00:00Lord, speak to our hearts. We love you, man. You're at home.
00:19In the words of Boaz to Ruth, you have no more fields to search for the barley is in
00:26the land that your God has prepared for you.
00:32See, these young people got some stuff y'all didn't have to deal with.
00:40Can I just have my time? I'm going to get out of the way, see. Y'all don't understand.
00:48We think that because we're grown. They couldn't have made it in your time, but let me tell
00:52you, you can't make it in theirs. When you were growing up, all you had was one or two
01:00bullies in the school. They got thousands coming at them online. They've got all kinds
01:05of temptations. They've seen more in 16 years than you've seen in 50. They're 17, 18 years
01:14old. They've seen people die on their phone.
01:23The Lord gives you the grace to handle the battle you're in. And don't you ever minimize
01:29somebody else's battle because you don't have to fight it.
01:37In this room, 25 and beneath, raise your hand. Lord, I speak a quarter century anointing.
01:47I speak it. And what I mean by that is I pray God that you would give them old wisdom at
01:53a young age, Kelly, you're going to have to hop over the mistakes we made.
02:06We failed so you could stand. I speak to you in that audience. I'm speaking over your
02:14sons and your daughters, Johnson girls. Y'all hear me? It's a job to be connected to anointed
02:22parents, sons, Johnson boys. You hear me? When the Lord works with your parents, once
02:31they get fortified, he goes right around them and comes to you. You got a standard
02:39you got to uphold. You're a Johnson. Call out your last name. I'm a what? I'm a Henderson.
02:48I don't know who this boy mama is right here, but that boy got an anointing on him. I saw
02:57him when he walked in the room today. I saw him preaching the gospel. I saw him preaching
03:04the gospel. I told him in his ear, say no to drugs. Say no to games. Say no to the wrong
03:13activity because the devil is going to try to rob you of that anointing before you get
03:17started. But eyes have not seen, ears have not heard. You can't even imagine what God
03:21is going to do with you, young man. Receive the word of the Lord, son. Yes, sir. When
03:28you see a man, you look him in his eye. You say, yes, sir. No, sir. You shake his hand.
03:33You look him in his eye. Let your yes be yes. Let your no be no. If you don't mean it, don't
03:38say it. And if you mean it, stand on it. Stop letting the devil back you off your dreams
03:50because you're scared of getting your feelings hurt. Stand on it. Touch two people, say stand
03:54on business. I'm still going to give you this word. So you see, because I want, I want us
04:14to, I know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to me, I know I've, I've had enough encounters
04:18in here where I said that was enough, but I know when he gave me a word to give to you.
04:25And although you may be here longer than you want to be here right now, this is going to
04:29save you time in the future. I want you less concerned with how long you've been in church
04:38and I want you more concerned with how long you've been in that situation. How long have
04:45you been depressed? How long have you been insecure? How long have you been stuck? I
04:51come to get you unstuck today. Somebody shout, I'm about to break free. Last week I preached
04:57a sermon called what? I ain't going out like that. I'm a pick right up where I left off
05:03today. The Lord told me to talk to you on this subject. Anybody worried about anything?
05:08Worried about anything? Be honest because ain't no future in your front. If you worried
05:16about anything, the Lord told me to tell you today, tomorrow is taken care of. If you believe
05:27it before you sit down, just touch everybody you can reach and tell them tomorrow is taken
05:34care of. Bless you, Holy Spirit. Thank you, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Father God.
05:51We're still in revival. You know that Bishop, Bishop, we're still in revival. Still in revival.
05:57I've been hypersensitive to society as a whole. And what I am discovering is that the spirit of
06:12pride has caused the people of God to be overly enamored by how much they know. You should pay
06:27attention to the atmosphere. Everybody trying to get everybody straight. You could post something
06:37online right now and say, the Lord wants you to forgive everybody. That's indisputable. But
06:45some know it all going to come on up. But what happens if? Ain't no but what if. You have to
06:55forgive those who offend you 70 times 7. That is not a mathematical equation. It just means every
07:01time you're offended, you got to get over it. Everybody is intoxicated by knowing. Like we
07:10even, we have awards and programs and plaques and appreciations and gifts for the smartest kid in
07:23the class. The biggest thing going on right now is AI, artificial intelligence, because being
07:31intelligent enough on our own isn't enough. Now we got to go seek it from computers. We know more
07:40than we've ever known. Somebody in this room right now, 50, 60 years old, you give them a cell phone
07:47and tell them to download an app and they just going to hand it to somebody. Yeah. I didn't say
07:59everybody. I know some of y'all how to do it. But the older we get, the more afraid of technology
08:04we get and we give it to our young people. And now you can see a three-year-old at IHOP
08:09downloading an app, watching a whole movie, two years old, fast forward and rewinding and going
08:18through the screen and going to their bank account and taking out $5 and going back to baby shark.
