• 2 days ago
00:00I don't know where, I don't know where.
00:03He got him.
00:04Prince Albert with a distraction, but the Boss Man has upset The Rock.
00:08The Boss Man's the number one contender now for the WWE title.
00:12I can't believe this.
00:14This has gone way too far by The Boss Man,
00:16who obviously is in cahoots with Prince Albert.
00:19The Boss Man and Prince Albert are locking the door.
00:22Get out of this chair.
00:23Get out of what?
00:24It's another assault.
00:26Those noxious fumes.
00:29Big Show's gotta have some help.
00:30He needs help now.
00:32Look at this.
00:32Hey, the Boss Man, the number one contender for the WWF title,
00:36is assaulting the champion with a nightstick.
00:39Lots of scores to set, a lot of open wounds still existing between the Big Show
00:44and the Big Boss Man.
00:45I wanna be the champion.
00:47I got goals for myself.
00:49Any way I can get there, I'm gonna do it.
00:53What I found and dug up is a matter of public record.
00:56It's about your past, it's about Paul's past, and it's about his dad's past.
01:02You don't tell me what's in this package, I will.
01:06Let me tell him what you got for me.
01:09He's a legitimate child.
01:11So what you're saying is your son's a bastard?
01:15Hey, Paul, what?
01:17You're a nasty bastard, and your mama said so.
01:23The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:28It's for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.
01:33Introducing first, the challenger, to be accompanied to the ring by
01:38Trent Salvers from Palm County, Georgia.
01:42Weighing 304 pounds, he is the hard core champion,
01:47the Big Boss Man.
01:48Do you think they're proud of the Big Boss Man in Palm County, Georgia?
01:52I don't think so.
01:53If you gave me two weeks, I couldn't think of any more dastardly or
01:59anything lower that the Boss Man could do to affect the Big Show.
02:04No character, no integrity by the Big Boss Man.
02:08He's got Trent Salvers winning the Boss Man 66304.
02:12Look how big Trent is.
02:14And the Boss Man, you know what I like about him, though?
02:16He's just rotten, JR.
02:17He's rotten to the core.
02:19You know, I thought it was real funny when Big Freak shows
02:24Fake Daddy died and went to hell.
02:28Fake Daddy?
02:43Fake Daddy?
02:44But you know what's ten times funnier than his Fake
02:47Daddy dying?
02:48That's Big Show walking around, wow!
02:53Who's my daddy?
02:54Where's my daddy?
02:55Who's my daddy?
02:56Well, that's the million-dollar question.
02:59Your daddy could be any one of these stinking morons sitting in this arena
03:04Oh, my!
03:05But the fact remains, after I get through kicking your ass,
03:08I will be the World Wrestling Federation champion,
03:11and I guess that makes me you know the leader.
03:13Daddy, I'd suggest calling an ambulance right now.
03:17Man, he's talking about guys signing his death wish.
03:20Well, you were there with him on heat.
03:35What kind of mood was he in?
03:36That was scary, huh?
03:37Eerily calm, dangerous silence, and here we go.
03:43No more.
03:44The big show, the WWF champion, the title is on the line here.
03:48And the big show, 7'2", 500 pounds, wants to dismantle the big boss
03:54man and leave the big man from Cobb County, Georgia, in a variety of pieces.
04:04Boss man at 304 getting manhandled.
04:08Trying to take the boss man out of his flak jacket.
04:12Man, that is just unmitigated, scary strength by the big show.
04:17The WWF champion.
04:23Almost taking the boss man's head off there.
04:26I think the show could have gone for a pin if he'd have wanted it.
04:29And I don't like the looks of this.
04:31Big show's WWF title on the line.
04:36He's ready to move, JR.
04:38Oh, headbutt by the champion.
04:40And from behind comes Prince Albert.
04:43Oh, referee Tim White trying to break him up.
04:47But wait a minute, Big Show's got the Prince.
04:50Look out!
04:50Oh, my God, oh my God.
04:52Oh, and the boss man just used the steel steps to take the big show's head off.
04:59Did you see that?
05:01The big show chokeslam Prince Albert, who weighs about 370,
05:06through the, I hate to say it, the Spanish announce table again.
05:13But then we got spared.
05:16The boss man hit the big show right in the face with a steel step.
05:21Look at this power.
05:22This is unreal.
05:26And then boom, right down the stairs, coming right in your living room.
05:32Look at this.
05:33Oh, the big show's head.
05:35You hear the smack right off the steel ring post.
05:37He's out, JR.
05:38That's it.
05:39The big show is motionless on the outside here.
05:44But the boss man, the number one contender for the WWF title.
05:48Yeah, but he can't win the title out there.
05:50He's got to, he's got to try to get the big show back in the ring, JR.
05:53You're right about that.
05:53The boss man cannot win the title by count out.
05:57You better hurry.
05:57He's up to three.
05:59He'll never be able to lift him back.
06:01Oh, boss man broke the count there.
06:03Referee uses a 10 count.
06:05Pretty smart down in Cobb County.
06:07Boss man knows all the tricks.
