• 9 hours ago
सच्ची भक्ति कैसे की जाती है __ Pt. Shri Vishnu Kant Shastri Ji Maharaj __ Katha2024


00:00Today, the lovers bid farewell to their aunt and went to the king of Uttar Pradesh.
00:08And went to the king of Uttar Pradesh and said to his father,
00:14Father, give me alms, I want to go to the forest.
00:19Dhruv, what is this?
00:20No father, that's it, I don't want to live anymore.
00:23Now the king of Uttar Pradesh had tears in his eyes, but what to do?
00:27He got stuck between two queens.
00:31The one who is not spoken to, is the one who is bad.
00:34And took the permission of the lover,
00:36took the permission and went to the forest.
00:38And after going to the forest,
00:40because of the presence of God,
00:42after remembering the forest,
00:44while walking, he reached the forest.
00:47The shore of the lake is the tree of peepal.
00:51And sat down.
00:53He thought,
00:55I don't even know devotion.
00:57How do I do devotion?
01:00when I was a child, my mother used to sing,
01:02used to worship God.
01:04That's why, the first guru is my mother.
01:07The one given by my mother.
01:10I used to sing bhajans.
01:12And my mother used to say,
01:14Hey Krishna, Govinda, Hari.
01:17I used to listen to that only.
01:19Hey Nath, Narayan, Vashu.
01:22I used to listen to that only.
01:24I used to sit.
01:26I used to sit and sing bhajans.
01:28And hours passed.
01:30It was afternoon.
01:32At that time,
01:34Narad ji Maharaj, sent by God,
01:40The saint arrived.
01:42From far away,
01:44I could hear Punjab.
01:46And while walking, Narad ji came.
01:48He is a divine child.
01:50But, Narad ji Maharaj,
01:52got up and fell at the feet of the saint.
01:56Beloveds, this is the culture.
02:00In many places,
02:02we see small children,
02:04come in the morning and bow to us.
02:06This shows that,
02:08the culture of good parents.
02:10And, beloveds,
02:12through this story,
02:14I want to inspire you all.
02:16Remember, as soon as you wake up in the morning,
02:18first of all,
02:20tell your husband,
02:22tell your children,
02:24the first thing is,
02:26to take a bath.
02:28You should get up early,
02:30take a bath,
02:32and remember God.
02:38whatever work you have,
02:42your service,
02:44your duty,
02:46make it a habit.
02:48And, if your parents are nearby,
02:50make it a habit to bow to them.
02:54Wherever you go,
02:56before you leave,
02:58do take the blessings of your parents.
03:00If you have the blessings of your parents,
03:04there is no need to worry about anything.
03:10Respect the scholars,
03:12the saints.
03:14Today, Narad ji bowed to us.
03:16Narad ji said,
03:18whose son are you?
03:22I am the son of Uttanpad.
03:24Okay, the king of Uttanpad.
03:26So, here,
03:28Gurudev has come to do bhakti.
03:32And, beloveds,
03:34without telling anyone,
03:36the habit of calling him Gurudev
03:38has increased.
03:40Just think,
03:42you have called me
03:44the son of Gurudev,
03:46but let me tell you,
03:48your age is not yet
03:50to do bhajan.
03:52Now, play, read, write.
03:54No, Guruji, I will do bhakti,
03:56I will do penance.
04:12Narad ji Maharaj explained,
04:16what is your name?
04:18My name is Dhruv.
04:20Okay, so,
04:22Dhruv will do bhakti.
04:24Yes, Guruji, I will do bhakti.
04:26Okay, you will not believe.
04:28So, son,
04:30because Narad ji has recognized
04:32that he is a divine child,
04:34today, I will make him a disciple.
04:36Because, beloveds,
04:38to make a disciple,
04:40it is necessary to be capable.
04:42Not just like that,
04:44to increase the number,
04:46just hold the garland of hundreds.
04:48Be capable.
04:50Don't be one who
04:52drowns himself and
04:54gets drowned.
04:56That's why,
04:58before taking Guru's diksha,
05:00think about it.
05:02And, the one who is going to take Guru's diksha,
05:04also think about it.
05:06In what way,
05:08I am taking Guruji's diksha,
05:10but will I keep my conduct and thoughts right?
05:12I should also make a resolution.
05:14If I have a bad habit,
05:16I will give it up.
05:18Then, taking my Guru's diksha,
05:20then taking Guru's diksha
