• 2 days ago
A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.
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00:00:06Updated daily Monday to Friday
00:00:30I would see Sister Monday everywhere I looked.
00:00:46I would see her standing in the dark corners of my room.
00:00:54I wouldn't dare step foot off the bed until morning because I knew she was hiding under my bed, waiting for the perfect opportunity to grab my feet and pull me under.
00:01:12If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:01:42If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:01:52If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:02If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:12If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:22If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:32If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:42If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:02:52If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:02If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:12If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:22If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:32If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:42If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:03:52If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:02If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:12If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:22If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:32If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:42If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:04:52If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:02If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:10If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:20If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:30If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:40If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:05:51We are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.
00:05:56Yeah, how about we get through this weekend?
00:05:58Michael, you're ruining my shot.
00:06:00And you're ruining the weekend per usual.
00:06:11So what's the story about this place, Ash?
00:06:15It's an old church.
00:06:16You know, if you're gonna drag us along your tour of abandoned roadside junk,
00:06:20the least you could do is give us some history.
00:06:22I mean, it's been a while since your sister and I were in college,
00:06:26but I still enjoy a good lesson.
00:06:28I'll teach you a good lesson later.
00:06:30Sorry, Anthony.
00:06:31There are no tits or alcohol involved in this story, so you wouldn't be interested.
00:06:36I wanna know.
00:06:45This is Old Horse Creek Church.
00:06:48It used to be a convent and about 30 nuns lived here until a mysterious fire burned it down in 1945.
00:06:54Mysterious fire?
00:06:551945, back then everyone used fucking torches for lights.
00:06:59Mystery solved.
00:07:02All of the nuns were either moved to other convents or assigned different duties in surrounding cities.
00:07:07But there was one nun, Sister Monday, who took a job at a nearby prison.
00:07:14Sister Monday is the most remembered of all the nuns that lived here.
00:07:19She's always been obsessed with the nuns. It's like a sickness.
00:07:22So what made Sister Monday so remembered?
00:07:30Because she was accused of killing prisoners while they were at the jail serving out their sentences.
00:07:35So she was one bad mother.
00:07:41The prisoners begged for mercy. They got none.
00:07:51You know, the prison she was assigned to isn't too far from here.
00:07:56It's right through those woods, actually.
00:07:59I've always wanted to go there and see what it looks like in person.
00:08:04Well, too bad we gotta get back on the road, so we can't.
00:08:08Let's go.
00:08:40I don't have the keys.
00:08:43Where'd you put them?
00:08:45Uh, up your ass.
00:08:47Why are you such an asshole?
00:08:49What's wrong?
00:08:50Anthony lost the keys and the doors are locked.
00:08:52I didn't lose the keys!
00:08:55I probably lost the keys.
00:08:57You lost the keys.
00:08:59I lost the keys.
00:09:00And the doors are locked.
00:09:01I didn't lose the keys!
00:09:04I probably dropped them at the church. I'll go check.
00:09:09We just had to stop in the middle of nowhere so little Inspector Gadget could do her investigation.
00:09:15Don't blame me because your boyfriend lost his keys.
00:09:17Oh, who should I blame then?
00:09:19The nuns?
00:09:21Ooh, the scary nuns.
00:09:23Shut up.
00:09:24Why is it impossible for you to have normal interests?
00:09:26We're literally out here in the middle of nowhere at some burnt down church so you can take pictures of your nun obsession.
00:09:32Oh yeah, Gabby. I should totally be more like you and obsessed with dicks.
00:09:38Maybe if you were, you wouldn't be so jelly of me.
00:09:43Look, I know I'm the favorite of the parentals, but you can't blame that shit on me.
00:09:46Yeah, you're right. Nothing is your fault. Ever.
00:09:49No, it isn't. And now it's starting to rain.
00:09:52Hey, guys. It's cool.
00:09:54No, it's not cool. I looked for the keys. I found none.
00:09:58Stop with the puns.
00:10:00Great. So now what?
00:10:04Well, we can stand around here and wait for help to arrive.
00:10:10I'm not getting a signal.
00:10:14Look, we can walk to the next town for help or at least get out of the storm.
00:10:19Well, we're losing light here. It's going to be dark soon.
00:10:21Hey, that town where the jail is, is it far from here?
00:10:25No. We can make a beeline for it through those woods.
00:10:29We could stay there the night and find help in the morning.
00:10:32So you just want to leave the car and go hiking through the woods to find an abandoned haunted jail to take shelter in?
