• 8 hours ago
00:00Are you alright mate?
00:03300 bucks went missing from the tram.
00:06Carl reckons I took it.
00:07But you can't dad.
00:08Getting the cops involved will make it 10 times worse.
00:10Felix didn't do it.
00:11Then where did the money go?
00:12I don't know but he wouldn't take it.
00:13Not after you've been so good to him.
00:14I don't want to think the worst of anyone, alright?
00:17Unfortunately with Felix's precedent, Carl seemed pretty certain.
00:20And to think I was the one who wanted to give Felix another chance.
00:22I absolutely won't make that mistake again.
00:25Felix only just got that job and started finding his feet.
00:27Why would he throw that away now?
00:29Do you guys think I did it?
00:33Oh, you know, you're just trying to wrap our heads around it all, mate.
00:38One way or another, the truth will come out.
00:49Scene for the big night.
00:50Oh yeah.
00:51I love a little bit of ambiance.
00:53Are you coming to Boilers?
00:55Oh, that sounds like fun but I don't think Byron wants me here.
00:58The kids have made it pretty clear I have to keep my distance.
01:00Oh, that's a shame.
01:03That means you get to miss out on my fantastic outfit.
01:06I believe it's going to turn a few heads.
01:08That definitely sounds worth the price of admission.
01:12But it's obviously the right call to respect the kids' wishes.
01:15I think so, yeah.
01:18Well, break a leg.
01:19I'm sure you'll knock them dead.
01:23I'll go.
01:25See ya.
01:37What do you reckon?
01:38Oh, they came up a treat.
01:39They look great.
01:40Yes, well, thank you.
01:41Do you know, I think your father got more paint on my shirt than he did on the cabinets.
01:45So what, should I use the tiny brush?
01:47Well, it saved me from having to throw that shirt out.
01:50Which reminds me, you should come to this Boilesque tonight.
01:54Well, I assume Byron would rather I skip it.
01:58Oh, surely not.
01:59It is for charity.
02:00I'll text him and ask.
02:02The whole neighbourhood's going to see me.
02:05Why not Dad as well?
02:06Make it even weirder.
02:07Honestly, I think he's coming because of Mum.
02:10They're getting along weirdly well.
02:13It's actually sort of, kind of oddly sweet.
02:16Hang on, what's going on here?
02:17I thought we both agreed we weren't going to let our guard down around here.
02:19I'm not.
02:20I'm just letting you know that I think Mum might be.
02:23And just so you know, I will have my eyes closed when you perform tonight.
02:26The Starkers thing.
02:28As you can see, the Waterhole is currently undergoing its transformation.
02:34Hey, you're still going to be able to go on, mate.
02:36How's the heavy?
02:37Oh, don't you worry about me.
02:38I've reworked my act.
02:39I am still going to give the people what they want.
02:41It's going to be a huge hit, I can tell.
02:44Yeah, I wouldn't jump the gun if I were you.
02:47Well, this protest that Hilary and Moira have organised could derail everything.
02:50I thought you were sorting that out.
02:52Yeah, I tried, but I don't know if it's actually worked or not.
02:55I guess we'll find out tonight, won't we?
03:02Hey, Aaron.
03:04Are you excited for tonight?
03:05Yeah, I think it's going to be a blast.
03:07Yeah, can't wait.
03:08Especially that reveal.
03:09Yeah, I think as long as we can get everyone in the room up on their feet, that's the main thing.
03:13Alright, well, see you tonight.
03:17Mate, he has cartoon laugh out loud every time I see him.
03:20No, I told you, he's just being friendly.
03:22You are so oblivious.
03:23He's the biggest smitten kitten that I've ever seen.
03:26I don't even know if he's actually gay.
03:28Yeah, dude.
03:30Sam, can we get that microphone ready so we can be able to do a sound check?
03:33Good idea.
03:36Hey, guys, what's up?
03:38You seem a bit stressed.
03:39If you guys want to do one last minute rehearsal, we can run through the quarry again.
03:43It's not about the show.
03:45Carl's accused me of stealing from the tram.
03:47He's fired me.
03:49It's not true, but I can't prove it.
03:52Are the police formally involved?
03:54No, not yet.
03:56If the police are still up in the air, maybe it's best you bow out of the performance.
03:59But I didn't do anything wrong.
04:01I believe you.
04:02But if Carl makes a big deal out of this, it could really derail the night.
04:08Yeah, got it.
04:10I'm really sorry, Felix.
04:19Do you believe me?
04:23Yeah, I do.
04:24You made so many changes for the better.
04:26I doubt you'd ruin that for a few hundred bucks.
04:30That means a lot.