08:23Have you seen how fast these kids are learning? The worst thing that we did when we were growing
08:37up is open a refrigerator without permission. Maybe going outside and coming home after the
08:44streetlights was on. It is a fact that they have kids now who can hack into systems that have
08:54firewalls. It's knowledge, knowledge, knowledge. The more you know, the more you grow. No, no,
09:02go to college, go to school, get a degree, knowledge, knowledge, knowledge. And yet,
09:06we are the most intelligent generation ever with the lowest emotional resilience. Because your son
09:17knows how to play a video game, but he's ready to shoot you if you take the controller from him.
09:22Because we're smarter than ever, but we're more emotionally unstable than ever. And this is not
09:34just a young people's problem because there's some grown, married, 401k having, 403b having,
09:49diversified portfolio, stock option having people in the room right now that your next
09:55situation is going to also send you into a tailspin because you are the manager,
10:03but you're not managing it. Emotions all over the place. And we don't even know,
10:13we don't know. And this is how you know you're not emotionally intelligent is because you don't
10:19recognize what you did until after you've done it. See, emotional regulation means that I have
10:28the ability to feel the emotion coming, and then I can self-correct and do something before I
10:34self-destruct. But I would sense that there are at least 20 to 30% of the people in this room,
10:43and those are the only ones of us who are going to be honest and tell the truth. The other 70%
10:46are with us, but they won't say it, that most of your actions are reactive according to the
10:54circumstance that's in front of you. And instead of taking responsibility for how you reacted,
11:00you blame them for how you acted by saying, if they had not done this, then I would not have
11:10done that. But the truth is, if that wasn't in you, then it wouldn't have been an available
11:21option for it to procure when you're in the face of a predicament. Everybody say emotions. They
11:30say that 320 million people in the earth suffer with anxiety disorder. 8 billion people on the
11:39earth, 320 million people. It's about 19% to 20%. That means the total population of the United
11:45States of America, somewhere around 320, 360, going up to 400 million. So the entire population
11:50of the United States of America globally, they could fit us all into this country,
11:54have anxiety issues. That means on every row of 10, there's two or three people in there that
11:58are suffering with anxiety issues. Somebody who feels a tension in certain circumstances.
12:09Now, it doesn't always produce itself in a disorder, but we're anxious. And here is the
12:13deal. You've got two options with really only one that makes sense. The only one that makes
12:19sense is to live in the present. But most of us live in the past and in the future. And when you
12:26live in the past, you suffer from depression. When you live in the future, you suffer from anxiety.
12:31And so there's half of the room is depressed. The other half is anxious. And for men,
12:38we don't know which one we are because whether we're anxious or depressed, the only thing we
12:43know how to be is angry. And so we're angry. That's why your girl keeps asking you what's
12:49wrong with you. And you keep saying nothing. You're not mad, but you appear mad. You're not,
12:54you're not angry, but you appear angry because you don't have a diversified portfolio of emotions.
13:00And so whenever you do something, you do it the same way, even though you have different stimuli.
13:04Are y'all talking to me? And ladies, although you have a multitude of emotions and you can enact
13:11yours in opposite ways than we do, just because you have more emotions doesn't make you in control
13:18of your emotions. So there are a lot of women who will say, you know, you know, men are subservient
13:24that we're more emotionally mature. That may be true as a case study, but when you are emotional,
13:31you are out of control of your emotions. And when you are out of control of your emotions,
13:36it overtakes your intellect. And that, that gets you to the place where you know better,
13:41but don't do better. Oh, come here. Y'all talk to me. You see why I couldn't let you just worship
13:46and get out of here. Studies suggest that for every point you gain any emotional quotient,
13:53you can add $1,300 to your annual salary. People who are emotionally stable make on average $29,000
14:04more per year than people who are not. So your problem with you ascertaining more on the job
14:12is not racism all the time. It's not because they ship the jobs overseas. It's not because
14:19the boss don't like you. It's because you don't recognize you are too emotional to be somebody's
14:24manager. Come on, y'all. Come on. Talk to your boy. Touch your neighbor. Say he ain't talking
14:29about nobody. He just talking about what he's talking about. Lord, Lord, please. Jesus blessed
14:35me with a husband. I met a certain age. God says I would, but you're too emotional. God
14:42blessed me with a wife. A good thing. I would, but, but, but you're too emotional. God, God,
14:48I want to open up a company. I want to make $2 million a year. I would, but there is some
14:52emotional damage that has to be repaired. There are some emotional things that have
14:58to take place on the inside. And the truth is everybody in here, whether you admit it
15:03or not, you are worried about something. One of the things I don't like about church is
15:08everybody come here and act like they already got together. If you did, why are you here?
