• 6 hours ago
दिल्ली: केंद्रीय राज्यमंत्री बीएल वर्मा ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री मोदी लगातार देश के बुजुर्गों का सम्मान बढ़ाने का काम कर रहे हैं। उनके लिए क्या क्या आवश्यकताएं इस उम्र में पड़ती हैं सीनियर सिटिजन के लिए उनकी चिंता माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी करते हैं। उसी उपलक्ष्य में जो अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वृद्धजन दिवस मनाया जाता है 1 अक्टूबर को हमने एयरफोर्स के बाल भारती स्कूल में उस कार्यक्रम को उन बच्चों के साथ दादा-दादी और नाना-नानी के साथ मनाने का काम किया था। वहीं नाना पटोले के आरक्षण को लेकर दिए बयान पर उन्होंने कहा कि राहुल गांधी जी जो कहते हैं वही उनके नेता कह रहे हैं। आज मैंने देखा तो ठीक है तो सच सामने आ जाता है उनकी तो मानसिकता वही रही है आरक्षण खत्म करने की और मैं कहूंगा कि ओबीसी के लिए आरक्षण कितने दिनों तक ठंडे बस्ते में लटका कर रखा तो इसलिए इनकी मानसिकता आरक्षण की विरोधी रही है।

#blverma #pmmodi #seniorcitizen #reservation #rahulgandhi #congress


00:00Honourable Prime Minister Modi is continuously working to increase the respect of the elders of the country.
00:08What are the requirements for them at this age, for senior citizens?
00:13He is the current Prime Minister.
00:15On the same occasion, on the International Day of Elders, which is celebrated on the 1st of October,
00:21we organized an event at the Air Force Bal Bharti School on the theme of Dada Dadi and Nana Nani.
00:30The school's commander had prepared for this event three days ago.
00:38I can say that it was a heart-touching event in which all the children brought their grandparents.
00:46I can say that the work of honouring the elders has been going on for a month.
00:55Yesterday, we did the work of honouring the elders through a worship program.
01:01Our NGOs work all over the country.
01:03This work is done on the platform provided by the Ministry.
01:06Today, we have done this work as a collective.
01:11There were a large number of senior citizens.
01:15The love and blessings of the esteemed elders are our wealth.
01:20The way the elders and our generations have been able to sit together,
01:25how they have been able to live together, this work has been done by the Ministry.
01:29Our Prime Minister, because at this age, he has done the charity work of Chivtsa,
01:34for that, the elders who are more than 70 years of age,
01:39have been promised to be treated for Rs. 5 lakhs for free.
01:43This is the second scheme of our Ministry,
01:46in which the elders will be required to wear glasses,
01:50to brush their teeth, to use a stick,
01:53and to use a hearing aid.
01:56In this way, as soon as the rituals are performed,
01:59we do the work of giving them for free,
02:01so that their life can become easy, their life can become comfortable.
02:05That is why our Ministry is fully dedicated to all those elders.
02:09And we are doing this work continuously,
02:12so that the respect for the elders of the whole country increases.
02:16See, what Rahul Gandhi says, his leaders are saying the same.
02:19And today I saw, it is okay, the truth is revealed.
02:23So their mentality has remained the same, to end the reservation.
02:26I will say that for OBC, how long did they keep the reservation hanging in the cold?
02:31So that is why their mentality has remained against the reservation.
02:34So the way Prime Minister Modi has given respect to OBC,
02:38has given reservation, has given respect to SC for ST,
02:42and today we can say that at the top of the country,
02:45our respected President Dilwadi Murmuji is sitting from the Advasi community.
02:50So Prime Minister Modi ji walks with respect to all the communities.
02:54On the other hand, Rahul Gandhi ji and his Congress leaders talk about ending the reservation.
02:59I feel that the people of the country are listening to their statements,
03:02and when the time comes, they will have to give a more firm answer.
03:05See, Akhilesh Yadav, what does he say?
03:08Now he was saying that BJP is losing in Haryana.
03:11Before that, he used to say that BJP is losing in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh.
03:15But BJP is flourishing.
03:17BJP is flourishing.
03:19The way Prime Minister Modi ji works for the country,
03:22the people of the country accept him.
03:24And I feel that the respect that the people of the country have for the Prime Minister,
03:29will not come out of Akhilesh ji's words.
03:32So today, for the third time, the government has become our center.
03:35When the elections came, in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
03:38there was a one-sided game.
03:40And now you have seen, in Jammu and Kashmir,
03:42the way they have won by being neutral,
03:45they have won by being neutral.
03:47Then I will say that this victory is of the American government,
03:50that is, of Modi ji, that is, of Mishra ji,
03:52who worked to end the 13th century.
03:54And today in Jammu and Kashmir, even if the government has not been formed,
03:57but we can say that we have got the most votes so far.
04:00And we have got the most seats.
04:02Then I can say that after Jammu and Kashmir,
04:05why should I talk about Haryana?
04:07What were all the exit polls saying?
04:09But in the hearts of the great people of Haryana,
04:12Modi ji was sitting, BJP was sitting, Kamal was sitting.
04:14And Kamal flourished.
04:16Whether it is the elections of Maharashtra,
04:18whether it is the elections of Jharkhand,
04:20whether it is the elections, I think Kamal will flourish.
