• 2 days ago
00:06Eww, it's rubber!
01:01Aloha, breezin' gulls!
01:04Welcome to Maki Makaw's home of the Hopi hometown luau!
01:09I'm Maki Makaw, and these are the Hammerheads!
01:15We're gonna have loads of fun, and you won't!
01:27Uh, Maki's taking a little hometown nap?
01:32Primitive earth entertainment technology.
01:35Very entertaining.
01:37Especially when he entertains by catching on fire.
01:42Wait your turn, Stitch.
01:44Maki may be combustibly challenged, but I love this place.
01:49It's homey.
01:51Why don't we come here more often?
02:03That's why.
02:11Be sure to leave him a big tip.
02:13Come on, Stitch, there's prizes to be won!
02:21A genuine pearl oyster!
02:25We could be multi-millionaires!
02:29But I don't have a quarter.
02:36Yay for extraterrestrial puppies!
03:04What is the matter with you?
03:06It wasn't Stitch's fault.
03:08The machine cheated.
03:10I saw it!
03:11He was just trying to win me a prize.
03:24We're sorry.
03:27Keep it.
03:28Just go.
03:29Come on, Lilo.
03:36Have you finished giving him a bath?
03:51You know how he is about water?
03:53I almost had him lulled into a false sense of security.
03:57And then you said the B word.
03:59Never say the B word!
04:02You mean...
04:07Why do you torment me?
04:12Well, look who's on the list for the bath.
04:17Well, look who's on the list for the lather.
04:21Running from the long arm of the lavatory, huh?
04:29I wonder where Stitch is.
04:32Who can say?
04:34Probably not in Soiled Apparel Depository.
04:37Oh, no.
04:38Definitely not in there.
04:41Okay, then.
04:42I'll leave.
04:44I'm walking away now.
04:55You cooperate, I promise I won't drown you.
05:05How much pizza and soda can slime a UV alien wear?
05:10I've got to get to my county.
05:58What is going on in here?
06:01My dishes!
06:03The ones featuring begonias of the world,
06:05available only in limited quantities!
06:08You broke her!
06:09But, Roger, I'm like a kind of girl.
06:12Six to six claims dishes fall and break all by themselves.
06:15Not buying it, Mr. Destructo.
06:18Go to your room!
06:20If he says he didn't do it, he didn't do it.
06:23All right, then.
06:24Who did do it?
06:26I don't know.
06:28Well, I do know one thing.
06:30It's bedtime.
06:31We'll talk about this in the morning.
06:34Don't worry.
06:35She probably got some bad pizza.
06:37She'll forget all about it by tomorrow.
07:20Hmm. Well, that's about it.
07:22Hmm. Huh.
07:35Somebody painted me green!
07:42The experiment analyzer device is sabotaged!
07:45And my begonia has been plant-napped!
07:48Oh, the plant-amity!
07:52Whoa. That's a new look.
07:55Anybody seen Stitch?
07:57Hmm. Oh.
08:01La Baca?
08:03Why am I not surprised?
08:06Ugh! I do not have time for this today!
08:096-2-6 has been very bad.
08:12I am very proud.
08:14How do you know Stitch did it?
08:16Anybody could have put a paintbrush in his hand
08:19and Pleekly's plant in the other hand and...
08:22broke my record player!
08:25And I held off single!
08:27But Stitch wouldn't do that!
08:34I'm going to be late for work.
08:36This behavior has got to stop.
08:38Hey, somebody dropped a picture.
08:40Why, it's Stitch scrubbing his smelly alien toes
08:43with a purple toothbrush.
08:45Oh, it is to laugh.
08:47That's hilarious.
08:49Hey, which poor sucker has a purple toothbrush?
08:54That's it!
08:59He stays outside until I get home.
09:02But Stitch said he didn't...
09:04Lilo, that's an order. And no buts.
09:06Or I'll put you out with him.
09:10Don't worry, Stitch. It'll be okay.
09:17What's so much about?