15:13Touch the neighbor and say I'm a mess. Toe up from the floor up. If you knew my real life,
15:16you probably would throw up. I'm here because I need God. Anybody need God? Anybody online?
15:22Because I want to even the playing field because the church folk can make you think like, Oh,
15:26I can handle anything. And then go outside and cry and want to jump off a bridge. I'm
15:31talking to people in here today that if you're really honest, I got three Bibles. I got five
15:36apps. I know all the church songs, but if that thing get on me, I'm worried about my job. I'm
15:49worried about my health. I'm worried about my relationship. I'm worried about the country.
15:56I'm worried about politics. I'm worried about my family. I'm worried about my enemies too,
16:05because I'm so close. We're just worried, worried, worried, worried, worried, over,
16:14over worry. And then this is what happens because we're obsessed with IQ and not EQ.
16:18Then we think that the solve for our issues is to know more, but knowing more makes you an
16:27overthinker, not an overcomer. I'm going to talk to somebody here. See, listen, you're going to
16:35have to get to the place in life where you are comfortable, even when you don't know what's
16:39going to happen next. For we walk by faith and not by sight. The fact that you have to know what
16:49tomorrow looks like means that you are a small G O D because God is the only one who knows
16:55yesterday, today, and forever more. And anytime you got to know yesterday and today and forever
16:59more, you are trying to be a small God. He never called us to be omniscient. He called us to walk
17:07by faith. That means sometimes you have to understand that you're going to wake up and
17:11not know what's going to happen. But here's what Matthew said, don't worry about tomorrow because
17:16tomorrow will worry about itself. Touch my name and say, don't worry about tomorrow. You might get
17:24that amount that they might give you a pink slip. You might get laid off, but guess what? That just
17:28mean that God is trying to get you out of a job that you wouldn't quit five years ago when he
17:31told you to. There are some things that God does. He is the only one who holds tomorrow. I came today
17:41to get you to trust God today, even when you want today to be over. Have you ever said, Lord, I just
17:52want to go to sleep and wake up and it'll be tomorrow? You can hear people say right now, just
17:57throw the whole 2024 away. Just throw the whole year away. No, there were lessons that were
18:09learned this year that's going to help you to make next year better. This may not have been your best
18:16year, but at least it was a year because millions didn't make it. But I am one, oh my God, I just
18:26touched three people to say I am one of the ones that did. Ruth chapter 2 is set in the period of
18:35the judges, which automatically lets us know that Joshua, the progenitor of Moses, has now died. And
18:44the reason why they're in the period of the judges, because they come through the judges and the
18:48children of Israel look at all of the other nations. They look at Babylon, they look at all of the other
18:53places and they say, you know what? They have a king, so we want a king. And so now as a result of
18:59their request, they move from a theocratic God centered religious movement into a hierarchy. And
19:05now they have kings and queens. And now as Saul comes in, the Bible says that he's head and
19:11shoulders above everybody else. He's the first king Israel picked. It wasn't the king that God
19:15picked for them. It was the king that they picked for God. And the reason why we know that is because
19:20the Bible says that he put the oil in a flask and when he went and poured the oil on it, he was
19:27anointed. Why? Because God will anoint your choices. I'm gonna say that again. God will anoint your
19:33choices. So he was anointed. But see, it wouldn't flow because when they took that same flask and
19:38tried to anoint David, it didn't flow. It didn't flow. It only flowed over David's head out of a
19:44horn. Why? Because God is the only one who can make a horn. He didn't make the flask, he made
19:51the horn. So when God makes a thing, he'll allow his oil to flow on a thing. And just because there
19:58is oil on a thing didn't mean God placed it there. Y'all not listening to me. God will honor your
20:04decisions. Touch three people and say God will honor your decisions. Tell somebody else, he'll
20:08honor your decisions. So now we're set. Now, now, now they got the problems of monarchy when they
20:16had the blessing of theocracy. Because anytime you lay down what God gave you for a, watch this,
20:25for a version of what he gave somebody else, you got to understand not only do you get the blessing,
20:31but you also get the burden. And that's why you got to be careful when you are jealous and envious
20:37about what somebody else has, because you don't know what kind of hell they had to go through
20:42to maintain what they have. Touch somebody and say, I look a lot better than what I've been through.