00:10:39Sounds like a great idea.
00:10:41Wait a minute. A haunted jail?
00:10:43No one said it was haunted.
00:10:51Alright. If we're doing this, let's do it.
00:11:22Come on.
00:11:33There it is.
00:11:35Oh, wow. That's it, huh?
00:11:37Yeah. Come on.
00:11:39Wait, how do we even know we can get in?
00:11:42The rain is coming.
00:11:44Yeah, and we need to get inside, so...
00:11:46Hey, maybe we should go back to the car just in case someone stops to see if we're okay.
00:11:49Yeah, maybe we should go hide in the car because it's safe.
00:11:52Hey, eat a haunted bag of dicks, man.
00:11:54Um, yeah. Hi. Come on.
00:11:59What the hell is your problem?
00:12:20Oh, my God.
00:12:38Yeah. Okay.
00:12:41What did happen to Sister Sunday?
00:12:47What do you mean?
00:12:49She supposedly killed a bunch of prisoners, so...
00:12:55What happened to her?
00:12:57So, like I was saying at the church, she was suspected of killing prisoners here in the jail.
00:13:02As more and more victims started turning up, the warden knew something was wrong.
00:13:06I mean, apart from the occasional suicide or...
00:13:09Like, between prisoners, there were just way too many deaths occurring.
00:13:13The warden suspected Sister Monday, but before she could officially be brought in for questioning, she disappeared.
00:13:27Vanished without a trace.
00:13:32I mean, eventually the place had to close down due to all the bad press.
00:13:36The state cut off funding and no one wants to privately invest in a jail.
00:13:40So the place was closed and no one heard from Sister Monday again.
00:13:43And they all lived happily ever after.
00:13:49You know, some people think she returned here after the jail closed to live out her final years.
00:13:55Some people think she still wanders these halls looking to punish those who deserve it.
00:14:09Being here is so strange.
00:14:11I mean, knowing everything that happened here, actually being here is really insane.
00:14:15I mean, can you feel it?
00:14:17Feel what?
00:14:19Sister Monday, I mean, she was here. This is where she lived.
00:14:34I can feel it. It's...
00:14:38It's both of these.
00:14:44It's both of these.
00:14:45It's both of these.
00:14:48What is it? Who is that?
00:14:54Both of these nuts! Ha ha!
00:14:58So fucking stupid.
00:15:00You're a fucking retard.
00:15:02Whoa, hey, Jesus, you can't say that. That's very...
00:15:05Excuse me. You're a freaking retard.
00:15:08Oh yeah, that's much better.
00:15:10So what do we do now?
00:15:12I want to go explore.
00:15:14No. The point of coming here was to get out of the storm. I am not playing urban explorer with you.
00:15:19Fine, stay here. I don't care.
00:15:21Yeah, okay. You guys go look at junk and I'm sure we'll be fine here.
00:15:28I'm sure you will.
00:15:30Yeah, wait up. I'll come with you.
00:15:42Come on.
00:16:03This must lead up to the cells.
00:16:05Hey, do you have any snacks in here? I'm starving.
00:16:08Oh, it's just...
00:16:09It's just my camera and some stuff, so...
00:16:12Come on.
00:16:14Hey, you know, I was thinking maybe we shouldn't go up there.
00:16:17Because the floors are unstable.
00:16:21Other bad things.
00:17:10Oh, wow.
00:17:12Oh, God.
00:17:24Oh, wow.
00:17:28This is where they used to hang all the prisoners. Right here in this tower.
00:17:33How do you know that?
00:17:35My dad used to tell me bedtime stories about this place when I was younger.
00:17:39Your dad used to tell you bedtime stories about this place?
00:17:43To, like, make you fall asleep?
00:17:45My dad and I had a special relationship.
00:17:48He was never one to hide things from me.
00:17:51Even if he knew it would scare me, he thought it would make me a stronger person to know the truth.
00:17:58Right. Yeah, that makes sense.
00:18:01Right. Yeah, that makes sense.
00:18:08You know, Sister Munday would stand right there and watch every execution.
00:18:16You know, I bet witnessing all of that death is what caused her to carry out her own form of justice within these walls.
00:18:24You know, you kind of sound like a Dateline 2020 voiceover, you know that?
00:18:31In a cool way, it's cool.
00:18:52Are you just going to stand there all night or what?
00:18:56What the fuck are they doing up there?
