• 3 minutes ago
(Adnkronos) - “In questo momento il ministero dell'Economia sta lavorando alla valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico e attraverso il lavoro di una cabina di regia che sia costituita presso il ministero dell'Economia, sta lavorando a nuovi modelli di abitare e a valorizzare il patrimonio pubblico declinato all'abitare”. Lo dichiara Lucia Albano, sottosegretario al ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze, a margine del 'Global Welfare Summit', il più importante evento sul welfare globale in Italia, in svolgimento a Villa Miani a Roma, organizzato da Italian Welfare e patrocinato dal ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali.


00:00What is the role of the Ministry of Economy?
00:04At the moment, the Ministry of Economy is working for the delegation that belongs to me
00:11on the appreciation of public real estate.
00:14And through the work of a board of directors that has been established by the Ministry of Economy,
00:20we are working on new models of housing,
00:23on the appreciation of public real estate declined to the inhabitants.
00:26It is clear that all this requires the definition and the study of new housing models,
00:32in particular in virtue of the evolution of our social structure
00:39that is certainly going towards the difficulties of a demographic winter,
00:46therefore demographic difficulties for young people,
00:50and on the other hand the increase of the elderly,
00:53which will certainly be one of the problems of the next 20 years.
00:57The attention that we are always giving with regard to housing,
01:01in particular I referred to a passage of the economic maneuver
01:06regarding the fringe benefits for young people who move for housing,
01:10I was referring to the fact that our society is changing,
01:15they are moving for a distance greater than 100 km
01:19and they may have advantages from this point of view.
01:22I believe that all this is in different points of the maneuver,
01:27but it is interesting to look at how at this moment the profit enterprise,
01:34with its aspect of ESG, therefore with the S of social ESG,
01:41can be particularly attentive, and I have also verified this in this seminar,
01:47this update, can be particularly attentive to welfare
01:50and through a social investment in welfare
01:53and also through a relationship with institutions in a public-private partnership
01:59we can really address the issue of housing for young people and for the elderly
02:04in a relevant way for this country.
