• 21 hours ago
Married lawyers Dana and Mark represent reality stars entangled in a bitter divorce, leading to complications when their clients' inability to compromise strains the couple's own relationship.
Pengacara yang sudah menikah, Dana dan Mark, mewakili bintang-bintang realitas yang terjerat dalam perceraian yang pahit, yang menyebabkan komplikasi ketika ketidakmampuan klien mereka untuk berkompromi membuat hubungan pasangan itu sendiri menjadi tegang.
Lacey Chabert,Brennan Elliott,Stephanie Bennett.
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00:00:00This program is rated G and considered acceptable for all ages.
00:00:30Let's get started.
00:00:52Alright, so, are you ready to get started?
00:00:58I am honored to work with you on this merger.
00:01:00I always say a merger is like a marriage.
00:01:03It is my honor to be able to support you through your divorce.
00:01:06So if a merger is a marriage, then my first question before reviewing assets and balance sheets and quarterly reports is...
00:01:13Before we go over you and your wife's history, assets, and shared properties...
00:01:18Are you sure you want to get married?
00:01:20Are you sure you want to get divorced?
00:01:24Alright guys, no photos.
00:01:27Yo, come on, seriously, come on, no photos, no photos.
00:01:29Okay, fine.
00:01:33Where's your better half?
00:01:35I am a better half.
00:01:41Hey babe.
00:01:42Hey babe.
00:01:44Sorry I'm late.
00:01:46You look beautiful.
00:01:49Oh, smooth.
00:01:52What kind of lotion do you use?
00:02:01No photos please.
00:02:02No photos.
00:02:09Mrs. Noble.
00:02:11Always a pleasure.
00:02:12Are you meeting Brett?
00:02:14Yes, but I'm surprising him.
00:02:16I'll show myself to the table.
00:02:26I'll take those.
00:02:30Two vodka sodas.
00:02:32Top shelf, of course.
00:02:34See your hair together, huh?
00:02:36Should've known.
00:02:41You weren't just my assistant, you were my best friend.
00:02:44Well consider yourself fired from both positions.
00:02:46We were just having a drink.
00:02:47And Brett.
00:02:48It's not what it looks like.
00:02:49My first kiss, my first love.
00:02:52And now, I guess my first husband.
00:02:54Baby, what the...
00:02:56My hair!
00:02:57I want a divorce.
00:03:01Tabby, wait!
00:03:32No peeking.
00:03:34No, no.
00:03:37Happy anniversary.
00:03:41Happy anniversary.
00:03:43Please, enter the chambers.
00:03:47Alright, so what's on the docket?
00:03:50Claims against the defendant?
00:03:51Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:03:52I thought I was the defendant.
00:03:53No, we're both the defendant.
00:03:55Go ahead, what do you have?
00:03:56Alright, what I got is, for the period of our seventh year of marriage,
00:03:59I bring forward the notice of things piled on chairs.
00:04:03Oh, things piled on chairs.
00:04:06Things piled on chairs.
00:04:07Look, every time I want to sit in a chair, I've got to take your stuff off of it.
00:04:09Shoes, jacket, hats, purse.
00:04:13Chairs are meant to be sat in.
00:04:15I would like to sit in a chair.
00:04:17Alright, fine.
00:04:19Alright, let me have it.
00:04:20What does the respondent say?
00:04:22No cell phones at the table.
00:04:25We shouldn't have our phones at the table.
00:04:26I mean, phones should be left elsewhere.
00:04:28But not on chairs?
00:04:30As dictated by issue A.
00:04:31Okay, assumed.
00:04:32Oh, hey, guys.
00:04:33Lucas, PJ.
00:04:34Are you two working?
00:04:35I thought it was your anniversary.
00:04:37It's our prolonged anniversary.
00:04:39Yeah, we celebrate one day for each year.
00:04:41Seven years married.
00:04:43Seven years, huh?
00:04:44Better watch out for that seven-year itch.
00:04:46Oh, don't worry, Lucas, we're not itchy.
00:04:47You know the seven-year itch was actually debunked?
00:04:49Yeah, recent data shows that divorce peaks at ten to thirteen years of marriage.
00:04:53Oh, so we've got a few more years left.
00:04:55Yeah, we're good for like three years.
00:04:56So you two are working?
00:04:57In a way.
00:04:58Yeah, on our anniversary, we like to sit down and go over our relationship grievances and gratitudes and talk them through.
00:05:04I'm a lifelong bachelor, so you're the experts here.
00:05:07And enjoy this champagne.
00:05:10Well, you two have a wonderful anniversary.
00:05:12Thank you, Lucas.
00:05:13Thank you so much.
00:05:15Thank you, TJ.
00:05:16Very kind.
00:05:17That was nice.
00:05:18That was so sweet.
00:05:19Okay, so.
00:05:20Time for presents?
00:05:22Now, traditionally, the seven-year gift is wool.
00:05:27Hope you like it.
00:05:29Oh, Merino wool socks.
00:05:31Well, I figured, you know, you could warm your feet up before you press them up against me in bed.
00:05:34Oh, so this is really a gift to yourself.
00:05:36Sort of, yeah.
00:05:37I love them. I'll treasure them.
00:05:40Okay, well, before this seven-year gift was modernized to wool, traditionally, it was copper.
00:05:45You didn't.
00:05:47Oh, babe.
00:05:48I always wanted a copper pot to make you popcorn, and this is amazing.
00:05:51Look at this.
00:05:53Thank you, honey.
00:05:54Of course.
00:05:55I love you so much.
00:05:58This has been the best seven years ever, you know that?
00:06:00And hopefully the best is yet to come.
00:06:04You know, speaking of best to come, I wanted to have a little chat with you.
00:06:14I thought no cell phones at the table.
00:06:17I'm so sorry, it's just...
00:06:19Okay, Uncle Paul booked me in with a new client at 8 a.m.
00:06:25Oh, excellent. I just got booked for 8.15.
00:06:28Yeah? Give me that.
00:06:29Yeah, let's get rid of those.
00:06:30Phones, gone.
00:06:32That is absolutely perfect, babe. Thank you.
00:06:34So, two forever, together.
00:06:57Morning, Kim.
00:06:59So, confusingly, your ADM is with a reality star wanting a divorce.
00:07:03Oh, that is weird.
00:07:04Um, well, I can refer her to the best family lawyers.
00:07:06You're the best family lawyer.
00:07:09Uncle Paul.
00:07:10And that reality star is Tabby Noble.
00:07:13She's on the board of Jackie's Legacy Fund, and she is bankrolling our fundraiser gala next month.
00:07:19Oh, so you want to keep her happy.
00:07:22But, also, I know how complicated and public a divorce like hers will be, and I want to help protect her if possible.
00:07:29With you as Tabby's lawyer, this can be quick, easy, a painless mediation.
00:07:33Those are famous last words.
00:07:38Of course.
00:07:46Oh, I love your shoes. Manilo?
00:07:48Oh, uh, no, Nordstrom Rack, but thank you.
00:07:51Can we get you something to drink?
00:07:53Oh, yeah, maybe, like, a green juice? And some nori chips on the side?
00:07:57And do you have an LED face mask I could wear while we chat?
00:08:01I find it super soothing.
00:08:03Please get Mrs. Noble a water.
00:08:08Tabby, I know this must be a very, very hard time, and I'm sorry.
00:08:11My heart truly goes out to you.
00:08:14I also wanted to thank you for supporting Jackie's Legacy Fund.
00:08:18She was actually a lawyer as well. Family law, coincidentally.
00:08:22But here at the firm we focus on mostly contract law and mergers and acquisitions.
00:08:27But you clerked for Judge Westdale for three years, right?
00:08:31And you worked at Miller & Talbot, family law, where you were considered the best.
00:08:35Oh, you've done your homework.
00:08:36I'm not clueless, I just pretended to be on TV for 15 years.
00:08:40And do you know who my ex-husband and I are?
00:08:46I don't actually watch much reality TV.
00:08:50Oh, okay. Well, we were on Noble Living, which is one of the biggest reality shows ever.
00:08:57And then we moved to the city and we got our own spin-off, eight seasons.
00:09:02Every single one was a hit.
00:09:03So the world has watched us fall in love, grow up, get married, make mistakes, struggle to get pregnant.
00:09:12Oh, I'm really sorry.
00:09:14So we have been in the public eye and working since we were 16.
00:09:19And now?
00:09:21Right now?
00:09:23Now we are on a hiatus right now.
00:09:29Yeah, we're just looking for the right fit for us in the current flailing content environment.
00:09:35Debbie, are you sure? Are you sure you really want to be divorced?
00:09:40I mean, I was looking at your file. You've been married for 10 years, 16 years together. I mean, there's a lot of love there.
00:09:45Yeah, but love is like fame. Falling feels like flying until you hit the ground.
00:09:54Okay, listen, speaking of flying, I really think it's best if we just fly under the radar.
00:10:00You know, let's just keep this quiet. No big scenes. Let's really just try to just stay level-headed.