00:18:57What the fuck are they doing up there?
00:18:59Hopefully they locked themselves in a jail cell. I don't care.
00:19:05Let's go find them.
00:19:07Look, I really don't feel like looking for them or anything else we might find up in this shithole.
00:19:16Are you scared of ghosts?
00:19:21I'm not scared.
00:19:27Then you shouldn't be scared of that.
00:19:34You're so stupid.
00:19:37Your face.
00:19:38Your mom's face.
00:19:42Come here.
00:19:44Let's go, jerk.
00:19:57Let's go.
00:20:28Okay, what's that?
00:20:30Um, just looks like some junk or something we want to look at.
00:20:45It's a list of the prisoners who were kept here.
00:20:50Oh look, there's photos too.
00:21:06Putting faces to these stories really makes it feel real.
00:21:11Makes what feel real?
00:21:14What's wrong with you? You can't go around scaring people in a haunted jail.
00:21:18You might give your sister a heart attack.
00:21:21Love that story.
00:21:23We found a bunch of photos of the prisoners that were here.
00:21:25I'm sure a lot of them met their fate at the hands of Sister Monday.
00:21:28Let me see.
00:21:33Oh, that guy looks awful.
00:21:35What did he do?
00:21:39Oh, I read about this guy.
00:21:41This guy here.
00:21:42You listening?
00:21:43This guy used to bang goats.
00:21:47That's gross.
00:21:48Constantly bang goats.
00:21:49That'd be fine.
00:21:51Call an ambulance.
00:21:52Let's get this guy.
00:21:55Let's go.
00:22:55You all right?
00:23:25Wake up.
00:23:53Wake up, my child.
00:23:56Wake up.
00:24:03What are you doing in here?
00:24:04I'm here to give you communion.
00:24:06Are you sorry for your sins?
00:24:10Yes, I am.
00:24:13Then take this.
00:24:15And accept forgiveness from our Savior.
00:24:21You're not afraid to be in here with me?
00:24:24If they find you, if the warden finds you...
00:24:27I'm not afraid to be here.
00:24:30The Lord is on my side.
00:24:38I am sorry for what I did, Sister.
00:24:51Take this.
00:24:53It is broken into pieces.
00:24:56This is my body.
00:24:58And it is given up for you.
00:25:08And this is the new covenant.
00:25:10An agreement made between God and His people.
00:25:14And you will drink His blood and think of Him.
00:25:18Drink it!
00:25:19Every last bit.
00:26:35Oh my God.
00:26:36There you are.
00:26:38Are you okay?
00:26:40Yeah, I'm fine.
00:26:42Let's go.
00:26:49Let's go.
00:27:21What are the chances we can borrow the cabin next weekend?
00:27:26Just us.
00:27:28Since this weekend is a boost.
00:27:32You can ask.
00:27:34I mean, forcing me to bring my kid sister along as my mom.
00:27:38I don't know.
00:27:40I don't know.
00:27:42I don't know.
00:27:44I don't know.
00:27:46I don't know.
00:27:47Forcing me to bring my kid sister along was my mom's idea.
00:27:54Is there something you want me along for?
00:27:58What do you mean?
00:27:59I mean, is there something you need to ask me?
00:28:03At the cabin?
00:28:05By yourselves?
00:28:07Can I stick it in your butt?
00:28:15So, back at the church your sister said you were into photography and history and stuff?
00:28:22I mean, I like local history.
00:28:23Things I can see and research myself.
00:28:27That's cool.
00:28:28Yeah, that's really cool.
00:28:29I didn't know that about you.
00:28:30You know, I only see you in psychology class at school and never really see you outside of school.
00:28:38Like a date?
00:28:42Not on a date.
00:28:43I don't know your interests and things you like.
00:28:46Like a girlfriend?
00:28:48You shut up.
00:28:50I can sum it up for you.
00:28:52She likes books and reading and research and not shopping or having fun.
00:28:57Oh, and she loves creepy nun stories.
00:29:00Those are her favorite.
00:29:03And what are you like, Gabby?
00:29:05Not being married at your age and peaking in high school?
00:29:10Peaking in high school?
00:29:13It is so obvious you're still jealous of me because I went to private school and you had to go to public school with all the freaks and weirdos.
00:29:20I didn't want to go to private school.
00:29:21I was perfectly happy at public school.
00:29:25Keep telling yourself that.
00:29:27I was.
00:29:29Dad and I used to laugh about the teachers at your school.
