• 2 days ago
S.W.A.T. Season 8 Episode 1 .



00:00Previously on S.W.A.T.
00:02Hey, LAPD, stop!
00:04Luca got some bad news today.
00:06The S.W.A.T. days are over.
00:08One thing's for certain. S.W.A.T. is never gonna be the same.
00:10So you must be staffing up 20 S.W.A.T.
00:12I really wanna find the right mix of people.
00:14You're trying to capture our old 20 S.W.A.T. magic, aren't you?
00:16That's the idea. 20 S.W.A.T.'s gotta have the right combination of personalities and skill sets.
00:20Any team I lead, I wanna make sure it's a cut above.
00:24If we're gonna rebuild this department, I need my best S.W.A.T.
00:26And you get carte blanche on the pick-for-six slot.
00:28Whoever you want.
00:40Ah, there's Lucy.
00:42Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
00:44Hi, Coach.
00:46There we go.
00:56Good job.
01:02Hold on, kids.
01:10Are they gonna move?
01:12Yeah, I'm sure they will in just a minute.
01:14Come on.
01:20What in the world?
01:26Let's go.
01:32Let me on.
01:34Like hell.
01:36Okay, okay, all right.
01:38What do you want?
01:52Everybody will get off this bus, and you will get into that truck.
01:54If you obey, you will not get hurt.
01:56Phones go into that bag.
01:58You too, girl.
02:00It's okay, kids.
02:02Just do what he says.
02:04Everything's gonna be fine.
02:12LAPD, stop!
02:14What are these kids, track stars?
02:16Stamina beats speed.
02:18They're splitting up.
02:20You want the fast one or the faster one?
02:22I thought you would.
02:24Alfonso, suspect's headed your way!
02:40Back up!
02:42Drop the weapon and let him go.
02:46Don't exacerbate the situation.
02:48Don't what?
02:50Don't hurt yourself.
02:52Oh, wow, we got a real smart guy.
02:56You want to show him your diploma, dick?
03:00What kind of morons rob a pawn shop
03:02right next to the SWAT training facility?
03:04Really fast ones, apparently.
03:08Hey, stop!
03:10I said stop!
03:14Move, move, move!
03:32Ears don't work?
03:34Nice catch, Gamble.
03:36You want to do the honors?
03:38No way. You bag him, you tag him.
03:40Forgot how much I love Venice.
03:50Come on!
03:54LAPD! Stop!
03:56Go, go!
03:58Move, move, move!
04:00Get out of the way!
04:08You see him?
04:10No. Lost him.
04:12All right, keep moving.
04:22Hey, I need you to come out of there
04:24with your hands in the air.
04:26We know you're in there. You got nowhere to go.
04:30Hey, hey, LAPD!
04:32Hondo, you're with!
04:44Chill out.
04:46You got ID on you?
04:48Give it to me.
04:52Ty Wallace.
04:5416 years old.
04:56East Venice High student ID.
04:58You should be in class, man.
05:00What's this?
05:02You steal that from the pawn shop?
05:04A lot of hassle for a cheap-ass-looking ring.
05:06I was trying to get it to my mom.
05:08It's her wedding ring.
05:10Her loser boyfriend stole all her jewelry
05:12and pawned it off.
05:14I went in yesterday to buy the ring,
05:16but the owner raised the price on it.
05:18Sounds like something Amir would do.
05:20You know that bastard?
05:22Yeah, we know him, man.
05:24Swat uses the place next door to run drills.
05:26Should have done your research
05:28before you decided to knock the place off.
05:30I wasn't going in there to rob it.
05:32I brought cash.
05:34My buddies came with to back me up.
05:36Things got out of hand.
05:38I just wanted my mom's ring.
05:40My dad died when I was a baby,
05:42but it's her damn ring, man.
05:44Where's your mom work?
05:48She's a cook at that restaurant over there.
05:50Let's go.
05:56What's going on?
06:00The kid took his mom's ring
06:02from the pawn shop.
06:04Said he was trying to get it to her before we caught him.
06:06And you're gonna let him give it back to her?
06:08You know Amir won't be happy.
06:10Let me handle Amir.
06:12If the ring was stolen like the kid says,
06:14Amir has no claim to it.
06:16Hey, kid.
06:18Your day just got a little better, man.
06:24Give your mama her bling back.
06:34So who wants to be the one to break that up?
