• 2 days ago
00:00Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you.
00:21I decided to work from home today.
00:24Harrison's upstairs getting ready.
00:26He is beyond thrilled it's a teacher's birthday, he doesn't have to go to school.
00:30This part, he gets to hang with you.
00:33Well, he's the best part of my day, too.
00:39Are you okay?
00:43Why wouldn't I be?
00:44Just another day in the life, watching my parents implode in front of me, and you, and
01:22Hey, what's up?
01:32Thanks for meeting me here.
01:35I love getting fresh air.
01:36What's, uh, what's this about though?
01:38Is that Amy Lewis woman still coming into town tomorrow?
01:41Uh, yeah, as far as I know, but, uh, this is about, uh, Quentin's business and I hope
01:47you'll keep an open mind.
01:50Quentin's really something I'm not going to lie here.
01:54I think we should hire Audra Charles.
02:07Good afternoon.
02:11We need to talk.
02:15I understand if we both got screwed over by the same person, Victor Newman.
02:24So anyone doing media articles, a followup drops today, smoothing over Rogers departure
02:33from the side.
02:34Oh, and you're going to love the one bearing Billy had Abbott Chancellor as ordered.
02:43So you understand why I'm doing this, right?
02:46What you said about Nikki and Jack, but you understand where I draw the line with Jack,
02:55but you don't mind taking down Billy Abbott couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
03:06Hello Victor.
03:08My goodness.
03:09Nice to see you.
03:10Good to see you too.
03:12I will make sure he gets them.
03:17Well, if you don't mind my saying so, that's very nice to see you're co-parenting should
03:32I don't have time.
03:33Oh, you would.
03:34If you went along with my plan.
03:36And by the way, you are welcome for the coffee.
03:39Have you decided what you're going to do?
03:43Fire me, not fire me.
03:44I'll tell you the best option.
03:45Pretend to fire me.
03:47Honestly, Billy, let me work in a stealth capacity.
03:53I will get the company through these rough patches and boom it.
03:59You will become a superstar.
04:01Everyone will love you.
04:02They'll love me too.
04:03It's a no brainer.
04:05I'm not.
04:06I don't like the idea of you working in a stealth capacity, but I already set everything
04:12Listen, hold on a second.
04:13I need you to just give me some space.
04:15Okay, let me get my mom off my back about firing you and I will bring you back when
04:19I can.
04:20No, you won't.
04:21No, no.
04:22It's got to be now.
04:23No, it's got it.
04:24You got to give me a little bit of space.
04:25What you got to do.
04:26No, whatever, Billy.
04:31I didn't want to interrupt.
04:32I know you're busy.
04:33You have a company to run.
04:34So that makes sense.
04:35It's okay.
04:36You want to sit?
04:44You have no time to talk business, but you have time for her.
05:08I was hoping I would run into you.
05:14Must've been hard.
05:16To see my father verbally attack my mother?
05:19In public, no less.
05:20I would love nothing more than to forget it ever happened.
05:24Hey, there.
05:27Oh, that is quite an outfit, partner.
05:29You going on a rodeo?
05:30Of course.
05:31Taking me to a farm where they make cheese and ice cream and we get to feed the goats
05:35and little cows.
05:36Little cows?
05:38I can see the appeal.
05:39Oh, you might actually need a jacket.
05:40It's a little bit windy.
05:41Then can we go?
05:44You can't catch me.
05:45Are you calling me slow?
05:49I'm gonna get you!
05:50I'm gonna get you!
05:51No, come here, you two.
05:52To go, please.
05:54I would get you a coffee, but you look like you're good.
05:55I'm not.
05:56I'm not.
05:57I'm not.
05:58I'm not.
05:59I'm not.
06:00I'm not.
06:01I'm not.
06:02I'm not.
06:03I'm not.
06:04I'm not.
06:05I'm not.
06:06I'm not.
06:08Yeah, uh, look, about last night...
06:15No, we don't.
06:16We don't go there.
06:17No, I do.
06:18I need to go there.
06:19I need to apologize for kissing you.
06:27You didn't kiss me.
06:30We kissed each other.
06:34And call me crazy, but I feel like we both needed it, so you don't have to apologize.
06:41I mean, we know what it was.
06:44It was just hurt feelings and residual anger and, you know, a few... quite a few whiskey
06:50shots later, and we kissed.
