• 2 days ago
00:00Knocked down by the double elbow of Val Venis and D'Lo Brown.
00:04I think Bulldog's content to just kind of
00:08bide his time out there on the outside.
00:10Let these other two guys tear each other apart.
00:15And D'Lo elevated over the top.
00:20And now D'Lo Brown up on top.
00:21And dropped!
00:23Hell no.
00:24I hate it when that happens.
00:26D'Lo reeling after the, uh, straddling the top turnbuckle.
00:33And ain't no way you can look at that slash any way you want.
00:35It can't feel good.
00:39Superflex time.
00:43Val trying to get D'Lo off that, off the ropes and D'Lo blocking.
00:48Oh boy.
00:49D'Lo up on top.
00:50Oh my God!
00:52Jumped that cliff!
00:53That's gotta be all!
00:54Oh, the Bulldog pulled the referee out.
00:57D'Lo Brown, no doubt in my mind, had the three count right there.
01:00And now Bulldog's blaming that on a fan.
01:02Give me a break.
01:03Could've been a fan.
01:04It could've been.
01:05But it was a game.
01:11Man alive.
01:12I'll tell you what.
01:14You gotta admit that was a smart move on the part of the Bulldog.
01:16It was.
01:17I mean, if he'd have sat there and watched D'Lo count, uh, Val Venis out, D'Lo would be the new champion.
01:24Now D'Lo Brown, big double team.
01:28Oh my!
01:29High back body drop.
01:31Tremendous elevation there.
01:33And D'Lo Brown now being eliminated from the equation, at least momentarily.
01:40Oh, Bulldog got a stiff kick in that time.
01:43Look out!
01:43And Val counter with a spine buster.
01:45And now Val hooking the legs.
01:47And Bulldog able to roll off his shoulder.
01:49And D'Lo Brown wanted to get back in, but was dropkicked back outside.
01:53Again, leaving it one-on-one.
01:55Uh-oh, Bulldog.
01:57Bulldog power slam.
01:59That's gonna be over right there.
02:01And, oh look!
02:02Oh, look at D'Lo.
02:03D'Lo put Val Venis' leg on the bottom rope.
02:06D'Lo wants this match obviously to continue.
02:09Well, sure he does.
02:11Until he's on top of somebody.
02:15Running forearm out by D'Lo Brown.
02:19Nice heel kick by D'Lo.
02:20Down goes the Bulldog.
02:22D'Lo in control.
02:24D'Lo absolutely in control here.
02:28Don't waste too much time.
02:30Val Venis back on the apron, but not for long.
02:35Cover him, you idiot!
02:36D'Lo Brown seems to be well on his way.
02:38At least I thought he was well on his way to becoming the European champion.
02:43Another spine buster.
02:47And D'Lo now.
02:50He may see the lowdown.
02:54D'Lo's version of the Frog Splash.
02:56That'll be all.
02:58And Val Venis came off with a money shot on D'Lo.
03:01The Bulldogs are down.
03:02And Val Venis wins.
03:05The winner of this match and new European champion, Val Venis.
03:12Another new champion, JR.
03:16Could this be an omen here tonight at Armageddon?
03:19I think it already is.
03:21Got a feel for D'Lo Brown, who obviously had the match won with his version of the Frog Splash.
03:29But, look at this, King.
03:32Well, D'Lo, like I said, he went to the top Frog Splash.
03:36I think he had the Bulldogs, but here comes Val Venis.
03:41Moved D'Lo right out of the way and got the three count.
03:44So Val Venis is the new European champion.
03:48Bad place, bad night for D'Lo Brown.
03:52Great night for the Balbooski.
03:53X-Pac, earlier tonight on Sunday Night Heat, Kane challenged you to a steel cage match.
03:58Now, I understand that you have some demands of your own.
04:00You've met with WWF officials, and Kane has agreed as well to these new demands.
04:04But what are they?
04:07The demands are this.
04:09Kane, you demand that I'm in a cage match?
04:12Well, I demand a few things myself.
04:15The first thing is this.
04:17You can only win, boy, by pinfall.
04:22That means you can't climb out of the cage.
04:25You can't climb over the top, and you can't climb through the door,
04:28because that's going to be chained shut and locked.
04:31I, on the other hand, can climb out over the top and win that way.
04:37I can pin him as well, which I might very well do.
04:40Hit him with the X-Factor.
04:42Oh yeah, and one more thing.
04:45Tell your old lady to quit calling my hotel room at all hours of the night,
04:49because she ain't going to get none.
04:55Wow, JR.
04:57Look at your face.
05:15The Big Red Machine is here.
05:17Oh, go ahead and say it, JR.
05:19Say it, say it.
05:20Say Hellfire.
05:21Hellfire in Brimstone.
05:23That's exactly what X-Pac may suffer here.
05:27Tell your old lady to quit calling my hotel room.
05:30She ain't going to get none.
05:31But Kane is coming to get him some.
05:33Some of X-Pac.
05:35Tori, you're really starting to look good, you know, JR?
05:38The following contest is a real cage match.
05:42Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Tori, weighing 326 pounds, Kane!
05:52Remember, in this cage matchup, Kane can win only by pinfall.
05:57X-Pac, on the other hand, can win either by pinfall,
06:01or by climbing out over the top of the cage and landing on the floor.
06:07And poor Tori, now that she's hooked up with Kane,
06:09And poor Tori, now that she's hooked up with Kane,
06:11she can't win at all.
06:16You heard what X-Pac told us all about Kane.
06:22Yeah, I remember.
06:24I'll refresh your memory as the night goes on.
06:26I thought you might.
06:28Here he comes!
06:39His opponent, refreshingly, decently, weighing 226 pounds, Kane!
06:48For the one time, Kane and X-Pac were the WWE Tag Team Champions.
06:52At one time, Kane and X-Pac seemingly were inseparable.
06:58That's why X-Pac knows so much about Kane.
07:00That's why I believe what X-Pac said about Kane.
07:05And that's why I know that,
07:08poor Tori is calling X-Pac at all hours of the night,
07:12because she ain't getting up to Kane!
07:15Since the Survivor Series,
07:16X-Pac has struck Tori in the face on two occasions,
07:20accidental, with a spinning kick.
07:24I think the first time was accidental.
07:26I don't think the second time was accidental at all.
07:28The cage door has been padlocked shut.
07:34Kane pacing like a big red lion.
07:38Oh, he's not pacing anymore.
07:40He's trying to climb out of this cage.
07:42Kane's climbing over the top.
07:44X-Pac, look out!
07:46Look at this!
07:47Kane is climbing out over the top of X-Pac.
07:50I think he's going to kiss her.
07:52Slip her the tongue.
07:54X-Pac, look out!
07:56Oh, what a right hand!
07:57My God, did you hear that?
07:59All the way over here!
08:01I think she set X-Pac up!
08:03What do you mean by that?
08:04He's the one that went to her, did X-Pac.
08:06She lured him.
08:08You know how women are, those tarts.
08:10X-Pac's head bounced right off that ring post.
08:13That's seductive, JR.
08:14Hey, wait a minute.