00:10:06Definitely. But also, he cheated on me with my best friend.
00:10:11So, I want everything. But mostly, I want him to hurt.
00:10:24This is why I love family law.
00:10:27Morning, Sherrod.
00:10:28Your 815 is here.
00:10:29Okay, who is it?
00:10:33Oh. Okay.
00:10:39Brent Noble. Know who he is?
00:10:41I know who he thinks he is.
00:10:57Mr. Noble.
00:11:06Brett, I'm Lois Gale. This is Mark Trivick.
00:11:09Hey, guy, can I get a green juice?
00:11:12Yeah, sure. Maybe we can get you some nori chips, maybe an LED face mask.
00:11:16Oh, yeah. Love it.
00:11:18Great. So, Brett, first things first.
00:11:26You cheated?
00:11:27Oh, I didn't cheat. It was all Tabby. I mean, she lives for drama.
00:11:31Brett, look, you can lie to your therapist all day long, but I think it's not in your best interest to lie to your divorce lawyer.
00:11:38You see, you and I are working together now. We're a team.
00:11:42And as a team, you're going to have to have some mental fortitude, grace, and we're going to have some harsh truths back and forth.
00:11:47You get it?
00:11:48Alright, yeah, I dig it. Let's sign some papers and get this divorce started, shall we?
00:11:55Okay, so before I do that, I'm going to ask you two questions.
00:11:58First one is this. Are you sure you want to get divorced?
00:12:01The second one is, you don't see any chance the two of you can be happy together again.
00:12:05Oh, I'm not happy, so why should she be happy?
00:12:08Oh, hey, listen, I got CrossFit, but before I go, Tabby and I don't have a prenup, and I want everything, so...
00:12:14Well, be that as it may, Brett, New York is a no-fault equitable distribution state, so...
00:12:18Yeah, but I want everything, so...
00:12:22Oh, and I want a sewer.
00:12:25On what grounds?
00:12:27Emotional damages.
00:12:35All the NDAs are signed, no leaks.
00:12:37Yeah, no, I'm on it, but listen, you've got to talk about approach here, Lois, and Brett thinks he's going to get everything.
00:12:41Then get him everything, or at least as many billable hours as you can.
00:12:45Because lawyers aren't known for their integrity.
00:12:53Popcorn, cooked in my new copper pot.
00:12:57Oh, eaten with my new socks on.
00:13:00Oh, look at those.
00:13:02Okay, so, nutritionally yeast and coconut oil for you.
00:13:08Don't ask me why. And caramel and toffee for me.
00:13:13What are you working on, babe? What's this?
00:13:15Oh, nothing, it's just a new case. I'm kind of taking one for the team.
00:13:20It's not worth talking about.
00:13:23Well, trust me, I've got a new case, too. My client, he's a whore.
00:13:27Yeah, really.
00:13:29When did you start watching this?
00:13:31Oh, it was just on.
00:13:35And now, I guess, my first husband.
00:13:38I guess he got into the spirit.
00:13:40That's a joke, right?
00:13:42It was good.
00:13:43Pretty good. Stand up, babe.
00:13:44It is with great sadness that we have made the difficult decision to divorce.
00:13:49We look forward to moving on with deep kindness and gratitude for everything that we've shared.
00:13:56Love you guys.
00:13:57I mean, I gotta say, this hurts. So, we request respect for our privacy.
00:14:05Why are they making statements? This is... I mean, that's gonna be a mess.
00:14:10Yeah, we have the slowest comment.
00:14:21Did you know about his statement?
00:14:23No, come on, Lois. Of course not.
00:14:25I mean, the guy's a celebrity. He's like a wrangling in a snake.
00:14:27Well, keep him in check, Mark. You got him for partner.
00:14:29Did you give approval for Tabby to release an announcement?
00:14:32No, I did the literal opposite.
00:14:34Oh. Then clean this up, please. The press are gonna rip her to shreds.
00:14:39Alright, I'm on it.
00:14:46Sorry, babe. That was my case.
00:14:48Yeah, me too.
00:14:49Alright, what are you gonna watch?
00:14:51What are you gonna watch? You wanna watch Steel Magnolias?
00:14:54Or we could find something else on, right?
00:15:03You know, I... there's something I'd like to talk to you about.
00:15:07Okay, what is it?
00:15:11Nothing, it's... nothing, it's Christmas. I mean, on our Christmas plans. I mean, are we gonna go to your family or my family? I mean...
00:15:17I mean, we could have everybody come here. It'd be kind of nice.
00:15:19Yeah, we could do that.
00:15:22Wait, I almost forgot. Surprise for you.
00:15:27It's for your collection.
00:15:29Oh, come on, babe.
00:15:30Happy anniversary.
00:15:31Thank you, sweetheart.
00:15:33Oh, it's... are you kidding? This is the one I've always wanted. This is the limited edition fidget spinner. Are you kidding me?
00:15:39I had to search far and wide.
00:15:42Top of the line, babe.
00:15:45Oh, thank you, babe.
00:15:48I love you so much.
00:15:49I love you.
00:15:50Well, cat's out of a bag. I got you a present.
00:15:53You did?
00:15:54Yeah, I got you a gift, too. You gotta close your eyes.
00:15:56It's a big one. Your eyes closed.
00:15:58Eyes are closed.
00:15:59All right.
00:16:07So thoughtful.
00:16:08I know. All right. Okay, let's watch that. Still make noise.
00:16:14I love you.
00:16:15I love you, too.
00:16:21Hi. Thank you. Good morning.
00:16:25Thank you for coming to me today. I'm just so distraught. I couldn't dress. I just need to stay in and self-care.
00:16:32Of course. Yeah, I support that, but I heard you're also doing talk shows.
00:16:37Yeah, it's a form of self-care.
00:16:39Perhaps, but it's probably not a good idea.
00:16:42But everyone's interested.
00:16:43I understand the appeal of garnering fan support, but you really need to stay neutral right now.
00:16:48Why are you so worried?
00:16:50It's my job to worry. Speaking of, if you have any skeletons in your closet, now would be the time to say.
00:16:56No. I'm squeaky clean. Come on in. Have a juice.
00:17:06I have so much dirt on Tabby. I don't know where all the skeletons are.
00:17:11Brett, we really don't need skeletons.
00:17:14We need mature adults who are committed to an amicable resolution.
00:17:19Do you know where that is?
00:17:26Of course not.
00:17:41Come on.
00:17:45Hey, your uncle just scheduled a noon meeting. I'll send you the address.
00:17:49Okay, perfect. Did you find Brett?
00:17:51Yep. The process server should be heading there now.
00:17:53Thanks so much. Alright, I'm sorry, I actually have to go, but I'll be back later and we can finish up.
00:17:57Can you get that?
00:18:08The aisles are going to get ruined.
00:18:14Are you Tabby Noble?
00:18:16Wait, no, no, no, no. Stop, stop. Tabby, don't open that. No.
00:18:21You've been served.
00:18:26Hey, do you even lift, bro?
00:18:29Nice quads. Wait, you're Brett Noble, right?
00:18:33Can I get a picture?
00:18:34Of course.
00:18:35This is for you.
00:18:36No, no, no.
00:18:38You've been served.
00:18:46She serves me divorce papers at the gym? This is my safe space. This is where I go to heal.
00:18:54Can you get your client in line?
00:18:56He serves me at home? It's just so violating. And he ruined my nails.
00:19:03This could be a problem, Dana.
00:19:08Wait, I thought, I thought Brett was read by Miller and Talbot.
00:19:11No, he met with them, so Tabby couldn't, but ultimately Brett went with Gail, Fable, and Partners.
00:19:17What? Wait, who's the lead?
00:19:19Funnily enough, it's Mark. Is this going to be a problem?
00:19:28Honey, is this going to be a problem?
00:19:31It's already a problem. I mean, I didn't want to be on this case to begin with, but Uncle Paul is so protective over Tabby.
00:19:37She lost her mom to cancer, she's on the board of Aunt Jackie's Fund, so he just wants to help make this, this divorce as easy as possible.
00:19:44I could step down.
00:19:45No, they're picking partners soon. Absolutely not you. You've worked so hard for that, and I know how much you want it.
00:19:51Okay, um, maybe we can make this work.
00:19:55How do you figure?
00:19:56We both know if they go to other lawyers, we're going to drag this out, make it contentious, build them for every last thing.
00:20:01Right, but we, we could keep this very simple.
00:20:03Yeah, we can make it the most swift, amicable divorce possible.
00:20:06And we'll do it together.
00:20:10I love you.
00:20:11I love you. Let's go.
00:20:25Let's get started.
00:20:34Well, that went well, don't you think?
00:20:35Really, Uncle Paul?
00:20:37Well, I did. What's your takeaway?
00:20:41Well, New York is an equitable distribution state, so Mark and I both believe it's in everyone's best interest to get this through arbitration, ASAP.
00:20:48But both of your clients want everything. How do you suppose we arbitrate that?
00:20:53Unfortunately, it's not up to us. I'm afraid this one's for the court, Dana.