06:36How about the new girl?
06:38That's supposed to be my orientation.
06:40So go get orientated.
06:42What, do you want a pamphlet?
06:44Go ahead, Gamble.
06:46You're up. Meet you back at the gym.
06:48All right.
06:54Time to go, buddy.
06:56No, no, no.
06:58Well, they loved us.
07:00Now they hate us.
07:02You can't please everyone.
07:04Can't please anyone.
07:06Even if it does someone.
07:08It's a roller coaster. Enjoy the ride.
07:10Wouldn't have it any other way.
07:12School bus on its morning route was found empty.
07:14Ten students in the driver room.
07:16That's gonna make a lot of waves.
07:18Let's get to HQ.
07:36Let's go.
07:52What'd the mayor's office say?
07:54They want all hands on deck.
07:56FBI, SWAT, Metro scour in the North Valley near the bus.
08:00How there no eyewitnesses?
08:02Still a mystery.
08:04I picked up a seventh-grade girl at the corner of Sierra and Clark.
08:08The kids at the next stop were just left waiting.
08:10Everyone on that bus disappeared.
08:12Detectives find anything useful at the crime scene?
08:14Oh, they pushed back when I even called it a crime scene.
08:16Well, of course it is.
08:18What, do they think it's your first day?
08:22Speaking of first days, how'd Gamble do out there?
08:24She's good. Good. She's quick on her feet.
08:26She seems sharp, too.
08:28I know Hondo's always thought highly of her.
08:30I can see why.
08:32Did you expect me to have a different take on her?
08:34No. Of course not.
08:36Her Oakland SWAT commander said she was a standout.
08:38So what's the issue?
08:40No issue.
08:42All right, I'll see you soon.
08:44Everything okay?
08:46I just got a call from an old friend of mine who lives in Granada Hills.
08:48Don't tell me you know one of the missing kids on that bus.
08:50Not the kids, sir. The driver.
08:52He was my high school football coach, Howie Kincaid.
08:54That was his wife Judy on the phone.
08:56She said she didn't know what to do when she saw the news, so she just started driving.
08:58I asked her to come here to speak to us.
09:02I think getting sand out of your shoes is hard.
09:06You know what?
09:08Actually, now that you're here,
09:10I'm not the newest member of the team anymore.
09:12Which means this grunt work's now yours, Gamble.
09:14Oh, grab my toothbrush.
09:16There's a visitor at the front who wants to speak to a member of the team.
09:18Since it's my first day, I thought I should talk to you.
09:24I'm Officer Alfaro.
09:26This is Officer Gamble.
09:28This is Zora.
09:30How can we help you, Zora?
09:32My bubu. He has a fruit cart near the beach.
09:34You and your friends.
09:36You saved his life today.
09:38Your bubu. Is he doing all right?
09:40Much better now, thank you.
09:42I want you to have these.
09:46You're Albanian?
09:48From Berat. You know it?
09:50I'm familiar, yeah.
09:52My grandmother, she's from Krui.
09:54You are Albanian, too.
09:56How many kids do you have?
09:58Only half. On my mother's side.
10:00What is your name?
10:02Miguel. After my dad.
10:04In Albania, it would be Niko.
10:06Sweet baby Niko.
10:10Thank you all so much.
10:20Sweet baby Niko.
10:22Just put these in the kitchen for whoever wants them.
10:26Her bus was found here,
10:28not far from where the last kid, Lucy Ambrose, was picked up.
10:30Well, that's a pretty remote area.
10:32Bus route cuts through Sunshine Canyon to get to the school.
10:34It's a dead zone for cell reception.
10:36Makes sense if it was a coordinated kidnapping.
10:38Commander, if that's the case,
10:40why these students?
10:42Most of the parents are just making ends meet.
10:44They aren't people who can pay some big ransom.
10:46Yeah, but we still can't even prove
10:48that there even was an abduction.
10:50It was definitely an abduction.
10:52A rancher called into the tip line.
10:54There was a bus with weapons.
10:56He thinks they might have driven off in a blue box truck.
10:58Well, why didn't he report it earlier?
11:00He says he figured it was a film crew.
11:02Apparently there's a movie ranch just down the road.
11:04Once he got home, he saw the news.
11:06Check it out.
11:08Demand from the kidnappers.
11:10A statement released exclusively to KMZR.