08:15X-Pac's got the ring bell!
08:16Oh, my God, X-Pac with the ring bell!
08:18Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
08:19Let's start this thing.
08:20He stuck it right in Kane's face!
08:24Oh, my God, Kane is getting back up.
08:26And X-Pac is running for his life here.
08:28Time to get back in the ring there, X-Pac.
08:30Or get in the ring for the first time.
08:32X-Pac might be smart to climb over,
08:34hit the ring and climb out on the other side
08:36before Kane can get in.
08:41Kane climbing over the top.
08:43Remember, Kane can only win by pinfall.
08:45X-Pac's got a couple of ways to win,
08:47including pinfalls or escaping over the top of the cage.
08:52Kane, almost seven feet tall,
08:54is a little over 300 pounds.
08:56Huge size and strength advantage over X-Pac.
08:58Well, not everywhere, huge size and strength.
09:00Will you get away from all this?
09:02These penis innuendos.
09:04That's what you're going at.
09:06How you said penis?
09:08Good grief.
09:09That's where you're headed.
09:10Well, I mean, that's what X-Pac told us.
09:14I'm just wondering if you ever think
09:16he might be lining up power here.
09:18A lot of strength.
09:20By Kane, X-Pac's really got to
09:22try to get Kane off that,
09:24off his feet somehow, some way.
09:26It could pass to take Kane long enough
09:28for X-Pac to get over the top of the cage.
09:30And with X-Pac's ability and agility,
09:32that won't take long
09:34to get over the cage for X-Pac.
09:36Uh-oh, oh my gosh, look at the strength.
09:38Military pressing a human being
09:40was Kane, the big red machine
09:42knows, he knows no boundaries.
09:44He almost had X-Pac up as high
09:46as the top of this cage.
09:48X-Pac has made so many
09:50disparaging remarks about
09:52Kane's first ever
09:54girlfriend, Tori, who's anxiously
09:56looking on on the outside.
09:58Well, I heard Tori made a few disparaging remarks
10:00about Kane the first time she ever saw him without,
10:02well, unclothed.
10:04You're a plethora of sexual information, aren't you?
10:06Yeah, you know what she said
10:08the first time she saw him with no clothes on?
10:10What, Kane, what did she say?
10:12She said, well, I guess this makes me the early bird.
10:14I heard it!
10:16That's what, that's what X-Pac told me.
10:18Early bird gets the, I got it.
10:20X-Pac up on top.
10:22And Kane caught X-Pac, bear catch here.
10:24No bear catch in this game.
10:29Kane was gonna ram X-Pac's head
10:31into the cage. Instead,
10:33it was X-Pac with a tremendous
10:35spinning heel kick.
10:37Well, Kane is so strong,
10:39and this replay will
10:41certainly prove testimony to that.
10:43Kane, look at the strength here.
10:45Like I said, X-Pac is high as the top of that cage.
10:47Hey, but look, he's almost
10:49as high as the top of the cage. If he gets out, he's the winner.
10:51X-Pac trying to climb out of here
10:53and win this matchup.
10:56X-Pac and...
10:58Well, those educated feet
11:00from the courageous youngster from Minneapolis.
11:02Uh-oh. Oh, no.
11:04A choke slam on the top!
11:06Oh, no! And X-Pac...
11:08That couldn't hurt much. Man, that is a...
11:10That is a debilitating move
11:12right there.
11:16teetering on those ropes.
11:18A straddle to the top rope.
11:20And now X-Pac's got a chance to
11:22climb out of here. What a spin kick moments
11:24to go by X-Pac. Yeah, let's see that again.
11:28Boom! Right there.
11:30There you go. X-Pac with a leg drop
11:32right off the top. He's gonna pin him!
11:34There's the pin and the pound
11:36for our Kane.
11:38And Kane sets up.
11:40And Torrey sets up.
11:42Look at Torrey out there.
11:44Torrey's setting up and taking
11:46notice here. And Kane
11:48now back on the...
11:50on the offense.
11:52Kane slows
11:54his pace down. It's bad news for X-Pac.
11:58X-Pac countered into a DDT.
12:00That was a great move by X-Pac
12:02who may have just bought himself enough time
12:04to get out of here. To climb out
12:06of this cage and win this matchup.
12:08Go, go, go!
12:10What are you doing?
12:14See, what are you doing? One move too many
12:16for X-Pac.
12:18But maybe not.
12:20Oh, maybe so.
12:24More power by Kane. And X-Pac almost
12:26broken in half there.
12:28At the hands of the 320 pounder.
12:30Pounds his head right off
12:32that steel cage.
12:34X-Pac been throwing around
12:36like a rag doll.
12:38Thanks to the strength and power of Kane.
12:42Oh, what a shot.
12:44Not able to dim the running lights
12:46but turn them off. Uh-oh.
12:48Hey, wait a minute.
12:50It's the Outlaws.
12:52They got some folk cutters.
12:54The Outlaws.
12:56The tag team champions
12:58who will take on the Rockin' Sock Connection
13:00later tonight.
13:02Cut the chain!
13:06What the hell is this about?
13:10We need some security out here.
13:12What is Kane doing? Hey, pay attention to your match,
13:14you idiot. Oh, no!
13:16The Outlaws. Oh!
13:18A fist arrives to slam
13:20the cage right back in Kane's face.
13:24We got a chair in the ring, JR.
13:26The Outlaws
13:28set that chair in the ring.
13:30You gotta believe
13:32this was a, this whole thing
13:34was premeditated. Watch this.
13:38That was steel on skull there.
13:40And even Kane,
13:42Kane is setting up.
13:46A steel chair in the ring
13:48thanks to the Outlaws.
13:52Oh, the X-Factor!
13:54Right on the chair.
13:56X-Factor said he was
13:58gonna do it. Hey.
14:02There's some handcuffs.
14:04The Outlaws must have thrown
14:06some handcuffs in the ring as well.
14:08I think Tory threw those in there.
14:10I heard she's a little kinky.
14:12She didn't throw the handcuffs in the ring.
14:16Kinky, JR.
14:18Well, this is gonna be very difficult
14:20obviously now for Kane.
14:22He's gonna have a hit or win
14:24in this match.
14:26Oh, look at X-Factor. Kane is handcuffed to the cage.
14:28God almighty!
14:30Tory, she's turned on.
14:32The sickening thud of that steel chair
14:34on a human being's cranial.
14:36She's excited!
14:40Stop it!
14:42Kane is helpless
14:44and can't defend himself.
14:46Kane is handcuffed to the second rope.
14:50This is it.
14:52Hey, wait a minute.
14:54What's she doing?
14:56Tory climbing in the ring.
14:58You can't do this!
15:00And Tory pulling X-Factor.
15:02Oh, he is spitting in her face.
15:04Oh, my God!
15:06X-Pac just delivered the X-Factor on Tory.
15:08He did that, all right.
15:10X-Pac just delivered the X-Factor on a woman.
15:12Kane saw the whole thing
15:14and can't do anything about it.
15:16Well, he can do this.
15:18Oh, no! Wait a minute!
15:20Kane just shot that chair right back in X-Pac's face.