00:20:57I appreciate that you're trying to help Tabby, and I too want to be supportive, but I, I don't do court.
00:21:02I know. And Mark throws an added wrench into it. And I know how empathetic you are and how personal each case becomes to you.
00:21:10But I truly believe you are the right and only lawyer for the job.
00:21:19Are you going to be able to go up against Dana? You're not going to go soft on us.
00:21:23Come on, Lois. I've got this. And I'm not going up against Dana. We're on the same team, and we want the same things.
00:21:30Back to the gym.
00:21:33So you're going to be fighting against your wife?
00:21:35Well, if by fighting you mean engaging in legal due process, yeah.
00:21:39Well, I hope you're better at fighting with your wife than I was at fighting with my wife.
00:21:42Oh, and by the way, my team wants me to run a background check on you.
00:21:45That's fine. Just do me a favor and send me a copy of the findings, will you?
00:21:48Listen, moving on, Brett, I've got to go over a list of assets here, if we can do that.
00:21:53First off, I'd like to talk to you about the Soho apartment.
00:21:55Tabby wanted to be in the most expensive neighborhood.
00:21:57What about the upstate lake house?
00:21:59She wanted a summer cabin.
00:22:01It says here you own three cars?
00:22:03Yeah, she backed two of them into poles.
00:22:05What about, it says here, wine label, clubhouse.
00:22:08Yeah, she backed two of them into poles.
00:22:10What about, it says here, wine label, clothing company, perfume line.
00:22:14She's already starting some new business plastering her face all over some new product.
00:22:20But I'm over it.
00:22:22From now on, I'm a solo show.
00:22:24Check this out.
00:22:28Noble Surge, get nobled.
00:22:34Maybe now is not the time to invest in new ventures, Brett.
00:22:39So you're really okay battling it out with your husband?
00:22:41Oh, we're not battling. We're on the same team.
00:22:44We work really well together. We're solid.
00:22:46That's what I used to say about me and Brett, so be careful.
00:22:50So, do you want this apartment, the house upstate, or do you want to sell both and split the cash?
00:22:55Why do you always dress like you're on your way to a meeting?
00:22:58Because every time you see me, I am on my way to a meeting with you.
00:23:03Have you ever worn anything from the Noble line?
00:23:06Bring me the emerald lace dress, the one with the eyelash trim.
00:23:09Yes, ma'am.
00:23:14It's so hard to find good help.
00:23:16Speaking of assistants, have you spoken with Gwen lately?
00:23:20Gwen? Are you joking? I'm never speaking to her ever again.
00:23:23Great. Here's the thing. It would be great if I could at least speak with her.
00:23:27Look, Brett cheated with her. I'm not saying it's going to affect the settlement, but it isn't a good look for him.
00:23:31So if we could have access to Gwen, that would be very helpful.
00:23:34I mean, find her if you can, but last I checked, she was incognito mode. Vanished.
00:23:40And no, I didn't whack her.
00:23:42Okay, thank you for the reassurance, Donna Corleone.
00:23:47Alright, what do you want to do with the assets?
00:23:49Assets? I want to keep everything. It was my brand. I was the engine.
00:23:54I mean, it was always the tabby show. Brett just followed along, trying to keep up.
00:23:59Oh, by the way, my team suggested I run a background check on you.
00:24:03That's fine. Just show me a copy of the results. That'd be great.
00:24:09Oh, wow. Look at that. It's very pretty. But not me. But why be you all the time?
00:24:25Sorry, Tabby's got me on the clock.
00:24:26Oh, it's that bad, huh? Good to see you.
00:24:29Yeah, I mean, it's worse. Her whole life is about being seen as much as possible, in the least genuine way possible.
00:24:35Okay, it's called being a celebrity. Wow. And is this new?
00:24:39Oh, it's from the Noble Collection.
00:24:41Oh, look at you. You look fabulous. I mean, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and you keep getting more and more beautiful.
00:24:47Thank you. It's so tight, I can't breathe. Okay, thank you so much.
00:24:51Oh, by the way, got a new orchid out of the collection. But the real gift here is that I promise you I will accompany you to the orchid festival this year.
00:25:00Thank you. That means a lot. Happy anniversary.
00:25:03Happy anniversary. I love you.
00:25:05I love you. And I wanted to ask you, what is it you've been wanting to ask me?
00:25:14What do you mean?
00:25:15Twice now, you've been trepidatious about bringing up wanting to talk to me about something, and I just wish you would spill it, love.
00:25:20Dana, um...
00:25:21Okay, judging by how uncomfortable you are now, I feel like it might be something really terrible.
00:25:27Are you going through a midlife crisis? Is your mother moving in?
00:25:29My mother is not moving in, okay? Nothing so life-altering. That'll never happen. Trust me.
00:25:33Wait, what is it? Tell me. We can talk about anything.
00:25:36Okay. Alright. Do you remember the conversation we had before we were married about having children?
00:25:43And we both decided at the time that we weren't ready, and that we were going to put a pin in it.
00:25:48Are you wanting to take that pin out?
00:25:51Yeah. I'd like to revisit the idea.
00:25:57Because, honey, I'm ready to have children. And one with you.
00:26:08You did start this whole thing by saying it wasn't so life-altering.
00:26:13I did.
00:26:19Oh, great.
00:26:23Tabby's going to be on the Dr. Doug show tomorrow.
00:26:24So is Brett.
00:26:26And Uncle Paul wants me to be there to make sure there's no undoable libel.
00:26:29And Lois wants me to do the same.
00:26:31Mr. and Mrs. C, your table is ready.
00:26:33Thanks, TJ.
00:26:35Appreciate it.
00:26:39This could go really badly.
00:26:41They charmed the nation, certainly charmed each other, and then charmed the separation that, believe it or not...
00:26:47We'll be fine, all right?
00:26:48Yeah, of course. We're just going to stay impartial, and we'll keep the fighting to a minimum.
00:26:52Winning is them settling their divorces quickly as possible.
00:26:54Oh, great. Here they are.
00:26:55But we might need it. We'll see how this goes. Ready?
00:26:58What up?
00:26:59So, Tabby, what do you say to people who think Brett was just flirting?
00:27:03I say that flirting is cheating.
00:27:05Well, you cheated on me emotionally.
00:27:07When did I do that?
00:27:08With work.
00:27:09With work? You made our entire life about our brand.
00:27:12You cheated on me with ambition.
00:27:14It sounds like you were just jealous of me because I was always more successful than you.
00:27:18Maybe I didn't want the success. Maybe we wanted different things.
00:27:21Maybe we did, but because I wanted you to not cheat on us.
00:27:23That's not grammar.
00:27:25Good time to take a caller. Good morning, Gwen, you're on the air.
00:27:27Tabby, you were a terrible friend. You never supported my dreams.
00:27:31What were your dreams exactly?
00:27:33To be a fitness influencer slash method actress. I practice Strasburg.
00:27:37I'll be right back.
00:27:42What is happening over there?
00:27:44Social media is tearing Tabby apart. They're calling her cold, angry.
00:27:48Dana, please, turn this around.
00:27:50Okay, I'm on it.
00:28:02Guys, let's take another call.
00:28:03We'll go to Joanne Vlacho in Boise, Idaho.
00:28:06Hey, Joanne, you're on the air.
00:28:08Hi. I just want to say it is such a heartbreak to be betrayed by the love of your life
00:28:12and your best friend who you trusted the most.
00:28:15I mean, but for you to admit you have made some mistakes and to take responsibility,
00:28:20I mean, to be human, it is just, well, you are a hero to me.
00:28:25I mean, bless your heart. You are such a strong and yet vulnerable role model.
00:28:30Thank you so much, Joanne. That really means the world to me.
00:28:37You can't let me have a moment, can you?
00:28:39Yeah, you're going to give me my moment?
00:28:41I'm sensing a lot of tension here. Do you need to take a break?
00:28:44Thank you for taking my call.
00:28:51I just want to know how Joanne from Boise has a thick as molasses southern accent.
00:28:56Because after she retired from her barbecue stand, she moved out of the South,
00:28:59so she can be closer to her grandchildren.
00:29:01I thought we were staying impartial.
00:29:03We are. We are. I'm sorry.
00:29:05Okay, it's going to be just impartial, smooth sailing, all the way to a settlement.
00:29:09Good. Okay.
00:29:14Well, great. Just got our arbitration date.
00:29:16In two days.
00:29:30Great. Coffee?
00:29:37There you go, love.
00:29:43In the case of Chervick and Chervick, growing their family.
00:29:49Do you want me to start, or do you want—
00:29:50Yeah, you can start.
00:29:52All right.
00:29:55You know I love you so much. You know that, right?
00:29:59You have all of my heart.
00:30:02But I feel like I have so much more to give.
00:30:05And we're not getting any younger.
00:30:06Well, you can speak for yourself.
00:30:08Yeah. Okay.
00:30:10I'm just kidding. Continue.
00:30:12I don't know. I feel a shift is happening in me.