11:12The kidnappers claim to be part of an unnamed organization
11:14demanding $400 million in public funding
11:16be redirected
11:18toward fixing L.A.'s homeless crisis.
11:20The statement reads,
11:22Los Angeles, you have turned a blind eye
11:24to the suffering on your doorstep for too long.
11:26The mayor has 12 hours to do what's right,
11:28or your children will vanish into the abyss.
11:30None of you are untouchable.
11:32No child is safe.
11:34Find out how the hell the statement came into
11:36that news station's possession.
11:38On it.
11:40And keep combing through the kids and their families.
11:42Enemies, vendettas, get me anything
11:44that seems somewhat useful.
11:46Have a seat.
11:50Mrs. Kincaid, when's the last time
11:52you spoke to your husband?
11:54Early this morning, before he left for the school bus depot.
11:56Every morning, after he gets
11:58the kids to school, he calls me.
12:009-10 on the dot
12:02when he hadn't called by 9-20.
12:04I knew something had happened. I could just feel it.
12:06Okay, I am really sorry, Judy,
12:08but you know we're gonna do everything we can
12:10to find Howie and the kids.
12:12We moved to Granada Hills to get away from the crime in the city.
12:14I just can't believe this happened.
12:16When did you relocate?
12:18Three years ago, after Howie's first heart attack.
12:2038 years coaching D-1
12:22high school football took a toll.
12:24Oh, God. Howie doesn't even have his medicine.
12:26Hey, hey, Howie is strong, Judy.
12:28You know that.
12:30What do you think he'd be telling you right now?
12:32He'd be telling me to suck it up.
12:34That's right.
12:36I'm trying not to.
12:38Has your husband mentioned anything out of the ordinary in the last few days?
12:40Anything unusual at all?
12:42What do you mean?
12:44Well, it's not unheard of for perpetrators to do a trial run.
12:46No, not that I can remember.
12:48What kind of monsters would want to do something like this
12:50to a bunch of kids and an old man?
12:52We're trying to find out.
12:54Hondo, you lived with us long enough to know.
12:56He'd do anything to protect those kids.
12:58I know.
13:00He'd put his life on the line
13:02without a second thought.
13:04You mentioned his first heart attack.
13:06So he had another?
13:08This past summer.
13:10It was minor.
13:12So he kept it quiet.
13:14He didn't want anyone worrying.
13:16I got him one of those metal ear bracelets.
13:20Do you have any idea if he's wearing it?
13:24I'm not sure.
13:28Get out of the truck.
13:30Hurry, now! Let's go!
13:32Out of the truck!
13:36Okay. Come on.
13:38Here we go.
13:40Where are we?
13:42Stop talking.
13:44Get there. Let's go.
13:46Go! Go!
13:48It's okay. Come on.
13:50Come on.
14:04Come on, man. How are we supposed to see in there?
14:06There are flashlights inside.
14:10Is that a phone?
14:14There's no signal out here.
14:16Come on, man. These are just kids.
14:20What? You want some?
14:32I'm sorry. I won't say it again.
14:36Get up.
14:38Anne, let's go. Let's go.
14:40No time. Let's go!
14:42It's okay. Come on. It's okay.
14:44Go! It's okay. It's all right.
14:48Get rid of the truck. The revenue we discussed.
14:56That's how the kidnappers covered their tracks
14:58when they emailed their demand to the news station.
15:00By pinballing the message all over the world.
15:02Like a digital hot potato. No way to track the point of origin.
15:04The bus driver, Kincaid,
15:06whose medical alert bracelet is active,
15:08just came online.
15:10He's moving down Saddle Ridge Highway.
15:12Let's roll.
15:36FBI and Metro are en route.
15:38But if we're forced to engage before we have cover,
15:40try to avoid the back of the truck.
15:42The kids may be inside.
15:44Cover fire right side!
15:50All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
15:52I'll cover you.
15:54All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
15:56All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
15:58All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
16:00All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
16:02All right, Deacon, give me your gun.
16:04All right, Deacon, give me two. We're moving in.
16:06Pal, we need cover.
16:08Tan, you guys tack left. Move, now.
16:14Suspect turned on top of the cab.
16:20I lost him.
16:22Trying to get a visual.
16:24Deacon, go.
16:30Suspect's on top of the truck.
16:32Suspect's on top of the truck.
16:34If he fires again, you keep them engaged, then we move in.
16:3624-David, I'm ready for him.