15:24But remember, Kane is still handcuffed.
15:28Kane is pulling
15:30as hard as he can to free himself.
15:32What do you think's going through that brain of Kane's right now?
15:34How did his girlfriend get X-Factored?
15:38What? X-Pac what?
15:42And Kane just broke the handcuffs.
15:44How'd he do that?
15:46My God, Kane just broke the handcuffs.
15:48X-Pac's climbing out to win it.
15:50His feet are about to touch the floor.
15:52And Kane is there.
15:54Wait a minute.
15:56His feet can't touch the floor like that?
16:00What's he doing?
16:02And Kane continues.
16:04X-Pac thought he had stolen it.
16:08Did you hear that?
16:10The steel door
16:12slamming right in X-Pac's face.
16:16I think that one was for Tory, JR.
16:18Oh, no.
16:22What is Kane gonna do here?
16:24He's gonna fly.
16:26Is Kane gonna be the Big Red Flying Machine?
16:28Wait a minute.
16:30He can't win by climbing out.
16:32What's Kane doing here?
16:34He's got a...
16:36Kane's on top of the cage.
16:38He's got a win by pinfall.
16:40What's that?
16:42Oh, for God's sakes.
16:44A clothesline from the top of the cage.
16:46The Big Red Machine
16:48just blew into the face
16:50of X-Pac.
16:52Oh, no.
16:58X-Pac just got grilled
17:00by Kane.
17:02And the Big Red Machine
17:04has done it.
17:06The winner,
17:12Kane gaining a measure
17:14of retribution.
17:18Oh, how sweet.
17:24Man, I cannot believe
17:26that the Big Red Machine,
17:28just under 7 feet tall,
17:30made his way to the top of the cage.
17:34Never seen anything like that, JR.
17:36I thought he was trying to climb out of the cage.
17:38Instead, he turned around and flew.
17:42That is absolutely scintillating.
17:44Look at this.
17:46And then the Tombstone
17:48was the exclamation point
17:50on this matchup.
17:52The Big Red Machine
17:54with a victory arm-in-arm
17:56with a victory under his belt.
17:58And, folks, we are moments away
18:00from the Intercontinental title.
18:02China will be defending
18:04against Y2J.
18:06And let me say this.
18:08This is a rivalry,
18:10an intense rivalry,
18:12that knows no gender.
18:24Oh, my God!
18:26Oh, my God!
19:22Well, King of the Survivor Series, Jericho didn't get the job done.
19:27He almost snapped.
19:28What's going to happen tonight if he doesn't get it done again?
19:29I don't know, but this thing has gone back and forth, ten for ten.
19:30And they're just about driving each other completely crazy.
19:31I know Jericho is almost over the edge.
19:32If he doesn't win tonight, that'll be it for him.
19:33Here's your choice of words.
19:34Ten for ten.
19:37That's it!
19:38That's it!
19:39That's it!
19:40That's it!
19:41That's it!
19:42That's it!
19:43That's it!
19:44That's it!
19:45That's it!
19:46That's it!
19:47That's it!
19:48That's it!
19:49That's it!
19:50That's it!
19:51That's it!
19:52That's it!
19:53That's it!
19:54That's it!
19:55That's it!
19:56That's it!
19:57That's it!
19:58That's it!
19:59That's it!
20:00That's it!
20:01That's it!
20:02That's it!
20:03That's it!
20:04That's it!
20:05That's it!
20:06That's it!
20:07That's it!
20:08That's it!
20:09That's it!
20:10That's it!
20:11That's it!
20:12That's it!
20:13That's it!
20:14That's it!
20:15That's it!
20:16That's it!
20:17That's it!
20:18That's it!
20:19That's it!
20:20That's it!
20:21That's it!
20:22That's it!
20:23That's it!
20:24That's it!
20:25That's it!
20:26That's it!
20:27That's it!
20:28That's it!
20:29That's it!
20:30That's it!
20:31That's it!
20:32That's it!
20:33That's it!
20:34That's it!
20:35That's it!
20:36That's it!
20:37That's it!
20:38That's it!
20:39That's it!
20:40That's it!
20:41That's it!
20:42That's it!
20:43That's it!
20:44That's it!
20:45That's it!
20:46That's it!
20:47That's it!
20:48That's it!
20:49That's it!
20:50That's it!
20:51That's it!
20:52That's it!
20:53That's it!
20:54That's it!
20:55That's it!
20:56That's it!
20:57That's it!
20:58That's it!
20:59That's it!
21:00That's it!
21:01That's it!
21:03That's it!
21:04That's it!
21:10That's it!
21:23Look at this!
21:24The most wonderful woman in the world,
21:26and the World Wrestling Federation's
21:29Intercontinental Champion,
21:33Dude, they are two of them!
21:35Two belts!
21:36Kind of tempted by the news,
21:37WWF Women's Champion, Miss Kitty,
21:39was going to say a generation ago in tennis,
21:42it was a Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King.
21:48It's been more than a generation ago, hasn't it?
21:50Billie Jean's a wonderful woman!
21:53I don't know, I was just a little kid when it happened.
21:55Aren't they both dead now?
21:56I don't think Bobby Riggs is dead.
21:58Billie Jean King's career is dead,
22:00but that's another story.
22:01There you go.
22:02And Chris Jericho's career, in his view,
22:04might be somewhat comatose,
22:07if he cannot leave here with the Intercontinental title.
22:11He hasn't been able to do it yet.
22:13It's an obsession with him.
22:14He thought beating a woman
22:16was going to be a piece of cake.
22:18He didn't.
22:20That woman was the ninth wonder of the world, Chyna.
22:22Oh, here we go!
22:24And Chyna shooting those forearms
22:26right to the face of Y2J.
22:29A lot of men in the WWF have underestimated Chyna.
22:33Most have paid for that underestimation.
22:35Oh, look at that knee!
22:37Some are no longer even in this organization,
22:39as Chyna, with a knockdown,
22:40follows with a couple of nice elbows,
22:42right to the collarbone,
22:43looking for the solar plexus,
22:44and drops the knee right into the forehead.
22:47Chyna is the Intercontinental Champion.
22:49She has done so many things first,
22:51as far as her gender is concerned.
22:53The first woman to enter the Royal Rumble.
22:55The first woman to advance
22:57and enter and advance to the King of the Ring tournament.
22:59Not to mention the first woman
23:01to be the Intercontinental Champion.
23:04You know what?
23:05I'm still waiting for Jericho to get that 16,
23:07you promised.
23:08If he didn't beat Chyna the last time they wrestled.
23:10I think you can probably forget about that.
23:12Hold your breath.
23:13Oh, Chyna, upside down!
23:15A blow to Jericho,
23:16whose face has smacked the top of the ring post.
23:19He can't believe it!
23:20He cannot believe it!
23:21Oh, look it, he better believe this!
23:23Chyna ran off the apron with a clothesline,
23:25knocking down the challenger again.
23:30Chyna has been able thus far
23:31to counter everything that Jericho has attempted.
23:35Uh-oh, thumb right to the eye.
23:37Jericho, the thumb to the eye.