04:38I gave you the chance to prove yourself.
04:40And all you've done is show us exactly who you are.
04:42Hang on, let's not jump the gun here.
04:43I'm not even upset with you.
04:44I'm upset with myself for letting my guard down.
04:46But that won't happen again.
04:48This is a parole violation and theft.
04:51Now, brother or no brother,
04:52as a police officer, you have a responsibility to address this.
04:55What about innocent until proven guilty?
04:57Yeah, well, it seems that's only a matter of time.
05:01Because if Carl doesn't make a formal report, I will.
05:15I've been thinking, and tell me.
05:17It's a zip it if I'm out of line.
05:19Sounding ominous.
05:20It's about Nicolette.
05:22I know she really misses living with Isla.
05:25Do you think you'll ever have her back under your roof?
05:30But it'll happen in its own time.
05:34Is this your cue to try and plead Nicolette's case?
05:38Step in and try and fix everything?
05:40No, not at all.
05:42I mean, I'd love to stick my oar in, but the kids have made it pretty clear.
05:46It's not my place.
05:48We all appreciate you taking that on board.
06:17I've been looking for you.
06:21Look, don't worry.
06:23Dad's just worked up right now, but I'll make him see some sense.
06:26Doesn't matter.
06:28Remy said she'll report me even if Carl doesn't.
06:31Well, then I'll work on convincing her too.
06:33And then the next person, and the next?
06:37Is that just my life now?
06:39Needing people to stick up for me?
06:40Maybe I should just accept it.
06:42From now on, whatever I do, people are only going to see my past.
06:46Hey, you can't think like that.
06:49You're religious now, right?
06:50That means that you believe good things happen to good people.
06:53If only it were that simple.
06:55Well, it should be.
06:56Otherwise, what's the point in having faith?
07:00Don't give up.
07:02I believe in you.
07:10I believe in you.
07:31I wanted to say sorry about intruding the other day.
07:32I should have called first.
07:33Oh, no, please.
07:34Don't apologise.
07:36My migraine made me all grumpy.
07:38Are you feeling better now, though?
07:39Yes, I'm fine.
07:40Oh, good.
07:41So, where's Kara this evening?
07:42Great question.
07:43I thought she was meeting me here.
07:44Come on.
07:45Oh, thank you.
07:53If anyone starts singing, I dream a dream.
07:54I'm waiting for the next exit.
07:59Do you need a drink?
08:00Oh, I wouldn't say no.
08:01Just some bubbles.
08:04What is it with you two?
08:06Oh, we just called an early dinner.
08:07That's all.
08:11No, like two people with a lot of history catching up before their son's show.
08:15What are you getting at?
08:16You two just seem awfully close all of a sudden, and it's making my head spin.
08:19Oh, just being civil.
08:21For the sake of the family, that is all.
08:25You made it.
08:26Well, you weren't kidding about that outfit.
08:29This old thing?
08:30Oh, you should see it when I really make an effort.
08:35Come here.
08:36You're going to want to see this.
08:37It's a protest.
08:38Stop the smut!
08:42Stop the smut!
08:43Stop the smut!
08:44Stop the smut!
08:45Stop the smut!
08:49Is this it?
08:50Seems like it.
08:51But what happened to Hilary and Moira?
08:53I thought they were going to bring half of the Irene residents.
08:55Seems like those vouchers you got paid off, Dad.
08:57No, Susan said Moira didn't take them.
08:59Well, I'd still call it a win.
09:01Yeah, no complaints from me.
09:03Will you help me move them along?
09:04Thanks, guys.
09:05Alright, folks, come on, you've made your points.
09:07It's time to move it along.
09:08Look at this.
09:09I mean, it's a lot of pressure being the first act.
09:10I've seen what you're showing and nobody will be disappointed.
09:13That's what I'm saying.
09:14What if I mess up and everything goes too fast and I end up just showing the audience all my bits?
09:18Everything just comes out.
09:19It's hanging in the wind.
09:20It's in the wind.
09:21Byron, we have bigger issues than that.
09:22Felix has pulled out.
09:23We're a man down.
09:24Okay, so the show's a little bit shorter.
09:25Is it really the end of the world?
09:26I could help.
09:28Oh, come on.
09:29You're a man short and not ready for the spotlight.
09:34Show's gone.
09:35What do you mean?
09:39Welcome, my friends, to the home of your deepest desires.
09:43It's going to be hilarious.
09:45It's going to be cheeky.
09:46And when I say cheeky, I mean cheeky and cool.
09:50And best of all, it's all for a fabulous cause.
09:54So, sit back, relax, and put your hands together for the lads of the Errands Bar.
10:55Well, someone in this room has been very, very bad.
