• 2 days ago
يتمكن أحد السجناء المفرج عنهم حديثًا (داني تريجو) من إقناع ساحرة مكسيكية بإحياء رفاقه القدامى حتى يتمكنوا من مساعدته في إنقاذ مزرعة امرأة من تاجر مخدرات لا يرحم.
00:01:00Don't know
00:01:06Remember what you started? I'm calling the police. Just take one. Give me I don't know I go forward
00:01:37Don't think you'd be back so soon
00:01:41On my age time is not something you take for granted
00:01:48You have an answer for me the offer is very generous in your I
00:01:52cannot accept
00:01:54Our family has worked this land for generations
00:01:57So we have
00:01:59But that's worth a lot more than money
00:02:02Family right
00:02:05History I
00:02:07Can respect all those things
00:02:11That's just a widow, of course
00:02:19But you misunderstand one thing this was in a negotiation
00:02:46Face to be the last thing you see
00:03:04Have a new offer much simpler turn over your ranch
00:03:16Yes, my men will be back it down for your answer
00:03:23Your choice
00:03:30Was so sorry for your loss
00:06:11Best be going
00:06:15Santana Bravo
00:06:19My husband Mateo sent you that no
00:06:23That's his blood on the ground
00:06:28Need protection. I
00:06:31Can pay you
00:06:36And look well
00:06:39He wants my ranch and he'll be back at dawn to take it
00:06:46Unless you've got an army in your pocket. I
00:06:50Suggest you just give him what he wants
00:06:53Call it a day. I can't do that. Not anymore
00:07:05I'm sorry what you need? I ain't got
00:07:37Everything all right Carmela
00:07:41Mr. Bravo
00:07:43Heard you just got released from Huntsville
00:07:47That's right, sir
00:07:48He came looking for work. I
00:07:51Told him we had none and that was the end of it
00:07:56And Mateo's old Henry rifle
00:08:00Like I said all the same I think we best bring mr. Bravo back to the station have a little chat
00:08:06All right, sir
00:08:09Turn on that body camera
00:08:12Funny thing if we were gonna find this morning, but oh, well there's two
00:08:21Go on now get in I
00:08:27Said get in
00:08:30I'm gonna ask you again. Let's you got a warrant Jake. You can get off my property
00:08:35You might want to think twice about pointing that blunderbuss at an officer-of-the-law Carmela
00:08:41Assuming it actually fire
00:08:50Tell you what
00:08:52Let's just forget the whole thing the lady here obviously doesn't want to press any charges
00:08:58You're free to go
00:09:09As for all the times you didn't get busted
00:09:13Now get
00:09:18Not that way that way Jake
00:09:25You're seeing them all
00:09:33You believe in justice Bravo
00:09:36But there's somebody bigger than both of us making sure that the good prevail and the bad get their justice hurts
00:09:43It's this old hog killer
00:09:46Probably ain't been fired in decade
00:09:49Got no idea if it's still even shoot
00:09:52Now stands to reason that if there's a grand design in heaven
00:09:57All I got do is pull trigger and find out what it is
00:10:01What do you think Bravo
00:10:04Into the line
00:10:07Or are you destined for better things
00:10:16Damn Susie, maybe this is your lucky day after all
00:11:13By the way, El Abuelo sends his regards
00:11:33Sorry you had to be a part of this Carmela Julia
00:11:41Fuck you Jake
00:13:33You're up
00:13:34Listen sorry, I couldn't keep the kidney. Okay. It's over there in a mason jar if you want it
00:13:41Keepsake or whatever. It's not like I could sell it or anything. Oh
00:13:45Smells like Miss Scarlett
00:13:53Welcome back. Oh, what if I didn't want to be back?
00:13:56Well, maybe I don't want to squeeze my dog's anal glands to make healing paste
00:14:01Like miss Paul so Miguel over there he didn't want to come back. Did you really do?
