• 6 hours ago
00:00Oh, I've done it again.
00:07Done what again?
00:09I'm interrupting, aren't I? You and Stephanie.
00:13You're not interrupting anything. Stephanie's not here.
00:19And for the fundraiser, we're going to need you to stick to these talking points.
00:24We've uploaded your speech to the prompter, but I know sometimes you like to go off book.
00:29Well, I like to feel out the crowd.
00:32If I'm bombing, I'm diverting into my natural way.
00:37Which is why I've also included a list of no-nos.
00:41I think it's best if we just avoid these issues.
00:47Good morning, ladies.
00:49Excuse me, Leo. We're having a business meeting here.
00:53I'm sure it's very important, but this is an emergency.
00:56We are having a major, major PR sniffle with Bonnie and Soul.
01:00And I need you on top of, like, pronto.
01:03It's a sex scandal.
01:10Hey, boss.
01:12Oh, Bonnie. Bonnie, look, I only have a minute.
01:15We're casting a new character.
01:17Oh, yes, I know. Megan Holloway.
01:20Yes, you can just cancel those auditions, actually.
01:24I've been reading ahead, and I know all about the interloper who's supposed to come between Arrow and Fate.
01:29Great stuff, by the way.
01:31Oh, Megan, hi.
01:33And I have found the perfect girl to play the part.
01:37She totally embodies that whole wild child vibe, if you know what I mean.
01:42And to top it off, she's drop-dead gorgeous.
01:46Okay. Okay. Who is she?
01:50Chloe Lane's little sister.
01:52Joy Wesley.
01:57Joy, wake up!
02:02Jeez. Are you trying to wake up the whole hotel?
02:06I thought I was trying to wake up the dead.
02:08I was asleep, Mother.
02:11Well, it's no wonder.
02:14I knocked on your door at 2 AM, too, and you weren't here.
02:19You, um, obviously found time to find out about all the nightlife here in Salem.
02:25So where were you last night?
02:35Happy birthday.
02:36Thank you, Grandma.
02:38I spoke to Allie. She sends her love.
02:41Oh, that's, uh, that's nice.
02:48Anyway, um, oh, I, uh, I got you a birthday cupcake.
02:55Deliciously made by your loving wife.
03:01What is wrong?
03:03Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.
03:06Well, somehow I don't believe that.
03:19Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
03:36Joy Wesley.
03:41No. Not on my list.
03:45Oh, no, I know.
03:46See, Abe, she came all the way from New York City just for the chance.
03:51And really, it would be a shame not to give her the opportunity to show you what she's got.
03:56Because, Abe, this girl is talented. Very talented.
04:02Does she have any experience?
04:04Yes. I'm sure her resume is very impressive.
04:09In fact, Nancy says she was a porn performer.
04:12Look, uh, Bonnie...
04:14Oh, no, listen. Abe, look at it this way.
04:17See, you gave me a chance, right?
04:20And I had zero experience.
04:22But you, sir, you saw my raw talent.
04:26And it worked out pretty good, all right?
04:29Yes, Bonnie, we are. We're very lucky around you.
04:34Thank you, Abe.
04:36See, you, sir, have a great eye for talent.
04:40And I know that you are going to see it right away, whether she has it or not.
04:46And, Abe, between you and me, the girl could really use a confidence boost.
04:51You know, she needs a little direction in her life.
04:54Bonnie, you know that this is a business.
04:57And we just can't afford to have any more difficult personalities on our staff.
05:02Oh, Abe, no, no, no. No, I didn't mean that way.
05:04No, Joy is an angel.
05:07An angel. Very low maintenance. Extremely low.
05:11In fact, I don't want to diss my friend or anything,
05:14but I think Nancy might be the difficult personality in that relationship.
05:19Anyway, Abe, seriously, if you could just give Joy a shot.
05:24And if she bombs, so be it.
05:27I will never mention it again.
05:30Where am I supposed to sit?
05:37Well, looks like you have a little time before you start.
05:42How about right now?
05:49You know, Mother, the whole point of having two rooms is to not have you all up in my business every second of every day.
05:58And just who's paying for those two rooms, Miss Joy Wesley?