16:48Ready when you are, Deacon.
16:56Suspect down.
17:02Let's go.
17:14No kids. Truck's empty.
17:18Get this.
17:20The suspect's tattoo is the emblem of the French Foreign Legion.
17:22So what? These guys are French military?
17:24It's a safe bet.
17:26What the hell do they want with these kids?
17:28Thomas Girard, ex-French Foreign Legion.
17:30Landed in L.A. six days ago on a Swiss passport.
17:32Traveled under an alias with three other men.
17:34Their homeland confirmed they're all Legionnaires?
17:36Used to be.
17:38Deserted a few years ago. Been on the run since.
17:40French government said they disappeared during a recon mission in Yemen.
17:42And why'd they go AWOL?
17:44To chase a better paycheck, maybe?
17:46They hooked up with some overthrown Yemeni prince who paid them to do his dirty work.
17:48True mercenaries.
17:50This was taken last year.
17:52That's Gus Dupont. He's one of our suspects.
17:54He's also their commanding officer.
17:56Dupont and his men abducted their family members,
17:58children, elderly parents.
18:00Tortured them on live feeds to extort ransoms.
18:02Never released them, though they were all found dead.
18:04What does the Yemeni prince want with ten school kids in L.A.?
18:06And why demand money to fix L.A.'s homeless problem?
18:08No, that's just a cover.
18:10Something else is going on here.
18:12These kids may not have much time left.
18:14Look closer into the family of these missing students.
18:16They're not rich, so what else can they offer?
18:18Hondo, hold up.
18:20Does he know about Gamble?
18:22No, not yet.
18:24No one does.
18:26Ink's not dry, you know.
18:28What's that mean?
18:30Well, we can still find someone else for 20 Squad.
18:32Someone who doesn't come from a family of felons
18:34and someone whose father didn't kill a cop.
18:36Commander, you gonna blame her for what her father did?
18:38I don't blame her, Hondo, but she brings a lot of baggage.
18:40Her fault or not.
18:42Gamble is the right person for this job.
18:44I know her. I trust her.
18:46You said I had carte blanche to pick my team.
18:48I did.
18:50But I didn't think you'd pick her.
18:52Officer Gamble.
18:56HR said you needed these men today.
18:58Oh, yeah. Thank you.
19:00Sorry for interrupting.
19:02That's no problem. Thank you.
19:06Don't sweat it, Hondo.
19:08I'll talk to her later.
19:10Do some damage control.
19:12No, I'd prefer if you let me talk to her first.
19:18Hey, baby Miko.
19:20I gotta admit, it's kind of endearing.
19:22Big tough SWAT officer by day,
19:24little baby Miko by night.
19:26I don't know why Gamble told you.
19:28Already making enemies day one.
19:30No, Gamble didn't tell me SWAT.
19:32Some lady called up to HQ and she wanted to know
19:34if sweet baby Miko liked her cookies.
19:36Didn't realize you had a girlfriend.
19:38Shut up.
19:40What? She sounded young.
19:42You read up on Xander Rodriguez yet?
19:44Yeah, 14 years old.
19:46Son of Tom Rodriguez and Lydia Samuels.
19:48They divorced a year ago. Dad's a personal trainer
19:50and Mom works in IT.
19:52I don't think Mom works in IT.
19:54Detectives had parents fill out a form this morning.
19:56Lydia listed her occupation as IT support.
19:58But her profile on CareerGrid
20:00says she's a cyber security analyst.
20:02Why would she be downplaying
20:04her job on the day her son gets kidnapped?
20:06Let's pull her work history.
20:10Anything jump out at you?
20:12Deacon, this is where we caught the truck.
20:14Which means they could have brought the kids
20:16somewhere north of Chatsworth.
20:18But that doesn't really narrow it down.
20:20No, but somewhere to start.
20:22She, uh...
20:24She mentioned you live with them.
20:28For a couple of months
20:30when I was a junior in high school, yeah.
20:32I was acting out real bad that year.
20:34I mean, my pops wasn't home.
20:36When my mom would work nights,
20:38I wouldn't convince myself that I was grown.
20:40Thought I could make my own schedule.
20:42Set my own curfew.
20:44So one night, I came home at 2 a.m.,
20:46and my mom was standing right there,
20:48and she was furious.
20:50But I looked her dead in the eye,
20:52and I said, I am the man of the house.