06:53You know, maybe we even both liked it, but, you know, it wasn't for the right reasons,
07:02Yeah, I don't disagree with any of that, but still, um, I just thank you for not being
07:12I mean, it could have been worse.
07:15I could have fallen straight into bed with you.
07:20Javon, she is a hell of a businesswoman.
07:25She has great instincts, okay?
07:26She's passionate, creative, resilient.
07:30She'd be an asset to any company.
07:32Do you think maybe you're a little biased to Audra and her passion?
07:38She was smart enough to wrestle Glissade away from Tucker.
07:41She lost it to Kyle Abbott, right?
07:43You have to know Kyle had a hand in getting her booted from Glissade, yes.
07:48I didn't know that, but it doesn't really matter either way, because there's just no
07:53chance in hell I'm going to hire Audra.
07:57Let me guess, Nate told you?
08:01Victor cut you out of some deal you were working on together.
08:06My condolences.
08:07You know, I was really hoping to just enjoy my lunch in peace.
08:11Oh, lunch.
08:13That's right.
08:15Martini extra olives.
08:17Oh, okay.
08:18You're staying.
08:21We're both out on our asses because of the great Victor Newman.
08:25We have a lot to discuss.
08:29All right, so I heard that you're heading up Glissade with Kyle, and then all of a sudden
08:36you were gone.
08:37So how does Victor play into that?
08:41Well, I already violated my NDA, so I stop now.
08:47Victor is the mystery investor who helped me take Glissade away from Tucker.
08:53I trusted him, as far as you can trust the man, and then he fired me for no reason.
09:02Or maybe the reason is that you were dealing with Kyle and Victor, and you were out of
09:05your league.
09:08Let me guess.
09:10You got screwed over because you play into that whole too smart to fail thing.
09:16Victor made me promises.
09:17What'd you got in writing?
09:20Well, our families go way back.
09:24No paper.
09:25Working move.
09:26Yeah, you know what?
09:27You're right.
09:28It was.
09:29I mean, Victor is a master of the game, and I fell for it.
09:34Ironic, isn't it?
09:37Even knowing who Victor is, what he's capable of, we still got played.
09:45But I am definitely going to get what I deserve.
09:50All right, we'll pump the brakes, Pop.
09:56We're just exchanging shin guards, not wedding bands.
09:59I'm going to put these in the car.
10:05Good to see you, Victor.
10:06It's always good to see you.
10:07My son.
10:08Good to see you.
10:09Oh, Chelsea.
10:11In a moment.
10:13You and I have had our ups and downs, right?
10:19That's putting it nicely.
10:21I've watched you become a remarkable woman, and a great mother.
10:30I know that Adam and Sally split up.
10:36I also know that you and Billy Abbott ended things, right?
10:42So I just want to say, for my two cents' worth, Sally Spector was never right about it.
10:53You were right for him.
10:56That's all I'm going to say, you and I stayed.
11:05That's it.
11:06A hard pass without even thinking about it.
11:08Well, I don't trust Audra, so I'm certainly not going to hire her.
11:14And listen, if I'm being completely honest with you, whatever you guys have going on
11:18with each other, this relationship, whatever you're calling it, I really think you're setting
11:22yourself up for trouble.
11:25Listen, cousin, I don't need the judgment, okay?
11:29I'm just giving you my opinion because I don't want to see you get hurt.
11:32You know me well enough to know I can take care of myself.
11:35You're absolutely right, I do.
11:38And I don't mean to overstep, and I certainly don't want this to be an issue with us.
11:44So just know I'm grateful that we're working together.
11:55And I'm just as grateful to be a part of this family, slightest.
12:00There's no place I'd rather be.
12:03That's good to hear.
12:04It's great to hear.
12:05And we just have to convince Lily that this is where she needs to be.
12:12You still think that's an option?
12:15She seemed pretty adamant she had zero interest in joining us at Winters.
12:19Well, I'm not going to give up hope that she's going to make the right decision.
12:25We just have to get her to forget about battling Victor for Abbot Chancellor.
12:30Knowing how stubborn she is, I don't see that happening.
12:38Victor may think that he's won, but I am not going to stop until I'm back on top at Chancellor.
12:45The Winters and the Newmans, how'd you put it?
12:49Go way back.
12:51Make daddy paved your way, how hard can it be?
12:56Do you even know what it's like to have to claw and scrape your way into a job you want?
13:04A life you want?
13:06I have worked very hard to get to where I am.
13:09Are they proving it?
