• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Importante riconoscerlo precocemente per evitare che determinate posture si consolidino conducendo a una limitazione importante dei movimenti residui. Fondamentale intervento tempestivo con approcci farmacologici e neuroriabilitativi. In particolare tra le terapie mediche è importantissimo ricordare la tossina botulinica”


00:00Aspasticity is a very important motor sign that can follow a brain ictus.
00:13Aspasticity is a dynamic phenomenon, it does not manifest itself sharply after the ischemic or hemorrhagic brain insult,
00:21but it arises after days, weeks and sometimes months following a brain ictus.
00:31This is why it is a dynamic phenomenon and it is important to recognize it early
00:37to avoid that certain postures consolidate,
00:42that this aspasticity leads to an important and relevant limitation of residual movements
00:49or that imposing postures, for example, elbow flexions, wrist flexions,
00:55closed hands, closed fists, which then tend to consolidate over time,
01:00are difficult to treat and at a certain point determine a joint block and chronic pain syndromes.
01:09This is why it is appropriate to recognize this phenomenon at birth, as early as possible,
01:15precisely to be tempestuous in the treatment of this condition
01:19and to avoid the typical consequences, including joint blocks and chronic algae syndromes.
01:26The management of aspasticity involves the intervention of a real multidisciplinary team
01:32that sees many specialists and health workers.
01:38Certainly, there are numerous approaches available, both pharmacological and neurorehabilitative.
01:46Both these approaches must be started early,
01:50tempestuously recognizing patients who face an increase in muscle tone,
01:57in other words, the insurgence of aspasticity.
02:00Certainly, the medical intervention must be tempestuous
02:05and can take advantage of specific pharmacological therapies.
02:09In particular, among medical therapies, it is very important to remember botulinum toxin.
02:15Local infiltrations of botulinum toxin are an effective and safe treatment of aspasticity,
02:22as through these treatments we are able to control the muscles
02:28that present this abnormal activity that is at the basis of aspasticity,
02:33allowing the residual strength of the patient to perform those possible movements,
02:39if possible, and no longer hindered by this resistance that aspasticity offers to movements.
