• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Le notizie - sull’aggiornamento del Piano Strategico 2024-2035 - riguardano la performance molto forte avuta dal Gruppo in questi primi quattro anni di Piano Industriale, che ha portato a 8 miliardi di investimento tra il 2021 e il 2024, ci restituisce una chiusura del 2024 con oltre 800 milioni di euro di utile netto, 2,3 miliardi di Ebitda (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization, ovvero ‘utili prima degli interessi, delle imposte, del deprezzamento e degli ammortamenti’). Quindi è un'azienda raddoppiata rispetto a quella del 2020. Questo ci dà le energie economiche e tecniche per poter andare avanti nel Piano che al 2035 ha 22 miliardi di investimenti divisi in due pilastri: transizione energetica ed economia circolare”. Sono le parole di Renato Mazzoncini, amministratore delegato di A2a, a margine della presentazione dell’aggiornamento del Piano Strategico 2024-2035, svoltasi a Milano.


00:00The news are, on the one hand, that the very strong performance that the group has had in the first four years of the industrial plan,
00:12I remember that in January 2021 we launched a new plan, which brought 8 billion euros of investment between 2021 and 2024,
00:20with over 800 million euros of net use, 2.3 billion in EBITDA, so a company that is fundamentally doubled compared to that of 2020.
00:33This gives us the economic and technical energy to be able to move forward in the plan, which has 2,035 and 22 billion investments,
00:43divided into the usual two pillars, energy transition and circular economy, which are also discussed with Draghi's report,
00:50which says that in order to increase the competitiveness of Europe, we need to invest to solve two major weaknesses.
00:57One is that of energy autonomy, precisely because our own sources are water, wind, sun and waste, so we have to use them as best we can.
01:07In Italy, we have estimated that we can go up from 22-23% energy autonomy to 58-59% using renewables.
01:16On the other hand, the issue of raw materials, think only of the issue of batteries, on which evidently we do not have raw materials in Europe to build them,
01:25but Europe has been able, for example with steel or paper, to become a great producer with recycling,
01:30without having raw materials in the subsurface, but recycling them.
01:35Likewise, it can be done with batteries, where the European Community expects that by 2050,
01:41more than 80% of the raw materials for new batteries will have to come from recycling, so paloinic, cobalt, lithium.
01:47And so the group continues to be a leader in the circular economy and we have a whole series of projects to increase the treatment of waste in these sectors,
01:57and also strongly in the sector of land and waste, which is what gives us directly secondary matter to be able to work.
