• last year
Liar's Bar has become a viral hit after launching in early October 2024. But what is it - and is it suitable for your kids?
00:00Hi, I'm tech writer Matt Moynihan and today I'm going to be explaining a bit about the
00:06video game Liar's Bar. You might have heard your kids talking about it recently, it's
00:10become a bit of a viral hit since its release on Steam in early access in the start of October.
00:18It's a two to four player multiplayer game that's a bit of a social deception sort of
00:23style thing. It sort of mixes zootopia kind of like anthropomorphic, anthropomorphic animals,
00:31I hate that word, it's horrible to say, mixes zootopia style humanised animals with Russian
00:41roulette and card games slash dice games so the animated characters, when you're playing
00:46as them, as you get knocked out the character will put a gun to the head and pull the trigger
00:53and that's them knocked out of the game for the round and it goes until there's one player
00:57standing and they win. There's two types of games currently, Liar's Deck which is a card
01:04game that's a bit like Cheat which you may know as a more fruity language name that I'm
01:10not going to say here but where you have to sort of bluff your way through a round and
01:14try and get rid of all the cards in your hand and have to decide whether to call out the
01:19bluff. There's also Liar's Dice which is a dice game along the similar lines of bluffing
01:24and sort of deceiving your fellow players. It's become really popular on Twitch and also
01:34YouTube, there's videos of like Sidemen playing it, Video Game Donkey, lots of big accounts
01:41have sort of played it in the last couple of weeks. It hit a peak of about 100,000 players
01:46on Steam recently which is very impressive for an indie title particularly, especially one that's
01:52just launched. So yeah it's really popular at the moment, it does have warnings around mature
01:59content for children so maybe watch it being played before you let your kids play it or watch
02:06it or watch streamers play it even. There is like cartoony violence in it because the players do put
02:13the gun to the head and pull the trigger. So yeah there's that and yeah that's Liar's Bar,
02:20it's only available on PC at the moment, it's in early access, it's available for less than £6
02:26but mostly I think its popularity is watching other people play it unless you're playing
02:30with a group of four people and friends. So yeah if your kids have talked about it
02:35now hopefully you can bluff your way through when they mention Liar's Bar.