00:14:14Don't let the silent treatment fool you help suck the hide of a car when he gets going ain't that right me got your room
00:14:23You know, I hate that
00:14:31I'll get me some corn
00:14:43prefer Dona Celia, but
00:14:46Brouhaha works
00:14:48as does enchantress
00:14:51You're no wife still
00:14:57I'm dead
00:15:00I'm fucking dead. It's like
00:15:09That's pain
00:15:10That's what the dead crave most they want to feel again to feel anything you consider yourself lucky that I got to you just in
00:15:20Like baby kicks over here. Why do you think he doesn't just walk out the door and keep white I'm going
00:15:24Yeah, I get I hear it goes because he knows that I could give him life
00:15:29And not just any life not like you're walking dead variety
00:15:33I mean real life the kind that you're born into
00:15:36full of pain and joy and
00:15:40satisfying sex
00:15:43But first he has to earn it she is pure fucking evil
00:15:53If you're looking for another plaything forget it, I'm not playing
00:15:59I'm looking for a man
00:16:03Who can stand up to an abuelo I know who you are Bravo
00:16:10And what he did to you I know what he did to your wife
00:16:26Dreamed of different ways
00:16:30He was dying but dreaming and doing
00:16:35Are two different things, but you are a legend problem
00:16:40Legends they don't give up
00:16:44They don't quit
00:16:46They do now
00:16:49I don't believe you back then. I had a crew
00:16:53About those they would
00:16:55Have my back
00:16:57No matter what
00:17:01I'm nothing like I used to be
00:17:04You need a new crew
00:17:08And a kick in the ass
00:17:10There's nobody alive crazy enough to stand up to our way alive, maybe not
00:17:18No, no
00:17:22No fucking way. Come on. Come on. Yeah drink this drink. You'll feel better
00:17:29I squeezed it just for you
00:17:37Come on
00:18:00The Aztecs believed that the Sun gave life to all things
00:18:06But the Sun's light could not reach the underworld and the souls who were trapped there
00:18:12For that they needed the mother of all blades
00:18:16blessed by the Sun God we feel a push me
00:18:20only human blood can harness the Sun's power and
00:18:25Channel it down to the earth and create
00:18:28Shorter version cuz we only got till dawn to save this lady's farm
00:18:33Just stand over a grave and
00:18:38See, that's it. No, no special words
00:18:45I'm gonna need your keys. Take your truck. Yeah, come on. Yeah, and I'm gonna take him with me
00:18:54He's as useless as we go fish, yeah, but he can stop a bullet that's good for start
00:19:02One piece and you know the piece
00:19:13So, what's it like
00:19:17Being dead
00:19:20Like you're locked in the trunk of your stepdad's Buick Century Regal. I
00:19:26Know we have least specific, right?
00:19:33I mean being one of the living dead
00:19:36Where's a bit thin after a while for sure?
00:19:39But I kind of like it in a way
00:19:42No pain
00:19:44No expectations
00:19:47Which I didn't feel any pain
00:20:03Are you looking I don't know his name Eugene his name is Eugene
00:20:21Friend of yours hardly I put him there hell of a first-draft pick
00:20:33I must be gone in the head
00:20:48What just never got to enjoy the process from up here before
00:20:56You might want to stand back a little
00:21:03The hell a little more a lot more my scuttle
00:21:16More back
00:21:32Oh, perhaps you use too much blood
00:22:21Was dead crazy, right did you do this?
00:23:07Didn't feel a thing whatever you did to me. I liked it
00:23:16Say no free ride. Huh? I got a job
00:23:23See this dog don't bark for nobody
00:23:26Especially not your ass. You see the world is gonna remember you gene be
00:23:34I think about that off one week in the Texas Sun. You're gonna fall apart like pulled pork
00:23:42Only thing the world will remember about you
00:23:45Is your smell?
00:23:49The hell you know about that I
00:23:52Can give you life
00:23:55Real life, but you got right now just a down payment
00:24:00So when do I get paid in full?
00:24:02When the job is done?
00:24:09Oh hell no, man, I ain't going nowhere looking like the fucking butler from the Addams family if the shoe fits
00:24:18Who the fuck is he
00:24:24You know, I can rip your head clean off right here right now
00:24:30Sit down your neck and it wouldn't mean nothing
00:24:34Actually, you couldn't
00:24:36This shouldn't part
00:24:38Listen here pencil neck. Why don't you do yourself a favor?
00:24:42Shut the fuck up
00:24:51So, how does this zombie shit work
00:24:54Don't think of myself as a zombie
00:24:56More like a revenant like the copy of minus the bearer so we can't die
00:25:02Shot in the head of nothing honestly
00:25:06I'm taking a bunch of bullets
00:25:08But none to the brain
00:25:11Problem heavy
00:25:16You know what I know he's around here somewhere I just don't know exactly where what's his name again
00:25:20He wasn't buried under his real name
00:25:23Hmm had to do with his fortune in red diamonds that went missing when he did his last bank robbery
00:25:31Marty phalanger
00:25:33Tovo Wallace
00:25:35Whoa, tell me less order. I didn't know he was buried here. Don't you sort of with a real crappy headstone, too?
