• last year
"12 Enigmes Délicates pour les Détectives les Plus Durs" est tout au sujet de tester votre cerveau avec des énigmes vraiment stimulantes. Chaque énigme vous pousse à penser comme un détective, rassemblant des indices et utilisant votre logique pour résoudre le mystère. Certaines des énigmes peuvent sembler simples au début, mais elles ont toutes des rebondissements qui vous font dire : "Attendez une minute !" C’est parfait pour tous ceux qui aiment les bons casse-têtes et qui apprécient résoudre des problèmes épineux. Au fur et à mesure que vous les résolvez, vous aurez l'impression de résoudre votre propre petite affaire mystérieuse. Si vous êtes prêt pour un défi et que vous voulez voir à quel point vos compétences de détective sont affûtées, ces énigmes sont une façon amusante de vous mettre à l'épreuve ! Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00A few days later...
00:07Hello dear friends, do you feel like your brain needs action?
00:11We have exactly what you need.
00:13Concentrate and try to prove that you are the best detectives there is.
00:25A young lady had two admirers.
00:28One day, she needed money.
00:30But the two men told her that they were not ready to give her any.
00:33At the same time, these two gentlemen promised her to buy her anything she wanted.
00:38How did the young woman get out of this situation?
00:50The woman took her first lover to a clothing store where she chose an expensive coat.
00:55The man paid, and they both left.
00:58The next day, the woman came back to the same place with her second admirer and bought the same coat.
01:04The third time, she went to the store alone to return one of her purchases.
01:09And that's the job.
01:10None of her admirers would have suspected that she had returned her gift.
01:14And she now had the money she needed.
01:18Two girls, Suzanne and Gabrielle, distinguished themselves from other people.
01:22They always told only the truth.
01:24Except on their birthday.
01:26On their birthday, the girls only told lies.
01:29One fine day, on June 15, each of the girls was asked about the date of her birthday.
01:34Suzanne replied that her birthday was the day before.
01:37Gabrielle replied that her birthday would be the next day.
01:40The next day, the girls again asked the same question.
01:44The next day, the girls again asked the same question.
01:47And, strangely, they answered the same thing.
01:50Try to find out when are Suzanne and Gabrielle's birthdays?
02:02Suzanne answered yesterday twice in a row.
02:05So she lied once and told the truth once.
02:08Which means that one of these days is her birthday.
02:11Let's suppose that Suzanne's birthday is June 15.
02:14That day, she lied by answering yesterday.
02:17And the next day, she told the truth by answering yesterday.
02:21Likewise, on June 15, Gabrielle told the truth by answering that her birthday was the next day.
02:27The day of her birthday, June 16, she lied again by answering tomorrow.
02:32Thus, Suzanne's birthday is June 15.
02:35And Gabrielle has her birthday on June 16.
02:42In a grocery store, Claudia and her husband Jackie met Léon.
02:46Who, strangely, was the grandfather of the wife of his sister's stepmother's only son.
02:52Yes, I know, it's a lot.
02:54Who is Léon for Claudia and Jackie?
03:06Léon is Claudia's grandfather.
03:08And moreover, he is Jackie's stepmother's father.
03:16Melissa welcomed the guests who arrived at her birthday party.
03:20Catherine arrived before Bob, Aaron, after Raymond.
03:24Bob arrived before Raymond, and Timothée arrived after Aaron.
03:28Which guest arrived last?
03:39Timothée was the last to arrive.
03:45Three boys, David, Bernard and Sam, are friends with three girls.
03:50Valerie, Paulette and Olivia.
03:53Soon, the group divides into pairs because it turns out that Paulette does not like to play tennis.
03:58David is Valerie's brother, and he often goes to tennis classes with his girlfriend.
04:04Bernard invites David's sister to a date.
04:07Who does Sam spend time with?
04:19Sam spends a moment with Paulette.
04:25You want to send a valuable item to a friend.
04:28You have a box that is larger than the object itself, and you have several locks with keys.
04:33The box has a ring large enough for several locks.