20:48Oh, I wish I had somebody here. I don't look like what I've been through. I know you look at me and
20:52say, oh, I wish I had that car. I wish I had that house. Yeah, you can get this car and this house,
20:56but you don't know nothing about this burden. You don't know nothing about this pain. You don't know
21:00nothing about the sleepless nights. You don't know nothing about the suicidal thoughts. You don't
21:05know anything about the rejection. You don't know anything about the loneliness. You don't know
21:09anything about the tears. You don't know about the times I couldn't eat. You don't know about the
21:13times I wanted to throw in the towel. You don't know about the times I didn't want to show up.
21:18Don't ask me for my glory if you don't want my story. I just need somebody who's been through
21:25a lot to touch three people and say, I don't look like what I've been through.
21:35Better stop asking for what somebody else has.
21:40You don't know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. Oh, don't y'all make me
21:49shout here. I'll run off the stage and make a look. I'll run around here. You don't know the cost.
21:56You don't know the assumption that you can do what somebody else can do just because you
22:01think you're smart enough. You might be smart enough to do it, but you have the emotional stability.
22:08Truth be told, if your life was their life, they quit.
22:15Because all they see is your necklace and your shirt, but they don't know it's covering up scars.
22:20Touch somebody and say, I got some knife wounds under here. I got some bullet wounds.
22:25I got some scratches. I got some claw. I got some, I got some,
22:29I got trust issues. Y'all understand. I might look good on the outside, but on the inside,
22:40you got to work on your emotions because your IQ is set at birth. Your emotional quotient can be
22:45flexible. It can be changed. You can do more emotionally than you think you can.
22:50You're going to have to get over
22:55the past. Anybody struggle to get over it?
23:00So you just, you just ain't going to raise your hand, huh? That's what you're going to do. That's
23:05what we're doing at church today. I asked who has trouble getting over the past four people,
23:09raise a hand. Okay. You're just going to lie in church, huh? Just flat out lie.
23:20Oh, you, you, you have trouble getting over your past. And I know you, the reason why you
23:23didn't raise your hand is because you're not having trouble getting over it right now.
23:29But something's going to happen. That's going to make you think back on what happened last
23:35time. You in this situation, it's going to pop off in the future
23:40because we have a tendency in church to get healed, but we really never get home.
23:52Naomi husband said, let's leave Bethlehem and let's go to Moab so that we don't die from the
24:01famine. They get there, Elimelech dies, Naomi's husband. Her sons marry two girls. 10 years later,
24:09her two sons die. She has to get up and walk 30 or 40 miles back to Bethlehem because she heard
24:15that the bread had returned to Bethlehem. And on the way, one girl who said she was going to go
24:21with her turned around and rejected her and went back home. Another girl went all the way with her.
24:26And when she got to Bethlehem, she still didn't have a place to stay. She still had no money.
24:30She still had no means. She still had no man. And that was chapter one.
24:40See, you underestimate how much has gone.
24:48See, y'all just can't be yelling stuff out in church. She said, sound like my story, Reverend.
24:54So I ain't got no money, no means, or no man.
24:56Stay with me, sister. I'm about to help you in a minute.
25:05Y'all thinking, so I'm the only crazy one in the church? I think we're just all crazy.
25:09Touch the name and say, I'm crazy too. That's why I go here.
25:16We underestimate how much hell you're going to go through just in chapter one.
25:25See, you don't really realize yet because of your age and stage
25:31that God intends to do so much with you that you're still in chapter one.
25:41You missed it. Let me say it to this side. I know you've been through a lot,
25:46but you're still in the first chapter. You haven't even gotten to the second act.
25:53His glory ain't really started to reveal itself yet. Your real business opportunities ain't even
25:59hit yet. Your money ain't even multiplying like it's really going to multiply. You still in
26:04chapter one, but God says, I'm testing you in chapter one because when I get you to chapter
26:10two, it's going to already be taken care of. So I take you through the wilderness
26:19so that I can see if I can trust you before I deliver you to the land flowing with milk and
26:24honey. Because if you won't worship me in the wilderness, you won't worship me on the mountain.
