• 4 hours ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I'm just not ready to be dating anyone at the moment.
00:04It's fine.
00:05It's time to find a new roommate.
00:07You could host an open house.
00:08Sparks are definitely flying.
00:11You should talk to him and see how he feels about it.
00:13I think I'm falling in love with him again.
00:15So you almost told him.
00:17I just got all flustered.
00:19It'd be great to have your mum here tomorrow.
00:20I don't think she's coming home.
00:22My mentor has found me an opportunity in Murrayville.
00:25Nothing is going to change until you start listening.
00:28I have to move out.
00:58Neighbours become good friends.
01:05What's wrong? Did something happen?
01:07I was thinking about what you said.
01:09And I found a solution to both of our problems.
01:11Cool. Right.
01:13What bit about what I said exactly?
01:16Me living here.
01:18I mean, I needed to stop getting dragged in my parents' drama.
01:20And you need a new housemate.
01:22So, ta-da!
01:24There's also a few more bags in the driveway.
01:26If you could please go get them.
01:30And don't drop them.
01:44I am on dinner.
01:46You take a load off and you can update me about Vic.
01:49Oh, well, there's really not much to tell.
01:51Okay, so you haven't spoken to him yet?
01:53No, ma'am.
01:55Bet you're going to.
01:56I'm sorry, Barb.
01:59I know having the chat makes sense.
02:04But every time I play it out in my head, it just feels so scary.
02:11The Jane of it all.
02:13I don't want to lose a friend.
02:14And I don't want to put a wedge between two people who share a connection.
02:18I've done enough of that.
02:22Look at you go.
02:26So, I understand where you're coming from.
02:29But I just think that you're getting ahead of yourself.
02:32You should just talk to him and ask him how he feels.
02:35Because the Melanie of it all matters too.
02:40If I never ask, I'll never know.
02:49I will ask him out for dinner.
02:53Tomorrow night.
02:55Let's rip this band-aid off.
02:59This looks amazing.
03:01So, spoiler alert, a bedazzled police badge does not equal to them being back on track.
03:06Tea, I'm doing tea.
03:08And now he's all devastated that she didn't come home for her birthday.
03:11Even though I told him that she was never going to come home, even for her birthday.
03:15I can't keep picking up the pieces when they keep upsetting each other.
03:20Not that I don't love Sadie, but is this really happening?
03:26I followed your trail.
03:28Oh, I can't do this right now.
03:31Maybe you just didn't hear him out.
03:36You were right.
03:39Mum called me just before you got home.
03:43She does need more space.
03:48She said that she's been offered a teaching placement in Murrayville.
03:53She's going to call you to explain.
03:55She could be gone for a few months.
04:03So now that you've made your point, let's get your stuff, please.
04:07I reckon if we put our heads together we can figure out a way to get your mum home too.
04:11This isn't what mum wants.
04:13And this isn't what I want either.
04:16This is my home now.
04:23Yeah, so I'll go and check it out and if it stacks up, put in an offer.
04:29And move to Gippsland.
04:31That's it.
04:33It could happen quite soon, so that's why I wanted to loop you all in.
04:38Right, well, cheers for the update.
04:44Yeah, it's exactly what I was after.
04:46Close enough to see you guys as much or as little as you want.
04:50Whatever suits you.
04:53Well, I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it.
04:57But for now I've really got to get organised for work and we've got this whole let the right one in scenario to manage, so that's it.
05:04It is.
05:12Sounds like an awesome opportunity, Vic.
05:18No, it seems like a shame to lose you just as we've patched things up.
05:23Well, this was always the plan.
05:26Well, still, plans can change.
05:31Just like relationships can change.
05:36Sometimes they can even be revived when you least expect it.
05:43Theresa, she's getting her money's worth out of those landscapers.
05:50What were you saying?
05:53Time, I really should get to work.
06:07Lloyded too long and I might have to call the cops.
06:10I've got a meeting with the boss.
06:12Oh, yeah?
06:14And are they coming to you or?
06:17Nah, I'm early.
06:19Just had to get out of the house.
06:22Why would he think Wendy would want 400 of these?