04:37But your friend does not have the keys to your locks.
04:39What should you do, knowing that you cannot send the key in an unlocked box, because it could be copied?
04:55Place the object in the box and close it with a lock.
04:58Send the box to your friend.
05:00The friend closes the box with his own lock and returns it to you.
05:04You open your lock and return the box to your friend.
05:08All he has to do is unlock his own lock.
05:16At school, in one of the classes, there were four pairs of twins.
05:20One day, all the students went to a school event with their parents,
05:24and it turned out that there were 85 people in total.
05:27How many students are there in the class?
05:39Since each pair of twins is very likely to have different parents,
05:42then four pairs of twins and their parents represent 16 people.
05:46The remaining 69 people are ordinary students with their parents.
05:5185, 16, 69.
05:54Each of the non-twin students has two parents,
05:56so the number of non-twin students is 69, 3, 23 students.
06:00Thus, in total, there are 23 plus 8, 31 students in the class.
06:09Welcome to our show.
06:11Before the break, Mr. Sanders here has reached our grand final.
06:15How do you feel, Mr. Sanders?
06:17Nervous? Good.
06:19Now, to win our grand prize of one million euros,
06:22all you have to do is name 100 words that do not contain the letter B in 90 seconds.
06:28Start the timer.
06:30Can you help Mr. Sanders to win the grand prize?
06:43He just has to start counting very quickly from 1 to 100.
06:46Look. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
06:56There is no letter B in any of these numbers.
06:59Check for yourself.
07:03Now, here is a rather delicate riddle,
07:05but we believe in your logical reasoning skills.
07:08You can easily carve an 8x8 chessboard with 32 tiles of 2x1.
07:14This means that you can place these 32 tiles on the board and cover each square.
07:19But if you remove two opposite corners of the chessboard,
07:22it will become impossible to carve this new 62-square board.
07:27Can you explain why it is no longer possible to carve this board?
07:31The answer is B.
07:39Let's color our chessboard by alternating with red and blue squares.
07:43Then we have to color all your tiles.
07:46Half of each tile must be red and the other half must be blue.
07:50Every time you place a tile,
07:52you can always make sure that the red part of the tile is on a red square
07:56and the blue part of the tile on a blue square.
07:59Since you will need to place 31 tiles on the board to cover the 62 squares,
08:05you must be able to cover 31 red squares and 31 blue squares.
08:10But by removing the two corners, you remove 2 red squares,
08:13leaving 30 red squares and 32 blue squares.
08:17It is not possible to cover 30 red squares and 32 blue squares with 31 tiles,
08:22since these tiles can only cover 31 red squares and 31 blue squares
08:27and therefore it is no longer possible to carve this chessboard.
08:36Gaston agreed to take care of his friend's dog while it was absent.
08:40He fell in love with this adorable little Spitz,
08:43but Gaston's wife and children did not like the puppy at all.
08:46One evening, Gaston came home from work and discovered that the dog had disappeared.
08:51He called the police.
08:52When they arrived, they started by questioning Karine, Gaston's wife.
08:57She replied that she had slept all day.
09:00Then the police officer asked,
09:02and what were the children doing?
09:04They were playing in the garden.
09:05Then I told them to go home to do their homework.
09:08After that, the woman was accused of getting rid of the dog.
09:12How did the police officer understand that it was Karine?
09:24She claimed that she had slept all day.
09:26But then, how could she have told the children to go home?
09:33Stéphane called the police to report that his valuables had disappeared.
09:37When the police arrived, our man told them his story.
09:41I went camping alone.
09:42I had just arrived and set up my tent, when it started to rain heavily,
09:47so I hurried to find dry wood for the fire.
09:50I left my bag with my wallet and all my papers inside the tent.
09:54When I came back, everything had disappeared.
09:56The police officers did not believe Stéphane and locked him up for making a false report.
10:01How did they understand that the man was lying?
10:12Stéphane said he had set up the tent before it started to rain.
10:15But then, why is there a big puddle of water inside?
10:24To be continued...
