• 2 hours ago
In this interview we dive deep into the pressing issue of air pollution in Delhi, which transforms the capital into a gas chamber every winter. Joining OneIndia is Dr V N Jha, a seasoned environmental scientist who provides expert insights into the factors contributing to Delhi's pollution crisis, including stubble burning, the effectiveness of government initiatives like GRAP, and personal actions citizens can take to safeguard their health.

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00:00Hello and welcome, you are watching One India, I am your host Riya.
00:04And today we will talk about a topic which affects our capital Delhi every year.
00:12Air pollution.
00:14Every year, as soon as the winter season comes, Delhi becomes a gas chamber.
00:20And our AQI, Air Quality Index, reaches the highest level.
00:25But the question is, why does this happen?
00:28And to talk about all these questions, we have Dr. V. N. Jha, who is a senior scientist.
00:35And he has a very good command and experience on the subject of environmental science.
00:41So, let's welcome Dr. Jha.
00:44Dr. Jha, welcome to One India.
00:48Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.
00:53Thank you, Riya.
00:54Sir, my first question to you is, can you tell us, according to you,
00:59what is the primary reason for such severe air pollution that we see here in Delhi?
01:04And every year, in the winter season, we see it in the winter season.
01:09Riya, what happens is, in the winter season, when the surface temperature starts to drop,
01:16the hot air, smoke, smoke, which should usually go up in the temperature gradient,
01:24cannot go up.
01:26It remains somewhere around the surface.
01:29And as the moisture content in the air starts to increase in this season,
01:37the smoke particles, the smoke molecules,
01:42somewhere in the water vapor,
01:45because they dissolve, they become smoke.
01:50That is, the smoke that you see,
01:57that is smoke.
01:58And that smoke is not just water vapor.
02:02There are many particles of dissolved gas in it,
02:05whether it is carbon dioxide or other oxides,
02:10which are deleterious.
02:12Some particles dissolve.
02:14So all of these together make it difficult for you.
02:17They create smoke.
02:19And this smoke is usually around the surface of the earth,
02:24where we are the most.
02:27You will see that when the temperature changes,
02:30after August, September, October,
02:33this is the time when the maximum temperature difference takes place.
02:36Where we are burning at 40, 45,
02:39and suddenly you come to 20, 25, 19, 18.
02:43So that is the reason that the gas dissolves in this water vapor and makes it smoke.
02:51And when we inhale it,
02:54this is the reason for all the problems.
02:57There is one more thing.
02:59There are some satellites of NASA,
03:01which determine where the smoke is forming.
03:08They have a satellite,
03:13which is only for fire information for resource management.
03:17Which we call firms in brief.
03:21So when the satellites rotate on the earth,
03:24then wherever there is fire burning on the earth,
03:28a signature of that comes on it.
03:31And how much infrared signature,
03:35when the fire burns,
03:37the infrared rays come out of it.
03:39It takes it and tells where this fire activity is going on the earth.
03:45So it keeps collecting all these infrared signatures together
03:50and whatever country asks for its data,
03:54requests it or provides it,
03:57it gives it to them.
03:59So the systems that came to us from NASA,
04:03they told that in September and October,
04:07when the wind speed is low
04:09and the temperature changes suddenly,
04:11so at this time,
04:13the pollution in Delhi,
04:15the smoke in Delhi,
04:17the biggest reason they told us,
04:19that the smoke coming from Punjab,
04:22the burning of Parali,
04:24which has infrared signatures,
04:26is around 90 percent.
04:29And the second is from Haryana,
04:31which is a little less than 10 percent.
04:34And the remaining 1-2 percent are Delhi's own,
04:37and the rest are all.
04:39Look, if you talk to any meteorological officer,
04:44he will tell you how the wind pattern is in these days.
04:49So the pattern of the wind in these days
04:52is usually from the western side,
04:56and it comes from Punjab and then it comes to Delhi.
05:00So this wind mostly comes from Punjab.
05:04So whatever pollution there will be in Punjab,
05:06whatever smoke there will be,
05:08whatever the meteorological status there will be,
05:11it comes and freezes in Delhi.
05:13And after freezing in Delhi,
05:15the doors of Nikasi are almost closed from here
05:19because the speed of the wind is very low.
05:22So this is the reason for the smoke.
05:25And in these months,
05:28this is the biggest problem.