06:09Does this veteran from Cobb County, Georgia.
06:14And now the boss, that's like a, he needs a forklift to get the 500 pounder back in the ring.
06:19It may be academic from here.
06:23And the boss man trying to pull the center of the ring.
06:28And there's a cover.
06:29This should be all right here.
06:31Oh, my God.
06:32Look at the power.
06:34Oh, the big show kicked off.
06:37He nipped up.
06:39500 pounder nipped up.
06:43Big shows don't nip up, JR.
06:45How'd he do that?
06:48I think it's going to be showtime.
06:51Look at that.
06:52That catcher's midsize hand and a choke slam.
06:56The leg is hooked.
06:57What a choke slam.
06:59My God, what a choke slam.
07:02Well, it's the big show.
07:04And still, what's left to do is to bring it back to the big show.
07:12The big show left the carnage.
07:15Grimshaw will finish the finish announce table.
07:18The boss man took a choke slam from the heavens.
07:22And the big show is still the WWF champion.
07:27She's done work by the hour.
07:29Look at that choke slam.
07:31The big show has been waiting a long time to do that.
07:34And he finally got it done.
07:36Grimshaw wanted to snap that choke slam off.
07:38And he did just that.
07:40An emotional victory for the big show.
07:43But when you talk about emotions, ladies and gentlemen,
07:46nothing can compare to what we are about to see.
07:49No holds barred.
07:51Falls count anywhere.
07:53Vince McMahon.
07:54Triple H.
07:55And it all started in November at the Survivor Series on pay-per-view.
08:01Vince McMahon has the title belt in his hand, King.
08:04Look out!
08:05Look out!
08:05He got it!
08:06McMahon just knocked Triple H down with a belt.
08:10The big show with a choke slam.
08:13I can't believe it!
08:15Vince McMahon has screwed Triple H.
08:17Vince McMahon has made sure that Triple H would not leave here with the WWF championship.
08:23Vince McMahon committed a crime against me personally,
08:30which left me with no choice but to have DX get personal with Vince McMahon.
08:38It's a 4-on-1.
08:40A fucking DX is trying to send a message to Vince McMahon personally.
08:45Vince Armageddon will be me and you one more time.
08:51We will get personal.
08:57What the hell was that?
08:59You're a street.
09:01Vince, that's your family.
09:03They've fallen down the stairs and they can't get up.
09:06Attention surrounding Vince McMahon and Triple H.
09:10Personal vendetta is at the boiling point.
09:13You think you can get away with this?
09:15Oh my God!
09:18Vince McMahon is ramming the DX limo.
09:23What's he doing?
09:25Has Vince McMahon lost his mind?
09:27The DX is inside there again!
09:29Come on!
09:30Come on, let's play the game!
09:32McMahon will no doubt have destroyed the DX limo.
09:35I've got problems here.
09:36I've got to take care of my clothes.
09:37Look at McMahon, you're under arrest.
09:40What is that?
09:40Vince is under arrest?
09:42The DX will have to come home to me here.
09:44Oh, look at that!
09:45Look at Hensley!
09:46Assaulting a handcuff!
09:48Vince McMahon!
09:49Tell McMahon he's making this too personal.
09:52Oh, wait a minute!
09:52Oh, it's Vince!
09:53It's Vince!
09:54It's Vince McMahon!
09:55Vince McMahon with a chair!
09:57Off to the back of the spine!
09:59Oh, Christ!
09:59Oh my God!
10:01Oh my God!
10:02McMahon just threw Hensley right off the stage!
10:05That was only 15 or 20 feet to the concrete!
10:08Vince, we have a T.O.P. against you.
10:13That means temporary order of protection.
10:17If you come in within 50 feet of DX, you will be arrested.
10:21Tonight, our hearts are filled with great happiness.
10:24On Andrew and Stephanie's wedding night, should there be anyone who has cause
10:31why this couple should not be united in marriage,
10:36they must speak now or forever, hold their peace.
10:41I really felt that you should take a look at this.
10:43Hey, how you doing?
10:44Hey, you're Triple H!
10:45Damn straight, I am.
10:46Are you getting married?
10:47That's what I'm here for.
10:48Who are you marrying?
10:49The virtuous Stephanie McMahon.
10:54They get a nice shot of the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
11:00Triple H has married Stephanie McMahon!
11:03If your dad can beat me at Armageddon, the wedding is a no.
11:09But if I beat him, then I get my shot at the title.
11:14I want this in writing, and by God, come this Thursday,
11:18I'll have new documentation for you to sign so you can't weasel out of any of these provisions.
11:25Vince McMahon has signed the contract.
11:27Triple H about to do it as well.
11:28It's official.
11:29Here you go, kid.
11:30Bring these back to your old man.
11:32Oh, man!
11:34Triple H with a microphone to the side of the head of Shane McMahon!
11:37TXM pushing Shane McMahon!
11:39What's he doing?
11:43Triple H!
11:44Triple H talking Shane McMahon off the stage!
11:47Oh, my God!
