• 9 hours ago
Once these moments happened, the fates of these faces were sealed tighter than a Ferengi's wallet.


00:00Yeah, we're gonna look these people in the eye and we're gonna go,
00:02called it?
00:03Yeah, called it, called it.
00:05Who had 3 o'clock on a Tuesday?
00:07Yeah, sweet.
00:08Here are the 10 exact moments we knew these Star Trek characters were doomed.
00:13Number 10, Engineer Olsen, Star Trek 2009.
00:18Yeah, I mean, I had to start with a red shirt.
00:22There was no question as to whether I had to start with a red shirt or not.
00:26And Engineer Olsen is one of the most red-shirted red shirts who ever red-shirted.
00:30He's not even just wearing a red shirt.
00:32He's wearing red spandex and he's getting ready to kick some Romulan ass.
00:36In orbit above the planet of Vulcan,
00:38you've got the Nero ship Narada is firing through an orbital platform down into the planet's core.
00:43Vulcans are not very happy about this and the Enterprise is not very happy about this,
00:46but the Enterprise is absolutely no match for the Narada.
00:49Pike comes up with an idea of sending a team down to this orbital platform,
00:53consisting of Kirk, Sulu, and Olsen.
00:56They're going to send down some charges, blow the platform, easy peasy.
00:59Right, grand, except aforementioned redness,
01:03and there's no way Kirk and Sulu are going to have a bit of an accident on that platform.
01:07Olsen jumps straight past his parachute point.
01:10There's a little bit of a cheer, like he's a bit of a daredevil,
01:12deploys his parachute and right up into the arse of the orbital platform.
01:17Not a nice way to go.
01:18Number nine, Valkyrus, Star Trek 3, The Search for Spock.
01:22Ah, this is the death I like to call first dates from hell.
01:25Valkyrus, who is just being pretty cool,
01:29has decided she's going to bring her lord a gift.
01:31And what's that gift?
01:32Well, it's all the details on the project Genesis, of course.
01:35She's been hired and has subsequently sub-hired a team to go and find this information
01:39to bring it back to Commander Krug,
01:41who views the Genesis torpedo as a dreadful weapon against the Klingon Empire.
01:46And considering how it could be used, one can understand his logic.
01:49As they start to review this information on the bridge of the Klingon Bird of Prey,
01:54Krug is like, yes, yes, I was right to do this.
01:56And Valkyrus is like, yeah, I think you'll find it useful.
01:58And he's like, excuse me, come again?
01:59Now, all of this being done over radio, of course,
02:01because she's still aboard the Merchantman,
02:02which is armed with the strongest tulips this side of Holland.
02:06Krug says it's unfortunate that she's seen it, to which she goes,
02:10ah, crap.
02:11The Bird of Prey swings away.
02:13She takes it in her stride.
02:14The captain demands to know, hey, when do I get paid?
02:17Soon, Captain, quite soon.
02:19The Bird of Prey opens fire.
02:20It was a quick date.
02:21Number eight, Sobor, the Changing Face of Evil.
02:25Look at Sobor's face.
02:27Isn't he just lovely?
02:29He's really nice.
02:31So what the hell was he doing hanging out with Kai Wynn and Anjal Tenon?
02:35This was the culmination of a couple of episodes of Gol Dukat's attempt
02:39to infiltrate his way into Kai Wynn's, well, bed
02:43and gain access to the text of the Costa Mojan.
02:45Now, Sobor is a devout stuffie, a Vedek who is, of course, he's a monk.
02:50He's generally, he's being shown as good people.
02:53He's about as much fun as watching paint dry.
02:56But that's not the point.
02:57The point is that he's working for, you know, the general betterment
03:00and on behalf of the prophets.
03:01Hey, Kai Wynn, can you say the same?
03:03At this point, she is well aware that she is working for the Power Wraiths.
03:07Now, she doesn't know yet that it's Dukat who's working with her.
03:10Unfortunately, it takes a blow to the cheek for Sobor to discover this
03:14because he tries to take the Costa Mojan away.
03:17Good Dukat punches him straight in the face
03:19and he has the wherewithal to go and get that DNA analyzed.
03:22Discovers he's not a Bajoran, he's a Cardassian, he's Gol Dukat.
03:25And he walks in, not smug, but he walks in righteous.
03:28He's like, right, my, my Kai has been corrupted by Dukat.
03:32And then he sort of starts to put two and two together.
03:34And he says, there's a fierce amount of devil worshipping going on in this room.