13:13I maneuvered Tucker McCall out of his own company, and he never saw it coming.
13:18No, no, no, you stole it.
13:21So I guess you missed the ethics course during your MBA.
13:26Well, some of us don't have the luxury of playing by the rules, Lily.
13:30Instead of cheating, why don't you trust yourself?
13:34Trust your gut. Don't listen to other people or the haters who underestimate you.
13:39And stop talking about what you want and take what's yours.
13:44Weird that you're practically cheerleading me to succeed.
13:50I mean, I guess I'm talking to myself as much as I'm telling you.
13:55I guess the question is, are we going to listen?
14:01You okay?
14:03Yep, just taking that in, your last comment there.
14:08I was just trying to lighten the mood.
14:10Oh, well, good job.
14:13I mean, my friend did mention the whole rebound revenge sex thing.
14:17Oh, yeah?
14:19Was she a pro, or maybe it wasn't a she? Pro or con?
14:23No, no, it was a pro.
14:27But, you know, in my experience, it always seems like a good idea, but in the end it comes back to bite you.
14:33So, I'm not really interested in making any more mistakes than I already have.
14:44You know, normally when I see you working, you're more fired up, buffling with ideas about Abbott Chance.
14:50Are you still in a funk about what's going on there?
14:54You know, I have been busting my ass trying to do right by this company,
14:58and all I get for that is my mom ripping into me because she doesn't understand what I'm trying to do.
15:04Just do it.
15:06You know what you're doing.
15:08I mean, anyone would be crazy not to have complete faith in you to run Abbott Chance the way that it should be run.
15:16You're a lone voice, Sally.
15:22Appreciate that.
15:27Cheers, yes.
15:30Why not?
15:38Alright, let's get this jacket on, dude.
15:41And we're going to keep eating pigs, and we can maybe milk a cow, and maybe collect eggs right out from under the chickens.
15:48No way! You guys are going to have the best time. I expect lots of pictures, okay?
15:53It's a shame that you have to spend such a beautiful day inside.
15:57I'm doing cause.
15:58You are the boss, though, right? I bet you haven't left your laptop in hours.
16:03He hasn't.
16:05Which leads me to believe that you've earned yourself a break. What do you think?
16:10Yes, yes, yes! Come with us, Dad! Please!
16:16Let's do this!
16:22Let's go!
16:25Well, this has been interesting.
16:31Quite the unlikely lunch duo.
16:33Yeah, turns out Audra and I have a few things in common.
16:37Is that so?
16:38That is so.
16:40Dinner soon?
16:42Yes, you bet.
16:43Alright, good to see you.
16:44You too.
16:48What was that about?
16:50Oh, just discussing job prospects.
16:54Must be in the air. I spoke to Devon about a position at Winters for you.
17:01You did what?
17:03What happened to you offering silent support, not trying to fix things?
17:08Did you not hear a word I said about wanting to stand on my own?
17:11Okay, hold on, Audra.
17:13No, you know, I can't believe that you would make me look like a charity case.
17:17I told you point blank that if you try to help me, this would be over. Congratulations.
17:22Audra, Audra, wait.
17:23No, don't even try to talk yourself out of it.
17:26Let me lay out the facts.
17:29Hey, I meant every word I said the other day.
17:33Okay? I have enormous respect for your instincts and abilities.
17:37Someone with your savvy and guts would be a huge asset to Winters.
17:42That's why I recommended you.
17:45There's nothing charitable about that.
17:53Mr. Newman.
17:55Come on.
17:57Good to see you. How are you, my man?
17:58Good, how you doing?
17:59Are you looking forward to the wedding to my daughter?
18:04Looking forward to the wedding to my daughter?
18:06Yeah, yeah, I sure am.
18:10I gotta ask you, how do you, how do you do this and just act like everything's cool between us?
18:17Isn't it?
18:18You used my sister to get what you want and then you screwed her over.
18:21So, how do you figure it's cool?
18:28Oh, thank God, my old man is gone.
18:32I'm sorry.
18:35Did you tell Victor about Billy and me breaking up?
18:39Yes, I did.
18:41But it's not like he doesn't have eyes.
18:44Billy and Sally seem to be hanging out all over town.
18:48They obviously have gotten close.
18:52And I know that kills you.
18:56Look, despite all the horrible things that have happened,
18:59after everything you and Sally have been through,
19:02after everything you have shared,
19:04her love for you runs deep.