11:48Dad, at Armageddon, your little baby is gonna sit front, row, center,
11:57and watch me beat you until you can't stand up.
12:04After this match at Armageddon is over, so, too, will be your marriage to my daughter,
12:10because I promise you I'm gonna kick your ass from heaven all the way down there!
12:17Will it be Armageddon for Triple H or for Vince McMahon?
12:21We will get personal.
12:25Well, ladies and gentlemen, time has come.
12:37And there is Stephanie McMahon.
12:38Boy, is she in a tough situation here.
12:41She's gonna be setting King at ringside thanks to the ticket her husband, Triple H, provided her.
12:49And as he says, so she can see exactly what Triple H is going to do
12:54to Stephanie's father, Vince McMahon.
12:58Just a little wedding present there.
13:00Those front row tickets are expensive!
13:19Here comes Triple H, making his way to the battleground.
13:33How appropriate is that, JR?
13:35Personnel carriers, machine guns, attack helicopters.
13:41All these vintage combat units.
13:45Wait a minute.
13:45What the hell?
13:47Look at his right hand.
13:51And I know this is no-holds-barred, but what the hell is this?
13:54And for one more, it's no-holds-barred at Lawrence House.
14:00Anyway, introducing first, the next generation of
14:05weighing 250 pounds, Ripple H!
14:10The married man, JR.
14:11You saw him kiss that ring.
14:13Yeah, there's his wife.
14:14Well, I don't understand this.
14:17Referee's got to take control here.
14:19The senior referee, Mike Chioda, is not in the matchup.
14:27Well, there's your happy couple right there.
14:29Husband and wife, they are.
14:30I don't know how happy they are.
14:32No, they're not happy at all.
14:33They're living in life, they're living hell for Stephanie.
14:37Plus, well, goodwill with the senior referee, Earl Hemmer.
14:42Mike Chioda, the official here.
14:43I'm just so used to having baby Earl in these kind of events.
14:46Well, thanks to Triple H, he's not here, right?
14:48Yeah, exactly.
14:50Boy, what a look for Stephanie.
14:53What do you mean, that look, Dave?
14:55Referee Chioda, he's got the sledgehammer away from Triple H.
14:58No-holds-barred doesn't mean you can use sledgehammers on people.
15:02That's not right.
15:05I mean, guys, if you ever see that look from your wife,
15:10it pretty much means it's over, doesn't it?
15:11Bless her heart, she has been through hell.
16:33And look at Triple H, he's at the peak of his career.
16:38Look at him, he's the game.
16:41Triple H knows what's at stake here.
16:45Oh, McMahon, McMahon is through powder right in Triple H's, right into his eyes.
16:51And McMahon has blinded Triple H.
16:53McMahon is, is hammering away.
16:56This is not going to be a wrestling match.
16:58Don't expect a wrestling match.
17:00This is going to be a street fight.
17:01It's through powder right in the eyes of Triple H from the get-go.
17:04And McMahon, those gloves on his hands.
17:07This is the first time that McMahon's been able to get within 50 feet of Triple H in a month.
17:11McMahon doing what he knows to do best.
17:13And that is to survive the street fight.
17:15McMahon's no wrestler.
17:17And Hilton's got to try to cover up here.
17:21Hilton pushing McMahon off.
17:22Hilton, he still can't see.
17:24Hilton blinded here from the powder to his eyes.
17:28And McMahon with those three shots.
17:29Oh, what a number cut.
17:30Look at those shots right in the eyes of, eyes of Triple H right in the head.
17:35Oh, hard right hand.
17:36You can hear the smack.
17:39Well, Vince better not tire out.
17:41He better keep laying those smacks on Triple H.
17:44McMahon's right hand's all the way from Idaho.
17:47Big time rights right to the head.
17:49Stay on him.
17:52And now McMahon to the clothesline.
17:53Remember, Triple H can find himself out of the game if he loses this match.
18:00Not only his marriage, but his title aspirations.
18:03Now Vince cannot afford to get cocky here.
18:05He can't afford to get, oh!
18:08No holds barred.
18:09Anything goes.
18:11There can be no disqualifications.
18:14There can be no countouts.
18:15And remember, ladies and gentlemen, that pinfalls in this match count anywhere.
18:21I know Stephanie didn't like to see that move.
18:24Oh, he stopped it.
18:27Stephanie hates Triple H almost probably.
18:29Hey, look out!
18:30Oh my gosh!
18:31Good God almighty.
18:32Triple H landed right on top of us here.
18:37Watch yourself, JR.
18:39Don't worry, I will.
18:40Triple H is one to better watch himself.
18:46Triple H with a knee to the midsection.
18:48Stopping McMahon there.
18:49I told you, Vince can't afford to get cocky.
18:51Oh, look at this!
18:52Vince countered.
18:53Vince countered Triple H.
18:55And Triple H was just shocked into the ring steps.
18:58I can't believe that.
19:02Not gonna be pretty here.
19:04It could end at any time.
19:06I doubt if we'll even see a wrestling hold applied.
19:08And look at this!
19:10And Triple H going over the rail.