06:26No idea.
06:27And that's not even the worst part.
06:29Mum's taking a teaching job six hours away.
06:32Every time I've tried to bridge the gap between us lately, it's gotten bigger.
06:37Oh, well, sometimes a breather can be a good thing.
06:42Yeah, I know it is.
06:44This is the longest we've been away from each other since high school.
06:47She said they need to figure out who they are when they aren't the Broadwells.
06:55You will never grow if you never go.
06:58That's exactly her point.
07:00I know she wants us to figure out who we are without each other.
07:04What if she likes it better like this?
07:08Wendy loves you.
07:09You've just got to trust that she'll come back.
07:12And won't in the meantime just rattle around the house alone.
07:16Look, I reckon that if you can show Sadie that you're cool with Wendy doing this,
07:21she'll be back in no time.
07:23So you're feeling good about moving out then?
07:26Best decision I've made in ages.
07:32I still can't believe he thinks we want to hang out at his pub.
07:35Isn't he walking exactly what he's been talking though?
07:37Leaving the ball in our court?
07:38Nick, can you please just not buy into this one?
07:40Some caffeine for my favourite housemates.
07:42Oh, thank you.
07:43Hey, are you still feeling good about your dramatic walk out?
07:46Oh, for sure.
07:47I mean, I've already got the first month's rent sorted and bond.
07:51I need space in your closet.
07:52I can't go for it.
07:54Speaking of, I should probably empty my bag so I can go grab some more stuff.
08:01I know that face.
08:02What did you do?
08:03I might have told her that she can stay whenever she wants for as long as she wants.
08:07And she thought that meant, but it doesn't.
08:10Okay, cards on the table.
08:11Do you want this?
08:12I'm not too sure given that.
08:13She's doing it to punish Mummy and Daddy.
08:15Yeah, look, maybe if I give her enough time she'll talk herself down.
08:18Hey, can we paint the walls here?
08:20Actually, never mind.
08:21I'll just check the contracts.
08:24You might want to sort this out sooner rather than later.
08:37I thought I'd make lunch.
08:38Just a bit of a thank you.
08:39Oh, that is so sweet, but I've got to go to work.
08:43This is a pretty big ask, I know.
08:45Me just, bam, moving in.
08:47Ah, well, no judgement.
08:48I pretty much did the same thing.
08:50Are you sure that this is what you really want though?
08:53It's sort of come out of nowhere.
08:55Yeah, I wasn't really planning on taking Byron up on it.
08:59It was kind of a brain snap.
09:02Yeah, once again, been there.
09:05No shame in opting to walk it back though, if you want.
09:08Well, now that it's done it makes a whole lot of sense.
09:11Byron is so great.
09:12I mean, why not spend all the time with him?
09:16Yeah, yeah, yeah, why not indeed.
09:21Ah, you really need to talk to him.
09:24Sounds like Therese's workers have finished their lunch break, eh?
09:27Yes, which means I am officially running late.
09:47You really should stop meeting like this.
09:50Uh, Harold's?
09:52No, I just meant running into each other.
09:55Although it is lovely to see you.
09:56Well, no, I mean, lovely.
09:58It's nice to see you here, this way.
10:03You okay?
10:07A little dehydrated.
10:13Hi, Mum.
10:15What was that?
10:16That was what?
10:17With Dad.
10:18No, we were just chatting.
10:20You were weird before as well when he was talking about the pub.
10:23No, I wasn't.
10:26Well, you have to admit it, he's a little sad that he might be going.
10:30You're sad about that?
10:32I'm sad for you.
10:34My children.
10:36Because it would have been nice if you had more time to get to know the man that Vic has become because he's better.
10:44You really are into him again.
10:47I won't dignify that with a response.
10:50That's not a denial.
10:51And not an answer.
10:52No, no, no.
10:53You shouldn't read into things.
10:57Start talking.
10:58Start talking.
11:02Alright, perhaps I've been wondering what it might be like to try again.
11:09You don't approve?
11:11I am shocked, Mum.
11:13I thought you two were done, like forever.
11:16Yeah, so did I, but I just can't deny these feelings are still there.