09:21Just pretend you're camping out, Stitch.
09:24When Nani gets home, we'll fix everything.
09:27Larger girl said no visiting with prisoner 626.
09:30He is being punished.
09:32Okay. Nani wants you to wear this.
09:37Stitch, I know you can break out.
09:40I need you to show Nani you're behaving.
09:43If you don't, she's going to send us both to the town.
09:48Since the accident with my record player,
09:52I can't play my Elvis records.
09:55So you and I are going to honor the king
09:58with a movie marathon, Skrump.
10:00A triple feature.
10:02Blue Hawaii, then blue Hawaii,
10:05followed by blue Hawaii.
10:08Popcorn's ready!
10:17Like another!
10:22What's all the racket in there?
10:25That sounded like...
10:33Stitch, not bad.
10:37Stitch, not bad.
10:40Was scary dolly.
10:42Skrump is very smart, Stitch.
10:45But she doesn't go around breaking plates
10:48and unspooling videotapes.
10:54I saw 626 sneak in window.
10:56Had bad feeling he was up to no good.
10:59Well, I don't believe Stitch is guilty.
11:02I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
11:05And a fair trial.
11:10Court is being in session.
11:12Judge Jumbo Jukiba presiding.
11:14626 is accused of all sorts of naughtiness
11:18and will be tried before a jury of peers.
11:21How does experiment plead?
11:23Not guilty, Your Honor.
11:25We are ready for persecutor.
11:27Your Honor, my esteemed opponents,
11:29jury of toys,
11:31I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt
11:33that defendant 626 is guilty
11:36of all the heinous crimes with which he is charged.
11:39Exhibit A, my poor begonia plant,
11:42brutally pulled from its home.
11:45That plant was going to croak anyway.
11:48All his plants do.
11:51Your Honor, playthings of the jury,
11:53my lack of skill in the botanical arts
11:56must not blind you to the evidence.
11:58Exhibit B, a paintbrush
12:00used to paint a sleeping naughty,
12:02found in the defendant's possession.
12:06Someone probably put it there to frame Stitch.
12:09Where were you last night?
12:11Huh, Pleakley?
12:14Hey, hey, hey, hey,
12:15counsel for defense,
12:16please do playing fair.
12:18Carry on.
12:19Exhibit C, your toynesses,
12:21a record player trampled to pieces
12:24mercilessly by the defendant.
12:29It, it could have got broken some other way.
12:35I call to the stand
12:37Defendant 626, Stitch.
12:41Do you promise to tell the truth,
12:43all the truth,
12:44and every little bit of the truth,
12:46just like the king of rock and roll?
12:49Stitch, please tell the court in your own words.
12:53Did you do any of those bad things?
12:57626 says he has no memory of crimes.
13:00He claims was sleeping all during the time.
13:03The defense rests.
13:06She's in contempt, your honor.
13:08Am not.
13:09This is my house.
13:10I can do whatever I want.
13:13Little girl has point.
13:15Proceed with cross-examination.
13:17You better believe it'll be cross.
13:20So, Defendant 626,
13:22you claim to have been sleeping.
13:24Nice alibi.
13:25I'm being sarcastic.
13:27And while there is no eyewitness to the crime,
13:30Defendant 626 was nevertheless caught in the act.
13:34Exhibit D!
13:36Perhaps Stitch would like to explain this photograph,
13:39clearly revealing him using Nani's toothbrush
13:42to scrub his putrid purple toe.
13:48Wasn't it Defendant 626
13:50who chewed off the arm of Mr. Fluffy Bear here?
13:55I sewed it back on.
13:57And how about Little Susie Tea Party?
14:00Anybody seen her head?
14:01I haven't.
14:02Because it's gone!
14:05Stitch didn't mean to eat it.
14:07It was a freak accident.
14:09He was accidentally hungry.
14:13Minutes ago, poor little scrub was found
14:15involuntarily admiring the defendant's dental work.
14:18I object, your honor.
14:20He's making it look like Stitch did do it.