19:13Right out in the crowd.
19:14McMahon out there with it.
19:15Remember, falls count anywhere, King.
19:17Can't imagine why we'd want to see a wrestling hold applied.
19:21But these guys can fight all over Fort Lauderdale.
19:24What's this?
19:25He's got a wheelchair already.
19:27McMahon and Triple H.
19:28McMahon, I'll tell you what.
19:29You gotta hand it to Vince McMahon.
19:31He used to have a wheelchair.
19:33He's 53 years old.
19:35And he is coming right at Triple H with everything he's got.
19:39And we know what kind of game Triple H has.
19:42He's as good as it gets.
19:43Triple H is hitting somebody at what Vince though?
19:47I don't think Triple H has got his total sight back.
19:50After that powder to the eyes.
19:53Now, where are they going?
19:56I don't know.
19:57I hope we can get...
19:58Hope we got camera cable.
19:59If we get out there, wherever these guys are going, it's hard to see.
20:04There's a light.
20:05Triple H and McMahon.
20:06Uh-oh, I think that was Vince.
20:11I think that was Vince who went into that middle door.
20:17He's fighting in the shadows.
20:24Triple H, he's standing.
20:25McMahon is not.
20:27I don't even see Vince.
20:31Where is he?
20:32Where is he?
20:33Where is...
20:34Where's Vince McMahon?
20:37Oh, there he is.
20:39He's backed up.
20:40But maybe not for long.
20:46McMahon knocked down by the game.
20:52Oh, look at this.
20:53And the crowd here is deafening here in the Nassau Colorado Center.
20:56LJ right-hand shots to the chairman of this company, to his father-in-law.
21:11Look at Stephanie trying to see what's going on back there.
21:18Triple H trying with the right hands.
21:20More right hands to McMahon's face.
21:24I can hardly hear you, JR.
21:27What's up?
21:31Back there by ringside.
21:35McMahon knocked down to a knee.
21:38Triple H to those three right-hand shots.
21:41Right to the skull, the temple of McMahon.
21:43And now he's choking Vince McMahon, his Triple H.
21:47It's a son-in-law hammering his father-in-law.
21:51Boy, a lot of son-in-laws would love to do that.
21:55Oh, look at this.
21:55Oh, McMahon elevator Triple H over the top.
21:59Back in the secured area here.
22:04How is McMahon even standing is my question.
22:07Oh, I can't.
22:08Right to the heart, if there is one, of Triple H.
22:11Because I'm sure that every time Vince thinks about stopping or giving up or being tired,
22:17all he's got to do is remember, Stephanie, what is this?
22:21What the hell?
22:22Here comes Mankind.
22:24What is this idiot doing coming out here?
22:26Well, remember, it's no-holds-barred.
22:28And if anybody knows no-holds-barred, it's Mankind.
22:31And look at the weapons that Mankind, I'm assuming, has brought Vince McMahon.
22:37Let's throw him out of here.
22:38Get that idiot out of here.
22:49Vince McMahon.
22:54McMahon has headed our way with a trash can lid, a steel trash can lid.
23:02Look out, holding out.
23:04Oh, Hamilton got a kick.
23:05Maybe a low blow.
23:08Oh, God almighty.
23:12That can went right back in Vince's face.
23:15Hey, wait.
23:17Oh, Triple H is washing his eyes out.
23:20Well, he had that powder on his eyes, JR.
23:22I know he did.
23:23He's trying to regain his sight here.
23:24And McMahon, oh, my God.
23:26McMahon is back up.
23:28He shot Helmsley.
23:29Oh, good God almighty.
23:32Oh, Jesus.
23:33That's worse than powder.
23:36That steel can hitting the-
23:40He's trying to kill him.
23:41The humanity of it all.
23:44McMahon fighting for his own pride, his own rivalry with Helmsley,
23:49but more importantly, for her, for his daughter, Stephanie.
23:53Stephanie's actually smiling.
23:55What the-
23:56Marriage made in hell, Triple H and Stephanie.
24:00Oh, my gosh.
24:01What else has that can brought out here?
24:03Not a garbage can.
24:07I guarantee you, Vince has never touched one of those in his life.
24:10Triple H, look out.
24:12McMahon bringing that can around.
24:15He's walking with a purpose.
24:17McMahon's got to be riveted with pain as well.
24:20And here he comes.
24:22And he just laid the can in, right into Helmsley's head.
24:28Can you believe this?
24:31For the love of his daughter, for his family name, for his own pride,
24:36McMahon's not going to quit.
24:38And again.
24:40What a shot.
24:42Man, that shot got Helmsley.
24:45Got him a hole in one there in the golf-ledging Greg Norman's area.
24:49Stephanie, have some compassion.
24:50It's your husband.
24:53Great one.
24:56Oh, my gosh.
24:57Not a crutch.
25:00A steel crutch, to say the least.
25:04Oh, man.
25:06Right across the spine of his apparent, maybe soon to be former son-in-law.
25:13A lot of father-in-laws would like to do that to their son-in-laws too.
25:16Come on.