00:30:17I mean, I've always wanted to have kids.
00:30:19You know, I'm ready. I can feel it.
00:30:21And I want them with you.
00:30:23I want to give you everything you want.
00:30:25I want to give you the house in Connecticut with the big garden.
00:30:28I want to give you the dogs, the goat.
00:30:30You know I love baby goats.
00:30:31I know you do, babe.
00:30:37I really want kids.
00:30:39But it is a huge step.
00:30:41I think it's the most important decision you make in life.
00:30:43And I just feel like, you know, for the past ten years we've worked so hard working our way up in our careers and we're finally on solid footing.
00:30:50Is this really the issue?
00:30:56What if we're not good parents?
00:30:57Come on. We're going to be great parents.
00:31:04I'm scared.
00:31:07So, what if there's a compromise?
00:31:10How would you like to compromise?
00:31:11Well, let's just get a dog.
00:31:13Honey, we work a ton. We can't just leave a dog at home alone all day.
00:31:17I had gotten you this anniversary gift.
00:31:20You pick the best times, don't you?
00:31:23The timing's great.
00:31:25For the pup.
00:31:26For the pup.
00:31:28Okay, you're naming our rhetorical dog Oliver?
00:31:31What's wrong with Oliver?
00:31:45Um, hey, have you had any luck finding Gwen yet?
00:31:47I think she could really temp her bread and help him settle this divorce faster.
00:31:51We're still looking.
00:31:56You okay, boss?
00:31:58Anxious about arbitration?
00:32:00No. No, come on, are you kidding me? I haven't been anxious about arbitration in over a decade.
00:32:04Um, what's your...
00:32:06Oh, uh, meeting for Lois, the head of reality reel.
00:32:13Alright, do me a favor. Keep looking for Gwen, okay?
00:32:14Yeah, you got it.
00:32:27Ready for arbitration?
00:32:40Oh, who's the suit?
00:32:42A network exec from reality reel meeting with Paul.
00:32:57Hello, sir. Hi, I'm Tabby.
00:33:02Are you flirting with our mediator?
00:33:03No, flirting with strangers is your job.
00:33:06Because he's an arbitrator.
00:33:07What's the difference?
00:33:08Ignorant people say what?
00:33:10My point exactly.
00:33:11They've been on reality TV since they were teenagers, so...
00:33:15Can we please start?
00:33:18We'll begin with verbal agreements from each line item.
00:33:20To start, you'll sell the house upstate and split the funds.
00:33:24I want the house.
00:33:26Clearly a sticking point.
00:33:28Moving on.
00:33:29The shared apartment on Descano.
00:33:30You agree that one party moves out and the other will be compensated.
00:33:36So, who's moving out?
00:33:38She is.
00:33:41Counselors, can you please manage your clients?
00:33:44Unfortunately, this is about as good as it gets.
00:33:47Then I suggest you prepare for court.
00:33:54Would you just give us one second, please?
00:33:57Yeah, yeah.
00:33:58Good job.
00:34:02I do not do court.
00:34:03You know how I am with public speaking.
00:34:05I know, honey, I know.
00:34:11How do I know?
00:34:19Tabby, I know your heart has been broken and I am so sorry,
00:34:23but in punishing Brett, you're really just punishing yourself.
00:34:25I mean, this could all be done so quickly and smoothly.
00:34:27Have I mentioned Brett's hiding money?
00:34:29No, you kind of buried the lead on that.
00:34:31Yeah, well, he played cards a lot.
00:34:33He went to Vegas, sports gambled.
00:34:35Are you sure he's hiding money or is he hiding losses?
00:34:38One sec.
00:34:40This is Tabby.
00:34:42Yeah, um, we're getting a larger retainer.
00:34:46Also, I found one.
00:34:49I just texted you the address.
00:34:55I think she's hiding all her money.
00:34:57Or maybe she spent it all.
00:34:58You know, she always wanted more fancy things, more businesses, more brands.
00:35:03She took out loans, and not always from banks.
00:35:07So you were telling me that her credit score sleeps with the fishes?
00:35:09Sleeps with the fishes?
00:35:11The fishes?
00:35:13I'm gonna call you later, okay?
00:35:14I gotta go.
00:35:16Like an aquarium investment, or...
00:35:23Of all the tenements in the world,
00:35:26you just had to walk into mine, huh?
00:35:28You know what? I don't know. Maybe this makes it easier.
00:35:30We can just work together.
00:35:34Who is it?
00:35:35Hi, Gwen. It's Dana Chervik. I'm representing Tabby.
00:35:38And Gwen, I'm Mark Chervik. I'm representing Brad.
00:35:41I'm not talking to anyone.
00:35:44That went well.
00:35:46Yeah, they're both here.
00:35:48No, I didn't say anything.
00:35:50And what do I get out of it?
00:35:54Yeah, yeah, I'll leave out the back.
00:35:56I can't name a German shepherd, Oliver.
00:35:57But you can name a doodle, Oliver.
00:35:59Didn't our prenup specify no doodles?
00:36:00Oh, I don't really remember that in terms and conditions.
00:36:03Really? Because I kind of...
00:36:08After you.
00:36:11Is that Gwen?
00:36:12Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just saw Gwen.
00:36:14That, really?
00:36:15That was Gwen.
00:36:16That was Gwen?
00:36:21Hey, Kim.
00:36:22So, Gwen got skittish and ran off. We're gonna need to depose her.
00:36:26Something that tells me things just got a whole lot more complicated.
00:36:28How could this possibly get more complicated?
00:36:30You thinking what I'm thinking?
00:36:32No matter how terrible this gets, right?
00:36:34As long as we're in it together.
00:36:36Oh, I was thinking we should have become dentists.
00:36:38Dentists would have been better.
00:36:40But this case does feel like we're pulling teeth, so...
00:36:53So, um, this came for you?
00:36:55Oh, yeah, that's probably the background check that Tabby ran on me.
00:36:59Speaking of any word on locating Gwen, we really need to serve her a subpoena so we can depose her.
00:37:04Also, will you look into Brett's finances?
00:37:06There's suspicion of money hidden or lost.
00:37:10Got it.
00:37:11Thank you so much. Have a good night.
00:37:13You too.
00:37:20I was looking for you.
00:37:24Invite to the gala.
00:37:26Hosted by Paul Larson and Tabby Noble.
00:37:28That's not a conflict at all.
00:37:31Mark and I will be there.
00:37:33I'm really proud of you. And Jackie would be too.
00:37:39I meant to ask you if there was a guy here from Reality Real?
00:37:44Oh, they make a lot of money off the Nobles reruns.
00:37:47They wanted to know what this divorce is going to cost their brand.
00:37:51Any thoughts on that?
00:37:52Besides everyone's dignity?
00:37:54I don't know. We're in arbitration again tomorrow and hopefully we settle.
00:38:03This came for you.
00:38:04Oh, good. Thanks. It's part of my background check.
00:38:06Have you found that forensic accountant looking at Tabby Noble yet?
00:38:08Yep. Just booked him.
00:38:09Attaboy. Attaboy. Nice work.
00:38:14Guess who just called the office.
00:38:16Gwen. She wants to meet with you tonight.
00:38:18Oh, Lois. Dana and I were supposed to...
00:38:23Alright. I'll give her a call back.
00:38:25Get her on our side.
00:38:26We can't afford her testifying against Brett.
00:38:28We could keep him as a future client.
00:38:30Hey, by the way, why was the head of Reality Real today?
00:38:33Oh, they just needed some hand-holding.
00:38:35Wanted to be assured that the divorce would be amicable.
00:38:37That their brand could be saved.
00:38:38Alright. Well, here's to fingers crossed for arbitration tomorrow, right?
00:39:00Okay. Alright. Good.
00:39:01Well, where's my martini and my steak and potato dinner?
00:39:04I slaved over a hot stove all day and missed the greeting again.
00:39:07Uh, babe?
00:39:08Oh, sorry. The cheer thing I forgot.
00:39:10I owe you one free pet peeve.
00:39:11Yeah, don't worry. I'm banking them, honey.
00:39:13Oh, by the way, I gotta head out for a quick sec. I got a work thing to do.
00:39:15But you promised me Asian Mexican food.
00:39:17I do.
00:39:18But you promised me Asian Mexican fusion tonight and old movies.
00:39:20The bulgogi tacos are on their way and I will be back before they're delivered.
00:39:25See you in a bit.
00:39:30Hey, we've been hoping you'd come in.
00:39:32I have tickets for you and Mrs. C to my new play.
00:39:34Oh, congrats, TJ. Broadway?
00:39:36Atlantic City.
00:39:37Broadway, Jersey.
00:39:39Can't wait.
00:39:41Listen, Luca, I wanted to ask you a question.
00:39:44You know people, right?
00:39:46You know people who know people.
00:39:47Thinking you could put your ear to the ground on Tammy Noble and whether she's borrowing or owing money around town?
00:39:52For you and what you did for my TJ?
00:39:55Thank you, my friend.
00:40:30Gwen, sorry. Yes, hi.