19:07A bond like that does not just go away.
19:11From the very beginning, she always saw the good in you.
19:14Just because you hurt her does not mean she stops caring.
19:18Yeah, well, even if that is true,
19:22the more time that she spends with Billy, she won't feel that way.
19:25Why are you always so negative?
19:27It's reality, okay? I've accepted that.
19:30Sally and I are through.
19:33I'm not interested in going back.
19:35What about you? Are you still holding out hope that Billy's gonna forgive you?
19:38I want him in my life.
19:39It's just very complicated.
19:43It's only complicated if you're holding on to something that is too broken to be fixed.
19:50Maybe it's time for you,
19:52for both of us,
19:55to move on.
19:58With each other?
20:01Is that what you really want?
20:09I am not the only one who thinks the future is ours if we want it.
20:14Connor feels it too.
20:17What's happening between me and you?
20:19And he wants to be a family again.
20:21We are a family.
20:23Our version.
20:25Chelsea, do you know how in awe I am of you?
20:29Adam, I think...
20:30No, you just let me finish.
20:33Okay, from the beginning,
20:35when Connor was diagnosed,
20:37you were completely present with him.
20:41Your love, your encouragement,
20:43it gave him the confidence to deal with his diagnosis.
20:47You fought for him.
20:50And yes, even when we butted heads,
20:52you made him stronger.
20:55You made me stronger.
20:59I know we have a really messy past.
21:03And I get why that could scare you,
21:04but I feel like these last few months have brought out the best parts of us.
21:10And I think we have a whole new foundation for a future that could be amazing.
21:16Who wouldn't want that?
21:20It makes me happy we've gotten close.
21:24It feels real.
21:29But this just all seems like you're trying to fill a void in your life.
21:34You were just talking about the good that Sally sees in me.
21:39I heard it in your voice, too.
21:40I know you can see it.
21:41I know you do.
21:43I think you should just be honest with yourself.
21:47Just take the leap
21:49and admit that your feelings are just as strong as mine.
21:55Just as much pain as it took to get here
21:59Maybe this is how it was meant to be.
22:03Just like Connor said.
22:05Just the three of us.
22:12You know what? I'm feeling much more inspired.
22:15So am I.
22:17But I do have some sketches I need to get done for a deadline, so I should go.
22:21Before you go, can you do that bar trick with coffee and napkin?
22:25Does that work?
22:29You are just gonna have to wait and find out another time.
22:35But it does work better with whiskey.
22:41And you know,
22:43screw the doubters.
22:46You got this.
22:49Oh, Billy, what was that?
22:54Some little love fest?
22:56You're still here, Phyllis?
22:57Oh, yes, I am still here.
23:00You don't have time for me?
23:02You don't have time for business,
23:04but you have time for a mutual pity party?
23:07That is none of your business.
23:09Oh, oh, it's very much my business.
23:11It's none of your business.
23:13Mutual pity party?
23:14That is none of your business.
23:16Oh, oh, it's very much my business.
23:21Billy, get back together with Chelsea, please.
23:24You were doing so well.
23:26You really were.
23:28Stay even-keeled.
23:30Please, please spare us the agony of watching you dig yourself into a hole.
23:39you're dead wrong.
23:41Let's talk about this, all right?
23:43Let's please talk about it. I'd love to.
23:45So what's the problem? Be honest.
23:47The problem is that you promised Lily a job that you had no intention of giving her.
23:53None of this is bad for her, okay?
23:56How do you figure?
23:57Well, let me explain it to you.
23:59I would like Lily to forget about the idea of
24:02running our chancellor.
24:06I would like her to join you at Winters.
24:09Work by your side.
24:11That's what your father would have wanted.
24:14And that is what I will try to talk her into.
24:17I hope you will help me do that.
24:24You move pretty fast.
24:26I don't want to be headbutted by that goat.
24:29Were you worried?
24:30No way. He was little.
24:32What was your favorite animal?
24:33Definitely the pit.
24:35Did you see how she cuddled up to me?
24:37She even wanted a belly up. From Dad, too.
24:40She was awfully cute.
24:42I have an idea.
24:44You know who else said I wanted a puppy?
24:47What do you think if we get a baby pig instead?
24:50Or a goat?
24:51Oh, I think it is the perfect time for someone to go take a bath.
24:55Why don't you run upstairs and I will be up in a few minutes?
25:01I'm glad you came, Dad. It was awesome.