00:29:32He used to tell me all sorts of stories about the nuns there.
00:29:35Lawler skating.
00:29:36You know why he told you those stories, right?
00:29:38He felt guilty because he and mom couldn't afford to send you there with me.
00:29:44What are you talking about?
00:29:46You and dad didn't have some special bond, Ash.
00:29:49He only told you those stories to make you not want to go to my private school.
00:29:53To hide the fact that it cost so much so he just made up some creepy nun shit to scare you that you obviously believed.
00:30:00I didn't want to go.
00:30:05Then it worked.
00:30:07So, why didn't you guys go to the same school?
00:30:12I had been going to private school for years at Our Lady of the Majestic.
00:30:16And by the time little AK was old enough to go, our parents couldn't afford to send us both.
00:30:23So instead of pulling me out and traumatizing my life, to which I'd become accustomed to,
00:30:28they sent her to public school, where she belongs.
00:30:32I was in the army.
00:30:33I was in public school, where she belongs.
00:30:36How is it that your parents can afford a vacation cabin but not send both of you to private school?
00:30:41Our financial situation has since improved, Avi.
00:30:50So anyway, like I was saying, I like local history.
00:30:54Once my dad told me the story of Sister Monday, I was hooked.
00:30:59Even though it scared me, I wanted to know more.
00:31:01So that's why I'm writing my thesis on her.
00:31:04Thesis. Whatever that is.
00:31:07Well, actually, Gabrielle, it's a long essay or dissertation based on personal research.
00:31:11Shut up.
00:31:13Nobody moves.
00:31:15Say what you want about me and Dad, but Sister Monday was real.
00:31:20What she did was real.
00:31:22I mean, we're standing here in the middle of history.
00:31:24I'm going to go explore.
00:31:26Are you coming, Michael?
00:31:30Yeah, sure.
00:31:35Oh, and to answer your question, Anthony, yes.
00:31:39She will let you put it in her butt.
00:31:41It's her favorite method of birth control.
00:31:55Hey, you know what?
00:31:57I was thinking, maybe it's not a great idea to split up the group, you know?
00:32:02In a place like this.
00:32:08You know what?
00:32:10I was thinking, maybe it's not a great idea to split up the group.
00:32:14You know?
00:32:16In a place like this.
00:32:21In a place like this.
00:32:26If you want to stay, you can.
00:32:28Just, I really want to see all I can while we're here.
00:32:33Well, maybe I could stay and keep watch.
00:32:41Yeah, I'm going to stay and keep watch.
00:34:30Michael, look what I found!
00:34:33What's up?
00:34:40What's up?
00:34:42Drawings I did as a kid of Sister Monday.
00:34:53No, no, no, there were drawings here.
00:34:56Hey, maybe you should sit down and relax for a little while, okay?
00:35:00It's a little hot in here.
00:35:02I know what I saw, Michael.
00:35:04No, that's not what I'm saying.
00:35:06It's just that there's nothing here now, so...
00:35:13I used to be terrified she was watching me as a kid.
00:35:15This seat taken?
00:35:51You know, my dad really did used to tell me those stories about Sister Monday when he would tuck me in at night.
00:35:59Like, I begged to hear them.
00:36:03So, it's not like he was trying to scare me.
00:36:08I just wanted to know more.
00:36:41Hey, kiddo.
00:36:43You ready for bed?
00:36:49So, did you say your prayers?
00:36:52Yes, I did.
00:36:54Did you God bless your mom?
00:36:59And your dad?
00:37:03What about your sister?
00:37:08Yes, her too.
00:37:10That's my good girl.
00:37:11Wait! Dad, can you please tell me another story about Sister Monday?
00:37:16I told you that if you get scared, then I'll never tell those stories anymore.
00:37:21I'm not scared.
00:37:23Well, I am a little bit scared.
00:37:26But I like it.
00:37:28You like being scared?
00:37:35One time, Sister Monday visited the cell of a prisoner who was in jail because he did unspeakable things.
00:37:45What kind of things?
00:37:48What kind of things, you ask?
00:37:55He used to tell me these stories about how she would sneak into prisoners' jail cells and kill them.
00:37:59And later they would be found dead and were just assumed to have killed themselves or died of natural causes.
00:38:05Afterwards, I'd be too afraid to sleep.
00:38:10I would see Sister Monday everywhere I looked.
00:38:13I would see her standing in the dark corners of my room.
