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Season 1 | show | 2024| S1 | Official Featurette | dHNzX2hQMVRDUjNKQkd3


00:03Where is Wanda?
00:08Yes, that is of course the big question.
00:11Carlotta and Dedo's 17-year-old daughter has disappeared.
00:15And you don't know if she's dead, if she's been kidnapped, where is she?
00:20And they come up with the idea of taking the trains themselves
00:23and decide to stop at the neighbours' and install cameras there to watch the people.
00:29We would like to check your smoke signals.
00:31Completely free of charge.
00:33First of all, we would assume that this is a thriller.
00:39Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking of something else.
00:44The series is dramatic, but on the other hand, it's also a comedy.
00:48All right, I've got something for you.
00:50On this surveillance journey, they come across many secrets of the Sondersheimer.
00:56It could be anyone.
01:00What are you doing?
01:02The search for Wanda brings the parents into the most absurd situations.
01:06We should be able to look into this cellar.
01:09And of course they risk everything.
01:12And it's all different than it seems.
01:17It's a beautiful contrast.
01:19As long as everyone is still in their fabulous world, everything is very colourful and beautiful.
01:24The more absurd and macabre the story gets, the darker the places you go to become.
01:29They must be completely normal people.
01:31They have a secret bunker in their garden.
01:38There are so many twists and turns.
01:40Got you.
01:41It's always about the missing daughter.
01:45And you can easily move into the family.
01:47What would you do if a daughter disappeared?
01:54The Sondersheimer