00:40:31Thanks for coming. I was just going over a legal brief.
00:40:34Can I get you a drink? Anything to eat?
00:40:36No, no. I just want to get to the bottom of this.
00:40:39Hey, is she alone? Who is she with?
00:40:42She's with some man, but I can't see his face.
00:40:45Can you take these pictures and send them to me, okay?
00:41:16A little work thing?
00:41:23Hey, wait ten minutes and serve her.
00:41:25On it.
00:41:27You don't need a lawyer now, but what you do need is you need to be very honest with me, okay?
00:41:33I need to, uh...
00:41:38I need you to vanish.
00:41:41Yes, I need you to lie low.
00:41:42I can't afford Tabby to depose you to testify against Brent under any circumstance.
00:41:47Good evening. Green juice and some nori chips.
00:41:50No, no, no. Don't take that.
00:41:52You've been served.
00:41:54Oh, hi, Mark.
00:41:56Always a pleasure to see you.
00:41:57Long time no see.
00:42:02Can I see that?
00:42:08Yeah, you've been subpoenaed to come to our party.
00:42:10Yeah, you've been subpoenaed to come to arbitration tomorrow.
00:42:13But I have Pilates tomorrow.
00:42:15Gwen, I'm sorry, you might have to...
00:42:19You might not make Pilates tomorrow.
00:42:25A little work thing, huh? I'm pretty sure we switched background checks.
00:42:28Oh, yeah, you sure did.
00:42:30You were married?
00:42:31You were in jail?
00:42:40Did you get the nobles to run a background check on me?
00:42:42Because we both know you need to get the dirt, right, honey?
00:42:44But I run due diligence on businesses.
00:42:46There is a big difference.
00:42:47They are corporations, not people.
00:42:48Not according to the Supreme Court.
00:42:49Let's stay on topic here.
00:42:50Because you know what? It's a really big topic.
00:42:52You were married?
00:42:53For a day.
00:42:54At a bachelorette party in Vegas.
00:42:55You were in jail?
00:42:56For five minutes.
00:42:57I'm sorry I missed the no trespassing sign.
00:42:58You also lied about your college GPA.
00:43:00I rounded up.
00:43:01Who doesn't?
00:43:02Meanwhile, what do you do when you watch TV?
00:43:03You're always not liking those beauty contests.
00:43:05But guess who was Miss Supreme Ann Arbor in 2006?
00:43:07I did it for the scholarship money.
00:43:09Your speech was on world peace.
00:43:11We all make mistakes when we're young.
00:43:12Yeah, like me with the no trespassing sign.
00:43:31This isn't us.
00:43:32I'm so sorry, honey.
00:43:33This isn't us.
00:43:34What are we doing?
00:43:35This is crazy.
00:43:36I love you so much.
00:43:37I'm sorry.
00:43:38You were married?
00:43:39You were incarcerated?
00:43:41Look, I'm sorry about Gwen, okay?
00:43:43I should have told you everything at the meeting.
00:43:44She called. She said she wanted to keep it a secret.
00:43:45Look, I've been honest, but I couldn't.
00:43:47Because, you know, whatever.
00:43:48The point is, this case is driving me nuts.
00:43:50Me too.
00:43:51Listen, we're going to go in there tomorrow.
00:43:52We are going to settle this.
00:43:53And it'll all go back to normal.
00:43:54We're not going to court.
00:43:55No court.
00:43:56Definitely no court.
00:44:03Is there any more bulgogi tacos left?
00:44:05Because I'm starving.
00:44:06Yeah, sure.
00:44:14So are you ready for a second chance at a fair deal for both of you?
00:44:20Think you'll be reasonable with Tabby today?
00:44:29I know divorce is a gut punch.
00:44:31But the two of you going to court is only going to bring more pain for the both of you.
00:44:36This way.
00:44:44Where's Gwen?
00:44:45Family emergency.
00:44:47It's a well-timed emergency.
00:44:49Are we ready to divide assets?
00:44:53No, actually.
00:44:55After conferring with my lawyer, I've decided I want to go to court.
00:44:59Excuse me?
00:45:00And after confer...conference...whatever with my lawyer, I want to go to court.
00:45:10Then I guess you're going to court.
00:45:24Good morning.
00:45:26What do you think for the gala?
00:45:27Orchids or these beautiful pink flowers?
00:45:29Well, you do know I love orchids, but pink is the color of breast cancer research, so...
00:45:34You are always the person to ask.
00:45:36We'll do a little mix of both.
00:45:39I wanted to talk to you about the Noble case.
00:45:42I've given it my all, but I'm not a litigator.
00:45:45I mean, I'm certain you can find someone much better suited for this.
00:45:49Dana, I believe in you.
00:45:52I also know that you've never met a challenge that you haven't conquered.
00:45:57And I know that Tabby needs you right now.
00:46:01She's all alone.
00:46:04Now, I have a tiny request.
00:46:11I want you to ask Mark to bring Brett to the gala.
00:46:15Um, that is not what I call a tiny request.
00:46:18I mean, isn't there going to be some conflict? Tabby will be there.
00:46:23My thinking is that Tabby and Brett are always their best at big events, in front of the camera.
00:46:28And it's not just for show. It somehow bonds them.
00:46:32So I was thinking the gala might be a chance for reconciliation.
00:46:35You really are an eternal optimist.
00:46:37I just like to make opportunities out of challenges.
00:46:42Okay. I will ask Mark about Brett.
00:46:45Thank you for the flowers. I'm keeping them.
00:46:56This is a slam dunk, right?
00:46:58Well, yeah. I mean, Dana doesn't love court. I'm certainly not going to capitalize on it.
00:47:03You're not?
00:47:06Mark, I shouldn't be sharing this with you, but it looks like you're going to make partners.
00:47:13Contingent on winning this case, of course, right?
00:47:15Of course. We need partners who will do what it takes.
00:47:19Well, be that as it may, Lois, I'm going to prioritize what's best for Dana and me.
00:47:24But what's best for both of you is you making partner. Getting a raise, taking Dana to Hawaii. She loves Hawaii, right?
00:47:32I can no longer tell the difference between the carrot and the stick.
00:47:36The carrot is my not using the stick.
00:47:42Slam dunk.
00:47:50You know how I am with public speaking. I'm going to get weird. I clam up. I make the face.
00:47:58Honey, your face is adorable. Plus, court's not going to happen for another few months. We have plenty of time to prepare.
00:48:05It's going to be great.
00:48:08Plus, you happen to be the only lawyer that I will never use my usual soundbite of.
00:48:13Rather be on our side than the opponent's.
00:48:15On our side than the opponent's.
00:48:17Okay, on to more important topics, like a vacation. I think when all this is done, you and I need to vacay. What do you say about Hawaii?
00:48:22Please, Hawaii. Maui. Kauai. Anywhere where there's a beach and a pina colada.
00:48:28Sounds perfect to me. Maybe it'll be our own little baby moon.
00:48:34Now we've come full circle back to the baby convo.
00:48:36Listen, I have been thinking a lot, and are you sure we're ready for it not just to be the two of us?
00:48:44You know, late night ice cream, and lazy Saturdays in bed, and vacations.
00:48:53Are you really ready to be parents?
00:48:56Honey, is anybody ever ready?
00:49:02Is anybody ever ready?
00:49:20Hey babe.
00:49:23One coffee coming up.
00:49:24Oh, thank you.
00:49:26Gotta just grab my bag.
00:49:31All right.
00:49:47You know, I love you in blue.
00:49:49Love you in green.
00:49:51What's your morning like?
00:49:52Oh, I don't know.
00:49:56Just some work stuff. What about you?
00:49:58Yeah, same. Big day.
00:50:00Yeah, you ready?
00:50:01Yeah, two minutes.
00:50:02Okay. I'll meet you downstairs.
00:51:01I'm so sorry.
00:51:15If you need anything, I'll call you.
00:51:17Thanks very much.
00:51:33Seriously? Are you here to offer me another subpoena?
00:51:36No, no, I'm not.
00:51:39I'm so sorry.
00:51:40Listen, I'm not here as a lawyer. I'm here as a human.
00:51:44Your best friend of 20 years, Tabby, is going through a really hard time, and she's doing it all alone.
00:51:50Even if you played a part in it, I just really think she could use a friend right now.
00:51:53I'm so over this whole thing. I am not the bad guy here, and I was promised I wouldn't be.
00:51:58But I will be, if I have to be.
00:52:00I don't think I understand what that means.
00:52:02It means tell Tabby to pay the money she owes me.
00:52:05I can't even make rent anymore.
00:52:10Oh, you left a...
00:52:24Kim, let's run background on Gwen.
00:52:43Hey, babe. Scared me.
00:52:45How was your day?
00:52:48How was my day? Um, completely exhausting.
00:52:54Did you have a big meeting?
00:52:56Actually, I sat down with Gwen today.
00:52:59And, uh, I talked about your subpoena to help her expedite the divorce.
00:53:03She said she'll do anything to help us both out. So, are you okay?