25:04I was going to say the exact same thing.
25:09You stink. Go take a bath.
25:14It's the best kid ever.
25:15I would have to agree with you.
25:17I was ready to die in between him and that goat.
25:20You were very heroic.
25:25Looks like you brought home a souvenir.
25:28Oh, thanks.
25:31Harrison had the best time.
25:34So did I.
25:36You did it again.
25:39Did what?
25:41You got me out of my head.
25:43Made me smile, laugh.
25:45Forget about all the crap that's going on in my life.
25:49So, thank you.
25:56Sally and I are friends. We've been through a lot.
25:59And I'm sure you can appreciate with everything you and your family are going through.
26:02Having a friend to lean on is a good thing.
26:05Yes, and it's just so hard right now.
26:08Daniel is going through hell.
26:10Lucy is inconsolable.
26:12And I would do anything, anything in the world to take their pain away.
26:18And do everything in my power to change what's going on with them.
26:23But I am totally deemed powerless.
26:25I mean, I don't even know who to fight.
26:27I just have to sit back and pray.
26:29Pray for justice.
26:31I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
26:32It's okay.
26:33I can't even imagine what you and Daniel and Lucy are going through.
26:37I really can't.
26:38I know.
26:39We just, we promised that we would keep this professional.
26:43And not let our personal lives interfere.
26:47No feeling zone, okay?
26:49But let me just say that you and I, we're friends first.
26:54Just know that.
26:58Thank you for letting me vent.
27:00It's all right.
27:02Look, everything you and your family are going through, you'll get past this.
27:07You will heal.
27:10You know the best way to heal is to stay productive.
27:15And fight a fight you know you can win.
27:18Show us.
27:19Okay, that's what I'm saying, okay?
27:20Forget everything I've already said.
27:21Forget it.
27:23Forget about hiring me back.
27:25Or pretending to hire me.
27:27Or me being COO.
27:29Just let's focus on this.
27:31All right?
27:33Making Abbott Chancellor a success.
27:37Getting Victor Newman out of Abbott Chancellor in any capacity.
27:43And also with your mom.
27:47Getting her to focus on the successes and not her stupid grudges.
27:53Unfortunately, I don't think my mother will buy that.
27:55Yeah, no.
27:56I think we can convince her together.
28:03When we are celebrating a new milestone with Connor.
28:06Or when we're cheering him on at a soccer game.
28:09Or we're just hanging out.
28:11You can't tell me you haven't thought about it.
28:14About being a real family again.
28:16Maybe I've imagined what it might feel like.
28:19There you go.
28:20There you go.
28:21But I know in my heart it will always end in disaster.
28:25No, it wouldn't.
28:26Chelsea, we have been through the bad stuff.
28:29We've learned from the past.
28:31And we have never been stronger than we are right now.
28:34But we're still us, Adam.
28:37We're still us.
28:40Come on.
28:42Look at our track record.
28:45All the feelings.
28:46All the good intentions.
28:48All the hopes for the future.
28:51We have been there.
28:55And it always crumbles.
28:59And then what?
29:02Maybe you and I could survive that again.
29:04But Connor couldn't.
29:05And I would never do that to him again.
29:08Our son will always come first.
29:11I would never risk his well-being unless I didn't truly believe that we could be a real family again.
29:25I do have feelings for you, Adam.
29:29You're the father of my son.
29:31How could I not?
29:33But the kind of love we had almost destroyed us.
29:42Thank God we've grown.
29:44Thank God we've become better people.
29:49Worthy of finding love again.
29:52And maybe, maybe that will be with Billy and Sally.
29:57I don't know.
30:03But what I do know...
30:07is it can't be with each other.
30:28If it makes you feel any better,
30:31Duvon turned down my pitch to hire you.
30:35Of course he did.
30:37Not that I wanted that job anyway.
30:40But this stops now.
30:42He promised me no more help.
30:44No more help.
30:46I will get what I want my way on my terms.
30:52Don't suppose I could offer some advice?
30:56Don't suppose I can stop you?
30:58Speaking as a former backstabbing asshat,
31:03I had to learn some hard lessons.
31:07And then I had to learn to trust the people who cared for me.
31:11And let them in.
31:13And lo and behold,
31:15my life started going really well.
31:19Are you getting to the advice part?
31:27I just want you to get the same sense of happiness and freedom I found.
31:32And I'd love it if we could share it.
