• 2 hours ago
Georgia's upcoming parliamentary elections will pit a pro-Europe coalition against the Black Sea country's ruling Georgian Dream party. Polls show most Georgians favor joining the EU, while the current government leans toward Russia.


00:00Ahead of the parliamentary elections, the campaign race is in full swing.
00:06The ruling Georgian Dream Party holds a campaign rally in the town of Rostavi, just south of
00:11the capital Tbilisi.
00:13The party founder, Bidzina Ivanishvili, a billionaire and considered the most powerful
00:17man in the country, says the elections are a choice between war and peace.
00:24The previous government is responsible for the tragic war between Georgia and Russia
00:28in 2008.
00:29The National Movement Party started the war on instructions from abroad.
00:34I guarantee if you support us in the October elections, nobody will be able to drag Georgia
00:40into war.
00:42The ruling party's election campaign features images of devastated Ukrainian towns, contrasted
00:48with images of a prosperous Georgia.
00:51The clear message, the same could happen to Georgia if the pro-European opposition wins
00:56the elections.
00:57Critics say the government is increasingly tilting toward Moscow, and Ivanishvili himself
01:02has vowed to ban pro-European opposition if Georgian Dream is re-elected.
01:09This year, after the government introduced what is known as a foreign agent law, the
01:13country was plunged into months-long pro-EU protests.
01:18The law requires groups that receive funds from abroad to register with the authorities.
01:23Opponents said it was inspired by a similar law that the Kremlin has used to silence critical
01:32But despite its current poor relations with the European Union, the ruling government
01:36insists Georgia will join the EU.
01:40The party emblem, with EU stars, evidently aimed at convincing supporters, all is on
01:47Is this party leading you to Europe?
01:49Yes, it is leading us there.
01:51Despite the fact that Brussels has frozen Georgia's EU integration?
01:55No one will stop this.
02:01Opposing Georgia and Dream are a number of parties.
02:04Largely divided, one of the opposition parties is led by Georgi Gakaria.
02:08He served as prime minister for Georgian Dream from 2019 until his resignation in 2021.
02:14But today he is campaigning against his former colleagues.
02:18When the government is using the fear of war to achieve their electoral goals to get more
02:23votes and blackmails and frightens its citizens with war, this shows its weakness and its
02:28real face.
02:30Our goal is to return Georgia to its European path, but we will do it peacefully.
02:36This is one of the biggest pro-EU rallies here in Georgia ahead of the elections.
02:42Civil society groups and youth movements have gathered to say Georgia chooses Europe over
02:48The upcoming vote is likely to determine whether their choice will prevail or not.
02:55The ruling party has been in power for the last 12 years and polls show it remains in
03:00the lead.
03:01But opposition parties still hope they can deprive Georgian Dream of a majority to form
03:06a coalition government in its place.
03:08Georgia's future is very much at a crossroads in these elections.