23:39Oh, a hard shot right to the back.
23:42Is Jericho gonna pull any punches?
23:43You'll have to prove a point here, JR.
23:45Oh, what's gonna happen here?
23:46Look out!
23:47Oh, come on!
23:49What the hell's wrong with you, Jericho?
23:51You're gonna kill her doing that!
23:55You all right?
23:56Hey, look out, look out!
23:59He's nuts!
24:00Look out!
24:01Kitty's trying to get the chair away from Jericho.
24:04Be careful, Kitty!
24:06Get out of there, he's nuts!
24:07Oh, look out!
24:08Chyna just dropped the chair
24:09right back in Jericho's mouth.
24:11Have you ever, JR?
24:12Good God!
24:14Man, how badly does Jericho
24:16wanna be the Intercontinental Champion?
24:18I don't know, but...
24:19Get back over here again.
24:23Look out!
24:24Oh, my God!
24:25What a shot by Chyna
24:26knocking those stairs right off their hinges.
24:29Hey, wait a minute!
24:30Look out!
24:31Hey, come on!
24:32You can't do that!
24:33He did it!
24:35Jericho slumping slobber with Miss Kitty.
24:38What's up with this?
24:40Come over here, Kitty!
24:41Come over here, Kitty!
24:42Remember, Chyna's got...
24:43Is he crazy?
24:44Chyna's got that thumb.
24:46It can be...
24:47It can be 100%.
24:51Man, I'll tell you what.
24:52When Chyna hit those steel steps...
24:54I thought that was it.
24:55The game turned around.
24:59Oh, man.
25:01Chyna's shoulder, that steel.
25:02Oh, did you see that?
25:03Oh, no!
25:04Chyna got the low blow up.
25:06Got him right in the...
25:07And referee Mark Kilder
25:08distracted by Kitty.
25:09Oh, I love this.
25:10Look at this.
25:11Hand sprain.
25:12Elbow by Chyna.
25:15She's ready to go now.
25:17It's gonna be over.
25:20Chyna hooks the leg.
25:21And it's over.
25:22Oh, Jericho got her shoulder up.
25:25Chris Jericho
25:27able to get his Y2J shoulder up
25:29off the canvas.
25:32Man, what an exchange there
25:33offensively by Chyna.
25:34And Jericho, spinning heel kick.
25:36It found a spot.
25:38And Chyna hung up on the ropes.
25:41Oh, and look at the look
25:42on Jericho's face.
25:43He's low.
25:44Oh, look at this.
25:45Jericho, the open hand slap
25:46to the intercom.
25:47Look at Jericho now.
25:48Oh, look, he's hitting her thumb.
25:49Jericho working on that
25:50rebuilt thumb of Chyna.
25:54Man, what kind of heinous
25:55human being
25:57Look at this!
25:58Drop kicking Chyna's thumb.
26:00I've never said that before.
26:02A drop kick to the thumb.
26:04He may have actually
26:05helped her out
26:06a little bit there.
26:07At least he got her
26:08out of those ropes.
26:09She was at his mercy there, JR.
26:11Chyna may have
26:12had that
26:13recently repaired thumb
26:14re-broken here.
26:16Or at least a nail, I'm sure.
26:19Chyna barely able to stand.
26:21And Jericho followed
26:22the champion into the corner.
26:27Oh, no.
26:29Jericho had Chyna
26:30out of the bag.
26:32Oh, look at this.
26:34Oh, no!
26:36It's over!
26:37Oh, God!
26:38That was so close.
26:39What a great counter by Chyna.
26:42And Jericho,
26:43another drop kick.
26:47I'm telling you,
26:49I mean, he came within
26:50a breath of being
26:51beaten again.
26:52Well, Jericho has Chyna
26:53up, vertical suplex.
26:57And Jericho
26:59with the vertical suplex.
27:01And that is a very
27:02good cover by Jericho.
27:05And Chyna able to roll
27:06to her side and off
27:07her shoulders
27:09with her Intercontinental
27:10title still intact,
27:11at least for the time being.
27:21Oh, what a knife-edge chop.
27:26Jericho shooting those
27:27forearms right into
27:28the face of Chyna.
27:30And Jericho,
27:31gotta be careful here.
27:32He doesn't get disqualified.
27:34Can't win the title
27:35by disqualification.
27:36Well, I don't think
27:37he's gonna be too careful.
27:38He doesn't care what happens.
27:39What's this?
27:40Jericho just exposed
27:41the top turnbuckle.
27:42That steel ring
27:43of the top turnbuckle
27:44has been exposed.
27:52Oh, remember,
27:53that turnbuckle's
27:54exposed here.
27:56He was gonna send
27:57Chyna right into it,
27:59but she was able
28:00to counter yes
28:01into the clothesline
28:02and a knee right to
28:03the head by Jericho.
28:06Jericho thinks he has it.
28:08The leg is hooked,
28:09but Chyna gotta show her up.
28:12Chyna's showing
28:13great courage,
28:14great resiliency.
28:16The ninth wonder
28:17of the world.
28:18That hand's gotta be
28:19killing her, though.
28:20Gotta be throbbing big time.
28:24Oh, look at that.
28:25Now Jericho wasn't
28:26trying to do some mitts.
28:29Ask her!
28:30Come on, Ref, ask her!
28:31Oh, he would love that.
28:32He would love it
28:33if Chyna had to actually
28:34say it out of her mouth
28:36that she gives up.
28:38But I don't think
28:39she's gonna do that to you, JR.
28:40I don't think so.
28:41At least I'd be very surprised
28:42if she did.
28:49Jericho looking
28:50for another clothesline.
28:52Meteor collision!
28:53Chyna's got it!
28:55Oh, how close was that?
28:56Come on, Ref!
28:57How close was that?
28:59Even Jericho didn't know.
29:01Well, that was a lot closer
29:02than Jericho wanted it to be.
29:06Chyna going back
29:07to her forearms.
29:09They've worked thus far.
29:11And now those kicks
29:12to the solar plexus.
29:13Miss Kitty down there,
29:14the new women's champion,
29:15cheering on the
29:16Intercontinental champion.
29:20Oh, man!
29:21Jericho just took Chyna
29:22down here first.
29:24And Chyna's face
29:25bouncing off the canvas.
29:26You hear Jericho?
29:27Come on, baby!
29:32Oh, man!
29:35Jericho with a scoop slam.
29:41How about that?
29:42Springboard offside moonsault
29:43that did not work out
29:45as Jericho had planned.
29:47I don't agree with that.
29:48That's kind of a cheap shot there.
29:50Chyna able to get her knees
29:51up to protect herself.
29:54Trying to try to
29:55build some momentum.
29:57Jericho knocked down.
29:58Look at this!
29:59Oh, Chyna!
30:00Swinging neckbreaker
30:01on the challenger.
30:03And the champion on top.
30:07Chyna was on top
30:08for a two count.
30:10As it were.
30:13Oh, look!
30:14Oh, man!
30:15Right in the face.
30:18Watch out!
30:19Watch out!
30:20And Jericho...
30:22Look at that!