26:31I wish I had a real church in here today. Touch the name and say, you are being tested. You are
26:35being tested. You are being tested. But here's the great thing about when God tests you. When
26:40I come out of this fire, the scripture declares that I shall come forth as not just gold, but
26:50pure gold, which means I'm going to have the flaws taken care of. I'm going to have,
26:55listen, listen, I'm going to have the mistakes taken care of. God is going to bring me out so
27:00that there is nothing that will impede my structural integrity because gold with materials
27:07outside of gold and it weakens its integrity. And so sometimes God has to not burn you.
27:14Come in Hebrew boys, but burn the things that have you bound. For the Bible says that when the fire
27:21hit the Hebrew boys, it did not burn them. They did not smell like smoke, but it burned the ropes
27:26off of their hands and feet. And sometimes the fire ain't about you. It's about the stuff that
27:31got you tied up. And I speak in this room right now that a fire comes to your ropes.
27:43Somebody trust him. Somebody trust him. I said, somebody trust him.
27:51The chaos that is in your life could be handled better if you'd work on your emotional quotient.
27:58Now, you heard me say it. I'm going back to Bethlehem. I'm going, going back, back
28:07to Cali, Cali. I'm going, I'm going, I'm going back. I'm going back. I'm going back. Oh,
28:16help me Holy Ghost. I'm going back. I'm going back. I'm going back. But they taught us not to
28:22go back. But I'm going back. I'm going back because sometimes the blessing is at the place
28:30you left. I'm going, I'm going back. I'm going back. I'm going back. But the difference is this
28:38time when I go back, I got some different people who are with me than when I was there
28:46the last time. See, you don't understand that when your life takes that full circle,
28:50you're going to enjoy the future differently than you enjoyed the past. Why? Because you're
28:55going to have a different crew with you. To touch somebody and say, that's why God has
28:59been changing your friends the way he's been changing them. Because when you get what he's got
29:04coming. Oh God, can I just, can I preach it like I feel it here today? She gets there. When she
29:13gets back, Naomi says, I'm going back. Ruth says, wherever you go, I'm going. Wherever, wherever you
29:22live, I'm going to live. Wherever you go to church, I'm going to church. If you die here,
29:33I'm going to die here because not only am I committed to you, I'm committed to the place.
29:39And when they got there, Ruth said, Naomi, remember when I told you we ain't going out like that.
29:53You can sit here and be sad if you want to. I ain't got no man. I ain't got no means. Let me,
30:01let me change my, I have no money, but I still know how to move. What I'm speaking in your life
30:10is never let anything you lost keep you from moving to what God has for you. I speak to about
30:18500 people in here right now that have lost something in the last 10 months. Touch their
30:24name and say, I ain't got no money, but I still got to move. I don't know who it is, but it's your
30:29last move. You better do something right now. Don't you stand still. Be not weary at well doing
30:34for your real reaper harvest. If you faint not, slap somebody and say, get on the move, get on
30:37the move, get on the move, get on the move, go back to school, get on the move, get on the internet
30:42and Google your next opportunity. Get on the move. Find out what your next business is going to be.
30:46Get on the move. Don't stand still because there's no more bread in Moab. I got this here. I ain't
30:55got no money. I ain't got no man. I ain't got no means, but I know how to move. I know how to move.
31:02Everybody say move. Now, why do you have to move? Are y'all ready? Because when she says, all right,
31:07Naomi, I'm about to get up. I'm about to go and I'm about to go in the field and glean.
31:13And she goes in the field and she starts to glean. That means she starts to pick up the wheat.
31:19That's all it means. It just means she starts to pick up the wheat. And you got to understand
31:25this. Now, listen to me. This is so good. Ruth says, I'm going to go glean because faith without works.
31:31Say it again. Faith without works is what? I don't have no money. I ain't got no means.
31:36I ain't got no man, but I got some movement. So I'm about to go out here and I'm about to glean
31:41in this field. And the Bible says she went out there, but here's what you got to understand.
31:45Gleaning was the practice for the poor, the orphans, the widows and foreigners,
31:51because when they came into a land, they did not have any supply. So this was like social security
31:57or it was like welfare. It was a safety net for people who were not from there. And so when she
32:02came back, she got there and she walked into a system that only worked for widows, poor foreigners.
32:10Oh, y'all missing this. And orphans. Okay. Let's go back to Moab. She's from Moab, but she goes to
32:18Bethlehem. That makes her a foreigner. In Moab, she lost her husband, which means when she gets
32:26to Bethlehem, she's a widow. Her husband made all of the money, but when he died, that means when
32:35she gets to Bethlehem, she's poor. And there is even an argument that she lost her mother because
32:43she walked away from there, which means when she gets to Bethlehem, she's an orphan. So the only
32:50people who have access to this favor are people who've lost their husbands, lost their land.