05:31Right, sir.
05:32Actually, my second question was the same as yours,
05:34but you covered it,
05:35that the burning of Parali,
05:37the subtle burning in our nearby states,
05:39in our neighboring states,
05:41is a very hot topic,
05:43especially in these days.
05:45And you just told us about it.
05:48So my next question is,
05:50how do you see this issue being addressed?
05:53What are the strategies that we can implement
05:56to mitigate its impact on Delhi's air quality?
05:59Because in the end,
06:00it's the Delhi people,
06:01it's the people of Delhi NCR who are suffering,
06:04who are actually living in a gas chamber,
06:07whether it's happening in the neighboring states,
06:09whether it's happening by Delhi's own fault,
06:11but the payment is being paid by the people of Delhi.
06:16Because you have to breathe here.
06:18If you are here, then you have to breathe here.
06:21What do you think?
06:23Look, I don't want to go into the politics of gas,
06:27because it's a very hilarious topic.
06:32Because 4-5 years ago,
06:34when we used to listen to many politicians,
06:37everyone used to say that this gas comes from Punjab.
06:40Now when the government has changed in Punjab,
06:43then very conveniently,
06:44yesterday I was listening to some politicians,
06:47they said that this gas comes from Delhi, Rajasthan,
06:50and somewhere else.
06:51So look at this,
06:52they have imaginations,
06:53they have a habit of doing a turn and twist matter,
06:57and there is capability in it.
06:59But the scientific basis does not deal with politics.
07:04Science is science.
07:06The data that the satellite gave you,
07:09where the stubble burning occurs in the farms,
07:14where it is extensive,
07:16we have got this data.
07:17This is completely scientific data.
07:19There is no other way to manipulate it in any way.
07:26So what they show,
07:28it comes from Punjab.
07:30As I said,
07:31NASA has said that
07:33about 90% of the wind direction comes from Punjab in Delhi.
07:39So there is no doubt about this.
07:42Yes, sometimes,
07:43if there is a different situation of meteorology,
07:47in which the direction of the wind has changed,
07:49then it is possible that the wind comes from somewhere else in Delhi.
07:52But normally,
07:53this is the pattern of the circulation of the wind.
07:59Now, you said,
08:01how do we see all these things?
08:06See, when stubble is burning,
08:09a lot of things come out of it.
08:12First, the grass that burns,
08:15it is not just straw,
08:18the roots in it,
08:21where there are various complex molecules of nitrogen,
08:26they also exist.
08:28So when it burns,
08:29all these things burn.
08:30So what happens in it is that
08:32the grass of that land burns,
08:35which is mostly carbon.
08:37So carbon dioxide comes out,
08:39carbon monoxide comes out.
08:41Some methane is also produced.
08:44Carbon monoxide is very harmful by the way.
08:48After that, when it burns near the root,
08:51the nitrogen bulbs that come out of the soil,
08:56those that are in the roots,
08:58they burn nitrogen.
09:00When nitrogen comes out of the soil,
09:02then there is a lot of loss to the fertility of the land.
09:06It burns.
09:07After that, phosphorus also burns.
09:10Various oxides of phosphorus come out.
09:13And if recently medicine has been sprayed somewhere,
09:16then what happens is that
09:18those insecticides also burn
09:22and they also go into the air.
09:24So the air becomes very polluted.
09:27And apart from all this,
09:29the particulates that are formed in small particles,
09:33they are very harmful.
09:35Because scientifically we know,
09:38I am a doctor,
09:39so I can tell you that
09:40any particle that is larger than 5 microns,
09:44it has a tendency to settle somewhere in the lung or respiratory tract.
09:50And if it sticks there,
09:52then you will have irritation in the breath, cough, cough.
09:55And after that, there will be a lot of allergies,
09:59you may have an asthmatic attack.
10:01I will talk about that later.
10:03But all the roots of the problems are that
10:08whatever gas is formed after burning,
10:13and the toxins and particulates in it,
10:16all these three things together
10:18make a gas chamber for us.
10:23Especially in Delhi, it is the most affected.
10:26So this is its basic reason.
10:30You have explained this whole thing very well.
10:34My next question is,
10:36not to say,
10:38now in Delhi,
10:39GRAB, which is Graded Response Action Plan,
10:42has been implemented.
