• 7 hours ago
Take a look at the gameplay reveal for Squadron 42, a third-person cinematic narrative-driven space-flight simulation combat experience within the Star Citizen universe. Embark on an immersive adventure featuring Henry Cavill, Mark Hamill, Eleanor Tomlinson, Gary Oldman, John Rhys-Davies, and more as players fight among the stars in state-of-the-art spaceships. Squadron 42 is launching in 2026 for PC.
00:00:00You want to know what I'm talking about?
00:00:14It's not about piloting the most cutting-edge ships, or traveling to the farthest reaches of the universe.
00:00:18Forging connections that will last your entire life.
00:00:21Fighting to protect your home and loved ones, or even learning what you're truly capable of.
00:00:27Those are just the perks.
00:00:30I'm Commander Ryan Enright.
00:00:32I fly Navy.
00:00:57I fly Navy.
00:00:59I fly Navy.
00:01:01I fly Navy.
00:01:03I fly Navy.
00:01:05I fly Navy.
00:01:07I fly Navy.
00:01:09I fly Navy.
00:01:11I fly Navy.
00:01:13I fly Navy.
00:01:15I fly Navy.
00:01:17I fly Navy.
00:01:19I fly Navy.
00:01:21I fly Navy.
00:01:23I fly Navy.
00:01:25I fly Navy.
00:01:27I fly Navy.
00:01:29I fly Navy.
00:01:31I fly Navy.
00:01:33I fly Navy.
00:01:35I fly Navy.
00:01:37I fly Navy.
00:01:39I fly Navy.
00:01:41I fly Navy.
00:01:43I fly Navy.
00:01:45I fly Navy.
00:01:47I fly Navy.
00:01:49I fly Navy.
00:01:51I fly Navy.
00:01:53I fly Navy.
00:01:55I fly Navy.
00:01:57I fly Navy.
00:01:59I fly Navy.
00:02:01I fly Navy.
00:02:03I fly Navy.
00:02:05I fly Navy.
00:02:07I fly Navy.
00:02:09I fly Navy.
00:02:11I fly Navy.
00:02:13I fly Navy.
00:02:15I fly Navy.
00:02:17I assumed he talked to all rookies that way.
00:02:19I assumed he talked to all the rookies that way.
00:02:22They're getting close, sir.
00:02:31We have to go.
00:02:32We have to go.
00:02:51Go for six.
00:02:53I'm getting a faint contact on Baron 287. You picking that up?
00:02:57Yeah, got it. Scanning now.
00:03:07We're clear. Commercial vessel out of Vega 3. Remind them that civilian traffic is restricted under lockdown.
00:03:14Copy that.
00:03:17Archangel. Archangel. This is Krugeri.
00:03:22Come back, Krugeri.
00:03:24Redirect to sector 7 Bravo Echo for immediate tasking.
00:03:29Copy that. On the way.
00:03:46Stimitar. Stimitar. Reposition heading 038.
00:04:01Copy that. Adjusting heading now.
00:04:05Reaper Squadron. Reaper Squadron. Thanks for joining us. What's your sitrep?
00:04:09In position. Holding now.
00:04:11Understood. Stand by for further orders.
00:04:17All flanks. Bishop wants a loose formation on that vessel so we don't probe up.
00:04:21Copy that.
00:04:47I know I just wrote you, but a couple of hours ago proximity sensors on the other side of the jump got twigged and went dark.
00:04:57Word is it might be that clan that we've been battling with.
00:05:01Guess that last fight didn't scare them off quite like we all hoped it would.
00:05:06Honestly, we've been out here so long I don't know what to pull for anymore.
00:05:13I just wanted to let you know. I'll write as soon as I can.
00:05:18Stay safe.
00:05:43Never gets old, does it?
00:05:51I used to do the same thing when I was first coming up.
00:05:55Post up to the flight deck whenever I could to watch the launches.
00:06:04Have you seen the F-8s up close?
00:06:07No, sir.
00:06:09The thing's a beast. Nimble, too.
