Kementerian Pertanian mendorong adanya perbaikan tata kelola distribusi pupuk di Indonesia, untuk memastikan distribusi yang tepat sasaran. Kementerian memastikan, tujuan dari pengelolaan pupuk bukan hanya untuk keuntungan perusahaan, namun memastikan pupuk sampai ke petani tepat waktu.
00:00The Ministry of Agriculture is pushing for the improvement of the management of fertilizer distribution in Indonesia to ensure that the distribution is on target.
00:12The Ministry of Agriculture ensures that the purpose of fertilizer management is not only for the benefit of companies, but also ensures that the fertilizer reaches the farmers on time.
00:24The Ministry of Agriculture requires that the management of fertilizer distribution can be under the Ministry of Agriculture.
00:29This is directly in touch with the farmers.
00:32Improving the management of fertilizer distribution in Indonesia to ensure that the distribution is on target,
00:38increases efficiency of use, and supports the productivity and welfare of farmers.
00:43According to Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono, so far there have been many complaints from distributors and farmers in various areas related to fertilizer distribution.
00:51Sudaryono asks the stakeholders concerned about fertilizer to resolve the complaint through good management.
00:57So that farmers get the maximum benefit from the fertilizer provided.
01:17Sudaryono affirms that the main purpose of fertilizer management is not only for the benefit of companies, but also ensures that the fertilizer reaches the farmers on time.
01:25From Jakarta, Gisela Enorahma and Marwi Caksono, AIDA Action News.