00:53:06Yeah, I just, um, yeah, I was just spending the day chasing things down.
00:53:14Come here.
00:53:17So, I've been thinking about what you said.
00:53:20And I thought, what if I quit my job and I stayed home with the baby?
00:53:25It'd be fun, you know? I'd be a domestic engineer.
00:53:30So, hold on. I would be working all day while you're home with our sweet little baby?
00:53:35Okay, well, we could take turns working, and then you could stay home with the baby and Rambo.
00:53:38Who's Rambo?
00:53:39Rambo's our dog, the German Shepherd. I thought I'd get him a nice red bandana.
00:53:43Our puppy sounds like he just got back from NOM. I don't even like Rambo.
00:53:47What are you talking about? You told me you love the franchise.
00:53:49Yeah, honey, it's the same way I say I love watching hockey or, you know, going to the hardware store on Sunday.
00:53:55I mean, these are just things you say on a second date. You're falling madly in love.
00:54:00Oh, so kind of how I feel when we have to go shoe shopping, or maybe you book us some Cajun cooking classes.
00:54:07We sit here and watch Steel Magnolias over and over.
00:54:10No, that is not possible. Steel Magnolias is an American classic.
00:54:13Okay. All right, fine. So let's do this. Let's compromise, all right?
00:54:18We've got Oliver, we've got Rambo, one goat, and baby Chervick, so we'll be working part-time so that we can stay home part-time.
00:54:27Is that enough income?
00:54:29Babe, maybe we need less income. Maybe we need to move somewhere cheaper. We can move to Minnesota near my family.
00:54:35Yeah, or we could go to Ann Arbor near my family, and baby Chervick could be around cousins and...
00:54:41I don't know, honey. We'll figure it out.
00:54:43Yes, we will.
00:54:50Oh, great.
00:54:52Our court date has been set.
00:54:53No. No, next Monday? This is supposed to be months from now.
00:54:57Well, you know we're supposed to pull some strings.
00:55:00It's okay. It's all right. Hey. It's okay. We'll figure it out.
00:55:04Come here, baby. We'll figure it out.
00:55:08You know, I think things will be a whole lot better once we watch Rambo.
00:55:17Saturday, 5 p.m., we will see you there. All right, ciao.
00:55:21Luca, my friend.
00:55:22Mark, always a treat.
00:55:25You were asking me about Tabby Noble, right?
00:55:28Well, I did some sniffing around. Turns out she's got quite a few credit lines set up, but with non-banking entities to catch my drift.
00:55:38The word is she's a savvy businesswoman. She's got the golden touch.
00:55:42Prince Bunny is the quote. But it doesn't get sent to the bank.
00:55:49So, what are you saying? She's got offshore accounts?
00:55:52Who's to say?
00:55:54All right, do me a favor. Just keep this between you and me, okay?
00:55:56The lips are zipped.
00:55:59All right, and I will be right here with your drinks. Have a lovely night.
00:56:03Thank you, my friend.
00:56:05See you again.
00:56:07TJ, hi!
00:56:08Mrs. C!
00:56:09I can't wait to see your play.
00:56:10Mark's just down here.
00:56:12By the way, Astronaut Brett Noble? Seems right. He's got a gambler's spirit. Card games, Vegas. He's a high roller everywhere.
00:56:18So he spent all their money?
00:56:20Nah, more the opposite. Word is, he's a winner. Diamond hands.
00:56:23So he's hiding his winnings? Huh. Listen, just keep this between us, okay? Thanks.
00:56:30Hey, love!
00:56:31Hi, honey. Oh, famished.
00:56:34I'm so exhausted.
00:56:35You know what I was thinking? Instead of a vacation, we should quit our jobs, we should sell everything we own, and we should just move to Hawaii.
00:56:41I'm so game. That sounds amazing. Oh, by the way, Rambo actually also loves the Sands.
00:56:46And what will we do with all your orchids?
00:56:48Solid point.
00:56:49How are you feeling about court?
00:56:50How do I feel about everything right now? Like, it's just spiraling out of control.
00:56:54Come here. You're gonna do great. But, we've got Judge Clark, who I know well. She's great, but can I give you a pointer?
00:57:04Please, I will take all the pointers.
00:57:06Judge Clark likes sports analogies. So if you can pepper some sports analogies into your statements, that would be great.
00:57:12Wait, what? Judge Clark likes sports?
00:57:14Online she was quoting Proust and playing Dungeons and Dragons.
00:57:16I'm just telling you.
00:57:17Okay, so let's just play this out. What kind of sports things am I actually going to know how to reference this?
00:57:22Is it going to go something like, oh, this case is a slam goal and par for the field?
00:57:25Honey, we'll workshop it. Don't worry.
00:57:31Uncle Paul wants me to ask you if Brett will come to Jackie's gala.
00:57:39But isn't Tabby going to be there? I mean, honey, you both know that those two together are like loose cannons.
00:57:45And the night before their court date, what are we talking about?
00:57:47I know, I know, but he truly thinks I could help mend things.
00:57:51You do know I have to do what's best for my client, right?
00:57:55Isn't what's best for your client to attempt reconciliation?
00:58:01Not necessarily.
00:58:16This new stylist brought some amazing options.
00:58:19Tabby, I really need you to focus. We've got to quickly prepare you for court.
00:58:23Yeah, about that. How formal will it be?
00:58:25A divorce trial can be quite strict proceedings.
00:58:28No, no, no. I mean my outfit. Like heels, wedges, autumnal neutral tones?
00:58:34Can you please take this seriously?
00:58:36You are going to be asked very prying questions about your marriage, your history, your character, in a courtroom full of press.
00:58:42Yeah, so? I can handle that. I've been in front of a camera for 20 years.
00:58:47I had 3.4 million people watch my struggle to get pregnant.
00:58:51I'm sorry. I really can't imagine what that feels like.
00:58:55Yeah, I wouldn't want you to.
00:59:00Do you still want children?
00:59:03More than anything.
00:59:07It's kind of something I've always wanted.
00:59:12What about you? You want kids?
00:59:15Yes. So much.
00:59:18But I feel like it's the biggest decision I'll make in life and...
00:59:22I'm kind of scared.
00:59:24Scared of what exactly?
00:59:26Scared that...
00:59:28Scared that I'll mess it up.
00:59:30That I won't be a good mom.
00:59:32That it'll change things between me and Mark.
00:59:36It will change things between you and Mark.
00:59:38I know. And I'm sure in the most magical way.
00:59:40But for my parents, it changed things and they slowly fell apart.
00:59:46And I just wouldn't want to put my kids through what I went through when my parents were divorced.
00:59:50So, you're unsure about kids because you think you might get divorced?
00:59:55No. Oh, no, no, no, no. I...
00:59:58No, Mark is... I love Mark with all of my heart. He is the best decision I've ever made.
01:00:04I think this is the winner. What about you?
01:00:06Oh, yeah. That's... That's... That's great. It's perfect. Yeah.
01:00:11Brad, come on. I gotta get ready for court.
01:00:13Bro, I am 3% body fat. I am ready.
01:00:16That's great. I'm glad you're 3% body fat. We gotta go over the issues, man.
01:00:19There are no issues. Everything you asked for should be mine.
01:00:22And it would be if you signed a prenup.
01:00:24No way, man. Prenups are such a bummer. That's distrust. It's not love.
01:00:28It has nothing to do with distrust, Brad. It's called protection.
01:00:31Marriage is not some whim. It's a legal binding contract.
01:00:34Yeah, but that's like make sure all the exit doors work on the plane before the flight takes off.
01:00:38Exactly. That's my point. It's called protection.
01:00:40Yeah, but why get on the flight if the plane's just gonna crash?
01:00:43Okay, you know what, Brad? Just... Can you get down here and you... You... Why don't you just... Why don't you tell me?
01:00:49Wait. Do you have a prenup?
01:00:51Look at me. I'm a family lawyer. Of course I have a prenup.
01:00:53Yeah. That never felt like a bad sign, you know? Like a lack of trust.
01:00:56I mean, you're already focusing on the marriage ending before it's even began.
01:00:59No. No. Not okay. All right. I'll give you that.
01:01:02If I was to be perfectly honest with you, sure. For one little moment, yeah.
01:01:05Exactly. And why would you want to believe that you'd have to one day protect yourself from the person that you love most in the world?
01:01:09I didn't want to believe that.
01:01:11So why did you want a prenup?
01:01:13I didn't, Brad. I didn't want a prenup. She did.
01:01:18So what's your point?
01:01:20I don't know. Just, you know, don't worry about the exit doors.
01:01:51This shade of red was actually created for me. It's called Tabby Red.
01:01:55Um, oh.
01:02:03Oh, you look fantastic.
01:02:08Thank you. This is beautiful. And Jackie would be so proud.
01:02:13Thank you. And I hope so.
01:02:16So, not to press the issue, but is Brett coming?
01:02:20He's not. I'm sorry. Mark just didn't think it was a good idea.
01:02:24I was hoping for something different.