25:17McMahon trying to choke the life out of Triple H.
25:21Come on.
25:23Come on.
25:28Now I think she's starting to feel sorry for Triple H.
25:30I don't think so.
25:32Why should she?
25:33Triple H is-
25:34It's her husband, JR.
25:35Oh, her husband, my ass.
25:39That was a sham, a ruse.
25:43That low blow.
25:45There's a de-habilitating, prickling maneuver, to say the very least.
25:51Very least.
25:54Referee is here only to count the pinfall.
25:56Anything goes in this matchup.
25:59Man, Ty brought all of these weapons out here.
26:03There they are!
26:03And Vince McMahon just got introduced to each and every one of them at one time.
26:07Come on, Vince.
26:08I knew he wouldn't know how to operate a shopping cart.
26:10What's up, Eli?
26:12Vince McMahon lying there now, and he-
26:15What's this?
26:15Oh, no, it's like a road sign or something.
26:19Good Lord!
26:21Man, Helmsley laid that one in.
26:23I think he said something about handicap parking.
26:25Do you think Vince will be able to park after this match?
26:27Well, let's see.
26:28Oh, he's got a chain.
26:30Triple H has got a chain wrapped around his fist.
26:34Come on, Vince.
26:34Come on, Vince.
26:35Come on, Vince.
26:35Come on, Vince.
26:36Come on, Vince.
26:37Come on, Vince.
26:37Come on, Vince.
26:38Come on, Vince.
26:38Come on, Vince.
26:39Come on, Vince.
26:39Come on, Vince.
26:40Come on, Vince.
26:40Come on, Vince.
26:41Come on, Vince.
26:41Come on, Triple H.
26:44You can hear the smack of the steel in McMahon's skull.
26:48Don't hit the ref.
26:49And that's not a very exciting sound.
26:54Well, quite frankly, Triple H does hit the referee.
26:58It's the referee's fault.
26:58It won't matter.
26:59That's right.
27:00It won't matter.
27:04Well, I think Stephanie had to realize that her dad was in for a long, hard night.
27:09Oh, my gosh.
27:09But every time you think Triple H is going to build some momentum, Vince McMahon comes back.
27:14Vince McMahon's not going to quit here.
27:16And he just broke that stick across the ample-sized back of Triple H.
27:21Uh-oh, watch that side.
27:26And that was a shot to the head.
27:29Triple H has headed up a wave in the ring.
27:32It's almost as if Triple H lured Vince in that time.
27:39Face first into the helicopter.
27:43All this vintage combat, this combat vehicles, the people mover, the helicopter.
27:52Stephanie with a very concerned look and rightfully so.
27:54It was even a tank back there, JR.
27:56Stephanie's father.
27:58Another low blow by Triple H.
28:00We won't be having any more of those, Stephanie.
28:04Shane McMahon got to be standing and pacing back and forth at home.
28:09Shane got hurt Thursday night on SmackDown thanks to Triple H and D-Axle.
28:13Oh, sandbag.
28:15Sandbag right to the nose.
28:16Sandbag in there.
28:18Shane McMahon not with us tonight.
28:19He's back in Greenwich.
28:21And he's got to be, like I said, pacing the floor over this match,
28:25as I'm sure the whole McMahon family is.
28:28Oh, how much more can Vince take?
28:31In all due respect, I know he's in great shape.
28:34He's tried to train hard for this matchup.
28:36But King, how much more can any human being take?
28:39Much less a 53-year-old man.
28:41Well, he better keep taking it.
28:44If he don't, Triple H is going to take his beloved little daughter.
28:48I think that that's what Vince is thinking.
28:50And every time that thought hits him again, he rises back to the occasion.
28:54He has another adrenaline rush.
28:56He better rise up off that Foot Locker.
29:00Triple H going now.
29:04Triple H has got to-
29:06That's right.
29:07Get your breath back, baby.
29:10Triple H is looking at doing something here.
29:12Vince is trying to get himself up.
29:14Vince is standing, but I don't know how.
29:20We got a spill on aisle four.
29:22McMahon just got run over by that shopping cart.
29:26Caught him right in the face.
29:30I don't know how Vince is even going to get back to this at all.
29:33He is down.
29:35This is not McMahon's errand.
29:36This is not his arena.
29:38This is Triple H's game.
29:41He is the game.
29:47Another shot to the head.
29:49How does Vince keep getting up?
29:52It's your guts for the love of his daughter, for the respect of his family.
29:57McMahon's not going to stay down.
29:58Two by four!
29:59A two by four.
30:00Triple H is trying to hit Vince with a two by four.
30:02And McMahon is trying to block it.
30:08Another shot right to the head.
30:11A thud there.
30:12And another thud.
30:16Multiple thuds.
30:20Couldn't break his hand.
30:21That shot.
30:22He don't care.
30:23And Stephanie likes what she's seeing now.
30:26Her dad is on the offensive.
30:30And I don't know how Vince is even standing.
30:32I don't know if he knows how he is standing.
30:34What in the world is that?
30:35Oh, that wrench.
30:37That steel wrench there.