00:25:58Yep, there's disco
00:26:03So why Tommy Lasorda
00:26:05Well, you know, I've always been a Braves fan. So Hank Aaron's my first choice you wouldn't dare
00:26:13You look familiar I know you oh
00:26:21Used to be tight with the H town mob back in the day listen to you
00:26:27Yeah, you're the dumb motherfucker. Tried to ask my man Bravo here
00:27:09Dude you pull that shit again, and I'm putting your boat back in the ground
00:27:16Sorry compadre, sorry ain't getting it. What are we gonna do now?
00:27:50Mentioned a seguro in connoisseur to Senora
00:27:56Este es mi casa
00:27:57mis antepasados pagaron este tierra con su sangre
00:28:01No me voy
00:28:02pero los hombres de la huelga volverán
00:28:05Y serán despiadados no puedes pelear con ellos sola. She won't be alone. I fight with her. No me Vita
00:28:13And I can't ask you to stay and you can't ask me to leave
00:28:17If this is where I die, so be it my life has been good
00:28:23And not that good
00:28:26But good
00:28:28Carmela there are no time for tears. You have work to do come
00:28:35Gracias, gracias
00:28:38So what now
00:28:41Looks like hitchhiking is pretty much off the table
00:28:44Hey, what I found
00:28:47They buried you with your phone. Yeah, I guess so see if it works
00:28:56Wakey-wakey my little chupacabra
00:28:58Chupacabra, I'm back
00:29:04My ex I like fucking with her. Oh shit dead battery
00:29:14You had a phone and you call your ex
00:29:18What the hell is wrong with you? We got five hours to sun up more cemeteries to hit
00:29:36Get 20 to life in this state for hitting on hello
00:29:51We need a ringer I mean a veritable bonafide superstar
00:29:58What about Quasimodo?
00:30:02Quasimodo the Rassler I know where he's buried what let's take him up
00:30:23Yes, Toya key
00:30:25Yeah, I've been asking the same thing
00:30:29The driver but just put on ground belly
00:30:33almost a chingar
00:30:37What's happening?
00:30:39He's making the pitch
00:30:42Nombre era Dolores. Her name was Dolores. Hey, I don't mean Julieta
00:30:47Amore de mi vida. She was his Juliet Mori por ella quiero de vuelta. I love of his life
00:30:52He died for her and now he wants her back
00:30:56Say fancy Island. We need potters not lovers. Yeah, you say we
00:31:01Ring I am I don't love Banshee in the ring
00:31:04They call her a banshee the Amatara say something's with us gonna love is the new middle
00:31:09Oh, she can kill six men with a number two pencil
00:31:12What I don't say to my seat to get on sack a punters a dozen more if she had a pencil sharpener
00:31:18Yeah, it's my kind of woman, but still some of those doors or nada. He says you get them both
00:31:26You get neither
00:31:48That's the banshee sir the Lord is
00:32:01We have more
00:32:12Yeah, yeah, okay, I'll come to me Amore
00:32:41What if I killed myself to be free of you
00:32:47I'm gonna think of that. Oh
00:32:50You're looking at 350 pounds of sad right there
00:32:55You're not helping you go. Hey
00:32:58Don't wind me up missy. I don't wind down easy
00:33:08Damn it, that's my best nose picker. I'll bite that nose of yours off and stick it up your ass
00:33:3715 that's it. That's what we got
00:33:56Not the broke up
00:34:17You put this on me after I was dead
00:34:42What-is-he-good-at busting heads with a stick
00:35:06So you're a real hockey player you just like playing dress-up
00:35:11What's your name, man?
00:35:13stick face
00:35:15Stick face what the hell kind of name was that?
00:35:21like a stick
00:35:35Oh shit, oh, hey, let's keep it on the road boss
00:35:45Why we stop everybody out let's go
00:36:05They're here
00:36:15They're coming oh my gee
00:36:45When is this Carmela?