06:04Where were you last night?
06:08I went to a bar. Okay. No big deal.
06:12You may have an audition today.
06:15Mom, I didn't get trashed or anything. I'll be fine.
06:20I was just hanging out.
06:24Hanging out? With who?
06:27You were just, you don't know anybody. You were just a baby when we moved away.
06:31It's a bar, Mom. I met somebody.
06:40Are you listening to me?
06:42No, not really.
06:44And no offense, but you are aware that other people have problems as well, right?
06:49Wow. I thought Midwesterners were supposed to be friendly.
06:54Sorry for trying to have a conversation.
07:04I'm Johnny. What's your name?
07:11Hey, Joy.
07:14Welcome to Salem.
07:18Just some guy.
07:23I'm fine. Really, I'm just a bit distracted, I guess.
07:27I was up all night blocking the scenes for today.
07:30Oh, sure. Well, I hope you find some time to enjoy your special day.
07:36Thanks, Grandma. Or should I say Charlemagne?
07:40You heard.
07:43I did. In fact, I'm going to be the one who's directing you today, which I'm very excited about.
07:50Well, that makes all of us.
07:53Actually, I'm only doing it because Leo talked me into it.
07:56Because I guess Hattie refused to die and then just stormed off the set.
08:03That must have been a very exciting day for you.
08:06Oh, yeah. Yeah, especially when she cursed the show on her way out the door.
08:14Uh, I don't think you want to go in there.
08:18Why not?
08:20Well, Errol and Faith, they got a little carried away.
08:25What do you mean?
08:27I poked my head in there a little while ago, and at first I thought, oh, they're rehearsing.
08:31But then I realized they were...
08:36in a sleep-and-love scene for real.
08:44What the fuck?
09:04Actually, I think her curse might already be working.
09:09Why do you say that?
09:14Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have brought up you and Stephanie.
09:18Oh, you're fine. It's not like it's a sore subject or anything.
09:21I didn't really get a chance to talk last year.
09:24After I clumsily walked in on you two?
09:27Luckily, you walked in on our goodbyes, and we had already finished the, you know...
09:31Anyway, Stephanie left so quickly. I don't know where the hell we stand.
09:35Only where you lie down.
09:37Ah, I see. I see the level of our friendship, okay.
09:41I'm sorry, sir.
09:43Okay, so you were saying?
09:45I was saying, Stephanie and I just want to be friends.
09:51We just keep on...
09:56Go ahead, I know you want to interject.
09:58No, no, I'm being respectful.
10:00Okay, it's very unlike you.
10:02Look, Alex, just... I think it's really simple.
10:05Do you want to be friends with Benefits with her or not?
10:09Or maybe you want something more?
10:12Yes, no, maybe...
10:16I don't know what she wants.
10:18Okay, well, here's a bright idea.
10:21Ask her.
10:23All right.
10:25Maybe I should talk to her.
10:28A sex scandal?
10:31The show hasn't even hit the airwaves yet.
10:34Oh, we don't say airwaves, it's a streamer.
10:37We say interwebs. It hasn't hit the interwebs.
10:39Well, it sounds like it's hitting the fan.
10:42This is the last thing Abraham needs right now.
10:44Believe me, I know. Hence my rude interruption.
10:47Steph, we have to nip this in the bud like that.
10:49Leo, before we go to Defcon 1, what is this supposed scandal?
10:54Well, I may not be Lady Whistleblower anymore,
10:57but this little sniffer can catch the first whiff of something newsworthy,
11:01especially when said newsworthiness is of the naughty and titillating variety.
11:06And I have it on good authority that Alex Curiacus is having sex with one of his co-stars.
11:26Just some guy, Mother. I'm sure you don't know him.
11:31Did you talk to your friend who works on Body and Soul?
11:36Oh, yes, I did. I talked to Bonnie, and she's going to try to arrange it with Abe Carver.
11:42He's the producer.
11:44Great. So I have the job.
11:47No, you don't have the job, Miss Entitled.
11:51You have to audition.
11:53But Bonnie said that she's going to try and arrange it.
11:56Oh, I just haven't heard from him yet.
12:01Wait, wait.