11:27Well, does he know?
11:30I've been trying to be honest with him but he's just not getting it.
11:36I'm a lesbian and I know that men can't take hints.
11:40If you want him you have to spell it out in all caps.
11:43And part of me is still trying to be sure.
11:47Well now there's a ticking clock.
11:49Is there?
11:50Well yeah, if he goes to Gippsland then it's going to be harder to get back together.
12:09How'd you go?
12:10I hope my boss was satisfied that I apologised to the colleague I yelled at.
12:14They're getting physical with a suspect however.
12:17It's a serious issue.
12:19So, what's the verdict?
12:21Need to do a training module about appropriate behaviour.
12:24Can't interview solo until that's ticked off.
12:26There's a few more hoops I need to jump through but back in uniform day after tomorrow.
12:31Mate, that's great.
12:33Knock off beers will be on me.
12:35Can't wait.
12:37I reckon this will be the start of everything getting back on track for you.
12:40Everything will be the way it was.
12:43Let's get a flat white.
12:46Vic, I wondered if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight?
12:52I've got to get those home cooked meals in while I can.
12:56Yeah, count me in.
12:59To date.
13:08Just the man I was looking for.
13:11Lucky me.
13:12What say you to dinner at mine tonight?
13:16Maybe not at mine?
13:18No, I wish I could.
13:20I just made plans with Jane.
13:22Oh, well, family comes first.
13:25What if I come over after?
13:30I could do dessert and make a mean pavlova.
13:35It's a date.
13:44I've been looking up some decluttering influences to get some inspiration for your...
13:48Well, our room, really.
13:50Yeah, but there's no rush though, right?
13:52Still, we should start getting rid of double ups, like hair dryers.
13:55Well, mine's a volume max 5000 with six settings and four attachments, so...
13:59And all those attachments take up an entire drawer.
14:05Someone's ready to cook up a storm.
14:08Is that the same for you?
14:09Yeah, it's pavlova making time.
14:12I wish I was making some.
14:14I'll save you a slice.
14:33You said I can stay here for as long as I want.
14:35Yeah, I said stay, not completely move in, and definitely not wage war against my hair dryer.
14:43Wait, do you mean...
14:47You never wanted me to move in.
14:49It's just a lot to digest. I'm still trying to wrap my own head around it.
14:52Well, then why don't you say something?
14:56I have to repack my stuff.
14:57No, Tate, wait, I just wanted to talk.
14:59No, message received loud and clear.
15:01I will be out of your hair and away from your precious little hair dryer before you even know it.
15:18Hey, I know that face.
15:21Did something happen?
15:23Whenever there's a move to make, I just choose the wrong one.
15:30I used to be so sure, but I just can't trust myself.
15:33Not at home, not at work.
15:36What if...
15:39What if I choke again and someone gets seriously hurt or worse?
15:42Look, it's okay to take a while to build your confidence back up.
15:46And I reckon once you've sorted things out with Sadie, you'll feel a lot better.
15:53Yeah, I think you're right.
15:58Myron, I need to pack my stuff, give it back!
15:59No, not until we talk, okay? Moving in here, it's a big deal, Sadie.
16:02Why are you telling me like I don't know?
16:04It wasn't too long ago that you freaked out at the mention of marriage and kids.
16:06Well, that was different. Besides...
16:08Besides what, Sadie?
16:11Besides, I can imagine that stuff for us now, one day. Okay?
16:20Because I'm crazy about you, Sades.
16:22But we need to talk about the big stuff.
16:25Okay, preferably before it happens.
16:26Look, I want moving in to be about us.
16:29It is.
16:32Would we even be having this conversation if your parents were in a better place?
16:39Fine, no.
16:41Oh, Dad is going to be so insufferable about this.
16:49I wasn't planning on leaving him in the house alone for months.
16:55Maybe I should go home.
17:11How's this one?
17:13That is it. That's the one.
17:16Okay, it's almost time.
17:19You just texted me to say that dinner is about to wrap up soon.
17:23So, just wondering how long exactly I should make myself scarce for.
17:27You know, does dessert really mean dessert?