00:36:48Hope you all had a restful night
00:36:52Now honey, I know you ain't happy with the choices in front of you right now, but it's time to pick your switch
00:37:01What do you say you just come on out with your hands on your head and we just ride on out of here start over
00:37:05fresh I
00:37:07Ain't saying you ain't brave and all but the way I see it. You're all had no cattle in this matchup
00:37:13So Ella Boyle, oh asks you for the very last time do you accept his?
00:37:21You bum in a bed up in there. Oh, what you weren't going to accept
00:38:24That's ball
00:38:47Hey, we'll go get over here
00:39:22Welcome to the party begin
00:39:32Are you guys
00:39:38Bravo I thought you were
00:39:43Don't worry there with me
00:39:47Use your words, they fuck you told me to get some help. This is what I got
00:40:01Hola Senora soy Quasimodo el campeon del mundo
00:40:13I'm Tommy
00:40:19Sean tight Kamala
00:40:30No, I'm gonna help me
00:40:43When I started
00:40:51Estamos trabajando condom
00:41:02Fuck me running. I've turned into my fucking grandmother
00:41:07Yep, the sphincters pretty much take a vacation
00:41:13It's time to put out your pet toe
00:41:17It's time for me to turn into a real boy
00:41:20George Foreman's got a point there boss. He did make promise. I said when the job was done
00:41:27It ain't done yet. Hold on
00:41:30Can't be moving the goalposts now
00:41:33If we got here before sunrise
00:41:36We bit smack of well-o's men
00:41:40The job is done
00:41:46What was gonna be back gonna have an army with him you afraid Eugene
00:41:54Well, nothing scare me and prove it
00:41:59I'll keep up my end of the deal. You keep up yours
00:42:05So, what'll it be we're gonna save this lady's farm or what
00:42:15Fight with drop
00:42:20I fight the problem. Yes, I'm in bad. Grandma's in me too
00:42:32She ain't over problem
00:42:36All right Miguel
00:42:38Yeah, we need a lookup go out watch the main road the rest of us
00:42:42We have a house to fortify and I know what Lito to kill show me all the entry points entry points
00:42:50Shut up
00:43:07The roses
00:43:11On to lean the moon when we go to
00:43:16Yes, Lola dear the new
00:43:21Este corazon frio y duro inservible organo interview
00:43:29Ha ha ha
00:43:36Me Raina
00:43:47Libera stop over this day
00:43:52Get well, it's over
00:43:54Cielo de tu amor
00:43:58Ha ha
00:44:04Ha ha
00:44:14Esta bestia
00:44:16este monstruo
00:44:18se ha muerto
00:44:20por ti
00:44:23se ha muerto
00:44:25por tu
00:45:05Victor is it your intention to kill me?
00:45:13I'll ball. I'll never and why do you come to my home?
00:45:16To inform me that Santana Bravo still alive
00:45:19Instead of doing something about it. I mean we couldn't it was it was there was just nothing we could do go on
00:45:26Well, you got to understand he has a new posse now
00:45:29How many?
00:45:31hundred two hundred
00:45:38Six or seven hundred
00:45:56I see so you run away
00:46:02Get a better little feet
00:46:07A little girly girl
00:46:12No, look how well
00:46:15You gotta understand that was nothing we could do. All right. I mean we tried everything man. This guy just he couldn't be stopped
00:46:21You see that bear?
00:46:23Yeah, I
00:46:25Didn't shoot him
00:46:28I killed him with been sticking a pinecone
00:46:37Well, please everything can be stopped
00:46:58Hmm it helps if you have a gun
00:47:03We're gonna have to board up every entrance cellar
00:47:16What's this tunnels
00:47:20My grandfather used these tunnels to smuggle our family and other people in need across the border. It's been sealed up for years
00:47:27Then Trump built his wall and the cartel started looking for ways to move their product across the border
00:47:32That's why a willow wants this place, but there was ready to dynamite that thing. So they leave us alone. I didn't get the chance
00:48:04Didn't you tell me about this before
00:48:06Why I guess I didn't want you to think we were involved lady
00:48:10Listen, I did 28 years in prison
00:48:1318 in the hole
00:48:16I don't judge any
00:49:09Let me guess oh they hold me
00:49:41What's wrong with your face what's wrong with your face not a time for goodness amigo
00:49:50What happened to my men do you want a clinical explanation
00:50:07Let's take a trip to the Olive Garden, I know the Olive Garden
00:50:17Who are you
00:50:24Love you, baby. We see boundary issues. Why I'm gonna do off my finger
00:50:30Isn't technically a finger. Oh neither is the apple what?