10:44GRAB 2 has been implemented.
10:47So, in your opinion,
10:49how effective has this been in the past years also?
10:52And how effective will it be in the future?
10:56I mean, how effective can this GRAB 2 be?
11:01Look, you have answered this question yourself.
11:06It happened last year as well.
11:09So many preventive and precautionary steps
11:14have been taken in the past.
11:16And the overall effect on people
11:21has been negligible.
11:24You must have seen,
11:25odd even numbers have been put,
11:27restrictions have been put on vehicles.
11:30So, that is not the whole cause.
11:33The primary cause is that
11:36the burning gases
11:39have come from Delhi.
11:41They have become smoke and have settled on top of you.
11:44Until it rains.
11:46If it rains,
11:47then the droplets of smoke
11:51will come down with the rain and subside.
11:55If there is strong wind,
11:57then the smoke in that strong wind
12:00will blow it away from Delhi.
12:03So, we know all these things.
12:06A common factor, which is almost static,
12:09is local pollution.
12:12Whether it is from cars,
12:14or coal was used to burn there.
12:17In today's world,
12:18wherever they burn garbage,
12:20wherever they collect garbage,
12:22there is methane collection.
12:25So, if there is strong wind,
12:27then all these things flow in that strong wind
12:30and go to different regions.
12:33But when they are spread through the air,
12:37then its dilution is very high.
12:39So, it does not have an immediate effect.
12:42But what you said,
12:44the various steps that are being done now,
12:47in which you said that we are here now.
12:51So, all these things
12:53have not been scientifically proven very effectively yet.
12:58We speculate now that if we do this,
13:02then it will be like this.
13:04But you must have seen that
13:06the government of Kejriwal or the government before that
13:09did a lot, but it did not have any effect.
13:12So, we do not know how much effect it will have.
13:15Delhi is an industrial city per se.
13:19It is a metropolitan city.
13:21There is no agriculture there per se.
13:23Agriculture is in its outskirts.
13:25It is not necessary that the gas produced by agriculture
13:29or the gas produced by burning there
13:31should come to Delhi.
13:33Where does the wind take it?
13:35That is a matter of later.
13:37But the biggest thing is that
13:39the gas produced in Delhi is persistent there.
13:45And in this, the composition,
13:47if the composition decreases a little,
13:50for example, in some time,
13:53or sometimes the oxides of sulfur become more,
13:57then you will have more loss.
13:59If nitrogen, if nitrous or nitric oxides are formed,
14:02then there is not much problem.
14:04But if the same complex oxides are formed,
14:07which dissolve in water molecules
14:09and make nitric acid or nitrous acid,
14:13then it will be more harmful.
14:15So what exactly will happen in this way?
14:18The smoke that happens every year,
14:20when this problem starts every year,
14:22will tell you.
14:24But there were many effective steps.
14:27I remember that there is a system of aircraft,
14:30UBOX, Onboard Oxygen Generation System.
14:32What do we do in that?
14:34We take the air from outside
14:36and separate all the nitrogen from it.
14:39So what is left is only oxygen.
14:42We give that oxygen to the pilot.
14:45We were developing this technology.
14:48I am talking about 2011-2010.
14:51We were at that time.
14:53And even in those days, the same thing was coming.
14:56You know, our Arvind Kejriwal,
14:58he is from IIT.
15:00Someone told him that this gas separation unit,
15:03if you apply this, you will be fine.
15:05He applied a lot.
15:07It does not affect.
15:09At every level, whatever things are there,
15:11they are all temporary.
15:13Like I said, if it rains once,
15:16then all things come down.
15:18How many people are crying these days
15:20that all this carbon dioxide,
15:22methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen,
15:25all this will affect the weather,
15:29will affect the climate.
15:31This heat trap,
15:35there are gases in it.
15:37So most of the time,
15:39the level of the atmosphere
15:41which is around the earth,
15:43there is a troposphere at the bottom.
15:45And this troposphere,
15:47its height is about 10 km to 14 km.
15:5110 km is in the polar region.
15:5314 km is in the equatorial region.
15:55So what happens in this?
15:57All climatic phenomena run in this.
16:00As you go up,
16:02the temperature will decrease.
16:04So the hot air,
16:06which was made by burning coal,
16:08when it rises up,
16:10then its temperature
16:12gradually starts to decrease.