01:02:26I know.
01:02:28Oh, excuse me.
01:02:30Of course.
01:02:33So it's Italian silk, and it was-
01:02:37And this is my divorce lawyer, Dana Cherbick. But she's so much more than that.
01:02:42She's my queen. My rock. She's practically my best friend.
01:02:46Oh, I should raise my rates.
01:02:49Um, excuse me one second.
01:02:53Sorry to interrupt, but Gwen's background check just came through.
01:02:56And it looks like she just bought a commercial property in Soho.
01:02:59They bought?
01:03:00In cash, in her name, days ago.
01:03:02Days ago she was telling me she couldn't make rent.
01:03:04Maybe Brett bought the property for Gwen.
01:03:06See? Something's off. Something is fishy.
01:03:09So maybe Brett's hiding money through Gwen.
01:03:11Well, there's a legal term for hiding money.
01:03:13What did the forensic accountants say?
01:03:15They're finishing up.
01:03:16Okay, just tell them to please let me know whatever they find.
01:03:18Of course.
01:03:35Uh, you look... stunning, as always.
01:03:41I got you a present.
01:03:42Is it Oliver? Where are you, boy? Come here.
01:03:44No, no, no, it's not Oliver. Hopefully something just as good.
01:03:47Listen, honey, I just... I just want to say, with all of the fighting-
01:03:50We're not fighting.
01:03:51Yes, we are. And it's okay.
01:03:54There's no one on the planet I would rather fight with more than you.
01:03:58For free, I mean.
01:03:59Me too.
01:04:00And soon this is all going to be behind us and it'll just be us again.
01:04:04Yeah, we just got to get through court tomorrow, right?
01:04:07Are you nervous?
01:04:08I mean, no, but I'm going to anxiety spiral anyway.
01:04:12Hey, you're going to do great.
01:04:15Because you always do great.
01:04:16And I'll be right there with you.
01:04:18Yeah, on the other side.
01:04:21On your side.
01:04:24You say the sweetest things.
01:04:27Can I ask you a slightly tangential question?
01:04:29Of course. Those are my favorites.
01:04:32Why did you want a prenup?
01:04:34I... We both wanted a prenup.
01:04:37No. Dana, you're the one who wanted the prenup.
01:04:49Honey, you got bread to come.
01:04:53How did you-
01:04:54Ah, yeah, your present.
01:04:56Because you said this is the best and I believe in you, so...
01:05:01I just got to figure out how I can keep this guy in check.
01:05:03Thank you. I'm going to keep Tavi in check too.
01:05:05All right. Divide and conquer.
01:05:09Okay, here we go.
01:05:12Let's grab you a drink.
01:05:14You clean up good.
01:05:17Last minute he decides to show up.
01:05:20He's trying to keep me off Keel.
01:05:21No, he's just trying to support you and raise some money for cancer research.
01:05:25Or he's going to do what he always does and make this about him.
01:05:27Tavi, isn't there any benefit of the doubt here?
01:05:29I mean, isn't there any good in him you can still find?
01:05:38He looks great in a tux.
01:05:46Did you order ahead of time or...?
01:05:48It's a classy event.
01:05:53Is Tavi looking?
01:06:00What's her face say?
01:06:02Her face says she's looking.
01:06:05Why don't you go over there and just congratulate her?
01:06:13Or I could take the stage and, you know, make a speech about cancer or something.
01:06:16You know, that's very gracious of you.
01:06:19No, don't do that.
01:06:20Yeah, but I can entertain.
01:06:22Laughter's the best medicine.
01:06:23I think science would refute that.
01:06:25You know what you could do?
01:06:26I think Tavi deserves a nice private hello.
01:06:29Can I go?
01:06:30Could we have a quick sound bite?
01:06:36Brett, what do you think about the hearing tomorrow?
01:06:38My client actually believes that it'll be a fair and equitable agreement and it'll be reached, so...
01:06:42No, I don't.
01:06:43I think what my lawyer keeps telling me.
01:06:46That he'd rather be on our side than the opponent's.
01:06:48Excuse me?
01:06:52Come on, it's just something I have to say to keep the sky in check.
01:06:55It's something you say when you think you're going to win.
01:06:58Honey, winning would be us never seeing these two people again.
01:07:01You guys are driving me insane.
01:07:06Are they flirting?
01:07:08I was kind of hoping you showed up.
01:07:10I missed you.
01:07:12What's happening?
01:07:13That red really compliments your lipstick.
01:07:18And your eyes.
01:07:19And that is flirting.
01:07:21So maybe we did just win.
01:07:23Yes, we did.
01:07:24I love when you wear a tux.
01:07:26Yeah, it's a...
01:07:28Yeah, I noticed.
01:07:29Looks are...
01:07:32Oh, excuse me.
01:07:37Excuse me?
01:07:39So we just got the forensic accounting report on Brett.
01:07:42We just got the forensic accounting on Tabby.
01:07:45She has offshore accounts.
01:07:46He has substantial poker winnings he's invested internationally.
01:07:50Multiple untraceable businesses.
01:07:53He's hiding millions from her.
01:07:55She's hiding millions from him.
01:07:57I guess he's not as naive as he looks.
01:07:59I guess she's not as naive as she looks.
01:08:01I guess not.
01:08:02You were my everything.
01:08:04I'm your everything?
01:08:05No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:08:06Make it all about you.
01:08:07Always has to be about you.
01:08:08I was invited.
01:08:09No, you weren't.
01:08:11You weren't even invited.
01:08:12I was invited.
01:08:13I got an email.
01:08:14It's okay.
01:08:15Let's get you a cold shower.
01:08:17Take a cheese toast.
01:08:20It's okay.
01:08:21I'm sorry.
01:08:25It's okay. Deep breath.
01:08:39Why are you up so early?
01:08:41Why did you sleep on the couch?
01:08:42I guess I just fell asleep out here.
01:08:46About last night, I said some things I regret.
01:08:51And it's not just because I have much wittier retorts in the morning.
01:08:55Okay, noted.
01:09:00We're going to figure it out, okay?
01:09:02We always do.
01:09:03Yeah, we always do.
01:09:06So, do you want to take the car over together?
01:09:08I think I just need a minute to get myself together.
01:09:10I'm going to go over now.
01:09:12But hey, I got you covered.
01:09:15You're going to do great.
01:09:35But what about that three-pointer in game five?
01:09:36What about that magic sky hook?
01:09:38Oh, come on. Legendary, right?
01:09:40Good to see you, Counselor.
01:09:42Well, let's get started.
01:09:44Are you friendly with the judge?
01:09:46I'm a friendly guy.
01:09:50So, what do you think?
01:09:52I think we're going to do our very best.
01:09:55No, I mean my outfit.
01:09:57I think it screams I deserve all the marital property.
01:10:02Is this going to take long?
01:10:04What, have you got somewhere more important to be?
01:10:05CrossFit's at three, so...
01:10:07Counsel, do we have assets in question and arguments ready?
01:10:12Your Honor, yes, we do.
01:10:26May I just have one second, please?
01:10:28Take all the time you need.
01:10:36One hundred and thirty...
01:10:44Your Honor, due to recent findings, I would like to request a brief recess.
01:10:48We just got started.
01:10:50Now, why do you need a recess?
01:10:52I need to perform due diligence, as new evidence has been brought to our attention
01:10:55that would affect the financial structure of the settlement.
01:10:57I'm sure the court would hate to see us punch,
01:11:00rather than trying an end around.
01:11:02You're in luck that I missed breakfast.
01:11:06Court is at recess for an hour.
01:11:12Give me the address on the commercial property, Gwen bought.
01:11:14Hang tight, I'll be right back.
01:11:32Shouldn't you be in court?
01:11:34Yes, I should be. What is this?
01:11:36What is Gwen's Glutes?
01:11:38My new Pilates studio slash method acting workshop.
01:11:41So is that what contract thirty-first at eleven means?
01:11:44Because this is, this is the thirty-first.
01:11:46And this is your new commercial space?
01:11:48This space, how did you afford this?
01:11:50Did Brett buy this for you with money he's hiding from Tabby?
01:11:52Do I need a lawyer?
01:11:54If you're an accomplice in laundering money, then yes.
01:11:56I'm not laundering money, this was purchased...
01:11:58Intelligence judge.
01:12:00I'm not the villain here. You know what, this has become a little too much...
01:12:02You can tell the truth, please.
01:12:04Or I'll tell what I think is the truth.
01:12:21What is she doing here?
01:12:23You're my best friend and you stole my husband.
01:12:26I never stole him.
01:12:28All the time we spent together was Brett talking about how much he loved you.
01:12:30Asking how he could fix your rift and win you back.
01:12:33I never had a chance.
01:12:37Even if I wanted him, how could I ever compare with perfect Tabby?
01:12:40Order! Order! Order!
01:12:45Is that true?
01:12:47Every single word.
01:12:49I have loved you from the moment I met you.
01:12:52Even now.
01:12:54Oh, Brettie, me too.
01:12:56I'm so sorry for everything.