33:01What I'm trying to tell you is that her condition qualified her for the favor. Sometimes you are mad
33:09at God because of what you lost, but you don't understand that the things that you lost are the
33:14qualifications for what God is going to do. Slap somebody and say, is that what that was about?
33:22In that case, I'm glad I lost it because God is about to open up the windows of heaven
33:28and pour out on you a blessing you don't have room enough to receive. Anybody suffered a loss in the
33:33last 10 months, I speak to you right now that God says, I'm about to leave things for you to stumble
33:39upon. I'm about to lead you beside the still waters. I'm going to bless you in the city and bless you in the...
33:48You don't understand that your condition is what qualifies you for the blessing.
33:52So here you are talking about, I didn't have a father growing up, but see, you are made as a
33:56result of that to qualify in a specific place for the opportunity God had. Yes, you would have
34:03loved to have a father, but I bet you your destiny will be better.
34:08Because sometimes what you don't understand, it's not that you missed out on the people, the people...
34:24You didn't miss out on the people, the people missed out on you.
34:33Get there. The law of Moses said, whenever you reap your harvest in the field,
34:40leave some unraked grain there. You must not remain to get it. It should go to the orphan
34:46and the widow so that the Lord may bless all the work that you do. So it was her condition
34:52that made her qualify for the gleaning. But watch this, because it ain't just your sad
35:00situation that's going to get it. God is watching, point number two, your credibility.
35:08How did you act when you had no money, no means, and no man?
35:15They said she was out there and Boaz came and was like,
35:22who's that girl?
35:29Or if he was older, he probably said, who's that lady?
35:33So it depends on what generation you come from, which one of those hit hard.
35:44Thought you were saved, son. You ain't supposed to know that like me.
35:47She said, Harpo, who that girl there? They said, oh, her. That's old girl from Moab.
36:04Old girl, you know, Naomi. Old girl, old girl. Oh, old girl, old girl. I got you. Oh, her.
36:12Yeah, yeah. We've been watching her and she'd been out here the whole time. And let me tell you,
36:19man, this girl, she'd been working all day and all night. She ain't even took a break yet.
36:26Boy, I said, so she worked too?
36:33I'm about to holler at her, dog. Like, I'm about to say, tell her, tell her, tell her, I said,
36:37what's up? No, boy, as you can tell yourself, man, tell her I said, what's up? And you go back
36:43and say, Ruth. Boy, I said, what up? She said, period.
36:51You got to stop. She said, I knew he was looking anyway. So, so she sat down and so boy, I said,
37:14um, my homies told me that she was out here gleaning and, um,
37:23they said that you a hard worker, but let me, let me just tell you something.
37:29Your days are working.
37:30I told you to not yell yet. I told y'all I was coming.
37:50Your days are working.
37:52Are over. Said, um, and by the way, you're not going to have to go out and look at another field
38:04cause I got enough in my field for everybody.
38:14And said, oh, and by the way, this, I know he really wanted her
38:17cause he says, oh, and I'm gonna tell the homies don't be trying to holler at you.
38:25So you want to say, Hey fellas,
38:30that's my dip. She don't know her yet, but y'all better back up.
38:34Don't make me fire y'all up in this mug.
38:38Then he goes to the guys and says, Hey fellas, do me a favor. Go get some extra grain.
38:46And sprinkle it. So when she finds some, she finds a little extra
38:53and y'all bet not say nothing to her.
38:58So she goes out and she gathers as much as she can.
39:03Can you see her reaping what she
39:15sowed? She runs back and says, Naomi, look what I got girl.
39:25I told you we wasn't going out like that.
39:30She said, Naomi said, okay, okay. What'd you do to get there?
39:37Cause don't be asking me to do none. I'm too old for that.
39:42I'm, I'm, I'm not doing that.
39:46What'd you do to get there? She said, she says, I ain't do nothing.
39:49I ain't do nothing. I promise you. I was just out there gleaning.
39:53And, and this dude came up to me and was like, um, you know, you ain't got to work no more.
39:59I don't know if that's true. We're going to take it slow.
40:02Like, cause I'm, you know, I ain't ready to give up my job just yet.
40:06I mean, it sound good, but I gotta have a rainy day fun.
40:11Cause mama, you know what mama said?
40:15You know, I can see, I can see rude. Just, you know what I mean?
