• 9 hours ago
None of this adds up.
00:00Since the industry is highlighting narrative in games more than ever, plot holes have become
00:05more apparent.
00:06If developers are making the 10th entry in a franchise, they can't be expected to know
00:10every single little thing that happened in every previous title.
00:14In situations like this, it's not uncommon for the narrative to contradict elements from
00:18an earlier game.
00:19I'm Jess from WhatCulture and here at Obvious Video Game Plot Holes No One Talks About.
00:26Elena's Teleporting Skills – Uncharted Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 4
00:31In the Uncharted series, Nathan Drake is regularly assisted by journalist and TV personality
00:37Elena Fisher.
00:38Although she hopes to join Nathan in his first treasure hunt, Sully convinces Nathan to abandon
00:43Elena in Panama, giving her no indication where they're going next.
00:48But not only does Elena figure out Nathan is headed to the Amazon, she finds him despite
00:52the fact the rainforest is over 2 million square miles.
00:56By comparison, that's three times bigger than Texas and 20 times the size of the UK.
01:01You could forgive this leap of logic if it was a one-time thing, but she does it again
01:05in Uncharted 4.
01:07While Nathan finds himself stranded in Madagascar, Elena manages to find him simply by following
01:14In Elena's defense, she is such an outstanding journalist, it's possible she could've figured
01:20out Nathan was headed to Madagascar.
01:22And since she knows Nathan so well by this point, and has a knack for adventuring herself,
01:27she would have some idea which regions he'd be looking for treasure.
01:30But since Madagascar is the world's fourth-largest island, the chances of being in the same neck
01:35of the woods as Nate are practically zero.
01:39Big Daddy's Prototype Is Better Than The Official One – Bioshock 2
01:44Bioshock wasn't just a great game, but a work of art.
01:462K Games' masterful title had an Ayn Rand-inspired storyline filled with provocative
01:53characters, a relentlessly tense atmosphere, and breathtaking gameplay.
01:57Even though many elements like the little sister and the would-you-kindly mantra have
02:01now been immortalised in the gaming industry, one factor that grabbed everyone's attention
02:06was the Big Daddy.
02:08This hulking brute was an instant hit with fans, inspiring the developers to make BD
02:13the main character in the sequel.
02:15Unfortunately, a Big Daddy isn't really protagonist material since they're too big to fit through
02:20a doorway and have the agility of a dead tortoise.
02:23To get around this, the team behind Bioshock 2 had the story revolve around a prototype
02:28Big Daddy, who's smaller, faster, and more agile.
02:31Even though the official Daddy could only attack with its drill arm, this chap is capable
02:36of using a large variety of weapons and plasmids.
02:40Which begs the question, why isn't the prototype the official Big Daddy?
02:44It's better in every way, so why did his designer, Dr. Yi Suchong, make the final version
02:50bulkier, slower, and less efficient?
02:53How is Ada Alive?
02:55Resident Evil 2
02:57In Resident Evil 2, Leon S. Kennedy finds himself in the middle of a zombie infestation
03:02on his first day as a cop.
03:04While trying to escape the city, he bumps into a mysterious woman called Ada Wong.
03:08Despite evading his questions and repeatedly disappearing with little notice, Leon sees
03:13her as an ally.
03:15But in the climax, Ada reveals she used Leon to locate the zombie G-virus, but during this
03:20revelation, Ada is shot by a third party, causing her to fall down a shaft.
03:25This sequence is more heartbreaking if you play it in the B-mission, since Ada admits
03:29she loves Leon before drawing her final breath.
03:32However, this emotional scene is ruined since Ada appears later without explanation to help
03:38Leon against the penultimate boss.
03:40When Leon runs into Ada again during the events in Resi 4, he's shocked to see her.
03:45However, the only reason he's surprised is because she's working with the nefarious
03:49virologist Wesker.
03:51Really Leon?
03:52That's what shocks you?
03:53Not the whole, her being alive at all part?
03:56Rack Ghouls Can't Infect You
03:58Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
04:00While exploring the slums in greatest RPG of all time, Knights of the Old Republic,
04:05you'll be warned by the locals that the area is infested with mutants called Rack
04:10If anyone gets bitten or scratched by these abominations, they will transform into a Rack
04:14Ghoul within hours.
04:16Unless an infected can get their hands on an extremely rare antidote, there's nothing
04:21that can stop them mutating into these ghoulish creatures.
04:24At least that's what you're told.
04:26In battle, you're guaranteed to be swiped out by the Rack Ghouls on a number of occasions,
04:31Even though Rack Ghouls are pretty hard to kill, especially when they come at you in
04:34large numbers, it's impossible for your character to get infected by these little
04:39At first, you might think you're immune to the disease because you're a force wielder,
04:43but since your allies are also resistant to the infection despite not being attuned with
04:48the force, this theory doesn't hold water.
04:50Annoyingly, this inconsistency could have been cleared up if it was explained that some
04:54people have an immunity to the disease.
04:57But since nothing like this is mentioned, we're left with a blatant plot hole.