03:37So he says, I'm out of here.
03:39And he ends up on the wrong end of the knife.
03:41But it's Wynn's knife, because they had sunk far too deep.
03:45The problem is, the second he walked through that door that morning,
03:48Sobor was a dead man.
03:49Number seven, Malak, the Augments.
03:52There's a little rule in Star Trek.
03:54It's a fairly simple one, right?
03:55It's even more simple than the Prime Directive,
03:57which is interpreted whatever way the episode needs it to that week.
04:00No, no, this rule is nice and simple.
04:02Don't commit genocide.
04:03Think of characters in the past who've threatened this.
04:05Kan, for example, to keep on the Augment theme.
04:08Of course, there was Kodos the Executioner.
04:10Yeah, look, you know, kind of frowned upon.
04:11So, when Malak says that a good way to distract the forces chasing
04:16he and the rest of his Augments would be to detonate a augmented viral load
04:21in the atmosphere of a Klingon moon,
04:24therefore forcing the Klingon Federation, or Starfleet at the time,
04:28into war with each other,
04:30that might be a step too far.
04:32Dr. Arik Sung certainly thinks so.
04:34This trilogy had seen the return of augmented, genetically-engineered humans.
04:40They had been raised and cared for by Dr. Arik Sung
04:44until they started doing what we generally see
04:47genetically-engineered people do in Star Trek,
04:49Julian Bashir being a massive exception here to the rule.
04:52So, he threatens genocide.
04:54Sung is like, would you mind not doing that?
04:57And while he doesn't do that,
04:59Malak continues on and on down his path of madness
05:03until it destroys him, it destroys his ship,
05:07and it drives Sung into AI.
05:09Number six, Cybo, Wolf in the Fold.
05:12Wolf in the Fold is one of the very few truly horrific episodes of Star Trek.
05:16It's a great Halloween watch if you're ever stuck for one to look at.
05:19It was written by Robert Block,
05:20who at the time was best known for writing the novel Psycho.
05:24He was also quite well known as a student of Lovecraft
05:28and an absolute fanatic of Jack the Ripper.
05:32And it's the Ripper who is the central killer in Wolf in the Fold.
05:36The episode opens with the death of a young woman in a smoky alleyway.
05:41Then there follows the death of a female crew member.
05:43Now, this leads up to unfortunately, you know, Cybo standing there
05:48and she is the clairvoyant wife of the administrator of the colony.
05:51You know, she starts to say that I might be able to have a seance to find the killer
05:54and everyone around the room, I mean, the fact that they don't go,
05:57should we put a bodyguard on her?
05:59Should we, you know, not turn the lights off?
06:02Needless to say, they don't put a bodyguard on her,
06:04they don't turn the lights off and she screams and dies.
06:06Now, of course, it serves the plot.
06:08It was a little bit of she never stood a chance
06:12as opposed to, oh, what a dreadful and upsetting shock that was.
06:17Slight consolation in that, yes, the killer is identified fairly quickly after this
06:22and after a brief sojourn into the computers of the Enterprise,
06:26he's beamed out into space.
06:28Bye-bye, Red Jack.
06:29Number five, Senator Vreenik in The Pale Moonlight.
06:34It's a fake!
06:38Basically, the moment he said those words, he was dead.
06:40The entire episode in The Pale Moonlight is told in flashback.
06:43It's told through Sisko's log.
06:45And then it's all about, the entire episode,
06:47all of these efforts are going into bringing the Romulans into the war.
06:51This is the moment we know as an audience, at any cost.
06:57Garrick is hired early in the episode to help Sisko come up with a plan,
07:01like I say, to bring the Romulans into the war.
07:02He comes up with the idea of designing this holo-recording
07:05which will show the Dominion planning to attack Romulus,
07:08reneging on their treaty.
07:10Now, Garrick is absolutely convinced that the forgery will be perfect
07:13and it will pass the inspection.
07:15Listen, don't worry about it, Ben.
07:17You just go off now and do your job.
07:18You leave me to worry about this.
07:20The senator arrives on the station.
07:21He is given the holo-recording.
07:23He wants to inspect it.
07:24He does. It's a fake.
07:25That's the last we see of the senator
07:26because the next we hear, he's dead.
07:28His shuttle exploded shortly after leaving Deep Space Nine.
07:31Sisko runs straight to Garrick's tailor shop
07:34and gets a lot of righteous anger out of him.
07:37And Garrick, to his credit,
07:39he doesn't laugh, he doesn't do anything.