40:25I gotta, you know, I gotta, I gotta, you know, and, and, and she said,
40:30okay, uh, well, well, who was it? What's his name?
40:38She said, tell me this whole story. Cause I'm going to do all of this after church.
40:42What's his name? She said, his name was Boaz.
40:50She said that name sound familiar. Boaz Smith, the Boaz Jenkins.
40:56Cause this Boaz Smith, I don't know him, but if it's Jenkins, see, see a limo like my husband
41:01was, he was a Jenkins. And so he's related to him. She said, yeah, it was Boaz Jenkins.
41:06He said, Oh my God, that's my nephew.
41:13So y'all miss what I just said. She travels all the way from Moab all the way to Bethlehem
41:21out of all of the fields that she could have gone to. She goes into the field.
41:26That is the property of the relative of the woman that brought her back because tomorrow
41:32it's already taken care of. Touch somebody and shout, God's got your back.
41:40Be not weary and well doing for you will reap a harvest.
41:50So Boaz Jenkins says, she says, Oh, that's, that's, that's kinfolk.
41:55That's my people. I ain't seen him about 10 years since I left, but he got money.
42:09Ruth says, what all great Christian women say when they find out a man has money,
42:15girl, it ain't all about money.
42:16I care about his intellect and everything.
42:27Is he emotionally healthy? Do he know how to pray, but he can't be broke though.
42:32He can't be broke now. He don't got to be rich, but he can't, he got to have something.
42:47Can I speak to you right now in your soul?
42:50For every empty day you have had, God says, I'm about to compensate you.
42:59I feel the Holy spirit in this place today. I need you to touch five people. That means you're
43:03going to have to get out of your seat and tell them God's about to pay you back. God's about
43:06to pay you back for every moment you have struggled for every moment you have cried
43:11for everything that has confused you. God's about to pay you back. Somebody said, I want it all
43:16back. I want it all back.
43:17I want my health back. I want my mind back. I want my spirit back. I want my friendship.
43:21I want it all back. I want it back. I want it back. I want it back. You didn't say it
43:31like I wanted you to say that. I want you to shout. I want it back.
43:34Every time I say something I want you to shout I want it back. My health, my family,
43:47my self-security, my energy, my courage, my vision, my mind, my spirit.
44:07Watch this. Somebody about to shout because I'm about to shout. Watch what she
44:13says. Help me Holy Ghost. Watch what Ruth said. She said, Sir, I've never been
44:22treated this good. I ain't never got nothing for nothing. What you talking
44:31about Willis? What I got to do? Be you.
44:40How many people ready to get paid for just being? I ain't gonna have to contort
44:48into nothing. I ain't gotta pretend to laugh when ain't nothing funny. I just
44:53get to be me. Watch what she says. That wasn't the part I wanted to say that
45:00just came to my head. Watch what she said. She said, oh yeah, that's what she
45:06said. She said, oh yeah, she said, I can't remember. Oh yeah, I got it now.
45:12She said, all of that for me? You getting ready to give all of that
45:19to me? Watch what she says. She says, he says, may the Lord reward your efforts.
45:28May your acts of kindness be repaid fully by the Lord God of Israel. Listen,
45:35she said, whoo, this almost set me on fire Destiny. She said, for you have
45:41reassured and encouraged me. God, I can't get it out. Your servant, even though I am
45:50not one of your servants.
45:53Mmm, you missed it. Where my crew at? Oh, here y'all go. She said, she said, you are
46:03about to pay me as your servant, even though. Y'all got me over here. You are
46:20about to pay me as your servant, even though I am not currently your servant.
46:27Then the Holy Spirit told me to tell you that you are about to get paid for jobs
46:33you don't have. And he's about to give you the benefits of a position you don't
46:41occupy. What if I told you you about to get paid like a boss before you become
46:46one. Somebody said, I'm going to get houses I didn't build. I'm going to get vineyards I
46:51didn't plant. If you believe that God has something in your future and that
46:56tomorrow is taken care of, I want you to open up your mouth and begin to give him
47:00glory in this place.
47:04Y'all got a couple more minutes? So, so now Boaz said, I want to invite you to
47:17the house. Just, just, no it's gonna be good. No, no, no, don't get nervous. Ain't
47:26nothing happening. We on the same page because I view you like you view me.
47:33See, the person that God has for you doesn't want anything out of you before
47:41they get to know you. Y'all better hear me. Anytime somebody wants something
47:46before they know you, then they're, they're more interested in the gift and
47:49not the giver. Jesus gave us himself before he ever asked us to give him
47:58glory. Come to the crib. All right, but Boaz don't play with me.