30:23Nice counter by Chyna.
30:24The powerbomb.
30:29What's she gonna do here?
30:32Oh, Jericho!
30:33Oh, right into the...
30:34Exposed turnbuckle!
30:35That may be enough there!
30:36Chyna followed the clothesline!
30:38I know this is gonna...
30:39Oh, Jericho!
30:40Jericho tipped out.
30:41I can't believe it.
30:43Oh, these people
30:44are getting on that ref now.
30:46They're saying that
30:47was a three count.
30:48I almost gotta agree
30:49with it, JR.
30:50It was a long two.
30:53If nothing else...
30:56She's going for the pedigree!
30:57Trying to look at the pedigree!
30:58Oh, wait a minute.
30:59Jericho counters!
31:00Into the backslide!
31:03And another near fall.
31:04I mean,
31:05we are less than a half a second away
31:07from a new Intercontinental Champion
31:09being crowned here.
31:13Oh, no.
31:17Wow, Jericho,
31:18those hard shots
31:19right to the back of Chyna.
31:20With his forearm,
31:21she's up on a second turnbuckle.
31:22I think Chris Jericho's
31:23fixed to fly Chyna Airline.
31:25Oh, my gosh!
31:26Oh, Chyna!
31:27Wait, she turned it in!
31:28Chyna countered!
31:29Looking for the leg!
31:30She reached for the leg,
31:31did Chyna,
31:32but couldn't quite hook it up.
31:34And Jericho
31:35was able to kick out.
31:37Chyna countered that move
31:38in midair.
31:42And that was a
31:43hellacious move by Chyna.
31:46Male or female,
31:47that was an amazing
31:48athletic performance
31:49and an amazing
31:50athletic maneuver.
31:53Uh-oh, look at this.
31:55There's a nice roll-up.
31:57And Jericho...
32:00He's almost got it!
32:01He's looking for his
32:02submission move,
32:03the Walls of Jericho.
32:05Chyna's trying to
32:06trying to block it off.
32:07She can't do it.
32:08She's got it
32:09in the center of the ring.
32:12Chyna's got to fight.
32:13Her title's on the line.
32:16Jericho's got the Walls of Jericho.
32:18Look at Chyna.
32:19How is she able to
32:20withstand that pain?
32:23Chyna trying to get
32:24to the ropes.
32:25Oh, no, she can't reach it.
32:27Oh, he pulled her back.
32:29Jericho pulling Chyna
32:30back to the center of the ring.
32:31Oh, he's really
32:32sinking it now.
32:36The Intercontinental title
32:37hangs in the balance here.
32:40Push the rope!
32:41Chyna tapped out!
32:43She tapped out!
32:44Chyna tapped out!
32:46The winner of this match
32:47and new Intercontinental
32:51Chris Jericho!
32:56Chris Jericho is the
32:57new Intercontinental Champion.
32:59But by God,
33:00you've got to hand it to Chyna
33:03for the effort,
33:04for her guts,
33:05for her courage.
33:07The champion did all she could
33:09to withstand the painful
33:10Walls of Jericho.
33:14But in the end,
33:15it was just too much
33:16to overcome.
33:18And we have a new
33:19Intercontinental Champion.
33:21We got three new champions
33:22tonight, JR.
33:24What's up with that?
33:32Chris Jericho
33:33has finally,
33:35finally climbed
33:36Mount Chyna.
33:39Jericho has finally
33:41earned a victory
33:43over Chyna,
33:44the ninth wonder of the world.
33:45And that victory
33:46has brought Jericho
33:48the Intercontinental Championship.
33:50Boy, look at him.
33:51He is so proud of himself.
33:55Take a look at this, JR.
33:56Look at the pain
33:57etched on Chyna's face here.
34:00She tried as hard as she could.
34:02She wanted to make it
34:03to the ropes.
34:04Jericho brought her
34:05back to the center of the ring.
34:07And she had no alternative
34:09but to tap.
34:12And again, as a result,
34:14Jericho is the new
34:16Intercontinental Champion.
34:21Chris Jericho, congratulations.
34:23You're the new
34:24Intercontinental Champion.
34:25Look at it, Mitchell.
34:26Look how it looks
34:27draped around the shoulders
34:29and soon to be around
34:30the sexy, gorgeous waist
34:31of Y2J.
34:34the Intercontinental Championship belt
34:36has been restored
34:38to the status
34:39and the level
34:40that it deserves.
34:41Held by a tremendous
34:42technical wrestler
34:43and an extremely sassy
34:44individual in myself.
34:48You want some more, huh?
34:49You want some more?
34:50Let's do it on live TV.
34:53I was the better wrestler
34:54last month.
34:55You're the better wrestler
35:04Here we go.
35:05You ready?
35:06Let's go.
35:07Come on.
35:08Come on.
35:09Let's go.
35:11You want some more, huh?
35:14I'm about as shocked
35:15as Jericho.
35:16So great class
35:18and great sportsmanship
35:19by China.
35:20What's up with that exchange?
35:22I don't exactly know
35:23what's up, JR.
35:24I guess you got to
35:25hand it to China.
35:26She put her hand out.
35:27That hand that he had smashed
35:29and congratulated him
35:30on his victory.
35:32Jericho is a surprise
35:33that's real.
35:35Well, ladies and gentlemen,
35:36another championship
35:37on the line
35:38here momentarily.
35:43This time,
35:44Tag Team Gold.
36:05Best-selling author,
36:08sports entertainer,
36:13One half of a rock
36:15and sock connection.
36:17And after tonight,
36:18will he be one half
36:19of the Tag Team Champions?
36:21I guess all his
36:22cool clothes must be
36:23in the wash.
36:24You'd think a best-selling
36:25author could get...
36:26I mean, you know...
36:28Come on.
36:29I bet those are
36:30new sweatpants.
36:33If you smell...
36:35It's true.
36:53Just listen
36:54to this ovation.
36:5817,054 fans
37:02on that field.
37:05In the SoCal National
37:06Paralympic Center.
37:09And on the rock,
37:11the people's champion
37:14could be
37:15a Tag Team Champion
37:17before this night
37:21The rock says...
37:30A rock and sock
37:33Back together.
37:37They have cost
37:38mankind a friend,
37:40Al Snow.
37:43But rock and mankind
37:44are again standing
37:45side by side.
37:47Well, the Rock,
37:48he's obviously
37:49tonight, JR.
37:53Oh, you didn't know?
37:57You asked for
37:58the Cold Society!
38:08The Road Dogg,
38:09the Marine,
38:10and Desert Storm.
38:11You damn right!
38:14You see, it's me!
38:16It's me!
38:17It's me!
38:19It's indeed
38:20your own Double C!
38:22He's the first
38:23soldier over there
38:24to get a shout-out
38:25from both sides.
38:26With this being a Double C,
38:28for the
38:29raisin' of hell,
38:30we're gonna raise
38:31some hell
38:32in Fort Lauderdale.
38:35The Road Dogg knows
38:36what it's like
38:37to go to war
38:38for real.
38:39And this war tonight
38:40will be for the
38:41Tag Team Titles.
