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Community turns out to speak against Plasrefine development on Monday, October 28.
00:00We are fighting and doing what the state government should be doing and this is not okay.
00:05Chris Min said trust the process. What process? I say what process?
00:10What I have heard and what's coming out from this community,
00:13we have all become specialists about plastic recycling.
00:16We never wanted to do that. So, quite frankly, this is a crime on Plasrefine.
00:23I believe it's a major mistake that Department of Planning have done.
00:27It's important that GHD and Plasrefine have tried to silence the community.
00:32The stress and anxiety that this whole process is causing the community and the local residents.
00:39It's been extreme and it's taken its toll on the community.
00:45It's been four years and it's had a huge impact on our lives and it's just so uplifting
00:52to see that so many people are concerned, not just for themselves,
00:56but for the Southern Highlands and the Sydney community as well.
01:01It demonstrates the government hasn't got its act together in determining
01:06what is the sustainable and acceptable response to the necessary need
01:11to address plastic waste and plastic recycling.
01:15To rely on an offshore investment without an experience in the industry
01:21is just the starting point of why this proposal is not suitable.
01:27The fact that this proposal is in Sydney Waters catchment area
01:31just points to the ludicrous nature of what the department has approved.
01:36The fact that there is no effective buffer zone between this facility
01:42and residents less than 200 metres from the nearest home.
01:47If this goes ahead we may as well sell up and move out but what will we get for our land?
01:53The values have dropped already up there because of this.
01:57I can't even tell you the number of schools within a five kilometre radius
02:01and the level of microplastics they're saying will be released into the air and the water is ludicrous.
02:10A recent study in the UK revealed that plastics recycling has a very dark side
02:16in that it creates and produces many thousands of tonnes of microplastics.
02:21The smaller these particles the more damaging they are to human health
02:25because that's how they get into our organs.
02:28The UK study showed that a state of the art facility, which we're not confident this even is,
02:33a state of the art facility was leaching up to 13% of its total plastic produce into waterways.
02:40This is a catastrophic ecological disaster about to happen.
02:45So Jesse we heard from Plas Refine this morning that they said that their proposed development
02:51is simply consistent with the Southern Highlands Industrial New Innovation Park.
02:57I would absolutely refute that.
02:59We have a huge amount of documentation on what we want in that area.
03:02For anyone to see and it is very far away from being consistent.
03:17Not the right side! Not the right side!
03:32We have one accused.
03:35Would you like a sticker?
03:37I would love it, tell me!
03:52...role at the end of the planning process.
03:56We decide if an application should go ahead and if so...
04:00So we encourage you to tell us whether any of your concerns could be addressed.
04:05...to hear from all our registered speakers.
04:09At the conclusion of day three of the public meeting we will hear from the department
04:14and be able to present to the panel.
04:16Everyone has been advised in advance how long...
04:22...material ending up in our landfills, especially plastic.
04:28...published on the department or IPC websites rather than rely on the other sources.
04:36Since the start of this proposal in 2019-2020, plastic entering the NSW processing facility
04:44is an advanced manufacturing and research proposal with versatility.
04:49It's lightweight, it's durable and has low production costs.
04:53The EPA advises that...
05:02The community is disgusted, devastated and furious.
05:08I haven't seen opposition to a project of this scale since the community united to defeat Newport.
05:13...design and operational features, avoidance of impacts...
05:18...and we will get to hear everyone throughout this through their submissions.
05:23Next slide please.
05:25The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act sets out a number of matters for consideration
05:29for proponents to address with the provisions of the Mossville Enterprise Corridor DCP.
05:35The proposal is consistent with state and county...
05:40Considering the time, can we have a short extension?
05:46...multiplication of the amount of microplastics anticipated to leave...
05:50...was approved on 30 June 2023...
05:53...proposal, as well as those that have since been approved and or built since 2020.
05:58...to NSW plastics problem is...
06:01...the proposed location of classified is fundamentally flawed.
06:06Next slide please.
06:13I am grateful to the Planning Commission for coming here, for coming to the site.
06:19I really think that we must, we are taught that in the public...
06:25...and perhaps most importantly as a parent in this community who cares deeply about the health and safety of my children
06:32...in the future we're leaving them...
06:38...plastic dust emitted each year in recycling factories studied so far.
06:44And our two closest state members from Goulburn and Wollondilly...
06:48...to reconcile these conflicts.
06:51The National EPBC Act, the Protection of the Environmental Operations Act in NSW...
07:03...I want to make sure you're alright.
07:06That's a fine, it's a crime, that's a fine, it's a crime, that's a fine, it's a crime, that's a fine, it's a crime.
07:15Not the right site, not the right site, not the right site, not the right site.
07:22Today is a good meeting, we've all been trained.
07:27Over the past four years, we've built numerous relationships with...
07:32...disgusted, devastated and furious.