30:40And McMahon trying to hit Helsey in the ribs.
30:43I think Helsey got the right hand before the ribs took.
30:46His ribs were in a crack.
30:47That'd have broken Triple H's ribs.
30:50And that'd have punctured a lung with that shot.
30:55Somehow, someway.
30:59McMahon is up and he is on dream street.
31:03Oh my.
31:08I don't think those helicopters were quite designed for this sort of environment.
31:16Oh, another straight right hand by Triple H.
31:23That machine gun caught McMahon right in the head for God's sake.
31:29He's a goner.
31:31And I don't know.
31:33I know it's-
31:34They're at a casualty here.
31:35No kidding, man.
31:42We're gonna need a-
31:43Watch McMahon's head snap.
31:47From that machine gun.
31:49That pivot, that turn there.
31:53What's he doing now?
31:59Triple H has a huge advantage now.
32:04Triple H with a huge advantage.
32:07He has McMahon in his-
32:08Wait a minute, no he doesn't.
32:10McMahon, he countered the whip.
32:12And Helsey went face first.
32:16Is that an airplane or is that the back of that helicopter?
32:18Look at everything back there.
32:19I think that's a little airplane back there.
32:22Did you see that?
32:23That was not a good landing for Triple H.
32:28Kind of a cheap shot with that rover, wasn't it?
32:31No holds barred, remember that.
32:34Anything goes, there can be no disqualifications.
32:39Helsey noticeably limping there.
32:42Oh my gosh, what a shot.
32:44He's having trouble standing against Triple H.
32:46And Vince McMahon is just-
32:47He's going on guts and instinct here.
32:50Firing the only thing he knows, and that's rights and lifts.
32:58McMahon has been overcoming odds his entire life.
33:01But can he overcome these odds here tonight?
33:03This truly is a war, JR.
33:09We are experiencing Armageddon at Armageddon.
33:13Oh, a hard body shot.
33:15Those have got to begin to take their toll on Triple H,
33:18who counters back with the right hand of his own.
33:20And Triple H has been focusing on McMahon's head.
33:24What's going on now?
33:29Over near that sound equipment.
33:31Fighting in the shadows here.
33:35Falls count anywhere, in or out of the ring,
33:39in or out of the arena, doesn't matter.
33:43Now where?
33:46Oh, McMahon face first into that steel door.
33:50And it hit the door so hard, the door is raising.
33:54McMahon's head and the force of it
33:57must have triggered the mechanism to open the door.
34:01Somebody's got to be raising that door, JR.
34:07Well, Helsey's raising hell, that's what he's doing.
34:10As McMahon has been around more steel than-
34:15Oh, no, look out!
34:18McMahon's throwing the hood of that truck there.
34:23Look out!
34:24Over the elbow, right to McMahon's heart.
34:26Right on the hood of that truck.
34:30Whose truck is that?
34:34Helsey taunting Vince McMahon.
34:36As Stephanie and all those looking from the inside of the arena here on the giant screens.
34:41That's her father that's getting punished here.
34:45He's doing it for the family, he's doing it for Stephanie.
34:48But how much more can Vince McMahon take?
34:50Where's he going? Is he trying to leave?
34:53Where did Triple H go?
34:56Where is he?
34:58Where'd he go?
35:04Where did Triple H go? Got it.
35:06I didn't see which way Triple H went, Stephanie.
35:08It's a concern, more concern than anybody.
35:10Vince, I'm sure you want to continue with Vince.
35:18Referee asking Vince if he wants to continue.
35:20Triple H is outside!
35:21Triple H apparently has gone outside, that's at least what we're thinking here.
35:26I guess that's what Vince McMahon is thinking.
35:28Come on, you son of a bitch, you're out here somewhere!
35:35Vince McMahon showing no fear.
35:41Come on, you...
35:44Where the hell is he?
35:45I have no idea.
35:45Where is he?
35:47He just took off. I have no idea.
35:49It's referee Mike Gilder talking to him.
35:51Has he take off? Did he run?
35:54Has he left the scene of his crime?
35:58Has Helvey surrendered this war?
36:01I don't know, but I'll tell you, JR, I got a bad feeling about this.
36:05Vince, come on.
36:06Go that way.
36:07All right.
36:07You go over there between those trucks.
36:09All right.
36:09Find him. You see him.
36:11You call me.
36:14Vince McMahon looking for Triple H.
36:20Hey, wait a minute.
36:22Oh, God!
36:23For God's sakes!
36:28What the hell?
36:29Did that car hit Vince?
36:32Triple H is driving that car!
36:37Triple H is driving that car!
36:39Come on, Hunter.
36:40Did he...
36:41He tried to run Vince down, but...
36:44Did he hit Vince King?
36:46I can tell.
36:48That's gonna...
36:50My God!
36:51Come on, damn it!
36:52Helvey is intent there.
36:55It's sadistic.
36:57It's criminal.
37:01McMahon's face again.
37:03Look at this, JR.
37:04Maybe we can tell.
37:05Here's another angle.
37:07Look at that!
37:09Man, that was...