20:54I can do whatever I want.
20:56I can't imagine that going over well with Sharice.
20:58It was gasoline on fire, Dick.
21:00She told me she wasn't gonna put up
21:02with any more B.S. from the men in her life.
21:04But my dumb ass said something
21:06about her not being able to keep a man.
21:08She kicked me out right then and there.
21:10I deserved it.
21:12So Concage took you in?
21:14Yeah, for a couple of months.
21:16My first morning there,
21:18coach hauled me off to school at 5 a.m.
21:20I thought he was just gonna make me run some laps or something.
21:22He broke out an apron,
21:24and he put me to work.
21:26Turns out my high school cafeteria
21:28was used to feed at-risk young people
21:30before class started.
21:32Concage and his wife started the program.
21:34How long did he make you do that?
21:36Man, he had me scrubbing pants till the end of the school year.
21:38Even after my mom let me come back home.
21:42He told me the measure of a man
21:44was the number of people he served.
21:46He taught me a lot about football.
21:50But he taught me more about life
21:52and integrity.
21:54I've never known anyone like him.
21:56I've known someone like him.
22:00You ever thank him for what he did for you?
22:08I don't think I ever have.
22:10But we're gonna get that chance.
22:12We're gonna find him.
22:14We're gonna find those kids.
22:18All right.
22:20Tell you what.
22:22When we get out of here,
22:24I'm gonna buy each one of you a snow cone.
22:26Okay, now listen.
22:28You each take a sip of water.
22:30But just one sip, all right?
22:32Lucy, you first.
22:34Just one sip.
22:40Do you think we'll have enough air?
22:42Oh, plenty, plenty.
22:44Look, all we need to do
22:46is take controlled breaths, okay?
22:48Four seconds in
22:50and four seconds out.
22:52Just like that.
22:54All right, come on, do it with me.
22:56Four seconds in.
22:58Four out.
23:00Four in.
23:02Four out.
23:04Four in.
23:08Four out.
23:16Keep going, keep going.
23:18Four in, four out.
23:20I'd rather be with my family
23:22till Xander's home safe.
23:24Can you guys explain
23:26what I'm doing here?
23:28Actually, we were hoping you could explain something to us.
23:30You wrote here that you work in I.T. support.
23:32Yeah, I install software.
23:34That sort of thing.
23:36But you don't just install software.
23:38You write it.
23:40Security software for HSX Technologies.
23:42There are dozens of
23:44high-value clients using your software
23:46to protect their inventory.
23:48Financial institutions, government agencies.
23:50Why'd you go into your office this morning
23:52after you learned your son was missing?
23:54People handle stress differently.
23:58I like to work.
24:00Is that a crime?
24:02It's just unusual,
24:04for you to do this ten minutes later.
24:06Didn't have the tablet
24:08when you went in.
24:10Had the tablet when you came out.
24:12Why'd you go into your office, Ms. Samuels?
24:14What's on that tablet?
24:16Am I under arrest or something?
24:18Of course not. You're the victim here.
24:20So I'm free to go?
24:22As a bird.
24:24One more question, though.
24:26Do you have that tablet in your purse?
24:28Ms. Samuels deliberately concealing evidence
24:30is a crime.
24:32My son is missing.
24:34I don't get why I'm the one being questioned.
24:36Because you're hiding something.
24:38You realize if we arrest you, we'll see what's inside your purse anyway?
24:52This file's what they want?
24:54Right after I heard Xander was missing,
24:56I... I got an e-mail
24:58from the kidnappers.
25:00What'd it say?
25:02That I had to copy my office hard drive and send it to them.
25:04My building is air-gapped,
25:06so I had to use the cafe next door.
25:08Do you have any idea
25:10which client they might be trying to target?
25:14Please. They said that they would
25:16let Xander and the other kids go
25:18if I did what they asked.
25:20I'm begging you.
25:22Please, just let them steal
25:24whatever it is they want to steal.
25:30Gather the equipment.
25:32No signs of us left behind.
25:34We meet you on the way out.
25:36We meet where we planned.
25:38And the kids?
25:40They won't last long in there.
25:42Stay put till we call,
25:44just in case someone knows they're around.
25:46That was as well.
26:06Hey, kids?
26:08They drove away. They're gone.
26:10Coach, it smells weird in here,
26:12like rotten eggs or something.
26:14Well, that's how old mine smell pretty gross, huh?