16:14As the temperature decreases,
16:16its density increases.
16:18As the density increases,
16:20it comes down.
16:22So a convective current
16:24is set up around the earth.
16:26All these factors,
16:28these are all temporary factors.
16:30It will decrease at night,
16:32or when it rains,
16:34it will completely stop.
16:36Then in the coming days,
16:38it will gradually increase
16:40because the humidity will increase again.
16:42Nature is a very big doctor.
16:44It controls all these things.
16:46So effectively,
16:48in which year,
16:50in which month,
16:52exactly what will happen,
16:54we cannot predict.
16:56But by and large,
16:58we know that this is going to happen.
17:00We know that every year,
17:02as soon as September ends,
17:04October is going to start.
17:06Then Diwali comes,
17:08festivals start.
17:10So no matter how much you deny,
17:12people make firecrackers.
17:14Do as much awareness as you can.
17:16Pollution happens.
17:18The government already knows this.
17:20So if you don't work all year,
17:22if you focus now,
17:24of course,
17:26there will be no result.
17:28So is there a way
17:30or a measure
17:32that we can do from the beginning
17:34so that in the coming months,
17:36in the coming days,
17:38we can manage
17:40some things
17:42so that the number that is crossing 350,
17:44400 last year,
17:46we crossed 500.
17:48So we don't have to cross that.
17:50You have asked
17:52a lot of questions.
17:54If I tell you
17:56the answer,
17:58this question
18:00is in everyone's mind.
18:02When farmers cut paddy
18:04or when they cut
18:06any crop,
18:08these stubs
18:10are very useful
18:12for farming.
18:14I know this.
18:16I have come from a village.
18:18I spent my childhood in a village.
18:20We used to see that when
18:22paddy was cut from our field,
18:24as soon as paddy was cut,
18:26once the crop came,
18:28it was plowed.
18:30And what happened in that plow
18:32was that the stubs
18:34had a layer of soil
18:36on top of it,
18:38which in the coming
18:40week or month
18:44became a fertilizer
18:46for that land
18:48because the nitrogens and phosphorus
18:50in it stayed on the ground
18:52So nowadays
18:54there was
18:56a scheme in which
18:58the government started
19:00buying this fertilizer.
19:02Whether you make composting
19:04or bran oil,
19:06ethanol, biogas,
19:08biofuel, paper, handicraft,
19:10a lot of power generation,
19:12they have tried everything.
19:14But the mindset
19:16that we have here,
19:18this mindset changes very slowly.
19:20Especially among farmers,
19:22some people,
19:24farmers are educated today,
19:26but those who have traditionally
19:28been farming, it is very difficult
19:30to change their mindset.
19:32The same is happening in Punjab.
19:34Punjab is the biggest
19:36bowl of food
19:38for farming.
19:40So no one
19:42is strictly ready
19:44to tell the farmers
19:46that you do it this way,
19:48you give it to us,
19:50that will not happen either.
19:52But look, a very small thing,
19:544-5 years ago I suggested
19:56in a small group that
19:58today there are cultivators
20:00in Punjab.
20:02You cut the crop in the cultivator,
20:04its grain is separated there,
20:06the grass is separated,
20:08and you get the
20:12and you do everything.
20:14I said that
20:16put a small hole
20:18at the back of that machine
20:20which will cut
20:22only one layer of soil
20:24and put it on the cultivator.
20:26So you don't have to
20:28do anything further,
20:30those stubs will not remain in your field,
20:32you don't have to burn it.
20:34But look,
20:36our country
20:38is a democratic country,
20:40everyone has their own opinions,
20:42all governments have their own opinions,
20:44some people raise their hands
20:46to help others,
20:48some people raise their hands
20:50to cut others,
20:52I will not go into all this.
20:54But the net result is that
20:56to change the farmer's mindset,
20:58a comprehensive program
21:00is not made by the state government,
21:02it cannot be made by the central government.
21:04The chosen government
21:08if it says that you do this,
21:10then gradually this
21:12mindset will change,
21:14otherwise it will not change.
21:16Now let's enjoy,
21:18in Delhi, if the government is one,
21:20and the second government
21:22is in Punjab, then they enjoy
21:24each other,
21:26so politics has become a different thing.
21:28But it is necessary to change
21:30the farmer's mindset.