37:10Vince McMahon barely avoided being run down by Triple H in that automobile.
37:16You wanna say, huh?
37:17You wanna give it up, Vince?
37:19Vince ain't gonna give it up, Kyoto.
37:21Vince, you wanna give it up?
37:24Not long as Vince McMahon is breathing, he's gonna be fighting.
37:30With a face-first shot.
37:33And the hood of that other vehicle there.
37:36It's a limo.
37:41Oh, don't run him in the 18-wheeler!
37:43Oh, God!
37:44Come on, you ain't done enough, Triple H!
37:46Come on!
37:47This is...
37:49This is borderlining on Triple H being very sadistic here.
37:52Finish him off, you ain't done enough!
37:55I know it's no holds barred, but how much more do you let a man suffer?
38:00I don't know, but Triple H went out and commandeered somebody's car.
38:03Our fans that couldn't get in tonight because of the sellout.
38:05On the outside, looking down.
38:09Damn, they're on top of that limo!
38:12On the limo...
38:14McMahon body slam on the top of the limo!
38:19My God, how much more can a human anatomy take?
38:23The elbow right to McMahon's heart,
38:25who falls off the edge of the limousine to the concrete.
38:30That limo didn't even budge, it didn't even dent.
38:32When you say bench, you want to give it up?
38:40Kiyota trying to, again, almost as if the referee's trying to convince McMahon to say,
38:45yeah, quit.
38:45You want to go back in and see him?
38:50Come on.
38:50Is she in this truck?
38:51Have you seen the vehicle?
38:54McMahon faced first into another vehicle.
38:56I hear a helicopter overhead.
39:03This is a war zone.
39:04This is Armageddon.
39:05We may have incoming.
39:09Manny back this way.
39:12Man's staggering, trying to stand, showing amazing guts and intestinal fortitude.
39:20But you got to think the end's got to be near here.
39:31Triple H having his way now, King.
39:34I hate to say it, but that's what's happening right now.
39:39Kiyota's powerless to stop it.
39:41One of the two participants has to say they want to quit.
39:45McMahon seems to be out on his feet.
39:48Just wandering aimlessly.
39:50Cameraman had to dodge a chair there.
39:52McMahon being led right into more steel with his skull.
39:56Wait a minute.
39:57He stopped it and countered Triple H and McMahon on the right hand.
40:03Oh, it's got a surprise Triple H.
40:05You're not getting a surprise to me.
40:06You're surprising me as well.
40:11McMahon gets a little shot, a couple of shots in.
40:16He thinks he's built.
40:17We think he's building some momentum.
40:18Trying to work his way up.
40:20He's building some momentum.
40:21Trying to, where are the eyes?
40:22Oh, no, look out.
40:23McMahon on the pipe.
40:25Man, right to the lower abdomen of Triple H.
40:28McMahon with a steel pipe.
40:30Caught Triple H walking in.
40:33Oh, he, McMahon going for Triple H's head.
40:35And Triple H is heading for high ground.
40:37Don't go up there.
40:37Don't go up there.
40:41Triple H is climbing that, that tower back there in the battleground.
40:47Triple H obviously trying to distance himself.
40:49He's got a McMahon's reach.
40:50Oh, no, he's coming up there.
40:51A somewhat maniacal Vince McMahon to that pipe.
40:54And Vince had to drop the pipe so he could climb this, this tower here in pursuit of
41:00his son-in-law.
41:01Where are they going?
41:03Well, Vince is going after Triple H.
41:05I don't know where Triple H is going.
41:07There's nowhere to go now.
41:08They're at the top.
41:10My God, they must be 20 or 30 feet off the floor.
41:13McMahon fell right back in that bunker after his, that bunker right after his head smashed
41:19on the steel.
41:22McMahon could not break his fall either on the, on the scaffolding or in the bunker.
41:30McMahon's face hit the scaffolding.
41:32His body slammed into the bunker.
41:35Oh my God.
41:35From 20 or 30 feet up.
41:37Can we see?
41:37Can we see?
41:38Can we see?
41:39Can we see?
41:39Can we see?
41:40Can we see?
41:40Can we see?
41:41Can we see?
41:41Can we see?
41:42Can we see?
41:42Can we see?
41:43What happened to him?
41:47You can't see McMahon.
41:48He, McMahon's not, Vince McMahon is, is not moving.
41:56And Triple H down from that tower.
42:01Oh my God, Stephanie.
42:02Oh, oh hell.
42:03Vince has been busted wide open.
42:05McMahon has been busted wide open.
42:07And McMahon is bleeding.
42:10Oh, Jesus.
42:11Gas can.
42:13Triple H with a gas can.
42:15Caught McMahon right between the eyes.
42:18And if McMahon wasn't bleeding before, he's damn sure bleeding now.
42:23And where is Triple H going?
42:27Oh, for the love of God.
42:29McMahon is barely able to stand.
42:35Triple H walking back far away, King.
42:43Tell me how it feels, baby.
42:45What a death.
42:47Tell me what you're feeling inside.