26:34Come on man, we're gonna suffocate in here
26:36Try anything again, I'll stop pulling you out and shooting you one by one
27:03Hey kids come over here, I need your light
27:09Okay, good, let's hold it right there
27:20That's fresh air
27:28Okay, why don't you line up single file
27:31Stick your mouth up here and get you some good fresh air one at a time, right? All right, take a deep breath fresh air
27:39Yeah, that's good. That's good. All right next
27:43What'd you find just spoke to the VP of sales for the tech company? He confirmed the software was sold to 16 banks
27:49Well get this the past two weeks
27:51They've been piloting their vault software at two additional banks hoping to get their business the bank Beverly Crest
27:55The old Yemeni royal family as a client the Prince our kidnappers worked for owns a deposit locker in their vault
28:01He's also the proud owner of 100 million dollars of pure unadulterated gold bars
28:05If he's storing them at Beverly Crest, the kidnappers are stealing from their old boss. We got to go
28:17Not a word
28:25Had a schedule move a muscle and you end up like your friend
28:39Still no answer at the bank patrol just arrived said all the doors are locked in the loading dock to
28:44I'm gonna set up a perimeter try to make contact
28:47Listen up if we need to go in we got to be ready for trouble from any direction
28:50Suspects are heavily armed ex-military not to mention willing to abduct a bus full of kids probably willing to kill him, too
28:56They're not dead already
29:00Sorry, sometimes whatever's in my head just comes out I'm working on it. It's not always a bad thing
29:06Look gamble. I know this ain't your first SWAT rollout, but it's your first one with us
29:10Just remember your eyes and ears are just as vital as your weapon ten blocks out
29:14Check your gear when we breach you're on the key Miko, I'll follow I'll follow got it
29:32What are you finished I say we call you when we're on the road stick to the plan
29:43Through the lobby doors help me we need to get this to the van you come back for the other one
29:53Witness saw van parking the loading dock and a three-side two armed men pulled the door shut. It's game time
29:58Keep it tight to side follow me
30:13Borrow take cover
30:31We interrupted him millions and gold just sitting here for the taking there's no one here. No, they're here. All right, keep moving
30:38Hey, where the kids
30:40Hey, where the kids tell me where that
31:11He's gone
31:13I'm one security guard deceased ten. Let's go
31:20Ma'am what's the quickest way to the loading dock down the hallway and turn left a deacon pal?
31:25I'll follow y'all hit the loading dock. We got the hostages go
31:40LAPD drop your weapon
31:49Moving going hands-on second suspect down
32:04Don't call again leave the kids in the mine
32:07The suspects left someone behind with the kids they're still alive wait deacon you said being kept in a mine
32:15Our DMT is they're all yours gamble ten, let's move
32:21Stay with me kids. We're gonna get out of here
32:36So that's the only phone number our dead suspects called all afternoon it's linked to a sat phone
32:42FBI is working with the network operator. We're closing in on a remote 10-mile radius north of the 118
32:47How many mines in the area half does that got birds in the air and the entire Calvary's in route?
32:53Hang on
32:55Geo locators narrowing in on the Santa Susana Pass north the chats were due east to see me Hill. Wait a minute, sir
33:02That's silent Ridge mine looks like it has two points of entry half a mile apart
33:07Are we land in the middle and we move on foot?
33:10That's where the EPA shut down silent Ridge in the 80s after two miners died in a sulfur leak
33:14It's still designated hazardous, which means these kids may not have a lot of time step on it tan
33:23Hey kids, I think I'm getting it open
33:32You can't stay back
33:36Just let the children go please you got no cause to harm us get back inside old man
33:59Gamble with me. We'll take the west side
34:01Let's go
34:08You got fresh tire tracks
34:10Chopper got a read east of here. He sings might be the kids you get that Roger approaching now
34:20Both there's a vehicle coming take over
34:31Let's get Kate in the passenger seat
34:45Anyone in there
34:48What's your name Lucy Lucy, my name is sergeant K. I'm a police officer. Everything's gonna be alright
34:54We're gonna get you out of there, but I need your help
34:56I need you to get everyone as far back as you can and cover your ears. Yeah, okay, okay
35:02You let me know when you're set. Okay, we're set three two one
35:15Lucy everyone in there. Okay. Yeah, we're all okay, but they took coach Kincaid. Our friends are looking for him
35:22We got you
35:25Right to me
35:37You come closer we'll shoot him. Oh, yeah, then what you're gonna do. Oh
35:41What's the way out of here? I'll let him go. You let me go. That's somewhere to start. Keep talking handle
35:48Tell Judy I love her. No, you'll tell her yourself coach, you know the cop
35:57Run back over that Ridge on no, you do that. Maybe I'll let him go. Give me a chance to escape
36:02We're not going anywhere
36:07It's time for you to give it up man, it sounds like you're having a breakdown
36:11Oh kill him, did you hear what I said you're having a damn break down?
