• 2 days ago
Vladimir Putin berusaha menunjukkan kepada dunia, bahwa meskipun Rusia telah dijatuhi sanksi berat, dan dikucilkan oleh barat, Rusia tetap kuat di panggung internasional. Salah satu langkah strategis yang diambilnya adalah, mengadakan KTT BRICS di Kazan yang dihadiri oleh lebih dari 20 kepala negara termasuk Presiden China Xi Jinping, Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi, dan Presiden Iran Masoud Pezeshkian.


00:00Thank you for joining us, Mr. Vladimir Putin, trying to show the world that even though Russia has been heavily sanctioned and belittled by the West, Russia remains strong on the international stage.
00:17One of the strategic steps that was taken was to hold the BRICS meeting in Kazan, attended by more than 20 heads of state, including President Xi Jinping,
00:26Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Iranian President Massoud Rajavi.
00:38Mr. Vladimir Putin, trying to show the world that even though Russia has been heavily sanctioned and belittled by the West, Russia remains strong on the international stage.
00:49One of the strategic steps that was taken was to hold the BRICS meeting in Kazan, attended by more than 20 heads of state, including President Xi Jinping,
00:59Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Iranian President Massoud Rajavi.
01:05This meeting was promoted by the Kremlin as one of the largest foreign policy events ever held in Russia.
01:12Russia has shown that even though there are cracks under the surface of its economy, geopolitically, the country still has many international allies.
01:22The BRICS consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, often considered as a balancer against the domination of the Western economy.
01:32This group has developed by adding countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
01:40Saudi Arabia was invited to join to increase the geopolitical weight of this alliance.
01:46The BRICS now represents about 45% of the global population and the combined economy of its member states, worth more than US$28.5 trillion or about 28% of the world's economy.
02:00With this great potential impact, Russia sees the BRICS as an opportunity to strengthen the anti-Western alliance and fight the economic domination led by G7,
02:11which consists of developed economies such as the United States, Japan, Germany and the UK.
02:18Although Russia towards the KTT will show unity among its members, the internal challenges in the BRICS remain real.
02:26One of Putin's main goals is to convince the BRICS to adopt alternatives other than the US dollar in global transactions.
02:35Western sanctions have hit the Russian economy, especially in cross-border trade, which is still very dependent on the US dollar.
02:44Russia hopes to create a free international payment system from the domination of the G7 currency, so that Western sanctions are no longer effective.
02:53Some parties will say that a substantial agreement between the BRICS members is difficult to achieve.