07:41He doesn't even give out to him.
07:42He's like, do what you do to make you feel better.
07:44You hired me for a reason.
07:45And it's in that moment that we all know he is right.
07:49Sisko knows it.
07:51The audience knows it.
07:52We knew it from the moment Freeneck said it's a fake.
07:54He was always going to die.
07:56The Romulans were always going to enjoy the war effort.
07:58Garrick was just going to sit there,
08:00hemming his pants,
08:01knowing he might have just saved the Alpha Quadrant.
08:03Number four, Duroth's reunion.
08:05Here's a hint if you want to survive for very long.
08:08Don't kill Worf's mate.
08:09Don't. Just don't do it.
08:11You know, anything else, really.
08:13Kill Alexander, just not Worf's mate.
08:15Kalar returns to Star Trek The Next Generation
08:18in this fourth season episode,
08:19having first appeared in season two.
08:21Now, she is there primarily to see the ascension
08:23of the new Klingon High Chancellor,
08:24who will either be Duroth or Gowron.
08:27Now, the problem was that prior to her arrival
08:29on the Enterprise the second time,
08:31Worf had accepted this commendation
08:33as a way to cover up the crimes of Duroth's family
08:36because they were just too powerful.
08:37There would have been a civil war.
08:39Kalar discovers this.
08:41Kalar is discovered.
08:43Duroth arrives in her quarters,
08:45and by all accounts,
08:46the fight looks like it was brutal but quick.
08:48Worf and Alexander come and find, effectively,
08:51what's left of her.
08:51She survives long enough to tell him that it was Duroth,
08:54and then you could almost imagine
08:56Eye of the Tiger starts playing over the episode
08:59as Worf walks out,
09:01walks to his quarters,
09:02off the combat, off the bouldery,
09:04picks up the Bat'leth,
09:05does a little bit of a stretch,
09:06cracks his neck,
09:07beams over to the Klingon ship,
09:09just in time for Riker and Data to walk into the room,
09:12slams the Bat'leth down into Duroth's chest.
09:15There was never a question
09:17as to whether Duroth was walking away from this one.
09:19Worf acted completely within Klingon law,
09:21and while Picard may not have liked it,
09:23I can honestly say it was the wrong thing to do.
09:25Number three,
09:26Lieutenant Carey, Friendship One.
09:28Joseph Carey, like,
09:30could you not just hung out down in Deck 15
09:32for the rest of Season 7, no?
09:34We hadn't seen Joe Carey since basically Season 1,
09:36when he had been in the running to be Chief Engineer of Voyager
09:39after they arrived in the Delta Quadrant.
09:40You know, this man suffered.
09:41He took a broken nose off Balanna
09:43so that he would be able to
09:44just basically get his job done.
09:46Janeway rewards gumption like that,
09:48and Balanna broke your nose?
09:50Good on you, Balanna, Chief Engineer.
09:52Carey, go scrub some toilets.
09:53Which is effectively what happened,
09:54because he vanishes for about five years.
09:56And then he comes back in this episode,
09:58and, again, they had the good grace
10:00not to put him in a red shirt,
10:01but, I mean, they might as well have.
10:02The mission that week,
10:03actually assigned by Starfleet,
10:05is to go and get the remains of the
10:06old space probe, Friendship One,
10:08which they then discover has unfortunately caused
10:10a nuclear winter on this planet.
10:12Therefore, the locals are not best pleased
10:15when those who sent the probe appear.
10:18Just before they bring him down,
10:19Carey starts talking about the fact that he has a daughter,
10:22and, you know, he's married,
10:23he's looking forward to getting home,
10:25and he might as well say that he has a boat
10:27that they've christened the Live Forever.
10:30Yeah, he dies pretty quickly.
10:31So they set up some transport enhancers
10:32to see if they can beam him out,
10:34and as he's beaming,
10:35some git shoots him straight in the chest,
10:37so his dead body is beamed up to Voyager.
10:39Naturally, the Doctor does absolutely nothing,
10:40because that would have damaged the entire message of the episode.
10:43The only thing missing from this scene
10:45is if he didn't get his immortal last lines to be,
10:48"'Ah! I had one day left to retirement!'
10:51Number two, Lieutenant Hawk, Star Trek First Contact."
10:55The second, the second you see him
10:59in that zero-gravity suit,
11:01you're just like, ooh, will it be a disruptor,
11:03or will he be assimilated?
11:04Which one would it be? Hmm.
11:06I mean, Hawk got a fierce amount of lines for an extra.