36:22Coach are you hurt? You okay? I'm okay. Oh
36:26The kids I know check on the kids 20 David suspect down deep what's your status kids are all accounted for
36:33They appear to be unharmed
36:36Kids are safer. You did it coach
36:44Excuse me mayor should be here any minute. He wants to greet you himself
36:51But on behalf of SWAT I
36:54Just want to say how incredibly proud we are of each and every young person here
36:58You showed tremendous courage in the face of danger and inspired us all
37:05Thank you for your bravery
37:07Thank you
37:16Don't even remember how many thousand times I've yelled at it players
37:21Finally came in handy. Probably gonna get a medal for this, you know, yeah
37:25Well, uh never put my hands on a state title, so I'll take whatever they give me
37:30Listen hundo. I I can't even find the words to say. Thank you. No, no, I was just doing my job coach
37:39You know speaking of thank-yous I
37:41Think I owe you one a
37:44big one I
37:45Want to thank you for taking me in my junior year
37:49My life could have been real different if you didn't push me the way you did
37:52No, what else was I supposed to do, huh?
37:55You were one of the best corners I had
37:58You know, I've coached hundreds of kids over the years but not many like you hundo and I'm not just talking about on the field
38:06All I did son
38:10Was to help you find the man that was already in there
38:14It's like you say I was just doing my job
38:22Yeah, thank you coach
38:26Hey, what's up, man?
38:29Thought you're gonna say Miko
38:32You're not loving the new nickname, are you? No, it's not new
38:36My grandma she's Albanian Miguel doesn't really translate. So she'd call me Miko as a kid
38:41No, so why don't you like it then long story, but she died a few years ago. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh
38:47Don't be
38:48She was the worst
38:50Controlling selfish. She was the reason why my mom left home
38:55Do you know why they call me Deacon?
38:57Figure cuz you're a churchy guy pretty much. Yeah
39:01But back when I started out as a cop
39:02I had a late-night Saturday shift clocked out at sunrise and a few of the guys were heading to a strip club
39:07I made the mistake of telling him I couldn't go because I was going to mass
39:12After that, I was Deacon holier-than-thou
39:15They were mocking me
39:17Nickname stuck. How'd you get used to it? I
39:20Don't know time I guess
39:23See after a while it felt less like ridicule more like affection
39:27Like I was part of the family. It's nice. Yeah
39:31Doesn't mean I want everyone calling me Miko
39:34Maybe it'll grow on you like a fungus. Look if it bothers you that much just tell the team. I'm sure they'll understand
39:47Hey gamble
39:49Listen what you overheard in commander Hicks office
39:52Nobody's gonna judge you for anything but your own performance with all due respect, sir
39:57Yeah, they will my dad killed a cop doesn't matter that it was a decade ago
40:01You already know as soon as word gets around. It's gonna be the same old thing. I I
40:06Just I want you to know I can handle the judgment that's coming my way. It won't
40:11Stop me from doing my job
40:13When we first met you were fresh out of the Academy and I saw something in you your fight
40:18your focus
40:20What your pops did derails your career and I'm grateful every day that you helped me get a slot on the Oakland PD
40:25Especially when things got too hot down here, but let's not kid ourselves
40:30It is not gonna be any easier for me now than it was ten years ago
40:34No, you're probably right. You're gonna have to decide what play you're gonna make. I'm gonna prove I belong here
40:40So Hicks you made the right call by bringing me back
40:43That's what I wanted to hear
40:50Hey, hey
40:52Now that everyone's here, can I say something?
40:55Look, I respect every one of you
40:58You're not just colleagues your family and we rely on each other out there
41:03Which starts with mutual respect?
41:05so it would really mean a lot to me if we drop this nickname business and
41:09Everybody just call me by my name
41:15All right, we hear you whatever you say me go