17:29Well, it doesn't mean dessert.
17:32Vic is a gentleman.
17:34Oh, really?
17:35Because that's not what I heard.
17:37Well, the people who know those stories don't know him now.
17:40Okay, fair enough.
17:42So, have you got some music picked out?
17:44Um, well, I'm hoping that we're going to be talking so much, who needs music?
17:48You know, it's really nice to see you so psyched for this.
17:51Oh, yes, psyched and a bit nervous.
17:54I mean, I don't know how the chat is going to go,
17:57but I am choosing to believe that we are going to have a great time.
18:01I don't know how the chat is going to go,
18:03but I am choosing to believe that we are going to be on exactly the same page.
18:09And the book is romance.
18:14Oh, they're good.
18:16They're really good.
18:18Looks fantastic.
18:19I've been thinking about it a lot,
18:21and I totally understand why your mum's doing what she's doing.
18:25And look, there's going to be some big changes,
18:27but this is really about your mum and I doing what we need to do to make our marriage work.
18:35We're both committed to counselling online.
18:39That sounds like a good step.
18:44Why don't you just load me up with your things and we can get you home?
18:51This was a fun distraction, though.
18:55But once you're home, your mum will see what she's been missing out on.
18:59Wait, what?
19:01Well, I actually think that this move out stunt will get her home quicker.
19:06Are you serious?
19:09Firstly, this was not a stunt.
19:11This was a reaction to you guys turning our house into a war zone for months.
19:17I can't believe you're still too wrapped up in what you want to happen to even listen to mum's needs.
19:22Look, I'm just trying to fix my family.
19:25Sage, please, just let's get your stuff and go.
19:30I'm not going to help you coax mum into coming back home before she's ready.
19:34I am not going to be your bargaining chip and I am not going to parent my parents anymore.
19:39Someone has to break this cycle and it looks like it's going to have to be me.
19:46I'm not coming home.
19:49So that's how we left it.
19:51Sorry, it's not what we agreed.
19:54Why? What happened?
19:56Mum said she wants them to figure out who they are without each other.
19:59And if dad has me there, he won't. He'll just...
20:02Wait for things to go back to normal.
20:04So you are moving in with us?
20:06No. But I was wondering if I could crash for a couple of weeks.
20:12Then what?
20:14And then I'll go back. But dad can't know the plan and neither can mum.
20:19I'm trying to do tough love.
20:21You know, dangling the carrot of my return to motivate dad.
20:25Wow. You're a little bit scary.
20:28Just the right amount.
20:31So is it cool if I crash? I can pay the rent in cash and makeovers.
20:36That's fine with me. Gives us time to look over the housemate applications.
20:41Well then, that settles it.
20:43Alright, well don't get any crazy ideas. I'm not moving in or anything.
20:51That was delicious. Thank you for the excellent meal.
20:54I thank you for the excellent wine.
20:57Thank you for the excellent company.
20:59Thank you for the excellent... you.
21:02Well, I could play this game all night, but I should get going.
21:08There's no need to rush off.
21:10There is, actually.
21:15I have to get an early night.
21:17I've got to get my ducks in a row before I go check out this pub.
21:21Well, at least it's a day for dessert.
21:25I need to leave room for herbal tea before bed.
21:31I have tea.
21:33No, that's so kind. I'm fine, really.
21:37Oh Vic, I am so out of practice with all of this. I've made a complete hash of things.
21:43Not at all. The food was perfect.
21:45No, it's not that. It's us. It's this.
21:53Because, you know, it's funny.
21:55After so many years, a flame disappears and suddenly it's alight again.
22:00It's as though it never went out.
22:05Listen to me ramble. I can't even get the words out.
22:08Whatever it is, you can say it.
22:12Well, you know, sometimes words aren't enough.
22:15Action is required.
22:25Coming up on Neighbours.
22:27My psych assessment's back.
22:29Is everything alright?
22:31Mel, where's Vic?
22:33I wouldn't have a clue.
22:37That is my mum. She's calling a family meeting.
22:39I know I've thrown this at you from out of the blue.
22:42Mum, should we be worried?