• last year
'Not fit for office': BBC Question Time audience member tells MPs exactly what public thinks. Source: BBC Question Time


00:00Whenever there's a change from Tory to Labour, Labour will come in, Tory will come in, like Cameron did in 2010,
00:06and the Labour lot left a note saying, ha ha, there's no money left.
00:10Then the Tories smash the economy and Labour come in and say, oh, you know, we've got to fill this 40 billion, 9 billion, 22 billion changes by the day.
00:17Who knows? Who knows how big this black hole is?
00:19And then you've got the arrogance of the Tory chap there saying, well, you know, we were doing a great job on inflation and all the rest of it.
00:27You trashed the economy and it was starting to just about recover.
00:30Don't take any credit. That is disingenuous.
00:33I do not understand. I do not understand how out of 65 million people or however many people there are in this country,
00:40we end up with economically illiterate people in the government.
00:44Boom and bust. Boom and bust. All the time. All the time.
00:50You are not fit for office, these people. This is our money. This is our money.
00:58And I'm sick of being asked to pay more and more and more.
01:01I feel poorer than I did 15 years ago. Pay more and more to get less and less.