42:50Watching your daddy get his ass kicked in front of the world.
42:54And in front of you.
42:56It's going to be killing you, huh?
43:00I'll tell you what.
43:02As I'm just about to finish here.
43:03Oh my God, there's Vince.
43:05There's Vince.
43:07He's done.
43:08But you will never have to ask yourself.
43:11Who's your daddy?
43:13Because baby, daddy's standing right here in front of you.
43:17What a no good son of a bitch.
43:20I'll tell you what, Steph.
43:24I can't believe the audacity of this.
43:27He does have balls the size of grapefruits.
43:29Does he ever stay down?
43:32Damn it, Vince.
43:33Go down.
43:34Oh, McMahon knocked down again.
43:36Vince McMahon is a absolute bloody mess at the hands of Triple H.
43:43Stay down, Vince.
43:45Let it, let it be over, Vince.
43:47It's not, it's just not going to happen.
43:51Oh my God, what's he got?
43:53Triple H has got a pipe.
43:55He's got a, a lead pipe.
43:58Does the game right in front of Vince's own daughter.
44:02What kind of bastard is Helmsley?
44:19McMahon is a bloody mess.
44:22He's lost a lot of blood here.
44:24And Helmsley has got that steel pipe.
44:26He's going to crush McMahon's skull in.
44:29He's going for McMahon's head.
44:33Oh my God.
44:33She's having to watch this.
44:40Triple H showing mercy.
44:43No, he wants that hammer.
44:44He wants his sledgehammer.
44:45That's all he's asking for the hammer.
44:47He didn't want to use the pipe.
44:48Triple H wanted to use his sledgehammer.
44:53Don't do it.
44:56Oh no, my God.
44:57Not this.
44:59For the love of God.
45:01Triple H.
45:01Don't hit the helpless man with a sledgehammer.
45:06McMahon trying to get back up.
45:08He's a bloody pup.
45:09Is Fiona not going to stop this somehow?
45:12And Stephanie McMahon's got to watch this.
45:16Don't let him do it.
45:18Oh, McMahon got a low blow in.
45:20Vince got a low blow in out of desperation.
45:24What's that hammer?
45:25Oh, it's a pipe.
45:26Another, the lead pipe.
45:28Oh, on the back.
45:31McMahon is standing.
45:33My God, I don't know how he's doing it.
45:35But he is.
45:37Vince McMahon's a bloody mess.
45:39But he's armed with a steel pipe.
45:41And Helmsley is backpedaling.
45:44McMahon will take Helmsley's head off.
45:46This thing will be over.
45:47The match will be over.
45:48Oh, he's got to use Helmsley's sledgehammer.
45:50Wait a minute.
45:51That's Triple H's sledgehammer.
45:52Helmsley is a trapped rat in a corner.
45:57McMahon is going to hit.
45:59There's Stephanie.
46:01Stephanie's stopping her dad.
46:04Wait a minute.
46:06She wants to hit him.
46:08She wants to.
46:10I think you're right.
46:14Stephanie's going to hit Helmsley.
46:16Oh, my God.
46:19Is this spousal abuse?
46:22Hit him.
46:23That's a can't go in.
46:24Oh, no.
46:28Oh, my.
46:29The sledgehammer.
46:30Right deep in the abdomen.
46:35Helmsley almost took McMahon's head off with a sledgehammer.
46:38Stephanie didn't have the heart to use a sledgehammer on Triple H.
46:42There's the cover.
46:45And Triple H has fought this bloodbath.
46:52My God.
46:54How much more can you ask of the 53-year-old owner of this company?
47:01McMahon has been busted open from ear to ear.
47:05Triple H has used a sledgehammer on his father-in-law.
47:11And unfortunately for Stephanie.
47:13Oh, hey, God Almighty.
47:14Don't you do that.
47:16You son of a bitch.
47:17Don't you hit her.
47:18Don't you hit her.
47:20Damn it.
47:20He's going to hit Stephanie.
47:23What kind of human being is he?
47:25For God's sakes.
47:27What kind of man could he be?
47:29Stephanie McMahon having to watch this.
47:36What the?
47:37King, what is this?
47:40For the love of God.
47:46What is this?
47:50Stephanie McMahon has been busted open from ear to ear.
47:57She's turned her back on her father.
48:01And this is not even aware of it, King.
48:04Vince McMahon is unconscious.
48:09My God, I don't believe this.
48:11Somebody tell me this is not true.
48:15Somebody tell me that little girl hasn't turned her back on her father.
48:22I think that little girl.
48:23I don't know what to think about that little girl.
48:29I, I, I, I'm, this is, I'm shocked.
48:37Look at this.
48:41Vince, Vince is still unconscious.
48:44Vince McMahon is not even aware that his own baby girl has turned her back on him.
48:50And they're sleeping.
48:52What the?
48:54What the game?
48:57My God.
48:58Why, King?
49:01I don't, I've been shocked.
49:06Vince McMahon is unconscious.
49:08He's not even aware of it.
49:10I shudder to think what he's going to do when he finds out.
49:13Why, Stephanie?