05:03Samus Keeps Killing The Last Metroid – Metroid Series
05:05In Metroid, galactic bounty hunter Samus Aran travels the galaxy to destroy the space pirates
05:11that murdered her parents.
05:13These creatures intend to create a biological weapon, using the DNA of a Metroid parasite.
05:18In Super Metroid, the last Metroid in existence sacrifices its life to save Samus from the
05:24monstrous Mother Brain.
05:25Although the Metroid sacrifice served a great cause, its actions led directly to the species
05:32Except, it totally didn't.
05:33In sequel Metroid Other M, it turns out the Metroids are still around because...reasons.
05:39Later in the conclusion, Samus destroys the Metroid station, rendering them extinct...again.
05:45But in Metroid Fusion, the sneaky parasites reveal they're still alive.
05:49Despite blowing them up in the climax for the third time, it's revealed in Metroid Dread
05:54that, once again, they're not dead.
05:57Since Samus' life was saved with Metroid DNA in the past, she is technically considered
06:01a Metroid, meaning the creatures can never truly die while she lives.
06:07Even though Samus killed the last Metroid a number of times, it's safe to assume these
06:11critters will keep popping up in future installments.
06:15Supernova Is The Meteor Sephiroth Needs – Final Fantasy VII
06:20In Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth is driven insane after learning he was created from
06:24extraterrestrial DNA for a genetic experiment.
06:28Consumed with rage, he summons a meteor that will collide into Earth in a matter of days,
06:33killing everyone.
06:34But during the final battle, Sephiroth's plan seems a bit nonsensical once he performs his
06:39most iconic attack, Supernova.
06:42This magical spell calls upon a meteor to enter the solar system, obliterating Pluto,
06:47Saturn, and Jupiter before causing the sun to explode because why not?
06:52The blast engulfs Mercury and Venus before devastating Earth, leaving your party with
06:56a fraction of health.
06:58But if Sephiroth can conjure this spell anytime he wants, why has he started conjuring a far
07:02slower and weaker meteor to destroy Earth?
07:05Of all the possible attacks Sephiroth could have had, why did the developers give him
07:09one that contradicts the entire plot?
07:11It's also odd how this enchantment can't kill your party, despite the fact that it
07:15destroys a chunk of the Milky Way galaxy.
07:18Supernova may be epic and cinematic, but it doesn't make a lick of sense.
07:23Unemployment is a Serious Problem.
07:27Detroit Become Human
07:28Detroit Become Human takes place in a future where androids have become commonplace.
07:33Being easy and cheap to manufacture, it isn't long before the workplace mostly consists
07:37of these lifelike robots.
07:39This inevitably leads to a serious social gap, causing unemployment in Michigan to skyrocket,
07:44with humans growing resentful and an android uprising looming.
07:49Society looks like it's ready to tear itself apart as a result.
07:52Even though Detroit has a fascinating premise, there's one crucial element in the plot
07:56that doesn't sit right.
07:57The story emphasizes how the dependency on androids has caused the city to experience
08:02an astounding 35% unemployment.
08:05But if you weren't told this, the player wouldn't notice over a third of the population
08:09is out of a job.
08:10Even though the Great Depression was the worst financial period in U.S. history, unemployment
08:15was never higher than 25%.
08:18If Detroit's unemployment was 35% and eventually increases to 40%, the city should be in absolute
08:26You do see a few protesters and homeless people throughout the streets, but nothing to suggest
08:30the city was on the verge of economical collapse.
08:34Why Doesn't Kronika Time Travel to Kill Her Enemies?
08:37Mortal Kombat 11
08:38In Mortal Kombat, the god of thunder Raiden has spent centuries safeguarding Earthrealm
08:43from hostile universes by taking part in a multiverse fighting tournament.
08:48But in MK11, Raiden learns all of his actions have been manipulated by the time-weaving
08:53titan Kronika.
08:54Not only has Kronika masterminded the tournament for eons, she intends to restart all of reality
09:00when the current Mortal Kombat concludes.
09:02Fortunately, heroes from multiple realms and timelines come together to stop Kronika from
09:07undoing reality, defeating her once and for all.
09:10However, it doesn't seem feasible for Kronika to be defeated, since she's basically a walking
09:15time machine.
09:16On a number of occasions, she showcases her ability to stop time.
09:20So why doesn't she reverse time when her enemies disrupt her plans?
09:24Why doesn't she go back in time and kill the combatants when they were babies?
09:27At one point, she uses her chronological powers to freeze Earthrealm's champions in place.
09:33Instead of killing everyone then and there, though, she instead uses this opportunity
09:37to taunt Raiden.
09:38Annoyingly, this is merely one of thousands of examples where Kronika could have effortlessly
09:43eliminated her enemies, but chose not to.
09:46That's the end of our list, but do let me know down in the comment section if you can
09:49think of any other obvious video game plot holes no one talks about.
09:54As always, I've been Jess from WhatCulture, thank you so much for hanging out with me.
09:58If you like it, you can come say hi to me on my Twitter account, where I'm at JessMcDonald,
10:02but make sure you stay tuned to us here for plenty more gaming goodness.