00:06:13Twelve maneuvering thrusters and three mains. It sure sounds like it.
00:06:21Captain McLaurin to the bridge. Captain McLaurin to the bridge.
00:06:32I saw you apply to the flight academy again.
00:06:35Yes, sir.
00:06:37Keep your head up.
00:06:39Took me a couple times before I got in.
00:06:42Thank you, sir.
00:06:56All gunners, all gunners.
00:06:58Any gear report to your turret. Repeat, all gunners to your turrets.
00:07:08Oh, snap. I forgot to tell you.
00:07:15I talked to Watkins in logistics and he said the recon team was wiped out.
00:07:19Really? Then why are we sitting here?
00:07:21Bandulon's stupid. If they'd know we know, they would've hit us by now.
00:07:34Man, they're stupid. If they'd know we know, they would've hit us by now.
00:07:36Hey, they can take as much time as they want.
00:07:42As long as they wait more of a chance to .42 to get backed.
00:07:44They can hit whenever.
00:07:47Hey, there you are.
00:07:50Where's your helm?
00:07:52Can't come without it.
00:07:54Come on.
00:07:56Rookie mistake.
00:07:59I've got to get to my turret.
00:08:00Got to go up.
00:08:04Jacob's told me the vandal tried to board ships, and I haven't been able to sleep since.
00:08:09I heard from my buddy over on the beach.
00:08:19I heard we aren't getting any reinforcements.
00:08:24We've got to send them through, right? We've been getting tuned up for weeks.
00:08:28It's this Polo Initiative horseshit.
00:08:31Haka Man's been freaking out about having to make cuts, so everybody's taking hits.
00:08:35Winslow and the Banshee told me they got denied on extra ammo for their main gun.
00:08:40Almost like the suits don't have one attack.
00:08:57Have you heard about this show, Lost Squad?
00:09:00Are they seriously doing another show about the Fall of Calabay?
00:09:07Supposedly out next year.
00:09:14I'll need you to be a big sister to him, okay?
00:09:19Take him to Lake Perion. He's old enough. And teach him...
00:09:24Teach him what I taught you.
00:09:26And do me a favor.
00:09:29Love your mom.
00:10:20All set?
00:10:23Hey, you get any sleep last night?
00:10:25Yeah, me neither.
00:10:29Come on.
00:10:48Just beat that way down, Marty.
00:10:50And stop that bloodshed out there.
00:11:00Oh, bad news.
00:11:02Her goofy was assigned to your rig for this last shift, so brace yourself.
00:11:05Your controls are gonna be screwed.
00:11:15This is Captain McLaren.
00:11:17SITCON upgraded to orange.
00:11:19All reserve personnel get to your stations.
00:11:24Looks like this could be it.
00:11:30Hey, look.
00:11:33I see you up there.
00:11:36You got it.
00:11:54God damn it, Goofy! Get the hell out of there!
00:12:00I'm so glad you could join us.
00:12:03I want you calibrated and ready to fire in five, hear?
00:12:33I don't know how the hell Goofy uses this thing with those settings.
00:12:36I'm just gonna do a full reset so you can get operational.
00:12:39Just follow the on-screen instructions for the calibration program.
00:12:42Stand by.
00:12:44Start with tracking.
00:12:45Since we're out here hunting a Vanduul clan, I'll load up one of their ships for you to follow.
00:13:00All right.
00:13:01You should be all set for controlling your turret.
00:13:03Next up, I'll test your firing mechanics.
00:13:06The system projects simulated rounds, so don't worry about friendly fire.
00:13:29Looking good.
00:13:30Last thing we need to do is verify your targeting.
00:13:32I'll load up a larger Vanduul ship for you to practice targeting specific parts of the enemy.
00:14:00Okay, your targeting is tracking solid, so that should do it.
00:14:04Check any other gunners, and they seem to be up as well.
00:14:08Everyone up?
00:14:10Marcus, test your tilt. System says it's ticking.
00:14:16We're moving out, sir. Seems fine to me.
00:14:19All right, people.
00:14:21Eyes open, mouths shut.