00:50:44Shoot him in the balls
00:50:46No, no not the danglers they don't Manolo right, those are your names
00:50:51Okay. I we're friends. We're friends covering friends. Yes. You have thing talk. Yes
00:50:58No, no connection. Yes in the mood to talk now. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes
00:51:04We could do that the old thing just don't shoot me
00:51:10That was totally unnecessary
00:51:12I'm a fucking barbie now!
00:51:22And since we're being so gratuitous.
00:51:26Jesus Christ.
00:51:30More like Nick Fury.
00:51:34And to think I walked out of the house looking like this.
00:51:40Kill him.
00:51:42Kill him!
00:51:50Just thought you might want to know who you're up against.
00:51:54The others are like me, but way less chill.
00:51:58I'm the best.
00:52:01I'm the best.
00:52:04I'm the best.
00:52:07But way less chill.
00:52:21You have been to see the bruja.
00:52:23The bruja has been to see me?
00:52:27Which explains the ride.
00:52:30Comes with the package, I'm afraid.
00:52:33And they say she restores a person to full life.
00:52:37Not whatever you are.
00:52:39That's premium package.
00:52:41Is that what Bravo promised your compadres?
00:53:27I'd call this place the stitching post.
00:53:30You are a Rembrandt of sewn, senor.
00:53:37Looking good.
00:53:38Look at you.
00:53:39Why don't you try to make it look better?
00:53:44If I had a hand.
00:53:45Let me ask you a question.
00:53:48Do you think we can really trust Bravo?
00:53:52I do.
00:53:55Well, you know, we haven't even seen this bruja and her magical friolis.
00:54:01And what if she doesn't exist?
00:54:04What if he's just been playing us this whole time?
00:54:06Guess we'll find out.
00:54:10Oh, man.
00:54:15A little help?
00:54:19Won't finish it.
00:54:32You know, it's funny how we spend our time until we lose it.
00:54:37You're a poet.
00:54:40Wait a minute.
00:55:26What am I doing?
00:55:29I don't even wanna live.
00:55:42Everyone's in position.
00:55:44We have to get inside.
00:55:46How did you do it?
00:55:49How did you bring them back?
00:55:57Have you ever been married, Mr. Bravo?
00:56:00Once, a long time ago.
00:56:04Her name was Guadalupe.
00:56:09She died because she loved me.
00:56:12Wouldn't you bring her back?
00:56:15If you could?
00:56:33They're back!
00:56:36Huh. One car.
00:56:39One car.
00:56:41Unless they're superhuman clowns or something,
00:56:44color me unimpressed.
00:56:46One car?
00:56:48Oh, let me see.
00:56:50I'll be damned.
00:56:52It really is one car.
00:56:54That's some shit.
00:56:56Where the hell's Miguel?
00:57:01I think I'll...
00:57:10Who's that?
00:57:12La Bruja.
00:57:14Well, we got to do something.
00:57:18Please, Bravo, don't let me die.
00:57:20Don't let me die.
00:57:21Bravo, please.
00:57:23He only wants you, Bravo.
00:57:25You might want to do what the lady says.
00:57:33Move, mija.
00:57:37Move, mija.
00:57:59I'm scared.
00:58:06He wants you, Bravo.
00:58:11Don't let me die.
00:58:13Don't let me die.
00:58:14Don't die.
00:58:15It's gonna be okay.
00:58:16Don't worry.
00:58:18I'll take care of this.
00:58:20I swear.
00:58:21I'll take care of this.
00:58:22I swear.
00:58:25You're looking good.
00:58:32She was mine, Bravo.
00:58:35You of all people should have known that.
00:58:38She made her choice.
00:58:41Sadly, the wrong one.
00:58:43We're all concerned.
00:58:46I'm sorry.
00:58:48I'm sorry.
00:58:50I'm sorry.
00:58:52I'm sorry.
00:58:54I'm sorry.
00:59:01It's amazing how times have changed.
00:59:04I don't even need a detonator.
00:59:06I just have three.
00:59:12Let me and you finish this.
00:59:14Just me and you.
00:59:16No, no, no.
00:59:18I'm full.
00:59:20Look at me. These days, I fight for my life just going up a flight of stairs.