38:43The Outlaws
38:44or the Champions.
38:46But for how much longer?
38:50Cue the music!
39:00And the Rock's name!
39:05That is not gonna set well
39:06with the Outlaws.
39:11Referee Jim Corderas
39:12has been assigned this contest.
39:13It shouldn't set too well
39:14with Mankind either.
39:15They're not sayin'
39:16Rock and Sock.
39:17They're sayin' Rocky!
39:19I think Mankind just
39:20longed for the
39:21free ride here.
39:23Well, I don't think so.
39:24You know, it looked as if
39:25Rock and Mankind
39:26would never team again
39:27until Al Snow's jealousy
39:28bombed together.
39:29Well, what did
39:30Mankind tell Al Snow?
39:31Poor Al.
39:32He told him,
39:33Al Snow, me and the Rock
39:34get a bigger pop
39:35than the WNSU and I.
39:38Well, he's right.
39:39That's the Rock
39:40gettin' the pop!
39:41Carnival tie-up,
39:42Mankind forcing
39:43the Road Dogg
39:44back in the corner.
39:45You and the Rock
39:46would get a pop!
39:49Look at this!
39:51Clean break by Mankind.
39:54Maybe the
39:55only one we see tonight.
40:01The Outlaws,
40:02the most honored tag team
40:03in WWF history.
40:05And in my view,
40:06the best tag team
40:07in WWF history.
40:09I can't believe
40:10you're sayin' that!
40:13Clean break.
40:15Well, not quite.
40:16And Mankind
40:17defending himself there.
40:18Got a couple
40:19of right hands in,
40:21Thinkin' of tag teams,
40:22best in history,
40:23what about Too Cool?
40:24Well, I'll reserve
40:25my opinion
40:26for those two young jackasses
40:27for another time.
40:31You look at Mankind
40:32and refer to somebody else
40:33as a jackass.
40:35Big shoulder block
40:36by Mankind.
40:37Knockin' down
40:38that Road Dogg.
40:39Oh, my.
40:41Leg drop.
40:42Mankind on top!
40:44I think what really
40:45finished the friendship
40:46between Al Snow
40:47and Mankind
40:48was Mankind
40:49always comin' out here
40:50spoutin' off about
40:51that stupid book of his.
40:52I think what finished it
40:53was when we found out
40:54that Al Snow
40:55was a guy
40:56that, out of jealousy,
40:57threw all Mankind's
40:58books in the trash.
40:59Well, let me just say,
41:00an author
41:01who talks about
41:02his own book
41:03is almost as bad
41:04as a mother
41:05who talks about
41:06her own children.
41:08Nobody wants to hear that.
41:12Road Dogg tryin' to
41:13power his way back up,
41:14use a little leverage here,
41:15the overhand wrist lock,
41:16and got the knee
41:17to the ribs.
41:19Arm wringer,
41:20and now workin'
41:21on that shoulder
41:22of Mankind
41:23and Mr. Ass is in.
41:28And Mr. Ass comes
41:29and the Road Dogg
41:30was workin'
41:31on the arm.
41:32Mr. Ass comes in
41:33with right hands
41:34and when you get
41:35into a fist fight
41:36with Mankind,
41:37more often than not,
41:38you lose.
41:39Oh, well,
41:40not this time.
41:41There's a cover.
41:42Body to body,
41:43got a near fall.
41:47Yeah, look.
41:49Cheap pop.
41:55What do you think?
41:56You think any one
41:57of these 17,000 people
41:58don't want you
41:59to tag the Rock?
42:02It's unanimous.
42:06Unanimous support
42:07of the tag.
42:09And the
42:10first third generation
42:11superstar in
42:12WWF history,
42:14the Rock in there
42:15against Mr. Ass
42:16and I can promise you
42:17these two do not
42:18like each other.
42:22The Rock's parents
42:23here tonight, too.
42:24They certainly are.
42:25Oh, look at this.
42:26Oh, no way!
42:27Well, that was about
42:28as stupid as anything
42:29I've ever seen.
42:30Mr. Ass
42:31taking his shirt off.
42:33He can't see!
42:34Oh, he can feel, though.
42:36And that may be it.
42:37In the dark,
42:38a near fall.
42:41I'm part of putting
42:42bags over people's heads,
42:43but never getting
42:44knocked down and
42:45beating a T-shirt
42:46over my face.
42:47What does that mean?
42:48Put the bags over.
42:51Well, you spend more time
42:52in Oklahoma,
42:53you'll get it figured out.
42:54Mankind gets the
42:56the Rock out,
42:57Mankind in.
42:58And Mankind ripping
43:00the self-professed
43:01handsome features
43:02of Mr. Ass.
43:06Now lost five times
43:07WWF Tag Team Champions.
43:10That in itself
43:12speaks of respectability
43:14and success.
43:19How many times has
43:20Too Cool won the tag team?
43:21Too Cool?
43:24I don't think so.
43:25That's four more
43:26than I would have guessed.
43:29Look at that.
43:31Teeing off on Mankind,
43:32but Mankind seems
43:33to be motivated
43:34when he gets in those
43:36exchanges of fists.
43:38Let's see if he can
43:39motivate himself here.
43:41Stinging left jabs.
43:45And roll.
43:46Oh, no!
43:47Mandible claw!
43:48Mandible claw!
43:49And Mr. Ass
43:50quickly in
43:51to put a halt to that.
43:52Oh, look at this.
43:53The Rock lands
43:54a smack down.
43:55Oh, Rock here on the outside
43:56with Mr. Ass.
44:00Mankind and the Road Dogg
44:01on the outside as well.
44:04The only person left in the ring
44:05is the referee.
44:07And the Outlaws
44:08wouldn't care to get
44:09countered out here.
44:10Watch yourself there.
44:13Here they go again.
44:15What's this?
44:16Rock just tossed
44:17Mr. Ass
44:18over the barricade,
44:19over the concrete floor.
44:22And The Rock and Mr. Ass
44:23are amongst them.
44:26It looks like me
44:27Christmas shopping
44:28for Christmas.
44:32Did you use your coupons?
44:33Oh, look at this!
44:34Oh, my gosh!
44:35God almighty.
44:37And The Rock elevated
44:38Mr. Ass
44:39over the security wall
44:42with a hellacious hip lock.
44:45Look out, JR.
44:46Oh, man!
44:49That had to hurt.
44:51I don't know how in the hell
44:52this guy
44:53was going to even get back up
44:54after his skull
44:55just cracked off
44:56this announced position.
44:59Mr. Ass
45:00tossed back in
45:01by The Rock.
45:02Road Dogg
45:03is in his corner
45:04kind of halfway, uh,
45:05well, he's physically
45:06in his corner.
45:07I don't know mentally
45:08if The Road Dogg is there
45:09after the exchange
45:10with Mankind
45:11on the outside.
45:12But in any event,
45:13after a wrinkle in the eyes,
45:14it's Mr. Ass
45:15regaining the advantage.
45:17And The Outlaws
45:18would now like
45:19to isolate The Rock,
45:20you gotta believe, King,
45:21in The Outlaws'
45:22part of town.