12:05He said yes.
12:08Really. Oh, and you're up first.
12:10What? First? What time am I supposed to be there?
12:13Oh, as soon as possible.
12:15Oh, my God. I'm still in my pajamas.
12:18You need to go get dressed and knock him dead.
12:23Can I get you something?
12:25Uh, no, actually. I came by to...
12:31Um, great.
12:33Abe needs me to stop by the production offices.
12:36I already have so much to do with Johnny's birthday party, and now...
12:40What can I do to help? What do you need?
12:43Actually, that's why I came by.
12:45I wanted to see if maybe you could stop by Sweet Bits on your way to set and pick up the cake and bring it with you to work.
12:52Because I would agenda myself, but then I'm just so swamped with everything.
12:56And then Felicity, she didn't have the cake ready yet. She needed a little more time.
12:59Now, Abe, he needs me to stop...
13:00Oh, my God. I know. I know. You had me at cake, okay? I'm happy to help.
13:04You're a lifesaver.
13:05I know. I try.
13:07And don't let on to Johnny, okay?
13:10I also know how surprise parties work, Chanel. Are you sure he hasn't figured out anything yet?
13:14Yes, I'm sure.
13:16Although I haven't seen much of him since production started.
13:19I mean, he's always working super late.
13:22And last night he worked super late, and then this morning he was gone before I got up.
13:26I haven't even got a chance to tell him happy birthday yet.
13:33What do you mean Hattie's curse is working? Has something happened?
13:38Dr. Evans!
13:40My fellow thespians!
13:43William, look at us. Isn't it something?
13:46It is something, all right.
13:49Well, don't have too much fun today.
13:52We wouldn't want to lose University Hospital's top psychiatrist to showbiz.
13:58Or our hospital administrator.
14:00I fear not. I'm just an under five.
14:03That's industry lingo for five lines of fuel per episode.
14:07I'm losing interest.
14:10Well, I don't have any lines.
14:13I just have to take a nosedive down an elevator shaft.
14:16Oh, I know.
14:19Word to the wise.
14:21Make sure there's plenty of mattresses down there before you jump.
14:27Oh, Bonnie. Good, you're here.
14:30Would you please show my grandmother to make-up?
14:33Oh, absolutely. Come over later, I'll show you the room.
14:37It's going to be so fun.
14:39We will catch up a little later.
14:45I didn't mean to scare her, Lina.
14:48But unprofessionalism seems to be running rampant around here.
14:52Miss Adams walks off the set.
14:54Leo Stark rejects all my alt lines.
14:56And I still can't get over finding Faith in Arrow going at it on the set.
15:06Yeah, me neither.
15:10Alex is sleeping with somebody at the show?
15:13Did you not hear me?
15:14Not just somebody. One of his co-stars.
15:17I hope you're not suggesting that it's my daughter
15:21who is a happily married woman
15:23and who is planning her husband's surprise birthday party as we speak.
15:27Madam Mayor! Your Highness!
15:30I am not suggesting Chanel or Bonnie or Hattie for that matter.
15:34There are plenty of other actresses who could have fallen victim to
15:38the hotness of Alex Kyriakis.
15:41Yes, I mean that rocking body of his.
15:43All right, all right, Leo.
15:45How do you even know that this is true?
15:47It could just be some cruel rumor.
15:49Oh, no, it is no rumor.
15:52My sources are never wrong.
15:54And I've given Alex his reputation.
15:56Yeah, well, I don't think you should be talking smack about anybody's reputation, Leo Stark.
16:03Besides, what's so scandalous?
16:06Ghost stars, they date, fall in love all the time.
16:10Who knows, these two could wind up being married for 50 years.
16:13I suppose, but the problem is that this hookup happened on set.
16:18It's a poor stagehand and a very unenviable task of, well,
16:23cleaning up on aisle five if you catch my drift.
16:27Anyway, the point is, Steph, we have got to make this disappear
16:31because a scandal like this, frankly, could take down the whole show.
16:41Oh, how could I be so stupid?
16:44This is exactly, exactly what I've been waiting for.
16:51Damn it.
16:57Hey, shouldn't you be on set?
