• 6 hours ago
दिल्ली: नाना पटोले के आरक्षण खत्म किए जाने के बयान पर कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता राशिद अल्वी ने प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए कहा कि आरक्षण खत्म करने के लिए सबसे पहले जो बयान आया था वो बिहार के चुनाव से पहले आरएसएस का था जिस पर उन्होंने यू टर्न ले लिया था। वहीं हिमाचल प्रदेश में मस्जिद के विवाद के बाद उत्तरकाशी में हिंदू संगठनों द्वारा मस्जिद गिराए जाने को लेकर प्रदर्शन पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए कहा कि मुझे अफसोस होता है, तकलीफ भी होती है। बीजेपी की सरकारों के अंदर यह मस्जिदों को लेकर नई दुश्मनी पैदा हो गई है। हर जगह से इस तरह की खबरें सामने आ रही हैं, मस्जिद को गिरा दिया जाए, मुस्लिम वर्ल्ड के अंदर मंदिर बनाए जा रहे हैं। भारत के अंदर मस्जिदों को गिराया जा रहा है यह बहुत लंबे अरसे तक नहीं रह सकता।

#rashidalvi #congress #reservation #nanapatole #uttarkashi #himantabiswasarma


00:00I am saddened by this.
00:02It is painful.
00:04In the BJP government,
00:06is there enmity
00:08between the mosques?
00:10There is news everywhere
00:12that the mosque
00:14should be demolished.
00:16In the Muslim world,
00:18temples are being built.
00:20Mosques are being demolished
00:22in India.
00:24This cannot last for a long time.
00:26There will be a reaction to this.
00:28They are taking the country
00:30towards a civil war.
00:32This is fine.
00:34Today you have the power.
00:36You have the government.
00:38But the government will not last forever.
00:40That is why we should
00:42stop these things.
00:44We should protect the mosques.
00:46We should protect the temples.
00:48We should protect
00:50the religious places.
00:52It is the government's responsibility
00:54to protect them.
00:56They have been in Congress
00:58for a long time.
01:00They have distributed
01:02a lot of tickets in Assam.
01:04This means that they must have
01:06given 20% of the tickets to people.
01:08This is their own experience.
01:10I will tell the leadership
01:12of the BJP to be careful.
01:14They have the experience
01:16of distributing 20% of the tickets.
01:18This is why it should not happen
01:20that in Assam,
01:22they start implementing
01:24the ideology of
01:26distributing 20% of the tickets.
01:28If they have done this
01:30during the time of Congress,
01:32it is very possible that
01:34they will continue to do this.
01:36If they were in Congress
01:38and they were unaware of this,
01:40they would have said it then.
01:42But they did not say it then.
01:44They are saying it today.
01:46This means that
01:48they must have had this experience.
01:50To end the reservation,
01:52the first statement
01:54that came was
01:56of the RSS before the elections
01:58in Bihar.
02:00They took a u-turn.
02:02Rahul Gandhi has said
02:04that when the society
02:06will be equal,
02:08there will be no difference
02:10between OBC and Aparkas.
02:12Then no one will need reservation.
02:14He has said this.
02:16And this is what
02:18the President of Maharashtra
02:20has said.
02:22This is why the BJP
02:24has a lack of understanding.
02:26This is why they are
02:28deliberately creating
02:30a misunderstanding among people.
02:32The blindfold on the eyes
02:34of the goddess of justice
02:36was tied so that
02:38those who make a decision
02:40should not see their own
02:42and the decisions of others.
02:44The decision should be
02:46according to the law
02:48of the country.
02:50But in the BJP government,
02:52the eyes are open.
02:54This is why they are open.
02:56So that the goddess of justice
02:58will know who is her own
03:00and who is a stranger,
03:02and then make a decision.
03:04And many decisions
03:06are being made in the whole country
03:08in the same way.
03:10Somewhere the judge is saying
03:12that Allah Akbar should be said
03:14inside the mosque.
03:16The animal should be made.
03:18Some judge is saying something.
03:20Some judge is leaving the party,
03:22leaving the judgeship
03:24and joining the BJP.
03:26So in such an environment,
03:28it is very important
03:30to open the blindfold of the goddess of justice
03:32so that while making a decision,
03:34she can respect
03:36herself and others.
