• il y a 3 minutes
The Diplomat : Season 2 | Sneak Peek | Wear A Suit | Netflix


00:00No one will read your policy papers, best case, a sound bite will go viral once a year.
00:06Meanwhile, your face will appear in the media an average of 12,000 times a day.
00:10Every classroom in America, every embassy in the world will hang your picture on the wall.
00:15It's soft power.
00:17So, you've got a couple of choices.
00:19Wear a suit, like the military wears a uniform.
00:22Disappear, hide the individual behind the duty to serve.
00:27Or get a gimmick.
00:28Blonde bob, red lipstick, pins like Albright, collars like RBG, glasses.
00:34A shorthand so people see what you stand for.
00:36And little girls dress like you for Halloween.
00:39I think I'm opting for the suit that makes you disappear.
00:44Are you?
00:45Black suit, every now and then a navy suit.
00:49What do you think it broadcasts?
00:51As little as possible.
00:53Looking to the north, you probably think your hair says you're too busy serving your country to get a blowout.
00:59But it reads as bedhead, which sends a signal I think in this case is better unsent.
01:04East and west.
01:06Try a bra with a little padding.
01:08I know there's not much to hide, but when your jacket opens, I'm getting headlights.
01:11Which takes us to the south.
01:13Is that a paperclip?
01:15Oh, yes, I had a zipper issue.
01:19When you're a second-tier diplomat in a third-world war zone, that may read as scrappy.
01:24If you're representing the interests of 300 million Americans whose health care is failing,
01:29whose planet is burning, whose future might get a little bit better or a little bit worse
01:33based on what you do in the course of a day,
01:35it's best to look like the care of your trousers wasn't more than you could manage.
01:44So, let's talk about the Senate.
01:49Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