16:59I'm headed there soon, but first I'm on a secret mission.
17:02I've been deputized as the official birthday cake delivery boy.
17:05Uh, no, I can't.
17:08I have a lot on my plate right now, so I'll just see you over there.
17:12Okay, no problem.
17:16Is everything okay?
17:18Not exactly.
17:20Not exactly?
17:22We can talk about it later.
17:24I think maybe we should talk about it right now.
17:27Not exactly.
17:29We can talk about it later.
17:31I think maybe we should talk about it right now.
17:38I don't think we should sleep together anymore.
17:41Like ever.
17:48Oh, Chanel.
17:50Oh, thank you so much.
17:52Thanks for leaving the time.
17:54I know this was really short notice.
17:57Sure, what's going on? Is there a problem?
17:59Oh, no, no, no. I would like you to re-eat with an actress we're auditioning.
18:05Very short notice.
18:08For a thrival.
18:11Regan Holloway.
18:13Oh, well, okay.
18:17It's a favor to Bonnie, actually.
18:19Well, I am happy to help.
18:21Well, good. You think that you could ask Johnny if he could direct?
18:26Oh, no, no, no, no. Remember, today is the day that I'm throwing his surprise party.
18:30So I do not want to tip him off in any way.
18:33Yeah. I'm sorry. I forgot. So I'll do it.
18:37All right.
18:39So you said that Bonnie knows this actress.
18:42What's her name?
18:44I'm Joy.
18:46And you are?
18:48I'm Chanel. Nice to meet you.
18:52And cut.
18:56Oh, man.
19:06Please tell me I don't have to do that again.
19:10You're a one-take wonder.
19:12Dr. Evans, thank you so much. Truly, we could not have done that without you.
19:18Well, thanks, but the happy coincidence is that it's my grandson's birthday,
19:23and I was glad to spend the extra time with him.
19:28Marlena Evans, you should get a daytime Emmy for best scream ever.
19:33Oh, thanks. You're very kind, but I'm just glad I didn't have a lot of dialogue to learn.
19:37I would have been brilliant no matter what.
19:41You think you might be the slightest bit biased.
19:43I'm just very tasteful.
19:46So, I'm late for my day job, so unless you need anything else from me, Mr. Director...
19:53No, no. You are wrapped, so please feel free to get back to your normal life,
19:58to your very important day job, one that actually matters.
20:05John, your job matters, too. A lot of people are really counting on you here.
20:11Thank you, Grandma. And I know that.
20:14I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I'm just exhausted.
20:17I know you are. Happy birthday, anyway.
20:22I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
20:26Oh, my love.
20:30Thanks, everybody.
20:33And a wrap for me, too, right, Daddy?
20:36Actually, if you and Seth can stay for one more item, it was a last-minute ad.
20:42Oh, not more purple pages.
20:45It's a pink page, Bonnie. Pink.
20:48And you don't even need one. You don't have any lines.
20:55Leo! I don't know what to say. I mean, wow, I actually have a lot to say here.
21:03Have I been upgraded from an under-five to a... whatever you call it?
21:09You call it a day player, and yes, indeed, you have.
21:14Congratulations, Seth.
21:19Leo, I didn't hear anything about this.
21:21Oh, don't worry, Johnny. All of it's been approved.
21:35So, Chanel, I assume you play Fae?
21:38Yeah, I do, and this is Abraham Carver, our executive producer.
21:43Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Carver.
21:46Same here, Joyce.
21:48Oh, and just FYI, my character hates your character's guts,
21:52so please just don't be offended by any of the insults I am about to hurl your way.
21:56Well, I'm sure I've heard worse.
21:59Well, here are the scenes for you two to go over,
22:03and please make it quick. I'm afraid we have a bit of a time crunch.
22:08Great. Oh, hey, thank you for fitting me in. I promise I won't disappoint.
22:18I like the confidence, Jo.
22:20Well, then I must be a good actor, because I'm really pretty nervous.
22:25Well, don't be. I'm pretty new at this myself, so let's just have fun with it, okay?
22:40You know what? I'm just going to brave it.
22:44What? Are you sure you don't want to just, like, read over it?