00:59:29Tell me this.
00:59:32How do you think your undead friends are going to react when they find out their only chance of life goes boom?
00:59:42They'll want your head on a stick.
00:59:45Right next to yours?
00:59:48Imagine that. Two brothers. Side by side. Heads on sticks.
00:59:57We were never brotherly.
01:00:00Well, not by blood.
01:00:02But in blood.
01:00:05And that's a stain you don't wash off.
01:00:08No matter how hard you scrub.
01:00:17Go! Get him! Go!
01:00:35Mayday! Mayday!
01:00:45And this changes everything.
01:00:49Brew gone.
01:01:07No! No! No!
01:01:32You got some balls coming back here.
01:01:36Come on.
01:01:56I'm so close. I'm this close.
01:02:01You'll get another chance.
01:02:04You will.
01:02:06You still have me.
01:02:10And a little old lady who's pretty good with a shotgun.
01:02:14And your posse.
01:02:18I have nothing to offer them now.
01:02:20Just be honest with them.
01:02:37Time to do God's work, brother.
01:02:40Whatever the hell that means.
01:02:52That's the best they can do.
01:02:55Come on.
01:03:13What are they doing now?
01:03:21Not a damn thing.
01:03:26Tepacito, Minnesota.
01:03:32I'm gonna put some biscuits in the basket.
01:03:34Oh, you go get them, Stanley Cup.
01:03:38He got a plan.
01:03:41Hey, Tepac.
01:04:02Time to get stick-faced.
01:04:13Oh, shit!
01:04:15They blew up Sticky!
01:04:19I think that was a missile.
01:04:21Damn it.
01:04:24They're fixing to blow us all up.
01:04:31Hey, that's Sticky!
01:04:32It was Sticky.
01:04:34God damn it.
01:04:39Holy shit!
01:04:42That just ain't fair!
01:04:46What are we gonna do now, Bravo?
01:05:07So, what's plan B?
01:05:11Where does this thing spit out?
01:05:13An abandoned factory on the Mexican side.
01:05:27They got away! They're not here!
01:05:30Don't you let them get away, you motherfucker.
01:05:38Keep moving! Keep moving!
01:05:43Oh, shit!
01:05:46Stay back!
01:05:47Get him!
01:05:56I can't get to Bravo on the...
01:05:58Come in!
01:06:07Take it further!
01:06:36All right, Lasorda, come on.
01:06:56I thought there'd be more.
01:06:58There will be.
01:07:00Come on. Any minute.
01:07:01If you stay, I stay.
01:07:03We'll be right behind you.
01:07:04No, Bravo!
01:07:05Trust me, Mia.
01:07:07Let's go.
01:07:20Let's gather up all these grenades
01:07:22and blow the hell out of this joint.
01:07:24Not you, old friend.
01:07:27You're all done here.
01:07:29Hey, this ain't none of you.
01:07:31Actually, it is.
01:07:33It's where we belong.
01:07:35You still got some life.
01:07:36Put it to good use.
01:07:38Yeah, go out there and do something nice,
01:07:40like save some kittens or something.
01:07:46Let's do it again sometime.
01:07:48You remember them red diamonds that went missing
01:07:50during that San Antonio job hunt?
01:07:53Damn, you nasty.
01:07:56Put them to good use.
01:08:02Let's blow this joint.
01:08:03Like you read about.
01:08:05It's been a hoot, muchacho.
01:08:27Let's go.
01:08:45Here's Bravo.
01:08:47I don't know, mija. We gotta go.
01:08:49We gotta go!
01:08:52Don't know this.
01:08:57I'd rather be in oblivion with you
01:09:00than in this world without you.
01:09:32Mi poeta.
01:09:34Mi monstruo.
01:09:49You mother...
01:10:09Get me out of here!
01:10:15Get me out!
01:10:22No, babe.
01:10:28You don't get to die on me, Bravo.
01:10:33He's digging!
01:10:40He's here!
01:10:51I die!
01:11:06He's not breathing.
01:11:07I know.
01:11:08He's not breathing.
01:11:20I know, mija.
01:11:22You have no way out.
01:11:24Se murió, mija. Ya.
01:11:26Ya. Ya.
01:11:28We have to go.
01:11:29We have to go.
01:11:31He's dead.
01:11:32We have to go.
01:11:43Esta mierda no termina así.