11:09Okay, he's slightly more than an extra,
11:11but he's not main bridge crew.
11:13He's not Data. He's not Geordi.
11:15He's, you know, kind of, ah, he's the con officer.
11:17All right, con officer, how you getting on?
11:19You know, and he gets to say a few things.
11:20You're like, hey, good for you, man.
11:22This is great.
11:23This is, frankly, how Sulu got started in the business,
11:25so keep it up.
11:26Unfortunately, he kept it up just a bit too quickly.
11:29He was like, oh, I'll go on the away mission.
11:30Don't volunteer.
11:32Do not to volunteer for the away mission
11:33until you have three seasons and a movie under your belt.
11:35So, Picard manages to make his way back to the bridge.
11:38We get a great kind of hero shot of Hawk
11:41pointing his phaser directly down the Jefferies tube.
11:44The Jefferies tube, which is unguarded,
11:45which runs directly under the bridge,
11:48which the Borg could have gone through at any moment.
11:51No, no, this is not a plot holes
11:52in Star Trek First Contact list.
11:54So, Picard comes up, says,
11:55oh, they're doing stuff with the deflector,
11:56interplating beacon, it's all great.
11:58I know, let's go zero G.
12:00A bit like the previous entry,
12:01they do have the good grace not to make the mag lock
12:04that he is trying to open the red one.
12:06At least, that's Picard's one.
12:08He gets the yellow,
12:09which I suppose, in a way, is next generation security.
12:12Poor Hawk, we hardly knew ye.
12:14Number one, Admiral Cornwell, Such Sweet Sorrow Part Two.
12:17Such Sweet Sorrow Part Two is an excellent way
12:20to end that era of Star Trek Discovery,
12:23while also, although we didn't know it at the time,
12:25serves as a cheeky backdrop,
12:27kind of backdoor pilot to Strange New Worlds,
12:29because you have the Enterprise and the Discovery
12:31fighting side by side against control.
12:33It's a visually fun, high heart rate episode.
12:37Unfortunately, poor Katrina Cornwell
12:40does not fit in either of these storylines from this point.
12:43Had Section 31 had been more or less announced,
12:47so God only knows what's going to happen
12:49with that show eventually,
12:49but we kind of knew Ash Tyler was fairly safe.
12:52Fairly safe.
12:53That left Georgiou.
12:55She'd already died once.
12:57You know, somebody had to bite the bullet,
13:00and there was Katrina going,
13:01I guess I'll do it then.
13:02And when a torpedo impacts
13:04in the saucer section of the Enterprise,
13:06yeah, you can kind of see where this is going,
13:08she hurries down to the impacted site.
13:11She finds that it's unexploded,
13:12and they're trying to disarm it.
13:14Number One joins her.
13:15They try very, very quickly.
13:16It starts to kick off.
13:17It's, you know, it's going to blow.
13:19It's going to blow.
13:20Number One tags out.
13:21Pike walks in.
13:22And he's like, oh, crap.
13:23Okay, right, here's what we're going to do.
13:24We're going to have to seal this behind some bulkheads,
13:26which they couldn't have done, like, one deck behind.
13:28Anyway, anyway.
13:29And of course, because this is television,
13:31they were like, ah, but it only closes from this side.
13:34And I swear you can even see Cornwell go,
13:36oh, for the love of God.
13:38Yeah, fine.
13:39You have your own show to lead.
13:40Go on, get out.
13:41I'll do it.
13:42With complete professionalism and complete ease,
13:44she sends Chris away.
13:45She locks the door.
13:46And he has to watch through this door that's
13:49made of frickin' adamantium.
13:51She gets dissolved in the flames of the torpedo.
13:54Look, at least it was quick.
13:55It was not the smartest way to write out a character,
13:58I won't lie.
13:59But it was a hero moment for the Admiral,
14:01who had been a fairly consistent badass
14:04for two seasons of Star Trek Discovery.
14:06That is everything for our list today, folks.
14:08If you reckon I missed any moments where he looks like,
14:09oh, you are so dead,
14:11let me know in the comments below.
14:13Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
14:15You know how awesome you are when you subscribe.
14:17You can catch us over on Twitter,
14:18at Trek Coach.
14:19You can catch myself, at Sean Ferrick,
14:20on Twitter as well.
14:22Whatever you do till I'm talking to you again,
14:23you look after yourself,
14:24you look after your friends and family,
14:25and you make sure you live long and prosper.
14:27Thanks very much.