00:38:30I wouldn't dare step foot off the bed until morning because I knew she was hiding under my bed,
00:38:35waiting for the perfect opportunity to grab my feet and pull me under.
00:38:43If my closet door was cracked, I would swear she was inside watching me sleep.
00:39:13Of course, I never actually told my dad how scared I was because I didn't want him to stop telling me the stories of Sister Monday.
00:39:20I just liked that he spent time with me.
00:39:25Plus, I knew it was something that he only shared with me.
00:39:29Something that he didn't tell Gabby, just me and no one else.
00:39:36Do you think those stories he told you were real?
00:39:41Yeah, of course they're real.
00:39:43No, I mean, like Gabby said, do you think your father told you those stories so you'd be afraid of nuns?
00:39:52So you wouldn't want to go to a private school he couldn't afford to take you to?
00:39:56Regardless of his intentions, Sister Monday was real.
00:40:01What she did was real.
00:40:03And we truly are sitting in the middle of history here, Michael.
00:40:14The mind is a powerful tool.
00:40:20The fears we get from our thoughts can sometimes be more terrifying than real life.
00:40:29Sometimes, our childhood fears can manifest into our reality.
00:40:40What are you, like a psych major or something?
00:40:43I am, actually. Take that as a compliment.
00:40:48No wonder I sit next to you in class. You're actually pretty smart.
00:40:52Look, all I'm saying is, sometimes we are more scary than what we fear.
00:41:02I guess I just thought by coming here, I could face my fears.
00:41:06I get it.
00:41:09It's a brave thing to do.
00:41:12Especially here, because it's scary as shit.
00:41:23Hey, can I show you something?
00:41:26Yeah, I guess.
00:41:28Okay, but you have to promise not to say anything.
00:41:30I have to promise not to say anything?
00:41:32Yes, you have to swear.
00:41:42Are those?
00:41:44Anthony's car keys.
00:41:45You stole those?
00:41:47Well, I really wanted to come here, and I knew there was no way Gabby would agree to it otherwise.
00:41:52Oh my god.
00:41:55Well, that's quite annoying looking in my bag.
00:41:59So your whole plan was to head back and say, oh, look what I found.
00:42:03Yeah, pretty much.
00:42:06Oh, that's awesome.
00:42:07He's an asshole.
00:42:08Yeah, I know.
00:42:09He's an absolute dick.
00:42:19Can you believe that little brooch?
00:42:21Saying I peaked in high school.
00:42:23You two fight a lot.
00:42:25And I'm not married at my age.
00:42:27Like, I know we're going to eventually get married.
00:42:33I mean, how many years have we been dating?
00:42:36Three months.
00:42:38It's like, why is he trying to make me look all desperate and shit?
00:43:06Oh my god.
00:43:36Oh my god.
00:44:06Oh my god.
00:44:37Are you ready?
00:44:41Yeah, sure.
00:44:44I was surprised to hear that you wanted to receive communion.
00:44:50Yeah, well, I figured what the hell, you know.
00:44:53I'll be much longer here anyway, so might as well.
00:44:59You know, I'm not sure I'm ready for communion.
00:45:04You know, the Lord, he does forgive our sins.
00:45:10Do you accept him as our savior?
00:45:16How about that wine?
00:45:17First, you will take the flesh of our Lord.
00:45:34All gone.
00:45:43This cup is the new covenant.
00:45:45An agreement made between God and his people.
00:45:50An agreement confirmed by my blood.
00:45:55You will remember me as often as you drink it.
00:46:03What the hell is this?
00:46:09That's not wine.
00:46:13I cannot have wine.
00:46:15Alcohol is forbidden in the prison.
00:46:20So I do this for nothing?
00:46:23I thought you did it for our savior.
00:46:27What a crock of shit.
00:46:34You poisoned me, you bitch!
00:46:37May God have mercy on your soul!
00:46:41May God have mercy on your soul!
00:46:48May God have mercy on your soul!
00:47:03May God have mercy on your soul!
00:49:00Funny prank.
00:49:02Please let me out!
00:49:16This is not good.
00:49:19This is not good.
00:50:43Fuck you.
00:50:44Shake it more than once and you're playing with it.
00:50:52It's a good thing there's a toilet here because I've shit myself.
00:50:55Were you scared sister Monday was Prince and can't eat it?
00:50:59Let's go.
00:51:01I have to use the restroom too so I'll just catch up with you later.
00:51:06Number one or number two?
