:17:48more beautiful than this.
01:17:54The most beautifullest place this side of heaven.
01:17:58Lately, Mia,
01:18:00I've been thinking,
01:18:02I'm tired.
01:18:04I've done what I was put here to do.
01:18:06And now...
01:18:09I think...
01:18:12I'm ready to move on.
01:18:15I just want to be with you, baby.
01:18:20Not yet, mi amor.
01:18:22Your body will heal.
01:18:24And so will your soul.
01:18:26You have so much more to do, Santana.
01:18:45Hey, Miguelito.
01:18:49Bravo and the hand.
01:18:55Look out.
01:18:56Dead hand walking.
01:19:01I think it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
01:19:09Amigos till the end.
01:19:12Amigos till the end.
01:19:16Oh, cinco dedos.
01:19:41Oh, cinco dedos.
01:20:11Oh, cinco dedos.
01:20:41Oh, cinco dedos.
01:20:43Oh, cinco dedos.
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01:21:01Oh, cinco dedos.
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