• 2 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Il settore leasing vive le conseguenze di una riduzione della propensione agli investimenti delle imprese italiane. A Milano una due giorni dedicata a tutti gli attori del comparto per mettere sul tavolo sfide e opportunità per le imprese del settore. 12 tavole rotonde, 23 relatori, interventi di spessore e un programma in tre parti: è il Salone del Leasing organizzato da Assilea, l’Associazione italiana leasing. Un evento che sin dal 2019 è diventato un punto di riferimento per gli associati e non solo.


00:0012 roundtables, 23 speakers,
00:03three-part program,
00:06challenges and opportunities for leasing companies.
00:09All gathered in the two days of the Leasing Salon,
00:12organized in Milan by ASSILEA,
00:15the Italian Leasing Association.
00:18Given the ASSILEA Statistics Research Center at hand,
00:21the sector is experiencing the consequences
00:24of a reduction in the proportion of investments
00:27of Italian companies.
00:30In the period of January-September 2024,
00:33ASSILEA's data photograph a slowdown
00:36of the stipulated leasing,
00:39which results in an inflation of minus 4.8% in value
00:42and minus 7% in the number of contracts in the period.
00:45526,493 new leasing contracts
00:48for a value of over 24 billion euros.
00:51The Leasing Salon falls
00:54in a period of epochal challenges for leasing.
00:57Epochal challenges that derive
01:00from new regulations,
01:03from fiscal reforms,
01:06from accounting reforms,
01:09from the realization of the PNRR.
01:12The auspice I formulate is very simple,
01:15that leasing manages to overcome these challenges
01:18as it seems to have started to overcome them,
01:21and that the provisions of the 5.0 transition
01:24can be simplified
01:27in order to reassure the productive sector.
01:30ASSILEA brings together most of the leasing operators
01:33financial and operational in our country.
01:36Since 2019, the Leasing Salon
01:39has become a point of reference
01:42for all actors in the sector.
01:45The Leasing Salon is a point of reference
01:48for ASSILEA,
01:51but also for the entire leasing sector
01:54and the leasing community in Italy.
01:57For operators, leasing companies,
02:00agents, creditors, professionals
02:03who work in leasing.
02:06It is a moment of great dialogue with them,
02:09also with institutions and other associations.
02:12This year we also tried to introduce
02:15an international element.
02:18We are very happy and we think that we will go on
02:21in this direction of further integration
02:24of the international level with the national one.