22:49No, no, I'll be okay. I'll just, I'll get into it as we go along.
22:53Will we throw in the scenes really quick?
22:54No, no, Mr. Carver said we're on a time crunch, so let's, let's just jump in.
23:01Okay, I'm, uh, I'm ready.
23:04All right, great. Then let's go ahead and action.
23:13Just tell me where you were last night, Reagan.
23:16I stopped by the Cheatin' Heart for a drink. Is that all right with you?
23:21Well, it depends.
23:23Did you run into any interesting people there?
23:29Well, if you're referring to Arrow.
23:31Yeah, he was there.
23:35Yeah, he told me all about your little encounter.
23:38Said you play a mean game of pool.
23:41Well, I am flattered by the compliment.
23:45But the truth is, Arrow did beat the pants off me with his smooth, steady stroke.
23:52Swinging through the two ball like it's not even there.
23:55He sure does look fine bending over that table.
23:59You listen to me, Reagan.
24:01You can throw your little schoolyard innuendos in my face all you want, but you will never shank my faith in Arrow.
24:08Because we have been through a long and tortured road, and we are finally together in every way.
24:15Wait, I don't know what you mean by schoolyard innuendo, Faith.
24:21Well, then let me elaborate, okay?
24:24You see, the only cheatin' heart at the cheatin' heart last night was you, you homewrecking bitch.
24:32So stay away from my man.
24:35The real question is, can he stay away from me?
24:40It is so sad I'm supposed to slap her right here.
24:45Slap her right here.
24:52Oh, man.
25:01Okay, Seth, I'm gonna have you right here.
25:06If we could just, um...
25:08There, perfect.
25:10Wait a second.
25:12You're not killing me off for real this time, are you?
25:14No, no. Your job is golden.
25:17We just killed off Charlemagne. Cassandra's not going anywhere.
25:21This'll be the easiest money ever made. Just, um...
25:24Lie back and relax.
25:29Okay, uh, rehearsal, everybody. Are we ready?
25:34And action.
25:36Yes, I know. It's terrible that Charlemagne plummeted to her death in an elevator shaft.
25:42But there's more of Epiconia's serum there, isn't there?
25:47Yes, that's right.
25:50Pineview hasn't seen the last of Charlemagne de La Croix.
26:03Perfecto, magnifique, wunderbar.
26:06Uh, Leo? What the hell?
26:09My grandmother explicitly said this was a one-and-done, and I don't think Hattie's gonna be coming back.
26:14Johnny, where is your sense of drama?
26:18Charlemagne has been back from the dead at least six times.
26:21Seven, if you count that alien abduction during the writer's strike.
26:25Marlena may say that she is done, but this is Pineview.
26:28You never know.
26:29So now we have ourselves a little insurance policy, just in case.
26:35Okay, yeah.
26:38Step all respect wherever you want.
26:42Where is this coming from?
26:44Look, we agreed.
26:46We agreed that we weren't going to sleep together again.
26:49And then we did.
26:51And then we did again.
26:53Obviously, we both have conflicting feelings about it.
26:57And on top of that, we work together.
26:59And Alex, it's just, it's too complicated.
27:02And Alex, it's just, it's too complicated.
27:04And what happened on that set is a mistake.
27:07A big mistake.
27:09I admit it wasn't the best idea, but I mean, Steph...
27:12It doesn't matter anymore anyway, because it's over.
27:16Okay, let's just keep things professional.
27:21Okay, yeah, I get it.
27:25If that's what you really want.
27:28That is what I really want.
27:54So, did I get the part?
28:00I can't tell you because I have other people to see today.
28:04But we will reach out to you if we're interested.
28:10Oh, okay.
28:21Here we go.
28:24Did Mel...
28:26Chanel needs to see you in the hospital room, sir.
28:28She has a question about a scene.
28:31Oh, but we're already shooting in there today.
28:35She's your wife. I don't know.
28:51You mean Morg's flathead.
28:55And since my contract specifically states that I'm extremely claustrophobic,
29:00you might have warned me that I would be in that highly confined space
29:03for which Stephen would get eternity for that last scene.