00:51:09That is none of your business.
00:51:11I see what you did there.
00:51:13I don't think the toilet paper is too fly.
00:51:28You left the seat up.
00:51:34That wasn't me.
00:51:36My foot slipped.
00:52:33I swear to God you better not be trying to scare me.
00:52:42I'm sorry.
00:52:43I'm sorry.
00:52:45I'm sorry.
00:53:12Well, that was a really long bathroom break.
00:53:15You dropped the kids off at the pool.
00:53:22You visited the Duke, Boaz, Dick Browns, the Super Bowl.
00:53:27I gotta go.
00:53:34Nice cross.
00:53:37That's a big piece of wood.
00:53:40You like big pieces of wood?
00:53:43I too have a big piece of wood.
00:53:46Come on over here and check this out.
00:54:53Guys, this is not funny.
00:55:55We have, joining us tonight, Mikey Foreman, author of the best-selling book,
00:56:00I Was Locked in a Haunted Jail Cell and Survived.
00:56:03How are you doing tonight, Mikey?
00:56:05Doing great, Dan. Thanks for having me.
00:56:07So tell us, how did you survive?
00:57:28Where is everybody?
00:57:32I don't know.
00:57:59What's going on?
00:58:02I don't know.
00:58:32I don't know.
00:59:02I don't know.
00:59:03I don't know.
00:59:04I don't know.
00:59:05I don't know.
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01:01:09I don't know.
01:01:10I don't know.
01:01:11I don't know.
01:01:12I don't know.
01:01:13I don't know.
01:01:14I don't know.
01:01:15I don't know.
01:01:16I don't know.
01:01:17I don't know.
01:01:18I don't know.
01:01:19I don't know.
01:01:20I don't know.
01:01:21I don't know.
01:01:22I don't know.
01:01:23I don't know.
01:01:24I don't know.
01:01:25I don't know.
01:01:26I don't know.
01:01:43Is that you?
01:01:57No, no, no, no, no!
01:02:28What do you want?
01:02:32I want your soul.
01:02:38I'm not afraid of you anymore, Sister Mundell.
01:02:46I'm not running anymore.
01:04:03The mind is a powerful tool.
01:04:06Fears from our thoughts
01:04:09can sometimes be more terrifying than real life.
01:04:15Can I show you something?
01:04:17Yeah, I guess.
01:04:19Okay, but you have to promise not to say anything.
01:04:21I have to promise not to say anything?
01:04:23Yes, you have to say something.
01:04:31You stole this.
01:04:34Sometimes our childhood fears can manifest into our realities.
01:05:06Sometimes we are more scary than what we fear.
01:06:14Wake up.
01:06:25We're here.
01:06:26Hurry up and take your pictures so we can go.
01:06:34Are you okay?
01:06:44I just had a bad dream, I guess.
01:06:48So, you're going to take these pictures of the church, or what?
01:06:52Or your thesis.
01:06:54Whatever that is.
01:06:59No, you know, I...
01:07:01I think I'm done with old ghost stories.
01:07:05No more scary nuns.
01:07:07No more Sister Monday.
01:07:15I'm done with the past.
01:07:18It's time to start living for now.
01:07:23All right.
01:07:25Sounds good.
01:07:26So, uh...
01:07:29Next stop, cabin.
01:09:12Just run!
01:10:20I've woken past all the rhymes
01:10:48Now I am still
01:10:53Just getting up and getting up
01:10:55And then you get
01:10:57And then you get hurt
01:10:59And then you get hurt
01:11:01I've got the light of the night
01:11:04Take it from the sky
01:11:06Take it from the sky
01:11:09This is a beautiful struggle
01:11:13This is a beautiful struggle
01:11:16To fight
01:11:20To fight
01:11:34You have got to awake and watch it
01:11:39And watch it
01:11:42Do what you do with it
01:11:44With the time to use
01:11:46So once your life is gone
01:11:49You'll never die
01:11:51Just change your mind
01:11:54And the day you miss the prize
01:11:57You'll pay
01:12:02Time is the price you will pay
01:12:37Time is the price you will pay
01:12:42Time is the price you will pay
01:12:46Time is the price you will pay
01:12:50Time is the price you will pay
01:12:54Time is the price you will pay
01:12:58Time is the price you will pay
01:13:02Time is the price you will pay
01:13:06Time is the price you will pay
01:13:10Time is the price you will pay
01:13:14Time is the price you will pay