01:11:53Dick dish.
01:12:17Come to mommy.
01:12:21Come to mommy.
01:12:24Hola, papi.
01:12:45Oh my god.
01:12:48I dropped those kitchens
01:12:49on the angel.
01:12:50Oh my god.
01:13:24Hola, amigos.
01:13:25Que pues, compa?
01:13:26Remember we used to play here when we were kids, hide and seek.
01:13:43Of course, it was, uh, avocado orchard back then.
01:13:49Remember when we fell out the door?
01:13:52¡Cójanse en el infierno!
01:14:03Kill me. I've already died twice today.
01:14:08Well, let her be.
01:14:12We made a deal.
01:14:14Her ranch or her life.
01:14:18She chose them wisely.
01:14:20Like her Guadalupe.
01:14:24Funny how things come full circle, you know?
01:15:08♪ ♪
01:15:16♪ ♪
01:15:21This is for Mateo.
01:15:24♪ ♪
01:15:32♪ ♪
01:15:34Look at me, cabrón. Look at me.
01:15:37♪ ♪
01:15:44I want my face to be the last one you see.
01:15:47♪ ♪
01:15:51♪ ♪
01:16:01♪ ♪
01:16:09Stay by the fire, compadres.
01:16:13Dios te bendiga.
01:16:21♪ ♪
01:16:26What now?
01:16:28Rebuild somehow.
01:16:30It won't be easy.
01:16:32I'll manage.
01:16:33♪ ♪
01:16:41This might make it a little easier.
01:16:44Uncut red diamonds.
01:16:47Compliments of Tommy Lasogna.
01:16:49Where was he keeping these?
01:16:51You don't want to know.
01:16:56You could stay, you know.
01:16:58♪ ♪
01:17:00How about I could pay you in diamonds?
01:17:03No, Mia.
01:17:06I got other plans.
01:17:08♪ ♪
01:17:10I gotta go, camaradita.
01:17:12Dios te bendiga.
01:17:14♪ ♪
01:17:16Cuídate, bravo.
01:17:19I will, I will.
01:17:21♪ ♪
01:17:29Dios te bendiga, señorita.
01:17:33♪ ♪
01:17:44I don't think there's any place on Earth
01:17:48more beautiful than this.
01:17:54Most beautifulest place this side of heaven.
01:17:58Lately, Mia,
01:18:00I've been thinking.
01:18:02I'm tired.
01:18:04I've done what I was put here to do.
01:18:07And now...
01:18:10I think...
01:18:12I'm ready to move on.
01:18:14♪ ♪
01:18:18I just want to be with you, baby.
01:18:22Not yet, mi amor.
01:18:25Your body will heal,
01:18:27and so will your soul.
01:18:29You have so much more to do, Santana.
01:18:32♪ ♪
01:18:39♪ ♪
01:18:48Hey, Miguelito.
01:18:51Bravo and a hand.
01:18:54♪ ♪
01:18:58Look out.
01:19:00Dead hand walking.
01:19:02♪ ♪
01:19:04I think it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
01:19:08♪ ♪
01:19:12Amigos till the end.
01:19:16All cinco dedos.
01:19:18♪ ♪
01:19:25♪ ♪
01:19:32♪ ♪
01:19:40♪ ♪
01:19:48♪ ♪
01:19:56♪ ♪
01:20:04♪ ♪
01:20:12♪ ♪
01:20:20♪ ♪
01:20:28♪ ♪
01:20:36♪ ♪
01:20:44♪ ♪
01:20:52♪ ♪
01:21:00♪ ♪
01:21:08♪ ♪
01:21:16♪ ♪
01:21:24♪ ♪
01:21:32♪ ♪
01:21:40♪ ♪
01:21:48♪ ♪
01:21:56♪ ♪
01:22:04♪ ♪
01:22:14♪ ♪
01:22:24♪ ♪
01:22:34♪ ♪
01:22:44♪ ♪
01:22:54♪ ♪
01:23:04♪ ♪
01:23:14♪ ♪
01:23:24♪ ♪
01:23:34♪ ♪
01:23:44♪ ♪
01:23:54♪ ♪
01:24:04♪ ♪
01:24:14♪ ♪
01:24:24♪ ♪
01:24:34♪ ♪
01:24:44♪ ♪
01:24:54♪ ♪
01:25:04♪ ♪