00:14:23Any idea what's happening, sir?
00:14:25You covering your sector and staying off comms.
00:14:28At least that's what should be happening.
00:14:31My money's still on the drill.
00:14:33What'd I just say?
00:14:34Sorry, sir.
00:14:40About time.
00:14:41Shut up.
00:14:47All right, everyone.
00:14:48We're moving out, sir.
00:14:51Attention, Second Fleet.
00:14:54This is Admiral Bishop.
00:14:59For six months now, we have faced an elusive enemy determined to see the Empire burn, and every human with it.
00:15:08There have been battles.
00:15:11There have been losses.
00:15:14Each chance we get, we lose.
00:15:17There have been losses.
00:15:20Each and every one of you has proven yourself time and again, but today I must ask for more.
00:15:29Today, we fight one last battle.
00:15:36Advanced recon indicates the entire Vanduul fleet has just entered the system.
00:15:42This means a kingship is headed our way.
00:15:47Now, some of you will not survive today, but there will be no time for sorrow.
00:16:01We will have to grieve for them later, because two billion souls in this system hang in the balance.
00:16:13There should be no illusions about what we were up against.
00:16:17In the history of the UEE, a kingship has entered human space a handful of times.
00:16:23Battle of Orion.
00:16:26Siege of Tiber.
00:16:28The fall of Caliban.
00:16:31But we are the Second Fleet.
00:16:35History will remember us differently.
00:16:40We will not have to worry about it being kind, because today we will define ourselves through our actions.
00:16:52We will not lose the system.
00:16:56We will not fall back.
00:16:59We will win, because we have to.
00:17:04We fight today.
00:17:06So in forty years from now, when you're surrounded by everything and everyone you hold dear and they ask,
00:17:13What did you do in the Battle of Vega?
00:17:17You can look them in the eye and say,
00:17:21I heard the line.
00:17:25Men and women of the Second Fleet,
00:17:29I am proud to stand with you today.
00:17:33Good luck.
00:17:36Bishop out.
00:17:41Nice speech.
00:17:44Any word from the recon team?
00:17:47Not yet.
00:17:49Let's get into position.
00:18:02Let's go.
00:19:02Fleet, hold fire until my mark.
00:19:32Fire at will.
00:20:02Fire at will.
00:20:27Strip safety's in with Goliath.
00:20:30We'll have to hit them close. I want them live on launch.
00:20:50What are they waiting for?
00:21:29Don't stop.
00:21:34Don't stop.
00:21:39Don't stop.
00:21:45Don't stop.
00:21:50Don't stop.
00:21:53I thought it would be bigger.
00:21:59You're not getting out of here alive.
00:22:19You're not getting out of here alive.
00:22:29Ship's locked, sir.
00:22:35Fleet's ready.
00:22:37Stand by.
00:22:59Ship's locked, sir.
00:23:55Ship's locked, sir.
00:24:18Multiple contacts inbound.
00:24:25Got one! I got one!
00:24:31Good kill.
00:24:42Come on, people! Keep up the pressure!
00:24:44Other way!
00:24:45Yeah, I see him!
00:25:08Keep moving.
00:25:15Oh, he's incoming!
00:25:17Get him! Get him!
00:25:33Now that's how you do it!
00:25:55Good job, all.
00:25:57Stay focused.
00:26:00Tracking enemy sides. Light him up.
00:26:03On it!
00:26:09Target down.
00:26:13Good kill.
00:26:27Good job, people.
00:26:33Gauntlet, I got bogeys I can't shake. I need to brush off.
00:26:36I gotcha, pilot.
00:26:38All right, gunners, protect our fighters.
00:26:41Tracking's on.
00:26:55I just pulled out a clutch locker.
00:26:57Damn it, gunners, take out those tools.
00:26:59Thanks for the help, Cock.
00:27:01You got it. Get back in there.
00:27:04Will do.
00:27:20August, shift your position back and drift eight degrees off X-axis.
00:27:44That should bring that moiler into your field of fire.
00:27:48Redirect to fill the gap and take those gunboats off-integrity.