45:27Rock's gonna have
45:28something to say about that
45:29fighting out of
45:30The Outlaws' corner
45:31and taking Mr. Ass
45:32to a neutral corner
45:34and back to the other
45:35neutral corner.
45:36Smart tag team work
45:37by The Rock.
45:41And a shot.
45:43Oh, big mistake!
45:45Road Dogg trying to get
45:46a shot in the kidneys.
45:47Didn't get all of it,
45:48obviously, as you saw.
45:49And The Rock again
45:50teeing off
45:51on, uh,
45:52on Mr. Ass.
45:53He's in trouble,
45:54Mr. Ass is.
46:00burying the elbows
46:01in the solar plexus
46:02of one half
46:03of the tag team champions.
46:06Oh, look at this!
46:07Tyree Swift.
46:09And that was a
46:10a hard hitting move
46:11there by
46:13by Mr. Ass.
46:16Kind of a modified
46:17neckbreaker-like maneuver.
46:19Come on, make yourself
46:20useful there, Mankind.
46:23On the cover!
46:24And The Rock able
46:25to kick out.
46:26That's it, clap.
46:29Seemed to be a lot
46:30of distance there
46:31on that cover
46:32between Mr. Ass
46:33and The Rock.
46:35And again,
46:36Rock taking it
46:37to the outlaw's corner.
46:39Tag made.
46:40The Road Dogg in.
46:45Look at him all
46:46just kicking the fire
46:47out of The Rock.
46:48Sort of like Doggy Style.
46:50You say you sort of
46:51like Doggy Style?
46:53What did you say?
46:55I might have said that.
46:57Look out!
47:00elevated and
47:01taken straight south
47:03by the 6'5",
47:05Mr. Ass.
47:07And referee
47:08Jim Cordero is
47:09restraining Mankind
47:11in the meantime
47:12back at the ranch.
47:14The Rock got
47:15double teamed
47:16or at least a ticket
47:17double teamed.
47:18Rock tossed back
47:19in the ring.
47:20It's The Rock
47:21and The Road Dogg.
47:23Meantime back
47:24at the ranch
47:26so to speak.
47:29Rock right hand.
47:31The Rock been beaten
47:32up and beaten down
47:33by The Outlaws.
47:34This time
47:35it's The Road Dogg.
47:36Road Dogg on top
47:37of his game tonight.
47:39He usually is.
47:45Hard right hand
47:46and The Outlaws
47:47dominating The Rock
47:48at this point in time
47:49and got a near fall.
47:54ready, willing and
47:55able to make a tag
47:56if The Rock can get there.
47:59Road Dogg and Mr. Ass
48:00have something to say
48:01about that.
48:03And both of these teams
48:04whether it's Road Dogg
48:05and Mr. Ass
48:06or the Rock and Sock
48:08can't be looking forward
48:09to having to face
48:10The Acolytes.
48:17And The Rock
48:20He exploded on
48:21The Road Dogg.
48:25Oh, Rock looking
48:26for a clothesline.
48:30Road Dogg.
48:31Oh, oh, oh.
48:33Oh, too much
48:34doggie style.
48:36And The Road Dogg
48:37paid for it.
48:38Maybe too much
48:40But Mr. Ass
48:41caught The Rock
48:42from behind
48:43and The Road Dogg
48:44caught The Rock
48:45from the front.
48:50Rock's in trouble
48:52Sure as heck is.
48:53The Outlaws make
48:54another tag.
48:55And again look at
48:56the position of The Rock.
48:57The exchange was made.
48:58The Rock was in
48:59The Outlaws' half of
49:00the ring.
49:01Rock looked like
49:02he might have spent
49:03the night at the
49:04SmackDown Hotel
49:06In the Presidential
49:08I might suggest.
49:13I'll tell you what
49:15The Rock
49:16rolling on his side
49:17with a smart move
49:18to stay off his back.
49:20But Mr. Ass is
49:21Look at Greg Norman
49:22out there.
49:26Mr. Ass cut off
49:27the flow of blood
49:28to the brain
49:29to the carotid artery.
49:31As first described
49:32by the legendary
49:33Gordon Sully
49:36welcomed us every week
49:37to the Sunshine State
49:38of Florida
49:39where we are now.
49:42that could be it
49:43for The Rock.
49:44Sure could.
49:45Man how
49:46frustrating would this
49:47be for The Rock
49:48to lose in his
49:50here in South
49:55This is his
49:57I didn't see his
49:59Rock lives in
50:03Folks in
50:04Fort Lauderdale
50:05say Miami is a
50:06suburb of them.
50:07And The Rock
50:08fighting back up
50:10Build some
50:11momentum here.
50:12And The Rock
50:13floats over
50:14and strikes the DDT.
50:16He got him.
50:18And now The Rock
50:19is as near his
50:20corner as he has
50:21been in the last
50:22several minutes.
50:26Mankind very smart
50:27to be on
50:28this side of the
50:29ring post
50:30closest to his
50:32Nothing smart
50:33about Mankind.
50:35How many
50:36best sellers
50:37does he have?
50:38He is a few
50:39peas short of a
50:41How many what?
50:42Best sellers
50:43have you written?
50:45I've never taken
50:46the time out of my
50:47busy schedule to
50:48write my memoir.
50:49But when I do,
50:50oh boy.
50:53Rock trying to
50:54work his way back
50:55up but
50:56it's Mr. Ass
50:57who's going to make
50:58the tag first.
50:59And The Rock
51:00sees Mankind
51:01and there's the tag.
51:02So Mankind
51:03and the Road Dog
51:04get their tags.
51:05And Mankind
51:06striking badass
51:07just because
51:08badass is still
51:09in the ring.
51:18moving that 300
51:19pounds around.
51:21Oh my gosh.
51:22Driving his knees
51:23into the face of the
51:24champions, the tag
51:25team champions.
51:26The gold is on
51:27the line.
51:31A big break
51:32for the Rock
51:33and Sock
51:35And Mankind
51:36and Mr. Ass
51:37face first
51:39Here he goes again.
51:41He just wants
51:42he's intent on
51:43trading punches
51:44with Road Dog.
51:45Look at this.
51:46He's mocking him.
51:48See there.
51:49He rocked
51:50when he said a roll.
51:51He's an idiot.
51:52Referee down.
51:53And there's a
51:55And so is the Road Dog.
51:56He is down.
52:00No ref.
52:01He just knocked
52:02his lights out.
52:04Well that was not
52:05a good break for
52:06the Rock and Sock
52:08And this.
52:09Oh man.
52:10Referee sandwiched
52:12Between Mankind
52:13and Mr. Ass.
52:14The Rock is back in.
52:15The Rock
52:16has rocked
52:17Mr. Ass
52:18over the top.
52:22Oh look at this.
52:23Double arm DDT.
52:30They are safe.
52:34digging out
52:37from those
52:38Fruit of the Looms.
52:41the sock
52:42down in the
52:44of the Road Dog.
52:46And there's
52:47Al Snow.
52:50Al Snow just
52:51hammered Mankind
52:52with head.
