• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Quello dell’Assemblea di Assolombarda è sempre un momento importante perché raccoglie le imprese che danno maggior contributo al pil dell’Italia” ha spiegato Nicola Monti, amministratore delegato di Edison, a margine dell’Assemblea 2024 di Assolombarda che si è tenuta all’Università Bocconi di Milano.


00:00It is always an important moment, that of the Assembly, because in fact in Solombarda it is the Confindustria Association that collects the largest number of companies, probably the companies that contribute the most to the pillar of Italy.
00:16Italy is a manufacturing country, based on many companies, especially small and medium-sized, which are our engine.
00:23We must continue to invest to keep our industry competitive, starting also from competitiveness and from all the investments to be made in the energy sector, which is our sector of interest, like Edison.