29:06Oh, I don't look at actors' contracts.
29:08Obviously not.
29:11Each day on the nerdy game.
29:15Oh, I had a great performance.
29:18Have I told you that?
29:20You have.
29:21Oh, yeah.
29:22Anyway, how's Johnny doing?
29:24I heard it's his birthday today.
29:26Yes, it is.
29:27Paulina, how nice to see you.
29:30Mayor Price, if you're here for a doctor's appointment,
29:32you have accidentally wandered into an imaginary land called Pine.
29:36I am here because Chanel was so busy rushing around this morning,
29:40she forgot to take this.
29:42And since I made a trip,
29:44why don't you and I give my best to my son-in-law
29:47and maybe have a piece of birthday cake?
29:50Dr. Marlena Evans to Trauma 2.
29:52Dr. Marlena Evans to Trauma 2.
29:56That is my alternate reality,
29:58so enjoy the party and tell Johnny if he was there.
30:03I'll catch him later on.
30:04We will.
30:12Any progress with that P.R. snapbook?
30:21Uh, I'm not sure.
30:27I was thinking we could run lines together,
30:30if that's all right with you.
30:32Blake and Faith have a scene together tomorrow.
30:35I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.
30:41Man, that cake from Chanel looks amazing.
30:44Red velvet, Johnny's favorite.
30:47Good work.
30:49God, anyway, Leo's going to be bringing Johnny in any minute,
30:51so you distract him while I go out there with everybody else.
30:55We're going to set up a party, all right?
30:57I will keep him in here and I'll keep him distracted.
30:59Okay, good.
31:03Hey, I'll see you guys inside.
31:10Happy birthday, my love.
31:14What are you and Alex doing in here?
31:18No, we were just running lines.
31:21Would you stop lying to me already?
31:23What would I be lying to you about?
31:25Spare me the innocent denial, okay?
31:27I'm not thinking we're having sex in here.
31:31Mom, this is my room.
31:46Did you forget?
31:47The maid was cleaning mine?
31:50Well, the audition went great.
31:53Thank you for asking.
31:55I just have to wait and hear back.
31:58And you know what I'm waiting to hear?
32:01Whose wedding ring is this?
32:12I'm sorry, I don't know what you've been told, but I'm not an actress.
32:15All right, everybody quiet down.
32:17Cheryl's going to be bringing the birthday boy in any minute.
32:23Okay, everybody, time to cut pasta.
32:25Oh, here you guys, here's two for you.
32:28All righty now, Madame Mayor, I have one for you.
32:32Oh, okay.
32:34Well, come on, Paulina, it's a party.
32:36Let's go.
32:37All right.
32:40I'll grab one for you.
32:50What are you talking about?
32:52My God, Johnny, why would you think that Alex and I are having sex?
32:55Because you like it so much the first time.
32:57Johnny, I have no idea what you're talking about.
32:59I saw you, Chanel, okay?
33:01I saw the two of you the other day in here going at it.
33:03Okay, Johnny, this is crazy.
33:05Okay, Alex and I would never.
33:07I said I saw you, Chanel.
33:09And you've been lying to me ever since.
33:11Johnny, Johnny, you please, please listen to me, okay?
33:14It's just going to be more lies.
33:15Just like the day after I saw you with him, you told me you were going to the bakery.
33:19Well, I went there and you were nowhere to be found.
33:21I was running an errand.
33:23In Alex's apartment?
33:25Yeah, no, I heard you guys talking about how I was never going to find out how clueless I am.
33:29I bet you guys have a nice big laugh about how stupid I am.
33:34What a fool your husband is.
33:35Johnny, Johnny, this is not at all what you think.
33:38No, it's exactly what I think, okay?
33:41And don't even bother trying to deny it.
33:44I refuse to believe another word that comes out of your mouth because you're a cheating slut.
33:51Even now, you're lying right to my face.
33:54I can't believe it.
33:57I can't even look at you.
34:00What's taking so long?
34:11What is this?
34:13Happy birthday, Johnny Boy.
34:26What is this?
34:27Happy birthday, Johnny Boy.
34:32You better be, buddy, because Chanel, your wife, did all this for you.