00:28:36There she is.
00:28:43Push forward. Let's see how strong their line is.
00:29:06Multiple impacts, sir. Could have been capital ship fire.
00:29:20No, it's too focused. It's more like heavy fighters. Do we have a line on them?
00:29:24Turrets have been taken out, sir.
00:29:26Gauntlet, come in. We need you to sweep up some fighters on us.
00:29:37On it, sir. Get us in close.
00:29:40Aye, sir.
00:29:43You're up, turret gunners. We're guarding Bishop here. Make me proud.
00:30:11I want those toolships fried and crispy. Copy?
00:30:14Aye, Captain. Copy that.
00:30:15On it, sir.
00:30:19Set them at it, gunners. It's us or them.
00:30:27Good kill.
00:30:45Captain, those fighters knocked out Garry's shields.
00:30:48Enemy bombers are incoming. Take them out.
00:31:16There. Got one.
00:31:20Here we go. Knock it down.
00:31:35More Vanduul bombers trying to hit the Krug area again.
00:32:05Outstanding, gunners.
00:32:22Thank you, sir. Good job.
00:32:33Hurry up. More incoming.
00:32:53I'm picking up blades. Take them out.
00:33:23Come on. You dig it?
00:33:41You see that?
00:33:43Oh, God.
00:33:59Got to take out that Hunter's small turrets.
00:34:11Got another turret.
00:34:20You dig it?
00:34:47Focus, people. We got heavy fighters incoming.
00:34:58There's too many of them.
00:35:18Keep up that fire.
00:35:25Get ready. More vets coming around.
00:35:28All gunners, get ready to target the main turret.
00:35:40Who's that, Marcus? Can anybody see?
00:35:42Shut up and fire.
00:35:46Take out that main turret.
00:35:52Fox is down.
00:35:59Between the all gunners, take out that turret.
00:36:02We're only targeting right now. We won't survive another hit.
00:36:07Turret down.
00:36:15Tracking multiple inbound boarding spikes. Target and eliminate.
00:36:20We need to get the hell out of here.
00:36:32I need help! I need help!
00:37:07All six of fives, perform and pull away those vandal fighters. Copy? Copy that.
00:37:14More vandals slip past. May planet ball.
00:37:17Copy. Forward inventors onto the ground forces.
00:37:21I'll cut your pads, Agus.
00:37:22Appreciate it. We're really just doing some fire cleanup. We're taking multiple hits.
00:37:263-3-5, break engagement and support. Sort of running out.
00:37:30Charging main guns. Prepping for full spread.
00:37:43Any effects on target?
00:37:57Firing again!
00:38:03We're taking away a power spike from the king's ship.
00:38:14Break, Agus! Break!
00:38:20Agus is down! Repeat, Agus is down!
00:38:24We need help!
00:38:27Flight ops, scramble any available support ships to pick up survivors.
00:38:34This thing is chewing us up, sir.
00:38:36Break engagement with this destroyer. Align for a run on the king's ship.
00:38:43Weapons, I'm going to need you to cook up a firing solution on that king's ship.
00:38:48Hit them with everything we got.
00:38:50Sir, all of our weapons even focused.
00:38:54Right, Mr. Krause? The Vanduul aren't going to blow themselves up.
00:38:59Yes, sir.
00:39:00Wait. Next time we take a hit, drop our shields an extra 30%.
00:39:06Hear that, shields?
00:39:10Adjust heading. Ten degrees port.
00:39:12Aye, sir.
00:39:13Let's get their attention.
00:39:44Oh, no.
00:39:57What I shall be, you will not grasp.
00:40:06Come, Visato. You shall put an end to me.
00:40:11You may do the full thing.
00:40:18Shadow of Kutna.
00:40:35Second shield generator is down, sir. Starboard four exposed.
00:41:08Hit them again.
00:41:10Waiting on you, Mr. Krause.
00:41:12They're going to kill us.
00:41:34Getting power spikes. They're charging up the main gun.
00:41:38I guess you got their attention.