21:32These stubs,
21:34these cultivators are very rich things,
21:36a lot of things can be made
21:38in this. So as I
21:40said, everything can come from this.
21:42So to
21:44utilize it scientifically,
21:46or to control it,
21:48or to put it in the field,
21:50is the easiest way
21:52that the farmers
21:54will have to adopt
21:56in the coming years
21:58or decades. The sooner
22:00the better.
22:02Right sir. You
22:04talked about stubble burning,
22:06we covered this topic.
22:08But somewhere our
22:10industrialization, the constructions
22:12that are happening,
22:14construction is happening every day,
22:16after that,
22:18there is less space on the roads
22:20and there are more cars
22:22in today's time.
22:24People are able to walk faster
22:26rather than cars, because there is no space
22:28to move the cars because of the traffic.
22:30So this is also
22:32a major component
22:34in pollution.
22:36So we can control this,
22:38because it is in our hands.
22:40The weather is not in our hands,
22:42the air will flow or not,
22:44it will rain or not,
22:46only nature can handle this.
22:48But what is in the hands of humans,
22:50what can be done
22:52in this?
22:54When should we start taking measures
22:56so that there is not
22:58such an adverse effect in these months,
23:00in these 4 months?
23:02See, as I told you,
23:04in these 4 months,
23:06all the other industries,
23:08whatever things are there,
23:10they work in the same way.
23:12In these days,
23:14the effect is only this much
23:16that some things of agriculture
23:18can be burnt,
23:20this can be done in these days
23:22or this is the time
23:24to dispose of it.
23:26Secondly, the temperature will be low,
23:28you will see in the coming days,
23:30there will be small groups,
23:32whether it is a village or a city,
23:34all the garbage,
23:36or grass,
23:38it will be used to burn firewood.
23:40In the morning and evening,
23:42people enjoy
23:44the heat.
23:46We used to call it
23:48ghoor in Maithili,
23:50but it is a small collection
23:52of garbage,
23:54in which people
23:56set fire
23:58and sit there
24:00to feel a little heat.
24:02This will also be there,
24:04there will be smoke,
24:06there are other things in it,
24:08sometimes plastic comes in it,
24:10and when it burns,
24:12the smoke is more toxic.
24:14So, in these 4 months,
24:16all these things
24:18will be available to you,
24:20all these additional things
24:22will be available
24:24in the form of pollutants.
24:26The rest of the industries,
24:28they will run in the same way,
24:30the only difference is that
24:32as I said,
24:34if the gas is hot,
24:36the air comes out of it,
24:38or the exhaust comes out of it,
24:40it used to go up first,
24:42in today's days,
24:44it will cool down immediately
24:46and will be around the surface.
24:48And when we inhale it,
24:50after inhaling it,
24:52as I said,
24:54the respiratory tract
24:56is affected the most.
24:58So, the gas we inhaled,
25:00the irritation
25:02that started in the lungs
25:04or in the mucous membrane,
25:06it can cause asthma,
25:08it can cause wheeze,
25:10nose water,
25:12in the respiratory tract,
25:14which becomes vulnerable
25:16to many types of infections,
25:18which is already
25:20respiratory disease,
25:22whether it is obstructive or otherwise,
25:24all of them become exaggerated.
25:26Even heart diseases
25:28become exaggerated
25:32the heart pumps
25:34oxygen to the tissues of the blood.
25:36When oxygen is less,
25:38carbon monoxide
25:40also comes out of it.
25:42Carbon monoxide
25:44is such a gas that
25:46if we inhale it,
25:48it reduces the capacity
25:50to carry oxygen to the blood.
25:52If there is a respiratory
25:54patient or a heart patient,
25:56they need to
25:58give more oxygen.
26:00And just giving oxygen does not work
26:02because carbon monoxide
26:06100 times
26:08more capable
26:10of sticking
26:12to hemoglobin.
26:14So, the oxygen
26:16that sticks to RBC or hemoglobin,
26:18that hemoglobin does not work
26:20in its capacity,
26:22people have to
26:24endure a lot of it.
26:26So, all the respiratory
26:28patients, whether they are heart patients,
26:30all of them
26:32have hemoglobin.
26:34If you give it more oxygen,
26:36it does not benefit much.
26:38So, these are two immediate
26:42Apart from this,
26:44if there is an athlete,
26:48there is smoke in the morning,
26:50if he wants to run,
26:52his effort tolerance
26:54reduces completely.