48:11This is, we just friends. Don't turn Netflix on because I ain't chilling. We
48:18just, I'm, I'm, I'm here and I got to go home because I got to go glean in the
48:23morning. I was gonna get up there and say, he said, oh, first thing he offers
48:33her is what she didn't have, bread. Then he brings out the vinegar and he says to
48:45her, dip the bread in the vinegar. Ms. Scott, this is gonna bless you because
48:51Boaz is a type of Christ, which means he is a foreshadow of things to come. So we
49:00see Boaz who is the kinsman redeemer offering a foreigner bread and vinegar.
49:09When the bread of life was on the cross and he said, I thirst, they offered him
49:18vinegar. Vinegar is a sign of mockery. So what would be mockery on the cross is
49:28now a delicacy in the field because God says, I'm about to take the bitterness
49:35out of what the enemy is offering you. I wish I had about five people in here.
49:40Touch on them and say God's about to change what it means in your life. The bread of
49:49life rejects the vinegar and now the type of Christ is offering vinegar
49:55because God has a way of taking the sting out of death and the victory out
50:03of the grave and what they meant for evil. God is gonna turn it around. Oh, I
50:15could just finish right there. I said what they meant for evil, God can turn
50:21it around. They tell me the third time's the charm. What they meant for evil, God
50:29can turn it around for your good. Everybody who has the Holy Spirit, just
50:34do me a favor over the next five seconds, tell everybody you can, God's about to
50:37turn it around.
50:45Now how you gonna act when he does it?
50:52Tell somebody God's gonna turn it around. Tell somebody else God's gonna turn it
50:57around. Matter of fact, turn around and tell somebody God's gonna turn it around.
51:02Be not weary in well-doing for you will reap a harvest if you faint not. If
51:11there's anybody in the room and anybody online that's been worried about
51:16tomorrow, God sent me to tell you that tomorrow is already taken care of. Don't
51:26stress, don't fret, don't cry, don't quit because tomorrow is already taken care
51:39of. You're worried about something that's already fixed. You're worried about
51:51something. See, to think that God reacts to a situation when it happens to us,
52:00it's to suggest that he lives in time. God knows the end from the beginning, so
52:09he don't have to create a solution to a problem he knew before it was a problem.
52:18What you're going through right now has already been settled in heaven. It's
52:24already been settled in heaven. What's been loosed on in heaven has already been
52:28loosed on the earth. What has been bound in heaven has already been bound on
52:31the earth. It's already settled. Just touch yourself, it's settled, it's settled. You
52:38just got to know that God has a plan. There's a story about a young boy who
52:42used to have to go get water for the family. Every day he would go get water.
52:49He had two jars. One had a crack in it and one didn't. Every day he would go and
52:57get the jars and he would get home. One of them would be full and the other one
53:04would be half empty. One day the jars had a conversation out of insecurity
53:11because the broken jar had a low emotional quotient. The jar with the
53:19crack, like, why am I broken? Why does my existence have to look like this?
53:31Why don't I have what the other jar has?
53:39The water boy looked at the jar and said, don't be ashamed of your crack. Don't be
53:50ashamed of your imperfection. He said, what you don't know is that before you
53:58broke, I put some seeds along the path and you didn't know that your crack was
54:14watering those seeds along the way. And if it wasn't for your crack, those
54:24flowers would not have bloomed. All I came to tell you is your crack has a
54:32purpose. Wherever you are broken, God is using you. But you have to be a willing
54:43vessel and you have to know that sometimes, even though you show up half
54:48empty, doesn't mean you don't have a full purpose. Anybody ever suffered from
54:57the anxiety of not knowing, why am I broken here? Why did that have to happen
55:05to me? It's because God had something in you that he needed to get out. He did it
55:17incrementally. And one day you'll look back and see how many things exist
55:26because of your brokenness.
55:34Tomorrow is already taken care of. Stand to your feet.
55:41Spirit of the living God, fall fresh upon us.
55:47So many hopes, so many dreams, so many opportunities, so many failures, so many
55:54successes, so many nightmares, so many dreams, so much light, so much darkness,
56:00the dichotomy of humanity. But you've got tomorrow taken care of. I ask that you
56:13would ease anxiety so that it doesn't manifest into physical malady. Let every
56:22person online and in this room walk out with the joy of the Lord, believing that
56:28weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. In the name of
56:34Jesus, we pray. Come on everybody, put your hands together.