01:12:58No, baby, it's not your fault.
01:13:00They're lawyers.
01:13:02They pressured us into getting divorced.
01:13:04They really did.
01:13:06What? I'm sorry, what's happening?
01:13:08Yeah, it's true, they did. They did, but...
01:13:10I don't want to live without you.
01:13:12Well then...
01:13:17Will you marry me again?
01:13:19You don't really have to ask her to marry you again.
01:13:22Yeah, you guys never were divorced in the first place, correct?
01:13:24Of course I'll marry you, my love. Again.
01:13:31Forever and ever.
01:13:33And we'll have the biggest wedding.
01:13:35Yeah, and you're all invited.
01:13:37All of you.
01:13:39Or you can bid on photos of the event.
01:13:53Extra salt and butter, both sides.
01:13:58I'm gonna need more popcorn.
01:14:00It was a disaster.
01:14:02I know, baby.
01:14:04It was a disaster. Terrible.
01:14:06It's okay.
01:14:08If you're a troubled couple on the brink of giving up...
01:14:11Come along with us.
01:14:13Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up.
01:14:15Where we explore the challenges and triumphs of marriage
01:14:19as we counsel couples back into love.
01:14:22Live on air every Wednesday night.
01:14:24I'm Tabby Noble.
01:14:26And I'm Brett Noble.
01:14:27Reality Reel.
01:14:30I'm sorry, excuse me, they have a new show?
01:14:33Were there marriage counseling?
01:14:37They were divorcing this morning.
01:14:39How in the world could they pull this together so quickly?
01:14:41They didn't.
01:14:46Hey Gwen, we really need to talk.
01:14:48You don't want to mess with lawyers, Gwen.
01:14:50We serve injunctions for breakfast.
01:14:57So what's the game here?
01:14:59They were never divorcing, was this a stunt?
01:15:04It was all a con.
01:15:06They haven't been able to sell a show in a while,
01:15:08so they came up with this.
01:15:10They paid me to go along with it,
01:15:12promised to buy me the Pilates studio.
01:15:14Then they made me the villain at every turn.
01:15:16Why? I mean, how?
01:15:18This doesn't make any sense.
01:15:20There were so many private moments that they weren't filming.
01:15:24No, they were.
01:15:25They didn't pay me for the show.
01:15:27So they used you?
01:15:31Because that's what they do best.
01:15:33But whatever, your firm's got paid,
01:15:35and everyone gets a happy ending.
01:15:37Everyone except us.
01:15:45The Nobles were lying.
01:15:47There was never going to be a divorce.
01:15:49This is fraud.
01:15:51Let's be careful with terminology.
01:15:53Fraud is a grave accusation.
01:15:55Yes, however belatedly.
01:15:57Paul and I knew.
01:15:59Not at first,
01:16:01but the head of Reality Real cleared it with us.
01:16:03What are you talking about?
01:16:05I'm sorry. Excuse me? What? What?
01:16:07We never imagined it would go this far.
01:16:09And we never would have gone along with it
01:16:11if we'd known it would negatively affect you.
01:16:13Why would you guys even do this?
01:16:15Partners thought it would be good for our firm.
01:16:17And I thought it would be good both for Tabby
01:16:19and for your career,
01:16:21and for Jackie's legacy fund.
01:16:23I didn't think it would avalanche like this.
01:16:25Maybe we let all be well,
01:16:27that ends well, hmm?
01:16:29Was it misguided and self-serving? Yes.
01:16:31But did they pay their bills on time and in full?
01:16:34Also yes.
01:16:36Which is more than I can say about most clients.
01:16:38You see what's happening here
01:16:40has brought us full circle back to the lower integrity joke.
01:16:45You know what the worst part is?
01:16:47Everyone's raving about noble love.
01:16:49That's not the worst part.
01:16:51The worst part is they got away with it.
01:16:53Okay, guys, look.
01:16:55I'm sorry.
01:16:57But how can they be happy
01:16:59if they're still lying to each other?
01:17:01I mean, Brett is hiding money from Tabby.
01:17:03And Tabby's hiding money from Brett.
01:17:05No, they're never going to be happy
01:17:07until they get truthful.
01:17:09Well, maybe it's our job to get them truthful.
01:17:11You know, to heal them.
01:17:13Okay, Gwen, I'm sorry, guys,
01:17:15but this sounds less like therapy
01:17:17and more like some sort of revenge cabal.
01:17:19I'm out, babe.
01:17:21I'm also out.
01:17:25There you go.
01:17:27Come here, sit down.
01:17:29Look at that face.
01:17:31You act?
01:17:37Strasburg all the way.
01:17:39How would you like the role of a lifetime?
01:17:41Who would I be playing?
01:17:43My husband.
01:17:45I can method act that.
01:17:47I kind of feel like we shouldn't be here.
01:17:55Half cheddar ranch,
01:17:57half peanut butter cup.
01:17:59Mmm, delicious combo.
01:18:01Maybe just not at the same time.
01:18:03No, I don't think that'd be the best idea.
01:18:06That is good.
01:18:08Oh, you think we should have stopped this?
01:18:10I don't think we would have much of a chance
01:18:12to stop anything.
01:18:14Gwen's on a mission.
01:18:16Besides, they don't need noble love,
01:18:18they need tough love.
01:18:20Good one, honey.
01:18:22You can have a seat here.
01:18:24Oh, thanks.
01:18:28I love this jacket.
01:18:32Wait, you're not married?
01:18:34Yes, I am.
01:18:36This is my husband, TJ.
01:18:38I kept him a secret because I know
01:18:40how you two love secrets.
01:18:42Hey, bro.
01:18:44I dug all your shows.
01:18:46I'm also a thespian.
01:18:48I'm headlining a play right now.
01:18:50Like on Broadway, or?
01:18:51Well, where should we begin?
01:19:00We're back on Noble Love.
01:19:03Where love begins again.
01:19:05Starting with us.
01:19:08And today we have a very special couple with us.
01:19:12My best friend and assistant, Gwen.
01:19:15I thought I was fired from both of those roles.
01:19:18What are you talking about?
01:19:19And my man, TJ, over here.
01:19:22Fellow thespian.
01:19:24I can't believe Luca got him on the show.
01:19:26Well, you know Luca.
01:19:28He knows people and knows people.
01:19:30What is the biggest issue in your marriage?
01:19:33Well, I'm sad to say that Gwen
01:19:35has been hiding money from me.
01:19:37TJ's also been hiding money from me.
01:19:39We've had great success with the
01:19:41businesses we've built together,
01:19:43but then Gwen moved our profits
01:19:45to secret accounts.
01:19:47While TJ's been hiding his Vegas winnings
01:19:49from me through his funds.
01:19:51Oh, wow.
01:19:53Well, I can see how that would affect your marriage,
01:19:58as trust is the foundation of love.
01:20:02And love meets trust the way
01:20:05sunshine and flowers meet each other.
01:20:08That's right. But, there's more.
01:20:10TJ also ran a background check on me.
01:20:13And Gwen ran a background check on me.
01:20:19Well, that is a total invasion of privacy.
01:20:23Yeah, if someone did that to me,
01:20:25I would be very, very upset.
01:20:27Yeah, me too.
01:20:29Um, we'll be right back.
01:20:34That's unbelievable.
01:20:36You think they'll make it?
01:20:38You think they'll be okay?
01:20:40Yeah, you know, I do.
01:20:42You know, it's something new for both of them.
01:20:43A twist? Something real?
01:20:48Do you think we'll be okay?
01:20:50Do you?
01:20:55Yeah, I do.
01:20:59I actually know it.
01:21:01I mean, there isn't much that's certain in life, but
01:21:05you're as close as it gets.
01:21:08Honey, I know.
01:21:10I can overthink and overworry and become fatalistic.
01:21:14Well, you will never.
01:21:19I wouldn't want any other life
01:21:21than the life I have with you, whatever that looks like.
01:21:26And I know I said
01:21:28the most important decision we can make is
01:21:31having a child, but
01:21:33I think I was wrong.
01:21:36I think the most important decision we make is
01:21:38who we share our life with.
01:21:41And I would make this decision
01:21:45one million times over exactly the same.
01:22:04I have an idea.
01:22:09Thank you so much for meeting with me.
01:22:11Thank you for taking the time.
01:22:13You've been a mentor,
01:22:15and I am so grateful for everything you've given me.
01:22:19But I need something new, Lois.
01:22:22Mark, you're about to make partner.
01:22:24But you're taking over the firm.
01:22:26I know.
01:22:28I know.
01:22:31But we've made other plans.
01:22:33But we've made other plans.
01:22:35But we've made other plans.
01:22:42Trevick and Trevick, can you please hold?
01:22:50Happy eighth anniversary.
01:22:52Oh, happy eighth, my love.
01:22:54So, I got us a little something.
01:23:10Don't drop me.
01:23:12My parents were lawyers.
01:23:35Did you feel that?
01:23:37Oh, it's a prosecutor.
01:23:43Oh, it's a prosecutor.