52:53With a wooden
52:54mannequin head.
52:57And the Road Dog
52:58just happened to
53:00on top of Mankind.
53:02This one is over.
53:03And the Rock.
53:04Wait a minute.
53:05The Rock
53:06interrupted the tip.
53:09And the Rock's
53:10going after Al Snow.
53:12He got him.
53:13And the Rock
53:14caught Al Snow.
53:17Hit him right on the.
53:19Helicopter head.
53:23The Rock heads
53:24on the Warzone.
53:25Hey wait a minute.
53:28My God.
53:29Ding dong.
53:30The bell.
53:31What the?
53:32Right in the face of Mankind.
53:35And he kicked out.
53:38kicked out.
53:39How in the hell
53:40did he do it?
53:44I don't know.
53:45I don't think Mankind
53:46even knows where he is.
53:48Nick Foley's
53:49wrestling on instincts here.
53:51Another exchange
53:52for the Outlaws.
53:53The Rock
53:54gets back in his corner.
53:55This match
53:57The tag titles
53:58on the line.
53:59Oh my.
54:05A taste of his own medicine.
54:06What a Piledriver.
54:08That's going to be it
54:09right there.
54:10And Mankind.
54:11I ain't believing this.
54:14The referee
54:15might want to
54:16think about stopping
54:17this thing.
54:18Mankind's been
54:19dropped right on his head.
54:20Uh oh.
54:21Uh oh.
54:23Bad ass
54:24taunting The Rock.
54:25What are you talking about
54:26stopping this thing?
54:27Oh look at this.
54:34a pile up here.
54:35I guess a dog pile.
54:36A dog.
54:37A dog on top.
54:38A pile of dog.
54:41What'd you say?
54:42A dog pile?
54:44A doggy style pile.
54:46Get in there Rock.
54:47Lay the smackdown on everybody.
54:50fighting to make the tag.
54:52I don't know
54:53which one of the Outlaws
54:54are legal.
54:55I don't know if it matters.
54:56Stupid sock ain't legal.
54:58Watch Mr. Socko
54:59make the tag.
55:00It'll make me sicko.
55:02Reaching down
55:03for everything.
55:04He's got to make a tag.
55:08makes the tag.
55:09Socko made the tag.
55:12The Rock
55:13hammering Mr. Ass.
55:14Getting up by the dog.
55:15Smack him.
55:16He's being laid down.
55:17Uh oh.
55:20Two misses.
55:21Oh my.
55:22Welcome to the
55:23Smackdown Hotel.
55:25And the Road Dogg
55:26interrupted the count again.
55:28The Rock building
55:29some serious momentum there
55:30on Mr. Ass
55:31it would seem.
55:38And another one.
55:40Rock Bottom.
55:41Rock Bottom.
55:42It's going to be over
55:43right here.
55:44And out still
55:45back in there.
55:46Damn it.
55:47What's he doing back there?
55:48The winners of this bout
55:50as a result
55:51of a disqualification
55:53and Al Snow.
55:55Well the Rock
55:56and Socko mentioned
55:57winning the match
55:58by disqualification
55:59Mankind and Al Snow
56:00fighting on the outside.
56:02Mankind making some connections
56:03to Al Snow's head now.
56:04And the Outlaws
56:05are still the tag team champions.
56:08And now it's The Rock
56:09both Outlaws
56:10in the ring
56:11Mankind and Al Snow
56:12on the outside.
56:13Rock Bottom.
56:14Rock Bottom
56:15on the Road Dogg.
56:19Al Snow back in.
56:20Al Snow is crazy.
56:23And he's also been
56:24Rock Bottom.
56:26Greater than Pet Coon
56:27ain't he JR?
56:31Here it comes.
56:32Al Snow's going to get
56:33introduced to the most
56:34electrifying move
56:35in sports entertainment
56:38The People's Elbow!
56:44Al Snow
56:45has taught
56:46The Rock and Socko
56:48the tag team title.
56:54I'm serious man.
57:00Well I'll tell you what
57:01The Rock and Socko
57:03Steve Armageddon
57:04King with a victory
57:05albeit by disqualification
57:07but without the tag titles.
57:08Thanks to that idiot
57:09Al Snow
57:10the Big Boss Man
57:11the number one contender
57:12for the WWF title
57:14will meet the Big Show King
57:15here momentarily.
57:16And I don't know how
57:17low a human being can be
57:18other than the Boss Man.
57:20I'll tell you what
57:21Boss Man has touched
57:22every emotion
57:23in the Big Show
57:24leading us up to tonight.
57:26And I'm going to tell you
57:27this is going to be
57:28something to see.
57:32The police officer
57:33told the Big Show
57:34just moments ago
57:35that the Big Show's
57:36daddy has died
57:37of cancer.
57:38And we wish our
57:39heartfelt condolences
57:40to the Big Show
57:41and his family
57:42over his loss.
57:44What'd he say?
57:45What'd he do?
57:47My daddy!
57:48My daddy!
57:50Without a doubt
57:51that is funny!
57:52That sick, sadistic
57:53Boss Man deserves
57:54everything he's got
57:55coming to him!
57:56Oh my gosh!
57:58What would you do
57:59if somebody took
58:00a family heirloom
58:01that belonged to
58:02your grandfather
58:03that's handed down
58:04to your father
58:05then to you?
58:06Somebody smashed
58:07you with a hammer.
58:08Can you imagine
58:09what that watch means
58:10to the Big Show?
58:11The Boss Man
58:12has brought this
58:13upon himself, King
58:14plain and simple.
58:15The Boss Man
58:16has driven the Big Show
58:17to this.
58:18I don't know what
58:19I'm getting full of either.
58:21It's when I pushed
58:22that dumpster
58:23onto the car.
58:24I knew I could have
58:25squashed the Boss Man
58:26at Prince Harbor.
58:27I knew I could have
58:28crushed him like grapes.
58:30The funny thing about it
58:31is inside I didn't care.
58:34I've got feelings too!
58:36It pains me deeply
58:38to hear that
58:39the Big Show's dad
58:40has passed on
58:41with the deepest regrets
58:43and tears that are soaked.
58:46I'm sorry to hear
58:47your dad finally croaked.
58:48He lived a full life
58:49on his own terms.
58:51Soon he'll be buried
58:52and eaten by worms.
58:54But if I could have
58:55a son as stupid as you,
58:57I'd have wished for cancer
58:58so I would die too.
59:00Well, I thought I'd seen
59:01everything until I saw this.
59:03I mean, what could be
59:04going through the mind
59:05of the Boss Man?
59:06What could he be thinking
59:07pulling a stunt like this?
59:09I mean, it's hard
59:10to even describe
59:11when you talk about
59:13the Big Show's
59:14father's funeral.
59:16The Big Show
59:17with tears in his eyes
59:18what an emotional week
59:20for that big monster
59:21that buried his father
59:22on Thursday!
59:24The Big Show
59:25is the World Wrestling
59:26Federation Champion!
59:28Rock hammered away
59:29at the face of Prince Albert.
59:31Remember, the stakes are high!
59:32Sock off, slam!
59:33That did it!