31:36But I also know who you are.
31:39So if you choose to fight,
31:41I'll support you.
31:42A hundred percent.
31:45Pretty smart of Ms. Martinez to bribe him with that bubble bath.
31:48Yeah, mountains of bubbles, all his favorite toys.
31:51Harrison's gonna be in that bath until dinner.
31:54Which means between me and Ms. Martinez,
31:59we can take it from here.
32:00You are officially off the clock.
32:03Okay then.
32:05I will check in with you later.
32:08Hey, Claire.
32:11I hope you know how much you've brightened my day.
32:15I had hope.
32:16There was Harrison and the little pig.
32:21When she wanted that belly scratch,
32:23the smile on your face,
32:24I could see what you must have looked like when you were Harrison's age.
32:29I'm glad we had today.
32:33I just...
32:34I hope I can protect Harrison from what's gone on with his family.
32:41Yeah, I know it's none of my business,
32:43and I don't even know what to say or how to help,
32:47but that confrontation between Jack and Diane,
32:50I mean, I've never seen them so angry.
32:52Yeah, that kind of rage in this house.
32:55I don't want to expose Harrison to it,
32:57but I am at a loss for a solution.
33:01And at this point, we might be past the point of no return.
33:04Just let me have one conversation,
33:07one short conversation with Jill,
33:09you know, I'm convincing.
33:19Oh, what?
33:20Just, um,
33:21just an article from Newman Media about Abbott Chancellor,
33:24that's all.
33:27What'd it say?
33:31What'd it say?
33:34Jill, listen.
33:38Okay, I'll just look it up myself.
33:39Okay, no, no, no, I'll do it.
33:40No, no, no, no.
33:41No, let me do it.
33:47Just says that, um,
33:50you're in over your head, um,
33:53that you bungled a deal with Odyssey 7,
33:57you can't hold on to staff,
34:01and that you basically have no true vision.
34:10This is right from Victor.
34:13You know that.
34:16This is the very thing we have to fight.
34:24What the hell is this, Adam?
34:28Are you going after Billy because of me?
34:38Abbott's erratic management style
34:40has blown apart the C-suite
34:42before the company has even gotten off the ground?
34:45Well, hello, Sally.
34:52Beautiful day, isn't it?
34:55It is, yeah.
34:57Except probably not for you.
35:00You just broke up with Adam.
35:03Hopefully for the last time.
35:06Well, after this hatchet job Adam did on Billy,
35:10I'm glad your son is out of my life.
35:24How you doing?
35:25Did you see this?
35:26Oh, what is it?
35:27It's a hit piece on Billy from Newman Media.
35:31Well, it looks like Victor isn't holding back
35:32when it comes to Abbott-Chancellor.
35:36I thought you'd be happy to see a smear campaign
35:39on the partner that threw you out.
35:42I mean,
35:44I don't know whether to be thrilled or pissed off.
35:48I'm gonna fight,
35:50whether you support me or not.
35:53I wouldn't expect anything less.
35:57I didn't come this far to lose everything
36:00to some lightweight, trust fund baby like Kyle Abbott.
36:07I will take the sod pack,
36:09and the best part,
36:11I'll be taking Kyle down.
36:13You should probably leave before my moods
36:16foil an otherwise great day.
36:19That's not possible.
36:21And I have no place to be.
36:27I do not know how we got here.
36:30Or maybe I do.
36:33And I just don't know how to handle it.
36:36My father has always been my rock,
36:38an example of everything I wanted to be.
36:41Everything I wanted to be.
36:44He's always protected me until...
36:46Until he didn't?
36:50I never saw it coming.
36:53That he and my mother could so easily
36:55push me out of Jabot
36:56and somehow turn me into the bad guy.
36:58I can't even imagine how much that must have hurt.
37:01You know, when my mother
37:03tells me I've failed them as a son
37:06and my father tells me I'm a disappointment,
37:08I try to act like I don't give a damn.
37:12Like I've moved on, but it hurts.
37:15Like hell.
37:17Claire, I thought if I could just
37:20get away from here,
37:22away from them,
37:23then maybe I could find a way to heal.
37:27But after last night,
37:31old wounds were ripped open.
37:33My mother was a gold digger who never loved me.
37:37I couldn't believe they turned on me,
37:39but to see them turn on each other...
37:47My family.
37:49The love that we have always had.
37:53If it's not there, if it was always a lie,
37:55then what else is there?
