• last year
(Adnkronos) - ‘Il difficile finanziamento del welfare italiano’. Questo il titolo del convegno di presentazione dell’undicesimo Osservatorio sulle entrate fiscali e sul finanziamento del welfare a cura del Centro Studi e Ricerche Itinerari Previdenziali, realizzato con il supporto di Cida, la Confederazione Italiana Dirigenti e Alte Professionalità, e presentato alla Camera dei Deputati. L’obiettivo dell’osservatorio sulla spesa pubblica e sulle entrate è stato quello di verificare la sostenibilità finanziaria del welfare italiano e, in particolare, se le entrate da fiscalità generale sono sufficienti a finanziare la spesa per la sanità e per l’assistenza sociale a carico dello Stato, delle regioni e degli enti locali.


00:00PILs and occupations give positive signals, but 45% of the Italians have no income and
00:09therefore have to live on someone's expense.
00:11Of the 42 million declarants, more than 75% of the entire IRPF is paid by about 10 million
00:18of taxpayers, and the remaining 32 pay only 24.43%.
00:25It is how much emerges from the 11th Observatory on Fiscal Entries and Financing of Wealth
00:29to the Center for Studies and Research on Providential Itineraries, made with the support of CIDA,
00:35the Italian Confederation of Directors and High Professionals, and presented to the House of Representatives.
00:41What we still see today is a lack of courage to address a theme that is fundamental to us,
00:49which is the right merit to the middle class.
00:55The middle class is continually humiliated, we see it under the fiscal part, over 75,000
01:03euros, we see it under the fact that still a slice of the Italians, if we think of a 5%
01:13which is over 55,000 euros, pays an IRPF income of 40%, this means that it is an
01:22unbearable situation, that is, few people pay for everything.
01:25Although Italy is among the first 5 countries in the world for welfare, the cost for the latter
01:30is increasingly complex to sustain.
01:32This research is done to understand how much the country manages to finance this welfare,
01:39which is quite generous, and from what emerges is to simplify the fact that 40% of the population
01:50charges more than 90% of all taxes and the rest pays about 8% of the IRPF, so it is a
01:59country that is a bit unbalanced, where financing the forms of welfare is increasingly complicated.
02:08In the manoeuvre, the government also thinks of the middle class, as explained by the head
02:12of the Italian Forces Group to the House of Representatives, Paolo Barelli.
02:15The government is already proposing and implementing in the manoeuvre of 2025, which is being discussed
02:25in Parliament, a possible cut of the income for income up to 50,000 euros.
02:36We hope to be able, with the fiscal agreement, to have the amounts to reach up to 60,000 euros
02:43by the end of the year.