10:59It's my duty to pull them back into line.
11:04Would you like to come on to the stage with me?
11:34Hey. Oh. Hey. I was just getting some fresh air.
11:48Yeah, me too. Oh, listen, thanks for my card and gift.
11:53You know, Therese, I really wish things were different. I miss you.
12:02I miss you, too.
12:14Lickety split!
12:17It's Carl with a K, and I'm here what you say. I give bonus in every way.
12:21If you're the nil, don't take the pill. Come see me, I'll make you ill.
12:24Well, alright! Oh, yeah!
12:28My motor's on full, I'm just down the hall. Give me a shout, I'll be at your door.
12:31Just be smart when you make it, cuz it goes down. Don't have to charge.
12:35Oh, you'll be free. Free as a river. Sing it with me.
12:39You'll be free. Free as a river. Yeah! One more time. You'll be free.
12:45Free as a river. Hooray!
13:29Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's taking too long, it's taking too long.
13:37Stop, shall I do this one for you, then?
13:43We have come down to it at last, the grand finale.
13:47But I promise, we won't leave you high and dry.
13:50Thanks. So, what's yours?
13:52I was thinking, afterwards, maybe we could get a drink.
13:55Oh, of course, yeah, that's it. We're all gonna deserve a drink after this.
13:58Yeah, no, I was thinking, maybe just...
14:00So, ladies and gentlemen, one last time, give it up for the boys of the Evansborough Boy List!
15:13That was perfect. You should be so proud.
15:16Yeah, I'll second that.
15:18I've just spoken to the police youth outreach team, and they are absolutely thrilled.
15:22Oh, not to mention the brilliant PR it's been for Macedon's.
15:25Huh. So, what I'm hearing is that you were wrong to ever doubt me, and it'll never happen again.
15:31Yeah, don't push it. I'm still confused as to why the protest was such a fizzle.
15:34Oh, I can shed some light on that.
15:36Irene Rising got hold of some free tickets for an over-70s swing dance event,
15:40and Moira and Hilary were more than happy to take them off our hands.
15:44Really? And that was all your doing?
15:46I couldn't possibly comment.
15:48Susan, you saved our butts. Thank you.
15:51Take the viola.
15:57There you are. You missed the whole show.
16:02Uh, what's going on?
16:04Something felt off about the whole tram situation, so I spent some time sussing the place out.
16:09I thought I was the only amateur sleuth around here.
16:12I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you rifling through my business.
16:15Well, does this change your mind?
16:23Where'd you find this?
16:25It had fallen down a gap between the counter and the register.
16:28But we searched there.
16:30Well, I had to unscrew that loose panel to get to it.
16:33It seems I was a bit careless.
16:36But not a bit.
16:37I knew it.
16:40I feel excited.
16:42I don't know what to say. I'm mortified. I'm sorry.
16:45So am I.
16:49Can you accept my apology, and would you come back to work at the tram?
16:54Clean slate?
16:55Clean slate, yeah.
16:56I can't thank you enough.
17:00You were spectacular.
17:03You were funny, charming.
17:05You are far too kind.
17:06You know, the taller dimension looked breathtaking.
17:09Yeah, you did, but you can do it again if you really want.
17:12Honestly, it was just so good that you could make it.
17:16I saw a whole other side of you.
17:18And I don't just mean the outfit.
17:20You're a very special person now.
17:37I love you.
17:49I'll do the same thing to her.
18:01I have to admit, it was odd seeing my child doing a striptease.
18:05I'm just impressed with his dance moves.
18:07He didn't get his rhythm from me.
18:10Okay, well, I might head home. I need to pack.
18:13Pack? You're going away?
18:15Last-minute decision.
18:17I'm going to Adelaide for a few days.
18:20I think it might be nice to visit Piper.
18:22Oh, that sounds lovely.
18:23Will you both be able to hold forward at work?
18:25Yes, yes, yes, of course.
18:26You just look after yourself.
18:28And give our love to Piper.
18:29I will. I will.
18:31I'll text you.
18:36Another round?
18:38No, I'm good. Thank you.
18:47I was surprised you invited Vic to join us for a nightcap.
18:50Oh? Surprised I?
18:53Because five minutes ago you didn't want to know him.
18:56Now you're getting him like a house on fire.
18:58You sound like Nicolette.
19:00Well, that just tells me that I'm right.
19:05Is there something going on between you two?
19:08Oh, I don't know.
19:10I suppose I realised I may have been a little hasty writing him off.
19:15He really is trying.
19:21Are you developing feelings for him again?
19:27He's caught me by surprise.
19:29More than anyone, I guess.
19:31I think I'm falling in love with him again.