00:42:16All right, people. Five seconds out to the frame.
00:42:20Form up, Cal. You got a point?
00:42:24Copy that. Tally's on me.
00:42:32Echo flight. Echo flight, prep for boost.
00:42:45Let's go.
00:43:04Let's say hi.
00:43:08All copy. Shocks at a ready. Standby for lock.
00:43:16Ready up, people. Enemy Vector is inbound.
00:43:22Copy, Doug. If you can cover, I can make a run at that shield, Jenny.
00:43:26Copy. Hey, Roker. Take Charlie and Delta. Screen up those fighters.
00:43:31Abel, Buck, you're in main. If you run a double switchback.
00:43:35Copy that. Tally's maintain Vector. I'll clear your shot.
00:43:39Got it. All Echoes, stay on the ball.
00:43:42Fire them up.
00:43:48Look out.
00:44:01Cal, I don't think your ship's got the firepower to take that image around.
00:44:06You might be right.
00:44:13You're right. Shield's softened up.
00:44:35I want the business.
00:44:38I want the business.
00:44:41I want the business.
00:44:51Shield's up.
00:44:55Oh, my God.
00:45:11Shields are holding. Barely.
00:45:15That shot took out our main thrusters. No, not us. Them.
00:45:20The kingship shields are down.
00:45:25We don't celebrate until they're dead.
00:45:36Hit them. Hit them.
00:45:49Hit them.
00:46:19Hit them.
00:46:22Hit them.
00:46:25Hit them.
00:46:28Hit them.
00:46:49You will die.
00:46:52You will die.
00:46:55You will die.
00:47:25You will die.
00:47:55You will die.
00:47:58You will die.
00:48:18Health analysis.
00:48:21Health analysis.
00:48:25Sir, kingship's headed right for us.
00:48:28Can we evade?
00:48:30Shot took out the main thrusters, sir. I'm trying to get the auxiliaries online.
00:48:33Getting a rapid increase in the kingship's energy signature.
00:48:36Looks like they're trying to go critical.
00:48:38Even if we dodge, we won't get clear of the blast range on auxiliary alone.
00:48:45Attention fleet. This is Admiral Bishop.
00:48:50You are ordered to immediately withdraw. I repeat, withdraw.
00:48:57All non-essential personnel are dismissed to abandon ship.
00:49:02If you want to volunteer to stay, we can sure use your help.
00:49:10All right. Tell the gunners to concentrate all the power they've got.
00:49:17Maybe we can take out this kingship before it hits us.
00:49:20Yes, sir. Logistics, I want every ion of juice pumped into those guns.
00:49:24If we don't need it to breathe or shoot, I don't want it.
00:49:47This is the escape pod.
00:49:50Vanduul forces have seized control of major systems.
00:50:09There's a port here. Come on.
00:50:13There's a port here. Come on. Go, go, go.
00:50:21Come on. Come on, come on.
00:50:24Come on, come on.
00:50:54Come on, come on, come on.
00:51:20I think I can crouch under that.
00:51:25They're on board. They're on board. Move, move.
00:51:32Let's go.
00:52:10Come on, come on, come on.
00:52:11Hey, hey, hold the door.
00:52:24Come on.
00:52:41I need to find another way out of here.
00:53:06All personnel evacuate ship.
00:53:33All personnel evacuate ship. Repeat, all personnel evacuate ship.
00:54:15Alert. Fire detected.
00:54:18We're locking down. Repeat, we're locking down.
00:54:54Come on.
00:56:18Come on, man.
00:56:24Yeah, this'll do.
00:57:44All personnel evacuate ship. Repeat, all personnel evacuate ship.
00:58:12Alert. Fire detected.
00:58:15We're locking down. Repeat, we're locking down.
00:59:00All personnel evacuate ship.
00:59:02Systems back online.
00:59:04All personnel evacuate ship.
00:59:37Breach detected. Depressurize.
00:59:56Sealing suit.
01:05:07Warning. Oxygen low.
01:05:32Gravity online.
01:06:05Thought I was the only one left.
01:06:07So did I.