26:56He starts panting in a short time.
26:58In the same way,
27:00you can imagine
27:02the toxins that come out,
27:04those toxins can
27:06be cancerous over time.
27:08Especially the toxins of phosphorus
27:10and sulfur,
27:12or the toxins of plastic
27:14can cause cancer.
27:18you keep counting one by one,
27:20how much gas you have inhaled,
27:22how long you have inhaled it.
27:24There is no choice,
27:26we have to inhale it.
27:28The harmful effects of
27:30all the time you have inhaled
27:32will have to be tolerated by our body.
27:34It is said that
27:36all the
27:38roots of
27:40kufr are there.
27:44is very high.
27:46The chances of death
27:48are very high.
27:50We know all these things,
27:52the medical effects.
27:54In these 4 months,
27:56we have to
27:58reduce the
28:00gas exhaustion.
28:02Especially the
28:06See, I told you again that
28:08the exhaust of cars
28:10is as much as it runs.
28:12In this season,
28:14when it gets cold,
28:16these gases
28:18stay at the lower level of the air.
28:20We have to inhale it.
28:22When the temperature
28:24is high,
28:26the chances of
28:28gas going up
28:30are very high.
28:36since the creation of the earth,
28:38it is a cycle.
28:40This cycle is always going on.
28:42All these things
28:44will keep happening.
28:46The population is very high.
28:48Diseases are increasing.
28:50People's vulnerability is increasing.
28:52Our lifestyles
28:54are not very healthy.
28:56As I told you,
28:58very few people
29:00exercise these days.
29:02Those who do exercise,
29:04if they run
29:061 km in the smoke,
29:08their effort
29:12We have to take care of all these things.
29:14We have to live like this.
29:16We can't change the earth.
29:18We can't go anywhere
29:20hiding the earth.
29:22We have to adjust here.
29:24We have to be sensitive
29:26for others.
29:28Punjab has to be sensitive
29:30that the smoke,
29:34will come to Delhi,
29:36will go somewhere else.
29:38They have to think about this.
29:40They have to think that
29:42if people start doing this in Pakistan,
29:44then all the poisonous gas
29:46will come to Punjab.
29:48The people of Punjab will get sick.
29:50We have to keep this
29:52sensibility in humanity.
29:54In the same way,
29:56we have to take care of others
29:58and move forward.
30:00So, if I
30:02conclude this,
30:04people have to be aware.
30:08We have to share
30:12We have to tell people.
30:14Sensitization is very important
30:16at this time.
30:18A person should think about
30:20his profit later,
30:22but first think about humanity.
30:24My profit
30:26is not harming anyone else.
30:28Along with this,
30:30we have to do
30:34We have to take care
30:36of ourselves.
30:38We have to protect ourselves.
30:40By doing this,
30:42we will be able to
30:44get through
30:46this four-month
30:50We will be able to
30:52get back to our lifestyle.
30:54Because the weather
30:56is not in our control.
30:58We have to
31:00do self-protection.
31:02We have to take
31:06We have to tell people
31:10right in this four months,
31:12what we can do best
31:14for ourselves is
31:16to take precautionary measures.
31:18We should not go out much.
31:20We should stop morning walks
31:22and evening walks.
31:24If we sit at home,
31:26we will be safer
31:28from breathing in the air.
31:32thank you so very much
31:34for taking out your time
31:36to explain everything
31:38to our people
31:40in such a good way.
31:42This is a natural phenomenon.
31:44We can say
31:46for the people of Delhi
31:48that there is a time
31:50which will pass
31:52after some time.
31:54We all have to stay
31:56safe so that
31:58we do not get infected
32:00with a big disease.
32:02We should keep ourselves safe.
32:04Thank you so very much.
32:06I am very happy
32:08that you brought this topic
32:12You and the media
32:14have played a role in this.
32:16This is the first time
32:18I am talking about this on your channel.
32:20There is a lot of politics in the media
32:22and the public's
32:24interests are limited.
32:26It is you
32:28who are going to
32:30educate the population.
32:32The more you
32:34put these things
32:36in your viewership,
32:38the more effective it will be.
32:40Thank you very much for having
32:42this discussion.
32:44Thank you so very much.
32:46Thank you, Jhanser.