14:23It's a trick!
14:26My star witness,
14:38Tell me what is going on with him.
14:41Hard to say.
14:43Perhaps 626 is reverting to original programming,
14:46becoming monster again.
14:48A relapse?
14:49Oh no!
14:50My begonias can't take it!
14:52Happy thoughts, think happy thoughts!
14:54So what do we do?
14:58Analyzer computer will do probing
15:00of every aspect of 626.
15:02If he is going back to old ways,
15:05we will soon find out.
15:07Test takes few hours, 626.
15:09You be staying in there.
15:11Be back soon.
15:13Jumbo is only gonna make sure Stitch is all right.
15:20Now I gotta get back to work.
15:22Maybe I'll bring home a pizza for dinner.
15:25I guess it's just you and me, Scrum.
15:40You guys seen Scrum?
15:42No, not seeing makeshift rag doll.
15:45I'm watching repaired videotape of King now.
15:47How does he move his hips like that?
15:59Oh no you don't!
16:01I saw you!
16:03You can stand up and everything.
16:05And you broke Fleekly's plan!
16:08You're a ghost!
16:10Or Phantasmo or something!
16:16Little stinker!
16:18My begonia!
16:19Little girl should not be playing with rope like that.
16:22I think it's the rope that's doing the playing.
16:24Stop that! Hey!
16:26I don't like this at all!
16:29Of course!
16:30Experiment 375.
16:32Designed to take possession of inanimate objects
16:35and create utter chaos.
16:37Well, he's doing a good job.
16:39Stitch got blamed for his tricks
16:41and was innocent the whole time.
16:44I knew it.
16:47What does it want?
16:49375 has advanced programming.
16:52Now that we have learned his secret,
16:54we'll probably get rid of us.
16:58Don't worry.
16:59The weapon is only loaded with net.
17:05He has replaced net with my new laser cartridge.
17:08I am so proud of his smartness.
17:10I'm not.
17:11And I'm just gonna faint.
17:13I'm too terrified to faint.
17:15How about if I just scream?
17:22Makana family!
17:32Get us out of here!
17:37I knew you weren't all bad.
17:44You know, I think I'll just wait upstairs
17:46under the covers, okay?
18:07My head!
18:08My beautiful cranial orb!
18:13There he is!
18:22Gotcha, troublemaker!
18:32I don't see him.
18:35Follow that stoplight!
18:50Stop! Stop!
18:52Got him!
18:58Not getting away this time!
19:01Not getting away this time!
19:03Come on out of there!
19:07I'm getting a bad feeling.
19:30This is one of those rare moments
19:32when I like to hear my sister yelling at me.
19:36So I hear there's an experiment out there
19:38that takes over inanimate objects?
19:41Makes it look like other innocent experiments did bad stuff
19:45when they didn't do anything wrong at all.
19:48Okay, I get it.
19:49My bad.
19:51Can someone tell me what this experiment wants?
19:54He's never had a home
19:55because he's always jumping from place to place.
19:58And I think he craves attention.
20:00That's why he liked cleaning scrub.
20:03That's it!
20:04Make a left here!
20:14Hee hee hee hee hee hee!
20:17Hee hee hee hee hee hee!
20:26Whoa! What about that?
20:30Sorry, folks.
20:31Mackie and Hammerheads are still under the weather.
20:35Hey! No one's allowed back there!
21:01They love you!
21:02Isn't this better than causing chaos?
21:05How about if you make this your home?
21:08Ah! Look over!
21:13Ha ha!
21:14Ready or not, buoys and goals,
21:17Mackie McCall and the Hammerheads are back!
21:20Hee hee hee hee hee hee!
21:24Little girl has found one place experimenters belong.
21:28Yeah, she's good!
21:32I owe you both an apology.
21:34I was wrong about you.
21:36It isn't until proven guilty.
21:37I'm old enough to know that.
21:39I'm sorry.
21:44We'll forgive your behavior on one condition.
21:48Nanny buys games and pizza!
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