01:06:09I need your help with something. Follow me.
01:06:12We're running low on power, so we're gonna have to reroute our energy from our shields to our thrusters to change direction.
01:06:22Take a seat.
01:06:25I need you to steer the ship.
01:06:32Time for your first piloting lesson.
01:06:40We're setting a new course.
01:06:45We're back.
01:06:50Shields offline.
01:06:52Renewing systems online.
01:07:23Come on!
01:07:36Good. Good.
01:07:38Fall back.
01:07:40Shifting power back to shields.
01:07:42Shields offline.
01:07:47Engaging auto-pilot.
01:07:49Cortez! I ordered you to fall back!
01:07:52Can't do that. You're dead in the water and we can help.
01:07:56The situation is under control. You are to reverse.
01:08:00You can't kill it. Not before it takes you out.
01:08:05We are boarded and burning.
01:08:07This is the only way.
01:08:10We'll lock your course and get off that thing. Both of you. Clear?
01:08:16Aye, aye.
01:08:20I will.
01:08:26Damn it.
01:08:38We need to go.
01:08:58Let's do this!
01:09:04We're about to have company.
01:09:07I've got to try and divert as much energy as I can to the engines.
01:09:10So I'm gonna need you to hold them off.
01:09:13Go now.
01:09:14Yes, sir.
01:09:28Our support at lab are all blind.
01:09:34Disabling safeties on the reactor to goose some extra juice.
01:09:39Here they come!
01:10:01Keep it up!
01:10:03Another breach!
01:10:11Take cover!
01:10:17Come on!
01:10:30We're doing good.
01:10:33We've got more doom coming!
01:10:41Major, hit shield 25%.
01:10:47One more!
01:11:08Nice work.
01:11:13On me, quick!
01:11:17Warning! Collision imminent!
01:11:20Almost finished here.
01:11:23Ejection system offline.
01:11:26The escape pod door is jacked.
01:11:30I need you to manually override the door.
01:11:37Give me your rifle. I'll cover you.
01:11:40Give me your rifle. I'll cover you.
01:11:46I just need a minute to finish up here.
01:11:55What's the status on the door?
01:12:03We're good.
01:12:27Don't argue.
01:12:30Just do me a favor.
01:12:36Give this to Bishop.
01:12:38Give this to Bishop.
01:12:42Tell him it's all gonna be okay.
01:12:48Tell him it was a good trip.
01:12:50Warning! Collision imminent!
01:12:52Get the hell out of here.
01:12:55Warning! Impact!
01:12:58Warning! Impact!
01:13:01Warning! Impact!
01:13:04Warning! Impact!
01:13:07Warning! Impact!
01:13:10Warning! Impact!
01:13:12I said get out of here!
01:13:14No, I'm not leaving you.
01:13:16Warning! Impact!
01:13:19Warning! Impact!
01:13:22Warning! Impact!
01:13:28Warning! Impact!
01:13:36Warning! Impact!
01:13:38Warning! Impact!
01:13:40Warning! Impact!
01:14:04I do solemnly pledge,
01:14:06mind and body,
01:14:08that I will defend the Empire with my life.
01:14:14Your application to the flight academy has been reconsidered.
01:14:17Captain McLaren had submitted a letter of recommendation on your behalf before the back...
01:14:21Shh! It's fine. It's fine.
01:14:23You're safe.
01:14:29We may be a small crew,
01:14:31but the work we do matters.
01:14:33Welcome to the Stanton.
01:14:35I'm Eugene Morrow.
01:14:39I'm Petty Officer Webster, Chief Mechanic.
01:14:42This will be your new home.
01:14:45We got you flying with Lieutenant Commander Colton.
01:14:47He's one of our best.
01:14:49Who the hell are you?
01:14:50I'm your new wingman, sir.
01:14:51The name's...
01:14:52You want me to learn your name?
01:14:53You lived long enough for me to care.
01:14:56Baron Actual, we're clear to launch.
01:14:58Launching in three...
01:15:08Fire in the hole!
01:15:38Fire in the hole!
