• last year
(Adnkronos) - Seicento fra visite mediche e colloqui, oltre cinquecento ore d’impegno di personale medico specialistico, oltre millequattrocento donne coinvolte. Queste le cifre di "Care for Caring - Ambasciatrici della Prevenzione”, un progetto di screening dedicato alle donne in forze alla Polizia di Stato, i cui risultati sono stati presentati a Roma presso il Ministero della Salute.


00:00600 between medical visits and meetings, more than 500 hours of commitment of medical staff, more than 1,400 women involved.
00:12These are the figures of Care for Caring, ambassadors of prevention, a screening project dedicated to women in force at the State Police,
00:20whose results were presented in Rome at the Ministry of Health.
00:24Initiatives like these focus on the importance of prevention,
00:30they focus on the importance of having to carry out cadenced and annual diagnoses,
00:40depending, of course, on the age you are,
00:44above all, to strongly relaunch the theme of prevention in general.
00:48The importance of prevention is that, I repeat, of care, but also of sustainability of our system.
00:53The study was born on the institutional initiative of the Honorable Simona Loizzo,
00:57President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on the New Therapeutic Frontiers in the Tumors of the Dumbbell,
01:02and was promoted by the State Police.
01:04She also received the sponsorship of the Foundation of the Italian Association of Oncology and of the Emilia-Romagna Region.
01:11This initiative was conducted with the participation of the attendants of the training courses of the State Police.
01:18The State Police cares a lot about prevention and therefore also about the right information.
01:24We have found it important to expand this type of initiative also to the younger classes,
01:32in order to train them for what will then be the next course of prevention.
01:37Since then, the audience to which mammograms are addressed is divided into two age groups,
01:42with annual check-ups for people between 45 and 49 years of age,
01:47and a two-year check-up for people between 50 and 74 years of age.
01:50The novelty of Care for Caring, the ambassador of prevention,
01:53was to subject women between 20 and 44 years of age to free exams.
01:58The response of those interested was positive.
02:00This project, which has interested the female population of the regions that I coordinate,
02:05namely Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, has had some unexpected results.
02:09In the two schools that have been interested, the school of Piacenza and the school of Brescia,
02:14in the female population we have had an adhesion of over 75%,
02:1877% in Piacenza and 88% in Brescia.
02:22All the female staff has therefore practically adhered in an important way
02:27and the thing that I would like to emphasize is that the interest that has arisen also in the male staff.
02:32The project was conceived and coordinated by Ladies First
02:35and carried out in collaboration with Fondazione Cagranda,
02:38Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano,
02:40Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Bologna Sant'Orso La Malpighi,
02:44Spedali Civili di Brescia and AUSL di Piacenza.
